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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5958500 No.5958500 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>5924625
Current version: v1.10
Wiki: http://hisouten.koumakan.jp/wiki/Main_Page
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>> No.5958620
File: 37 KB, 450x600, youmu-yokan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hosting EU

>> No.5958841

GGs. Just felt like fucking around since I woke up at an odd time.
Never seen lag so bad I missed so many rolls and go hit on wakeup over and over. The worst was when I missed dial A into spellcard. Funny shit.

>> No.5958845

GGs Dimglow.
Sorry for not sticking longer with you, but delay 9-10 is not my cup of tea. I patiently await the time when EC and EU players will be able to play seriously together - given someone will one day develop a decent caster -, 'cause delayfest isn't that fun for me.

>> No.5958870

Well you were player 1, so it was a lot less for you.
My delay was so high it couldn't even display properly due to the single digit limit. It kept floating around 2-3, so 12-13 my side.

>> No.5958887

How about playing a real game like IaMP?

>> No.5958900

The more I hear about the stupidities of this netplay (unbalance between host and joiner, 63-or-so fps-netcode, 10ms-frame ratio), the more I want to cry. My delay wasn't even showing something I could decipher.
Please someone beg mauve to code a caster for soku.

>> No.5959053

mauve hates SWR/soku, he'll never code for it.

>> No.5959316

>> No.5959556

needs more us

>> No.5959918

You sure love them dash attacks, Idler. GGs.

>> No.5959940

Even with my currently blurred vision, that picture is still adorable.

>> No.5959943
File: 246 KB, 900x1200, c699583be6ff553eada62d757db526a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs, Su.

>> No.5960259


>> No.5960458

requesting canada tier. will only stay if i never seen your name on /jp/ before tier.
dear god if I have to fight another /jp/ regular I might as well watch juggling replays.

>> No.5960600

www, rabbit-box, bob
take your pick

>> No.5960811

why the fuck is there a little canadian man running around making orders? fuck off, "eh"?

>> No.5960852

Any professionals wanna jam?

>> No.5960855

EU, around average tier.

>> No.5960885

GG's but lagging pretty hard atleast on my end

>> No.5960892

What are you? 7?

>> No.5960974

Ouch. I gotta go, but good games. Never played against a decent Aya before, I got pretty much raped there.

>> No.5961022
File: 2 KB, 124x122, Territorial Oak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5961099

Good games, but please don't use Perfect Maid randomly out in the open. It won't work and is just annoying. Try to use it as a reversal instead, or maybe as a followup to your bullet moves if the opponent tries to graze attack.

>> No.5961124

is this a ritual like the tree now

>> No.5961154 EU hosting

Going through the whole cast tier
Todays flavor: Perfect and Elegant Maid

>> No.5961213

>use it as a reversal
lolno. It has longer startup than f.5a and you can easily bait it by non-melee moves without sacrificing much. If it worked as a reversal, you could have mashed out for more damage too.
You can use it instead of a HJC, against crossups or really obvious air-to-air encounters for example.

>> No.5961214
Canada (east coast)

>> No.5961363

Well, I'm done. Good games. Impressive Sakuya play.

>> No.5961366 wc

>> No.5961378


ggs, you shouldn't try to be so aggressive when you are getting off the ground, you are at a disadvantage there, also you shouldn't snoop the ceiling that much, I ended up throwing a lot more bouncyknives than normal just to discourage you from flying up there, you don't really gain any advantage even if you go up there.
You also seemed to go all bullets or all melee, occasionally you mixed them up a bit, but most of the time it seemed like you were just using either or, play like that is rather easy to see through, mixing them in some amount is important

>> No.5961385


>> No.5961386

gg kos i wonder if i play better drunk or sober i can't tell

>> No.5961431
File: 281 KB, 985x830, 1256696864348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, I'll keep those in mind. I guess clinging on top of the stage isnt a particularly good strategy then heh.
Also, it's really hard to do mix-ups when using a keyboard in my opinion. One of these days, I really need to get a pad or stick.

>> No.5961475

Mmm, issue of a controller is always a personal preference, I guess some do feel odd with keyboard, soku is designed rather keyboard friendly though and I've managed decently well with keyboard so far.

