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6051446 No.6051446 [Reply] [Original]

Cross-dressing thread, mk. III

So I'm considering shaving my legs and buying leggings/tights. Any suggestions?

>> No.6051462

Why are these threads on /jp/, anyways? This isn't related in the slightest.

>> No.6051463

Enjoy your ban faggot.

>> No.6051474


>> No.6051502

trapping has to start somewhere.

pantyhose, panties, a secret cache of makeup, a short black partydress buried deep in the back of your sock drawer...

be happy

>> No.6051507

If someone says something about your arms and legs, tell them you are a swimmer.

>> No.6051509

What do you need suggestions on?

>> No.6051517

then you find yourself a goth club to blend in to and start going out and traverse a hedonistic lifestyle with one foot on each side of the gay line, not giving a care because you're having the most fun you've ever had in your life. 4 years later you wake up with a dick in your mouth and wonder why people give you wierd looks at the supermarket.

>> No.6051519

Why don't you take this to 420chan? They have a cross dressing board, it'd actually be related there instead of shitty spam on our board.

>> No.6051526

Don't know how to shave my legs, and don't know where to buy quality tights/leggings.

>> No.6051529

I don't think it works on flabby, pale hikkis.

And if you want to be an annoying faggot who doesn't like anything, take it to /b/.

>> No.6051545


You forgot the various STD's.

Hey, nobody said Ass-to-mouth was zero risk, pal.

>> No.6051547


Start out shaving downward, with the grain. Sleep on it. If you itch like a motherfucker, give up and dump good cash on an expialator or whatever the fuck that torture device is called. If it doesn't itch too bad, shave upward the next day for actual smooth skin. Rub some gentle lotion on yourself.

I wouldn't bother with buying good pantyhose at first. If this is an experiment, as it should be, you don't want to waste too much time and money on it. It's wasteful to buy $30 pantyhose that you're only going to use once.

>> No.6051552

So yeah, different guy who is going to stop hiding my pantyhose wearing and let my parents find out, hopefully allowing me to be more open about it, since I'm a hikki anyway and only the 3 of us live here.

I'm not having second thoughts, but my decision to stop being secrective about my wearing is a hard one after concealing it for a year now. I'm not going to flaunt it, but I wear sandals and my parents will see my seamed toes pretty easily. I'm nervous. I could always fold my toes and they probably wouldnt notice, even if I showed leg, but that's the whole "being secretive" thing I want to end.

I've noticed a (badly ripped) pair missing, so I think they know already. They already know I shave my legs and don't care, at any rate. Taking the risk because being open about it would make me very happy.

>> No.6051560

It's funny to me how you clearly know it's offtopic spam by your reply.

>> No.6051570

if it doesnt work out you can still slow jerk with your hands in them and pretend you're getting a footjob

>> No.6051572

No risk no reward, Arc. Don't be a pussy.

>> No.6051575


You're just mad you can't camwhore, have a horde of admirers, and suck our fanboys' dicks like us hot, sexy traps. Go eat a salad, fatty.

>> No.6051582


>don't be a pussy

Allow me to remind you that a pussy is what we're attempting to become here.

>> No.6051587

do you hose guys wear panties too?

>> No.6051599

That may be so but one still needs to man up when it's time to go down.

>> No.6051600

Oh Arc, you so crazy.

>> No.6051605


A-cup bra
Camisole (Subject to change, to help hide dem shoulders)
Long socks or pantyhose

So yeah, the whole shebang. I haven't actually started yet, though. My list is in order of want, so the pantyhose and socks are actually the last thing I'm going to bother with. We just worry about them because hairy legs are the biggest deal breaker in becoming a trap.

>> No.6051645

So where do I get pantyhose then? Just go to target or something? Also, how do I know what size I am?

>> No.6051649

I literally do not understand why this is being posted here.

Crossdressing is not /jp/ related. Take it to /fa/ or 420chan.

>> No.6051654


Don't be hating on us just because we get all the hot guys and you can't

>> No.6051675

many neet want to be the little girl due recent moe anime
so very related

>> No.6051705

I hate you for real now.

>> No.6051717


I understand that you're angry about The Butt hitting this fine piece of trap booty every night, but try to hide your envy. It's unbecoming.

