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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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599470 No.599470 [Reply] [Original]

A companion to the earlier statistics thread by a /jp/ Economist.

What can we conclude about /jp/?

>> No.599476

Feels good man

>> No.599478

>Wow, these promotions have been here for 2 hours.
>Wow, these promotions have been here for 14 hours.
That was a nice touch.

>> No.599481


so ronery, but that goes for /a/ too

>> No.599480

That her curry is chunkier at night.

>> No.599482
File: 216 KB, 657x418, 1210485765129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best thing about /jp/ and you all know it.

>> No.599487


>> No.599488

Lacking the camwhores on nightshift /a/.

And it's really insulting to even call it nightshift anymore. It's not. It's not even remotely close to what the real nightshift is. It's worse than the old daytime ever was. Not that we have a real nightshift here either, but...

>> No.599493
File: 117 KB, 480x854, 1210485880970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to include my thread

no it's not in the 3d pig disgusting catagory

>> No.599490

I think we need more Touhou threads

>> No.599496


>> No.599504

>>Lacking the camwhores on nightshift /a/.

Real camwhores are rare. Once in a blue moon /a/ will get some though, and usually during the late night portion like you said

>> No.599505

/jp/ should ban Japan bashing.

>> No.599508

I see my translated Tomoyo After image there, it makes me happy.

>> No.599511

we have a nightshift here... especially hilarious during the weekdays. 1 post/5 mins

>> No.599513


"Rare" is not good enough. Once is more than enough to ruin a board forever.

>> No.599519


That's a damn cool dog in the lower right corner.

>> No.599538

see >>599482

>> No.599585

You know /jp/ isn't awesome anymore because they don't even discuss about Demonophobia (and /v/ beating them to it)

>> No.599599

/jp/ was never awesome, and /a/ hasn't been awesome since the split. moot killed my home, and it's never coming back. ;_;

In b4 "cry moar faggot" and/or "BAWWWWWW"

>> No.599601

Fuck yeah, that dog! Nightshift /jp/ is clearly superior!

>> No.599605

remember when /jp/ was good.

>> No.599608


/jp/ was never good

>> No.599620

You'd best be joking nigger. Probably the main reason nightshift /jp/ gets better.

>> No.599626


There's more touhou threads at night, you realize?
Type-moon somehow managed to beat out touhoufans for daytime threads.

>> No.599629


I see about the same amount of Touhou threads all day.

And I literally am up on this fucking site from 8 p.m. to 4 a.m. every night.

>> No.599653

At dawn they seem to clear away for a while for me. And they seem to be under control right now, I'm only seeing, I think two. in b4 touhoufags make it 6+

>> No.599684

Goddamnit, just looked at the front page. FUCK YOU TOUHOU

>> No.599685

if you get rid of T-M and touhou what do you have left? a bunch of untranslated VNs, PIG DISGUSTING, and kanji lernan. you hardly ever see any /fig/ stuff

>> No.599697
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>> No.599704

There is no nighttime /jp/

>> No.599715

that's sorta what the OP pic implies

>> No.599717

Anyone up to drop this on /a/?
I could go for drama right now.

>> No.599716
File: 86 KB, 700x700, 1210488386378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As much as I like Touhou... Jesus fucking christ you dicks, post something else.

Touhou is fine. Ten fucking pages of 90% Touhou isn't.

>> No.599731

There's not enough touhou on that page.

the bottom half should be nothing but touhou, you can put everything else in the background.

>> No.599733

it's already there, no drama ensued, just people arguing over whether nighttime /a/ really exists.

>> No.599737


No. Leave /a/ alone. We don't need them coming here to argue about it. If I wanted to deal with /a/ faggotry I would go there instead of here.

>> No.599743

pooshlmer wakaba is down, man

we touhoufags have lost our beloved board home. thus we must come here.

>> No.599748

Needs "Honk Honk" and "religious discussions"

>> No.599778

Fucking dial up is loading OP slow, but I see junk in A and not in JP.

So I say JP needs more junk

>> No.599801
File: 258 KB, 640x640, 1210489416203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.599806

>pooshlmer wakaba is down, man
Shit, when and why did that happen?

>> No.599807

Right after SWR demo was announced. Or maybe when S. Animism was.

pretty bad timing...

>> No.599813


You can still read the wiki pages off of google's cache.

>> No.599828

So because your precious site is down you need to swamp us in your shit?

Fucking parasites. A pox upon you.

>> No.599835

a surprisingly low amount of RAAAGE
so you guys more or less agree with this?

>> No.599851

Well, it is a bit misguided in summing up the boards with images

When the major type of content is discussion and memes and cultural stuff rather than just ¨Anime A¨ or ¨Licensed Product B¨

>> No.599871


...you do realize you're on 4CHAN right? Which is notorious for doing what you're bitching about?

>> No.599877

>"religious discussions"
Great, did I start a meme now?

>> No.599917

>>Great, did the meme I forced get there yet?

>> No.599931

/jp/ is clearly just a small awesome community in itself. Kinda like Quebec and Canadia.

>> No.599965

that's not something you want to be compared to

>> No.599972

Quebec no, Soviet Canuckistan yes.

>> No.600234

Basset Griffon Vendeen. I have one.

>> No.600839

I got banned off /a/ due to ronery bingo. so I guess it's not allowed to be lonely in /a/

>> No.600840


Being ronery is bannable in /jp/ too, and it's almost six AM
You'll have to come back at midnight.

>> No.600857


It's also not allowed to be religious in /jp/, they're chipping away at our freedoms!

>> No.600863

/jp/ has been awesome since the beginning.


>> No.600864


Oh common, go whine in the shinto thread.
This thread is for bawwing over when /a/ was great.

>> No.600869

>Oh c'mon,

>> No.600875


I suppose you correct "Hai gaise" too.

>> No.600901

hai guise is alright for obvious reasons.

COMMON sounds nothing like c'mon. How the fuck do you even mix the too. I bet you use 'then' and 'than' interchangeably too

also, /a/ was never great, when touhou came to /a/ it was better, but that's it.

>> No.600914
File: 156 KB, 704x396, 1210501244498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The true, old nightshift /a/ was the proverbial shit. Good times.

>> No.600937

>>How the fuck do you even mix the too.

At least I did it intentionally.

>> No.600953
File: 205 KB, 700x493, 1210501557080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hay Guise, remember this ? ;_;

>> No.600955

Even I can't escape my ironic fate. Damn typo, damn you to hell.

>> No.600958
File: 112 KB, 1284x1002, 1210501583084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, could be worse

>> No.600965


I got banned for posting daily dose in a yaranaika thread.

>> No.600987

Still as apparent a shop as the first day.

>> No.600995

Why would it be an apparent shop? Touhou is banned in /a/

>> No.601043

not shop

>> No.601049


I believe that's the banned for posting SSiB in /a/ shot.
Proof on /a/rchive.

>> No.601053

Oh wow, that really sucks then.
Anyway, there was a shopped one with fucked up dates.

>> No.601054

It's legit.

>> No.601058

yeh but I got banned for 6 day for the ronery bingo

>> No.601089

The short-lived old-/a/-with-new-name. ;_;

>> No.601113
File: 132 KB, 1365x900, 1210503306689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.601179

Admit it! The Cirno gap was fucking awesome!