Going to the ceiling can help avoid some attacks, but it really is not worth it since flying there drains spirit and the opponent can just wait down and gather full spirit while waiting for you to come down. Pretty much no one of the cast can mount a decent offense from high up if the opponent is on the ground, except maybe Alice but that requires a lot of practice and I'm not sure how well it still works. Going there occasionally for some gimmicky attacks can be fine but flying up there all the time simply makes the match longer while putting yourself at a disadvantage. :x

>> No.5961536

Central, beginner

>> No.5961547

GGs, I'm leaving before I waste anymore of your time.

>> No.5961568


Anyone? I want to move away from the computer, but I can't when I'm waiting for a match.

>> No.5961573

Any european hosting ?

>> No.5961577

i swear to god if you arent a real begining im outta here

>> No.5961608

alright i can tell you are new so i'll play new don't worry guy enjoy yourself basically use me as a sand bag but i won't go down easy

>> No.5961617


try to work on what you do after a projectile. predicting your high jump cancel forward every time for a free aerial combo was the majority of my damage. okuu has a lot of good options to bait and punish what i was catching you with. also, for the love of god, block more on wakeup, at least if you see me rushing towards where you're teching to to melee you.

>> No.5961634


Whichever of you guys I played against, ggs.

>> No.5961648

No EU then ?

>> No.5961890
File: 121 KB, 1150x862, 1281593239481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

US east

Skill: Beginner, meiling, and sometimes Alice tier.

I think I'm still a beginner, but any skill level is welcome. Though I might not play too long if I'm being bested without the feel of a learning experience.

>> No.5961917
File: 331 KB, 1100x1300, 12369849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Europe, taking it easy.

>> No.5962059

GGs Kos, your air games really has it's way of getting to me. ;_;

>> No.5962236


>> No.5962245


>> No.5962460


>> No.5963209

bump4hosts II

>> No.5963338

Hosting again.

>> No.5963410

fuck yea china fuck up that bird. feels good to watch okuu get smacked around.
anyone hosting here? I should be studying for my summer class exam but I rather play little girl slap gaems.

>> No.5963548


>> No.5963636 wezt koazt

someone hurry and join before i get bored and go play tf2

>> No.5963644

That was fast. Unless you're not forwarded corrrectly.

>> No.5963663

Request Canada Host. Da ze tier.

>> No.5963746

G fucking Gs Absolute. God that fucking Okuu was pissing me off. You do like, so much damage. That shit isn't even funny. They were awesome and fun matches either way, I was screaming most of the time.

Sorry I afk'd then bailed, I have to order food for my family and of course, eat.

LOL Hell yeah, roasted turkey tonight!

>> No.5963751

Good Games. I keep forgetting to block on wake up.

>> No.5963769

Yeah, man. Sorry for using Utsuho. I know she's a scrub mode character, but she's the only character I know how to not completely suck as. Her damage output is insane, with four control rods, she can deal out 5K damage with simple BnB's. I always feel bad using her, even if I do suck tremendously as her.

>> No.5963785

It's all good, it's not like she's banned or anything.
Her damage is insane but it's not like you can't see half the moves coming.

Still were awesome matches though.

>> No.5963863

ggs profilelp. pretty obnoxious okuu you have there, but all the good ones are i suppose

>> No.5964393 [DELETED] US East

don't want to fight a million utsuho players tier

>> No.5964881

bump4hosts III

>> No.5965080


>> No.5965178

Hey, Tree. Wake up.

>> No.5965440

Any hosts?

>> No.5965520
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>> No.5965982 [DELETED] 

EU rehosting

>> No.5967390


>> No.5968095

why so dead lately, soku

>> No.5968122

Bring it to life with an ip, then.

>> No.5968169
File: 60 KB, 729x278, c5a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5968278


>> No.5968286

should post her broken ass 2a hitbox

>> No.5968402
File: 168 KB, 550x400, 35e28779ed416b3d24627b2e22c275d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5968439
File: 230 KB, 743x2037, 1281736254737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5968439 - US Midwest.

Skill level: Depends.

>> No.5968520

Good games etc

>> No.5968533

Sorry about that. Looks like my mom is screwing around with the internet. Again.

>> No.5969093
File: 60 KB, 405x602, 62fe2dd347792bbebf56bfa9a88d4341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs aki. I wish random select was more random, I don't enjoy playing Tenshi all that much.

>> No.5969129

EU rehosting for a few

>> No.5969174

requesting lower to average tier hoster. Final Test Tier.

>> No.5969380 [DELETED] 
File: 136 KB, 502x335, e4e8af57432c14dcb98e28f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is no one hosting? I finally finished my last day of summer school and I want to watch little girls slapping each other so host damnit.

