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5966046 No.5966046 [Reply] [Original]

Continued from >>5963077

>> No.5966056
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Kinzo...I'm dissapoint

>> No.5966062
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>> No.5966063
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Here, have some delicious fanarts from Kaori on pixiv

>> No.5966064

Is there a pixiv tag for Ep7? I'm lacking on fanart, and I've seen some good ones.

>> No.5966065

Poor Beato II ;_;

I wouldn't put it past him.

>> No.5966070
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Battler settings things straight to lil Ange how her parents aren't monsters in EP8

>> No.5966072

Okay, so why Kyrie and Rudolf kill people again?
I already had discarded them because of how often they die on the first twilight.

>> No.5966073
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>> No.5966075


Just use うみねこのなく頃に, EP7 is flooding the front pages of that tag atm

>> No.5966079
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>> No.5966086

Japan seems to like the Will = Battler theory.

>> No.5966089

One question, what exactly did Jessica do in EP7 that makes her now a bitch? I know she's been faking her asthma? But why? Also, did she do anything else to be a bitch now?

>> No.5966091
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>> No.5966092

Well, it's not that odd, both of them are into THE HEART.

>> No.5966098

There are some pretty decent hints for it. Will's TIPS profile about his becoming disillusioned with SSVD, for example, could be easily interpreted to be a very close parallel to what happened with Battler and anti-fantasy.

>> No.5966104

Repostan theory

If you get Eva's story as a tip we can assume that Yasu doesnt play the role we may think he plays.

Eva is a witch because she took all the blame for herself, she turned into a villain so she could spare ange from the truh. (batman etc etc)

She gave the world a great ''fuck you'' and acted more and more like the culprit for the sake and the memory of the innocent people that died in rokkenjima (and the living aswell).

If we take the two message bottles written by Beatrice and put them into perspective there's a connection.

Beatrice paints herself a a cruel witch, the culprit, the one that should be hated. All the family members despite their sins and wrongdoings are portrayed as heros fighting against the witch.

She does the impossible, she summons demons, she is the evil incarnate and none of the humans had any fault or chance to begin it.

The letters were written for a reasons and that reason is to shift the blame for Beatrice herself, for the witch.

But there's one person that Yasu wants to find the truth, only one person that she wanted to know everything. And that one person is Battler.

That's why the story is solvable, but encrypted. The closed rooms are there to tip Battler about the truth as Yasu knows he likes mistery novels and she knows that he can solve it.

So putting all of this together: the meta part of the first games are real somehow, they are a metaphor of the survivor Battler trying to solve the message bottles from the deceased Yasu...and when he finds out everything he realizes why the truth shouldnt be revealed and how much that one person liked him. And without love none of this can be understood.

>> No.5966108
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I will never get enough fanart of this scene

>> No.5966111
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I love that theory actually, so I'm not complaining, itserves my shipping well enough

>> No.5966112

About Battler surviving:

There's no proof that he's dead anyway, in the tea party of episode 7 for example its not shown if he's killed or not (if you want to accept it as the truth).

Also the main problem with umineko-fiction theory is WHY the letters can be solved.

It doesnt make sense if its not to someone to solve...and who's the only person Yasu wants to find the truth? Its just connecting dots. I dont really think she would write it for Eva or Ange.

Also it solves the variable to why Meta Battler simply forgave beato for everything when he found out the truth.

As for how he survived he could simply have been rescued by eva.

It fits well with Amakusa-Battler theories.

>> No.5966117

Stupid sexy Will.

>> No.5966119

Jessica didn't really do anything bitchy, just insensitive and somewhat self-centered. She and Shannon weren't as close as assumed, for one thing.

>> No.5966128
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>> No.5966136
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Italianrtice anyone?

>> No.5966140


So basically she's no different than a typical bitch you see is high school. I don't see the big fuss its mostly people's fault for thinking she's all "pure"

>> No.5966142
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>> No.5966148
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>> No.5966149

So as I was saying I'm playing the Yasu flashbacks scenes, and Yasu-Beatrice grants Shannon a little brother to forget about Battler, and his creation description fits the character Kanon has.
However, we don't see the Kanon delusion. What we see is Shannon waking up, hearing that a new servant has arrived, and she thinks "Oh yeah, my little brother. What was his name again?"
From this, can it be possible that:
-Kanon is just a regular servant, going along with Shannon delusions because of his own motives (she's the only one who cares about him, whatever)
-There's an actual Kanon servant upon which Shannon paints the Kanon character that we know?
Because yeah, there was that scene about Shannon glitching and everything, but we don't ever see Kanon in the Utopia/Golden Land space.

>> No.5966151

Can you tell me what sorts of things she did?

>> No.5966166


There's also something else about the letters that i think that further increases the likeness of that kind of setup...The two episodes wrote by Yasu are much alike, they work the same way, Beatrice is a bitch and the absolute culprit, there's no indication of any other culprits.

Then comes Hachijou who supposedly solved everything and changes completely the way the story works.

EP3 had Eva as the culprit, EP4 had Kinzo as a culprit and then a Beatrice that in the end just wanted Battler to remember his sin.

I dont need to comment anything about EP5 and 6... its odd, its intriguing and probably its closer to the truth, as the author this time would want random intelligent people to solve the story.

Its a radical change, but if we assume that hachijou really solved everything, this change makes a lot of sense. As she knows that Beatrice is not the real villain.

>> No.5966174

The scene was basically this, so make your own conclusion:

- We learn Jessica always acted cold to the servants when her mother was around, but was nice to them when Natsuhi wasn't there.
- Jessica liked to call all the girl servants around her own age into her room to talk about love stories when she got a chance.
- Jessica and one of the servants that looks like the stakes (forgot which one, sorry) started teasing Shannon about having a boyfriend, though she insisted she wasn't dating anyone at the moment.
- Shannon pulled away after a while and started thinking of Battler.
- Jessica and the other servant started making fun of "girls that believe too deeply in shallow promises", just in general, not at Shannon in particular.

>> No.5966175

Does anybody feel sorry for George? The "woman" he's in love with is an imaginary character played by most likely a man with his sexual organs rendered useless. Even if the accident didn't happen in rokenjima there is little to no way his relationship with Shanon would flourish nor would he be able to create his "family" with shannon.

I used to think his and Shannon's scenes were boring as fuck now I actually find them sad...Poor George

>> No.5966183

I think it's somewhat likely he told Shannon that Battler didn't write to her, so I don't feel too badly for him. That's the type of person he is, anyway.

>> No.5966186

It's his fault for not wanting to do it until marriage.

>> No.5966191


The guys a jeleous fuck yes and also insecure (Remember he did say in EP6 that he was jelous of Battler) Although he really loves Shanon and is willing to go trough lenghts for her. Then again Yasu is a pitiful person..still its really sad for George

>> No.5966195
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Poor George. Even if he's creepy, he doesn't deserve that.

>> No.5966197

Meh.... she's not a bad person.
Also, her reaction towards promises is rather normal.

>> No.5966203

So what happened with Rudolf and Kyrie in this episode?

>> No.5966205


>> No.5966211
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Here's a fanart to describe it

>> No.5966220
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>> No.5966221

If there is a chance that Natsuhi don't kill Leon doesn't that mean we do have alternate universes in Umineko?

>> No.5966224
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Not really

>> No.5966227

No, that's just a what-if situation.

