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File: 106 KB, 815x655, tiamat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6000649 No.6000649 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, how do I unseal Tiamat so I can fight her and get her h-scene? Do I have to 100% all of the EX dungeons to do it?
Please say no.

>> No.6000652

Otherwise, Eushully/general thread

>> No.6000662

What is this?

>> No.6000667

Himegari Dungeon Meister

>> No.6000671
File: 80 KB, 800x600, CG000001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Himegari Dungeon Meister

A dungeon crawler that's relatively entertaining with good h-scenes

>> No.6000678

Is there a translation?

>> No.6000682

You wish

>> No.6000693
File: 9 KB, 170x168, Jafar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, you just need to ask a genie and I happen to know about one.

>> No.6000705

Oh Himegari, so close to Fire Emblem... even with that bullshit random level up system.
Seriously I had to use a fucking script to get decent stats growth.

>> No.6000714

I was sold upon seeing the winged demon loli.

>> No.6000724
File: 1.89 MB, 1800x1800, 1264247865983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As far as hotness goes
Adult Lily > Teen Lily > Loli Lily

>> No.6000726

Anyone have a link for cg set?

>> No.6000729

it's a raising game, the loli and >>6000671 are the same character. She has six forms (Law - Chaos)x(Loli - Tsundere - Mature) and an ending for each, plus endings for the various other heroine characters, like the delicious lizard girl.

>> No.6000736
File: 1.53 MB, 1800x1800, 1272107576512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6000751
File: 1.65 MB, 1800x1800, 1264248205387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And why the fuck does Eshully games how so damn little fan art of them. They are still relatively popular, but damn if you try to find some fan art, next to no good to be found anywhere

>> No.6000785
File: 78 KB, 800x600, femme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's so hard to match up to the original art

>> No.6000800
File: 381 KB, 800x600, CG000005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well yeah thats true, Eushullys artist is god tier. But still there is dissapointing ammount of even bad fan art floating around.

Also posting superior demon loli, from different eushully game

>> No.6000809

Are those dog ears and tail?

>> No.6000818

Fangirls are the one who make the great majority of fanart, you won't find many of them as fans of Eushully.
Doesn't mean that it's not popular though, Verita for example is one of the best seller of the year and Himegari sold very well last year.

>> No.6000820



>> No.6000836 [SPOILER] 
File: 221 KB, 800x600, CG000006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah they are, I guess

>> No.6000857

Motivation to play this: +1

>> No.6000883
File: 5 KB, 468x31, 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moot is an asshole and filtered some expression that blocks posting my link, here's the best I could think of.

>> No.6000902


>> No.6000984
File: 300 KB, 800x600, CG000007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dammit why is Lilys adult form so damn hot. And usually don't care that much about mature characters, but fuck adult Lily somehow just makes me so hard that it isn't even funny.

>> No.6000989
File: 155 KB, 800x600, tiamat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So does anyone know whether or not I have to 100% all of the EX stages to unlock Tiamat? I don't want to waste me time trying to if it's not necessary...it was hard enough to beat them, let alone 100% clear them
I want my Tiamat CGs ;_;

>> No.6000994

I tried putting [dot] between them, and it still blocked me.

>> No.6001023

Use the asterisk
moot is a faggot

>> No.6001057


Yes, I can confirm that. You need to clear all EX stages. Killing the Majin is not required but it helps since you can recruit them afterward.

Also jp isn't the best place to ask about these games. In the future you should go to hongfire

>> No.6001060
File: 296 KB, 1600x1200, 1277148234407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, can't really help as I never went too deep in extra scenarios, someday will tough as I every now and then return to play it. But have tried looking at eushully wiki if it has answer for your problem? http://eushully.wikia.com/wiki/Princess_Hunting_Dungeon_Meister

>> No.6001088

The wiki didn't give the requirements (at least not all of them)

The thread was dead (I think) and I didn't want to necro if I didn't have to

>> No.6001092

I like Ikusa Megami games, but Celica is too much of a moralfag protagonist for me.

Which is why I'm pleased that Verita let me play as Riui

>> No.6001098
File: 327 KB, 800x600, CG000004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey don't drive people away. Altough here might not be the best place, you stiill usually get answer from here. And it generates some discussion here, it's nice to have something else to discus about that the usual everyday shit that goes here.And it's not like these threads are too common, so they are nice change of pace too.

