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6047816 No.6047816 [Reply] [Original]

Ask yourself,do you feel you have sinned when you pirate japanese games/VNs ?

>> No.6047828


>> No.6047825



>> No.6047836

For the game I like the most, yeah.
For most of the shitty stuff I play because I'm bored or fetishes, not really.
But you'll never see me spend money on that kind of thing before finding a job or leaving my parents' house, so yeah.

>> No.6047842

Where I live, I can't legally obtain most of them at all. So no, I don't.

>> No.6047852

Same here.

>> No.6047856

A bit, but I trick myself by buying the ones I like most (or have a lot of extra stuff).

>> No.6047872

But I pre-ordered the KnK Blu-Ray box. This equalizes my karma. I think.

>> No.6047877
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Define "sin"

>> No.6047881


I have, however, managed to obtain Umineko Ep4 and I intend to get Ep8 as well. Especially if it gets nice cover too.

>> No.6047901

It is not a sin for people to share things they bought with other people. Don't listen to businesses.

>> No.6047906
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Stop lying to yourself,you can get them "legally" if you really wanted to.

Accept your true nature,do not pretend.

>> No.6047916

not any more than I feel about pirating anything else, which isn't much these days.

>> No.6048063

Not unless I want to risk getting jailed/deported for importing pornography. But yeah.

>> No.6048226
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>pirate starcraft
>tell the fanboys I don't give a fuck

>> No.6048242


I have no moral qualms against piracy, in fact, I've pirated every game I've played but two in the last 3 years.

>> No.6048246
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>> No.6048243
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Does that make me a bad person?

>> No.6048248

So as I pray
Unlimited Pirating Work

>> No.6048251

I wonder, what answers did you expect?

>> No.6048258
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No. I'd download a japanese car too.

>> No.6048268

oh didn't answer the question. I do try to support the people if the stuff isn't shit. buy their fan material or god forbid the item you pirated. Anon donations work too.

>> No.6048321


You're a fox. You can just pay with leaves and sticks and nobody would notice.
Nobody believes in that stuff nowadays anyway, so what's the worst thing that could happen?

As for whether to feel guilty, no. If a game isn't going to get a proper overseas release or official translation, I see nothing wrong in piracy, if you can even call it that. Who has anything to gain from the game not being played and staying unknown somewhere it wouldn't be released anyway?
Though if the game was released locally, I'd buy it. Nothing else would feel right.

>> No.6048367
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>moral discussion

>> No.6048382
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>> No.6048392

Nope, I pirate absolutely everything. I used to buy PS3 exclusives, but now I won't even have to pay for those with the release of PS Jailbreak. If I can get something for free, I will.

>> No.6048403

>You can get japanese VNs legally!
Not him, but I can't really.
Something like Demonbane or something when it comes would no nothing other than get me in trouble with the law, and with no product due to the loli-ish content.
Other things are borderline, they could work, but even they can turn things to shit sometimes.
It sucks really.

Then there's the thing about how I have to pay a huge extra amount to get it through customs, if I ever get a chance anyway.

So what's the deal here? They almost put effort into stopping me from buying their stuff (blocking foreign IPs, no international shipping etc), and it's already hard enough due shipping, customs and stupid laws.

So if I don't feel like paying more than 50-100% more than them, put effort into finding (and paying for) a proxy shipping site for it to be sent to me, paying customs for me to finally get it, and most of all, risking my own ass if it contains what could be considered questionable content in the eyes of the goverment.
And instead take a look at it through the internet, then I am a bad guy?

Oh yeah right, I bet I am killing the industry if I download things I can't pay for properly either way, because if they were to not make enough money then it would obviously be my fault.

>> No.6048414

>with the release of PS Jailbreak
That shit was real?

>> No.6048413


You mean the one which require you to pay ridiculous sum for that USB ?

>> No.6048428
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>> No.6048433

>PS Jailbreak

Sony already confiscated that, they'll patch it soon by firmware.

