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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6031611 No.6031611 [Reply] [Original]

How do you plan on protecting your 2d when the solar flare hits?


>> No.6031622

So it is true...

>> No.6031624


Like that.

>> No.6031633

You faggots know nothing of how the Earth works. The pole changes every few (???) years. How do I know you ask? Magnets, seriously. When you dig deep into the earth, you will find rocks that have differing magnetic charges. This means that a pole change has happened before. Big fucking whoop. HURP DERP RANDOM SUPER POWERS AND SHIT... nah lol.

>> No.6031636

>Yahoo News

How do you plan on protecting your critical thinking when the yellow journalism strikes, OP?

>> No.6031634 [DELETED] 

Shave head

>> No.6031640


wow ... what a coïncidence
>hey look at me, i do a super information and no ones give a fuck so i put in the date 2012, now everyone get attention to me LLOLOLLLOLOLOLOL

>> No.6031641

Looks like humanity just never tires of doomsdays.

>> No.6031642

meh i don't care

>> No.6031643

Old news is old.

>> No.6031645

I'll siphon the storm's power with a giant solar sail in order to open a portal to Gensokyo.

Where I'm going, I won't need 2D anymore.

>> No.6031646


>> No.6031648

Shave head

>> No.6031651

I'm coming.

>> No.6031655
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Magnets and magnetic fields?!

>> No.6031656

pffft atheistfags, God will save us stop panicking.
Just chill out and wait for His big hand to shield us from peril like He always does.

>> No.6031657

Man this sucks. All my anime is gonna get wiped.

>> No.6031658

indeed. But I will back up my data anyway just in case... shit shouldn't affect CD/DVD discs, uh?

I would prefer to get one of my legs chopped off before to get my HD destroyed...

>> No.6031661 [DELETED] 



Just one bomb would be localized to about .5-50 miles.

This thing is going to be spread over 16000 miles. And have to buffer across the atmosphere. And possibly the moon.

>> No.6031666

Not even an atom will survive that onslaught.

>> No.6031668



how do i solar systam

>> No.6031670

A solar flare is just the way that tsundere sun is trying to say I love you to earth. Moe~

>> No.6031678


Back up your anime and /jp/ music to film and vinyl.

>> No.6031679
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>> No.6031680
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Oh god I never thought of it like that!

We're screwed!!

>> No.6031682

>S-stupid earth, it's not like I want to hug you or anything...

>> No.6031691
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pick your end

>> No.6031693
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My face when I will lose every Saten pic ;__;

>> No.6031697

Can I borrow some?

>> No.6031703

Shoot at her until she uses her next spell card.

>> No.6031706

Oh shit, wasn't Yomogi's GPS going haywire in Remember11 because of this same thing?

>> No.6031710

I heard stashing your stuff in an MRI room is the safest place due to the RF shielding.

>> No.6031712

What if Okuu is my waifu?

>> No.6031716

My stereo is fully shielded against electromagnetism to give me max sound quality.
I can just recicle that and be cool, audiophile master race.

>> No.6031725

No, listen, this is perfect. If this happens it's going to be like an Apocalypse setting where if you survive you can play it out like a disaster end-of-the-world VN and then you fight brutal gangs and join up with a bitchy but vulnerable girl and live on canned food and distilled urine for the rest of your lives.

I'm going to start lifting weights and develop my hunting/hoarding skills so I'm ready by then.

>> No.6031727

What's the use of being alive when everyone and everything else is dead?

>> No.6031729
File: 26 KB, 300x300, mimas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Earth is a slut though, she had unprotected sex with Theia 4,5 billion years ago and had the Moon out of the union.

Mimas is much better. She'd get teased at school about the huge wound on her forehead (Mimas' most distinctive feature is a massive hole left by an asteroid that almost split it in two, so she'd probably have a wide, scarred forehead) and come crying to you, but you'd kiss her, saying it's okay and that you'll love her no matter what she looks like, while your hand reaches into her dress to caress her delicious flat craters.

>> No.6031731

No mention of the one end we can truly stop dead in its tracks? The Eschatological one?

