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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 132 KB, 800x800, 198607051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6031819 No.6031819 [Reply] [Original]

Saya is a good girl.

>> No.6031825

She is not.

>> No.6031827

Saya is a dead monster
Not really a girl

>> No.6031829

She's not a girl
She's not girl
She's not even an 'is'.

She only wants you for your genetic material, OP. Don't be fooled.

>> No.6031838
File: 234 KB, 634x477, 2l9td9u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's definitely a good girl.

>> No.6031843

Goddamn her and her world domination plans that ended up being successful because some pathetic slob who could've had a future ended up wanting her as his waifu.

>> No.6031845

Saya is mai waifu

>> No.6031851
File: 263 KB, 950x672, 736d931f5a22982b2ba3ceced71844b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a harem of good girls

>> No.6031864

Yeah, the choice between cute, oddly mature and clever loli and horrible meat creature is a pretty hard one

>> No.6031900
File: 291 KB, 800x1131, 2f77981812f8ba0ffa630a3aceae0fc6db1e3c1d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if she is nothing more then a angry evil meatblob i would be okay with that.
I never realy liked humanity in the first place, so temporary happiness is alright with me.

>> No.6031925

Drop Sakura and we'll talk.

>> No.6031938

>good girls
Harems don't work that way.

>> No.6031943

That really, really won't end well. They'll tear each other to pieces over you.

>> No.6031948

She can't be evil if she can love. She does love him.

>> No.6032046
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>> No.6032064 [DELETED] 
File: 532 KB, 160x160, 1272512574933.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My face when saya died in kouji end

>> No.6032062

Sorry to disappoint you
But you're also huimanity

>> No.6032070

Superpaper loves Bern.
She is also evil.
Your logic is FUBAR'd

>> No.6032080
File: 511 KB, 1500x1125, 6f96bd5fe2f2fd01d2cd4cf5085e37a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this lovely girl.
She can't be evil monster.

>> No.6032109
File: 15 KB, 300x300, 11241267562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys want to see me ruin Saya with just 3 words?


>> No.6032121


>> No.6032135

sup josh

>> No.6032458

I just finished reading Saya no Uta and ialmost cried at the end....It is so beautiful the love of Saya for Fuminori....She created a beautiful world for him....The ending sad, but happy at the same time,
I enjoyed every single minute of it, thanks for recommending this novel to me guys

>> No.6032501

You're kidding me right? That's the bad end. The good end is the one where saya gets her ass frozen by liquid nitrogen.

>> No.6032516

Poor..What's the name of main hero's ex-girl friend?
I wish he could use an axe just to check her ability to regenerate.

>> No.6032521

There are no objectively good or bad ends in Saya.

>> No.6032537

Nothing is objectively true.

>> No.6032562
File: 55 KB, 454x600, 181801304186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such a good girl

>> No.6032591


>> No.6032595
File: 62 KB, 500x611, 1280437091665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey /jp/. I must confess. I've never played Sata No Uta cos' all the torrents I find have no seeds. Also because I can't read moonrunes

>> No.6032597

Are they all from Nitro+ VNs, Which ones?

>> No.6032688


Not all of them are Nitro+. The girls on the far left and the far right are Type Moon, specifically Fate/Stay Night

>> No.6032705

Newfag detected.

>> No.6032729

The English version has seeds.


>> No.6032760

>Play Saya no Uta because /a/ was hyping it
>Expecting disturbing but ultimately morally fulfilling story
>MC's condition is hastily explained and used as an excuse plot; all of his senses are changed, but that doesn't explain tactile discrepancies
>Fumanori sacrifices the human race to be in love with blob monster Saya in a shallow relationship

Shit game was shit.

>> No.6032766

Get back to /a/.

>> No.6032780 [SPOILER] 
File: 31 KB, 400x400, Wilbur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saya no Uta is a rewrite of Charlotte's Web.

At the end, Saya dies after finally saving Fuminori, releasing her spores and changing every human being into her children.

And instead of writing shit with her shit, she changes people into non-euclidean abominations.

>> No.6032791

Saya was shitty and boring
I think this is the general consensus on /jp/

>> No.6032796

I don't like this jump from "mysterious creature, home-based-horror" to "hurr-durr Saya is going to destroy humanity".
It was kinda unnatural and forced.

>> No.6032805

What do you even mean by "forced"?

>> No.6032808

It is not shitty or boring, it is just really, really average.
95% of the cast was completely unlike-able, the exceptions being Saya herself and Kouji. The plot wasn't all that good, though it did have it's moments. The resolution was either extremely stupid or doesn't resolve much at all, depending on which you take.

That said, I didn't hate it. It was interesting enough to keep me reading, but it never wowed me or made me experience any emotion at all, for that matter. The sad moments never effected me, and the 'intense' moments made me go ''meh''. Everything is pretty much forgettable.

Can somebody explain me why people hyped it so much? Because there's absolutely nothing special about it.

