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5989593 No.5989593 [Reply] [Original]

You are offered to spend one hour with your waifu. When this hour is up, you will die. Do you take it?

>> No.5989614
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>> No.5989613

I would take it. I don't have anything better to do. And that'd be nice too

>> No.5989626

I have multiple waifus, do I get an hour with each?

>> No.5989617


>> No.5989625

Of course not. Do you want me to widow my waifu? I could never do that to her.

>> No.5989634


One hour with all of them at once.

>> No.5989632


>> No.5989655
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Anything to be with Rumia

>> No.5989658

Yes, dying happy would be the best way to go.

>> No.5989662

How do I die if I take the hour? Is it painful or does every trace of me existing just disappear?

>> No.5989664

INB4 "my waifu is sakuya she can stop time dur dur hur"

>> No.5989667


Fall asleep and don't wake up. Nothing painful unless you're into that.

>> No.5989670

Perfect. I'll take it.

>> No.5989671

Yes, because when I die, I will still get to spend time with her in Genokyo.

>> No.5989675

The obvious solution is to pick a waifu that can either prevent you from dying, or bring you back from the dead.

>> No.5989673

People who can make deals like that are generally not the kind of people you should trust.

>> No.5989677

My waifu is Remilia, so she can change my fate so I won't die.

>> No.5989686 [SPOILER] 
File: 653 KB, 797x826, Hevn - ベルンカステル.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ya think?

>> No.5989687


>> No.5989695


Hourai immortality, vampirism, time/fate manipulation...none of that would work.

>> No.5989709
File: 2.64 MB, 1280x720, 1266362208604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hour spent with her would be worth more than all the years of my life combined, so yes.

A million times yes.

>> No.5989725

So...what would you do with that hour, actually spend quality time with her and talk to her, or just fuck nonstop?

>> No.5989726


>> No.5989729
File: 203 KB, 438x600, Satsuki051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I do it anyways.

>> No.5989730

An hour of straight fucking your waifu would end so fast

>> No.5989736
File: 389 KB, 500x800, Yuyuko 156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After I die, I'll convince the Yama with a speech extraordinaire to let me stay at hakugyokurou for eternity.

>> No.5989735

What if I don't have a waifu?

What do you offer me then?

>> No.5989753


If your waifu is one that can interact with the dead, you just stop existing.

>> No.5989759


The best sandwich of your choice that you've ever eaten. You die after finishing it or one hour, whichever comes first.

>> No.5989786

If you made it one day, then i could do that.

>> No.5989800

Does she know who I am at all, or will I have to spend that hour of would-be-cuddling to introduce myself and try to befriend her?

Well, it doesn't matter, really. I'd say yes either way.

>> No.5989819


It'd be as if you knew each other your whole lives and she just realized that she loves you as much as you love her.

>> No.5989830

Who wouldn't?

>> No.5989858


Rika might be a little creeped out by an older guy taking an interest in her, though.

>> No.5989868

It's OK. She likes older men.

>> No.5989876


She likes Akasaka and that's about it. She's more into little girls.

>> No.5989889

Even better; it means we have common interests.

>> No.5989903
File: 108 KB, 600x900, 1213917498091[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fall asleep and don't wake up.
It's like I'm really the main character!

>> No.5989906

Given the choice right now I'd have to turn it down. Perhaps in 15 years, but I won't throw away the gamble I have right now for one hour of ultimate pleasure.

>> No.5989918

Can I change anything in myself if I accept? I presume I would be 2D during the hour, correct?

I don't feel like spending that hour with my appearance even if she tell me that she don't care or like it.

>> No.5989931
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Sure, but only after other ways of meeting her fail (lucid dreaming, the slight chance of getting an easily programmable robot, the slighter chance of summoning her by witchcraft, etc.)

>> No.5989947


Fine, you gain the figure of a generic eroge protagonist or a little girl. This is determined by a coin flip.

>> No.5989966

Awesome. Give me that coin then, I'm accepting this deal.

>> No.5989982

... but there'd be no guarantee she'd even like you.

Maybe instead of throwing your life away like that, we should work together to create a more beautiful and diverse world where you can find the real world equivalent of your Waifu, who you can live with until you die.

Oh right. Neets.

>> No.5989986

Nice try, troll.

>> No.5989994 [DELETED] 

Obviously, yes. Why wouldn't I?

>> No.5990010

What happens to her afterwards though?

>> No.5990013


>> No.5990037


She mourns your death and remembers everything. This might be a bit of a dealbreaker if you care more about how she would feel after losing what would probably be the most important person to her.

>> No.5990044

A true man knows when to take the risk.
And this is the only opportunity we'll have to meet our waifus.

>> No.5990055 [DELETED] 

Typical faggot.

I don't mind if she doesn't like me. If she's not happy spending an hour with me, then I'm okay with risking my life for that. It's not like I have anything to live for anyway.

