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File: 147 KB, 500x518, cirno139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6053292 No.6053292 [Reply] [Original]

While I was gone, I got Sennheiser HD595 headphones & PCIe Soundblaster Audigy and decided to download some of the albums in Touhou lossy music collection. Sad news everyone: it's not worth it. I can't tell any difference with this gear. Zero, nothing.

>> No.6053299

Go back to /g/ and your rotational velocidensity.

>> No.6053302

Maybe you shouldn't listen to shit music.

>> No.6053303

what? neither part of what you said made no sense.

>> No.6053305

Anyone could've told you that. I could tell the difference between the Sennheiser I got as a present and the old cheap Philips headphones I was using before. Dramatically improved bass.

But if you're using expensive headphones and replace them with even more expensive headphones, yeah of course you won't hear much difference unless you have good hearing.

Also, you should always go for lossless because you may have to transcode for a future format or you want to use equalization (try doing that and then listen to your 320kbps MP3s, they will sound like shit).

>> No.6053307

you should get some beyers headphones instead of senns :/

>> No.6053310

>if you're using expensive headphones and replace them with even more expensive headphones

dohoho, I got these due audiophile friends recommendation, I used Koss PortaPros before for my high fidelity needs.

>> No.6053315

>Cirno image
Instantly filtered.

>> No.6053320


what a baka

>> No.6053331

You don't get lossless because it sounds better because it doesn't when it's encoded properly.
You get it to have a perfect copy of your music.

>> No.6053348

I got the same headphones, and I noticed a huge difference. Still using onboard sound card though. Have often wondered whether it would be worth it to get a decent one, but it's not exactly often I have money to blow, and usually when I do I prefer to spend it on liquor.

>> No.6053352
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>PCIe Soundblaster Audigy
there's your problem

>> No.6053358

Get an amp

>> No.6053387
File: 15 KB, 432x288, 1275495694529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no dac
>no amp
>spends money on HD595 instead of modding a HD555

First of all you've spend money on a HD595 while you just could get a HD555 and mod it to a HD595. Also, you're using a shitty soundcard with a 2$ DAC chip slapped onto it.

Here's what you should've done:

- Get HD555
- Buy a proper amp
- Buy a standalone desktop DAC

Audiophile here, I raged.

>> No.6053396


Depends where you shop. I got a pair of brand new 595's for £60 from Play.com a few months back, feels good man.

>> No.6053400

Some people just don't have the money to burn.

>> No.6053412
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>> No.6053417

And yet you still can't hear the difference.

>> No.6053423
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>Audiophile here, I raged.

Bitch please.

>> No.6053428
File: 13 KB, 150x222, op.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this this this, for the love of all music worty of listening, fucking this.
professional musician here, pic related to thread.

>> No.6053432
File: 7 KB, 100x100, 8272823478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend up to 1000$
>for videogame beep boop MIDI music

>> No.6053435

>professional musician
We'll be the judge of that. How many records have you sold?

>> No.6053444

Or just get an ASUS Xonar Essence which has excellent DACs and a built in headphone amplifier. You can even plug in differnt opamps if you like. Great card.

>> No.6053447

He is Lady Gaga herself.

>> No.6053459

Frankly, I don't really give a lot of fucks about that faggotry. I just wanted to inform folks here, that even with good headphones the lossy music collection isn't really worth the effort. As for HD555's, HD595 feels better in my head. Worth the extra 40€ for me.

Deal with it.

>> No.6053460


My father's a professional musician. He's a violinist and concert master. He has a doctorate in music, teaches at a university, gives private lessons, and does about 20 concerts a year. He is a professional musician despite the fact that violin music is unpopular and he's sold perhaps 100 records in his lifetime.

So go take your populist music and shove it up your ass.

>> No.6053468
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>doctorate in music

>> No.6053471


>> No.6053473

That's your father. We're talking about you. You said YOU were a "professional musician".

>> No.6053475

Well, we got your father is a pro, but he was asking about yourself.
Having been taught by a pro does not mean you're a pro yourself, sorry.

>> No.6053477
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Commence shitstorm.

>> No.6053485


# of albums sold != quality

>> No.6053493

We were not talking about quality, retard.

>> No.6053499


Sure is mad in here.

>> No.6053563

I didn't say I was a professional musician, that's some other guy. Dear god I barely know how to play the radio. I just take issue at someone claiming that someone else is only a musician based on how may albums they've sold.

>> No.6053568

I didn't say he wouldn't be a musician. I asked for the amount of records sold because he called himself a PROFESSIONAL musician.

>> No.6053604


This has become synonymous with "horrifying waste of money" in my mind.

I was visiting a friend of mine, who just bought a ridiculously expensive theater setup.
>Check it out man, this shit cost me $80,000 US
(he's a rich old dude who likes to spend money)
So we sit down and decide to watch a movie, and he pulls out a pirated copy of 2012 or something.
The sound is absolute SHIT. I'm talking like, 64Kbps Mp3 with all the highs and lows cut off. It sounds like people are shouting in a tin can at a $1 mic.

I say "oh god, what the hell is up with this audio stream? This sounds like ass!"

He turns to me, blinks, and is like "what are you talking about? I don't hear anything odd."

... I was just speechless.

>> No.6053621
File: 71 KB, 561x546, 1281783988755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying $80000 sound system
>watch pirated movie

>> No.6053622

I have terrible ears. Unless the quality is actually terrible, I don't tend to notice a difference. But for those of you who can, well, go ahead and spend however much money you like. Have fun.

>> No.6053633
File: 6 KB, 379x311, 1259181403429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H I 5
I dare you to come over to my house and have a listen to my Stax Lambda Nova Signature.