>> No.6001113

be careful during the last EX stage

IIRC, a lot of the grunts their have piercing skills. (randomly ignores all your defense value)

if you've fought spear users you know what to expect

how's your army?

>> No.6001127

>Celica is too much of a moralfag protagonist for me.
are we talking about the same guy who fucked his sister, killed a goddess he loved, killed her sister as well, and fucks pretty much every female with a unique sprite he comes across even if he doesn't really love any of them?

>> No.6001132

How do dungeon crawler games like this usually pan out in terms of the H-scenes? From what I can tell in this game, I guess you beat some generals, rape them, then they become part of your army?

>> No.6001143

My army should be able to take it, although it'll likely take some time

Most of those actions he wasn't really in control

>> No.6001147

I wish someone would hack this game so we'd have an interface patch.
That's the only thing we need anyway since the story isn't really great, to say the least.

>> No.6001156
File: 374 KB, 1024x576, CG000021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wouldn't call Serika moralfag, he might be one at the start at Zero, but during Zero the moralfaggotry gets beaten the shit out of him pretty well. He might still be good natured overal, but but moralfag? hah, right.

>> No.6001165


Being possessed by an evil spirit tends to makes you an asshole. Afterward he is back to normal.. well, minus the body.

Honestly, the only reason why I find Celica amusing is because things never work out for him. His actual personality is boring. Well, being a "tennen boke" does that to you

>> No.6001180

From what I hear, AGE is a difficult engine to hack
There are Ikusa Megami Zero tools available, but I'm not sure if they'll work with this version of the engine, or if anyone has even tried

>> No.6001183


Have you played sengoku Rance? The main character is a demon lord, so his personality is kinda like Rance. ie: charmingly rotten

>> No.6001184

He isn't really a moralfag, in 1 he tortures some guys and he isn't above raping when the bitch needs to be told.
He also doesn't hesitate to kill when he needs to, of course he is more geared toward good than say Loui who is more neutral.

>> No.6001206

Rather than being a moralfag, I think it's more accurate to call Celica someone who thinks with his heart rather than his head.

He's very impulsive in Verita. To the point of being stupid, even.

>> No.6001233

what do you need exactly? There's like, 6 choices in the menu/battle menu, looking up those in the wiki should be enough.
If they aren't there, I got what each did through trials in ten minutes, tops.

>> No.6001242

Config menu, item names/descriptions, synthesis descriptions
Things like that.

>> No.6001244

Item crafting

>> No.6001245
File: 368 KB, 1024x576, CG000100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's 3 different types H-scenes. Story line related and they are pretty decently paced, and after you capture units then you can "convert" them to your side and if they are female you get H-scene, and then there are Lily training H-scenes. Of those latter two are optional.

I wouldn't really cal Serika impulsive either and he doesn't really act on emotion most of time due you know je doesn't really have them. Most of time he is thinker, but every now and then when his emotions do surface he does act on them. So he kinda has two modes, the serious calculative and the impulsive on emotions/curiosity.

>> No.6001356


No, he's pretty impulsive in Verita. Each time he met Louey he jumped right in and attacked first, without even bothering to assess the situation.

And there's also that bit with the final boss when he jumped in and tried to extract the soul, thus losing a lot of his divinity.

>> No.6001399
File: 384 KB, 1024x576, CG000095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't say that he doesn't act impulsively on his emotions, those times which you said are good examples when his emotions take control of him and his actions. I just meant to say that he doesn't purely act on them and acts calcuatively and weights the consucuences of his actions and tries to think for best course of action most of the times without taking emotions too much into account. So he kinda comes for me like that he has two personality sets the one that acts impulsively on his latent emotions from his human days and the serious side.

>> No.6001458
File: 419 KB, 1024x640, Pout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to Dark Road
We have strange pets, gothloli styled ghosts and pouting demon lolis.

- Taro-chan

>> No.6001507

Someone please rip the sprites for me!

>> No.6001522

Did Verita get more than one character capable of healing?
I loved the naga in Zero, but after a while I wanted to switch her out for other characters but couldn't because only her could use healing spells.

>> No.6001571


quite a few characters have healing spells in Verita most of majins tend to have that Dark magic tree (whatever it's real name is) wich had single target healing spells for 1k and 2k heals also Peterene has the same spelltree.

only few characters were capable to doing aoe heals really.