>> No.5969425

bump for hosts.
thread watcher tier.

>> No.5969610


>> No.5969705

bumping again for host. baking tier.

>> No.5969716

GGs Idler. Random select actually seemed to work fine on my side for once.

GGs p1p, your corner pressure is strong as always.

>> No.5969831

still waiting for a hoster. eating baked goods tier.

>> No.5970379


>> No.5970436
US Central

I got 30 minutes to burn, come at me!

>> No.5970588

Host please

>> No.5970684
Hostan Canadia

>> No.5970767


Went a bit over my time, but that was pretty fun. Thanks for the matches.

>> No.5970790


Looks like it's lag in my end. Anyway, thanks rabbit.

>> No.5970793

Good god, whats up with our connection? Are you sure you have torrents turned off?

>> No.5970801

GGs, fun matches... Thanks for all the air teching, been meaning to practice Sakuya's 3A corner combo. Unfortunately I screwed it up nearly every time. Stupid 623b doing 236b...

>> No.5970813

Bleh, I was having a ton of fun with our matchup but the lag was really spoiling it. I definately can't relax my game if I want to win, but the lag meant I was stuck in the corners.

>> No.5970831

rabbit? why was he winning? was he better than you?
does that mean he's better than me?
why is no one hosting?

>> No.5970877

Haha, he was about even. I won one and lost one befor the lag made things slow to a dead crawl. Neither of us used our full bag of tricks, but I could tell that I would eventually start losing after I ran out, due to how quickly he picked up on my shenanegans. As for if he'd be better than you, I can't say without playing you again. Would you like me to host?

>> No.5970941

i would like a host since i been asking since 5 but i'm watching a movie right now about some guy who killed his wife and fucking with the court.
you can host but i probably won't pay attention, but then again i play better drunk.
also this guy who murder his wife just made the only legal te....holy shit that dude just tackled him.
and he was the one who cheated on his wife, so yea that was fun uh you want to host?

>> No.5970950


>> No.5971066

Alright I have a couple of questions for anyone experienced in executing combos and what not.

I actually don't like my style of playing at the moment because it feels too lose. A lot of my reels, counter hits, and guard breaks aren't followed up properly because I don't have a solid move set. My combos are also lacking because I believe I have poor execution. Anyways, I have a couple of questions that would help me clear these problems up.

How important is button timing in executing some of the higher tier/limiting combos? I currently main Meiling, and sometimes moves (mainly B moves) will slip out of my combo. Moves will sometimes miss their mark in the air, leading to incomplete air combos most of the time.

Along with button timing, what about extra commands, sometimes I find myself spamming a command for certain moves in my combo.

I'd also like to add that I use a controller, I'm not completely sure if it's just my execution, or some kind of controller lag, but a lot of basic BnBs that I feel no problem in executing tend to be hell for me. Does anyone know if the keyboard responds quicker than certain controllers, or if breaks in my USB cord (I have one in fact) would result in dropped commands or lag?

Any input will be heavily appreciated.

>> No.5971068
File: 208 KB, 906x664, 1281827407432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot my picture ;_;

>> No.5971184

uhhh i saw a black screen after the alice tenshi match, closed the game, and the music kept going.
also this is why i prefer not to play marisa due to you making my main look shitty. it hurts you know.
anyways this guy is getting away with murder so yea gg. poor guy he's gonna lose his job.
lawyering is hard.

>> No.5971225

stop worrying about combos. keep playing and learn naturally, else you'll look like half the other scrubs here with awesome combos but no technique and thus get their ass handed to them by anyone who doesn't run into the same shit over and over again. srsly.

>> No.5971232

Haha, good games GITAH! My advice for you would be to pick up some combos for your characters. It seems like you are able to catch me a lot but it's for small broom rides, uppercuts and hip checks. Even if it's a dial A into a spell card, it would go a long way into swinging the matches into your favour. I'd also be a bit careful of when you throw out little pokes and bullets at close ranges, as a lot of the time i'm in grazemode waiting for an opening.

>> No.5971269
File: 250 KB, 1024x576, Ayumu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do have technique. I think i'm actually pretty good. Like I said though, I want just rewards for the things I do. I don't need my pressure strings breaking because some of my commands are being left out either.

overall, I can do without it, but I would at least like to be a lot more solid with my dealt damage.