>> No.6051733

No, it's the contrary. I'm jealous because I'm not getting hit.

>> No.6051753

Just remembered, my friend uses Nair on his pits, how well does it work on legs? Might be easier, and no paranoia of cutting a terrible gash across my legs, than shaving.

>> No.6051805


It's what's really happenin'.

>> No.6051818

I have never seen a black trap, and I'm not sure if want to either.

>> No.6051819

That's now a transgender board, not all of us want to take hormones and get operations.
I'd be curious to how nair works on legs and on the face. Facial hair grows fast for me and it hurts to try plucking anything other than eyebrows, I'd rather avoid epilating or anything..

>> No.6051824


Damn, son. Next time you on SW 8th Street in Miami just roll down a window or something.

>> No.6051829

That's nice, and I can sympathize seriously, but that doesn't make it ontopic for /jp/. It isn't, in the slightest.

>> No.6051848


Size chart is on the back of the pack, just measure yourself and such. You can buy from Supermarkets if you're new to it for very little cost. I tend to prefer wearing striped socks at knee high or more out of convenience (and they end up being cheaper anyway).

Just trial and error, if you can afford it buy 2 pairs which might be your size and compare the fit.

>> No.6051867


Akame, in 4chan?? I can die Happy

>> No.6051871


>I have never seen a black trap

Sorry to hear about your blindness.

In the event that you're not actually blind,


and also, infamous black traps like RuPaul and B. Scott.

I like to think that even with the heavy lifting I do, I still manage not to be as manly as RuPaul, though. Provided I use that technique Anon taught me for hiding sweet beards.

>> No.6051899

Right, I'm now definitely sure that I didn't want to see that.

>> No.6052164



Make sure you read the label. I believe that they sell different kinds for different parts as it can cause a rash or redness in more sensitive areas.

>> No.6052182
File: 43 KB, 542x558, 1282812643781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I have lady hair (no wig) thin body and arms and could trow any money to become a successful trap

What the fuck do i do about my voice? I sound like a cliche american movie villain.

>> No.6052185

Figure I'd post this for any one else who needs this.
It's a /cgl/ recommended guide to dieting. It won't get you buff (no offense Arc) so it should be good.
I need to follow it, I still have a nice pair of blue and white striped socks I want to wear without destroying them with my fat thighs ;_;

And also, in case people were wanting to buy leg Avenue stuff, they're really cheaply made. I would recommend just getting the socks from sock dreams, like these http://www.sockdreams.com/products/socks/thigh-highs/m-stripes..

>> No.6052186

Nair is pretty much absolute trash.

>> No.6052188



>It won't get you buff

Don't tell /fit/.

They genuinely think that will get them super ripped. Oh, the hilarity. I had to leave because there were too many fatbodies on there for me to handle.

/jp/ says there's no fatbodies here, or at least LESS fatbodies.

>> No.6052205

I'm pretty sure Chondrolaryngoplasty might help.

>> No.6052217

I'm probably gonna need that eventually anyway; I have an XBOX HUEG Adam's apple.

>> No.6052227


Wouldn't it be counterproductive for a trap to start weight lifting or something?

>> No.6052275

Not really, losing weight is more important than worrying about gaining muscle.

>> No.6052281


You aren't gaining any muscle with that ramen either, bub.

Call me when you're getting kicked out of all-you-can-eat buffets twice a week

>> No.6052287

I don't have any gyms nearby, so I'll start running or learn to ride a bike. I don't really gain weight no matter what I eat, but I could stand to lose a little.

>> No.6052329

Depends on how it's done.
Not all weight lifting will MEGABULK you.

>> No.6052330

I don't eat ramen, Arc-chan ;____;

I mostly eat chicken, occasional beef, and other associated things (Living with parents has huge food benefits).

>> No.6052334
File: 13 KB, 233x63, Screen shot 2010-09-01 at 12.44.00 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To expand on this. about no weight training will bulk you up, unless you're consuming a lot of protein.

>> No.6052345

that can backfire too. My dad makes delicious, albeit, fatty foods.
Plus the argument is that some muscle can help you lose weight, plus I know manorexia is the popular thing but being skinny-fat can be bad too.

>> No.6052355

Well, compond exercises like squats and pull-ups and such raise testosterone levels.

