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6011021 No.6011021 [Reply] [Original]

how does it make you feel /jp/?

>> No.6011026



>> No.6011029

Jessica looks like Shinku.

>> No.6011037

What have they done to Ange-sama!?

>> No.6011039 [DELETED] 

You are so reported.

>> No.6011047

jessica looks like a certain stake sister

>> No.6011048


>> No.6011068
File: 15 KB, 150x53, 5b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ange with no pigtails
>Jessica with twin drills

...either this is fake, or EP8 is going to be showing us things we may not like.

>> No.6011076
File: 358 KB, 785x626, 12647113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not EP8.


>> No.6011078

Par for the course.

>> No.6011079

No sir I don't like it.

>> No.6011081
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>> No.6011083

Oh thank goodness.

Well... what is this, then? And why so many eagles? Actually... don't answer that.

>> No.6011090

It looks like there will be two more portraits.

>> No.6011126

Was ookamikakushi for psp ever translated? No. This won't be either.

>> No.6011131

like those first two better
also i assume these girls arent ange and jessica so lolwhat?

>> No.6011144

What the fuck are they doing? Why can't they just do a normal remake?

>> No.6011145

nobody says its for psp
also it will be enough for me if its just (well, also) remake so we can have sprite patch

>> No.6011152

Looks like the red haired is Asumu.
Jessica and Ange portrait is a mindfuck.

>> No.6011154

yeah instead we will get next new 8 characters in the franchise in one go

>> No.6011161

Is this some kind of "Umineko with retarded designs"spin-off?

>> No.6011162

>Sprite patch

No, just no.

>> No.6011183

I like these upgrades.

>> No.6011192

you are talking about that orange-haired girl from the first portrait with one wing and halo above her head? lolwhat
also it doesnt make sense for asumu to be red-haired

>> No.6011215

maybe you are enjoying Ryukishis awesome artstyle but there are a lot of people who would welcome redone graphics and its not like somebody forces you to apply the patch if it end up being done

>> No.6011229

Naturally with the outfits they have we can certainly be sure that they arre working in a Umineko game...

>> No.6011231
File: 85 KB, 505x480, 1246501536736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't imagine Bern without original sprites, sorry. And Yukarin still has to pull off troll mode in S2, damn.

>> No.6011243

Yes, but somebody (you and co) forces me to put up with the screenshots of said sprite patch. I would also be faced with the reality that some people who claimed to read Umineko, had all their facts straight and everything, had actually read a disgusting bastardization and doesn't even know what a real troll face is.

>> No.6011262

What the fuck am I looking at?

>> No.6011268

do not want

>> No.6011282

well, i for one, seeing how cool and awesome her design is everywhere else im trying hard to not associate the image from VN with her, lulz..
but i agree, we need more of Yukarin's godly voice, repeating Kai for the twentieth time doesnt help, i need some new lines x_X

>> No.6011288

At this point, who cares, the story went off the fucking deep end after Episode 5.

Why be an elitist to something that is subpar, you can direct your energy towards more worthwhile stories, I assure you.

>> No.6011311

awesome, keep telling yourself that

>> No.6011315

>Bashing stuff you can't read

>> No.6011324

and by godly i mean non-loli

>> No.6011336

Get out.

>> No.6011343

Just take it easy
Not sure how I'd respond to a sprite patch and possible music changes. Added effects and/or CGs are a different matter though.
Regardless of what everyone is saying, I can practically assume that everyone will see the story through to the end. So please, stop the bitching and moaning until after it all finishes. kay?

>> No.6011359

> And Yukarin still has to pull off troll mode in S2
My body will never be ready.

>> No.6011361

Is that Asumu?
Jessica, what have they done to you?

>> No.6011368

Alright, Angel Eva and Summer Bern was confusing enough, but now I'm seeing

Ah bloody hell what the fuck am I seeing?

>> No.6011375

Imagine if we see Asumu and she's a poorly shopped version of Jessica, just like young Kinzo was a poorly shopped Battler.

>> No.6011383

>I can practically assume that everyone will see the story through to the end.
I don't know, I haven't even bothered picking up Dawn yet, because it just sounds so far from what I was expecting. I have such good memories of Umineko, I don't want to invest the time to read the last three and be utterly disappointed. I still have hope he'll pull a miracle out of his ass for 8, but I think I'll swear off Umineko until then.batendy

>> No.6011387

More like a poorly-shopped Hachijou Touya.

>> No.6011399

>Is that Asumu?


>> No.6011400

Requiem is really, really good. Seriously.

>> No.6011402
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> I still have hope he'll pull a miracle out of his ass for 8

>> No.6011404

If we stop complaining then we won't have anything to distract us from the 6 month translation period!

>> No.6011414

read 6 at least

>> No.6011423

that girl looks more like auau to me though..

>> No.6011429

Having not watched or read Higurashi I really have no clue as to how R07 ended the first 'When they Cry' series
If it was an asspull crappy ending I might then be wary of Umineko's ending. If it was a good ending I would have some sort of faith that he wouldn't let the readers' down.
That said without spoilers please, was Higurashi ended well or was it rushed in a sloppy unsatisfying way?

>> No.6011442

it was complete nonsense, higurashi is only good for the drama and is a completely laughable as a mystery. imagine if uminekos meta world had come in at episode 7 end and you have higurashis ending

>> No.6011456

i found it really, really satisfying, and it wasnt rushed in any way since they packed 6/8 arcs in the first season so there was a lot of space for last two arcs.
but i hated Saikoroshi-hen (after story) which should be technically the ending

>> No.6011459

Higurashi's ending was silly, not sure if spoiler but nonetheless the club taking down the culprits personal "army", for lack of a better word, feels too unbelievable. I get that it's a once in a lifetime kakera, but still.

>> No.6011468

More like once in a thousand lifetimes.

>> No.6011471

well they didnt really fight them, just hid in the forest and pulled some tricks and the majority of the work was done by adults

>> No.6011472

There was A LOT of unbelievable/ridiculous shit in Higurashi, I don't get why the ending should be treated any different. It's not like there could be a serious ending to it.

>> No.6011485

anti-fantasy fag

>> No.6011493

So I shouldn't bother with it at all?

If I can suspend my disbelief and swallow a small asspull
could the ending be seen as enjoyable, does it wrap the story up and give some closure to whatever happens?

>> No.6011495

Upcoming graphics patch for Umineko!

>> No.6011501

trust 4chan if you want an objective oppinion, lol

>> No.6011510

> could the ending be seen as enjoyable
Maybe. Possibly.

> does it wrap the story up and give some closure to whatever happens?
Yes, very much so.

>> No.6011513

Who the hell is Yukarin?

>> No.6011518

get out

>> No.6011528
File: 204 KB, 800x600, 3d5380f4734c03dad658369993ad6479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Yukarin ass hat.

>> No.6011542

Not really, most of what happens in Higurashi is somewhat believable. Except brain parasites, i mean really just how high do you have to be to come up with this.

>> No.6011544

I shall consider reading it then.
Thank you.

>> No.6011553
File: 357 KB, 600x720, 1278466720621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it does.