>no more oil
We'll just use something else
>gamma ray burst
None programmed for the next couple of millions of years
>black hole
Also unlikely, but less than the zombie one. There are no phantom black holes near earth
>world riots and chaos
>new ice age
All of these already happened during humanity's life and we are still here.

>> No.6031737
File: 276 KB, 700x575, saten02.01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have many phyical backups of Saten pictures. Don't worry.

>> No.6031740

That's not a scar, it's a gigantic nipple. Mimas is just another attention whore.

>> No.6031741


Someone needs to write a planet/moon-based VN now.

>> No.6031744

So you still have social contacts?

>> No.6031746


>Gamma Ray Bursts

Now THERE'S an apocalypse.

Nothing else on the list compares, except maybe Black Hole (but that's basically impossible).

A GRB epicenter going off anywhere even in the same galaxy would blast Earth's atmosphere away. Oh, and the top few layers of matter. And probably jam it out of orbit.

Worst thing? You couldn't "prepare" for or outrun it. Once the information reaches Earth, the entire planet is scoured in the same instant.

Gamma Ray Bursts are detected echoing across the ENTIRE universe. We've never seen any. We don't even know what the fuck causes them.

>> No.6031749

Thank you anon

>> No.6031750

Ironically, my bones are silent about Mimas.

>> No.6031755

Well, there's the writeup for the star one.


>> No.6031758 [DELETED] 

>No, doesn't Earth have to basically right in the path of one of the two beams that shoot out as a result of the burst? Odds of that happening are pretty low, aren't they?

>> No.6031761

>There are no phantom black holes near earth

I read somewhere that there is one in the center of our galaxy... but yeah, that's far anyway...

>> No.6031764

I'm pretty sure we'll nuke the shit out of eachother before we ever die of something like that. Well a meteor killing us all is probably second place.

>> No.6031766


>> No.6031769


>> No.6031770

There's no use fearing that one, it's so sudden and total. In fact, now I want it to happen.

>> No.6031776


That depends on exactly what they are.

Again, we don't know. The twin-jet idea is just a solution because we don't know how the fuck something so energetic could occur, so the numbers are crunched from a spherical burst to two limited columns. It's more hypothetical than theoretical.

>> No.6031777

The worst thing about this is that when it's all over I can't even go on a downloading spree because IT WILL ALL BE LOST FROM ALL SERVERS TOO


>> No.6031781

I'll be dead by 2012 so I don't give a fuck.

>> No.6031786

Actually, the closest star that may go GRB and is aiming at us (very important, because stars going GRB only shoot in two directions) may or may not be within distance of slapping our shit. It's four or five digits in LYs away.

So, it's not that dangerous. But if it does get us, well, it's the worst possible apocalypse.

>> No.6031792


>(very important, because stars going GRB only shoot in two directions)


>> No.6031795
File: 84 KB, 298x366, 1282401893995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i choose betwen world riots and chaos and new ice age or maybe zombie if i get some weapons if they are slow of course, if they act like zombies in 28 days/weeks later no thanks, i'd prefer The Zone like STALKER

>> No.6031800

YES. I would play the shit out of this. I would even pay for it.

>> No.6031801

We are lucky bastards, really.

>> No.6031806


Actually, we'll know a few hours in advance. The neutron burst hits a few hours before the gamma ray burst, and we can detect it so effectively that it's actually used to prime telescopes to be ready to spot a supernova as it occurs.

(The neutrons come early because they are created by the proton/electron->neutron reaction that creates a neutron star, and can leave the star uninhibited. But light takes hours to get out of the interior.)

>> No.6031807

I will kill myself, thus being reunited with my waifu in the afterlife.

>> No.6031811

All I want to know before this his is how I protect my electrical appliances. Most imporantly, my window into 2d. I can't live without my computer.

>> No.6031823

We actually do have some hypothesis as to what causes them.

one theory is binary star systems: Basically a solar system consisting of two stars that orbit around each other.
Some binary star systems have stars that due to weight/mass/gravitational issues, slowly move nearer to each other. As they near each other, they gradually pick up in speed, and their mass and gravitational pull causes the larger of the stars to slowly give off material, creating a sort of dust trail, the closer they become, the faster they they spin around each other, and the more material the larger star ejects.