>> No.5966229
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Elaborate a bit, please.

>> No.5966231
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>> No.5966232

Anyone have any Battler/Shannon pics?

>> No.5966235

Only one Leon exists.

>> No.5966241

it appears one of the concept Bern explains is
kakera = game = fiction
so it's not an alternate universe but a possible fiction like Erika was. It doesn't mean it has to respect the truth of what really happened.

>> No.5966250

None of you have answered my question, you know.

>> No.5966259


It's been explained so many times that its getting tireying to explain it again but to summarise it. Basically Shit happens, bomb was set, Kyrie and Rudolf decided to go fuck it and kill everyone since well 2 people already got killed by accident, bomb could destroy the gold (evidence as well), their in a finatial crisis so yeah. It was an imoulse act, no plan at all

>> No.5966261

Who's Erika?

>> No.5966263

*impulse plan I mean. (Damn typos)

>> No.5966265

>It was an impulse act, no plan at all
For some reason, I find that hilarious.

>> No.5966268

A 'what if'.

>> No.5966269

and that is why I said ohboyherewego.jpg
we already went over this, read the archive

>> No.5966270


It was more dissapointing to me. You'd think the murders would be well planned with a motive other than "LOL shit hits the fan lets kill for teh money" but eh my bad for thinking like that i guess.

>> No.5966280

It's not like they are the real culprits... right?

>> No.5966281
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>> No.5966282


Erika? are you sure you didn't misspell Rika from higurashi?

>> No.5966290

Let's apply Umineko thinking on Higurashi.

What if Himatsubushi-hen is an equivalent to the tea party of E7?
Aren't all those arcs just Akasaka and Oiishi explaining the massacre in later 90's? With Rika portrayed as a character with practically supernatural powers because she did predict shit, the kind the nobody would ever know? And because the book became popular and both Oyashiro-sama and Furude Rika became one of the world's mysteries, they virtually became witches?

>> No.5966293


Well depends on what you define "culprit" one would say Yasu is the culprit since he/she planned the letters, bomb and shit and was going to kill the family if they didn't solve the epitaph. Kyrie and Rudolf mostly took the already shitty situation to their advantages due to an impulse.

>> No.5966296

Battler comes to Rokkenjima -> Yasu writes the challenge letter hoping Battler would solve the epitaph -> Adults solve it -> Shit ensues -> Adults set up the bomb -> Killings -> Almost everyone dies -> Yasu is sad

>> No.5966298

Yasu is dead got killed by Kyrie

>> No.5966303

In b4 the deaths of the ''first real twilight'' were servants faking just to make everyone work harder, Yasu never intended to kill, the adults messed up by themselves.

Bern is laughing her ass off somewhere

>> No.5966304

>Yasu is sad
More like, Yasu is dead. Other than that, I think you're right.

The adults keep on asking Beatrice why she went to all this trouble, and she just keeps repeating that her motives aren't important, and if they want to kill her for what she had planned, then they're free to do so.

>> No.5966306

He can be both if you believe in afterlife

>> No.5966311
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>> No.5966313

Yeah, your mom set it.

>> No.5966314

Kanon is confirmed to be an illusion in the answer of the various closed room.
Like the answer of Jessica's closed romm in episode 2, "an illusion cannot leave a corpse".
Kanon is like Shannon, just younger and less powerful.

>> No.5966316


Yasu said that he/she would have used the guns to kill them if they didn't solve the epithaph. So yeah

>> No.5966319


So Umineko is basically R07 having fun after reading Hamlet?

>> No.5966320

>In b4 the deaths of the ''first real twilight'' were servants faking just to make everyone work harder

>> No.5966321


The stupid thing is that it explains well why is Matsuribayashi so stupid and why is Saigoroshi such a leap away from the good end.

Also, why is Featherine evil and Hanyu good.

>> No.5966322

In red?

>> No.5966323
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Spoiler for EP8.

>> No.5966324

Yasu was definitely planning on killing everyone unless the epitaph was solved.

>> No.5966326

Awesome, I hate both of those assholes.

>> No.5966327

No, it's Ryukushi having fun after reading Scottish Play and buncha other works.

>> No.5966330

Who is that? Some Deus ex Mary Sue?

>> No.5966334

Who is that in the middle? A new character?

>> No.5966335

It's Ryukishi making a clusterfuck out of the novel he read. That's it. Pretty much every trick/plot device/plot twist was a part of other mystery novels.

>> No.5966336

Lambda with tits? Do not want

>> No.5966338


Erika makes meat balls out of the the biggest bitch in umineko. Lamdba is ok,

>> No.5966341

So, is the whole ep1 just a lie?
Because Battler's narration combined with red text in ep4 tea party doesn't leave room for any other person other than 'Kanon' to be the culprit in that one.

>> No.5966343

She makes meatballs out of bern?

>> No.5966344

And when Battler slves it like in ep5?

>> No.5966345


No Bern no >:

>> No.5966347

And Kyrie killed Eva too!
Something seems to have distracted Battler after "he disappeared in the darkness through the rose garden". Now, what or who did that? I guess that's up to interpretation, and Kyrie may seriously suck at shooting.

>> No.5966349

So Umineko as a whole was always only about finding about Beatrice's heart, which is ShKanontrice, only.
The closed rooms and shit was completely irrelevant.
Sure is best plot ever

>> No.5966350

Eva killed Kyrie*

>> No.5966351

all the adults solve it together, Yasu tells them the bomb is set, they go fucking hysteric and shit happens

>> No.5966353

For the last time, Yasu didn't set the bomb. It was Eva.

>> No.5966354

>implying the closed rooms didn't play a huge role in providing clues for Beatrice's heart

>> No.5966355

>Kyrie killed Eva too

Wat? no Eva killed Kyrie. Kyrie did try to kill Eva but only injured Eva intead

>> No.5966359

Kanon or rather Yasu dressing like Kanon is the culprit.
Episode 1 is explained rather well in episode 1, basically fake body for Shannon, Eva's room was a fake closed room, Kanon faked an injury, Maria helped.

>> No.5966361

You were told that from the very beginning, so yeah.
It's not like solving closed rooms is that difficult, anyway.

>> No.5966362

Adults fuck themselves up as always.
If we consider that Yasu really GIVES UP in killing when the epitaph is chosen, there are no other answers.

>> No.5966364

>It was Eva.

After both Natsuhi and Krauss were accidentaly killed

>> No.5966365

this thread sure is repeating the same stuff each time someone comes in and realizes stuff.
We should make a copypasta with all the points like

>> No.5966366

EP1 is the only episode that is exactly the same as it's bottle letter. Bottle letters don't contain meta world, tea parties and ????. It's really obvious from EP4.

That means meta world is real to some extent at least.

And it's too early to think Kyrie and Rudolf are crazy murderers and nothing more. There may be a lot of things we don't know. There are theories that Rosa's tea or Gohda's meal were spiked. Ange may be taken hostage by Sumaderas. It's too early to say Umineko is solved.

>> No.5966368

No, "Kyrie killed Eva" remember. Kyrie shot Eva in the room with the gold. Yet, Eva is alive.
Kyrie also shot Yasu... and something seems to have distracted Battler, since he didn't show up in time to his meeting with Rudolph in the chapel. What or who that may have been, I think is up to interpretation.