Go play the VNs, seriously. Personally, I thought Higurashi had great characters, emotional/suspenseful scenes, and awesome fight scenes. Worth a shot, just don't go in expecting there to be no supernatural elements (nothing compared to Umineko, though) and you'll enjoy it. I enjoyed it a lot more than Umineko just because of the characters alone.

The slice of life scenes in the beginning of the question arcs may be hard to stomach, but the answer arcs gets much better starting with Meakashi-hen, so it's worth it sticking through it.

>> No.6011558

thats what they said to doctor Takano, and look what happened

>> No.6011570


It really isn't that unbelievable. He just took the idea and expanded upon it.

>> No.6011579

I enjoyed the slice of life scenes in Onikakushi...

It made Keichii's spiral into paranoia much more depressing to me

>> No.6011619

So rather than a murder mystery like Umineko It's a character driven drama/horror kind of story?

>> No.6011659


>> No.6011683

Sorry for derailling your thread
and thank you anon for answering my somewhat dim-witted questions.

>> No.6011692

Character-wise I've always liked Higurashi much more than Umineko, myself.
With Umineko I always either hated the characters or liked them just because they were badass, but never because they were endearing like Higurashi's cast. It's starting to change for me in the latest EPs, but I still prefer the Higurashi characters.
Also for anyone thinking the series jumped the shark after EP5, I loved EP7. It was just EP6 that was a bit of a disappoinment.

>> No.6011777

Yeah, I didn't care for 6 either, but 7 was good stuff.

>> No.6011819

Higurashi definitely had better characters. I didn't really dislike a single one, except for the ones who you were supposed to dislike, like Satoko's bastard uncle.

Umineko, I cannot fucking stand Shannon, and Ange was pretty boring too when you strip away the nonexistent brocon bits.

>> No.6012208

I like all the Higurashi characters, but the Umineko characters I love, I love more than the Higurashi characters. So it about evens out. I'm a romancefag, though, so I prefer Umineko on those grounds alone.

>> No.6012305

ep6 wasn't all that great yeah, but it had zepar and furfur. those two make up for it for me.

>> No.6012516

So /jp/ to what extent did the fiction theory get proved in EP7? Did we get confirmation that Tohya wrote everything including the Meta Scenes? Was it confirmed that we never ever saw the "real world" including Ange?

>> No.6012581

>So /jp/ to what extent did the fiction theory get proved in EP7?

All episodes confirmed fiction.

>Did we get confirmation that Tohya wrote everything including the Meta Scenes?

Not quite.

>Was it confirmed that we never ever saw the "real world" including Ange?

We finally see the real world in the Tea Party of this episode, and shit is pretty bananas.

>> No.6012599


Thanks. Even though I supported that theory before, I'm still a bit sad it was true. The Meta World being fiction and thus being inconsequential especially.

Oh well, there's still a slim chance that what happens there is uninfluenced by Tohya.

>> No.6012612

At least two stories were written by Beato prior to the accident. It's not clear whether her and Tohya's stories include meta-world or not. 1998 scenes are probably real.

>We finally see the real world in the Tea Party
This is what Bern wants you to believe.

>> No.6012626

Are we back to "Bern spent the entire episode making Will jump through hoops to destroy the illusion of the witch for no goddamn reason" again?

>> No.6012627

Episode 7 was the best episode since episode 3 thank to the tea party that was really well executed.
But I still think the series jumped the shark due to the story and mystery that really disappointed me.
I fear Umineko won't be something memorable for me.

>> No.6012632

1998 wasn't real, confirmed.
Don't try to argue about Bern and what she did if you didn't even read episode 7.

>> No.6012639

No, the whole episode was for real. But just knowing about Shkannontrice and fiction theory doesn't magically show you "truth", which is completely unrelated to it.

>> No.6012640

Episode 7 has been the best one so far, I think. And I'm pretty much fine with the story and the mystery. But I can see how some people wouldn't care for it and the themes.

>> No.6012652

What? It's you who didn't read it, it seems. Bern said about catbox and the only possible outcome of it, Bern even mixed the story of Eva and Ange in her interpretation. Bern mentioned how she invited Ange to this world, because of her courage, after she jumped the skyscraper.

>> No.6012656

No, think about this from Bern's perspective, understanding her goal. If she could have just constructed a giant troll scene to make Ange and Leon think it was the cruel truth, she would have just done that with the start without screwing around wasting time with making Mr. THE HEART sift through Yasu's entire story and over nine thousand interviews with the Ushiromiyas.

Will's role had meaning to Bern. It allowed her to do something she couldn't have done without him - expose the cruel truth. Is there more to the story? Sure. But trying to argue it's not factually correct, at least on a surface level, is a pretty absurd.

>> No.6012657
File: 36 KB, 198x228, angederpconfused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well i'm lost, no idea what this is.

>> No.6012672

And how does countless possibilities automatically disappear, if you discover the illusion of the witch, which consists of shkannontrice and her fictions? Ok, there is no 'this' illusion, but you still can invent as many interpretations as you want without it. How did she find it? I don't buy that it reveals itself automatically.

>Is there more to the story? Sure.
Except no fucking way can Battler make the story neither sad, nor scary, and without Ange's parents being bad, if what we've been shown is true.

>> No.6012676

I care for the themes.
The "the brain is wider than the sky", how the imagination of someone can become an universe in itself.
The whole meta-fiction part as well.
These are some of my favorite themes in litterature.

But R07 didn't use them well.
For one I dislike how he used the narrative to trick the reader, it just felt cheap.
For a concrete example, it really seems like he simply created the red text purposely to make his ShKanon that is the answer to most closed rooms more difficult to prove.

And of course my problem come from the answer itself, how it was used in the mystery, honestly it's fucking stupid.
The story as well as we saw in episode 7, it was like watching a soap opera.
And the interviews of Will that were the climax of the characterization of most characters in Umineko really showed me how shallow most characters in it are, which was another disappointing thing.

I do think R07 got better at the execution, episode 7 was one of the better episode for sure but if neither the mystery nor the characters are strong for me it's kinda disappoiting.

>> No.6012679


>> No.6012687

One big in the end is enough.

>> No.6012689

Because those "countless possibilities" WERE the illusion of the witch. Strip those away, open the catbox, and you're left with the single reality. Will killed Beatrice, Bern was left with her corpse, so she tore her guts out and exposed what was inside--what she was trying to cover up. It's pretty straightforward.

And there are certainly ways to make Rudolf and Kyrie not complete monsters. There's a reason they're the only ones whose backstory we haven't really explored so far. For the rest of it, I would hope Battler would to some degree doll up a story of murder to a six year old anyway.

>> No.6012700

Nah, I thought it all came together really well. Personally, I actually liked the point he made with the red text "trick". For all of Battler and Beatrice's red/blue shitstorms, Will comes in armed with white text only and solves everything in a single scene. Shit was hilariously cash, especially when you remember the red text rule was made to begin with because Battler refused to move or trust Beatrice without it.

I don't really see how the characters are shallow. (Well, okay, the cousins, I give you, but I think the adults and the main characters are perfectly fine.) They pretty much stayed the same as I always thought of them. They were just made subservient to Yasu's narrative in this episode, which made sense.

>> No.6012708

You liked the whole personalities/imaginary friend can die in red and shit?

Honestly it was pretty much the laziest trick I've seen in a murder mystery.