>> No.5971317

>How important is button timing in executing some of the higher tier/limiting combos? I currently main Meiling, and sometimes moves (mainly B moves) will slip out of my combo. Moves will sometimes miss their mark in the air, leading to incomplete air combos most of the time.
it's completely situational. depends on the particular combo, the character and sometimes even the weather. i don't play china so hell if i know anything specific about her, but in general some things are really strict on timing while others aren't. the juggle timer among other things sometimes let projectiles pass through people even though it seems like they should still get hit. what exactly can i say here to help you? trial, error and practice. do it.

>Along with button timing, what about extra commands, sometimes I find myself spamming a command for certain moves in my combo.
i don't even know what you're saying here.

>I'd also like to add that I use a controller, I'm not completely sure if it's just my execution, or some kind of controller lag, but a lot of basic BnBs that I feel no problem in executing tend to be hell for me. Does anyone know if the keyboard responds quicker than certain controllers, or if breaks in my USB cord (I have one in fact) would result in dropped commands or lag?
a good usb controller should respond just as fast as a keyboard. most wired devices have little to no noticeable input lag. your problem might be that you practice combos in single player too much, which is bad for your timing once latency is introduced. add onto that the fact that timing differs depending on how well your connection is to another opponent and you probably have your answer.

>> No.5971330

Thanks for your advice, i'll take it to heart.

>Along with button timing, what about extra commands, sometimes I find myself spamming a command for certain moves in my combo.

I mean that I'll press 5aaaaaaa really fast until i see 5aaa come out, then I'll go on to my 2b, and so on. Sometimes I just press the button really fast until my move comes out.

>> No.5972115


>> No.5972141

Host please

>> No.5972219

US Central

30 minute tier

>> No.5972231

Haven't seen ZomB around here in a while...

>> No.5972312

My brain cannot handle the YukarixYukari going down in this room.

>> No.5972566


GGs, E-MAN. It's been a long time since I played with you. I thought I was playing Lurker for a bit, but then I saw your name. Nice mid-air strikes and DP.

>> No.5972572


Looks like my 30 min turned into an hour. Truly did enjoy those matches (yes, even the Remi rushdown which I hate with a passion), but I need to be up early for work tomorrow. Thanks for the matches!

>> No.5972606

Both due to me losing the net. In my downtime, spent time training my Yukari. Looking at yours shows I got much more to invest in her besides tombstone/portal placement and eye combos. I couldn't even land a j8A in order to even get the double eye combo.

>> No.5972847
File: 4 KB, 248x244, Hostile Elder Oak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5972937

He's on IRC all the time

>> No.5973047 EC

>> No.5973276

Just watching this match is making me cringe.

>> No.5973280

Thanks for the games, anon, rehosting.

Might want to use more j6a with remilia.

didn't take note of anything else I guess, thanks for the games, anon

>> No.5973281

lol, my iku matches were disastrous, stop making fun of me ;_;

I do love giving shows, so might as well rehost~ Rehostan, the EC IP above.

>> No.5973285


Sorry for disconnection, I'm a bit clumsy. Also I have no idea how to use Remilia and I don't use her so yeah.

>> No.5973313

Oh my god, sorry, need to upload the last two replays to youtube, give me a name anon, I love you. I'll be back in around 20-25 mins for more matches~

>> No.5973321


Holy shit that hurt bad...Just use Lolilancer...

>> No.5973334

If it makes you feel better, worse has happened.


>> No.5973351


Just so you know I'm pretty bad so yeah...I use Sakuya most because she's the only one I do well with. Sanae, Reimu and Youmu are the only other characters I know and everyone else is a complete crapshoot. Feels embarassing man.

>> No.5973371

lol they're all midtiers, but uh yeah, I'd say sakuya is the most solid, when I'm done editing and whatnot, let's have sakuya mirrors, you can copy stuff from me and all that.

>> No.5973388


That sounds fine. Other characters would be nice too I guess. I forgot to mention I'm okay with Meiling too. Only reason I use them better than the others is because I know one or two combos into more powerful spellcards.

>> No.5973581

EU rehosting

Also, >>5973334

>> No.5973704

lol fapped for way too long, sorry anon, night.

>> No.5974097 EU hosting
Perfect and Elegant Maid tier

>> No.5974286
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>> No.5974398

What song is this?

