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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6038380 No.6038380 [Reply] [Original]

Moot, if I may, I urge you to implement this type of captcha system for /jp/. You have to enter the name of the spell card that appears in the image. Many of these spells are fairly well-known, and you can refresh the box by clicking on it if you don't know the name. I believe this system would improve the overall quality of this board and its members, and it's somewhat more meaningful compared to these gibberish captcha phrases.

Think about it.

>> No.6038387

Wasn't this thread just on /a/? Go back there.

>> No.6038388

Graze pattern for x seconds in order to post.

>> No.6038391

1) Implement this captcha system with the top part of the picture cut off
2) To post you need to enter the name of the spellcard
(Or if that's too troublesome, just the spellcard owner name)
3) All secondaryfags vanish from /jp/

>> No.6038389

Spellcards in Touhou are just way too long to type out every time.

>> No.6038390

Why not just have a "identify this touhou arrange/remix"?

>> No.6038394

I like touhou but not enough to care about the names and shit of the spellcards/music/sex icons

I play it for fun.

Get out secondary faggot.

>> No.6038400

>3) All secondaryfags bookmark Touhou wiki.

>> No.6038402

Too vast.

The spell card captcha seems cool, though.

>> No.6038404

What the...
If you're not in it for the spellcards/music/sex icons
Then what are you for?

>> No.6038410


At least it's extra work for them having to trawl through all the spellcard pictures.

I mean seriously, I've seen secondaries who didn't know Iku controlled lighting because it was never mentioned in the SWR script.

>> No.6038411

Pants on head retarded

I suck at Touhou.

>> No.6038414


>> No.6038420
File: 46 KB, 704x396, 17762316654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can only read the no's feels bad....

>> No.6038423

I know almost nothing about Touhou.

I know, I shouldn't be here. Shut up.

But suffice to say I'd never be able to post again if this replaced the captchas.

>> No.6038424

Am I the only one who doesn't read spellcard names when I play Touhou? I could care less about that, I'm trying to dodge their shit, not read their poetry.

>> No.6038425

I think I'd prefer Japanese captcha. Even if you didn't know Japanese, you could still figure it out using Window's IME pad as long as you weren't an idiot.

>> No.6038429

Uminekofag detected

>> No.6038430


This is why the system would be a success.

>> No.6038433

>Window's IME pad

Some people don't even know about this

>> No.6038440

I read only in the first time, just to know what am I dealing with. For example, Nue strange signs falling from the sky, I know it is coming from above the screen, on the other hand, the one about the drown girl on the toilet I know it's coming from below.

>> No.6038438

>All the Uminekofags vanish from /jp/
Oh boy....i would give one of my legs for this to happen

>> No.6038442

I'd rather it be something more VN oriented. Something simple like, "Is magic real?" or "what is "The Kid's" name?"

>> No.6038450

No, nobody does that either.

>> No.6038451

This would get rid of the annoying Touhoufags that don't even play the games, but it would also make /jp/ a Touhou only board. Which would be shit.

>> No.6038454

Nevermind the ever17 one should be "Who kicked the can?"
I like that better.

>> No.6038467

As if being obsessed with Touhou isn't just as bad as being obsessed with Umineko.

I'm sick of both. Let's have captchas in some obscure ancient language so NONE of you could post.

>> No.6038465

An actual mini game in which you have to last the whole spell card would weed out people from other boards.

>> No.6038464

"Do you knows the hacker?"

>> No.6038462

They all kicked the can in the bad ending.

>> No.6038460

It also could be done with Umineko characters since there are thousands of them

>> No.6038469

"Can Shiki kill Servants?"

>> No.6038473

English, then. Nobody can post in English with proper grammar. Just look at the threads around here.

>> No.6038475

You guys really think that touhou players and VN readers don't shitpost? Really?

>> No.6038476

>obscure ancient language
Like Japanese!

>> No.6038477

>obscure ancient language

>> No.6038483

The guy who constantly posts a single k-on/bakemonogatari/railgun image with no text is the people I do not like.

>> No.6038482

Japanese didn't even have a written language until they took it from China. It's hardly ancient.

>> No.6038481


>> No.6038478

I could never remember the Kid's name, though, even while I was reading Ever17. Maybe something like asking Takeshi's hair color would be better.

