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File: 2.46 MB, 4560x2640, ElonaWorldMap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5963783 No.5963783 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread died. I'm making a new one.

Where do I get it?

What do I do now that I have it?

Pic is the world map from the wiki.

>> No.5963798

So I decided to finally start on the main quest, and going through Lesimas I got to a level where the generator gave me a dead end. It's a good thing I carry rods and spell stocks of create door.

>> No.5963810

I remember why I stopped playing this:

The soul-crushing tedium, broken only by occasional moments where I am raped to death by coincidental factors or sheer bad luck.

>> No.5963824


The only reason to play this over Nethack is "the little girl dusts herself off," "the little girl smiles." Once I saw that a few hundred times it was back to throwing Orcish daggers at jackals for me

>> No.5963827

You imply that there is a reason to play Nethack, but I'm unaware of one.

>> No.5963835


There are other reasons to play this over or along with other rogue-likes, you know.

>> No.5963842


You're just not a fan of rogue-likes. That's fine. You don't have to play them.

>> No.5963907


Not being a dick like I am in other threads ATM, I'd like to hear why. I've spent quite a few hours playing around and have had even less fun than my early roguelike days where it's "ok, no door I can see, might as well restart seeing as I don't know how/if I can search around or kick in invisible doors or zap a wand and blow up a passage to the next set of stairs"

I play smart and it's a whole lot of dying and restarting less a chunk of gold. I don't even care to hit level 6 seeing as the race I want to really play can't do shit for practical purposes.


It's my own personal bias, but having played Dungeons and Dragons from a young age, a rather barebones kinda RPG deal is quite appealing

>> No.5963985
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I don't think you can really compare Nethack with Elona. Nethack is a game about exploring a dungeon and retrieving a deific artifact and Elona is about re-arranging furniture in your house, managing a farm, manipulating stock with magic, outfitting your pet little girl in plate mail, miscasting spells and summoning forth horrid nightmares, robbing fellow adventurers of their gear and calling forth a t-rex from a pokeball and riding it around cowboy style.

>I play smart and it's a whole lot of dying
It's one or the other.

>> No.5963989


If the problem you have is dying way too much, then I suppose you really aren't playing as smart as you claim. Sure, death happens, but dying all the time probably means that you're doing something wrong. Like performing.

More so than other rogue-likes, Elona allows you to do non-combat stuff quite a bit before dungeon diving. You can even play a kind of pacifist (since technically your pets don't have to share this view with you, and the AI that most of them have precludes them from it).

>> No.5963997


You forgot about Elona also allowing you to explore dungeons. Many of them. Far more than just one.

>It's one or the other.

Exactly what I said.

>> No.5964070

>Exactly what I said.

>> No.5964096
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Suika has now hit over 600 votes.

>> No.5964133

Some anon asked last thread if I would post a save file with that living laser pitol I found. Well, I can't do any of that fancy-schmancy MF/MU stuff, but if you're still around, I can just post my inv.s1 up here

>> No.5964186

Anyone have a Shikieiki sprite? Google-fu failed at this.

>> No.5964209
File: 1.05 MB, 1291x801, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After drinking up the water supply of several towns, I believe I can safely say that this game is out to get me.

>> No.5964218

Wow, that has to suck.
Have fun never casting that thing!

>> No.5964233


Oh, wow. That's hilarious. This game has one hell of a sense of humour.

Try saving up a ton of casting ability bonus items.

>> No.5964339

Fuck, I had a cozy house and bought some upstairs and downstairs for my home. I now find out that even though I just got a small castle and got some more upstairs and downstairs that instead of being a small castle layout, it's still the fucking cozy home.

Am I really stuck with the cozy home upstairs and downstairs?

>> No.5964363

>it but who cares it slaps the shit out of everything else I have heard from C78
Basically same thing I did.

I think someone said there's a way to make it a Castle B/1F again but I don't remember how. It's in one of the previous threads.

>> No.5964403

I call shenanigans, your screenshot says it's raining.

>> No.5964437

Floors only exist when you drop the stair items on the ground. If you drop a downstairs it makes a 'basement,' while dropping an upstairs builds another story onto your home.

>> No.5964461


It's not hard to get. I've gotten that in an older file of mine through a dream as well. Also, Meteor was the first spell i learned in two of my files.

>> No.5964481
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>> No.5964816

I should have brought more potions into the crypt to reveal these invisible assholes.

>> No.5965001


I removed everything from the floor and removed and threw away those stairs before I bought another set. Still gave me the same floor though.

I'll reroll, will lose some good equipment, but I can live with that.

>> No.5965025


Well, you can always pass that gear on in an inheritance. I'd be more concerned about the loss of skill and stat development, honestly. I'm sure someone who knows a fix will help you, though. Don't reroll yet!

>> No.5965094

I encountered an Executioner, and decided to add it to my list of pets. Only took one zap. I guess it was worth finally doing the crypt after all.

>> No.5965112


Most of my gear was precious - I don't think that you can inherit that? The Hiryu-To was my favorite, going into the Tower Of Fire and don't have to worry about anything except for the boss.

>> No.5965253


You can't inherit precious items, but you can at least get gear from your pets for your descendant, or the gear that you used prior to getting the precious items.

Or at the very least get fair stuff from vendors you have invested in, or something. You can't honestly tell me that the ONLY good gear you have is precious, or that the only good gear you can obtain is precious.

>> No.5965445


That's true. I'll try it and see how it goes. At least I learned a little more about inheritance and staircases.

>> No.5965740

So I only have one of the four flying scrolls I'll need to get this stupid staff down to under one stone. Pfeh.

>> No.5965741
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Staircases, how do they work?

>> No.5965789

Plop one down, use it, no stairs back, hang yourself.

>> No.5965849

Cant you use a return scroll?

>> No.5966272
File: 313 KB, 806x628, TheFiveHornedHelm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I believe the theory I layed out in the previous thread about new year's gifts is true now. I believe the best tier of new year's gifts love has all the same stuff as soul mate tier gifts plus various good equipment which includes lightsabres, speed rings, aurora rings, and artifacts at the least.