>> No.5974460
File: 51 KB, 550x600, reisen gift_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The name of the song is 恋のごぉすと☆あんさんぶ from Sound Holic - Sound Holic Meets Touhou - Flaming Eastern Bullet


Either download it from there if you can, or find another link

>> No.5974853


>> No.5975359 [DELETED] 

EU rehosting

>> No.5975528

host please. pretty gutsy tier.

>> No.5975539

ggs, Sorry for the ragequits, but it's really discouraging when I know I'll never be any better than shit tier.

>> No.5975559

were you the okuu? you didn't seem top bad against him you just need to avoid being cornered by him and watch your cards since you were holding that 5SC.
I'm sure you wanted to use it for the finale finish, but it does less damage the less HP he has, so yea something I learned by experience.
Cause shit sucks when you use your entire hand only to see he has 1 pixel of health left and rapes your shit. O wait that was me that did it, feels good man.
Mix it up with ABC, baiters gonna bait, better to use your trump card earlier than never.

>> No.5975584

Yeah, I was that terrible Okuu. I tried Patchouli in the beginning, but I just smashed with her, so I decided to go back to the character I suck the least as. I didn't know about attacks doing less damage with the less HP they have, I'll remember that, thank you.

>> No.5975612

yea I just wanted to make sure I didn't give you false info, but about 0.3% attack decrease for every 1% HP lost, so at 50% health, attacks are only at 85% max, but then again if you stack up on skill cards it makes it stronger, so at most your attack will only decrease down by 30%.
Not sure if you notice that spellcard you were holding, but alot of people like the flashy finale spell card kill cause lol supers, but its much better to make sure it hits than hoping for a lucky hit unless you have a plan to maximize troll play.
requesting new america/canada hoster hangover tier.

>> No.5975626

Wait, doesn't that mean that you TAKE less damage based on the amount of HP you lose?

>> No.5975641

Yeah, I was trying to combo 3A in to that spell card, but I'm so bad at the game that I can't even do that.

>> No.5975746


Definitely this. Hence even though Suika's Massacre on Mt.Ooe does more damage than anything else in the game except Master Spark (with control rods it takes out like >90% HP if you hit someone at max life).. however it is probably the easiest super in the game to fuck up, hence Throwing Atlas is actually perhaps her best 5 card super.. if you make a small jab, any little pinprick move really, if you use Throwing Atlas immediately afterwards it is practically impossible to be blocked.. which makes it much better than most moves I can think of because it's guaranteed massive damage.

>> No.5975757 wc

>> No.5975759

don't worry guy do you know how much practice these /jp/ players had with IRC?
I must of picked it up around September, and then dropped it around January, and came back around this summer, and I'm still losing badly.
Just stick with a character, watch replys, learn the enemy's patterns, graze for a opening, let it all out and pay attention to health, cards, orbs, and weather.
yes it's called the dying will handicap. Just like IRL, if someone is beating the shit out of you, the punches don't hurt as much while you're spitting out blood.

>> No.5975760

^afk taking a dump btw

>> No.5975764

fuck i didn't expect someone to join that fast. guess i'm holding it in

>> No.5975775

uhhh interesting name yo hope i dont bore you too much

>> No.5975816

Plus it's a reversal. AND it hits in typhoon. Damn that card is great.
I still have a massacre in my deck, just to see them 7000+ damages and make people jump at every possible occasion. Fanstasy Heaven does more than both of them, by the way.

>> No.5975970

you slut i didn't have fun at all you gave me crabs.
sad crabs.

>> No.5976012

cry aboot it

ggs though, woulda played longer if i didn't have to #2 so bad, and now my desire to play is gone. ohwell

>> No.5976267

As if people on IRC played better than /jp/'s.
Half of the IRC community can't do better than wake up 5A.

>> No.5976378

Bump for hosts

>> No.5976498

Half of irc IS /jp/. Maybe more than half.

>> No.5976526

rehosting for a bit

>> No.5976534

Problem faggot? I can win a game by wakeup 5a [b]only[b/]


bored tier


>> No.5976561

I was once told that if you try hard enough, your wake up 5A actually gains enough priority to beat any meaty. You must be super player.

>> No.5976589


>> No.5976609 [DELETED] 

Says the Meiling player, am I right?

>> No.5976619

stop trolling

>> No.5976628


Just input 88 22 6 4 4 6 5a 5b

then 5a and it'll do double damage and invul wakeup

>> No.5976636

rehostan since anon froze

>> No.5976670

or just do 5a

>> No.5976762


>> No.5977095

Good games, AD, well even if you were in IRC, that was fun, if someone was spectating, don't mind his alice destroying my meiling please ;_;

>> No.5977217

You rehosting?