>> No.6001572


Celica get's an elf sprite that can heal

If you download the append disc you can also recruit Lily who can do some healing, but not group healing IIRC

Later you get Naberius who can also do single healing, but why would you use Naberius to heal? She's a nuke mage

>> No.6001575

Is there a torrent or anything for this?

>> No.6001585

Hongfire is your friend

>> No.6001598

Oh man, 46 RS files. Maybe I can play it by next year

>> No.6001609

Sprites please. I can`t download the game just for this.

>> No.6001618

>She's a nuke mage
Fuck yea I can't remember how many times I wiped a board full of enemies with delicious Naberius dark magic.

>> No.6001619 [SPOILER] 
File: 288 KB, 1024x576, CG000128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much every demon and priest character get heal magic, so about half of cast can cast heal. Only few has revives tough, and I think only Luna had AoE heals. But thats lot better than what it was in zero.

I'd get myself get killed and let them guide my soul if you know what I mean.

>> No.6001673

try harder, there should be a thread with a working torrent in there somewhere

>> No.6001700

There is a big Eushully collection thread on hongfire, which hosts everything on hotfile if I remember correctly.

>> No.6001711

The giant collection thread was all RS, unless there's more than one.

>> No.6001716
File: 334 KB, 800x600, CG000040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe learn use hongfire better, but heres every Eushully game torrent, dont know if all of them have seeds tough, but should have:

IM Zero: http://www.hongfire.com/forum/showthread.php?t=90147&highlight=%E6%88%A6%E5%A5%B3%E7%A5%9EZero

IM Verita: http://www.hongfire.com/forum/showthread.php?t=162482&highlight=eushully

Himegari: http://www.hongfire.com/forum/showthread.php?t=104419&highlight=eushully

Everyother older Eushully game: http://www.hongfire.com/forum/showthread.php?t=72114&highlight=eushully

Choose magic formation
Put Naberius in magic square
Enter battle
Naberius gets turn

>> No.6001734


Dummycut ISOs of various games there.

>> No.6001737

Ekuria with the princess general clothes did more damage than Naberius on average for me.
She doesn't have as much magical power but a 5 stars penetrate is pretty broken.

>> No.6001745

Don't download these as the dummycut was made with the uploader's ass and have an annoying error pop-up once every five minutes or something.

>> No.6001751

Scratch what I said earlier, these aren't dummycuts, at least the Himegari one isn't (4.25 GB). Got confused earlier. I think I downloaded my copy from here.

>> No.6001763

I know I played dummycut Zero and I played like half the game with the fucking error message popping up everywhere because I didn't have internet access to redownload it.
My rage was lighting my hair aflame. But I had nothing better to play.

>> No.6001779

Yes, try not to get DC-version of games, that pop-up will drive you crazy.

little fix, use this for himegari: http://www.hongfire.com/forum/showthread.php?t=107593&highlight=eushully
The one in that one was DC version accidently, and I don't really recommend getting DC versions. Altough I'm not sure how many games are DC version in that collection torrent.

>> No.6001780


there's a patch that fixes that in the Eushully thread

>> No.6001791

I know
>I didn't have internet access

>> No.6001914

Could anyone post link to thread where I could find patch to remove the pop-up from genrin 2s DC, I tried looking but can't find the right thread where it would be.
Altough would be better if anyone would have non-DC torrent, as I only find DC torrent for it.

>> No.6001960

This one works fine apparently?>>6001779

>> No.6001978

nah, that was non-DC for himegari. but I'm looking one for Genrin 2. As the version which is in there >>6001716 is DC version, and I seem to only find DC version of it elsewhere too.

And I was wondering where that thread was in hongfire which supposedly has the patches to remove the pop-up from DC version, but cant seem to find it.

>> No.6001994

think he talking about zero

>> No.6002220

Is there a patch for the error message in the DC version of Himegari? I had to download the DC version because the full version didn't have any seeds at the time

>> No.6002308 [SPOILER] 
File: 411 KB, 1024x576, CG000126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haisherra, the best Eushully character or the bestest character.

So who are your peoples favorite eushully characters?

>> No.6002968


Best character of Ikusa Megami. She's basically the real heroine of the series.

Best Eushully character, though? hmm.. well it's certainly NOT the mascots despite how much Eushully wants us to like them.

I think I'm warming up to Lily. Let's give a her and Emilio a few more games and see how it goes from there?