I have gotten a new year's gift from a soul mate adventurer and recently another from a wish. I had scummed the one from the adventurer a lot already, but only got standard stuff with the only equipment type spawning from the gift being panties. However after I got the wish gift I started scumming it too along with my previous one. I got the "This is truly a wonderful gift," message when getting a lightsabre from the wish gift while still jack nada with the regular one. After a bit more scumming I get this.

So basically wishes give you love rank new year's gifts quite possibly. I got one normal relationship gift from one of the many new year's gifts I wished for in wizard mode though. Though that was only 1 out of 62 gifts with the rest entirely being love status I'm possibly guessing though some may have been soul mate possibly since it wasn't like they all spawned something awesome during testing.

So if you've got a spare wish try a new year's gift and scum the hell out of it.

>> No.5966337

I'm new in the game ( inb4 you lost it ) and I keep seeing stuff like someone found this and someone died there
is there some sort of subtle online feature in this?

>hauxed gain
indeed, haxed gain

>> No.5966357

Yeah, that's just something to give you a laugh or two every now and then when seeing something pathetic happen to a person. Like them getting a wish wrong or wishing for "q" accidently. It also gives messages about adventurer NPCs in your game. Useful for seeing if an NPC in your game has spawned a precious artifact.

>> No.5966465

do the addtional equip slots from the mutation you get via secret treasure vanish if you drink a potion of cure corruption?

>> No.5966471
File: 282 KB, 806x628, VirginLoserShackElectricBoogaloo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, going through names with the maid and she comes up with this. I'm actually considering keeping it. Should I?

>> No.5966477

[X]You are fired.

>> No.5966480

No those are on seperate mechanics. They're a unique feature of the mutant race and not affiliated with mutations or ether disease. So drink cure corruption or cure mutation potions freely.

>> No.5966507

I don't think that dead end was a real dead end. Most of the time, when you encounter an obstacle along what should have been a passage, it is a fake tile. You can detect fake tiles by holding down 5 which will make them disappear sooner or later. The skill that governs your ability to detect fake tiles is Detect Traps. Unless detected, fake tiles act as normal tiles, and can be mined through. It's highly reccomended you have a mining skill of at least 50. High mining skills are invaluable because they let you make your own way through a dungeon and widen areas in preparation of tougher fights. Magic Map is also invaluable in dungeon navigating.

>> No.5966573

lol no just hold down "s" to search and you dont need any detection skill at all.

>> No.5966587

Btw dont waste PP or points on negotiation once your effective level hits 50. Thats when you get the maximum 50% discount in shops.

>> No.5966617

Gd it, is there any way to curse my boozes while having exorcist feat? There's this equipment that I'd really like to have

>> No.5966628
File: 189 KB, 560x382, maitsurugichan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My second living weapon, and far superior to the first.

>> No.5966643

I know this is a stupid question, but what qualifies as good equipment exactly? Is there any benefit for having stuff that Maintain (stats)? So far I prefer weapon that can invoke elemental damage and stuff that give me speed/charisma

>> No.5966652


Disturbs Growth is good, at least. Besides that, not sure.

>> No.5966797

Holy shit... I usually like to drop everything I'm carrying right in front of the quest board before doing harvest quests and somehow when I was in Yowyn, everything just disappeared... Don't the items have to be lying there for three a week before everything resets?

>> No.5966825

Don't towns reset every time it rains?

>> No.5966910

After burning down the altar in Noyel with the intelligent use of a rod of fire bolt, I seem to have started a fire that threatens to engulf the entire town, even when it's snowing. Even releasing Ebon will not make his flames override mine, as I keep losing karma whenever people spawn from the north-east corner of the town.

Have I screwed Noyel over for the rest of my game?

>> No.5966938

I heard you can reset a town by holding backspace as you enter. Is there any truth to this?

>> No.5967020

I seem to have found a solution, although it does reset all the wells and safes in town again as well.

(F12 -> resetmap) resets all the towns and 'some map places'.

>> No.5967232

is it just me or are those protect-your-client quests stupidly hard since they always die from one hit of any mob
also this game is bad for my health.. downloaded, and since then been playing for like 28 hours without break

>> No.5967243

Yeah, the escort quests are only really for low levels. When you are like 30+, they'll die to most average monster you face in one hit. Besides, their reward is horrible by the time you're 30+. You're better off doing other quests.

>> No.5967315

>After burning down the altar in Noyel with the intelligent use of a rod of fire bolt, I seem to have started a fire that threatens to engulf the entire town, even when it's snowing.

And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.5967329

I mostly blaze through the hunting quests, then do an escort or delivery quest to another town and repeat
I AM still lowlevel, I'm like what, level 10
need to get some sleep, im already trying to dig my way to the bathroom

>> No.5967423
File: 175 KB, 1100x780, 1..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our god is an awesome god.

>> No.5967430
File: 449 KB, 1200x880, Untitled-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ehekatl hugs you,"Don't die! Promise you don't die!"
>"Are you going to sleep? Really sleepy? Good night!"
The best god there is.

>> No.5967437
File: 33 KB, 808x58, trex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, how about that.

>> No.5967445

>Not < Tyrannosaurus >
Drop it.

>> No.5967461

Ready to give final reward "I-I'm not falling l-love with you! D-don't you never ever leave me...okay? You stupid...!"

Jure is tsundere and therefore superior...
Why can´t you marry a god?

>> No.5967478

Tsundere is overrated.
>"I love you! Love you! You will be with me forever...promise!"
Clearly superior choice.

Also, you CAN marry a god if you import them through moongate or something... although it probably won't be a good idea to take them outside of your home.

>> No.5967487

Post the base stats of this one. I really hate how the special types keep pushing away NPC and allies though.

>> No.5967539

Well in the end a tsundere a tsundere loses the tsun and becomes just a dere.
So they are even in the end

>> No.5967761

Not {Tyrannosaurus} or a <Great Race of Yith>. Dump that loser.
And no hacking unless it's for a unique.

>> No.5967774

This game is dangerously addictive tbh, i deleted it, fucking all day every day, slowly killing me. It's fun as hell though.

>> No.5967810

How do you make NPC sprites see through?

>> No.5967941
File: 502 KB, 678x385, terpdeyderp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apologies for the lengthy delay. However, my party was full, so I had to (ab)use Charisma increase items and boost my gene engineer skill a bit.

The stats seem to be the same as the base stats on the wiki. Might replace my cub with the T-Rex after I engineer equipment slots onto it.

