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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 66 KB, 595x393, 1282093743343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6005345 No.6005345 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6005359

dat gaussian distribution

>> No.6005361


i love /jp/ but you can't honestly say /jp/ is full super smart people that go nothing but A+'s in school.

>> No.6005364

Not everyone uses the american grading system, you twat.

>> No.6005366

Reported for shitting up the board. Go away.

>> No.6005367

>/int/ on top
>/r9k/ and /new/ not right beside /b/
>/d/ below /u/
>/a/ not beside /v/
>/gif/ not beside /r/

Blatant troll chart

>> No.6005375

Way to miss the point, you twat.

>> No.6005382

>/y/ near the bottom

>> No.6005383

>/k/ near the top.

As a long long time /k/ poster, I have to firmly disagree. The kids on there are about as smart as a box of rocks on a cold day.

>> No.6005392

why is /jp/ obviously shopped in?

>> No.6005394

Cool shop.

>near the top
>Is it sensored?
>How can you fap if it's sensored?
>Pixels.. harder..? what do u mean I don't understand

>> No.6005397

Everyone who thinks the "top" is the best is actually on the left side of this distribution.

>> No.6005398

/jp/ is such a hermit board that not many people even know or care about its existence and of course OP probably got it from somewhere else and shopped it in to troll /jp/ thinking he is so witty.

>> No.6005404
File: 52 KB, 595x382, ihavereadmysicptoday.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6005413

>my face when /jp/ doesn't understand a standard deviations graph and thought the "top" was most intelligent.

>> No.6005415

Where's /vip/ and /lounge/?

>> No.6005417

Add them yourself.

>> No.6005419

I don't do the math so can someone explain how this graph works?

>> No.6005420

It's true.

>> No.6005421
File: 212 KB, 1020x947, Bell-curve-sm1.bmp..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got you covered.
Posting bell curve graph for dummy.

>> No.6005423
File: 38 KB, 195x193, 1268029634778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6005425

>/y/ isn't at the very bottom


>> No.6005426

horizontal axis:intelligence level
vertical axis: it must be... frequency of users in that board at that level of intelligence.

I don't know, it's not a very well constructed graph.

>> No.6005440

This thread really shows /jp/'s intelligence.

>> No.6005441

From this thread you can pretty much conclude that those who posts on /jp/ should be somewhere in the middle.

Seriously if you've ever been to high school you should have at least recognized the bell curve.

>> No.6005447

The fact that half of /jp/ can't even read the graph correctly disproves it.

Learn statistics you stupid fucks.

>> No.6005453

Bitches don't know shit about my bell curve.

>> No.6005455

Intelligence != Knowledge.


>> No.6005456

Why is /b/ so low? A few years ago mostly everyone browing it was a college student.

>> No.6005459

>Intelligence must be related to my knowledge of statistics

Fucking idiots.

>> No.6005462

Which is the correct reflection of this thread since only about 35% of /jp/ lurkers are smarter than normal.

>> No.6005463


Taking pride in your ignorance sure is.

>> No.6005464

Well 6 years ago it was.

>> No.6005471
File: 70 KB, 360x200, a1fa13da5fdf6e8b5ffbb7e693ec2d83.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ has high WIS

...but clearly, low INT

pic very related

>> No.6005476

WIS is my dump stat.

>> No.6005477

This thread reminds me of how many boards we have.

I took the time to visit a few, and it's like stepping into a whole new world. A different community spirit, lingo, personality, whatever. A lot of the posts on boards like /c/ and /cm/ look like they were made by simple-minded teenage girls, oblivious to *boorus, who like "cute stuff." I think that's kind of cute in itself.

>> No.6005482
File: 516 KB, 600x700, 1279485087555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not everyone can read any sort of chart.

It's a matter of being uninformed, not unintelligent.

>> No.6005490

Yeah, I know what you mean.
It's like visiting a new country, but everywhere you go has one thing in common:
They all hate /b/

>> No.6005499

>/u/ near the low end
>/fit/ near the high end


>> No.6005505

/b/ is what would happen if Coreans took over China.

>> No.6005506

Even /v/?

>> No.6005509

It's not like any of them like us either, but hey even the 4chan staffs hate /jp/.