As for male characters, there's not many reoccurring ones, but let's just say I prefer revolutionary leader types (Louey) as opposed to tragic fallen hero types (Celica)

>> No.6002984

Reshente is my favorite.
Loli Sully also has the potential to get up there, especially if Eushully plan to use this new design and personality to replace the old Sully.
Never a retconing of a character made me that happy.

>> No.6003028

About to start playing Verita. Never played any of these games before, how bad will it be not knowing japanese?

>> No.6003111
File: 165 KB, 800x600, Battle_Goddess_2_048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's quite a big change from her old design for sure.

Old design

>> No.6003115
File: 253 KB, 1024x576, EV196AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New design

>> No.6003119


Honestly, you'll be considerably confused, but here's what happened so far in a recap

The world of Ikusa Megami is a result of the new world colliding with the old world. That triggered a war between gods of the old world and gods of the new world. Well, the old gods lost and the world is now ruled by the new gods.

Celica is a favored knight by one of these gods. One day he meets his first girlfriend Satia, who is in fact the old god Astrea. But he gets cursed and is manipulated into killing Astrea. But Astrea in turn, gives her own body to Celica (literally) to purify his curse. And now he looks like trap.

From there on, Celica becomes one of the most hunted beings in the world. Demons want his divine body. Old gods are not very happy because a mortal killed one of their own. New gods don't like this mortal with a divine body running around amok.

During his travels he ends up getting involved in a revolutionary war, and he ends up taking care of the disposed Princess Euclea. You see Euclea is suffering from an intense guilt trip because she killed her own sister in a fit of magic induced rage.

And that's where Ikusa Verita begins.

>> No.6003149

I see, thanks. How about gameplay and such? I played a bit of Daibanchou before it was translated, but this seems a bit more complicated.

>> No.6003152


One the other side of the story we have Louey/Riui. He's a half demon/human and now ruler the newly established Menfil empire.

But he didn't start that way. Just like Lelouch, it all started because his parents were murdered. In his quest for revenge he starts a revolutionary war that ends up toppling the oppressive regime. He didn't like humans that much at first, but he mellowed out and eventually married a human princess which turns out to be Euclea's little sister. As you can guess, Euclea killed his wife and he is very very not pleased. Still, Euclea is his wife's sister, so he can't bring himself to kill her. Instead, he sends her on exile and that's why Euclea is traveling with Celica right now.

>> No.6003170


it's not a strategy game. It's an RPG. The game kinda holds your hand when it comes to plot progression, so you won't be lost that much.

But you will need help with the game play mechanics. It takes some time to understand.

>> No.6004952
File: 556 KB, 1024x576, CG000052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have ever played RPGs, then it shouldn\t take long to get to used to Veritas system. Biggest difference is the frame ATB system, which basically shows you how long it takes to excute move after you have selected it and how long after the move you have to wait until next turn comes. And learn the elemental strenght/weaknes chart, if you want to not get your ass kicked later in game, it can be found from in game.

>> No.6006172
File: 403 KB, 1024x576, CG000130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick question if anyone could help me with small problem in Verita.
In Shrine of Haze in Serikas side at floor 20 the road suddenly breaks and I can't advance further even tough theres still more, so my question is do I have to do something to get further or can you only acces the bottom parts in true/neutral route (I'm at light route, so was wondering if it could be problem).

>> No.6008057

Wtb Item/skill translation patch for both games

>> No.6008150
File: 664 KB, 800x600, SNAG-1824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still attempting to recruit translators for the Ikusa Megami ZERO translation project if anyone is interested.

>> No.6008325
File: 354 KB, 800x600, CG000042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to help, but I'm still learning moon myself, so I wouldn't able to produce as good translation as I would like to something as good as IM games.
Well atmost I think I could translate all those rape scenes Zero has, if no-one else wants to do them, as the TL quality in them probably don't need to be that good, and some translators seem to have problems with rape scenes.

>> No.6008477
File: 389 KB, 800x600, CG000001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah, so would this be of any >>6008325 help? And could you throw the link where the scripts are and if there is some special tools? I might look for some other minor things that I could help. Just don't rely on me too much in anything tough.

>> No.6008570

Multi-translator projects generally don't turn out well, though
Who all is doing the translation?

>> No.6008881


Final level of Haze shrine is part of aquiring Haisheras
final form.