>> No.5968075

His skills should be above normal if I'm not mistaken. Try checking them and see the difference. They should have 10+ levels more.

>> No.5968098

>sex: female
>age: 12

You have a loli Tyrannosaurus, of course you should keep her.

>> No.5968917


>You have a loli Tyrannosaurus, of course you should keep her.

This. Fucking this. Oh Ehekatl, the loli Tyrannosaurus.

>Our god is an awesome god.

I hate that song, and I hate you for reminding me that it exists.

>> No.5969080

Am I the only one in the habit of regularly killing all Citizens in my shop, museum, and in party time quests? The allure of wallets that drop about as much gold as a Gold Bell are too sweet to ignore.

>> No.5969107
File: 346 KB, 1425x1050, 2009-12-26-227838..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a little sister diary from an adventurer that vomited to death in my home. Is this awesome?

>> No.5969116
File: 20 KB, 273x155, ITS NEVER ENDING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.5969139

I don´t get it.

Is this a MMO or something?

>> No.5969171


>> No.5969182

Not really; those are fairly common and little sisters can't do all that much - there are better diaries though.

In other news, you can kill adventurers in your home by giving them cursed alcohol.

>> No.5969265

I make a habit of regularly cleaning out the trash in my museum with my pet Mass Monster. I've been saving up the wallets in case I go rogue and then change my mind. The ores they drop are good for Opatos and Jure too, and Mass Monster corpses for converting altars.

>> No.5969364

I started a wizard a while ago, been having quite a bit of luck with her. She's only level 6, but she received a <Shield of Thorn> from Blackjack, and has a dragon scale coat along with various other items that I bought from wandering vendors/traded from adventurers in exchange for potions of corruption.

Lucky days are definitely excellent for Blackjack. I've had like 3 or 4 lucky days so far. Not a single wish though, unlike my other char, who earned 2-3 wishes in my first couple of hours of playtime. Too bad I had no idea what to wish for at the time and ended up wasting them.

Elona is definitely an extremely fun game once you start figuring out how things work.

>> No.5969476

Correction. You can kill ANYTHING in this game by throwing enough cursed alcohol at it.

Even gods starve to death eventually.

>> No.5969753

With all luck feats and the lucky day buff, i still fail badly at blackjack unless i savescum.

It seems that the dealer cheats as he gets ar idiculous number of 20s and 21s that is statistically improbable.

>> No.5969824

Yeah, I had the luck feats, lucky day bonus, several pieces of armor that give +3 luck, and I'd still end up losing a decent amount of chips. Definitely makes a big difference though.

>> No.5969868
File: 445 KB, 640x480, 1281990755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Take Party Time! quests and slaughter everyone for wallets/statues/artifacts.
>Kill everyone that visits my shop and museum.
>Murder every person who comes and pays me a visit at home, and take their stuff.

Feels good, man.

>> No.5969954

>Level 14 pianist, with PV around 150 and low magic resistance.
>go downstairs
>ambushed by 20+ fire hounds
I swear this game is trolling me. And that's the damn main quest dungeon.

>> No.5969993

Did ya one better.
Take a LEVEL SEVENTEEN Hunting quest.
The most dangerous thing there was a blade omega.
Later on, take a second one.
Three Spiral Kings ALL WITHIN SIGHT, plus three dragons, a Great Race of Yith, an adamantium golem, a cube, and a Shub Niggurath.
Thank god for twin bells. Had to run SW ASAP, and got lucky in only one Spiral King following me.

>> No.5970134

Oh, and I expected the Pianist to be a complete piece of shit, but then I got 60++ CHA, some awesome weapons (10d5 artifact gun and <Diablo>). My character became a commander of an armed group or something like that... And that's fucking awesome.

>> No.5970165

Yeah, hunting quests are terrifyingly random... Although I haven't had to deal with quite that level of ridiculousness yet.
Yeah, that place was harsh. My level 10 warrior ended up clearing that floor just by killing one, then exiting back through the stairs, rinse and repeat. Was a massive surprise, since the earlier floors were so much easier.

>> No.5970178

Err, meant to have the stuff about the fire hound floor under>>5969954

Meds are kicking my ass.

>> No.5970207


I start as a wizard to get a boost to my development of magic, and my charisma is almost 40, and 66 with gear counting. I haven't built an army yet. I plan to do that AFTER I finish the tower of fire, which I'm doing right now. Not sure what exactly I want in my army, though. I'd go for the high level monsters if I thought I could even encounter them. Maybe I'll try a hunting quest after I've leveled my magic device just one more level and fueled at least one charge back into my rod of domination.

>> No.5970223

Just found a fountain in the tower of fire. Why isn't it dried up?

>> No.5970237

Considering the stuff fountains do to you when your drink from them, they probably aren't even filled with water.

>> No.5970252


Fair point. I guess that's why dipping any potion will refill a fountain somewhat. It's probably a slurry of potions mixed by who knows how many adventurers.

Maybe the "Holy" fountain in Noyel is the only fountain that actually has water, just water.

>> No.5970261

How bad will I get raped, being a noob and never playing a roguelike?

>> No.5970342
File: 818 KB, 1020x766, random mercs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't say I've ever had one of these random shopkeepers come to my house, and she has no problem dealing with my -100 Karma.

I think I will allow her to live.

>> No.5970376

>How bad will I get raped, being a noob and never playing a roguelike?

Mercilessly and repeatedly. You'll die at least twenty times, I guess, before you even figure out the controls for the most part. Then another thirty deaths or so until you realize what's important and how to do things. Then another fifty deaths while you train your performing.

Then you'll have some clue of what to do. Chances of dying go down the more familiar you are with rogue-likes.

>> No.5970380

Uh, just found a titanium dagger that enhances my spells. As in #####+ enhances. 300k gold. Buy?

>> No.5970386


Fuck yes buy it. Buy it ten times over! I'd kill to have one of those.

>> No.5970446

It'll be really harsh at first. Elona's wiki can help with a lot of questions. As well, the ? button will help quite a bit, as it lets you know what the controls are.

>> No.5970909

>A Legendary stage! The audience gives you a total of 1 gold pieces.