>> No.6012710

>Well, okay, the cousins, I give you

I think Maria herself is a pretty complex character. i'll agree with Jessica and George on the matter

>> No.6012715

It's an abstract concept. Basically, Bern magically kills the illusion and the truth is magically revealed. You can trust it, I won't.
Not to mention, that Beato WASN'T trying to cover it up. **Beato wanted you to solve it.** If she just wanted to cover the truth up, like Bern says, she could do it much more easier, you know.

>And there are certainly ways to make Rudolf and Kyrie not complete monsters.
"Ah, we needed a lots of money because otherwise we are going to become bums and poor little Ange will starve, let's cold-bloodedly massacre the whole family and blow up the whole island." Either Bern can lie and therefore the whole story is questionable, or they are horrible murderers.

>> No.6012717

>There's a reason they're the only relavant characters whose backstory we haven't really explored so far.

>> No.6012718

I wasn't crazy about personalities dying, but I liked the underlying point about the necessity of red betraying weakness in the trust and willingness to understand between reader and author - and how that can ultimately work against you.

>> No.6012731

No, it's Bern spends the entire episode making Will kill the illusion, and then the truth is revealed. Please explain why she would waste all that time and effort if she could have just fabricated her troll with a snap of her fingers and been done with it.

>> No.6012736

I remember getting the Higurashi question arcs from /jp/, but have the answer arcs been translated too?

>> No.6012739

Considering that both the pure narrative and the red lied to you, being willing to trust the writer wouldn't have helped either way.

>> No.6012743

Pure narrative didn't lie. People had everything figured out. It was just a mix of theories.

>> No.6012754

The dual nature of the red was interesting and well done, imo. You can use the red to solve the mysteries, but it's not very helpful in finding the truth.

>> No.6012755
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Because it's her work. Auau wanted to check the answers and Bern wanted to satisfy her grudge for the loss in Beato's game. Auau ordered her to solve the mystery. What we've been shown in the tea party has nothing to do with the mystery.

>> No.6012757

The pure narrative sledgehammered you with clues if you were willing to think about it and trust the scenes, fantasy or not, had meaning. Battler's problem was that from the beginning he refused to start thinking or engaging with Beatrice in any meaningful way until she gave him the red crutch, and a ton of readers - myself included - fell in line.

>> No.6012767

>Pure narrative didn't lie
Please, I know you like Umineko a lot but no need to to lie like this.

I never said that Umineko was unsolvable, it is, but I do think that the whole red text, how it was introduced as a tool to prove the trust between the writer and the readers and how it was used to simply drag the mystery by making the whole ShKanon (which is a fucking stupid plot device) harder to solve, was for me a very petty trick, especially in a murder mystery that focus on what make a good murder mystery.

>> No.6012775

We've been given huge indications for a long time before EP7 that the red text is a double-edged sword and can be manipulated unfairly. It's not like we weren't warned.

>> No.6012783 [DELETED] 


>> No.6012778

The reason we "fell in line" was because the alternative was too retarded to think about.

Please don't try to argue like everyone has been tricked by R07's smart narrative trick, it's fucking ShKanon for fuck's sake.

>> No.6012788

The red text acted as a logic puzzle. The purpose of those puzzles is to mislead you through technicalities. The red text only made things harder to solve if you focused on it to the exclusion of everything else.

Please don't misunderstand. I also focused on the red text more than anything else. But that was my fault.

>> No.6012789 [DELETED] 

saging politely please wait warmly

>> No.6012791

>making the whole ShKanon (which is a fucking stupid plot device) harder to solve
Harder how? People were talking about shkanon as early as episode 3, the clues were there. Haters just dismissed it because they didn't like the idea and obstinately sought for sometihng else, not because it couldn't be guessed

>> No.6012795 [DELETED] 


>> No.6012799 [DELETED] 

saged for drawfaggotry

>> No.6012798

The goal of a fair play mystery novel isn't to walk you through how solve a crime. It's to convince you that the actual solution is impossible while still making sense. I know that by saying this, all I will get are complaints about episode seven not making sense, but it made sense to me when I read it.

>> No.6012800

Since we're on the subject of tricks, how the hell were we supposed to know that the stakings never fucking happened? I mean, fuck, they were the cornerstone of many theories and a big stumbling block to the rest. Am I supposed to think, "Hmmmmm, this doesn't make sense, and doesn't fit with the characteristics of my suspect! It never happened!"

To me that shit don't fly without sufficient foreshadowing (I see none.)

On the Red, I don't feel tricked or disappointed. I just saw most of them as Episode murder specific, therefore little value to the overall mystery. Didn't care much for them aside from a few.

>> No.6012803

Because if you remove the red text that prove each death, ShKanon is FUCKING OBVIOUS.

Kanon body who keep disappearing and who appear after his supposed death, Shannon and Kanon who are never seen together by Battler.
And when they finally die in a first twilight, you have them completely separated in a maze like set of closed rooms.
Then you have all the narrative with them, how they are unseparable, how they both can talk to Beatrice, how they aren't full humans, etc...

It's really obvious, problem was the red text that proved their deaths.

>> No.6012807


This is true. Been reading much of Christie lately. (she's a goddamn troll.)

Difference between Ryu is, her alternate solutions are satisfying and clever. Even though I accept it now. Shkanon still seems stupid. Many agree.

>> No.6012808

The backstory of Yasu as it was shown in episode 7 kinda made sense, though it also felt surprisingly mild for someone who planned something so horrifying.

How episode 1-6 happened and the way ShKanon was used didn't, that's the problem.

>> No.6012809

Yes, and again, the red text was shown to us from the beginning as a signal that Battler refused to engage with Beatrice without it. His mistake - as someone else said, useful for puzzles, hinders the truth. Will deliberately backs off from relying on red text and bam, he solves everything, imagine that.

>> No.6012811

Who said that it didn't happen?

>> No.6012812 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 420x262, 1282735272135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheese? Like smochi?

>> No.6012813

Same here, anon. I actually hated the idea of Shkanontrice, but I thought the ep made it work.

>> No.6012817

Most of the people that say it's stupid haven't read the episode. Shannon-Kanon-Beatrice as a concept sounds ridiculous. That Ryuukishi managed to make it sound feasible and be likable should be something to praise.

>> No.6012818

>> Haters just dismissed it because it don't make sense in real life, which is stupid for a mystery


>> No.6012821

EP7 is full of shit that sounds completely retarded on paper, but Ryukishi somehow makes it work. I was really impressed.

>> No.6012823


Kyrie and Rudolf staked in EP7?

Okay I was mistaken. Carry on.

>> No.6012826

We are talking about something which is supposed to be a mystery novel, you know?
I have read the episode, and while I hate Yasu, the part with Claire in the end is really, really touching.
But it is still shit. Touching, but touching shit which is stupid and doesn't make sense.
In fact, Shkannon would work well of umineko was an higurashi bis. Which is supposed not to be the case.

>> No.6012828

Once again the problem didn't come from us not trusting the writer/Beatrice.

The problem came from the choice we had:
-Either trust the red and think that the mystery will be clever
-Or not trust the red and think that the maid and the butler are the same person and nobody can fucking realize it.