Whole Haishera upgrade thing starts when you get house in Revinia (not sure if the name is correct anyway town where Priestess of Water is) and do Haisheras event where she fucks Serikas familiars, you need the dryad, Catgirl, Angelthing and wood-naga that you get from God's graveyard.

After that you get new Haishera sword max that out and you get another event in the temple of red mood
where you fight humanform Haishera and get another Haishera sword... then you max out that and finally you can enter the last level of haze shrine.

Thats how it should go if I remember right I might have forgotten something.

>> No.6010160

I feel so lost playing these...

>> No.6010170

It can take a while if you don't have a decent grasp of japanese

>> No.6010183

Dungeon Meister was pretty cool, I am going to re-download it right now

>> No.6010569
File: 118 KB, 1029x625, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This came with the Verita torrent. Is it all the previous games or something? How fun/good are they?

>> No.6010848
File: 113 KB, 1018x616, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep killing this cat bitch, and the girl keeps saying the same thing over and over. Am I supposed to do something special?

>> No.6011584
File: 825 KB, 1024x576, use this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, hadn't done all Haisherra events so that was it.

That's summary novels of the all previous games.

Use the character sorcery / capture skill. You see that small text below her name in battle? that means she capturable. See picture and the thing thats circledin red.

>> No.6011618
File: 147 KB, 1022x584, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, I got it after trying every skill on her lol.
Couple more questions since I'm terrible at this game:
1) I put the catgirl on the support box..how do I use her now?
2) Is this the skill up box? Everything I try I get a negative number

>> No.6011647 [DELETED] 
File: 385 KB, 800x600, CG000003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bit better explanation for those, just woke up so mind was not working fully in that last post.
But they are summary novelesation of events so far from chronologically from games that happened before. Not the full games.

And how good they are if you get the full games?
IM Zero pretty much essential if you want to fully understand Veritas story or not be confused as fuck in events of latter half of game. By Gameplay as its older its bit worse, but not much.

Genrin 1 is just avarage, most recommend reading that summary novel.

Genrin 2 is good tough, bu plotwise and gameplay wise. It's also a lot like FIre Emblem with its gameplay.

>> No.6011654
File: 384 KB, 800x600, CG000031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bit better explanation for those, just woke up so mind was not working fully in that last post.
But they are summary novelesation of events so far from chronologically from games that happened before. Not the full games.

And how good they are if you get the full games?
IM Zero pretty much essential if you want to fully understand Veritas story or not be confused as fuck in events of latter half of game. By Gameplay as its older its bit worse, but not much. It also has Fuck yeah Haisherra Hijack.

Genrin 1 is just avarage, most recommend reading that summary novel.

Genrin 2 is good tough, by plotwise and gameplay wise. It's also a lot like FIre Emblem with its gameplay.

>> No.6011725
File: 1.24 MB, 1024x1100, explanations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) Shes a support character that when equipped grants different passive bonuses in fight or every now and then attacks enemies/buff/debuffs characters depending on the support character.
In case of that one you got, it grants +item find after batttle and during about each 100 frame attacks every enemy.

2) and yes thats level up box, only Serika/Loui has it, every other character levels up automatically. In that box that one number is how much exp points you have to spend on leveling up stats, if it goes -red that mean you lack that much points for leveling up. On another note, you have autolevel up ON, so take that off if you want to level stats yourself as it spends them automatically on some stats (never used it myself)

And some bonus info what you might ask in pic written in red.

>> No.6011756

I see, thanks again. Any downsides to setting the Powercharge thing to 5? I'm assuming they just take longer to cast each time...didn't notice an increase in mp/tp costss

>> No.6011759

disregard all the typos please, I need to go and wake up properly...

>> No.6011780
File: 164 KB, 1023x613, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get the feeling I'm not supposed to be here yet...

>> No.6011782

well at early parts it doesn't really matter, and you just didn't notice the mp/tp cost increase as it isn't much for low level skills. In late game you start noticing it pretty well when you start wondering where all the tp/mp went if you try to spam high level skills.

>> No.6011803

dont go in that circle things in that temple, they kinda warn you before hand, and yes you aren't supposed to go there

Just quick question, you are playing this without proper knowledge of moon, right?