I don't think traps would really want more of that hormone.

>> No.6052360

Yeah, I spent most of highschool being skinnier than everyone else, but being mostly fat.

Not only did I have no energy, I was also on dexadrine (for ADHD), so my days alternated between playing with misc shit like erasers and just sleeping.

>> No.6052377

For me the worst part of being in your position would be having to face the question "so... you're gay?"

Why don't people realize this is a more complicated question then it sounds? The male body is a huge turn-off for me, women are hot and all, I just want to be hot like them god damn it!

...and maybe suck a dick. But not a GUYS dick.

>> No.6052384
File: 26 KB, 400x400, what the fuck am I reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>about no weight training will bulk you up

>> No.6052401

you plan to involve your parents in your fetish? risk getting thrown out for a hobby you have had for one year?
attention whore.
only people on hormones get to pull that shit.

>> No.6052412

it's likely he considers it more than a fetish or hobby. Furthermore, some people are uncomforable hiding things from their parents. There are those who believe your parents should be people you trust.

I'll point out i'm NOT one of those. Parents are THE ENEMY. All authority is, really.

>> No.6052415

This, my family's pretty much scared me out of doing this. I could probably hide clothes just fine if I wanted to, but I'd need a really good excuse for why I'd be shaving my legs and growing my hair out. Really it's the only thing stopping me now..

>> No.6052418

>but I'd need a really good excuse for why I'd be shaving my legs and growing my hair out.
wear pants? also, there are plenty of men with long hair

>> No.6052423

Yea personaly I wearing my hair long now and no one questions it. I won't shave my legs below the kneee though. I might be able to get away with shaving my arms, they've never been very hairy.

>> No.6052458

I'm not fat, and I'm not that buff either. However, I do feel that my upper arms have a little too much muscle bulk in them to do convincing cross dressing. Will this thing help me slim them down to more feminine proportions?

>> No.6052461

I've been growing my hair out for years (it's mid-back length) and no one in my family's cared. Plus, they all know I shave my arms daily; no one will give a shit.

>> No.6052474

Same here, my body is fine for crossdressing but my upper arms are making me feel otherwise ;_;

>> No.6052486

hair removal is step fucking zero. until you know the pleasure of tights on smooth skin you are a disgusting hairy man. grow some balls and wax your legs. nobody is going to notice or care. do not think. pull the trigger.

>> No.6052493

I afraid I've spent too much of my life ignoring peer pressure and isolating myself from my impulses to jump on your urging, sir.

>> No.6052505

It is better to let your parents know rather than have them catch you doing it.

>> No.6052543

if you want to crossdress, do it. if you do not want to crossdress, do not. nobody else is involved. do not blame anyone else.
fuck you.

>> No.6052549

It's good to see that you understand the point I was trying to make.

>> No.6052567

"anyone else"? I was blaming myself for being too controlled to give into my own impulses on your urging. Do I want to or not want to? Both, obviously. Although I have a clear desire to partake, there are serious concerns over my wellbeing should I do so. Estrangement from my conservative family is no light matter. Additionally, do I want to give in to any part of that side of me? I'm happy enough excluding myself from any public sexuality, to express any sexuality at all would likely have a cascading effect and I have already chosen to withdraw from sexuality. It's not worth the pains of relationships, it's not worth the hassles of Other People. Friendships I have accepted, but Relationships I will scorn. I have decided.

>> No.6052576

Crossdressing has nothing to do with your sexuality, despite what normals think.

>> No.6052593

>Crossdressing has nothing to do with your sexuality
If you mean gay/strait then i'll let that go, it's not what I ment.
I mean in the way high heels are an expression of "sexuality". Eye lashes. Tight butts. Hips. Ect.

>> No.6052603

That thing is for beginners trying to get into shape and actually build muscle. To be honest I have no idea how a trap would use exercise to try to get more feminine. Definitely something I've never considered before.

But I'd say do lots of cardio on a stationary bicycle. It will tone the legs as well. Not sure if that is desirable for a trap though. And it kills me to say it but I don't recommend jogging/running, as it also works the arms (particularly the biceps).

>> No.6052605 [DELETED] 

the term is fetish.