The choice of pretty much would be obvious.
And there is also the fact that you can't distrust the red text like this.
It's the truth, as was stated again and again and nobody ever questioned this.
So to get around this red text, you can't just ignore it but you have to explain how ShKanon can get around it.
Which is where the real stupidity comes in.

>> No.6012834

I think much more people would be willing to accept shkannontrice, if not the whole constant quick cross-dressing and shit, and how no one notices it. Different personalities and red evading is not the worst thing.

>> No.6012836

A fair mystery has to make sense in real life you know.
Simply because they are also created to have the reader try to solve it.

>> No.6012837



The Mystery genre is a kind of fantasy in itself. It's ridiculous if you stop to think about it. Any sort of crazy solution is fair play if you clue it in (icicle shooter, complicated death trap). It's very old school Golden Age.

>> No.6012839

Yes. Mystery solutions don't ever make sense according to real world logic. If they do, they are crime dramas, which Umineko is not.

>> No.6012840

>The Mystery genre is a kind of fantasy in itself.

Thank you for understanding the point of this episode. I mean this in all seriousness.

>> No.6012843

Well, it is* one of the worst things in a mystery. But we are not here because " LULZ UMINEKO IS THE BEST MYSTERY EVER", so we can accept it if it makes sense.

Here, I'm ok with >>6012828.
In fact, people who were here " RED TRUTH = LIE" were the people who were the closest to the truth, assuming that ep7/Shkannontrice is the truth. They were not exactly right, but still.

>> No.6012844

The thing is, by Bern's words, ep7 is the real truth, that has nothing to do with the rest of the episodes. You can't deduce it without witch's help.

>> No.6012848

I'm the one arguing against the red text.
Once again I liked episode 7, best episode since 3 and I do think that Yasu's characterization was well done.
The whole deal with him/her was well explained, I have no problem with this except for the fact that it seems pretty mild for someone who planned to kill 15 people.

My problem only come from how it was used in the MURDER MYSTERY that are episode 1-6.
My problem come from the execution of the plot device that made these mysteries possible, not from the explanation of this plot device.

>> No.6012859

You can. There were a lot of hints and outright statements: "When the seagulls cry, no one is left alive." Remember?

>> No.6012865

Once again, we had several tons of warning not to take the red at pure face value, along with several other truckloads of thematic pileup about the theme of trust with the author and Battler's growing distaste for the red in EP5. What happened in EP7 was just the culmination of something that had been building for a long time, with plenty of clues about the nature of "death" for fantasy constructions (for example, Sakutarou.) If "nobody questioned it" after all of that, it was their own damn fault, and I am included myself in that statement.

I hated Shkanontrice before playing EP7. Still not really wild about personality deaths and such as a concept. But I can't say that the narrative wasn't fair and didn't give plenty of warning, in retrospect.

>> No.6012868

That makes sense to me. I understand why someone would get frustrated with the mystery aspect using Yasu as the explanation. I would say that the weirdness of Kanon's corpse was the biggest hint there.

>> No.6012869


But the stakes man.

Those fucking stakes and magic circles. Did they happen in the real incident or not? If no, how were we supposed to figure it out?

This irks me more than Shkanon.

>> No.6012870

Yes, everyone was killed by the bomb, so? It doesn't mean that *they* massacred everyone.

>> No.6012872

A lot of people had guessed Kyrie's approximate role based on her characterization in previous episodes. Add on the various stuff about Beatrice being a cover scapegoat for the real things that happen, mix in with the nature of Shkanontrice, and there you go.

>> No.6012874

But the solution must still work in the real world, complicated or not, so the reader will not be here "no, it is impossible, let's try something else".
If not, by the magic of interpretation, you can see foreshadowing just like you wish and solve any mystery novel by a kidnapping by aliens.

If Shkannon is indeed the answer, it is a great fail, not because of Shkannon, but because of everything Ryu was saying about Umineko aside.

By the way I don't buy it because there is too many problems with it, an ep7 which is a complete mess, and Ryu who is supposed not to give the truth, but this is a personal opnion. But yeah, if Umineko was an Higurashi bis, maybe I would agree with it.

>> No.6012877

I guess the problem of some people was that they thought that Umineko would have a smart answer.
But it's not really the case, I don't think anyone can really be satisfied by ShKanon as the main answer to all these closed rooms and impossible murders.

>> No.6012882

It makes sense for you in retrospect.
But it's a problem of plausibility, it's the main thing that goes against ShKanon.
It's too stupid to really consider.

>> No.6012885

I'm decently satisfied. But then, I was never too worried about things like solving the closed rooms to begin with. I wanted to figure out Beatrice.

>> No.6012888

You're saying that like most mystery is "plausible".

>> No.6012889

Except people had expected clever planned murders, intellectual battles, etc. And what we got is the stupid massacre.
And it really doesn't stand out much from the rest of possibilities, even without the Beatrice's involvement.

>> No.6012891

>Except people had expected clever planned murders, intellectual battles, etc. And what we got is the stupid massacre.

In other words? People expected a fantasy.

>> No.6012896

Except that Sakutarou is not dead in red.
By the way, if Shkannon is true, it is not a DID. I don't know what it is right now, but it is not a DID, this is certain given ep7.
We should find a new name for the DID meido.
Not only the stakes. You can they this about almost everything, in fact.
If you believe ep7, 95% of umineko is useless. Seriously. In fact, it is a HUGE waste of potential.
... Apparently we have not seen the same Kyrietricefags. And not the same previous eps neither. "Lol go rampage right now 4 lulz" is not exactly Kyrie's characterization. Kyrietrice, okay. Her motive... Well... no?

>> No.6012902

Like in ep5, in fact.
If you know the answer to something, it is completely obvious for you.
But when you don't know about it, well...
And add the fact that it is not supposed to work in the real world here, and we have a winning story.

>> No.6012903

No, the real fantasy is how the skillful shooter Kyrie could miss while shooting 3 targets from a close range and mistook a bare scratch for a fatal HEAD wound.

>> No.6012909

Why does it have to be in red for the emphasis on the statement "Sakutarou is dead" to be a clue?

>> No.6012915

I didn't say anything about Kyrietrice. But lots of people noticed that she was characterized as cold and ruthless, and was probably the only character (asides from maybe George) who received negative characterization in Beatrice's fantasy scenes.

Saying that 95% of Umineko is useless is pretty ridiculous, by the way. It was all stuffed with clues.

>> No.6012916

Sorry, something which is at least a bit planned is not a fantasy. Here almost everyone in the room of the gold could be the culprit given the motive. And Ryukishi was REALLY insisting in the "why" in ep7 with Will.
But people expected a mystery novel. A mystery novel being a fantasy or not is another problem, but people were waiting for a mystery novel. Not for higurashi on an island with more boobs.

>> No.6012928

The clues for the "real" event or clues for the fictional lolwitch? Because if 'that event' is real, you don't need many clues for this. Parents found the gold and decided to kill each other. Mystery solved.

>> No.6012939

That depends on if you thought the goal of everything was to solve the killings, or if you thought the goal was to understand Beatrice.

>> No.6012942

it all depends on your criteria for smart and plausible answers.