>> No.6005510

I am pretty sure you will see this chart when you are in high school and if you have never seen this chart in your life, you are born in the 00s and you should get out of /jp/ immediately.
Of course there is always an exception and if you are blind or too autistic to go school, you are forgiven.

>> No.6005517

I go to /c/ every day thinking I'm helping cute innocent girls, it keeps me going.

>> No.6005519

I tend to forget stuffs after spending an intense session studying them for exams. And Mathematics is the subject that I hated the most in high school. Fuck calculation.

>> No.6005520

OP, you don't seem to know how to graph properly.

>> No.6005522

Browsing /jp/ in Braille is no joke.

>> No.6005535

But autism is!

>> No.6005538

Fuck yeah, autism!

>> No.6005540

ITT: People the rest of 4chan is laughing at right now.

>> No.6005546
File: 147 KB, 500x429, 1276952445417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But the opinion of "the rest of 4chan" is of no value to us, as we are superior.

>> No.6005551

>is laughing
Your opinion is now invalid.

>> No.6005562
File: 55 KB, 670x485, 1282639016577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shame on you

>> No.6005566

Autism can be a sign of intelligence since apparently Einstein and Newton had them.

>> No.6005568

Now that's something I've never seen before. It seems a bit too confusing, even after reading how it works... in fact, I still don't understand how to read it properly. Damn. I guess this qualifies as a nice trolling method, seeing how only a handful of people can interpret it correctly.

I also find it funny how there are people who still think that intelligence and knowledge are the same thing, and that being able to read this graphic means you're more intelligent than the people who can't read it.

>> No.6005570

In order for that to work, the x-axis would have to be flipped.
It's obviously just a troll graph, though, anyway. Trying to figure out what it means just makes you look more stupid.

>> No.6005574

If by a handful of people you mean everyone who has completed high school, then sure.

>> No.6005578
File: 52 KB, 670x485, 1282641563968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6005579

Everybody who has completed a highschool math class should recognize this graph. Since math class is mandatory that means anyone who passed high school should recognize this graph.

>> No.6005581

I have autism. Who wants to touch me?

>> No.6005588

>"I know how to read the graph!"
>"But I won't tell you!"

You don't need to cover it up, just be honest. Admit you don't know what it means either.

>> No.6005592

I dropped Math before the graphing chapter.

>> No.6005596

Okay, I'm starting to think the guy who made this image is one of those trolls who gives a math question and then answers it wrong by ignoring order of operations thereby making everybody think the board is stupider. This basically seems to be the same premise with the not being able to read the graph right as the substitute for stupidness.

>> No.6005598

> /vp/ and /jp/ at same level

I guess this makes us bros then...

>> No.6005599

A random anon already posted how you should read the bell curve graph. There is no excuse left for you to say I DONT UNDERSTAND HOW TO READ THE GRAPH BECAUSE I AM UNINFORMED.

>> No.6005603

At least this troll knows that people who can't read this graph, are in fact, stupid.

So yeah, the graph is correct in depicting 4chan's intelligence. I think /sci/ would be taking /jp/'s place.

>> No.6005607

It might also have something to do with where you completed high school. For example, I did it on a rather bad school in Brazil, and this is the absolute first time I've seen this kind of graphic. Euheuheuehue.

Reading about it a bit, though, I can say that it's... interesting, at least. If I got it correctly, it can be way more useful than bars or lines on some occasions, but I'm still failing to comprehend how it can be the best option in this case. Or maybe it is, fuck, I don't know. I'd like to both thank OP for making me want to learn something new and tell him to fuck himself because it's almost 7 a.m. and I want to be lazy at the moment.

>> No.6005608

No, it means we're of opposite intelligence with an IQ of 100 as a base. Meaning if /jp/'s IQ was 130 then /vp/'s would be 70.

>> No.6005611

While it's popular to have the x axis pointing right; the cartesian coordinate system doesnt specify nor encourage setting the direction of the reference lines in any particular ways.

>> No.6005613

that's not how you interpret the graph
read the thread first, bro.

>> No.6005616

It's a goddamn bell curve. Standard deviation etc. It's not really that hard to get.

>> No.6005620

Apparently it is.

>> No.6005621

>/int/ on top
Fuck yeah, racists are the smartest

>> No.6005624


Not so direct.