>> No.5966371

Did you really need all this just for ShKanontrice?
And it was flawed from the start since ShKanontrice is a fucking stupid concept, there is a reason why so many people didn't want to think it was true prior to episode 7.

Closed rooms solved by personalities who can die, awesomest plot

>> No.5966372
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You forgot HOMOLUST

>> No.5966373

What I like about Will is that he goes completely against Ryukushi's "THIS IS AN EPIC WESTERN WORK LIKE NO OTHER WRITTEN BY A SUPERIOR JAPANESE AUTHOR WHO OUTSMARTED GAIJINS ACCEPT NO IMITATIONS" and plainly says that alternate personalites for a solutin are rather dumb.
Same reason why Erika didn't even bother thinking about ShKanon - she basically had thories on the right track, but wanted the most rational solution possible.

I think that furthest I've seen this in detective novels was Hercule Poirot in the case with the guy who had Chihiro-like memory loss and didn' t remember he did a certain something, that he definitely should remember. That one showed pretty well that Poirot also thought 'this person is genuine, I can feel it, but this is really the only way I can think of'

>> No.5966376


I'm guessing you didn't read EP7 to be saying all this crap

>> No.5966377

>Bottle letters don't contain meta world, tea parties and ????
Ange tells featherine that next time, she should kill her in a less gruesome way.

>> No.5966380

>What I like about Will is that he goes completely against Ryukushi's "THIS IS AN EPIC WESTERN WORK LIKE NO OTHER WRITTEN BY A SUPERIOR JAPANESE AUTHOR WHO OUTSMARTED GAIJINS ACCEPT NO IMITATIONS" and plainly says that alternate personalites for a solutin are rather dumb.

When did he say that?

>> No.5966382

>Kyrie stated that she doesn't care about her. At all.

>> No.5966381 [DELETED] 

Seriously, some of you are annoying with your "you didn't reaaad" and all of this.
Not this anon but yes, there is people who have read ep7 who are still searching something else than Shkannontrice.

>> No.5966383

What is wrong in what I said?
Oh yeah Yasu was a poor something with gender issue that got a bit bullied, poor thing.
It was totally right for her/him/it to try to kill everyone, sure.

>> No.5966387

Meta-Ange talks with Featherine about meta-stuff.

Ange on the other hand doesnt even mention any of it to Hachijou

>> No.5966389

It's heavily implied that the meta-world is contained in the letters.
And also that the Ange we saw was fictional and created by Hachijou

>> No.5966390

Pretty sure that he caught the gist of it during Zombie Shannon logic error and was like "Well, it can't be that. That's ridiculous".

>> No.5966391

To be fair, any excuse would sound insufficient to justify the murder of 15 people killed in rather gruesome ways.

>> No.5966393

There is no other answer than ShKanontrice, you would know if you played episode 7.
Will applied it and managed to solve the game.
It's time for you to move on

>> No.5966395
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>Not this anon
>Says it's stupid
>Didn't read how it happens
if we are annoying it's because people keep talking out of their ass without knowledge.
Saying it's a stupid concept means you really need to read how it came to be before judging.

>> No.5966396

>>Implying the adults left anyone alive for her to kill

>> No.5966398

Uh, yeah. He never said that. Will is one of the softest touches in Umineko. The things that makes him rage regarding mysteries are when they're heartless and ignore motive, the human aspect, and deny happy endings.

>> No.5966401

What about Gohda? Did Kyrie kill Gohda?


>> No.5966402

A lot of people seem to be confused at what Yasu did exactly.

Here is what Yasu did:

- Yasu sent out the letters, using Maria as a messenger.
- Yasu also set up the bank accounts that EP4 touched on.
- When the adults get to the room with the gold, Yasu calmly explains that they won her game and that everything here is theirs.
- She admits that she was planning a series of murders based on the epitaph if no one had managed to solve it.
- She shows them the four guns she was planning on using, and the location of the bomb.
- The adults ask her why she was planning this. Yasu refuses to answer, saying it's not important.
- Eva flips out and refuses to believe Yasu. She insists that the bomb is set and they're all going to die.
- But Yasu was telling the truth, and if Eva had had her way, she would have set the bomb and killed them all.
- Eva flips out at Yasu, but eventually all the adults start to argue amongst themselves over the gold and what to do with it. Yasu just sits and watches.
- Fighting erupts and Eva shoots Natsuhi by accident. Krauss goes nuts and ends up grappling with Hideyoshi. Hideyoshi shoots him by accident.
- Eva tries to convince everyone to help her hide the bodies. Rosa begins to poke holes in all her plans.
- Eva flips out again and sets the bomb, trying to force people to go along with her idea to leave Krauss and Natsuhi here and escape to Kuwadorian.
- Rosa gets shot. I can't remember if it was Eva or Kyrie, but I think it was Eva?
- Kyrie agrees with Eva's plan, just not Eva being a part of it. Kyrie shoots Hideyoshi and Eva, then Yasu, who dies on the bed quietly.

>> No.5966403

She was planning to do it.
Just because the parents were smarter than she thought doesn't mean she isn't a crazy bitch as well.

>> No.5966406


No don't worry. Rudolf is the one who killed Gohda

>> No.5966407

I will not even answer to this bullshit.
You are the kind of person who make these threads annoying.
Yes, Shkannontrice may be an answer.
The only one? I don't think you can be so sure about it.

And I played ep7, my dear. Yes. You just can't accept that people don't give up searching alternate possibilities when you do.

Well, I don't even know why I'm responding to this troll in the first place.

>> No.5966410

Kyrie shot Rosa.

>> No.5966413
File: 358 KB, 785x626, 12647113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EP8 new characters & portrait, liek, totally

>> No.5966414

Yasu also told them about the bank accounts.
The one who shot Rosa was Kyrie.

>> No.5966415

After the events on Rokkenjima, Battler escapes, does military shit, and becomes his sister's bodyguard. Real Battler becomes Amakusa.

After the games end Meta Battler ditches the...room? House?The place where the games were played. He wanders around kakera for years, possibly centuries or millenia even, being a hobo and doing his Dine shit. He's drawn back by Bern, falls for Leon, and watches yet another Beato die. Battler = Wright.

I just don't want to choose.

>> No.5966417

>And I played ep7, my dear.
but you just said in the other post that you didn't

>> No.5966420

What do you not understand in THE GAME HAS BEEN SOLVED?
Claire dying = Beatrice completely dying = the illusion of the witch was completely destroyed.
Which mean that Will got all the answer, solved the game and Bern used this to see the complete truth.
You didn't play episode 7, otherwise you would know there is no room for alternative theories.

>> No.5966421

Same as the other anon. Because someone don't agree with you, this person don't know what he is talking about. Is it a joke, or something?
By the way I don't have any problem with Shkannontrice. It's still stupid but at least it's a bit touching with Yasu's backstory. But I have a problem with people who are here " LOL NO SEARCHING ANYTHING ELSE IS USELESS I AM GOD I KNOW IT".

>> No.5966424

You are mistaking me for an other anon, here.

>> No.5966430

That can't be Ryukushi's page. This one, like, looks good.

>> No.5966434

Sorry about that. Couldn't remember one way or the other.

>> No.5966436
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>taking that seriously

>> No.5966437

>What do you not understand in THE GAME HAS BEEN SOLVED?