In "and then there were none" (aka ten little niggers/indians/whatever) the quality of the answer entirely depends on you believing the culprit could jury rig a rube goldberg device with his glasses and his gun that could shoot him in the head and then auto-dismantle itself in a way that'd baffle the police. If you can accept that as plausible it's well-deserving of being the best-selling mystery ever, otherwise it's a terrible hack. The answer *is* elegant in its own way but you can easily feel cheated because you may think the suicide device wasn't properly hinted at in the final crime scene descriptions.

Or in Roger Ackroyd the smartness of the answer relies on you accepting a lie by omission isn't a lie, and thus the narrator didn't break the implicit trust between him and his reader.

Or in the yellow chamber, where the explanation for the closed room is extremely clever but relies on a bunch of accidents.

Or in the three coffins where an improbable device is once again at work. And so on. And yet all those are classics.

So to get into the whodunnit genre in the first place you have to accept a number of deviations from reality already.

>> No.6012944

I don't agree with the "all tuffed". Look at most fantasy scene. Okay, some of them had clues, if you take ep7 as the answer, again. But most of them are completely unrelated or the biggest red herring in history (read: stakes).
For the cold, I don't remember if it was the case during ep 1-4. I remember people saying this after ep6, thanks asumu.

Because it is in red for the whateverShannonandKanonare, and it is too far from the reality so just saying "they will figure it themselves" is utterly stupid and everything but fair.
By the way I was referring to
>>with plenty of clues about the nature of "death" for fantasy constructions

>> No.6012949

>But people expected a mystery novel. A mystery novel being a fantasy or not is another problem, but people were waiting for a mystery novel

Sounds like it was their own mistake, then, for conflating "mystery" with "reality". And I'm sure we'll hear more about the why. But to me, understanding that the mystery is just as falsified as the fantasy makes a lot of things about the catbox duality and such click into place thematically.

>> No.6012958

The goal was to find the truth about what happened on Rokkenjima. Do you need to understand someone or not for this is a second question. If what Bern says is true, you don't need to understand shit, because "the truth" doesn't follow from that understanding at all.

>> No.6012968
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who here wants Kyrie to gain some new expressions in EP8? she's one of the adults with the least expressions!

>> No.6012969

Someone here played Subahibi.

>> No.6012980

..except that umineko is supposed to be a mystery novel since many eps and makes constant references to it, and I will not even start talking about Knox, Beatrice in ep2, Dine, or whatever.
No, it is not their own fault.
But either you are saying that "lulz it is reality brb slaughter", either you are saying that the story is a fiction, and a mystery novel. Here, ryukishi is just putting his ass between two chairs.

By the way, no, reality is not all about " let's go rampage because we have a chance".
There is also some criminals who have made really complicated and "awesome" things in real life. So real life = fantasy?

>> No.6012981

"Understanding someone" is basically "whydunnit", which is shoved in your face this episode over and over and over as the most important thing. Hell, that defined Will's whole approach - Will and Claire's scenes were pretty much Will going "I'm going to try to understand you, I know you want to be understood" and Claire going "thanks bro I appreciate it."

>> No.6012986

The whole ShKanontrice thing in episode 1-6 were filled with hints of DID.
Personalities who can get killed and be absorbed by another personality.
Soul that get divided
The whole sea tank analogy in episode 2.
The whole personalities = persons from episode 6.

And now we have to believe that there was no DID and it was just imaginary friends?
It doesn't make sense.

>> No.6012988

Kyrie ranted in EP3 about how she hated Asumu until she died and such. It was there.

>> No.6012992


>> No.6012993

>But lots of people noticed that she was characterized as cold and ruthless, and was probably the only character (asides from maybe George) who received negative characterization in Beatrice's fantasy scenes.
>and was probably the only character (asides from maybe George) who received negative characterization in Beatrice's fantasy scenes.

Rosa has also lots of negative characterisations as well in Beatrice's fantasy scenes as well (minus the rosa musou)

>> No.6012997

The whydunnit is weak for now though.
For everything that was shown about Yasu, nothing even begin to explain plausibly why he would start this crazy game.

>> No.6013001

Beatrice's fictions are mystery novels, yes, which respect things like Knox and Dine. And then we see the embodiment of Dine get slaughtered by Bern when the fiction is stripped away. They also make constant references to fantasy. Does that validate this story as a fantasy?

>> No.6013002

And then, in this world at least, she is not killing anyone. Way to go, Ryukishi.
The funny part is that we have (and even there, no, I don't agree yet.) the whydunnit of someone who didn't kill anyone here and in many episode, and the true killers are presented as "we"re greedy so let's destroy the island lulz".
I think I will never understand Ryukishi's priorities. Seriously.

>> No.6013012

>..except that umineko is supposed to be a mystery novel since [blahblah]
Except the guy's point is classic mystery novels aren't all that realistic in the first place. Also see >>6012942

>There is also some criminals who have made really complicated and "awesome" things in real life. So real life = fantasy?
Which ones? You'll find most real-life murders are disappointingly normal, with the only oddities limited to fancy letters to the press.

>> No.6013013

Yasu set up the situation that triggered the massacre. It wouldn't have happened without her crafting the situation. Yes, it's important to understand why she did what she did.

>> No.6013014

Except that the game was supposed to be winnable by the mystery side. Ep5.

>> No.6013020

It's also winnable by the fantasy side. Catbox, multiple truths, Battler getting his ass kicked by fantasy in most of the question arcs. Just because mystery is capable of "winning" a game doesn't make it "real".

>> No.6013021

Not really, they could just find the gold on their own and kill each other for it. The bomb was always armed in the Kinzo's underground study.

>> No.6013022

Except we don't know why she did what she did.
Well we know but it's so fucking retarded I refuse to believe it's the truth, especially since we are lead to believe Yasu is far less crazy than we thought.

I don't see any ways to look at his motives with love

>> No.6013024
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>trust Bern.


>> No.6013025

Wouldn't have happened if not for Yasu pushing it through the letters and explaining the bomb.

>> No.6013026

>Except that the game was supposed to be winnable by the mystery side
But if you remember the ruls laid down as early as the tea party of ep 1, the condition for victory is not to get at the actual truth, it's merely to build a mystery tale that can't be contradicted by the fantasy side. So it's entirely possible the actual truth doesn't fit the mystery criteria either.

>> No.6013034

Why? It's not that hard to come to these conclusions. It's possible for them.

>> No.6013037

Half or more of /jp/ does it, so...

>> No.6013044

They had pretty much given up.
They only got their drive back thank to Yasu

>> No.6013050

Because, first off, that's flat-out not what happened. Yasu is the one who triggered the situation, period, so we need to ask why.

If not for Yasu pushing, the adults wouldn't have bothered with the epitaph, or they'd have solved it already. And how exactly would the adults have found out about the bomb that night? Genji randomly decides to bring it up over dinner?

>> No.6013056

No, it's more like some of us think "there's more to this than what we're seeing" and thinking in that direction, whereas others like to deny everything shown in the Tea Party entirely.

>> No.6013066

How do you know what happened? Say, they were absolutely desperate, Krauss decided to show them his ingot, they were convinced about the gold's existence and decided to solve the epitaph.
>And how exactly would the adults have found out about the bomb that night? Genji randomly decides to bring it up over dinner?
And why not? It's Kinzo who proposed that riddle and Genji is his servant so he must inform them about all things in that study.