>> No.6052616

no no no. An expression of "sexuality". Like, the concept of sexuality. Sexualization. "The raw sexuality of the film.", "The book expressed a lot of sexuality."

>> No.6052642

I deleted "fetish is the term" because there are reasons to crossdress other than sexual gratification.

"the raw sexuality of the film" is ambiguous. use a noun that is not a form of media.

>> No.6052785

i think you meant by Feminine

>> No.6053109

fetish isn't necessarily a sexual term. there are fucktons of women out there with a shoe fetish but it doesn't mean they're obsessed to the point of shoving them in their cunt, it just means they have a compulsive obsession with eyeing/buying/owning shoes. much in the way I do about panties.

>> No.6053329

>Estrangement from my conservative family is no light matter.

This. Oh so this.
As much as I wish it wasn't true.

>> No.6053455

Do not use nair on your face. That stuff can cause actual burns on your skin.

>> No.6053484

I'm saddened /jp/ doesn't seem to have an accepting and understanding family like mine.

>> No.6053502

>fetish isn't necessarily a sexual term.
If it isn't used in a sexual context, it's only used in a spiritual/religious one.
It can't be freely exchanged with "I like x" like you say, though many people used it as such. But originally, it meant expressly being aroused at objects rather than people.

>> No.6053536

Vocal chords are muscles. You can practice a feminine voice and after a long while it will start to sound genuine.

>> No.6053560

Does your mother take you out shopping for cute clothes?

>> No.6053581


Nope, they're just okay with it. They're not prudes.

>> No.6053591

Oh god that would be terrible; my mom has horrible fashion sense.

>> No.6053606

my parents don't realize that i shave my legs even tho i use short pants. Maybe they didn't bother lol.

>> No.6053615

I just bought a pair of black tights.
I was the only one at the shop at the moment, all of the staff was female and nobody say anything weird or acted surprised, I was quite surprised myself.

>> No.6053629

well what did you expect them to do? call you out and refuse to sell them to you?

most people have better things to worry about. they probably thought they where for your girlfriend or a fancy dress party anyway.

>> No.6053646

I actually crossplayed at a con not too long ago and managed to pass without too much problem. Used nair for the legs and make up in the face can make a world of difference, if used properly. Of course there's still the problem of the adam's apple, but my cosplay covered that perfectly. As for the pantsu, I actually ordered them from j-list (stripped pantsu). They were a bit too tight though, so I don't suggest it. Now, for the voice...well...I didn't care too much myself at a con, but for irl, I have no suggestion.

>> No.6053658


There's lots of voice training stuff on youtube

>> No.6053668

Pantyhose wearing guy who posted far earlier in the topic here

Yeah yeah, I chickened out because someone was here. I swear to god, tomorrow, I'll pull it off and tell them. Not quite sure how I want to do it though. Either verbally or creating a fake accident where I "reveal" my legs.

Still a tad scared.

>> No.6053685

just show up for breakfast in a skirt and tights?

>> No.6053689


Now I would videotape that

>> No.6053701

dear traps and trap lovers.

balls. that is all.

>> No.6053739


I don't have any skirts.

>> No.6053897

Odd, at first (a few days ago) I was so excited to start crossdressing but now I've lost all interest.

>> No.6053933

What, please elaborate. It sounds like it'd work just fine, in theory.

>> No.6054054

it melts hair and burns the skin. unless your skin is seasonally toughened by regular shaving it WILL burn. not to mention slight undetectable scarring will heal over open follicles left by the depilation process and you will have bad ingrowns.

>> No.6054066

Goddamn, I hate you ._. You make it sound so graphic and terrible. Here I thought it seemed like a convenient, easier alternative to shaving, and you add tons of warning labels.

>> No.6054085

So I hypothetically asked my mother what she'd think if I were to shave my legs and wear stockings and other women's clothing.

She said I'd look quite charming.