>> No.5970926
File: 254 KB, 596x349, shouldibuyit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just checked my income box, and I actually found an item with "It brings an end" that ACTUALLY IS USABLE.

It's a staff with enhances spells ##### that's made out of paper and has 0.0s weight.

Also, what is wrong with this picture?

>> No.5970971

What type of shop is this(That guy from Noyel?) and how much did you invest into it? And why not? It's only one gold.

>> No.5971006

Yeah, the Noyel shop. Around rank 250 or so.

Obviously bought it, if only because not doing so would be stupid.

>> No.5971012

You've literally come across an item so valuable it's value maxed out and subsequently become equivalent to zero.

>> No.5971122


Nice score on the staff. It would be cool for my fairy to have one like that. Put it in my off hand so that even when I do attack something, it won't go off.

>> No.5971190

So how do you guys handle with etherwind?
And how do I get my potions of cure corruption?

>> No.5971212

Talk to an Innkeeper, go to the shelter. Wait for it to go away. If the Innkeeper is sleeping, play an instrument or blow a whistle to wake him up. Or you can bash 'em if you don't have either.

To get potions of cure corruption, you can either do the main quest, which'll give you one, or just do Blackjack. Spend 1 chip. Get a decent amount of wins in a row and you should get a potion of cure corruption.

>> No.5971219

Buy a shelter and use a return scroll the second Etherwind starts or get a Vindale Cloak. You can get potions of cure corruption from blackjack and marrying your pets.

>> No.5971223

It's predictable so I just avoid it. It's within the first ten days of every 3rd month. To get cure corruption potions, play blackjack. Four or five wins in a row and you get a cure corruption potion. Don't win too much over four in a row or else the potion will go away. I've been lucky with ether disease recently. First the more rain one which I don't think actually makes heavy rain more likely from what I've seen. Second the wrath one which boosts damage a ton. It also lowers DV, but i already have a crapton of DV. Third the carapace, I use a mount so I don't even get the speed decrease.

>> No.5971227

i have a vindale cloak and shena's panty so etherwind doesnt bother me. if i get a disease ill use one of my many potion of cure corruption.

i got most my cure corruptions from dungeons and salary box, i occasionally get it from gambling.

>> No.5971248
File: 252 KB, 623x436, mauserc96custom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got another wish from a well, again I wished for a new year's gift (thinking back I should have gotten scrolls of name instead), opened it and an old one I had lying around...
Is this good?

>> No.5971263


I've also been lucky with the etherwind disease. The only mutation I have is the teleportation one, and I have I think two items equipped that prevent it, so it doesn't bother me in the slightest. But I have many potions from blackjack as well as my inheritance in case it does get severe enough that I want to cure it.

Also, I recently got a vindale cloak from performing. It's not as good as the one I already have that I put on my little girl for keeping (I already wear a nice pair of wings that add a crapton of DV but also prevent almost every status ailment out there - they are one of the gears I have that prevents teleporting). At least it's worth a crapton of gold, so I can use it to trade with any adventurers that stop by (and not a single one has any decent item yet).

>> No.5971341
File: 434 KB, 817x641, potionsFFFFFFFFFFF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God fucking damnit.

How do I get rid of this potion-hoarding shit? The other disease isn't so bad.

>> No.5971348

With a cure corruption potion.

>> No.5971370


Good luck finding one of these.

>> No.5971387

Actually they're pretty easy to get. Just play blackjack. The casino gives you a few casino chips free on your first time.

>> No.5971413


They're not so hard to get, honestly. It's tougher to get flying scrolls or scrolls of name, in all honestly.

Go play blackjack after you get the lucky day buff from sleeping. Save up all of your casino chips before then (including the ten you get when you first use one of the gambling tools). Even if you aren't lucky despite the buff, you'll walk away with at least a few potions of cure corruption.

>> No.5971416

I'd highly advize dropping off all your potions at your house.

>> No.5971417

While I managed to save Noyel from being destroyed by a small fire that started from an altar by map resetting, I've caused another problem at the same time.

I had released Ebon when I thought Noyel was pretty much screwed anyway, and after watching Ebon wreck havoc for five days, I decided to do something else (which was to go one tile away to my home). When I returned to Noyel after a good sleep, everyone began to attack Ebon again, but this time round no swarms of Elite Palmia Soldiers and Tourists has appeared to fight it, only the people of Noyel. Resetting the map causes the soldiers and tourists to appear again though.

tldr; I now have a way of getting a lot of Peal and Peal's Mom figures and cards without losing karma at all, since Ebon continues to ignore me even as the people of Noyel attack him.

>> No.5971555

Has anyone successfully played as a snail?

>> No.5971574

So now I have the ring of Steel Dragon. Even if I wanted to wear it, I'm a fairy wizard.

Considering giving it to a pet, but I don't really have any that would benefit all that much (and I plan to give it a 24 bonus speed ring to offset the penalty).

Should I just give in and get a bell, engineer some rings on it as well as other slots, and do that? Hell, I wouldn't even need to give it a speed ring to offset the penalty.

Suggestions? Any other pet that would be deserving?

I'm thinking of trying to enter higher difficulty dungeons to hunt down a silver eyed witch or something and dominate it.

Right now I have my little girl and Golden Knight from Opatos. Got a putit and hand of the dead in ranches, and my Executioner got sent to the bar because it kept on casting lighting through my other pets, which was problematic. I think I'll be ditching it.

Maybe I should ditch the little girl when I get more pets later, but my charisma is so high it's not as if she's impeding my pet limit. Maybe just send her to the bar and wait until I can capture enough things to improve her through gene engineering.

>> No.5971694
File: 57 KB, 620x403, guts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing around in Elosnack.

>> No.5971734
File: 10 KB, 612x65, guts2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also in Elona (new to me since I haven't found them in shops/drops yet): kitchen knives (light weapon) and skull bows (super negative hit bonus).

>> No.5971747
File: 623 KB, 1288x793, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it worth killing this adventurer to get this?
For the last two hours I've been giving him alcohol and he refuses to drop it.
Also, only been playing for about a week so point out any fatal stat imbalances I've done.

>> No.5971753

Deals additional damage to...gods?
This better be in the very high thousands or else it won't mean anything.

Also, it needs to invoke for Speed and Hero. And give you an obscene boost to strength and constitution. And be made out of adamantium.