"Mystery" solved without any need for Beatrice.

>> No.6013071

Except even if there are more (oh, Battler is a son of Kyrie, how surprising, R07), it doesn't change anything.

>> No.6013072

Denying the need for Beatrice as the core is denying the entirety of Umineko, bro. Yeah, you can come up with theoretical AU Uminekos where Beatrice isn't there, like with Lion. I could devise a situation where it all happened without Battler and Genji straight out of my ass, too, based on nothing.

But that's not how it is. Beatrice/Yasu is the trigger. That's who we need to explore. I mean, it's the basic premise of the story; I don't really see the point of nitpicking this.

>> No.6013073


You forgot the group who "considers this the absolute truth, everything is as it's shown, no possible info could make us see this in a different light"

>> No.6013076

Perfect example.

>> No.6013094

I like how everyone decides that Kyrie isn't the culprit because the teaparty shows that, but then blindly accept yasutrice red herring bullshit as real when it's still Bern showing it.

>> No.6013107

Aren't you believe that Bern is reliable, wasn't the GM and wasn't controlling any pieces, she just merely showed to us what has happened? So how the murder that really happened and you saw it with your own eyes can be shown in different light?

>> No.6013110

>>I like how everyone decides that Kyrie isn't the culprit because the teaparty shows that

>> No.6013119

>So how the murder that really happened and you saw it with your own eyes can be shown in different light?

tell the murderers sad past and motives

>> No.6013123

... You are completely missing the point here, guy.
By the way the "lul I am no GM" can be dubious as well, among a lot of other things. But of course you will not agree with this either because what you think is the truth, and that's all.

>> No.6013130

>Bern showing it.

Let me guess. You didn't read the episode at all did you?

>> No.6013131

Don't talk about motives, it is an unknown word for this kind of people. Even if ep7 is bashing about how without a motive, everything else is bullshit all the time.

>> No.6013134

Not this anon, but I hope you realize that someone who read this episode can also think this?

>> No.6013138

Except they openly tell about the money as a motive.

>> No.6013144
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>> No.6013148

Sure, it is a motive to kill everyone, when all of the episode is about the ""motive"" of the "other killer".
"Let's give one culprit a motive which need 10 hour of explanation, and the other culprit a motive like "lulz money$$" guys!"

>> No.6013150


Bern made it clear that she's not showing her version of the truth. that she's part of the audience seeing what truth remains after killing the illusion of beatrice.

Unless of course what he/she meant by "showing" as in making Leon and Ange watch with her than yeah.

>> No.6013153

Other motives can lie behind "money". Money is a means, not an end.

>> No.6013163

Don't you trust your auntie's Bern presentation? They clearly said that the money is all they need. And Rudolf even liked to kill and "thought that qualms of conscience hurt more".

>> No.6013167

And to me you are blindly accepting everything.
I will not say that everything here is false, but I don't agree with the opposite neither. Just like this GM ting which is definitely fishy. Remember the end of ep3 in the question arc for example? Yeah.
This is why I say that no, even someone who read this episode can say this. I'm not trying to defend it or anything here, IDC.
But /jp/ have the very bad habit of thinking that everyone who is not okay with them => Stupid people who are talking without knowing.

>> No.6013239

Is there a new version of screenshot generator with sprites from episode 7?

>> No.6013263
File: 50 KB, 380x380, kskrrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a sumidara backstory in EP8, I want to know how fucked up that family is complared to the Ushiromiyas

>> No.6013268

The head family ordered their daughter Kasumi killed with no problem, so if that's anything to go by...

>> No.6013272

"The Sumaderas" is just Tokyo's new name.

>> No.6013294
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Good point. It'll still be nice rather than just having an Asumu/Kyrie/Rudolf backstory a back story regarding the Sumideras would be also be nice

>> No.6013314
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>> No.6013337
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Funny how despite the fact that both clearly hate each other (Well in Kasumi's case) their still a number of Kyrie/Kasumi fanarts.

I guess in Japan Intense hatred = tsundere for said character

>> No.6013339

Inb4 Kyrie on Rokkenjima is actually Kasumi

>> No.6013349


>> No.6013357


how would that theory even work?

>> No.6013392

>>She hates her sister Kyrie so much that she loathes everything about her. so she also strongly hates Ange.
>>If my sister likes something i hate it
B-b-but Kyrie hates Ange

>> No.6013421
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>B-b-but Kyrie hates Ange

*giggle* You sure about that?

>> No.6013436

Ah...actually i'm
She told Eva didn't she?

>> No.6013452


Yes she did (Well, more of the lines that she doesn't care about Ange). But theres no way confirming she actually means what she said.

>> No.6013494

Yes, because Kyrie was already planning being killed by Eva, right?

>> No.6013518

I find Kyrie's behavior weird ever since she started showing indifference towards Rudolf's death. For someone who spent 18 years of personal hell for a person and have so much strong envy and hatred for a woman who stole her man to the point where she was willing to kill Asumu would just calmly brush off Rudolf's death and move on.

Even the most cold calculating person would be affected but Kyrie is all calm and collected as always. Which is why I believe Kyrie wasn't being completly honest about her feelings when she was talking to Eva.

>> No.6013521


A slight edit. I meant "appears to be calm and collected"

>> No.6013522

All the motives in Umineko fucking suck, the whole "seeing it with love" is bullshit

>> No.6013526


Who said she was planning to get killed by eva all along?

>> No.6013570

Switch places as soon as Battler is born? Come on, work with me people!

>> No.6013680

im scared to see their next portrait

>> No.6014573

Now that I think about it... didn't the Kasumi of Episode 4 smoke the same sort of cigarettes as Hideyoshi? Or is my memory playing tricks on me?

>> No.6014883

All of you are now realizing, that Battler, who si a character in the first two episodes, was actually written by Yasu, originally.

Yasu, herself, doesn't know much about his backstory, just what is written in the tips. We get the backstory for Kyrie and Battler in Asumu's games.

You can explain Beatrice being sad and discouraged in the true version of the events by the fact, that Battler, in fact, did not come to the island in 1986. At all.

Meta Battler is
a) Amakusa reading the novels and wondering what the fuck happened while he was in the army service.
b) More or less a completely fictional character. In the completely same way as Erika is. He is, without doubt, "the Battler that Yasu wanted". Thus, bound to be a delusion of sorts.

>> No.6014902

No, Battler returning when he did was one of the triggers.

>> No.6014913

Battler went to hinamisawa during his 6yr away, came back wit the virus, umineko solved.

>> No.6014933

E1&2 Battler can't be real by definition of being written by someone who didn't see him for five years - that's a good point, though.

>> No.6014938

What the fuck is this?!

>> No.6015032

She planned something regardless of whether Battler will return or not. Claire said that if he returned year sooner or later, 'something' may have happened, but not as large as this event.

>> No.6015055


I believe that is what happened.

>> No.6015702

Dumping translation of the motivation talk before Will slices and dices Claire. People keep on talking about it, so I thought it might be helpful.

CLAIRE: With this, my story comes to a close.

BERN: Oh? You're ending it here? Didn't you have a wonderful time for the next two years?