Eventually, they collide into each other and the energy and force of the impact expands through the polar regions. It expands through the polar regions because at that point, the ejected material from the large sun forms a gas cloud that prohibits the energy and matter from exiting in all directions, and only the polar regions of the stars are free of the gas clutter.

Basically according to this theory, a gamma ray burst is the focused energy that is expelled from the collision of two stars that exits at their polar regions.


>> No.6031830

No, its true. Fill something soft with water and squeeze it until the water jets off. Where did the water jet off? The top and bottom 'poles'.
Certain stars are the same. All stars spin, but these spin much faster (and spin good). They are hotter and live less because of this, so when they die they go flat. Cue the example above

>> No.6031832


Nail copper screening to every wall/ceiling of your room and ground it to the outside. Run your pc off of a car battery and inverter inside the shielded room to avoid having your shit fried by the surge that will come down from the pole if the emp hits. Also run your pc off wifi if you can, that way a surge down the cable modem wont burn your shit.

>> No.6031837

There is. Most galaxies have one.
They call them supermassive black holes.

>> No.6031841

>supermassive black hole
One of my favorite albums

>> No.6031842

1. Buy one of those fancy printers with the photo-printing capabilities, maybe an artbook or two, create a shrine to my waifu
2. Stock up on canned food, bottled water and Scotch whisky
3. Wait it out in an old bomb shelter

>> No.6031846

I'll be laughing when GRBs are revealed to be supermassive black holes heating up matter while eating. Like you know, every other mysterious celestial body out there.

>> No.6031857

Actually, depending on what the apocalypse would be, I'd do this too.

And I'd also have a picture of her with me all the time, in case I have to leave

>> No.6031859


I'll be laughing when a GRB eradicates us before we adequately learn what they are.

Wait, no I won't. I'll be disintegrated at the time.

>> No.6031862

You are talking about neutrinos. Photons actually take thousands of years to reach the surface of a star.

>> No.6031863

inter solar desasters



>> No.6031870
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After 1012 I will never see Nono again.
I don't think I will survive that

>> No.6031878


Er, yes, that was a typo. But no, photons don't take thousands of years to reach the surface when the STAR IS EXPLODING. Only a few hours.

>> No.6031880

I predict that 2012 will count many major disasters in the form of people panicking about any little thing that sounds like it could be a major disaster. A self-fulfilling prophecy, basically. Even I, who am immune to panic, am already planning what kind of dry food to store in my house so I can barricade myself for a month in case we lose all electronic equipment and the whole world turns to anarchy and chaos. Any other year, and I'd barely be bothered to turn off my computer before going to bed, just in case.

>> No.6031896
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Feels bad man

>> No.6031897

if the world goes to hell my plan is to go outside and walk in a direction until I die

>> No.6031903

The end of the world will come when Jesus returns.
The end of HIS world, that is

>> No.6031907

In the end the only people surviving will be otakus because we have experience what to do because of visual novels.We will also be able to handle to be alone when everybody in your surrounding is dead

>> No.6031913

>he thinks he's an otaku
>We will also be able to handle to be alone when everybody in your surrounding is dead

>> No.6031929

My plan is to burn everything to DVDs just in case.

If that doesn't work and the world turns into an electronic-less chaotic wasteland, then I will become a Kenshiro-esque hero to survivors if I still have family and friends to protect.

And if all my friends and family died and I survived, then I'll probably just go crazy and turn into a roaming rapist. Unless I come across a lone loli to protect and then I'll go and do the hero thing.

>> No.6031941

I, too, would prefer something fast and omnicidal like a Gamma Ray Burst.

Wasting away in a dying world would be such a goddamn bitch.

>> No.6031953
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I will gain a stand.

>> No.6031971

Tinfoil hats, as always, will protect me.

>> No.6031978

Fuck man, I was really hoping for zombies.

I think that most that will happen is all our electronics will be fried, so say good bye to your electronic collections you have on your HDD.

>> No.6031993

Now I can't stop worrying about being wiped out momentarily by gamma rays. Thanks /jp/.

>> No.6032003

What a wonderful world.

>> No.6032010

No point in worrying about something you have no control over. Even without gamma ray bursts tomorrow could be your last day.