>> No.6038480
File: 53 KB, 891x648, captcha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solve to post.

>> No.6038488

Captcha: 東方充氏ね!

I think this would do well

>> No.6038491

Isn't japanese writing just stolen chinese with sometimes different meanings/sounds and hiragana.
And katakana is just for stolen foreign words?

>> No.6038496

>The maid and the young servant were the same person
post successful

>> No.6038502

I want this.

>> No.6038503

>It's hardly ancient.

You don't consider something that happened BC to be ancient ?

>> No.6038508

Sorry, we were looking for, "The young servant and the maid were the same person." Try again with a new image.

>> No.6038509

It was a joke guys, calm down.

>> No.6038510

>Isn't japanese writing just stolen chinese
Are you people retarded? You really think the japanese were the only culture to lend things from other cultures?

>> No.6038530

Or we could scrap the whole captcha idea and get separate boards for Touhou and Umineko.

That way the two... er, factions could finally stop bitching at each other.

And everyone else on /jp/ would live happily ever after.

>> No.6038539

Better yet, delete /jp/. All of our content belongs on other boards as well, except idols, but I'm fine with them being exiled from all of 4chan.

>> No.6038540
File: 72 KB, 579x579, 1273504594757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something like "What color was Saten's shirt in episode 10?"

or maybe a screencap of Saten and "What episode does this take place in?"

>> No.6038543
File: 16 KB, 270x270, img_1_th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or we could base it off of Hizashi. Everyone seems to like that one.

>> No.6038548

I've never done anything /jp/-related before so I wouldn't know anything like that ;__;

I only come to /jp/ because I enjoy reading /jp/, even if 95% of the time I don't understand what is going on

>> No.6038549

>Keep getting PC98 arranges
>Never post again

>> No.6038555

I thought about something similar, just that if you answer correctly, you get banned.

>> No.6038552

You have to make her cum to be able to post. That way people won't be able to post more than once every hour.

>> No.6038554

>implying if umineko and touhou weren't on /jp/, /jp/ would have enough users to do anything.

I don't care about either of them and just come here for the autism and vn threads but seriously 90% of this board is those and spam.

/jp/ is still one of the slower boards and I really like that, but getting rid of the artery that is touhou and seacats would cripple it beyond repair.

>> No.6038560

I feel the same way about /tg/.

>> No.6038561

damnit brb got to play this again and feel morally wrong.

>> No.6038565

All I want is for the two fandoms to stop screaming about how horrible the other series is. It doesn't get anyone anywhere.

Neither would be popular if they sucked, so what's there to argue about?

>> No.6038570

If that were true then there would be no need for advertising in this world.

>> No.6038575

There really isn't any need for advertising anymore, thanks to the internet. Marketing is so outdated.

>> No.6038581

Touhoufags piss on many many other things too.
Seriously, the series was all nice and good until I learned its fandom was full of assholes.

>> No.6038595
File: 141 KB, 681x575, sentencediagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6038690

What the fuck is this
It took me 5 minutes to decipher this thing

-Many complained that the new editor had not even begun to adress problems seriously(?)

>> No.6038702

Many complained that the new editor had not even begun to adress the newspaper's most serious problems.

>> No.6038704


You are beyond retarded.

Many complained that the new editor had not even begun to address the newspaper's most serious problems.

>> No.6038708

It's a sentence diagram.
It makes a visual representation of grammar.

>> No.6038711

I read news and papers separetly

>> No.6038717

You should have to play for 5 minutes without dying to post. Dying once erases your post text so you would have to play for five minutes before you could even type out a post at all

>> No.6038734

One of the lesser chans implemented a "faptcha" system, in which an image of a penis, vagina, or anus, was shown (there were many different pictures of each, it wasn't just the same 3 being repeated) and the user would enter "ponos, vagoo, or pooper".

That worked so much better then all this squiggly upside down Hebrew bullshit we have here.

>> No.6038749

>Q: Can you fap to the image below?
That wouldn't work with me i fap to almost everything

>> No.6038755

I like Touhou AND Umineko.

Also KS.

>> No.6038763
File: 21 KB, 254x310, disapoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the user would enter "ponos, vagoo, or pooper"