WILL: No need. We already know they were full of suffering and conflict. That's what the previous games were about, so we don't need to hear about it.

LEON: Are you talking about the conflict regarding furniture as having incomplete souls?

CLAIRE: There was a duel. And a conclusion that was reached. But the year 1986 was entirely too cruel.

WILL: You cursed fate, didn't you?

CLAIRE: Yes. If it had only been one year earlier. Or one year later.

WILL: Then the outcome of that duel might have taken a different form, right?

Claire lowered her head in silence.

If only she had been given more time. Or, the opposite, if only she hadn't been given enough time to think.

It was also so terrible.

Why did it have to be 1986?

CLAIRE: I made a decision to entrust myself.

LEON: Entrust...

CLAIRE: Just as the former head left everything regarding the inheritance to that ceremony. I chose to entrust myself to a miraculous fate.

You might call it betting yourself on the roulette. Because I--we--couldn't decide our own fate. I left it up to fate itself.

Perhaps someone will be rewarded.

Perhaps we will be released from what binds us together.

Perhaps someone will be able to stop us in our folly.

CLAIRE: No matter what fate the roulette gave us, I decided to follow it. I won't resist my fate. Because whenever I have tried, fate has been even crueler.

Tears slowly began to drip down Claire's lowered face.

>> No.6015727


Humans carelessly say that a person's potential is infinite.

But the Endless Witch knew how limited it really was.

Therefore she had sought the infinite in that limited fate.
To entrust her own fate to God and seek out the infinite.

But that doesn't mean abandoning her fate.
That's why she would meet fate's roulette head on.

A fate that no one could escape without solving the epitaph. An absolute fate.

That way, she would lock the island.

Make an absolute seal for the days of October 4th-5th of 1986. Then, in that tiny window of time on the island, abandon herself to the fate that would be

chosen for her.

CLAIRE: With this, my confession is at an end. This should be enough as for my motive, right? If you can't understand, then there's nothing else I can

say. Because there's no one that can understand my heart.

WILL: That's right. You don't need to say anything else.

CLAIRE: Please understand how much hope you have, Leon. Compared to the me that got lost at fate's dead end...

LEON: I am another possibility of you.

CLAIRE: I'm jealous of your happiness and your radience. But I am also happy. Knowing that you are possible, that alone...is enough to save me.

LEON: I...

CLAIRE: Please become happy enough for me as well. I'm so glad to have met you at the end. You have my gratitude, Lady Bernkastel.

BERN: I'm just holding your funeral service. No need to thank me. ...Well, then, why don't we finish this? It's time to send the dead back to the land of

the dead.

CLAIRE: Yes. This is my funeral. I need to go back to where I belong.

>> No.6015738


LEON: ...

CLAIRE: Please don't make that expression. Instead, please be overjoyed that you're not me. Because I am also happy that you aren't like me.

LEON: I'll live. I'll live your share too.

CLAIRE: Thank you. Be happy. And if you meet someone wonderful, I pray that you will be able to live as a human, and won't awaken as a witch. Keep one

soul, and love one person. That's the kind of life I hope for you to have.

LEON: ...Yes.

CLAIRE: Mr. Will. I am thankful to have someone like you as my observer. You aren't the person I wanted to understand me, but...you rescued my heart.

WILL: I understand you. Don't belittle your heart.

CLAIRE: Thank you. I'd like to entrust my end to you, who understood me and was wonderful.

WILL: ...Are you sure you can accept me?

CLAIRE: Yes. What's important to me is that the person understands me, not be bound to me.

The one that you want to be able to understand you, can't.

Only someone from outside understood.

It's not a tragedy. I'm just glad for the miracle that an outside person was able to understand.

CLAIRE: You are the only outside observer that understood my desire to be understood. That is more than enough of a connection.

WILL: I understand.

CLAIRE: I give my heart to you, splendid, nameless, observer.

>> No.6015780



>> No.6015871

Huh, interesting. Thanks.

>> No.6015895

This just makes what happens in the Tea Party all the more FFFF-worthy.

>> No.6015911

>Keep one soul, and love one person. That's the kind of life I hope for you to have.

Awwww that's sweet, and Will is right there with Leon so I'm sure everything will--BEEEEEEEEEEERN

>> No.6015916

Well at least the motive is clear.
What's with people who kept saying that the motive wasn't stated?
That's why you can trust people who post here, most of them read with Atlas and think they understand shit.

>> No.6015948

So basically Yasu's problem was that he/she/it was an indecisive slut.
Awesome motive there.

>> No.6015973

>Awesome motive there.
Better than most mysteries.

>> No.6015979

>spend 6 years trying to get his son back into the family
>plan to kill him and the rest of the family in the conference

This shit ain't logical.

>> No.6015984

Except Rudolf didn't want to kill him, try again

>> No.6015996

Yeah, apparantely Eva did the job, fucking muffin hands

>> No.6016024


Directed by M. Night Shamamaralah

>> No.6016105

Piece Battler didn't exist 7 right?
In 4, battler died from bomb after talking to beato.
3, killed by eva. <--if dark night is true, probably cause she though battler was too suspicious/went crazy already.
2 rudolf was dead already
1 same as 2

>> No.6016147

In "truth", Battler was either killed by Kyrie while Rudolf was not with her or by the bomb.
Rudolf actually wished Kyrie would admit him as his son. His plan was kill everyone and put the blame on Kinzo.

>> No.6016169

We still don't know whether yasu was willing to kill battler. though we do know the bomb has killed him before (4).

Problem is it isn't confirmed if TRUE even exists yet, unless 7 confirm that it already happened. Even then battler's death has not been confirmed.

>> No.6016179

>Better than most mysteries.
I bet you believe it too.

>> No.6016188


wat a tweeeeeest

>> No.6016205

Meanwhile, at witch hunt...

Episode 7: Requiem of the Golden Witch
Translation: 0% Editing: 0%

>> No.6016224

Yasu did not kill Battler in both the two first games, which is because i'm very inclined to believe that Yasu won't kill him ever, even turning against the "roulette" she was willing to submit.
With all the red text from episode 5 about Beato's motives (Beato is not killing for gold, or for revenge or for pleasure.), I guess Yasu killed everyone because he wants to make Battler remember about all the mistery novel talk they had 6 years ago and the love promise.

>> No.6016229

To give him some credit, most mystery novels are, in fact, completely terrible. I'm not talking about the greats here, mind you.

>> No.6016235

The motive of Yasu is very clear if you read Clair's speech carefully.

>> No.6016263

You know what's good about R07 books?

+discussions without power levels
-discussions with denial fags. truth levels.

>> No.6016284

It's seriously not clear at all. You CAN derive certain possible motives, but nothing certain.

>> No.6016286

Claire(Yasu) talks a lot about its feelings, but i can't find anything there that would be strong enough to cause him/her to go on a killing spree and explode the island.

>> No.6016319

You can derive the motive if you aren't a moron.
And one thing is sure, R07 will never states it clearly since it's obvious for anyone who payed attention in episode 1-6.

It's a question of perspective.
What isn't strong enough for you could be strong enough for Yasu.
Anyways the motive is there, it's stated clearly, at the very least you can forget the idea that something that we don't know about happened during these 2 yers.

