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598133 No.598133 [Reply] [Original]

So, what's the deal with this guy? Besides the superhuman abilities, he also has Plunder?

>> No.598140

He's also female.

>> No.598141

He's the baddest motherfucker you'll ever meet.

>> No.598146

in b4 hot ass gender swapped kouma.

>> No.598149
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Perfect balance between human and demon blood, etc.

>> No.598144

He's the child of Akuma and Sol Badguy.

>> No.598145

I thought Kouma's fire was FIRE fire, not PLUNDER fire like Akiha's

>> No.598159


BARELY made it.

>> No.598160


Good call.

>> No.598162

that was a close one anon but you came out on top.

>> No.598169
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>> No.598170



>> No.598173


He would be a lot more awesome if he were related to Akuma.

>> No.598177


Translation plz.

>> No.598181
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>> No.598187


Kouma Kishima VS Roa.


Holy fuck Actress Again is going to be awesome.

>> No.598192

Fire vs. Electricity...

>> No.598200


Pffft, where's my playable SHIKI?

>> No.598227


Roa wins because he has Regeneration during the full moon, Mystic Eyes of Life Perception, a shitload of spells, Square, Overload, super speed, crystallization of blood into weapons and the ability to survive absolutely anything excluding his death being assraped by Shiki's knife.

Kouma is badass, but Roa fabulously outclasses even him.

>> No.598229


I see what you did there.

>> No.598250


Off somewhere in a female's kimono fapping to the memory of his little sister, particularly the Akiha Dream Sequence.

>> No.598252

If we're talking about outside of Melty Blood, weapons cannot pierce Kouma's skin, and his demon lineage gives him high magic-resistance. Conditionally, under the full moon, Roa might win, but Kouma has the advantage otherwise.

>> No.598254

Kiri managed to cut him.

>> No.598257


Kiri is fucking insane. He kills people with a DRUMSTICK.

>> No.598268

He went a centimeter deep into his neck, ONCE. With a second or two to put all of his force into the stab.

>> No.598269


Stronger than Nintendium.

>> No.598262

Exactly how strong his Kouma's skin?

>> No.598276

Supposed to be like steel.

>> No.598275


Mystic Eyes of Death Perception. End of story.

But really, how many anti-army/anti-fortress EX spells can he survive regardless? Overload pretty much takes care of any resistance he might have.

>> No.598283

>Mystic Eyes of Life Perception

>> No.598287

Roa can see lines, he'd shit on Kouma.

>> No.598285

>Mystic Eyes of Life Perception.

>> No.598289

That the strongest metal known to man?

>> No.598291


Ah, yes, my mistake. Doesn't change a thing, though.

>> No.598298
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No, I believe that title would go to DRAGONFORCE

>> No.598299

Shiki came near-death vs. a fake Kouma, and he could see his lines.

>> No.598302

I still don't fully understand how Mystic Eyes of Death Perception and Mystic Eyes of Life Perception are different. I mean, sure, I know that that means that Roa can't see the lines on inaminate objects, but...

>> No.598308


I don't think Roa can see someone's point of death either. Just the lines.

>> No.598309

He can't see their death, so he can't immediately kill them by stabbing points, like with the MEoDP. He can only cut the lines of important parts of the body until the person dies.

>> No.598313

Uh, he didn't realize he could see lines until the last moment, at which point he rapes fake Kouma in a second.
When Roa cuts an person, the person doesn't fall apart. Instead, their life is drained, and when they die, they are a lifeless, but whole, corpse.

>> No.598314


Ohh, okay. So it's kind of like a nerfed MEoDP?

>> No.598311


>> No.598312


>> No.598320


Roa and Shiki are two entirely different people. Roa is a vampire and he has super speed, unlike Shiki. Shiki only has Death Perception, Roa has over 800 years of accumulated magical knowledge and a Reality Marble that allows him to power all these spells to EX level.


In exchange for the inability to destroy objects, Roa's ability apparently allows him to steal the "life" of others like he did with Shiki. His eyes also don't cut people, they just fall down as lifeless (literally) shells.

>> No.598321

Pretty much.
My bad, been a while. But before that he really didn't have a chance to attack the fake Kouma.

>> No.598329

So from all of this above:
Does Roa have a big gap over Kouma or just barely able to kill him?