Okay, dude, I know EP7 contains a lot of answers. I've played the whole thing too you know. But the entire game HAS NOT been solved. This is why we're getting EP8, this is why Battler said he'd tell Ange the whole truth this time.

If you also remember, some info was withheld from Will by Shannon and Maria, along with some things from EP7 that are rather suspicious.

Not to mention we don't know how Yasu knows about Battler's birth, amongst other things.

The game ends in EP8, we get the final/complete solution in EP8. There's still room for thinking. If you don't want to, then that's fine. But stop jumping on others if they want to. You look like a kid throwing a tantrum.

>> No.5966439

>implying that I did

>> No.5966440

It's pretty hilarious now how everyone was so sure Van Dine would be a cold hardass who arrives to destroy all love.

>> No.5966442

>this is why Battler said he'd tell Ange the whole truth this time.
He. Didn't. Say. That.

>> No.5966447


Can someone explain what happens to little ange and Battler in ???? because people are saying that Battler said this and others are like no they didn't

>> No.5966448

I don't mean that us the readers completely solved the game.
I mean that Will has completely and utterly solved the game without a doubt.
And he solved it by applying ShKanontrice to episode 1-4, he also solved Beatrice's final question of episode 4.
He found everything about Beatrice's heart.
And by solving this, the witch dies and the illusion is dissipated, that's all.
That's why the truth was show in the tea party of episode 7, because the illusion was completely destroyed.

>> No.5966450

that was probably him before the change of character he goes through. It's said he was that kind of cold hardass before but something happened and he shifted to the current HEART Will.

>> No.5966455

So you want to render Will and Leon actions at the end useless? You think that Battler truth will not be important?

You're giving too much credit to a antagonist like Bernkastel, anon. That's not how fiction works.

And I'm not saying that Tea Party wasn't the truth (probably is, at least partially), but Umineko is not over yet.

>> No.5966461

What the fuck is all this kakera bullshit. Some sort of astral plane?

>> No.5966464

He said that. Read the scene again.

He didn't said "I will tell you the truth about them", he said "I will tell you the real story".

Way too different.

>> No.5966467


The tea party only showed a part of the truth. BY A PART I mean that just what happened in rokenjima not the full story which will be shown in EP8

>> No.5966468

Never said that.
I personally think that Yasu and Battler are somehow still alive.

>> No.5966469


Yasu was killed by Kyrie. we cleary see her shooting Yasu.

>> No.5966474

We clearly see her shooting Eva as well.

>> No.5966475

We also see Kyrie shoots Eva.
And we know one of the four guns is malfunctioning, see the bunnies.
And Kyrie killed Jessica with her own hands, there is a reason for that

>> No.5966476

The whole persona thing she has going on is the mark of a manipulative bastard.

She's a bit craftier than we gave her credit for.

>> No.5966478

>Can someone explain what happens to little ange and Battler in ????

This is what happens in that scene.

- Six year old Ange is crying alone in the chapel.
- Meta-Battler appears.
- Ange jumps into his arms, and explains that she's crying because the television said her parents did it and people at school were picking on her.
- When she asked Eva to confirm that it wasn't true, Eva didn't say anything.
- Battler says no one was there, so they don't know what happened. No one was bad.
- He creates a seat for Ange and tells her to sit down, because he's going to tell her a story.
- She asks what kind of story it will be.
- He tells her that she'll need to decide that for herself, but it's not a painful story.
- Then he says this is the last game, and it's dedicated to Ange.

>> No.5966484
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>When she asked Eva to confirm that it wasn't true, Eva didn't say anything.

>> No.5966486
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>> No.5966491

Uh, yeah, go Eva. Letting a six year old think her parents are murderers.

>> No.5966493

It's one of those REPEAT IT IN RED dealies

Remember when Beato refused to repeat in red that 18 people were on the island?

Actually, even less people were on it than that, but she couldn't bring herself to crush Battler's ideal just yet.

>> No.5966494

Oh, to make it clear.

- He tells her it will be the story of what happened on Rokkenjima.

>> No.5966500

I don't know why, but..d'aawwww.

>> No.5966504

I'm just saying that if she really wanted to comfort Ange, she could have said something along the lines of what Battler said about the only ones that know the truth are the ones that were there, and Ange doesn't need to worry about what outsiders think. Not allowing her silence to be affirmation.

>> No.5966505

This confirms it. We the players are Ange.

I'm happy.

Now, if you excuse me, I'm gonna grab me some burgers.

>> No.5966509

Dude, it's hard for Eva too. These are the people who killed her family.

>> No.5966510

So Genji and Hideyoshi were not awusome in episode either?

>> No.5966511

I laughed.

>> No.5966512

If the last ep is dedicated to me, can I have Kanon a separate being, Shannon=Yasu=Batshit and Jessica being the great mastermind?

>> No.5966513

Ange's father shot three times at Eva's son.
I'll leave this there.

>> No.5966515

Of course it is. I actually really like Eva a lot and I'm pretty sympathetic to her situation.

I'm just sick of the "Eva the Dark Knight" hero bullshit. She played her part in escalating things to where they ended up.

>> No.5966517

No, yes, maybe.

>> No.5966518


And Eva is heavily implied to be the culprit in EP3. So what?

>> No.5966521

She gets the Dark Knight bit because she chose to hide the truth from Ange. Not because she never kills anyone or anything, she's human.

She's not completely innocent like Jessica and Leon, and tellingly, she's also not dead.

>> No.5966524

>She gets the Dark Knight bit because she chose to hide the truth from Ange.
And it's not exactly hiding it if Ange asks her about it and Eva just goes "..."

Even a 6 year old knows what that means.

>> No.5966525

>Eva is heavily implied to be the culprit in EP3

Uhh... no? There's even Red saying she's no culprit in that EP.

>> No.5966526

And what exactly happened to Batler in Tea Party? Was he killed by Kyrie or died in explosion?

>> No.5966527

That/s because Eva is immune to bullets.

Years of being used as target practice by Kinzo and Beato 2.0 toughened her.

>> No.5966528

Ah, come now, you know as well as I that Ange grows up thinking Eva did it. Eva didn't lie to Ange, but she didn't tell her the truth either.

>> No.5966529

So thats thats why Eva had all that resentment towards Ange. Her parents killed her family. And she still managed to hide this from Ange ;_;

>- He creates a seat for Ange and tells her to sit down, because he's going to tell her a story.

Last portrait will be Ange.

>> No.5966531

We don't know. He went out of the guesthouse and then we were told he got lost "in the darkness of the rose garden". He never showed up to meet Rudolph in the chapel. And Eva killed Rudolph. Then Eva killed Kyrie who had just killed Maria.

We don't know what happened to him.

>> No.5966533

EP4 made it seem like Ange was a result of EP3, but was it really ever confirmed?
It could be Eva survived because she was the culprit.
I still remain on my theory that EP1-4 had different culprits according to who solves the Epitaph and thus gets Yasu's collaboration.
Yasu starts, someone solves it midway, killings keep going because the bomb is a perfect reset.
We were shown Kyrie, Eva and Rosa all had their hints about it. In the same way Eva solved it alone in 3, other could solve it in 1-2-4

>> No.5966535

So in the end, Ange hijacked Battler's position as protagonist!
Just like Rika in Higurashi!

