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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5987547 No.5987547 [Reply] [Original]

Continued from >>5987523
>Yeah, but did she know what had caused it and that she had been saved by Nanjo and Genji?
>If up until that point she had just accepted it as something she was born with and that she couldn't blame on anyone
I'm not talking about her rage per se. Knowing the causes about her condition doesn't really change what she thinks about it. If: "crippled = not fit for love" according to her, why does "I know I'm crippled since birth = I love and am loved by Battler" makes sense to you?
Thsi doesn't really make sense unless her definition about requirements of love or definition about her body changed over time.
If one definition stays the same throughout her life, the other is in conflict with it.

>tl;dr Shannon doesn't have the same 'issues' Yasu does.
I don't think it can go as far as "don't realize your body is a crippled mess", sorry. Shannon loved and loves, Yasu is supportive of her. Would she think she herself can't love because of her body but Shannon can?
I say the same thing you said to me before. She doesn't think it's emotional, but physical. Shannon closing her eyes about it doesn't make it magically ok.
If Shannon's body can, why couldn't Yasu's? If Yasu's can't, why should she think Shannon's can?

>> No.5987570

Use noko, Luke.

>> No.5987588
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>> No.5987591

Looking pretty fabulous here Rudolf.

>> No.5987594
File: 67 KB, 600x487, 315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This image makes me stupidly happy.

>> No.5987598

Translation where?

>> No.5987597

Shannon also used to have the furniture complex at the beginning. She simply decided to move on from it at some point.

If the idea that she's sterile, then she may think she doesn't really need to be able to have children to love. This probably was a huge blow during that scene, since she probably had no idea about her condition, but as time went by, she simply decided to move on her her life. Well, at least as Shannon.

>> No.5987600
File: 22 KB, 640x480, umineko_op7.mpg_snapshot_00.50_[2010.08.21_09.16.00].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spotted a new character in episode 7 opening movie! Who is this girl?!?!

>> No.5987609

What does the info about the Shannon above Yasu says?

That'd be Kumasawa.

>> No.5987622
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Unrelated question: If Battler survived, the "Battler is Amakusa" crack theory might be true?

>> No.5987624

Delusion. Shannon was originally just an imaginary friend, like 1st-gen Beatrice/later Gaap.
Then Yasu went off in her little Golden Land headspace and left the body to Shannon.
That's what we see, you can argue about what really happens though.

>> No.5987652

Words cannot express my love for that artist.

>> No.5987666

They're talking about their waifus, obviously.

>> No.5987671
File: 100 KB, 1061x765, 12719858_p7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cutest Bern pic I saw in last ~3 days.

>> No.5987678
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>> No.5987702
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>> No.5987715
File: 42 KB, 375x336, 1156234123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks really familiar.....

>> No.5987718

>Pfft... You got raped by Bern.

>> No.5987719

There's gonna be some sparks when they realize that they love the same person.

>> No.5987721

Ah...nevermind, it might be just me

>> No.5987727

Has somebody translated なまえのないうた_EDsize lyrics?

>> No.5987725

>There's gonna be some sparks when they realize that they are the same person.

>> No.5987738

Why did Kinzo create the epitaph? Did he suspect that the kid of Beatrice-2 might be alive?

>> No.5987747


>> No.5987765

/r/ scanslation of the leon and natsuhi comic for bawwww

>> No.5987768

/r/ raw

>> No.5987771

To choose the heir. The chapel was built together with the mansion and the epitaph created at that time, Beato-2 was still alive/not born.
That the one, who can solve it, is the reincarnation of Beatrice, he probably thought of later.
In the world, where Lion (promised next heir and child of Beato-2), exists, he still proposes it at dinner to relatives, which leads to the same massacre.

>> No.5987775


>> No.5987797

What should i use to read the novel with ATLAS?

>> No.5987813

You need AGTH and using a manual about how to use it
there's also an uploaded dictionary with all umineko threads in the chain of threads, use easymodo to find it.
If you really can't ask for it.