>> No.6016330

Ok ok ...

let's go back to the initial topic here.

This is portrait of the new when they cry ? or something related to umineko ?

>> No.6016364

>at the very least you can forget the idea that something that we don't know about happened during these 2 yers.

yeah, i was not considering something like that too.

probably from the extra episodes coming with the Alchemist remake.

>> No.6016370

What do you believe the motive is then?
If you ask me, I find the fact she'd put this plan on motion really odd. Her story is not that happy, but it's definitely not tragic. During Claire's story, we never see Yasu with intentions to kill anyone, even after it was quite clear Battler wouldn't return. Even after she solved the Epitaph and was told the truth of her birth by Kinzo, it still doesn't look as if she's intending to kill anyone. Now, the small flashback Lyon had does show a frustrated Lyon, over some issues with her body. From all of this, I think it's rather hard to derive a concrete motive. But hey, if you've got something, please tell me. I'm open to any ideas.

>> No.6016420

Here's the motive.

"Because I--we--couldn't decide our own fate. I left it up to fate itself."

>> No.6016423

The guy who posted above summed it quite well.
Yasu is an indecisive slut, that's the motive.
Shannon was going to marry George, Battler finally came back and Jessica and Kanon's relationship was getting more heated.
And it all happened at the same time.
Then you have the fact that Yasu consider herself as a furniture due to her body and its little problem.
Yasu probably didn't want to reveal it to her three lovers in fear of being rejected, that's why the roulette is so "deadly".
"If we can't love each other in the human world, then let all go to a better world."

You can think it's a stupid motive but it's the only one that is hinted

>> No.6016457

How the fuck can anyone see this with love?
Planning on killing 15 people because you couldn't choose between your 3 lovers is so fucking self-centered and cruel.
The worst thing is that she will probably be redeemed at the end, what bullshit.

>> No.6016468

I cannot say this isn't something I haven't thought of myself. But still, I don't see why would Battler forgive her for this sort of motive. In fact, he didn't simply forgive her, but asked for forgiveness himself while in tears. Even Will seemed understanding of the situation.

Of course, someone could say, Battler and Will are just nice guys, and will take any motive. That, or that any motive is acceptable for R07.

But still, honestly, it doesn't really add up to me. We see Yasu after the Epitaph deal, and whilst she wasn't in the best of the moments, she still seemed okay. Then we see her during EP7's Tea Party and she's presented with empty/dead eyes, and doesn't seem to care whether she lives or dies.

I'm not saying the whole "leaving things up to fate" is wrong. In fact, I find it valid, and as someone said, it seems to be the only thing hinted. But I cannot help but to find some things to b quite fishy, and that's why I'm not buying it.

>> No.6016505

2 years ago Yasu didn't have the big problem of juggling 3 different relationships.
For one, Yasu as Beatrice still think that Battler love her and she love him.
Yasu as Shannon loves George.
Yasu as Kanon is tsundere for Jessica and they have been getting closer.

Now you have Jessica who confessed to Kanon just a few months prior to the event, George who planned to ask Shannon to marry him (and she knew it) and Battler who finally came back.
And it all happened at the same time.

That's what happened during these 2 years as was shown in episode 1-6.

>> No.6016519

That's where this part comes in.
> WILL: No need. We already know they were full of suffering and conflict. That's what the previous games were about, so we don't need to hear about it.
Go back and reread Episodes 1-6, paying very close attention to the interactions between Kanon, Shannon, and Beatrice.

>> No.6016591

I know, this is why I said that motive wasn't something I hadn't thought on my own. I just still cannot find it believable that Battler would ask for forgiveness and even fall in love with Beatrice after finding the truth, if the truth is something like that. That, and I don't see why Yasu would appear broken and depressed during EP7's Tea Party due to just indecisiveness.

I had no problems with understanding Takano's motives back in Higurashi. Even if I don't think that justifies the murders of innocent people. I could, at least, understand why she'd go to that extent. With Yasu, I simply cannot, and I'd honestly really like to give a bit more credit to R07, even if I'm just deluding myself.

>> No.6016593

That just makes her a emo bitch that thinks her relationships are more important than other peoples lives/hapiness.

>> No.6016600

Bern is sad because she is waiting for someone to kill her.
But nobody killed her...poor Bern.

>> No.6016602

Well you could try replaying episode 1-6 and try to look for something else that could have happened during these 2 years.
At least you can be sure that the answer is there.

Personally I can't see anything else at all though.

>> No.6016604

btw could some moon speaking Anon-kun tell whats written there?


>> No.6016620

Ok, I already knew what the motive was ever since episode 4. The real question is what backing was given in episode 7 to make the motive not something done by a self centered asshole?

>> No.6016631

lol wut, bern doesn't need to die?

>> No.6016640

Listen her image song. Pay attention to the lyrics. She's all "I want to die..."

>> No.6016644

Not much.
Yasu didn't even had a really difficult or sad life.

>> No.6016655


A story of a new challenge and love.

>> No.6016673

yeah, base your interpretation of a character on not even exactly official song

>> No.6016686

oh great more love crap

>> No.6016689

So, what's with all the suicidal subtext in Umineko? It sounds like a soap-opera.

>> No.6016690

Except all the songs on ROKKENJIMA in LOVE are written by the people who do the music for the series. They're all 100% official.

>> No.6016691
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don't worry bern! I'll gladly kill ya!

>> No.6016692

They call yasu "her" on animesuki forum. so it's canon it's a "she" ?

>> No.6016702

True gender isn't stated.
But there are more hints that Yasu was originally a male than a female.

>> No.6016708

No, I also use "her" for Yasu, other people use "he/his".
It's easier than (s)he.

>> No.6016709

no can do

Battler lvl. 15
Bern lvl. 79

>> No.6016720


No. People there just wants to refer Yasu a female I guess. you can't be reffering Yasu as an "It" and its tiring to be saying "he/she2 all the time

>> No.6016726

True name is Leon, male name.
Natsuhi thought he was male.
Shannon and Kanon call the one who created them "father", Shannon was created before Yasu fell for Battler so Battler can't be the "father".
Fake breasts.

>> No.6016733

and because they make music that also mean that they can automatically write in to the story whatever they want?
also are the lyrics even wrote by them or only music?

>> No.6016740
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Battler knows the full truth. Bern doesn't guess who'll win in a fight?

>> No.6016742

No, it means Ryukishi07 informs them of certain things about the story and characters ahead of time. There's a reason Umineko songs are so spoilery.

>> No.6016757

who cares, knowing the truth doesnt give you more powerlevel

>> No.6016762

According to BATTLER profile...


>> No.6016766

yeah, that sure helped him in ep6

>> No.6016773

i always thought they meant Kinzo by father

>> No.6016779

Inb4 just according to keikaku

>> No.6016796
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That was because he was a dumbass showing "sympathy" to Erika (inb4who?) that allowed her to do whatever the hell she wanted. Battler learned his lesson now he'll show the cruelest Bitch her place

>> No.6016800

i meant true powerlevel, not advantages on the gameboard. Bern isnt connected to the Rokkenjima herself so knowing or not the truth wont threathen her life

>> No.6018712

Except territory lord in its own Fragment can defeat any voyager.