>> No.6048434

I'm going to buy Umineko Ep. 4 and 8 once I get the money, but a lot of other VNs wouldn't be allowed, due to loli.

>> No.6048450
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>> No.6048454
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It doesn't matter, I already own everything in this world.

>> No.6048548

It's $129, which is the cost of about two games. Hardly a large sum of money when you consider the hundreds of dollars you'll be saving down the road. It's not just a USB drive with code on it, either. There's a microcontroller as well, so you can't just download the software and bypass it.
The injunction only affects Australia, and they will fail because the manufacturers claim it doesn't contain any Sony code. Mine will be shipping this week from a Canadian site, and if it works the way people are saying, then Sony can't put an end to it without a hardware revision. Think of it in terms of the old PSP's Pandora Battery. Even if they did block it, I'd still be able to use it because I won't go online, and the Jailbreak blocks forced disc updates.

>> No.6048608

> OP trying to make himself feel better when pirating.
Yes, pirating is bad and you should go die and be sent in the pits of hell.

>> No.6048632

Can't this eventually fuck up all my netplay then?
If Sony decides to do something ugly, stopping you from connecting to the internet or something?

I loved Fat Princess, and I was looking forward to plpaying Arcana Heart 3 online when it's released.

>> No.6048645

Ask yourself,do you feel you have sinned when you trace European weapons/swords ?

>> No.6048656

I believe that a sin has to cause direct damage to yourself, others, or God in order to count. Piracy can only be argued to indirectly damage others, and even that argument is really weak. So no.

>> No.6048683

As it is right now, playing backups online with PS Jailbreak is very detectable, as the XMB will show you as playing "Backup Manager" instead of the actual game. The developers say they're already working on a new version of the manager, so we'll see. If you want to play online, though, I don't recommend you buy this for the moment. I never play online, so it doesn't bother me.

>> No.6048692

Same old simple issue here.

Pirating things you were never going to buy doesn't hurt anyone.
Pirating things you could actually think yourself bying is worse.

But the important thing is that your money goes to developers.
I only have so and so much money, and I spend what's left on things I enjoy, and I enjoy games and VNs and the like, so it's only natural for me to buy them.
But whatever I pirate outside of my economy range doesn't matter.
Let's say I can only afford 0-2 products each month, even less often if I am after some extra expensive special edition, then that's all I can contribute to the industry.

I don't think anyone should whine wether or not I buy 0-2 games each month, or wether I buy 0-2 games and pirate 0-10 additional things.
0-2 things is all they can get from me either way, and that's what they are getting, no matter piracy.

>> No.6048705

Not at all. If it's something that's not marketed here, why should I have to pay outrageous fees for it(Some touhou games have higher or comparable shipping costs to the actual game, for example)?

>> No.6048706
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Not at all.

By pirating Japanese games or visual novels, I am taking away money from their creators, obviously.

The entertainment industry does not need money. The entertainment industry is unimportant in this world.

>> No.6048711

Trace ON

>> No.6048731

Why you do that.

>> No.6048736

Yeah! Piracy is like stealing!
And haven't you seen CNN's news? Japan is sick and weird! We don't need their products do we?

We should all focus on pirating Japanese media, cause piracy is theft, right?
If we all pirate hard enough then I am sure they will go under!
Cause bits and bytes are gold, right? And we are 'stealing' them by pirating(copying) them.
So no flawed logic there, right?

I wonder why the millitary hasn't picked this up yet.
It seems solid!

>> No.6048747

Pirating takes place in the oceans, with big ships and cannons and swashbuckling. I've never even been out to sea.

>> No.6048983

I don't pirate games/VNs ever, so no.

>> No.6049025

I do what I want 'cause I am free.

By the way, can Shirou be considered a pirate? I mean, he traces all those copyrighted blades and stuff.

>> No.6049184
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Of course.

>> No.6049202


More like off the coast of Somalia with fishing ships and soviet surplus dating back from the African liberation wars ....
