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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5984673 No.5984673 [Reply] [Original]

So im taking japanese and we need a japanese name that we will be called for the whole year. can you guys tell me a decent name, preferrably short, for a male, that isnt from an anime? XD thank you

>> No.5984684

Reporuto Shittotredo

>> No.5984681

You've already reported enough posts

>> No.5984694


>> No.5984697

what forum do i use then?

>> No.5984704


>> No.5984705


Don't be smart-asses, /jp/.

>> No.5984727


>> No.5984732

u guys are worse than b

>> No.5984739


>> No.5984753

Hello, good sir. It has come to my understanding that are are in fact new here. Please have a seat over in the corner, have a cup of tea, and relax. I'll be right with you in a second to help you fill out the paperwork for /jp/ citizenship.

Before you go, I'll just tell you that we here in the fine country of /jp/ do not take kindly to people who pretend to be Gaia kiddies, or those who are actually Gaia kiddies. Your lack of grammar and usage of a smiley are just two quick mistakes in your post that I've spotted at a glance.

>> No.5984748

You're being damned vague, OP

something that suits your personality

I say Fuyuko, if thats from an anime, then whoopsy-daisy

>> No.5984764
File: 86 KB, 671x504, Kindly vacate the premises.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, sir. After further review of your paperwork, it seems you are not yet ready to enter our fine land of /jp/. I suggest you re-apply after studying about a year more of English, and looking over the rules of /jp/ more thoroughly.

These rules can be found here:

- /jp/ Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services

>> No.5984769

Now, Skeeter, he ain't hurtin' nobody...

>> No.5984771

What is your real name? Give us something to work with here.

>> No.5984800

name is michael
k immigration i thought with simple logic since it was /jp/ it would be fine to post japanese related things here, I'll go back to looking online, but i will check back in a few minutes to see if there was anyone helpful

>> No.5984808


>> No.5984814


>> No.5984820

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

Sure seems like it actually says Japan/General doesn't it? Fuck you and your retarded "class". Are you twelve years old?

>> No.5984822

Just do your real name except with a very think and racist Japanese accent. Like if you have L's accentuate them as R's and such.

>> No.5984834


>> No.5984853