>> No.5977247
File: 272 KB, 844x900, 1277087596513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hosting canada west, bullet spam

>> No.5977334
Hostan Canadia

Killing time while waiting for someone else to finish tier

>> No.5977389

canadians, canadians everywhe-
god damnit

>> No.5977549

the fuck happen with yuyuko? gg you bastard
yea thats right i mad that my spellcards dont hit
fuck tihs im glad im going on vaca in a week then I won't have internet and have to deal with this tier shit for a week.

>> No.5977569

Good games GITAH! Your Marisa is starting to get pretty good, and my own crap tier characters can no longer hold their own very well. I saw you were escaping my silly strings with a lot of ease, but you probably don't have to worry about them anyways since I can't guard crush with very many characters.

>> No.5977612


Good games!

>> No.5977613

If you're still up for it, let get to it, Rabbit!


Sick games. Was a bit salty with the way that last Sanae match turned out, but fun nonetheless. Thanks for the matches.

>> No.5977620

Ahh, you'd hit a lot more with the spellcards if you took the type that are designed for coming out instantly, or using them at the end of your Dial A. Whats happening is as soon as I hear the spell card sound, I'll immediately block regardless of whats coming out. You'd have luck with both Yuyuko's butterfly rings.

>> No.5977626

Rehostan Go go

>> No.5977815

I'm fucking doing it /jp/.

I'm doing it and I don't give a fuck.

4 control rods. I'm fucking doing it.

>> No.5977823

what are control rods? you mean the weather changing cards? why would you go and do that?
so silly anon~ that's why you should carry 4 fishy for maximum random.

>> No.5977825

I'm also making it a rule that I MUST use said control rods as soon as they appear.

>> No.5977858

God Komachi has the cutest fucking feet in this game. I always lose to her in arcade mode because i'm too busy licking the screen.

>> No.5977890

My Suika have 4 rods. Take it.

>> No.5977897
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Hostan again. Only Meiling this time around, and won't be playing for that long.

>> No.5977902
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GGs Rabbit

So lucky, that last hit was suppose to be a double DP to stop you from hovering or j2A on top of me, but misinputs, misinputs, misinputs. Good playing you again, had a blast. Thanks for the matches!

>> No.5977912

Good games E-MAN! Where have you been for the last while? I see you're sporting a new Yukari, she some great tombstone play and you're pretty brutal with her even without Rans and Trains.

>> No.5977941

Working overtime and been Internetless for about 2 weeks. Just got service back Saturday. Been practicing some stuff, but there's still more work to be done. I've became DP dependent since the last time I played online which cost me quite a few matches against www and Miracle (lol, if only).

>> No.5977943

Utsuho's system card that increases the damage you deal by 10% and the damage you receive by 7.5%

>> No.5978306

ggs, diamond dust and river mist really like to troll me. Fun matches, though.

>> No.5978307

GOD damn it 5aaaa, why was playing you so fucking fun?

I didn't plan on playing that much, but it seemed like we were both really into it. Well at least I was. GGs, your Okuu sucks DIIICCCCKKK. She is so GAYYYYY. She was a real hand full, but was fun to play none the less.

GGs though, if you have any tips on sharping my playing, please let me know. Hope we get to play again some more later, I don't want to stay up late tonight.

>> No.5978313

Yeah they were kicking my ass too, I guess that's what happens when you don't toy with the weather.

>> No.5978328

I noticed that you didn't really like my Okuu, lol. I decided to level up my Yuyucow a bit after winning a bit with Okuu. Those were some really fun matches, I'd say we were about even.

As far as tips and stuff go, I'd say just block more and play defensively. An absolute must in this game is to not get hit. Also, in any serious deck, you should have at least four guard reversals. Most higher tier players turtle and zone anyways.

>> No.5978345

Oh man that Yuyuko was scary as shit.

I thought you found my weakness in those last games. I was scared everytime you played with her.

Those pink ghost fuck me over so much, especially the one where she holds her hands out. I can't dodge it for the life of me. I don't think you know how unbelievably stupid I get when I see that move.

Though I think you seen it, but wasn't nearly gay enough to sit there and spam it.

>> No.5978835 EC~

>> No.5978953

GGs, I know it was a bit short of a session, but my family is going through some shit right now.
So I got to bail.

>> No.5978991

Good games, both anons.