There, now we have something worthy of Guts.

>> No.5971767

Berserker Armor is needed.

>> No.5971781

You have incredibly crappy DV and PV. And that is an awesome weapon. It stamina drains. Incredibly useful in conjunction with swarm.

>> No.5971784

Give cursed alcohol

>> No.5972057
File: 553 KB, 698x393, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't bother with the Silver Eyed Witch. Claymore is a nice class and all, but it pales in comparison to the Heavy Armor and offensive capability of a Trainer. And they're incredibly easy to get, too. Just wait for one to show up in your museum, surround yourself with water tiles, and shoot away.

>> No.5972067

So, I'm planning to use four dimensional pocket as a resting place for high valued items for trading with adventurers, extra spellbooks, various potions that I might need but wouldn't want to carry around all the time, extra fire and cold blankets, and artifacts, among other things like bejeweled chests I haven't opened yet, and extra food if I go on a cooking spree, etc.

Is this a good idea? I know it drains stamina per item placed or removed, but the kind of items I plan to put in it are the kind I'd only need one or two stacks of, and maybe even five when it comes to potions. I'm going to have books reserved for it at all times at Lumiest, so I have no trouble as far as casting it is concerned.

My question is, for those who have extensive experience using it, is there a total weight limit? Is there a limit to the amount of items it can hold (like pets who can only hold a limited number of items), and what is the approximate weight limit per spell level?

>> No.5972070

Pretty sure you can't give cursed drink to NPC somewhere after 1.17, throw them and savescum if you like

>> No.5972087


Hmmm, I considered it before but I suppose it really is better. I wanted the silver eyed witch for the reference, more than the power, but I do like them (and because I'm a fairy wizard, or a wizard in other incarnations, I tend to have plenty of good light armor to spare). I guess it's about time I opened a museum anyway. I've got statues and cards piling up and I've stashed them in my attic.

>> No.5972106


The other part of my question is that I want to use the pocket to free up space in my home. It's cluttered with things that I want to trade with adventurers, extra gear and potions that I want to keep but can't always carry, and whatnot. Using the pocket would let me keep ALL potions that are even remotely useful, have access to gear and items on the fly, and other nifty things. This way I can end up with an uncluttered home and an overall improved adventuring experience. I mean, I'm a wizard anyway and a fairy to boot, so I figure this kind of thing should be expected.

It's pretty awesome that Elona included something like this. I've always loved how rogue-likes give all sorts of fun with magic that you never or almost never see in other RPGs, particularly modern ones.

>> No.5972200

Yeah he wouldn't take them, but he won't attack after the first so I just got him to have anorexia and savescummed away. Finally got the sword after ~2 hours of stupid decisions.
Now to work on my armor as >>5971781 suggested.

>> No.5972734
File: 636 KB, 1279x769, tomatos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silvia really likes Tomatoes.

>> No.5972802


the cursed wrath shot gun {Madonna Leap} (4d11+2)(8) 2.7s
Made by Cyber Dome In
It is made of scale.
It can be wielded as a weapon. (4d11 Pierce 30%)
It modifies hit bonus by 8 and damage bonus by 2.
It invokes Darkness Bolt. [#]
It maintains Speed.
It maintains Magic.
It maintains Will.
It improves your Greater Evasion skill. [##]
It makes you a better traveler. [##]
It makes you a better tailor. [##]
It grants you the trick of disarming traps. [##]
It enhances your casting ability. [#]
It decreases your Heavy Armor skill. [##]
It grants you knowledge of anatomy. [#]
It grants you knowledge of negotiation. [##]
It decreases your Literacy skill. [#]
It grants your resistance to fire. [#]
It attracts monsters. [##]

>> No.5972815

>It attracts monsters. [##]
Damn, it was almost usable untill that.

>> No.5972816

how bothersome are the monsters that spawn from "It attracts monsters"? the gun might be too good to give up

>> No.5972841

if it makes you feel any better, generally weapons that invoke offensive bolts are crap on bells because they have no control magic. if you were to use to gun, then it wouldn't go off often enough. so yeah.
raged pretty hard earlier though, lost a crossbow that invoked lulwy when i reloaded a save because a custom npc swarmed the 43th floor of lesimas. fucking nekonekoneko. don't summon that one

>> No.5972904

damn. that would probably cause me to stop playing for at least 6 months

>> No.5973008

Theres a difference of like 12 levels so im not surprised the trainer is better. Trainers are neutral NPCs so you get karma loss for attacking them anyway/

>> No.5973032


I am pretty sure they are based on your level, so they would vary from "feeble" to "getting insta gibbed by 4 or 5 casters at once".

>> No.5973049


You say that as if karma isn't easy to get up in small amounts, and attacking a neutral npc is a small amount.

>> No.5973050

But is it level or fame?

>> No.5973075


pretty sure it is player level.

>> No.5973439
File: 355 KB, 1279x769, secreticecity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I was dicking around in the "test world" continent and found an unfinished city thing. Apparently this is the border town for the test continent. All the shopkeep npcs are in this giant snow field to the north of these igloo type buildings, but garbage, washings, etc still only spawn down here.

>> No.5973441

Just for fun I have myself 2000 pickpocket skill and 99,999 strenght and went around and pick pocket stuff like pillars, altars, and so on
man that was some FUNNY and ridiculous shit
did that with a new token character i deleted afterwards

>> No.5973857

What the fuck...?

>> No.5973887
File: 36 KB, 543x114, elona29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

captcha ate my pic.

>> No.5974028

is there any way to get rid of anorexia? Its goddamn annoying. seriously.

>> No.5974064


Sleep. A lot. When you need to eat, go to the bartender and ask for him to fill you up.

>> No.5975089

Do drug capsules even drop anymore in version 1.22?

>> No.5975202
File: 2.01 MB, 1623x1265, LOLELONA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep getting slaughtered at about level 10+ of Lesimas.

What the fuck am I doing wrong? My little girl has a blessed weapon that (a) sucks enemies into a vortex or (b) freezes and insta-kills them. My Rock Thrower has good equipment, too.

>> No.5975242

Your gear is bad and your stats are worse. I have no ideea how you managed to get your stats that low unless you died 50 times. Work on improving your stats, fix the acid damage on your gear and get better stuff, you don't even have all your slots filled Cure that ether diseas while you're at it.