>> No.6054096

here's a big warning. i tried to manscape my pubes with it. DONT.

backing story: my fuckbuddy at the time did hers (I helped) and since it was so insanely smooth and erotic to the touch we ended up fucking that night... A LOT. so we thought smooth on smooth fucking would be twice as awesome and I did mine. WELL. during the requisite time the cream did its work it also ran down my balls, where the skin is tender. and by the time that happened it was too late. nevertheless i showered and maybe for the first 5 minutes it was smooth and equally erotic and fuckable. THEN out of nowhere the burn caught up and for almost TWO WEEKS WHILE THE SKIN HEALED my balls encountered endless pain. no amount of combed cotton and soft knit polyester and expensively comfortable panties could keep the pain down.

tl;dr go ahead but please don't go overboard AND DON'T NAIR YOUR BALLS.

>> No.6054102


..Get out of here. No one cares.

>> No.6054118

fine, nair your balls, don't tell me I didn't warn you.

>> No.6054198

The other day I was playing with that Nair Shower Power Sensitive Skin Formula with Skin Conditioner thing my mother bought. It worked pretty well but I would probably have to use it more than once to get the full effect. As well it would probably be better if you did a quick shave down with a electric body shaver because it doesn't work too well with hairs longer than about 1cm.

>> No.6054225

remember when /jp/ used to be about touhous?

>> No.6054426
File: 49 KB, 592x600, 4068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can dress up like touhous

>> No.6054442

>Reposting this again.
From the Last Thread clothes stores links, don't know if any are casual.


http://www.annahousefashion.com/ lolita, pricier than bodyline but you can do custom sizing for broad shoulders and the quality is better
http://www.qutieland.com/index2.php stocks Chinese shops that often allow custom sizing (qutieland is a proxy service for chinese lolita "brand" sellers)
http://closetchild.ocnk.net/ is mostly expensive, second-hand brand-name lolita with fairly limited sizing, but if you're curious about lolita it's an interesting place to browse for brand recommendations at least.
Refuse to be Usual on ebay, under their "cute me up" category and shoes category has some cute things, but I don't know how the quality and price match up.

Using a Korean proxy service (like http://koreanshopping.er.ro/ but there's others out there as well) you can order from places like
http://www.lemoncookie.com/ (normalfaggy but sometimes cute bloomer-style shorts, etc)
http://sechuna.com/ (normalfaggy but also a few school uniform-themed items)
>But these run pretty small and I can't fit them myself.

http://www.sockdreams.com/ It's a good site for specialty socks including thigh highs, Free shipping too.

>> No.6054728

Anybody got any good hair tips?

>> No.6054746

If you've curly hair, I got this from /fa/ a while back.
It's up to your own discretion as to what is feminine, and how to style your hair in a feminine/androgynous manner. You could probably just go to a hair salon and tell the hair dresser to give you an androgynous cut that would fit your face, and that you don't mind if it comes off as too feminine so long as it looks good.
Of course, you'd have to make sure the hair dresser is good, and not some new girl filled with so many hip ideas that she wants to try out.

>> No.6054755
File: 255 KB, 1006x1410, curly hair help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, forgot the image.

>> No.6054851

Read the other part to it bro.
If you want to gain muscle mass, you got to increase your food. Otherwise your body will break apart fat and muscle for calories and shit.

>> No.6054868

You're not a trap once you take hormones, you're going full blown tranny.

>> No.6054873

Get this fucking thread off of /jp/

>> No.6054874


>> No.6054875

My hair is really wavy and i wanted to go for something like in OP's post. Something short but still longer than an average guys cut.

>> No.6054877

Yeah transgenderism and crossdressing are two completely different things.

Though transwomen usually have very good tips for passing.

>> No.6054894

Actually that guy is only partially right. Not only does it burn your skin, it does a total piss-poor job of melting the hair. Only some hair will melt, no matter how long it sits on. Everytime I've used it the results were only about 1/3 of the hair gone, thus leaving patchy spots on top of irritated skin. Not good, your mileage may very but I'd rate Nair about a 1/10

>> No.6054905

you got it wrong. "trannies" are transvestites. when you take hormones you're making the final step from indecisiveness into transexualism.

transvestite - clothes only
transexual - gender identity disorder
know the differences

>> No.6054934

Actually it could be used both ways


>> No.6055225

On paper that might be the casebut it's seldom used to quantify those afflicted with GID, and it's rude to them.

>> No.6055238

What about those with straight hair?

>> No.6055262

I don't have straight hair, but I assume all straight hair is the same in how easy it is to manage. Just let it grow out, trim the split ends, shampoo and condition it well to keep it soft and shiny, etc.