>> No.5966540

Episode 8 is going to creep me the fuck out.


Everyone, minus Eva and Battler - OH BOY ARE WE!


>> No.5966541

Its all over Ep4 that the media blame Eva. She hid things from Ange but played the culprit. She just didnt batlantly lie.

>> No.5966542

>other could solve it in 1-2-4
In episode 1 at least, Kanon is the only possible culprit after the first twilight.

>> No.5966543

Battler wasn't even a protagonist in EP7, but Will, Lyon and Bern.

But well... Battler = Will
Or so many people think, myself included.

>> No.5966546

May be it's the bomb, EP4 tea party hinted such
Either that or it's just Beato trying to communicate the truth to him

>> No.5966547

When i get old i will create an epitaph just like the one of the golden witch and then hide all my money
So my stupid sons will have to kill themselves for it
AHAHAHAHAHAHA, no. Seriously
I will do something like that I think it will be pretty cool....
Can you guys help me later?
Maybe we can make one even harder than the one of the witch

>> No.5966553

then it means it wasn't solved in that particular episode and Yasu just kept going on
EP2 is Rosa, EP3 is Eva, EP4 is Kyrie

>> No.5966558

>television said her parents did it and people at school were picking on her

All the future stuff with Ange confirmed for fantasy bullshit.

>> No.5966559


>Everyone, minus Eva and Battler - YEAH!


>Everyone kills each other


>> No.5966561

I'm just afraid my sons will not be smart enough to find it.....
Then i will facepalm in heaven

>> No.5966563

Well Eva being a shit tier parent is also fantasy bullshit.

Hell, the fact that Ange asks Eva could show that she is a good parent.


>> No.5966566

Theres something about Kyrie and Rudolf killing the kids that is just..sad. Like, I just found out Kyrie kills Maria. Fuck. Ryu might just have made them likeable characters so we wouldnt want to suspect them..

>> No.5966570

Episode 8 is going to be hilarious.

>> No.5966571

I laughed

>> No.5966577

Inb4 Okonogi's "world peace" explained in EP8.

>> No.5966582 [SPOILER] 
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Is this what Yasu looks like?

>> No.5966584

gb2 Animesuki

>> No.5966585


Yasu survives but barely alive, tells Battler everything.
Yasu shows him the way to the docks of Kuwadorian and tells him to get out of the Island before the bomb explodes. Battler's boat gets hit by the explosion(In EP4 the kuwadorian's docks are destroyed) sending him into the sea. He somehow gets saved but he doesn't remember anything that happened.

>> No.5966596

No need for memory loss, in that case he could just escape, hide his identity, become Amakusa and watch for Ange.

But there's a plot hole here, Kuwadorian is not affected by the explosion, Eva survives because she goes there.

>> No.5966597

You know, Will still looks like a mix between Squall and Richter to me.

>> No.5966598
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So, I suppose all those scenes with Jessica and Shannon, and Jessica and Kanon were lies?

Anything to vindicate Yasu, huh Ryukushi?

>> No.5966602
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>The Italians and the Japanese kill each other
>The Ushiromiyas kill each other

>Kinzo and Beatrice survive (but she's injured)
>Battler and Lyon survive (but she's injured)

>> No.5966609




>> No.5966610

Hey, he might be setting up something cool with Jessica.

...Or he is love with a dude and Umineko is his coming out story.

>> No.5966615

So to sum it up:

Everybody but Eva and maybe Battler died.

Everything was planned by a creature with unconfirmed gender, at least 5 personalities and imaginary friends who acted as two different people for years without anybody noticing. And she did it all for some retarded reasons that don't make any sense.

Kyrie and Rudolf just went "we are super ultra evil bastards" and killed everyone. No plan. No twilights. No closed rooms.

Episodes 1-6 are nothing more but fiction that never happened.

Ok I will admit that EP7 was great, but all the revelations are really disappointing. And with the current knowledge whole Umineko seems like a big waste of time.

Many people figured out almost everything important by the end of EP2. Including the stuff that is supposed to be the core of Umineko.

>> No.5966618

Wait, where did Ange's boat docked in EP4 again?

>> No.5966621

As I said earlier, Jessica has all the tools to be one hell of a manipulative bastard.

Will Ryukushi actually follow up on it, now that is a different story.

>> No.5966623

Except people didnt figure out shit until EP4+

>> No.5966626

Not in Kuwadorian

>> No.5966629

>Battler and Lyon survive (but she's injured)
Not only you spelled the name in a wrong way, but also she....ugh...

>> No.5966630

Shkanontrice and bomb have been around since ep2.

>> No.5966633

Cat's box nigger
I also like Lyon better than Lion or Leon

Shaknon was not Shkanontrice or bomb
We've had this discussion a thousand times already

>> No.5966634

Swap Lyon with Yasu and then i'm ok with it

>> No.5966639
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>Young Kinzo sprite
>My visage

>> No.5966642

No it hasnt.

Shkanon was mildly discussed in EP3~4
Bomb theory was only created between EP4~5
Shkanontrice is EP5~6

Get your facts straight

>> No.5966645

>Shaknon was not Shkanontrice or bomb
But I'm telling you, they have been around since then.

>> No.5966646

I'm pretty sure the shore leading to kuwadorian was affected by the explosions.

>> No.5966647

Yasu = Lyon
Lyon is the name Kinzo intended to give her/him.

>> No.5966648
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Rosa is the hero of umineko

>> No.5966649

>Everything was planned by a creature with unconfirmed gender, at least 5 personalities and imaginary friend
not really, the personalities we see in the flashbacks are three: Yasu who becomes Beatrice and Shannon created by Beatrice when she doesn't want be a servant anymore, and Kanon created to fill Battler's void.
Leon is not really a personality of Yasu. Beatrice is Yasu. Shannon and Kanon are not Yasu, but unaware personalities created by him.
The rest are just imaginary friends, just like Gaap, Ronove, Sakutarou, Siestas and all that shit

>> No.5966655

ShKanontrice is the natural evolution of ShKanon.
Seriously thinking about ShKanon involves thinking about ShKanontrice.
ShKanon started strongly with episode 2, the only reason people didn't discuss it heavily was simply because everyone thought it was too stupid to be true.

That's it, the only reason the heart of Beato was hard to see was that it was too retarded of a solution for most readers, they actually had too much faith in R07

>> No.5966656

I remember Shkanontrice and bomb mentioned since ep2, perhaps not on 4chan, but I'm sure of it.

>> No.5966658

No dude, Shkanontrice was first brought up during EP6, never before. During EP2-4 we had Shkanon and Shannontrice, but no one dared to lump the 3 of them into one character.

>> No.5966659

I have yet to see any text indicating it.


>> No.5966661
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>>Tutorial : How to make your own young Kinzo sprite

>> No.5966665

>Shkanontrice and bomb have been around since ep2.
What? No. Shkanon was around EP4. and bomb in EP4 - EP5.

>> No.5966666

>it was too retarded of a solution for most readers, they actually had too much faith in R07
Seriously, am I the only person in the world who isn't bothered by Shannon, Kanon and Beato being the same person?

>> No.5966668

ShKanon was from episode 2

>> No.5966670


>> No.5966675

Well, it's not like there was a two faced bitch around to exploit him/her so it's no big deal.

>> No.5966676

Typo bro. I believe Shkanon was around EP3.