>> No.5990053
File: 185 KB, 976x2974, 1 hour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here i draw this in 10 minutes
i would hate to make my waifu suffer like this...

since my handwriting and the drawings are awful make me explain

on the arm (yes it's an arm) it's tatooed a timer
and here the conversation

"Ah... it's time to go..."
"then... have a nice trip..."

>> No.5990058

It depends. Would she like to be with me? Because even though she is the nicest person in the world, I don't think she would like to spend an hour with a dirty NEET.
But otherwise, yes.

>> No.5990054

I could never do that to my waifu. ;_;

>> No.5990075 [DELETED] 

I was thinking of this as well, but there's no way she'd possibly like a loser like me. I doubt she would even want to hang out with me for an hour. If she declined and I'd still have to die an hour later, alone in my house, I wouldn't have any regrets.

>> No.5990077



>> No.5990084


Like I said, you become either a bishonen eroge protagonist or a little girl, and your love is reciprocated.

>> No.5990088

So it wouldn't be reciprocated if I didn't look good like a dashing young man, or a cute little girl?

>> No.5990092

>... but there'd be no guarantee she'd even like you.
I don't care, I love my waifu and talking to her once will bring me more happiness than a 100 years without her would.

>find the real world equivalent of your Waifu
Doesn't exist, enjoy your wasted life while I enjoy the one hour with my waifu.

>> No.5990098


well you'll go away after met your waifu, so you can go without regrets

>> No.5990110
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, [Nutbladder]_Hidamari_Sketch_×☆☆☆_-_10_[17afe900].mkv_snapshot_11.55_[2010.03.15_22.22.29].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I can just die holding her in my arm I don't even need this whole hour. I'd also happily listen to her wonderful story about her time with her friends.

>> No.5990115

It depends, what happens to her after I die? Does she go back to non-existing?

If so, then yes.

>> No.5990133


This was because someone didn't want to look like himself and wanted to change his appearance, nothing to do with her. You don't have to flip the coin if you don't want to.

>> No.5990135

Yeah but I don't understand why you used "sup!"

>> No.5990142


She stays real. You stay dead.

>> No.5990147

You say "sup" when you greet to introduce, not when you're leaving, you retard.

>> No.5990149


Then, no.

That's way too selfish. Why would I force her to exist just so I can spend an hour with her?

>> No.5990168
File: 321 KB, 850x630, 05e0e6349767669ae79e716be46c7d39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I wouldn't mind having her suck the life out of me.

>> No.5990185


sorry, italian here

well it's the japanese for
maybe "yeah..." it's more correct?

>> No.5990187


Does having Remilia suck your blood feel good? Like, orgasm-inducing good?

>> No.5990193


Or just "bye."

>> No.5990211

copied that, thank you!

>> No.5990209

What if my waifu hates me?
It would be the worst hour of my life.

>> No.5990222

That's not dramatic enough. You should say "Farewell" or "So long".

>> No.5990224



>> No.5990229

What if it wouldn't be my waifu if she reciprocated my love?

>> No.5990237

No, I wouldn't want to trouble her.

>> No.5990240


That's impossible. Bern reciprocates my love...in a way. I'm her beloved pet.

>> No.5990243

This thread is depressing me.

>> No.5991125

you will never offered in any case...


>> No.5992410
File: 766 KB, 1416x1062, Umineko_-_Frederica_Bernkastel_by_Moonknives2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, because I intend to use lucid dreaming, or AI, or magic, or if that all fails wait for the Singularity then we can be together forever.

>> No.5992416
File: 106 KB, 1000x1200, 593b5fedae7743c696be1b420cc8801daf455b27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One hour with my waifu would be a lifetime to me. I'll die like a happy old man.

Besides, I'd probably die within a week due to radiation either way

>> No.5992421


I love this.

>> No.5992425

That's a tough question. I can't really choose. Not because I'm afraid of dying, but because I'd like to spend more time with her.

>> No.5992434

>>5992425 here

If >>5990037 were true, I suppose I'd live without seeing her. I'd hate to make her sad, no matter how it would affect me.

>> No.5992450
File: 1.16 MB, 1051x1324, 12709195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She could just storm Sphere 211 and demand a system restore for me.

>> No.5992461


No way. I'd spend an hour sputtering in embarrassment only to die before I worked up the courage to confess much less do anything about it.

>> No.5992476
File: 49 KB, 624x464, Bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My face when this isn't /a/

>> No.5992477
File: 604 KB, 1024x768, 126859026873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say yes, but I don't want to make her suffer by leaving her alone.

It wouldn't be fair to make her suffer for eternity so I can live the last hour of my life as the happiest man on earth.


>> No.5992485

>my face when
I don't think you have the right to complain.

>> No.5992502

Lamest Russian spam pic ever.

>> No.5992528

Reimu, I'm so jealous...

>> No.5992610

Russia is always lame

>> No.5992612

You made me notice Reimu was being taken by the hand by someone ;_;

>> No.5992632

Just imagine that it's you holding her hand as you look lovingly into her eyes.

>> No.5992636

Point of view, anonymous. That's your hand.