>> No.6055315

my hair is straight, do i have to wash it every day? or still follow the every three day rule?

>> No.6055426

The reason people suggest those with curly hair wash every three days is because every curly head is curly in its own way.

One guy might have tight ringlets, while another might have more loose curls that cup their face.

Hair produces its own natural oils to moisturize the hair, and for people with curly hair, the oils their hair naturally produce are best suited for their hair more than some brand conditioner.

Straight haired people don't really have that problem. Even if your hair is slightly wavy, you don't risk drying your hair out by washing every day as you would with curly hair.

>> No.6055437

I never knew this. Fuck, I should probably stop washing it every day.

>> No.6055732

fuck that man, i'm a dude, my body has testosterone and does manly things beyond my control like produce odors and sweat. i'm sticking to my daily routine.

>> No.6055743
File: 483 KB, 1280x756, Crossplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't remember this image being posted. But here's the general crossplay reference sheet compiled between /cgl/ and /jp/ some time ago. Obviously when trapping was completely accepted and never questioned about its relevance to /jp/

Uninformed faggots! Everyone's hair is different to a point. Hair treatments and guidelines can't be generalized between straight and curly because even within those two there's differences.
Honestly, the best way to go about determining what's best is to ask a hair stylist. Preferably one who isn't a dumbass that would like to shave your head.
One thing that CAN be generalized is don't use any shampoo or hair products with sulfates in them. Shit's bad for your hair.

>it hurts to try plucking anything other than eyebrows
Man up and pluck. There's no real other way other than waxing which I've yet to try.

>> No.6055837

But all my TG friends use tranny. ;___;

...I think its like the only gays can use fag thing.

>> No.6056165

No, your TG "friends" are starved for attention and acceptance. Real TGs or TSs think of themselves already as the opposite sex, so there's no need to use a derogatory label like "tranny", but what do I know?

>> No.6056358

All stylists want to do is sell you a bunch of overpriced garbage product and keep you coming in more and more for cuts and other services. I wouldn't trust most of them.

>> No.6056488

All i did was trim my own bangs. I just need to let my hair longer then it looks just fine i guess.

>> No.6056544

Sigh, so no easy convenience. So best is just razor and shaving cream, then?

>> No.6056616

Where would be a good place to buy panties? I was originally thinking Victoria's Secret, but most of their stuff is too slutty, and it occurred to me that the box would probably be very obvious.

>> No.6056696

any other store without that bright pink bag. really.

>> No.6056744
File: 496 KB, 180x208, 1280062523750.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JCP and Target haven't let me down with their store brands (Delicates, Ambrielle, Xhiliration, Gillian O'Malley.) and at most any other deprtment store Maidenform and Warner's are the best selection.

VS actually have some quality basics, their pink line is more playful while their Body By Victoria line in microfiber are some of the best quality everyday wear.

Yes. I know my panties. Problem, gayboys?

>> No.6056777

Thanks guys. Time to go shop around, so exciting~

>> No.6056792

What was Crossdressing thread I and II?

>> No.6056801

>but most of their stuff is too slutty
I'm OK with this.

I wish to be the slutty little girl so yeah.

>> No.6056810

Victoria's Secret makes some extremely luxurious and comfortable stuff though. Like really comfortable. A lot of my favorites are from there. Not all of it is slutty. Definitely worth the price in my opinion.

>> No.6056819

Any recommendations?

>> No.6057008

>any other store without that bright pink bag. really.
Easy solution, carry your own bag. I've got shit I need to take with me to and from work every day, so I've got one that I just habitually carry. Whenever I buy shit, particularly stuff for cross-dressing, I just throw it in there when I'm done paying and move on.

>> No.6057095

The only things I bought from VS is a pair of soft pajamas and a silk nightie. I usually abstain from VS because prices are so high though, and you can find stuff just as good say at Target, Sears, JCP, etc.

>> No.6057142

Yeah Target does carry semi-decent brands like Gilligan & O'Malley but most of their stuff is cheaply made. JCP can be hit or miss, mostly miss, and Sears is for old women. I really do believe I can feel the difference in quality that comes with the extra price, although again it's only my opinion. Besides VS has sales all the time, I only buy stuff from them when it's discounted.

