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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 146 KB, 252x364, Kara_no_Shojo_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6038959 No.6038959 [Reply] [Original]

Have mercy on me, /jp/. I've been out of the loop for a while.

What's the latest? Is it going to happen?

>> No.6038969 [DELETED] 

Support official localizations of Innocent Key games

>> No.6038971

Support official localizations of Innocent Grey games

>> No.6038976


Show me where I can buy it and I will.

and by buy, i mean wait for people to crack it and upload it onto #/jp/'s xdcc bot so i can download it

>> No.6039019

egg bump

>> No.6039050

come on you faggots

what's happening with this game

>> No.6039055

It's completely TL'd, 100% edited, and it's been sitting on Apoptosis' HD for two months now. That's what's happening with Kara no Shoujo.

There, are you happy, Anon?

>> No.6039078


Not until I know what's holding him back from releasing it!

>> No.6039084

Oh, sorry, I didn't know you were that retarded.
Support official localizations of Innocent Grey games!

>> No.6039089

If he releases IT, he will set free a demon queen who's been residing in his balls and the world will end as we know it.

>> No.6039097


That isn't an answer, retard.

>> No.6039101

>help me I can't think

>> No.6039106

There were rumours that the translator sold themselves out to MG or some shit like that.

>> No.6039111


What I want are details, you dull neckbeard. There's only so much that can be gained through inference.

Besides, why are you answering questions with vague riddles and then trolling when people don't get them? What kind of issues do you have?

>> No.6039115

It wasn't my intention to make it a riddle, you just took it that way because you're stupid.

>> No.6039119

He's having issues with you, sweetheart. Get a clue.
Oh wait you broke your glasses when the deer you were fucking kicked.

>> No.6039142
File: 19 KB, 100x100, Hachune-icon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Someone's got communication issues.

Silly NEET.

>> No.6039143

what is with the all the buttmad anons in this thead

>> No.6039153

It's actually all the same person. Don't mind it.

>> No.6039156
File: 67 KB, 630x623, ohboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6039157

you not mad!

>> No.6039160

But you're the only one who didn't get the message. Stop projecting.

>> No.6039190


Didn't get the message because you were vague about it.

In the future, put a little more effort in, or don't even bother at all.

>> No.6039205

Internet fight~

>> No.6039215

It was not vague at all. I am certain that every /jp/ browser that bothered to read this understood exactly what it meant, and you are simply being deliberately obtuse.

>> No.6039231


If they have been lurking for a while. But if they've been

>out of the loop for a while

then they might not.

I wanted to know why the game was taking so long to be released. Saying something about official localizations isn't the story of what happened. Did they make the translator an offer? Did he accept it or reject it?

So if you want to talk about being deliberately obtuse...

>> No.6039238 [DELETED] 

Why don't you do yourself a fucking favor and show me the respect I deserve and shut your fucking mouth before you find yourself in some serious shit kid? I'm not even joking. I'll will fucking find and deck you so hard you're kids are spitting out teeth too. STFU and GTFO out of my board

>> No.6039252

All of this because of one smartass?

>> No.6039263
File: 48 KB, 364x469, visiblyupset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6039277

Cheer up honeybuns. I'm sorry we overestimated your gray matter, it must've been hard to keep up with elementary-level Queen's English. You have been a brave warrior and we're proud of you. Tomorrow I'll send you a beautiful bicycle with training wheels so you can show it off to ol' Granny and the sweet shop down the street. Congratulations, our precious baby. P/a/pa and M/a/ma are proud of you. No one dropped you on your head when you were born, really. So there's nothing to forgive us for, okay?

>> No.6039284

Instead of shuffing the fuck up you decided to make the choice to force my hand. I will be unrelenting in my pursuit to deliver absolute pain and agony and hurt to you. Don't say I didn't warn you, as your on the the ground breathing your last breathes and slowly dying to death. Say your prayers you faggot ass faggot

>> No.6039286

I hope your keyboard got covered in semen and broke down after you finished posting that.