It's more like having Asperger's syndrome, a type of high-functioning autism, can allow a person to grasp abstract thought incredibly easily. Which is very useful for advanced physics.

>> No.6005625

>I'm the OP and I have autism.

>> No.6005626

the only problem is that there's significantly more boards on the left side. lolforgottheterminology

>> No.6005628

Unless my eyes deceive, /x/ is a few pixels higher.

>> No.6005629

Left is dumber, right is smarter.

Down is less, up is more.


/b/ is chock full of retards.

If you took a sample of people from /int/ and compared them to a sample from /jp/ then you'd find a higher concentration of people you'd call "smart' on /int/ but you'd find the "smart' people from /jp/ are "smarter" than those on /int/.

To be in the middle is to have lots of average people, to be on the right is to have a select few of very smart people mixed in with the less intelligent.

>> No.6005631

where's /vp/?

>> No.6005632

actually, they are. they know a failing race when they see one, and they encourage their extinction for greater good.

>> No.6005634
File: 3 KB, 183x297, 1265434749614.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is the standard deviation?

>> No.6005635

The curve graph is the probability of a person x being smart.
Left to right horizontal axis of intelligence with 0 being the normal intelligence in layman term IQ of 100
So the right of the graph IQ>100 while the left left <100. What this mean is you got a high chance of picking a person x having IQ of 100.

>> No.6005640
File: 41 KB, 640x480, Ciel-senseionly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any questions?

>> No.6005644

yes, sensei. why does /b/ stays down under even when it has the most participants in its social jerkity?

>> No.6005645


Looks like a simple power function to me...

x axis represents the boards, f(x) represents average IQ

Which puts /x/ and /int/ at the top, while putting /vp/ and /jp/ in the middle.

>> No.6005647

intelligence is overrated

>> No.6005649

Okay then, it's trying to be a bell curve.

>> No.6005651


>> No.6005654

So, one last try. Let me see if I got this shit right.
The things on the right side of the graphic are good, and the ones on the left side of it are bad. If something is on one of the extremes of it, it's either extremely good or extremely bad (on this graphic, for example, /b/ would be the board with about 0.1% of the average intelligence of 4chan), while being near the middle means it's between an okay and a good position (/jp/ would have about 150% of the average intelligence of 4chan).

...wait, fuck, I got it wrong, didn't I? Is the percentage thing supposed to mean only the amount of people, or in this case, the intelligence? So I got it right after all?

>> No.6005657

It's a troll chart, just like Anon here implied.

>by intelligence
I guess this means IQ and the higher you go should be the more people have that IQ which here in 4chan is bullshit, hence you get trolled. So /int/ has a IQ of 100. /b/ a IQ of nearly 0. /jp/ is the smartest and has one of the smallest frequencies (user base).

>> No.6005659
File: 36 KB, 500x356, 1113162215_f70b61a570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, yes, it is.

>> No.6005660


Enjoy that frustrating "I thought I was smart but jesus fucking christ" feeling.

>> No.6005661


Well, considering OP never labeled anything on the graph, I'd say neither can be said for certain.

Although a power function does make sense here...

>> No.6005668

i do have to point this out but this graph would have been much more effective (and easier to read?) if it were a scatter plot where the variables were the intelligence of the boards in relation to either the popularity of the board or the average 'population' of the board

the original graph style used in the current context just causes about the same amount of confusion as your average umineko theory thread

>> No.6005670

By that logic, /b/ has a user frequency of zero, we both know that's not true. As far as I can tell, it must be the frequency of users of that average intelligence expressed as a percentage of that board's userbase.

Still though, that doesn't make any fucking sense.

In other words, the graph is fucked and invalid.

>> No.6005672

I'm going to post this in /a/ and hopefully none of you guys would spill the beans

>> No.6005675
File: 13 KB, 500x250, 500px-Standard_deviation_diagram.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it applies here...or does it?

I don't even want to know anymore.

>> No.6005679

ITT: People who don't realize a god damned parabola when it's sitting in front of them.

>> No.6005680

Oh, damn, I think I'm finally getting it. Thank you both.
Yeah, it's an interesting way of putting things on a graphic, and even though I doubt I'll see such a thing many more times on my life, I feel happy enough knowing that I learned something new.

