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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6009772 No.6009772 [Reply] [Original]

What have you done today /jp/?
I hope you have been working hard.

>> No.6009780

No, I've only been sitting on this chair.

>> No.6009787
File: 120 KB, 425x411, I spent 20 minutes on the comptuer and all i got was this lazy shop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched the first 5 episodes of TTGL
And shitposted a bunch

>> No.6009796

Got home from work, sat down, finished out Symphonic Rain, read a James Patterson book.

Pretty good day.

>> No.6009798

I tried to wash the dishes but my mom just yelled at me and told me I was doing it wrong.

>> No.6009800
File: 28 KB, 600x600, 1276896881115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't done anything all day, what i'm supposed to do?

>> No.6009802

Could have gone to the PNE with my family but decided to sleep in, and now here I am on /jp/

>> No.6009807

I was thinking about actually going to look for work but then I came to 4chan again

>> No.6009813

I find that the model that works best for motivating me throughout a day is just doing a few simple daily tasks that take less than an hour in all, and then just spend the rest of the day having as much fun as possible without feeling guilty about how I could have worked harder.

I used to be much more productive every day, but something changed about me somehow, and now I can't go back to that state. I just have to settle for doing a minimum amount of work, so little that I'm guaranteed to not want to give up right away.

>> No.6009832

Errr, got up had some breakfast.
Played some Medieval 2:total war for like 5 hours.
Had some dinner.
Played League of Legends for about 3 hours.
I've been on /jp/ since, scrolling down, refreshing, scrolling down, refreshing, scrolling down, refreshing.......
I hate my life.

>> No.6009844

Refreshed a handful of sites around 900 times, posted images on tumblr.

I'm starting to think going back to school won't be so bad. This is too boring for me.

>> No.6009862

Finished Mafia 2, watched anime and read manga.

>> No.6009869

I woke up. Applying for work.

>> No.6009879
File: 103 KB, 740x555, 1258175907005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Applying for work.

>> No.6012691

I just got out of bed and ate breakfast. Guess I'll do the laundry sometime today.

>> No.6012699

Editing SaBND 16 and getting my passport.

>> No.6012704
File: 30 KB, 448x320, snapshot20100825184759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have been watching medical videos
by coincidence the current pose looks familiar
Diagnose my Diplopia?

>> No.6012707

Went to school.

Had my first clothing design class for like 2 and a half hour.

Was disappoint that it was mostly blah this and blah that about remotely related stuff.

Hopefully it'll get better as we progress.

Also I'm hungry as fuck, I had soup and noodles but it's not helping. I'm trying to listen to C78 releases to distract myself from hunger. I'll go out an buy myself something once it stops raining.