You cannot have missed the allusion to the JAST/TLWiki situation since that occurred before Kara no Shoujo started getting translated. I won't believe you even if you feign ignorance. With that knowledge, that post, and a working brain, one should readily conclude that the situations somewhat parallel each other.

>> No.6039297



samefag detected, with emphasis on fag

>> No.6039298

Oi fellas, is this guy purposely spelling wrongly to troll us? I was having fun playing with this boy but if he's enjoying it, I'm going straight to neglect play and raping his parents.

>> No.6039300

I wonder if I could have prevented this by not making that first comment. Oh the possibilities.

>> No.6039302
File: 49 KB, 600x405, seriousbusiness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6039303

Yeah, I posted both. And I posted >>6039298
I'm enjoying myself.

>> No.6039324


>I won't believe you even if you feign ignorance

Nice way to try to cover up that big hole in your argument.

The better question is, why are you saying the same thing over and over again? I already mentioned that could be realized through inference. But you're conveniently ignoring that I'm asking about details. Which is what you neglected to provide because you're being deliberately obtuse.


>> No.6039320
File: 53 KB, 456x373, 1282412722040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6039342

I don't think it'll be released anytime soon, but we'll probably get an update on the situation after the Cartagra translation is done.

>> No.6039344

But you did know about the earlier ruckus, anyway.
Why am I repeating myself? Because that's the answer.
the situations somewhat parallel each other.
the situations somewhat parallel each other.
the situations somewhat parallel each other.

the situations somewhat parallel each other.

There are your details.

>> No.6039365


>repeating the same thing over and over again

Well I guess if you haven't got much quality to say, go for quantity, right?

That's even more vague than your original statement.

If there's someone here tonight who's not deliberately obtuse, can they please explain to me what I wanted to know? I'll reiterate it for the benefit of my new obtuse friend here.

Why isn't the translator releasing it? What's the situation? Are there legal problems?

>> No.6039373

sion is in this thread somewhere
i can feel it

>> No.6039375

Support _____'s official localizations of Innocent Grey games!

>> No.6039389
File: 272 KB, 800x810, 1283045036308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6039394


>> No.6039493


Kara no Shoujo got C&D'd, and the translator may or may not have gotten an offer from MangaGamer. Because of this ambiguity, it's been sitting on his hard drive for two months.

It may or may not be being released alongside Cartagra, but we don't know if that's actually being released either.

Even if MangaGamer gets the license, however, you'll probably be waiting a long time as they don't seem to like releasing things even if they're done. Smart, aren't they.

Koryuu is the biggest faggot in the universe.

>> No.6039504

>Even if MangaGamer gets the license, however, you'll probably be waiting a long time as they don't seem to like releasing things even if they're done. Smart, aren't they.

Why is that?

Also, random MG question, but how well did their physical copies of Kira Kira and Higurashi sell a few weeks back at that con? Enough for them to experiment more with physical copies, perhaps?

>> No.6039581

Project member dude here.
You'll have to wait more because Innogray is a company with a bunch of outsourced relations, whom also have a right to say about licenses, and even ask compensations, and all those relations require negotiations, which has been ongoing for a good while, and we still don't have any idea when they finish or even what the outcome is going to be. We also have nfc how innogray feels about the changes we made in the engine so they likely will go over and see whether they'd be satisfied.
You're going to have to wait more just like we do.
That said, the editor of this project had lots of irl issues this summer so he's still not fully finished with the editing anyway, and even when he'll be, the TL would still have to go another round, so it's incorrect to say that the full thing is ready.
And while we are at it there are still engine bugs anyway, so yeah. Now stop asking please.

>> No.6039639

Because if they release a bunch of games at once, one or a few games will sell well, while the others flop, because of the buyer.

If they release, say 1 a month then that means that the buyer only buys one game which = a small part out of what you make per month.

someone could probably explain it better then me, but I'll put it this way.

if you don't make a lot of money in a month and can barely pay your bills and buy your necessities, after that lets assume you have only about 40$ left over.
If that's the average price per game then that means you can buy every release if you wish, instead of having to pick and choose.