Oh, and thank you too, Sion.

>> No.6005684

I was already posted there. /a/ proved its position on the chart.


>> No.6005686

Damn, you beat me to it.

>> No.6005689

Mistyped. "it" was already posted there. I didn't post it there,

>> No.6005693

Too late, sir.

>> No.6005696


good job.

>> No.6005697
File: 64 KB, 595x393, graph-fixed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6005698

Just so everyone knows, this chart doesn't work.

You'd have to do one of these for each board separately and actually label the graph with values. That way you'd have an actual statistic that represents the "intelligence" (however you're measuring that) level you're most likely to encounter in any one board, with that stat you could compare them with other results to get an understanding of which board has the smartest users and which board has the highest mean intelligence.

>> No.6005699

>slightly higher than /a/


>/jp/ is /b/ v2

>> No.6005700


oh nevermind, I didn't look at the time stamp.

>> No.6005711

Each board is represented by a number on the X axis
Y-Axis is average IQ

Too hard to understand?

>> No.6005714

What do you think?
It's /jb/-Random/General after all.

>> No.6005725
File: 65 KB, 595x393, graph-fixed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There, I fixed it.

>> No.6005730

/jp/ Math / General.

>> No.6005738

>>6005361 you can't honestly say /jp/ is full super smart people that go nothing but A+'s in school.
>implying that school grades have anything to do with intelligence

>> No.6005743


I think "theoretical scale: undefined" would perhaps be more unambiguous. There's really no way to say it straight: "This is an opinion based on personal observation and guess work"

>> No.6005749
File: 40 KB, 614x434, 1282639593473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6005755


>> No.6005771


This one is clearer but still incorrect. /x/ has naturally long posts due to copy pasta, as does /r9k/ due to posting rules and /tg/ I know from spending a lot of time there is pretty long winded. /jp/ is very Spartan with the length of it's posts.

I imagine the porn boards would also occupy a much lower sample of "average post length" due to image dumps.

>> No.6005777
File: 22 KB, 518x388, 641687464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There, i've finally solved this.

>> No.6005785

That's correct. However, you forgot to take into account 3 things: spambots, regular spammers, and my laziness to bother to change the order of boards.

Alternatively, x axis could be "average post quality" although that doesnt sit well with given average IQ.

>> No.6005808

Why is watching people fail at statistics always so funny?

>> No.6005830
File: 7 KB, 100x100, ciel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This mean that /b/ is densely populated by the stupidest retard in the world. They flock to /b/ like the retards that they are. Another observation that can be made of this is that humans have become so stupid that being /b/ level stupid is the norm now.
Probably need a new research to find the new mean and variance to update the graph.

>> No.6005847

>no /sp/
i'm fine with this, they are dumber than /b/

>> No.6005860


The vertical axis is meaningless, the curve is there so he could place the boards according to IQ without them smooshing together and making it illegible.

>> No.6005861

And Eksopl even archive /sp/ on Easymodo for a while. Such a damn shame to have that board associated with us, now it's/cgl/'s turn.

>> No.6005864
File: 53 KB, 433x440, 1282442469638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh, I was lurking this thread waiting for someone to finally say it for me.

Only took.... 120+ posts? Smooth.

>> No.6005867
File: 108 KB, 600x877, ne má 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/tv/ an /mu/ more intelligent than /a/

>> No.6005877

My god /jp/ is full of retards who can't read graphs.

>> No.6005879

/a/ on average being more intelligent than eitherl? Sorry, don't see it.
Sure, not everyone is a retard on there, but that's not the point of averages.

>> No.6005893 [DELETED] 

>Claim to be the most intelligent board
>don't understand how a bell curve works and leave half of the right side blank

Whats the matter, too busy with your chinese cartoons to take a basic statistics course.

Also the x and y axis isn't labeled.

>> No.6005897
File: 151 KB, 378x500, brett-favre-vikings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you weeaboo faggots mad?

>> No.6005899

Read the fucking thread. Everything has been discussed, it's no fun beating a dead horse.

>> No.6005909
File: 24 KB, 332x500, jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6005910

I think you should include the text boards. The text board /sci/ is much more intelligent then fucking /int/.