Once you've done these things, it's also a matter of how well prepared you are. It's much harder to tell how good a player is by his stats than by what he carries around on a regular basis.

>> No.5975265

>>unless you died 50 times

I kind of... did.

How the fuck do you "improve stats"? Sorry, I fail at this game.

>> No.5975293

Stats improve by leveling up skills that are based on them (like Healing and CON, Long sword and STR)

>> No.5975301


And how do I level up these skills...?

Sorry. I'm really terrible at these kinds of games (I'm new to them).

>> No.5975303

Your defense sucks. You should either get more PV equip or more DV equip. 100+ in either stats is extremely important. If you can get 200+ it's even better.

>> No.5975321

You level up skills by using them. To level up armor you need to get hit, to level up performing you need to play, and to level up sword skill you need to fight with a sword.

>> No.5975332

Don't use a shield with a halberd, it's a 2h weapon. And yeah, you really need more DV or PV...

>> No.5975333


So, should I go into an easy map dungeon alone and keep killing shit while using a sword?

God, I feel like a moron.

>> No.5975361

Yeah, the puppy cave should be a good place, with all those respawning floors full of loot and weak monsters... You should also try to find a gun (I'm assuming that you're >>5975202), because there are no penalties for using both melee and ranged weapons at once.

>> No.5975392


Yeah, that's me.

Okay, so, how do I know which skills correspond to which stat? Like, my DEX is 1, so I'd have to use some kind of item or something that affects DEX....

>> No.5975401

If your stats are that bad, just start over, do more quests, REALLY low level dungeons, etc. Run from anything you cant handle.

>> No.5975408
File: 223 KB, 585x386, bullet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it possible to fix acid damage on a bullet?
my godly bullet ;_;

>> No.5975410

The icon by the skill name shows its corresponding stat.

>> No.5975419

Acid damage is basically enchant weapon/armor in reverse. Sooner or later you'll find an enchant scroll, that will turn -1 back to normal the same way it would turn normal into +1.

I nostalgia'd at this game.

>> No.5975426

Bullets cannot be repaired by enchant scrolls or any means as of yet. I feel your pain.

>> No.5975443


should of took the time to acid proof that.

>> No.5975447
File: 510 KB, 803x603, mai raifuru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5975448
File: 229 KB, 586x387, asspain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But Bleed

>> No.5975455

finding it hard to find acidproof liquid, is there a good way to get it?

>> No.5975458


Couldn't really tell you, I have never had a problem with finding acid/fireproof potions either in a dungeon or shop, probley just luck.

>> No.5975463

I don't think you'd want that artifact for regular adventuring unless you use medium armor; such a big penalty to weight lifting would mean more burden, which reduces your speed - and speed is the single most important stat in these kinds of games. Hang onto it for party time jobs, as long as you're not burdened you can make good money with that artifact.

Oh fuck, I didn't even know that. brb acidproofing ammo

>> No.5975464

Question. Been playing for a bit and I've been only using enchant scrolls to fix acid damage, but what exactly does it do? I did it because the acid damage negative number appearing in front of my weapon seemed bad, but what boosts does a weapon get for being enchanted?

>> No.5975469

You just need to adventure more, you'll find it eventually. The only thing that might cause you to miss them is if they're not identified yet, make sure you identify all the potions you find. (Town wizard, hangs out with the trainer.)

>> No.5975477

The modifier is applied to damage rolls. Each piece of equipment has a modifier number, if it's 0 then it is hidden. Acid makes it go down, enchant scrolls make it go up. -1 is just the opposite of +1, making it go down instead of up.

>> No.5975487


Thanks, I was wondering because I always sold those things off unless a weapon got screwed by damage.

>> No.5975627
File: 114 KB, 822x734, whichtosuperior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, one scroll of superior material, three pieces of equipment to choose to improve. Which would benefit from a superior scroll the most out of them?

>> No.5975663

I'd use it on the chain cloak...

>> No.5975675


Don't bless crappy gear and don't take crappy gear that's already blessed over decent gear that is unblessed. Blessing is only a minor bonus. Quality gear is always superior to blessed crappy gear. Just start over. You've screwed yourself way too much at this point. The thing with rogue-likes is that you have to learn to give up and restart, or accept failure. You'll make mistakes if you don't know what you're doing, and you definitely made mistakes.


The shuriken is fine, and the belt is not good enough to waste it on. Honestly, SAVE the scroll and wait until you find something that's actually decent and in need of improving.

>> No.5975694


You shouldn't sell them. At the very least stockpile them if you aren't going to use them.

>> No.5975777

Time to make everything in my home <rawwork>.

>> No.5975929
File: 569 KB, 703x400, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got this from a scroll of ally. Worth keeping? Y/N

>> No.5975940

It'd die in one hit. You're better off with a bell.

>> No.5975947

Fuck yes, what the hell is wrong with you?

>> No.5975999

Goddamnit, >>5975447 is lost forever.

>> No.5976108
File: 33 KB, 575x67, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nether imp magnet here.

>> No.5976145
File: 563 KB, 1280x806, Bishop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa, a bishop with < > and { }. It was still easy mode to kill, but it's the first time I've seen that.

>> No.5976155


All chess pieces naturally have <> as a part of their name. It doesn't have both. It just has {}.

>> No.5976166

ah, that explains it then. I'm a bit slow today.

>> No.5976173

So the 4-D pocket can only carry 20 things at level 3. It looks like it might gain one extra slot each level. This is going to take a lot of grinding to get it to be useful.

So, what should I store in it? I'm thinking spellbooks and cure corruption potions (to trade with adventurers or to consume when ether disease takes effect or finally gives me a mutation I can't handle). Maybe resistance gear. What do you guys think?

>> No.5976418

Do things rot? If not, I would leave it empty for heavy corpses and blessed food and other perishables. I can't really see why you would want potions in there unless your cold resistance isn't up to par.