>> No.6057165

>I really do believe I can feel the difference in quality that comes with the extra price

Well, yeah I agree, but for a poor college student, VS isn't exactly the best or most economic place to trap out. You might as well just go someplace like Gap or something.

>> No.6057323

Avoid thongs, it's a lot harder to tuck.

>> No.6057783

I read that as alot harder to fuck, lol

also thongs are for whores

>> No.6058996
File: 22 KB, 400x316, shortbloomers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to buy some bloomers

>> No.6059363

I just discovered while shaving that I have a few stretch marks on the back of my upper thigh. Oh fuck, is there any way to get rid of them? So embarrassing.

>> No.6060024

did you scratch youself?

>> No.6060058

Lotioning them should get rid of them in time.
You should moisturize your legs after shaving any way, so it's no big deal if you shave & lotion daily.

>> No.6060092

Actually they're great for that.

>> No.6060116

Put on lotion, then your legs will be smooth and soft.

>> No.6060127

Alright, I'll give it a try

>> No.6060149

when you shave, rinse your legs with warm water so that the pores will losses abit to make shaving much easier.
Do it during baths are great.

>> No.6060292
File: 206 KB, 800x600, shop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back from shopping. feeling traptacular.

>> No.6060307

Oh anonymous. you faggot.

>> No.6060309
File: 96 KB, 757x861, oh anonymous. you fag..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6060350


>> No.6060351

Too vertical for my tastes.

>> No.6060380

they're string bikinis. they sit lower than they look. none of that high-cut shit. plus with the banana in the hammock the waistline is pulled a bit lower.

>> No.6060478 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 451x224, Sad Frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never be as feminine as KayoPolice.

>> No.6060513

I went to a store the other day (not sure what it was, it was like a convenience store but with a lot more stuff). Anyways, they had panties but they looked to be kid-sized. I bought them anyways. They just barely fit.

Fuck yeah.

>> No.6060521

There's got to be something he's doing along the lines of human sacrifice or some other dark ritual to look like that.

>> No.6060543

Looks androgynous and Asian.
Nothing groundbreaking.

>> No.6061917


>> No.6062010
File: 106 KB, 400x522, RL trap15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of you should aspire to be like this guy.

>> No.6062033

I don't feel like going full transgender

>> No.6062099
File: 409 KB, 1280x757, 1283305814443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not Asian though. They have it so much better, naturally androgynous.

>> No.6062237

gonna get dressed up after I get home from work and shower. Hope it's good.

>> No.6062241
File: 100 KB, 400x600, BradCox3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at those arms

>> No.6062277


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBAJ4TIX1KW is a dead link, where's it supposed to go?

>> No.6063744

looks anorexic

>> No.6063792

So how do you guys shave your ass?
I am not a crossdresser but it's not very clean when you have to shit...

>> No.6063818

With a razor.

>> No.6063824


Specifically in my case a single bladed disposable safety razor.

I've gone full retard and accidentally cut open my own asshole before.

Didn't hurt that bad.

>> No.6063832

I shaved off all of my pubes.

Some pairs of pantyhose, including my favorite, are kind of tighter than normal. The tighter ones tended to push my dick against my pubes, and it was quite uncomfortable.

Currently wearing the biggest offender now, and my dick is just pushing against bare skin now. Problem solved.

Are your pubes shaved /jp/?

>> No.6063835

so now you have a larger hole? lol

>> No.6063842
File: 12 KB, 237x343, NT9110_10-GAL-global.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice and smooth.

>> No.6063851


Nah, it was like a paper cut.

On my ass. You'd think it would sting more, but I forgot about it entirely after a day passed.

>> No.6063903

The worst thing is the back of your legs

I got careless when I was shaving my legs a few years back and cut the back of my leg right behind the knee. Stung and bled like a fucking whore for a day, and I was walking with a limp for six days.

>> No.6063960

>>6063832 bare skin now
I shave occasionally. it sucks when the stubble emerges and itches like hell. not to mention your dick looks real sad if it's not unkempt like a hacedic jew. like it's been up all night trying to solve a mystery. once the fro is gone you might as well make that a daily habit.

>> No.6064150

>Are your pubes shaved /jp/?
I epilate my pubes because I'm not scared of anything.

