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6056712 No.6056712 [Reply] [Original]

Why do all Japanese rooms look like they have nothing but cheap IKEA furniture?

>> No.6056716


>> No.6056721


I think he is referring to quality not price.

>> No.6056731

It's Japan, everything is made out of wood and paper.

God.. why can't I stop looking at Sid...

>> No.6056741

You're gay

>> No.6056742

You'd think after Tokyo spontaneously combusted thanks to a few firebombs in ww2 they would have learned their lesson.

>> No.6056761

firebombs and "spontaneous" combustion don't go too well in the same sentence

>> No.6056768

They live on an island made from a volcano. If they weren't made out of wood, their houses would fall down all the time from earthquakes.

>> No.6056769

What is up with her penis

>> No.6056770

That's fucking disgusting. Reported.

>> No.6056771

Because they don't have earthquake resistant steel and concrete structures now right?

>> No.6056772

too old for you, anon?

>> No.6056775

Too many dimensions.

>> No.6056779

Nope. Japan is always behind the west in anything that's not moe and tiny electronics. Also >implying they have large quantities of steel on their shitty rock.

>> No.6056781

Its a 2d picture

>> No.6056799

Larger commercial buildings in Japan are built to the highest earthquake resisting standards out there.

Standard residential homes, however, are only built to last 30 years.

>> No.6056811

> Standard residential homes, however, are only built to last 30 years.

Thats retarded. The average age of a home in the US is 32 years and there are many homes over 100 years old.

>> No.6056824

Its accepted that you build your home, then tear it down and build a new one every generation. Fucking stupid if you ask me. Part of Japan's "It can't be helped" submitting to failure attitude.

>> No.6056855

Are you the girl in the OP?

>> No.6056859

Holy shit, the bullshit you're spouting all the time is becoming really annoying.

>> No.6056861

that vinyl copy of OK Computer gets me hard just from seeing the top 2/3

>> No.6056866

Prove me wrong.

>> No.6056876

Cheap, easy to produce, easily replaced. Perfect.

>> No.6056877

Actually, I'll just prove myself right.

Search for "Lifespan" and read. Then search lower and read again.

>> No.6056882

Sid Vicious?
That girl has good taste.

>> No.6056890

Normally I don't ask for these sorts of things, but is there a set of this girl?

>> No.6056891

She should have Michiro Endo instead.

>> No.6056919

He is a talentless hack and you are a fag.

>> No.6056920

if there is I want it. I have a feeling she's just a random 2ch whore.

>> No.6057033

tineye has results for it. Go browse

>> No.6057109

>Implying Sid is not a crap bassist.