>> No.5987830

Seems to be the lyrics, translation please.

あおいうみにうかぶ なまえのないしまは
かなわぬやくそくを まちつづけるしま
浮游在青藍大海上 沒有名字的小島
沒有實現到的約定 繼續等待的小島

あすもしこのあめが やんだらむすばれると
かなわぬやくそくを まちつづけるしま
如果明天雨停止了 我們就能連繫起來
沒有實現到的約定 繼續等待的小島

うみねこがはばたき きれいなうそをつづった
ともにいきるとちかいあった きんいろのしま
海貓展翅飛翔 拼湊漂亮的謊言
發誓要一起生存下去 黃金色的小島

あすもしこのあめが やんだらむすばれると
しんじつづけるきみに あたしのすべてを

>> No.5987846

did you find it on a chinese site? Because a few lines look like they're either chinese you copypasted by mistake or, I don't know, a buddhist sutra

>> No.5987898

Seems like the lines underneath the lines in hiragana are Chinese translations. It's kind of confusing to translate with hiragana only but I could try.

>> No.5987904

Actually, the more I think about the "can't love because of incest" theory, the more sense it makes.
Why is Battler's sin forgetting about his promise? Because if they escaped together at the time, she wouldn't have had to know she's Kinzo's child and that she and Battler can't be together (notice how in the love duel they're content with just knowing of each other's feelings).
Battler probably didn't think much about not going back, but for her it meant staying on the island and finding out about the epitaph.

>> No.5987915

Is this better?

あおいうみにうかぶ なまえのないしまは
かなわぬやくそくを まちつづけるしま
あすもしこのあめが やんだらむすばれると
かなわぬやくそくを まちつづけるしま

うみねこがはばたき きれいなうそをつづった
ともにいきるとちかいあった きんいろのしま
あすもしこのあめが やんだらむすばれると
しんじつづけるきみに あたしのすべてを

>> No.5987926

It doesn't make sense.
Incest isn't that much of a big deal in Japan as normal christian based society.

The whole male/female theme that is constant with Yasu hint to something more.

>> No.5987932

I'll request this again, can anyone make a Toy Story shoop with Bern telling Will: "Cats, cats everywhere."?

>> No.5987961

This might not be completely correct, but lyrics translation:

Floating in the blue sea, a nameless island
An island that continues to wait for an unfulfilled promise
If this rain stops tomorrow, we can be joined together
An island that continues to wait for an unfulfilled promise

The seagulls flapping their wings composed a beautiful lie
We vowed to live together on a golden island
If this rain stops tomorrow, we can be joined together
To you who continues to believe, I give all of myself
I give all of myself

>> No.5987995


>> No.5988174

Japan doesn't make a big deal out of cousin incest (and nor does Britain or many parts of the US) but brother/sister incest is still very, very taboo.

If Yasu is Battler's AUNT, I have no idea how that would be treated. Probably taboo.

>> No.5988203

Or, say, she's disgusted by the very idea of this, because she herself is an illegitimate child.

>> No.5988209
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>> No.5988217

Wouldn't that also explain why there can be no happy ending? The most they can hope for is acknowledge it, but can't be together because Yasu knows the truth already.

>> No.5988267

I can see something like this during EP8:

Jessica: But hey Battler, you seriously forgot about us during those 6 years didn't you?

Battler: Ahaha... well, at the beginning I was still angry. But hey, eventually I wrote letters for all of you, didn't it? I wrote to George, to you, to Maria... oh, and even to Shannon!

Shannon: (... what did he just say?...)

George: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF (... Battler, you nigger!...)

>> No.5988271


>> No.5988275

It's funny because you know that's exactly what happened. Stupid George.

>> No.5988277

I'm expecting EP8 to show George is a manipulative scum and Jessica a fickle lesbian that sleeps around with maids.

>> No.5988283

Doesn't this make George responsible for Umineko?

>> No.5988285

>manipulative scum
>Implying the episodes before this hasn't made both those things clear.