Did you mean: lossless?

Sounds to me like your friend is deaf.

>> No.6053642

I don't know if you could call your friend an audiophile. More like a person who likes to blow money on expensive high-tech stuff and impress people.

In my mind audiophile has become synonym with douche. They have some sort of superiority complex.

My ears are good, probably above average to make up for my horrid eyesight and I'm sure I could appreciate some of my favorite music when "properly" converted.

But can afford all the stuff needed?
Do I have the time to learn/install all that shit?

No and no. It's my own fucking choice and fine using my Ipod and fairly expensive headphone. I don't want other to trample all over me just because I made that kind of choice.

I know, my dad is an audiophile; and while he's not the worst of the worst I have yet to meet an audiophile that respects that other don't give a fuck about their master race bullshit.

>> No.6053655

>implying this wouldn't be low-end equipment

>> No.6053660

Not very related, but I didn't want to start a separate thread for it.

I am trying to download the touhou lossy compilation, but I am constantly getting errors due to too long filenames/paths. I really want the whole compilation, so it isn't really a solution to drop the files that are too long.

I use linux, and save my files to a disk formatted with reiserfs. Transmission is used to download, if that makes any difference, but I am open to using different software. I can't really be the only guy using linux here who has tried to download it, can I? Any suggestions, or should I just give up getting it on linux?

>> No.6053664

>PCIe sound card
>Lossy files of songs that weren't mastered well in the first place

Yep, troll thread.

>> No.6053671

there is no such thing as audio quality. when using headphones, you either get audio, or you don't. if your headphones costed more than 5$ you have been scammed

>> No.6053674


I dunno, I think a lot of being an audiophile has to do with dick-waving over price tags. It's never
> "look at this system I assembled cheaply, it has almost the same fidelity as a far more expensive one"
instead, it's always
> "Oh yeah, I spent $XXX,XXX on this shit for uhhh fucking GOLD CONNECTORS and uhhh yeah uhhh vacuum tube amp FIDELITY ohhh yeeahhhhhh"

I guess my ears aren't particularly awesome, as I tend to lump sound systems I hear into one of three groups: shitty, adequate, and awesome.

When I have the money to do so, I'm going to go apeshit and buy a set of entry level Klipsch speakers and a real-deal amp/receiver, but even my "dream system" I priced out is only going to be in the neighborhood of $3,000 or so, all told. After a certain point, it seems like the extra money just goes to very little or no appreciable increase in sound quality.

>> No.6053676
File: 138 KB, 1198x676, Ah yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes. "Audio quality". We have dismissed that claim.

>> No.6053680

Mac user here
I had the same problem for a while, the torrent stopped working all of sudden even after I had been downloading from it for some time.

I don't remember for sure exactly what fixed it for me.

I was originally using Vuze but after my brother called me outdated and stupid I changed to uTorrent like he recommended. Somewhere I along the line I noticed that the torrent I was using at the time had recently been updated. I downloaded the new version (v 8) and after fibbling around with it for a bit while learning the new program it just worked.

Idk if this helps at all but good luck.

>> No.6053702

FLAC and a 192kbps MP3 file encoded in LAME are indistinguishable. Audiophiles like to pretend they can hear the difference, but it's placebo.

>> No.6053723

Thanks for the answer, but I think your computer managed it because you are lucky enough to be using OS X/HFS+ as your file system. It handles 255 utf16 characters instead of 255 bytes (as limited by the linux VFS).

>> No.6053740
File: 46 KB, 600x600, ath-ad700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6053765

>I dare you to ...
Can you ABX the difference?

>> No.6053771

Audio Technica was here, Sennheiser is a loser

>> No.6053784

Touhou music won't sound any different from 5 to 5000 dollar setup because it's a selection of lowbit-esque sounds. Listen to quality music like Teebee or The Glitch Mob or even God Speed You Black Emperor and you'll instantly notice the difference.

>> No.6053827
File: 43 KB, 397x606, SR-LNS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stax master race here, we can.

>> No.6053838

Why yes, I can.

>> No.6053849

To a 95% confidence level?

>> No.6053853


>> No.6053860

Right, so you were bullshitting after all.

>> No.6053874

No linux-users feeling they could answer my question?

>> No.6053901

No, actually I'm not. Read up on some electrostatic headphones.

>> No.6053908

>telling me to read up when he's been caught bullshitting himself
Right, that old tactic.

>> No.6053918


>Glitch Mob
>not a selection of lowbit-eque sounds


I'm not hating on the Glitch mob- just saying that, well, a lot of their stuff does incorporate lo-fi sounding samples.

>> No.6054035
File: 116 KB, 750x600, 2547177554_e0da818385_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To tell you the truth, I was sad when I read this thread. But then I started being awesome instead. True story!
Dt770/600 & Bravura bro reporting for duty, and you guys should SUIT UP because the music I hear with these 'phones sounds legen.... WAIT FOR IT...dary! LEGENDARY!

>> No.6054050

Just leave it here.

>> No.6054222

Try using a different client. I just tried downloading using rtorrent and it complained about a filename being too long. Some clients might just ignore/skip files that have too long filenames. Or try to disable downloading of the offending files. Didn't work with rtorrent but might be worth a try.
I've had no problems with the lossless pack though. If you really want it you could download it on a Windows VM in VirtualBox and copy it over using SyncToy which will tell you which names are too long so you can rename them. Might be a bit of a hassle but it will work.

>> No.6054891

OP stop listening to music with wmp

>> No.6054906

>They buy headphones that cost over 10$
Fags, the lot of you.