>> No.5966677

DID isn't something that is automatically bad.
Maid crossdressing as a butler and nobody can see that they are the same with personalities dying left and right in red.
That's fucking retarded.

>> No.5966678

Used to be bothered. Not anymore, after seeing how it was written.

>> No.5966679

>two-faced bitch

Who are you refering to? two faced bitch huh?

>> No.5966680

ShKanon never was discussed as something stupid until it was somehow confirmed in EP6.

Until that, there were lots of anons claiming how smarts they are to solve that.

>> No.5966681

I'm not annoyed by it anymore. The only things I still think are bullshit are:

1. No one noticed
2. Red Truth stating death for Shannon and Kanon

>> No.5966682

Aha! You are wrong! R07 isn't a lazy bastard!
Look how a scrap of Battlers hair gets in the face if you just copy it!
It was just coincidence

>> No.5966683

Still bothered. Not gonna lie about it.

>> No.5966684

>with personalities dying left and right in red
>That's fucking retarded.
No, that's you missing the hints in fantasy scenes that indicate how Shannon and Kanon die and how the red works with their deaths.

>> No.5966686

>ShKanon never was discussed as something stupid until it was somehow confirmed in EP6.

Because, at that time, ShKanon didn't involve DID. Just someone crossdressing. The theory at that point was rather weak due to the Red Text saying they die.

Then EP6 came around, ShKanontrice, DID, etc... And people got angry.

>> No.5966687

Were you even reading Umineko yet when EP2 was launched?

At the start people didnt really believe in Shkanon, they just guessed that they would swap from time to time ( and its not like they guessed it because it was obvious, they guessed it because of Meakashi and Shmion).

After a while it turned into a vague suspicion that they could be the same person, but it was mostly a joke.

Later, when we were already reading EP3 translated and when the first closed room of this episode got us and the japs Shkanon was forgotten for a while, it just came back at the end of EP4 and then became an accepted theory.

Shkanontrice on the other hand took years to someone even think about it simply because no one dared to forsake George AND Jessica. It really just grow in EP5~6.

Bomb was only mentioned when some guy from 2ch uncovered the taiwan theory IN EP5.

>> No.5966688

Oh please, that's a jedi truth and you it.


You mean you just lied, Obi-Wan.


>> No.5966689 [DELETED] 
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a scrap of Battlers hai

>> No.5966693

So? How does it work with them?

>> No.5966694

The word play is rather silly.

And Yasu doesn't count as a person?

>> No.5966697
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>a scrap of Battlers hair

>> No.5966700

Will's too cool to be Battler.

After this episode Jessica is on my shit list. Joji you're clean, Rudolf and Kyrie go to hell.

Yasu what the shit is wrong with you?

>> No.5966702


ShKanontrice as the mastermind, Kyrie the big evil killer, nazi gold, explosion.

All of this was flowing around since EP2.

>> No.5966705

No, read the thread.

>> No.5966707

>Rudolf and Kyrie go to hell

They are not evil! BATTLER agrees!

EP8 where?

>> No.5966710

>Will's too cool to be Battler.

And Beatrice is to awesome to be Yasu?
Now what?

>> No.5966712

Dude, say what you will about Kyrie shooting Jessica, maybe Jessica deserved it, but poor George, man...

The fuck did he do?

>> No.5966713

>>ShKanontrice as the mastermind, Kyrie the big evil killer, nazi gold, explosion.
>>All of this was flowing around since i was reading EP2. a week ago.

Also nazi gold just was speculated because of the anime.

>> No.5966715

>No, that's you missing the hints in fantasy scenes that indicate how Shannon and Kanon die and how the red works with their deaths.

Wow. Stop acting you're so bright. In EP2-3, We all thought that the red truth was to be trusted but then came EP4. The red was never fully understood.

>> No.5966719

>In fantasy scenes, if Shannon or Kanon announce that they have become human (specially Kanon) they 'die' shortly afterwards.
>If Jessica 'dies', Kanon also 'dies' shortly afterwards. If George 'dies', Shannon 'dies' shortly afterwards.
>If Shannon still hasn't accepted George's proposal when the first day ends, she 'dies'.
>Basically, in episode 6 we are told that if they lose the qualifications to fulfill their love, the 'die'.
See, Shannon and Kanon are the only characters that follow a specific pattern before their deaths.

>> No.5966721

The red was always a detriment to the read as opposed to a tool.

>> No.5966722



Yeah George's death was really sad...

>> No.5966724
File: 38 KB, 366x360, 1224898721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kyrie just shooting Jessica?
Dude she turned Jessica into a lump of meat and bones
Now Jessica have to join the burger club

>> No.5966725

I'm reading it now and I'm on the 6th chapter of the theater story, why the hell is shannon so delusional, ok it was your first love, but there's a limit.

>> No.5966729

>And Yasu doesn't count as a person?
Who said that?

>> No.5966730

I would eat that Angeburger, if you know what i mean

>> No.5966731

Still, the simple thought that the maid and the butler are the same person and that NO ONE realized destroyed any attempt at making a theory, it's just too fucking stupid.

Try to defend it, next you will tell me how smart that plot device is.

>> No.5966734

Kyrie confronts Jessica : Alright, Jessica, time to die, I want gold and all that jazz.

Jessica: What would you say if I told you all of this went according to my plan?

>> No.5966736

>Dude she turned Jessica into a lump of meat and bones

Kyrie is THAT strong to do such a thing? thats actually quite hardcore

>> No.5966737



ShKanon was around since EP2. Bomb was around since EP2. Lies and personalities dieing as the solution for closed rooms was around since EP2. ShKanontrice was discussed since EP3 at least, but pretty much everybody was all "no way Ryu would do something like that" until EP6.

>> No.5966738

But it doesn't change anything in relation to what he was saying, you know?

Just read the tea party again, Will is the best character ryukishi have ever made. I will not accept any objection. He's like a Battler during the ??? of ep5, but 10 times better.

>> No.5966739
File: 309 KB, 632x475, will_sword.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will shows how it's done.

>> No.5966742

Man, that's s much rubbish.
Mind you, I'm not saying your explanation is wrong, but the whole setting is.

Anyway, based on that, how did they die in EP3 then? George and Jessica hadn't died at that point.

>> No.5966744

She shoots Jessica, then the next cut we see is Jessica being a bunch of meat and bones.

What could have happened is this.

The gun malfunctioned, causing Kyrie to have to be a bit more blunt, or Jessica could have trolled Kyrie.

It's telling that George had a E TU BRUTUS scene, but Jessica didn't. Why wouldn't Jessica have a scene where she cries tons of tears and asks why Kyrie is being a bitch?

>> No.5966746

You are wrong, probably a troll and most likely a faggot

>> No.5966748

>Still, the simple thought that the maid and the butler are the same person and that NO ONE realized
Servant shifts were arranged so Shannon and Kanon never matched except during the family conference.

>> No.5966751

>Bomb was around since EP2
No sir. You have it mistaken there. Read the thread.

>> No.5966753

No, usually I would say this about george, but here even HIS death was really sad. If someone told me that I will be saying this one day...

>> No.5966754

>how did they die in EP3 then?
You mean that one where the epitaph was solved?

>> No.5966756
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y u do dis uncle, why?

>> No.5966757

I lol'd.....and cried a litle bit too....dammit...