>> No.6032023

There are many reasons why this won't actually do very much of anything, but I am far far too lazy to type them out.

>> No.6032038


So, basically, no Internet for a while?


>> No.6032041

I started to beliebe it until I read it.


Then I confirmed it's bullshit.

>> No.6032050

More like after the gamma ray burst, you'll wake up in an abandoned world as a girl. You'll wander the wasteland the world has become, running from wild animals for the next few years (if humanity dies off, opportunistic predators will experience a huge popularity boom due to all the cattle/chicken/sheep/pigs running around. ), never seeing any survivors, never aging. You'd be caught and killed by wild beasts a few times, only to wake up later completely unharmed.

After years of wandering the new Earth with no functioning electronics, you will find a village. Curious, you'll approach the locals, but children will shy away from you and adults will chase you away. You will wish to see what about yourself made them react that away, finding a stream and checking your reflection on it. You will be surprised to see transparent wings on your back in addition to your feminine visage (which you've gotten used to by now. ) and realize that you have become a fairy in a post-apocalyptic parody of Gensokyo, fated to live eternally as an aspect of nature made manifest.

Mark my words, my prophecies are 100% true with Derek gold seal of approval. I don't know what your ability will be, though.

>> No.6032054


More like everything electronic gets annihilated and the world goes into chaos for about 3 months before everything starts getting set back up.

Blackout timeframe: 3 months.
Immediate damage recovery: two years.
Fundamental damage recovery: four years.
Complete damage recovery: never, tremendous amounts of data will be permanently destroyed

>> No.6032068

Fuckin magnets
how do they work

>> No.6032075

So do I set up a faraday cage? Will that help?

>> No.6032083


>> No.6032110

External HDD in a lead safe.

>> No.6032128

>tremendous amounts of data will be permanently destroyed


Future generations will thank us.

>> No.6032138

Luckily my 2D waifu doesn't exist in this dimension, and this event may just be the portal to being with her.

Tell me when they find the estimated spot to get the most damage, and I'll head over there in 2 years.

>> No.6032145

Looks like I'm putting off buying that HDTV and PS3.

But I can't help but feel sceptical about magnitude and it seems like regular 2012 fearmongering.

>> No.6032146

I am sorry. You and your waifu die in all the kakeras.

>> No.6032147


Credibility: None.

Nothing will happen in 2012.

Ancient Mexicans cannot predict a solar flare.

>> No.6032151

if its real when the date starts to get close it will be all over the news

>> No.6032153

i backup with optical media monthly
solid state drives should also be fine

>> No.6032155

the hand of allah shall sweep over earth ridding it of vice.

>> No.6032162

is...is the world going to end? I haven't lived my life fully yet ;_;

>> No.6032165

If Allah is stupid enough to take our digital entertainment from us, then we'll construct thunder domes in every city and put muslims in it.

>> No.6032171

It seems like the most damage can be done from cascading power grid failures. I guess the thing to do is have strong surge protection and stock up on water supplies?

>> No.6032173

But it's 2 years until 2012, so you have alot of time to live your life.

>> No.6032174

finally our banal existence as otaku will end

>> No.6032175

That thing won't occur on 2012 and it won't kill anyone. Probably all ESD susceptible dispositives in a big radius will be toasted because of the electromagnetic fields, and we will have free lights for a while until it ends.

If they get ready for it now, the damage will be lower and the recovery time will be less.

>> No.6032178
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>> No.6032180

invest in faraday cages now

>> No.6032196


It's predicted to occur in May, a full five months from the Mayan calendar end.

Crazy protomexicans just put an arbitrary date and a cosmic event occurring is simple coincidence.

The entire universe is built around coincidence.

>> No.6032206

>Crazy protomexicans just put an arbitrary date

Arbitrary my ass, their calendar was perfectly reasonable. Except the "Well, we ran out of days so let's reset the world" bit, but that's excusable considering when the calendar was made.

>> No.6032207

>The entire universe is built around coincidence.

1+1 being 2 is a mere coincidence. It can be mathematic that if you add two units it results in two units. No, it must be a coincidence.

>> No.6032229

I just want to hurry up and die already.