>> No.6011823

Yup. I can read hiragana/katakana and some common kanji, but the rest is all derp to me

>> No.6011845

Then I would like to suggest that you hook up AGTH+TL Aggregator, will help you a lot. Don't rely on it too much tough. But it'll help you understand stuff if you get stuck, and it can help you with item/skill descriptions and so on.
Am I right in asusmption that you arent using it now?

>> No.6011847

Indeed, never heard of it. I'll look into it though.

>> No.6012062

Alright, downloaded it and hooked it up to Verita. What dictionaries should I be using? Doesn't seem to come with any.

>> No.6012124

I'm dumb. Didn't have it set to automatically translate and couldn't delete post. Now the problem I'm having is it won't translate an item/skill if I already looked at it before.

>> No.6012389
File: 876 KB, 1278x991, fffffffffff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry took bit long to answer, was away.

This is how it looks for me usually. Just copy the text again, and it translates it again. Just remember to find the right hook from AGTH. The window texts and skill/item descriptions are in usually in different hook in AGTH. so you have to change that and try to find the right one.

>> No.6015170

How do you add mecab to it?

>> No.6015541

Follow the instructions on hongfire

>> No.6017342

Can you switch a character from support to main field? Don't want to mess anything up by placing them in the wrong spot

>> No.6018598

No you can't, support characters stay as support characters and can only be used in support spot.

>> No.6020546

Thanks, couldn't respond because verification box keeps dissapearing. For the capture skill, can I use it on any female monster? Also, do I just need to use it, or kill the mob with it.

>> No.6020606
File: 781 KB, 1024x576, captlevel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you can only capture specific female enemies with Serika, and later you can capture specific male enemies with Karin. And you can tell which enemies are captureable by small red box that appears below capturable enemies if you haven't captured one yet (see pic), the box also tels which level capture you need to have before it succeeds (you can check the capture level serika/karin has from skill page), but you really don't need to bother with the level thing as you almost always have enough, only time I didn't meet that requirement was in late game in one more of an bonus monster. And to capture you need to to kill the enemy with the move.

>> No.6020635

Thanks again. I saw that girl in your support box in the cave I was at earlier, but couldn't get to her. Is it too late to go back and get her(I just switched to Louey), or should I reload my save I put there.

>> No.6020667

You can get all capturable enemies later again, they appear as normal enemies most of the time in same dungeon where you can find them just sitting around. So go back to some level in that dungeon and fight random encounters, cant remember if you had to be in some specific floor tough.

>> No.6022317

How do you use the rope in Himegari? Wiki said it lets you capture monsters, but I just learned a skill for capturing(I think)

>> No.6023382

You can use the skill for Lily if you have it equipped, or the rope
It's a waste to equip her with the rope, it's better to use it on other units so they can capture too
Plus there are several ropes, ones that you must have to capture higher level units, whereas Lily's skill captures any unit

>> No.6023651

Should also be noted you must use the special attack that comes with the rope/skill to kill the enemy. Just normal attacks wont do.

>> No.6023665

Is there any downsides to capturing a bunch of units?

>> No.6024617

Not really, you can capture as much as you want. Only thing is that you have only limited unit slots and captured units do take one slot away. But you can always just sacrifice/release them, so no big deal

>> No.6026754


>> No.6028119

Is there any trick to beating those water balls in the EX stages? Grinding away at 999 hp is a major pain in the ass, especially when you have to do it 3 times

>> No.6028505


>> No.6030537

Has been sometime since I played, so can't remember if it worked to those, but have you tried using that spell that reduces enemies HPs to 1? that way you can kill them quite easily.

>> No.6031016

They're bosses ;_;

>> No.6031050

You shouldn't be wasting time fighting them. Use other troops to lure them away then send in your familiar to destroy the real boss.

>> No.6031061 [DELETED] 

I keep trying too, and it usually goes well until suddenly all three of them decide to block the 1 square entrance, FFFFFFFF

>> No.6031067

I keep trying to, and it usually goes well until suddenly all three of them decide to block the 1 square entrance, FFFFFFFF

>> No.6031109

Translation aggregator does menu translations automatically.

Will it translate menus?

>> No.6031388

Hard-coded menus, but not the ingame setting menus, like voices, volume, screen size, etc
Basically no, it won't translate the important menu functions

>> No.6032001

Anyone know anything about what Eushully is currently working on?