>> No.5966759


>> No.5966761

Yes, they died before Eva solved it.

>> No.5966764

Does Kanon appear in front of anyone who isn't Shannon/Genji/Kumasawa in the Tea Party?

>> No.5966765

Actually, that's not really true.
And Shannon and Kanon did appear at the same time during the 2 days.

>> No.5966766
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Batman couldn't arrive in time......

>> No.5966768

>Man, that's s much rubbish.
Because they are hints found in fantasy scenes?
That's what episode 6 was all about, you know.

>> No.5966769

I don't know for the bomb and Shkannontrice, but he is right for Shkannon. Well, some people in japan were even tlking about it in the first ep because they "look alike". But Shkannon was definitely here during ep2, before ep3.

For the bomb, I would have also say somewhere between ep4 and 5. Around december 09 IIRC, just before ep5 was translated in english, amirite?

>> No.5966770

>mfw people ignore all the hints of George being really a manipulative jerk and being insanely possessive of Shannon.

>> No.5966771

Actually there's no proof of that.

Mind if i remind you that the adults supposedly found Shannon's AND Kanon's corpses.

So this twilight is completely fishy

>> No.5966772

I think Ryu sensed the fandom was starting to hate George a bit too much when he was supposed to be a likeable character.

>> No.5966774
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>> No.5966776

I don't know, everything hints he hid Battler's letter to Shannon.

>> No.5966778

It's a fact that ShKanon has been one of the first theory around.
Kanon culprit for episode 1 as well.

>> No.5966779

see >>5966687 for correct timeline

>> No.5966781


And his solution is making Both Kyrie and Rudolf dislikable....Yeah Rosa should have went in the killing spree instead

>> No.5966782

>George and Jessica hadn't died at that point.
Losing the qualifications to love them doesn't necessarily require them to die.
How is it not true?

>> No.5966784

Shannon is a personality. Shannon and George's love is a fiction.

>> No.5966785

Because it's a very low device. You're basically coming up with a device in which people can be created and killed at whim, in order to create closed rooms.

This is just my opinion, though. You don't have to agree or like it.

It's the same with you, you cannot prove the epitaph was solved before they died. This is stalemate.

>> No.5966789
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Superior Golden Witch was here, how can you say you love him if you won't even destroy the universe?

>> No.5966792

Explain to me how Shannon can be just a fiction.....
I mean is her fisical appearence different
Or is it a being just like Shannon that is different just on the inside?

>> No.5966793
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>> No.5966794


Bomb theory was around since Rosa Musou. Butterflies and goats as flames and debris. Everybody ripped to shreds in explosion. Game ends at the specified moment. Etc.

Just because it was not widely accepted don't mean it didn't exist.

>> No.5966795

>Losing the qualifications to love them doesn't necessarily require them to die.

Then what does?

>> No.5966796

>Mind if i remind you that the adults supposedly found Shannon's AND Kanon's corpses.
Just note that...
Shannon's corpse is found in the parlor, the most likely place to visit first.
Kanon's corpse is found in the chapel, very far away from the other corpses and the most likely place to visit last.
And the key to the chapel was found in the boiler room, which is not even a closed room to begin with due to its second door.

>> No.5966798


>> No.5966801

Not really. People speculated that out of their desire of Battler not forgetting about Shannon. It could have happened since he's the one who gives Shannon the empty envelope and (I can't remember who says it) someone says in the letters Battler said he didn't plan on returning to Rokkenjima, but there aren't hints pointing at "GEORGE HID THE LETTER".
If it was George's fault, why isn't Battler more apologetic since he didn't actually forget about it?

>> No.5966802

We still don't know why Yasu wants to kill everyone on the island. She still lacks the motive to do it.

>> No.5966805

I can prove by the fact that they ''found'' two bodies of the same person that the adults POV is unreliable so, after putting it together with evidence from future episodes and the fact that Yasu stops killing once the epitaph is solved i can say that the adults are responsible for most if not all deaths in EP3.

>> No.5966812
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>Will is the best character ryukishi have ever made

You mean second best.

>> No.5966814

Yeah. George being yandere and in love with Shannon is 60% of his character.

Similarly, Jessica being BFFs with Shannon and close with Kanon is also a huge part of her character.

Both of them not being true goes against THE HEART.

>> No.5966815

Well, she's his tsundere waifu, so who cares

>> No.5966817

It wasnt, this interpretation came later.

Seriously i have been discussing umineko since WH started translating and you are full of crap

>> No.5966818

everything hints that he's involved in way more than that

>> No.5966821

>Does Kanon appear in front of anyone who isn't Shannon/Genji/Kumasawa in the Tea Party?
can someone answer this, please?

>> No.5966824

You could also say they got fooled by Yasu, since Shannon was the first to be found and Kanon the last one.

>> No.5966834

>Well, she's his tsundere waifu, so who cares


>> No.5966836

I have to say Yasu is fucking awesome in redressing, slipping out without being seen and playing dead

>> No.5966837

R07 used a very low plot device in Umineko.
I don't see how anyone could disagree.

>> No.5966838

Face it, many people solved most of Umineko by episode 2. Just because you were not one of them don't mean they didn't exist.

And back then you were calling them retards because DID, bomb, crossdressing and dead personalities are stupid.

>> No.5966840

The perfect ending i expect for Umineko will be when seconds before the bomb explodes and everyone is escaping on the submarine (minus evil Kyrie)
She suddenly grab the submarine while covered in blood and her clothes all ripped of shouting
And then suddenly Batman and Robin ( Eva and Rosa ), appear
And say in Engrish < No baby.... no kill for you >
And fire the Rocket launcher together in Kyrie and she flies in it in the direction of the island and explodes magnifically with Rokkenjima!!
Oh Ryuukishi please let this happen!!

>> No.5966843

Perfect pairing for a sadistic like Bern, isn't it?

>> No.5966844

It is stupid. I acknowledge it was the truth in episode 6, but don't kid yourself into thinking it is not stupid.

>> No.5966846

That's true.
Yasu is like Superman, and s(he) doesn't even need a phonebooth.

>> No.5966847

As long as that "low plot device" was hinted and foreshadowed, I'm satisfied.

>> No.5966853
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What The Fuck Is This Shit, starring Summer Bern and Angel Eva.

>> No.5966855

By EP2 people werent even theorizing clearly, just applying Higurashi shit to see if anything made sense.

EP2 was too hard to be solved, that's why R07 put things from EP5~6 into EP3 (braunn tube's reasoning, cat in the box, etc) so people wouldnt give up in finding a answer.

Its easy being a faggot and saying that it was stupid and you had solved everything already AFTER the answer is given. But i didnt see you doing shit when everyone was still dumbfolded in EP2.

>> No.5966861

>Batman and Robin ( Eva and Rosa )
>Rosa as robin
>implying rosa is a good person

>> No.5966864

So a foreshadowed alien kidnapping would be okay for you?

>> No.5966866


Kanon is a girl theory appeared in EP1. ShKanon in EP2. ShKanontrice was mentioned few times by the time of EP3, but nobody believed it.

Personalities dieing was a popular theory by EP3. And it was mentioned after EP2 (after zombie Kanon to be precise).

Bomb or boiler room exploding was already mentioned by EP1. An it was getting more and more popular with time.

If you don't believe me go to Animesuki and read the old threads from 2007-2008. It's all there.