>> No.6005916
File: 52 KB, 200x300, Favre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Leaving out /sp/


>> No.6005917

Text boards are more intelligent by default. Since they don't have any ADD kids who can't even read a short paragraph.

>> No.6005919

Well judging by the numbers of frustrated passerby from other boards after they realize the true meaning of the graph, I have to say GOOD JOB OP.

>> No.6005924

/jp/: 1

Other boards: 0

>> No.6005920
File: 200 KB, 800x800, 1269239309680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>read a thread on /jp/

>> No.6005934

Has no-one said it yet? My god, /jp/, you're taking it too easy.


>> No.6006053
File: 662 KB, 2301x1992, danmarino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they don't know how a bell curve works

/jp/ confirmed for mongoloid retard faggots

>> No.6006070
File: 7 KB, 170x213, thumbsupkid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/jp/ claims to be intelligent
>don't know how a bell curve works and leaves half the right side blank

>> No.6006074

> The text board /sci/ is much more intelligent then fucking /int/

It's is much more intelligent THAN...you unintelligent weeaboo faggot

>> No.6006077

Are you stupid?
Why would i want to understand a graph? This is Patchouli's work.

>> No.6006079

Still better than you Amerikkaboo who can't even type in English properly.

>> No.6006081
File: 14 KB, 473x352, boxxymad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many /jp/ neckbeards does it take to screw in a lightbulb? None they don't use lightbulbs they are too busy talking about having anal sex with themselves and little cartoon girls in the dark. And also being retarded faggots.

>> No.6006085

My mistake was a typing error. The weeaboo faggot's mistake was ignorance of grammar. Big difference.

>> No.6006088

>my mfw visage when /sp/ is mad.

>> No.6006090

Guys: you read the chart all wrong(Of course it's still a trolling image and wrong).

The more to the right you are, the greater the intelligence, the higher you are, the more amount of people.

>> No.6006097

Nice thread, it feels like i'm in real life again, rage everywhere.

>> No.6006099

OP, how many boards did you post this graph on? The amount of butthurt from other boards is intriguing. Congrats.

>> No.6006100

The idiot who made the chart was also wrong in not putting equal number of boards on the left and the right side.

>> No.6006105
File: 192 KB, 285x371, 19318399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no /sp/

>> No.6006107
File: 63 KB, 595x393, 1282638295961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here. I've fixed the chart suitable for /jp///w...b.../ standards.

>> No.6006109

>144 posts and 25 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

Looks like /jp/ was the only board to take this image seriously

Why you guys so autism?

>> No.6006119
File: 67 KB, 595x393, 1282638295961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6006126

Depends if you consider your population to be 4chan or society.
If it's boards according to society, the distribution makes perfect sense: /b/ has managed to attract the dumbest people in society, something quasi impossible.

>> No.6006131

why can't /jp/ read a graph correctly

>> No.6006138

why can't /jp/ get real waifu? why must /jp/ live with mommy until she dies of shame?

>> No.6006142

Go back to /r9k/.

>> No.6006146

"Real" and "waifu" are mutually exclusive. I think you mean whore.

>> No.6006147


lol no

>> No.6006151

How does what I'm attracted to correlate with where I live?
I've been living alone for a while now.

>> No.6006158

It doesn't. Those are two separate questions.

Stop making us look retarded.

>> No.6006164

There are only two boards - /jp/ and not /jp/. Take your supposedly funny comedy act back to the latter.

>> No.6006166

Shut up before I find where you live and acquaint you with the pleasures of having large vegetables shoved up your anus.

>> No.6006167

> /int/ on top
> /fit/ higher than /sci/ and /lit/
> /jp/ lower than most boards

troll harder son

>> No.6006170
File: 140 KB, 1280x720, 1281841294423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't you forgetting the board everyone here came from?

>> No.6006175


lol autism fight

>> No.6006176

The board I came from is dead, anonymous.
Its body raped and dismembered by the people I've been struggling against for the past four years.

>> No.6006189

learn to read a bell curve faggot. even though whoever made the bell curve is also a mongoloid

>> No.6006194


/jp/ confirmed for easiest board to troll

>> No.6006203
File: 42 KB, 556x762, 1244203615878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you had doubts?