>> No.6064173

How much wine did you drink to numb the pain?

>> No.6064203


I find that my thigh hair hurts more than pubes and my asshair is about the same as my thigh.

Epilating asshair is the worst just because of the angles you have to do it at and you can't really see well even with a mirror.

I only been epilating for a month or so. Does not hurt that bad.

>> No.6064443

It takes a pretty manly man to be able to have girlishly smooth skin.

>> No.6064455

Just wondering, do you guys epilate your arm hair?

>> No.6064472

Thankfully my arm hair is pretty thin and light so I don't have to do anything with it. I don't see why you wouldn't be able to, however.

>> No.6064549

Oh man, I'm growing back hair. I didn't even see that before.

>> No.6064797

silllllllllky smoooooooooooove

>> No.6065585
File: 132 KB, 720x540, 1283543571740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The power of science

>> No.6065809


If only the power of science could destroy my strangely tall hipbones and double-xbox ribcage.

>> No.6066342
File: 101 KB, 800x600, 1283477915152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like it when people change too much.
I know it's their body, but still.
Bee was so much cuter as a brunette.

>> No.6067149

And much cuter before becoming a slut.

>> No.6068448

yeah, I would actually dye my hair brown if I had a snowball's chance in hell chance of passing.
shameless bump

>> No.6068460


>And much cuter before becoming a slut

He's living the dream!

>> No.6068488

Oh hey, I was just gonna ask about something related to this.

Are there any good Japanese t.v. shows or movies about cross dressers?

>> No.6068518

I actually have seen a few clips of a Japanese crossdressing show on youtube. It was hosted by 2 guys, and they would invite people on and have them dressed up and given makeovers by professionals, then display them in the studio. Wish I could remember the name, it was pretty entertaining...

>> No.6068528


I want to see a movie or t.v. show about a cute trap ya know.

Going about his business and hanging out with other traps and stuff.

I dunno, I just think it would be interesting. Japanese guys make cute traps.

>> No.6068531
File: 51 KB, 640x480, rl trap75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6068658

3 AM and I had to take the trash out, so I decided to do it in my skirt and thigh-highs just for kicks. T'was my first time out in'em. The wind going between your thighs is certainly an unusual, but not unpleasant, feeling.

>> No.6068665


You lucky bitch.

I'm masculine for trapping.

>> No.6068670


I don't see that stopping Man-Cirno and Beardguya.

Remember, it's not about the little girl on the outside that counts, but the little girl on the inside.

>> No.6068687

it can help for some of us.
Rum can only do so much.

>> No.6068696

Who said anything about trapping? I've got two days' worth of beard I haven't shaved yet and am suffering from male patterned baldness at a very early age. An amnesiac who can't even remember what a woman even looks like wouldn't have been fooled by my appearance. I only got away with it because it's 3 AM. Thankfully I might be able to successfully trap with some work, just need some more supplies, a better razor, and some more practice with make-up...

Anyone have any wig buying tips? Never see any advise on that topic aside from, "Pick one that suits your face," and, let's face it, this is a fairly difficult task given the wide range of styles, colors, and quality available. Elaborations would be nice.

>> No.6068906

well... what my friend said is to go to a shop that sells wig, try them on to see what suits best. Or ask any friends who cosplays and try them.

>> No.6071102

I wish I could recapture the feeling of wearing stockings after shaving for the very first time.

>> No.6071185

I didn't shave because it was the summer. Can't wait until October to shave all over again.

>> No.6071197

I know what you mean. No matter what, I can't ever seem to get that same feeling as the first time I shaved my legs. Granted, I didn't wear stockings that time, I just put on my jeans like usual, but even that was so indescribably pleasurable, I felt intensely misogynistic at that moment at how women kept that a secret.

Ah, if only I could experience it every time I shaved my legs...

>> No.6072010
File: 27 KB, 400x400, 1283635409327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6072020

Picture unrelated.

>> No.6073742

I just wear pants all year long. Too self-conscious about showing bare skin otherwise.

>> No.6073742,1 [INTERNAL] 

Fucking epic

>> No.6073742,2 [INTERNAL] 

is this the good old days you guys keep raving about

>> No.6073742,3 [INTERNAL] 