>> No.6034901


>> No.6034908

Damn. Im not a fan of trail and error so I won´t play it :(

>> No.6035356

Just pick the first option all the time. Seems to work. Or just use the choice walkthrough on the jp wiki

>> No.6035363

Use the Eushully wiki, they have almost all of the menu translations there in pretty easy to understand format.
couple that with AGTH+TL Aggregator, and you can somewhat well play it.

>> No.6035412

Does Himekari use the same engine Zero does?

Hopefully there will be tools for Zero soon. So we could create a menu only patch for ourselves.

>> No.6035446

No they don't sadly, the engine versions are: IM Zero 4.15D, Himegari 4.22B.
Altough the person who did tools for IM Zero should hurry up and make it work with other versions too. As it's quite possible to do menu translation patch from info from Eushully wiki.

>> No.6035447

/r/ Lily sprites

>> No.6035536

Because I'm in good mood, here: http://rs230.rapidshare.com/files/415837401/Lilys_Sprites.7z
Hopefully those are all you wanted. or did you require also the gameplay sprites?

And it's n-n-not I like did this for you or anything, I just had some free time and decided to be helpfull and help out you un educated low lifes.

>> No.6035565

thanks bro!

Gameplay sprites would be fine too.

vc: parisie collections

>> No.6035579

I would kill for the sprites of Veritas Ghost girl.

>> No.6035588

you have to wait for that a bit then. The file that had all the sprite stuff stored is big clusterfuck of files, and finding all the lily specific things takes while as I'm doing something else right now

>> No.6035601

I'll get them then too, just have to wait now. Hopefully crass can extract verita too.

>> No.6035627

Take your time :)

>> No.6035657

You get to fuck OP images giantess or will she shrink for the ero scene?

>> No.6035935


>> No.6036323

Teen Lily > Adult Lily > Loli Lily

>> No.6036424

Lilys sprites reuploaded, now has also the gameplay sprites:

Rita (the ghost girl of Verita) and Naberius sprites, they are kinda always together so put both of them there. DOesn't have gameplay sprites as they semed to be in different archive, and cant be arsed to look them now.

>> No.6036458

Thanks a lot!

>> No.6036463

I thought this was Claymore from the thumbnail. Why did I think it was Claymore?

>> No.6036973

maybe because at quick glance that pic looks like that what was her name from claymore

>> No.6037174

She shrinks ;_;
I finally got the h-scene (which was very underwhelming), but holy shit EX-8 was a pain in the ass
Oh well, 100% CG completion get

>> No.6039034

How hard are the ex stages?

>> No.6039040

Anywhere from laughably easy (EX-7) to rage-inducing hard (EX-8)

>> No.6041141

dammit just got huge urge to replay Himegari. Just when I was about to start something else.

>> No.6041154


Personally this thread gave me the urge to completely finish Verita, I never did the evil route.

>> No.6041197

it's more right to call it dark route more than evil. And it's pretty awesome in my opinion, better than light route, true route ofcourse is still the best one. And I still need to play the dark route for second time as it has 2 different endings to it, and I never get the Loui end for it. Also dark route has Serika visiting that mountain where he fought Astraea which was one of the most memorable moments in Verita for me due to atmosphere it had.

>> No.6041235

Can you break Verita with the experience multiplying accessories in the same way I broke Zero?
I never grinded, sometimes escaped from a lot of encounters, and still ended up with Serika being something like 20 levels above the last boss. He could one shot pretty much everything just with normal attacks.

>> No.6041613
File: 179 KB, 1024x576, girl94-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can some kind anon make a Anki deck with all kanji needed for Himegaris/Zeros/Veritas battle menu?

I will grind for one week then play this.

>> No.6042802

I'd say thats not necessary if you want to play them.
Zeros and Veritas menus are pretty self explonatary and easy to understand if you ever have played any jrpg before. And for Himegari there's pretty handy guides at Eushully wiki which show what most options do.

>> No.6046041

bumb for good thread

>> No.6048488

I can't believe my thread is still around

On the Ikusa Megami Zero translation project, apparently the team said they needed a lot of help (at least that's what was said in the VN status thread)
Don't hope for much right now

>> No.6048940
File: 228 KB, 800x600, CG000008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been playing Himegari, have finished one of the Lily endings and Sylphines route. And damn Sylphines route was pretty damn great in my opinion and how they developed her was really nice. So what are peoples favorite routes and what other routes are worth playing? And how much is there difference between all the Lily routes endings, are all the same but the epilogue differs?
