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File: 39 KB, 640x480, sym2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5994273 No.5994273 [Reply] [Original]

Fuckin' manly tears. ;_;

>> No.5994285

What the shit? She is so much wider then the guy.

>> No.5994290

>resolution of a love story
>MANLY tears
no they weren't

>> No.5994296

I suppose not.

>> No.5994318

Symphonic Rain is the VN that actually made me cry a lot.

I cried during other VNs before but the emotion was a mix between the story and other emotions popping out making a whirl of emotions. But with Symphonic Rain I was totally focused in the game and nothing else and I cried A LOT. Actually I still cry when I hear the songs, mainly because I remember my experience playing it and all. Call me a faggot but I have no regrets.

>> No.5994326


No but seriously, I agree with you, especially with Phorni/Ari's route.

>> No.5994336


But that route was all butterflies and rainbows.

>> No.5994343

That's exactly my point. After Ari died in ALL the other routes it was nice to see her get a happy ending. Besides, she was cute as a fairy.

>> No.5994359

Listening to Ritsuko Okazaki's songs after you learn what happened to her and paying attention to the lyrics is really touching.

>> No.5994360

I haven't read Symphonic Rain yet. Will it make me depressed or is there a light at the end of the tunnel?

>> No.5994370

There is.

>> No.5994372


In my case it made me depressed and happy. The routes all left a feeling of sadness and happiness.

>> No.5994379

Ok cool. What I don't get is, the wiki says it's only 78.5% done. What's not finished?

>> No.5994386

It's fully translated. Ignore that.

>> No.5996206

Agreed, the two characters are in completely different art styles.

>> No.5996227

I didn't think it was all that depressing. Mostly because the main character seems rather stoic through all of it.

>> No.5996286
File: 456 KB, 640x480, 1282184129172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stoic? I think he would have tried to rip Grave apart if he didn't have to worry about Lise at the end of her route. And that's just one example from one route.

He didn't exactly seem all that stoic to me.

>> No.5996412

Well I meant mostly how he deals with the Ari/Torti stuff and his repressed memories. Lise's route was mostly forced drama imo.

>> No.5996517
File: 113 KB, 1024x768, dpcpwp02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I more found that to be outside influences effecting emotions. He doesn't really feel anything until he actually SEES Ari in a coma/dead at the end of Torta and Phorni's routes because it's all so surreal to him. He even says it in his monologue several times, that he can't really wrap his mind around what's happening.

Kind of like how a relative dies, and it takes a while for you to realize that they're really dead.

>> No.5996532

the hacking was never properly finished but it's perfectly playable in it's current state