>> No.598331

>>When Roa cuts an person, the person doesn't fall apart. Instead, their life is drained, and when they die, they are a lifeless, but whole, corpse.
>>When Roa cuts an person, the person doesn't fall apart.
>>an person

>> No.598338


>> No.598335


It's arguable, as always, but in the end, yeah. Barrage of EX spells + Nerfed MEoDP = Win.

>> No.598343

Okay, I lol'd
The battle would be over fast considering the HUEG power they both have, with Roa as the victor. He wouldn't come out of it without something crushed or burned, though.

>> No.598350


Also the fact that the only thing that can kill him whatsoever is the MEoDP since he can otherwise adapt around any injuries he receives regardless of what they are and then regenerate them on the full moon.

>> No.598351
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>> No.598356
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Better question.

If Kouma fought Hercules, who would win?

>> No.598357

Explain someone?

>> No.598360
File: 51 KB, 313x482, 1210472006544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.598366

That's right, the only time he fought in KT, he never released his demon power. Uncalculated variable is uncalulated.
Mystic Eyes of Death Perception.

>> No.598376

I believe Nasu said Kouma could beat (fight offensively against) an average servant, but Berserker would probably rape him.

>> No.598377


>> No.598379

Isn't Fire fire?

>> No.598387

>>Isn't it Fire fire?
Opps. Fixed.

>> No.598388

I hate Kouma because the only reason he was able to kill a superior character like Kiri was because of his super strength and super skin and didn't have any actual training.

>> No.598389

I think he meant since Akiha doesn't actually attack with real fire, more like pure heat.

>> No.598395


So he beat a superior character by being better than them?

>> No.598397


Good point. With his Demon Powers unleashed the battle would go on for ages, though that's about as circumstantial as Roa's Regeneration. Even so, Roa can only truly be killed by the MEoDP or something that, you know, gets rid of his existance, since, as it's been said, he automatically adapts around fatal injuries regardless of what they are and will automatically regenerate them all on the full moon. In short, it'd basically be Demon Kouma pounding Roa into the ground the entire time (unless Roa gets a cheap shot, unlikely) and Roa not dying. Next full moon comes 'round and Roa wins. That is, unless Kouma took the time to kill all of Roa's The Dead beforehand, inwhich case Roa loses.

>> No.598399

You are completely correct, sir.

>> No.598402

No. He killed a superior character because he had god mode hax.

>> No.598405




>> No.598403


Hang on, I thought Akiha STOLE heat from people, causing them to disintegrate?

>> No.598410

Akiha steals heat from an object until it evaporates. No actual heating occurs.

>> No.598412

She did

>> No.598413


Are we talking about Berserker Hercules, or Hercules Hercules?

>> No.598415
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dunno, at least I'm sure that kouma would twinky house berserker taking one life

>> No.598420

Talking about in-game, where she uses pure heat.

>> No.598422


The pure heat comes from the target, so... I guess you get really cold and then get all your heat returned all at once or something.

>> No.598425

It's been awhile since I've heard someone say twinkie house... But I don't want to turn this into a "remember old /b/" thread.

>> No.598428

Ok. I fukkin loled.

>> No.598432



>> No.598435


>> No.598495

This thread was enjoyable.

>> No.598521
File: 233 KB, 400x1119, 1210474097138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Longest of Kouma I've ever seen.
Good work, /jp/.

>> No.598531


plunder just steals heat very quickly, and so creates large relative temperatures and rapid heat change; this is what actually causes burning damage, so things will look like they'd been exposed to a large heat.

It's why freezer burns are the same as heat burns.

>> No.598546


Even though it was ultimately about Roa inevitably beating him.

>> No.598641

We can believe.

>> No.598655

Fuck Roa, needs more SHIKI.

>> No.598662
File: 304 KB, 706x1000, 1210475762239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

superior SHIKI/roa

iirc kouma has retarded physical strength too dosnt he, like crushing a huge tree trunk with his hand

>> No.598678


>> No.598698


We already had a SHIKI thread earlier today.

In fact, it may still be around.

>> No.598745

Roa may be more powerful than SHIKI, but SHIKI is still the superior character.

>> No.598877

Aw, I like Roa. He's neat! And he's sort of sympathetic too, in his own way, once you look past the "killed and tortured countless innocents" thing.