>> No.5976984

Honestly I don't really see much of a purpose for it besides keeping big daddy corpses for taking over altars. But you can only keep four in there if it doesn't naturally preserve food by putting the cooler box in there. You could put extra food that doesn't rot in there to prevent thievery from sea lions too. I just keep my potions and scrolls on me. Their weights are incredibly negligible and I always keep a ton of blankets on myself. Though that may just be because I'm the guy who keeps himself in burden status with a cedar tree. I also always keep the sage's helm, an aurora ring, Shena's panties, and Kumiromi's scythe on my person for utility, but the weights on those are negligible too. If you don't have an aurora ring you might consider keeping a statue of lulwy in there for getting rid of hard rain.

I could see you keeping spellbooks of the spells you most commonly use in there. When you run out of stock for a spell, you simply get out a spellbook and read it. However you should probably keep the spellbook for 4th dimensional pocket on yourself. Oh and a decent bed(happy or King's) and barbecue set. I personally just carry a dawn clothwork happy bed and barbecue set.

Basically I'm guessing priority should go to your more heavier objects. Potions and the such honestly don't weigh much and keeping them on yourself is no danger to them if you keep blankets on yourself. Another thing you could keep inside, a bunch of little balls for capturing little sisters. They weigh 3 stone each and if you miss with one they just disappear so having extras of the kind of heavy thing could come in handy.

>> No.5977020


The level of the spell limits the weight of the items you can place. At level 1 you can't place more than an 8.1 stone item.

I think I'm going to go with resistance gear and corruption potions. Maybe misc stuff.

The reason I don't keep potions always on me is because it's just annoying clutter. But I suppose I should keep them.

>> No.5977834
File: 147 KB, 577x490, secretexperience.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

......how rare is this actually dropping?

>> No.5977933
File: 5 KB, 595x25, minorities.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5977937

The fairy dropping it for me has happened once. I've played over 200 hours now I'd say. However I don't dungeon dive that often so I don't encounter fairies that often. I have like four or five happey beds though from Cupids and I recently got Lomias' experience from Lomias when I decided to kill him for a few extra bows of Vinderre which I have absolutely no use for.

>> No.5978021
File: 108 KB, 801x596, Hm....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some guy is selling this hat, and I have the cash. Worth getting and superior materialing?

>> No.5978121

It has a natural speed enhancement which may be useful for you if you never plan on getting a mount. But there's the option of getting a mount, becoming good at riding then putting the hat on the mount. You could also eat the hat too for slight growth to your speed stat. If you don't have anything that negates confusion then it's probably a worthwhile buy for you right now.

>> No.5978172


I guess I'm going with it then. I can't ride a mount anyways because I get a -561% drop in hit rate.

>> No.5978194

This is what happens when you use a heavy weapon on a mount. Dual wield instead.

>> No.5978213


I only have heavy weapons. Well I have one that's not, but it's probably not even half as good as my heavy one, and it's not even a bad weapon.

>> No.5978579

Fairies drop those about as often as hermit crabs drob that artifact shell.

>> No.5978582
File: 293 KB, 806x628, IHaveSoManyDiaries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why am I even collecting these?

>> No.5978593

I have one.

And another dropped one 15 minutes later, which turned into a random artifact.

>> No.5978610

I'm no a fan of Touhou, but I'm disappointed mentlegen got more than 10 votes

>> No.5978700

Rare enough to be worth wishing for.

>> No.5978744
File: 236 KB, 588x401, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So will increasing my Magic increase the elemental damage and invoke?

>> No.5978804
File: 13 KB, 291x32, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this even work?

>> No.5978897


I am jealous. Cat sister is worth using, and the Rachel ones are for a quest. I would also collect them.

And resurrection is just plain useful, straight up.

>> No.5978904


So jealous. I am so jealous right now. I want that badly. It's even a light material with decent damage to boot! My fairy wizard is drooling.

>> No.5978934

The thing is I already have all the diary pets and have done the Rachel quest already. Shouldn't have payed the medals for my first few diaries. I don't even have a use for the resurrection books. Who would I even revive?

>> No.5978979
File: 344 KB, 806x632, WELCOMETOTHEDUNGEON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5978982

You know they give you an extra feat when you use them? Don't just hold on to it.

Hearing about a secret experience turning to a randart just breaks my heart.

>> No.5978986

Just go back up the stairs and give up that dungeon.

>> No.5978990


>> No.5978999


Your pets if they ever died.
Well, I still have a lot more playing to do. I've barely touched dungeons even though I could probably steamroll anything below a difficulty of 20, and complete any up to 25 or 30 with relative ease.

I'm working on getting decent pets. But I went to do the Ancient Castle now, to pass the time while Etherwind blows, and just dominated a mass monster. Now I have to buy another ranch, but at least I'll be able to spam offerings and do my godloop in no time. The question is, is it worth wasting a flying scroll or three on altars in dungeons to put one in my home or carry around on my Golden Knight? Maybe I should try applying an inferior material scroll to make it cloth or paper, but I'm guessing that simply won't work.

>> No.5979015


I think he was talking about the hermit crab necklace turning into a randart.

Wear your resistance gear, man.

Also, I like your style with just one pet. The only real reason I have so many is because I have a ton of charisma to abuse it, but because I'm not sure which pet I want in the end. I'll probably settle with just two.

I think I'll be dominating a trainer whenever one shows up in my museum, but not sure about my second one. Cat sister when I finally get one? Obviously I'll allow for a third pet whenever I can get a Spiral King.

>> No.5979048

I pretty much avoid taking the pets I hold dearly into dungeons above level 25. I've been pretty good about not letting my favorite pets die. I just bring back the other pets which are just a cub and bell when they have died through a bartender.

A flying scrolled altar is really only needed for Kumiromi. It's primarily used to just offer all the vegetables in Yowyn a few times to get Kumiromi done fast. Also I just checked and no you can't material change an altar.

>> No.5979115
File: 401 KB, 807x632, QUALITYCUTLERY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, it's only my bell, which I've been working hard on growing all the new parts for it. Only needs another hand, and a waist slot now. Currently alternating letting it use either a bow or a shuriken. Has a chance to throw additional ranged shot [#####] ring I was lucky enough to find early on, an item that negates poison status and high fire resist to minimize item loss.

Current strategy for the more dangerous beasts is to let it rain arrows/shuriken at the target, and shooting it with the bow of vinderre to drag it away from my bell so it can't actually manage to hit it at all. When it's in close it's usually trying to stab it to pieces with the Lucky Dagger and another good dagger I found with [###] extra crit rate.

