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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 202 KB, 480x640, 1268032638722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6044908 No.6044908 [Reply] [Original]

Quick, give me a recap of what has happened during the past 5 months while I was gone.

What's this recaptcha faggotry, for starters?

>> No.6044924
File: 3 KB, 100x100, spoiler-a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything has changed and everything is still the same

>> No.6044921

It's supposed to stop bots, but spammers are getting around it, anyway, while I keep mistyping them.

>> No.6044930

>same problem. >:l

>> No.6045024


War never chances.

>> No.6045031

>War never chances

>> No.6045044
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>> No.6045054
File: 24 KB, 328x300, FDR (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You missed Sanae finding a safe haven in America.

>> No.6045055
File: 131 KB, 1600x1200, 1209860923206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is this new anime that is sweeping the internet

>> No.6045058
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CP/ad-virus bot spam got so bad /d/ and /h/ would be reduced to 1-2 pages of total content (after spam deleted) one or more times a day. capcha fixed that.

also, lots more newfriends, and reporting now only works when you select the 'illegal content' option.

>> No.6045061
File: 419 KB, 703x968, lonelycorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's this recaptcha faggotry, for starters?
MOOT hated Cornelia and perma blocked her from the site.

>> No.6045063


Awww, damn. Silly hair trigger spell checker.

But I like war never chances too.

>> No.6045084
File: 20 KB, 372x400, goebbels1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuuka and i got married while you were gone... Our relationship is wonderful.

>> No.6045088

Since this seems to be the thread for it, what's with these posters roleplaying as passed away historical figures? I assume they're either from an outside group like some IRC channel or something or that they're a single person who's trying to propagate a new meme.

>> No.6045093

People fell victim to the new "Save this image as .HTA" scam. mootles implemented Captcha as a control. It's helped a little.

Marisa Kirisame is still a terrible Touhou and tripfag.

Umineko Episode 7. I don't really follow Umineko, but it's out. Will Wright was pretty awesome, though.

Fairy Wars came out. Well-regarded. Extra Stage boss was Marisa, who ended up being surprised at the fight Cirno put up. Put her in her place. Gyahahaha. Pedofairies is now a meme.

I think Type-Moon announced a new VN around that red-headed teacher character (again, I don't follow VNs).

>> No.6045118

Are you aware that Cirno was still the one beaten up after that fight?

>> No.6045124

I don't know who it is that does it, but I have capitalized on the situation and gave myself a tripcode.

It seems like it's more than one person. Sometimes that shit moves REAL fast.

>> No.6045128

Both had it pretty rough, but Cirno still emerged more triumphant.

You're just butthurt.

>> No.6045139

Actually Cirno recieved the damaged clothes sprite and Marisa didn't. You're just as delusioned as Cirno aren''t you?

>> No.6045138

Currybutt got banned again. Mugen got sued for illegally importing chinese onions, but unfortunately got away.

>> No.6045153
File: 2.28 MB, 4961x2126, Cornelia Mug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6045158

yase a damaged clothes sprite obviously means she lost

Kill yourself, Marisa lover. Scum like you needs to die.

>> No.6045171

She's chasing kitties and birds in heaven now. I bet she's enjoying herself, feeding them to her dick every day.

>> No.6045179


Have they? Haven't seen any ever since that sound exploit.

>> No.6045182
File: 349 KB, 505x799, 1282269611874 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know who it is that does it, but I have capitalized on the situation and have given myself a tripcode in honor of the Rumia x Hitler, which I find to be the best pairing.

It seems like it's more than one person, sometimes that shit moves REAL fast.

>> No.6045194

Yep, so delusional.

>> No.6045207

>herp derp derp i like marisa herp derp

>> No.6045221

/jp/ Department of Ritual Magic finally succeeded in summoning Barbas, a Duke of Hell who governs 36 infernal legions, capable of healing disease and changing men into other forms. Using the latter power, all /jp/ Anonymous were given the opportunity to become the pure, eternally young maidens they desire to be. Using Barbas' infernal army, /jp/ constructed a mansion on an uncharted island and now all Anonymous live in a perfect new society where all individuals are elegant, eternally young lesbians.

>> No.6045239

What? I wanted a beloved tomboyish daughter. YOU LIED TO ME BARBAS

>> No.6045242

We lost !CIEL.

She was an True Heroine.

>> No.6045285
File: 32 KB, 639x480, ciel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arcueid sad about losing Ciel? Oh my.

>> No.6045293
File: 98 KB, 550x579, 6f8066fc743f48cb9e355a46ba5020ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sad about losing a shit poster who couldn't be bothered to even follow the rules? not on my watch.

>> No.6045334

/jp/ got a new janitor that wakes up sometime between 1 am and 8am and deletes everything on the front page of /jp/ for no reason for a few hours before becoming useless for the rest of the day.

>> No.6045339




>> No.6045524
File: 9 KB, 100x114, mugen_icon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oy!... Those are NOT my onions... someone just uses my company and my name to illegally import them... I've been cleared of all charges and I have proven my innocence... I am not engaged in illegal activities... please stop spreading false rumors.

>> No.6045528

Deported for avoiding filters.

>> No.6045545

>hi i'm new to touhou whats a game cirno is a baka xD

>> No.6046426

You mad?