Anon1: Hope you picked up some stuff from our games, my goal in mirrors is for you to copy whatever you find interesting

Anon2: While I may have seemed like an asshole spamming that skill, I was teaching you that wakeup 5a/ airteching all the time etc doesn't always work, oh and, that this game is unbalanced too. Aside from that, you should learn how to graze, really.

good luck to both of you, and now, rehosting EC~

>> No.5978992

Oh man. I got my ass handed to me. First time playing a person.

GGs though.

>> No.5979039

okay, well you stopped teching, now air tech isn't bad if the situations is fine for it, but most players will set up traps for you ready in the air, so i'd rather not and just fall down.

as for wakeup, hold a direction please, you jsut stay in one spot and get murdered in the corner, when you're in the ground you can escape actually I don't know if it just the direction or a+direction, but you should always groundtech, and what else, I guess, that would be it for now, returning with our games

>> No.5979116

Thanks for the games, I need a break now.

Careful with unsafe skills, spam them, they become predictable and then easily punishable.

>> No.5979122


Pretty much everything I do is unsafe against that stuff...Oh well, I'll find someone easier to do better against hopefully.

>> No.5979299 [DELETED] 

EU rehosting

>> No.5979421 EU hosting
Going through the cast tier
Todays flavor: Seven-Colored Puppeteer

>> No.5979775


>> No.5979896

brb food, don't leave

>> No.5979931


>> No.5980596



>> No.5980665

>> No.5981147

Hosting EU

>> No.5981205


ggs, Aya is damn fast, I didn't have any time to even think of what to do ._.

>> No.5981213


Imho your playstyle is not suited for Alice, because you're mostly fishing for 6A and 5A hits and not using enough ranged stuff to back you up. But that's just my opinion.

>> No.5981227


Yeah I know, but I want to play with her for a decent amount of games to see how her moves work, helps later on when I have to play against one, I'm definately not suited to play Alice in the long run

>> No.5981238


>> No.5981416


>> No.5981567

Good games, etc

>> No.5981576


>> No.5981608

GGs 6A. Great spacing you have.

>> No.5981620

I should really try to stop punisihing that low j6a with my dash A, it only brings pain...

>> No.5981630

And by j6a I mean j6c
Also I should get in in my head that my ja never has priority over yours, ever.

>> No.5981689


>> No.5981868
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Low lag in North America or Europe.

KOS-MOS is stoned teir.

>> No.5981875

drugs r bad

>> No.5981934
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Hosting for a bit~

>> No.5981950


>> No.5981958


>> No.5981991

ggs, bit too laggy for me to play for an extended period of time without ripping my balls off

>> No.5982081

I want a rematch against you later tonight KOS, gonna get drunk as shit and we'll see who the better drug player is.

>> No.5982157

GGs profileIP you are a fucking faggot, you smell like shit, your okuu is cheesy, and your dog is going to die from diabetes.

>> No.5982169

u mad?

>> No.5982249


>> No.5982675


>> No.5982878


Looking for host.

Shit tier, can't combo tier, accidentally using spell card after using skill card tier, border escape on accident tier,and more.

>> No.5982927 west coast

>> No.5982950

nvm, gonna go get drunk

>> No.5982983


>> No.5983382


>> No.5983688

bump limit?
request host canada/usa raped by rabbit tier

>> No.5983717 EC

>> No.5983827
File: 156 KB, 2118x1193, 1251092233438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hosting canada west, wake up poke

>> No.5983869

I love you too GITAH

>> No.5983901

B UNPMfdnsaiofdsaiobfads


>> No.5983941
hostan us west

>> No.5984002

new thread >>5983997

>> No.5984007

oh, this isn't bump limited yet. i was lied to. either way, new thread is up

>> No.5984382


>> No.5985255

blew you the kiss of death and im out bitch.
gg you must be getting tired to be messing up okuu at the end im just likely im high on caffeine.
Hate okuu I hate you but that was a fun 3 hours of mirror fights and god damn fucking okuu.
Thanks for switching it up so I had some wins with your non mains, but yea I hate you and your okuu.
Middle finger for every time okuu finally took it up the ass, feels so fucking good but yea very nice.

>> No.5985258

GGs, GITAH. That was the longest set I have ever played. We seemed to be about even, but I dunno. T'was fun playing every character without getting double-perfected every round.

>> No.5985316


>> No.5985569

sumone hoast

>> No.5986223

host bamp