>> No.5988289

Well, at least this would justify all the George hate.

>> No.5988291

that is why I used "show" instead of "hint" or "imply"

>> No.5988294

which is hilarious because George before Shannon was basically /jp/

>> No.5988311

For ep8 we have:

No happy ending.
Bittersweet ending.
The true story is neither sad, nor scary, nor harsh.
Battler dedicated it to Ange.
Bernkastel is the GM and intends to make the cruelest story.
The only one whose death wasn't shown or narrated in Bern's "truth" is Battler. Though you would think that such dish should be the most delicious in her menu.
The only known survivor of the accident is Eva.
Ange has a bad-ass bodyguard.
Now I wonder, what will happen.

>> No.5988316

There's a FAT chance to it, I think.

If George and Jessica are behind this, that'd be funny because that'd mean Battler gave us the answer in a silver tray in EP6.

>> No.5988317
File: 64 KB, 642x480, anotherletternoway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at his expression as he says it. You know that fat fuck is lying through his teeth.

Before this he's always asking Shannon if she's lonely without Battler and saying things around her like "I'm sure Battler's moved on and forgotten all about us!"

>> No.5988321

>The only one whose death wasn't shown or narrated in Bern's "truth" is Battler.
Did they mention Genji and Kumasawa? I never saw any description from people talking about Kyrie.

>> No.5988323

>The only one whose death wasn't shown or narrated in Bern's "truth" is Battler. Though you would think that such dish should be the most delicious in her menu.

I think we also didn't see how they killed most of the servants. I remember them killing Gohda, but I don't remember anyone else getting mentioned.

And well, you know, there's also Shannon and Kanon.

>> No.5988327

I want to believe! I want to believe that Battler wasn't just dicking around for most of ep. 6 and actually gave us the truth!!

>> No.5988338

Well, because there are not really many people left, and Maria wasn't the only one in the guesthouse, at least one them should be dead.

Beatrice is shot.

>> No.5988342

Well, they killed Gohda who was in the servants room... you can suppose they killed Genji and Kumasawa.

>> No.5988349

I know Beatrice was shot, but they, as far as I know, don't know that Beatrice is also Shannon and Kanon.

So, I guess they should have tried to look for them.

>> No.5988351

Claire created Kanon as a younger brother to console Shannon. Was it stated in ep7 that Jessica is a lesbian? All people on the island couldn't possibly pretend they don't mind Shannon crossdressing.

>> No.5988356

Anyone has the lyrics for the short version of Kiri no Pythos?
I'm kinda bored and want to do an .ass.

>> No.5988362

>I know Beatrice was shot, but they, as far as I know, don't know that Beatrice is also Shannon and Kanon.

I hate you more than words can describe.

>> No.5988366


Lyrics in the video description

>> No.5988368

I want to know why George doesn't mention Shannon before he dies. He's all crying and talking about how he wanted to be like Rudolf, but no asking about the fate of the woman he loves?

>> No.5988369


>> No.5988371

speaking of which, did the full version ever get released?

>> No.5988375

It did, but you'll have to give me a few minutes to find the link in my history.

>> No.5988390


I think this is the same one I have, but I'm not sure. I'll keep looking and see if there's a better one that I downloaded. As far as I know, there was only one link circling but I may be wrong. Anyway, here you go.

>> No.5988392

we pretty much agreed his love for Shannon is actually egotism/all about himself besides in the super happy episode 6

>> No.5988393

Excellent, thank you

>> No.5988400

No problem. Always glad to help out.

>> No.5988402

I feel bad for Yasu. No wonder she always wants to kill Shannon, settling for a guy that doesn't give a fuck about anyone but himself.

>> No.5988405
File: 21 KB, 476x323, imanerd_whatsthis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did I do for you to hate me? ;___;

>> No.5988421

Meanwhile, at Witch Hunt...

>> No.5988432

I didn't know the .ass file worked in the music box, good surprise.

>> No.5988443

What? you think Kyrie wouldn't know?