>> No.5966868

Face it, many people solved most of Umineko by episode 2. Just because you were not one of them don't mean they didn't exist.

And back then you were calling them retards because DID, bomb, crossdressing and dead personalities are stupid.

Back then, Shkanon = crossdressing maid. Don't be stupid and stop trolling.

>> No.5966869

Well, there's the EP6 and the Game Master BATTLER! TIP...

>> No.5966870

and macho-potato-man

>> No.5966871

No, just because you were too stupid to think of anything after episode 2 doesn't prove other people did the same.
I played episode 1 and 2 back to back when episode 2 was translated, and I can tell you that a Kanon culprit was pretty obvious.
Then I remember how we never saw his body in both episode, the fact that his relationship with Shannon was weird and that they looked very similar.

Many people did the same, ShKanon was easily noticeable, people just dismissed it thinking there was no way it could be true.

>> No.5966872

I was saying that end in EP2 was explosion from the beginnig.
Deal with it.

>> No.5966875

Shkanon itself was frowned upon. People thought a crossdressing maid was stupid. It is, mind you.

We all thought the locked rooms were like, y'know, lock tricks and such.


We're not idiots, we just expected too much.

>> No.5966878

Why dont you kindly link it and the respective dates then? As you are so sure you are right it shouldnt be a problem

>> No.5966883

No, because even if it is foreshadowed it goes against the rules of the game and I would feel like being punched in the face by the author.

>> No.5966885


I never even said that I soled Umineko back then.

But some people did.

>> No.5966887

>And back then you were calling them retards because DID, bomb, crossdressing and dead personalities are stupid.

You said that DID was part of Shkanon before. FUCK NO. It wasn't. We were calling it stupid because R07 already did this with Shmion. Dead personalities came around in EP3.

>> No.5966891

Umineko - For six episodes there is an established love triangle between Shkanontrice and the cousins.

Episode 7 tells us THAT NEVER HAPPENED, barring Battler.

Leaving me to wonder - Why the fuck bother with the Kanon x Jessica and George x Shannon scenes if you're just going to say THAT NEVER HAPPENED at the end.

>> No.5966894

Hey guys i just started watching that anime Higurashi yesterday, i saw two episodes and i instantly figured out that brain parasites are making everyone kill themselves, that Takano woman is the culprit and that loli with blue hair travels between different-probabilities-worlds while retaining all the memories because of some loli god with horns.

I swear i figured it out all alone and have never heard of this series before.

You cant prove im wrong and im a fucking genius

>> No.5966896

i still say jessica and george are hiding something juicy.

>> No.5966899

>Face it, many people solved most of Umineko by episode 2. Just because you were not one of them don't mean they didn't exist.

Also, this has to be the most stupid line in existence.

Solve Umineko in episode 2? Seriously. Just because they guessed right doesn't mean they solved it. Learn the difference faggot.

>> No.5966900

>Why the fuck bother with the Kanon x Jessica and George x Shannon scenes if you're just going to say THAT NEVER HAPPENED at the end.

To taunt Battler with NTR.

>> No.5966903

George was hiding his internal organs, but Rudolf solved that particular issue.

Jessica very well may have been up to something.

>> No.5966906

The thing is Umineko was not solvable.

Yet it's possible to make theories but there is absolutely no solid proof for them. If not for the red in EP7 Tea Party we would still be arguing by now.

And the final solution is just stupid. So stupid many people just ignored it in the earlier episodes.

>> No.5966911
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>> No.5966915

Autosaging, new thread needed

>> No.5966919

>So stupid many people just ignored it in the earlier episodes.
Seriously, stop saying this.
It's pretty pathetic, you sound like children throwing a tantrum because you didn't get the answer you wanted.

>> No.5966920


This. 90% of Umineko is just unnecessary bullshit.

>> No.5966921

There is no brain parasite. Congratulation.

>> No.5966923

That's what's called a reveal. People thinking you should've been able to figure everything out are stupid. People have made plausible theories, that means it's enough.

>> No.5966926


>> No.5966931
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bern is kawaii neko-chan nyaaa ^o^

>> No.5966933

Actually there were ''brain parasites'', Takano was just wrong about how they acted and all the queen carrier shit.

You really are stupid

>> No.5966934

Sayo and Joji's date is just to realize the truth about BEATRICE?

>> No.5966935

The problem is "plausible".
ShKanon isn't something that can be considered plausible in a fair mystery.

People try to think of explanation like lots of shift but it's stated in preceding episodes that:
Jessica and Shannon were close, Jessica had a crush on Kanon
Shannon was on the island for years, far more than the other servants, and that Natsuhi used to always be behind her.
It's also stated that Natsuhi had some liking for Kanon.

And we are supposed to believe not one of them realized they were the same person.

>> No.5966940

Well, they are not related to the plot, so we don't care about them. Rika can be inhabited by 10 tapeworm, I don't care.

>> No.5966943

There were tons of clues about Shannon's true nature tucked into her date with George.

>> No.5966945

Eva, Hideyoshi, Rudolf, Kyrie, Rosa, Jessica, George, Maria, Nanjo.

>> No.5966953


But it was. Things like Rosa Musou, Beatrice vs Virgilia or Kyrie/Rudolf vs Stakes was absolutely pointless for the main plot. Just like most of the twilights and romance.

90% of all episodes is just unnecessary noise made to take you off the track, not to help you solve the main mystery.

But at least it was all fun to read and theorize about.

>> No.5966956

EP1 - no one solves the epitaph, Yasu goes on with the plan
EP2 - Rosa solves it, might involve help from Yasu
EP3 - Eva solves it, as above
EP4 - Kyrie solves it, as above
Krauss is incompetent so he doesn't get anything

>> No.5966961

New thread: >>5966955

>> No.5966979
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With all the foreshadowing (namely kyrie and rudolf saying particularly ominous things directly to battler in the first few episodes), we dismissed the theory as a red herring. It wasn't particularly sticking out all the time, but it certainly was notable.
On that note I've actually been waiting for the backstories to battler's and joji's immediate families for quite a while; then, with ep5's notice that this series does in fact abide by dine and knox, kyrie or eva (mastermind) seem to be the only thing left by process of elimination.
All I'm trying to say was that it was always there lurking in the back of our minds, nagging at us. For me personally, I thought a kyrie end was too easy once I read dine's rules, and during episodes 1-3 I believed a rosa end would be the next best (read: most interesting in my own mind) alternative, yet I stuck with eva (just guessing and checking via foreshadowing) in terms of did due to the fact that she had motive, opportunity, and "magical background" (a link to beatrice). This is to say I was totally wrong, but I didn't want a kyrie end because it felt too planned and she seems to have no link to beatrice, which still bothers me.
I guess in the end I'm still looking forward to episode 8.
Pic related, see? we did think about it a little, in the least

>> No.5966987

Rosa musou ->
Yasu trying to give to Maria, at least in death, the caring and heroic mother she wished for.

Kyrie/RudolphXstakes -
Characterization scenes, specially for Kyrie and her envy (that should be more explored in EP8)

Beatrice X Virgilia -

Caracterization once again, also tips about Kumasawa.

Its not like all these scenes were useless, they were part of THE HEART

>> No.5966987,1 [INTERNAL] 

I'm from the future, Battler is alive and amnesiac.