>> No.6032822

>95% of the cast was completely unlike-able, the exceptions being Saya herself and Kouji.

Trollingest line in the pasta.

>> No.6032825
File: 829 KB, 1126x806, 1273288942762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6032830

Oh you. Are you implying suicide gun end isn't the best end?
Pasta is highly accurate and show the true reflection Saya no Uta quality.

>> No.6032831

Kouji likable? He was a fucking moralfag. The best character was Ryouko.

>> No.6032832

Yeah. Because two people being 5% means that there are 40 people in total. There aren't that many characters. What an idiot.

>> No.6032848
File: 57 KB, 751x600, 751px-Moot_smiling_at_ROFLCon_II.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, This board is full of faggots who cant enjoy anything.

>> No.6032854

I know. I always want to correct that, but then I remember it's stale pasta.

>> No.6032855


>> No.6032857

looks like /jp/ turned into /lit/

>> No.6032868

/jp/ was /lit/ before /lit/ ever existed.

>> No.6032885 [DELETED] 

Looks like /jp/ turned into /v/.

>> No.6032881


>> No.6032947

Now sure none of you have to like Saya no Uta, don't quite know what I think of it myself actually.

But you aren't missing the point here are you?
It's not that much about the protagonist's condition, nor Saya as a creature.
Saya no Uta actually follows the Cthulhu mythos quite well.

So it's not so much about Fuminori or what kind of creatures there are, it's more about the (in)signifigance of man, the vast room of space and of how or if mankind has any signifigance in that space.
That is little about the Cthulhu mythos at least, and SnU is a lovecraftian inspired work.

There is the doctor who couldn't comprehend that of which is different from the world of man, and went mad from it.
There is the cause and effect of said mad man due to his insanity, Fuminori for instance.
There is Fuminori, the ordinary man twisted beyond recognition cause of what the influences of what the horror(s) from beyond started.
Saya, the actual horror, that of which does not blend with the human world, that of which still grew to think (similair) like man.
Saya and Fuminori, those who do not blend with the world due to the differances of what they are, they who grew dependent on eachother as they tried to blend in.
Kouji and everyone else, the outside perspective. Those who have yet not been drawn in and twisted, but those who either fall victim or witness of it's effects.

>> No.6032951

In Cthulhu Mythos inspired works like this, information about the the protag's condition and all the horrors might be nice as fluff, but the story itself is usually about the "clash" of how things correspond/meets/blends/etc, and much less about all of those unnatural stuffs.

So given how much unnatural stuffs that are usually included in Cthulhu Mythos inspired works, they are still usually perhaps surprisingly not that much about them, but rather the effects.

>is hastily explained and used as an excuse plot
So nono, things like this is totally missing the point.
It is no excuse, it is hastily explained so that the story can continue into what the effects and about what has been distorted and how it matters, that is where the focus lies.
Not explaining the unnatural things hastily would be a mistake given what kind of work it is.

But yeah, as mentioned in the beginning of the post I don't quite know what I think of it myself.
It is "interessting" the very least, it's not a bad work, it draws on the ideas of the cthulhu mythos quite well, and the relation between Fuminori and Saya was still "different", and Kouji was a suitable "outside man".
So yes as a Cthulhu Mythos work it's actually great in many ways. I liked it, but I may perhaps not find the Cthulhu Mythos to be that great personally, and there are many details and things I don't like.
But given how it's good for what it is I see no point in ranting about what I didn't like, it is a matter of genre/setting and preferences really.

>> No.6032964

didn't read lol.jpg

>> No.6033122

Will Jast ever release saya no uta?

>> No.6033172 [SPOILER] 
File: 121 KB, 267x264, Saya u mad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best line in the game ?

" Those who belive in the worth of meaningless things like human
wisdom and valor are those lucky people who have not looked into the abyss."

>> No.6033188

Saya is evil just because she eats people?

People eat animals all the time. Just because a human happens to be smarter, doesn't mean it's wrong to eat them.

>> No.6033832
File: 7 KB, 157x320, Ilya..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More of a monster then Saya

>> No.6033851

she didn't eat people, and after shirou set her straight she became a loli moeblob.

>> No.6033864

dead loli grail moeblob you mean

>> No.6033867
File: 61 KB, 704x396, ep09179~0..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you're the monster.

>> No.6033877

depends which route.
in fate she's just a loli moeblob at the end
in ubw she's dead and grail blob'd
hf she's dead and her body shirou'd

>> No.6033884

> in fate she's just a loli moeblob at the end

Yeah, a loli moeblob thats going to break down and die soon.

Face it people, Ilya is just like Sacchin, no happy end, no way to save her.

>> No.6033922

but at least people know who she is.

also where's touko with her dolls when you need it? she made a container for shirou's soul in hf, she could do it for ilya's too after her body falls apart from all the grail.

>> No.6033956

llya wasn't worth dirty red's time

>> No.6034302

I ask again, anyone has the scans for that artbook?

>> No.6034316

Saya no Puta