Earlier I was also using my little girl (dual wielding shields, had around 100 PV) and my black cat, (though it only had 60-70 PV, so it died frequently). I don't fetch either too much for them not having the same survival rate. I do still keep an eye out for good armor for them though. Little girl currently has two shields that reduce damage taken by [####]

I was thinking about saving my medals to use garok's hammer on this kitchen knife, despite it being fairly mundane. I'd been using it almost constantly til I got my Lucky Dagger, and considering how rarely I see the damn things, well, is it a good idea to try get a good artifact made from it?

>> No.5979143

I don't think so. Wouldn't it be preferable to use Garok's Hammer on a non-artifact prefix/suffix equip (e.g. "mighty", "glowing", and those delicious "of defender" items)? Besides, diamond is a better weapon material than adamantium, and not that hard to get with blessed change material scrolls.

>> No.5979147

Younger sister isn't so bad either, but she lacks speed to make her more useful.

>> No.5979150

Most Garok's artifact changes are shitty. I savescummed like a dirty faggot a few times and never got anything good off them.

>> No.5979163


Oh, you're using a bell. Yeah, I'm trying to avoid that kind of cheese. What sucks for trying to make a quality pet is that I have tons of neat weapons, but nowhere near enough armor. And now that I have the Gaia Hammer and Rankis, I'm uncertain what I should do. Maybe make the trainer dual wield the Rankis with the #####+ Lightning damage katana I bought for cheap (it was a crappy material at the vendor), and try to get a giant or something to use the Gaia Hammer.

Maybe give the Gaia Hammer to a silver eyed witch (yes damn it I still want one) since they depend on two hand anyway.

Hmmm, should my fairy wizard start training her weapon skills perhaps? I'll have to make the katana into something light or something.

But that's my problem. I have a lot of weapons I want to use (and two melee living weapons as well). Before you say it, I don't want to use an Asura or any of its variants.

>> No.5979168

The only real thing going for kitchen knives as far as I can tell is they have the highest pierce rating found on normal weapons that aren't lightsabres. I wouldn't make that kitchen knife into an artifact. It's rather meh to be honest.

Reminds me of when I looked at the item graphics in this game. Very near the knife sprite is a sprite for a chainsaw. I wonder when that weapon type will get added to the game. And what the base stats will be like.

>> No.5979175

Really? Did you have any luck bonuses at the time? I've been saving an "of defender" sword for when I get enough small medals. Then I'm going to go for Ehekatl's feat, cram blessed food down my throat until I get the luck buff, bless the hammer and savescum until something good happens.

>> No.5979186

Actually from a test that was done on the Hammer, apparently the artifact the equipment becomes is based on the hammer itself from when it was bought in the shop. As in if you get six hammers from the shop at one time. All the pieces of equipment you use them on will get the exact same name and bonuses. You could probably still scum for a good artifact if your scum point is upon entering Garok's Workshop. Simply enter, buy a hammer, use it and then forcequit if the result is unfavorable, restart from when the game autosaved on entering the location.

I got this info a long time a go though so I'm not sure how accurate it is. Also I don't have enough small medals to go test it out myself.

>> No.5979210

Garok's hammer stats are determined before you even enter the workshop so you need a savepoint before you enter it.

In my experience abotu 95% of the time you get useless shit, the other 5% seems to be divided into something good(++ or more to a useful skill) to something horrible(#### reds).

Its utterly pointless unless you want to savescum.

>> No.5979227


You beat me to explaining that it's determined before you even enter the shop.

>Its utterly pointless unless you want to savescum.

Exactly. You know, the random factor is understandable, but for something that costs over fucking eighty medals, is irreversible, and meant to improve an item, it sure as shit is a fucking horrible item. It should be a guaranteed excellent stat boost to the item, but the kind of stat boost you get is random.

What it is now is a miserable crap shoot.

>> No.5979236

After playing, dying, savescumming on newer files, I'm gonna go completely legit because it got boring getting tons of things easy. Mostly. I still don't want to deal with the bullshit from gambling for potions of cure corruption.

>> No.5979240
File: 441 KB, 806x632, The wacko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, at least it's less cheesy than just slapping a twin bells into your pets list. And it's bloody annoying chasing it down to change it's equipment.

Mostly I use her if I want to get shit done. Otherwise, I'll be using the my starting little girl and black cat. Possibly my rockthrower as well. I've also been meaning to mess about with the asura who's probably rotted down to his bones by now waiting for a revive and the cat sister I've got loitering around my base as well. Cat sister's currently holding onto both my kitchen knives, the adamantium one and another I stole from a bard. They're annoyingly rare, I've seen maybe four kitchen knives. One on sale, one dropped from a public performer, one stolen, and one offered as a reward for a little sister turn in.

Picture mildly related, one miracle quality item offered I was also tempted to get.

>> No.5979263


I wish I had a cat sister already. In related news, I just got a girl's diary. Unfortunately, I don't want a young lady right now.

>Well, at least it's less cheesy than just slapping a twin bells into your pets list.

I guess.

>And it's bloody annoying chasing it down to change it's equipment.

Another reason I don't want to use one. I wonder if there's a way for a 1 kg fairy to use a bell as a mount. I might consider using one then...

>> No.5979273

To determine the max speed you can get via riding, it is :

Pet's str*1.5+riding skill*2+50.

So even if you can ride a h4xed pet with 1000 speed its worthless without h4xed riding to boot.

A cub is probably one of your best bets for riding.

>> No.5979280

But a fairy is already kinda pretty fucking sp33dh4xed so yeah, take yourself and your 1337sp34k elsewhere.

>> No.5979301

Catsisters aren't supposed to dual wield. Didn't you see the awesome 2-handed bonus they have? Give her a good 2-handed sword and she'll rape basically everything on sight. I gave mine a sword that does lightning damages #####+ and all I need to do is spam f(ire) and look at her killing stuffs for me.

>> No.5979307

As far as I can tell a bell isn't very cheesy. It's just the only thing that I've noticed that can actually aggro an enemy. Bells suck damagewise in fighting anything that's actually high level. I outdamage my bell extremely, but monsters still like going for the bell. It has utility for disrupting spellcasters since I gave it a panty, but that unfortunately doesn't stop special actions like eye of insanity so insanity inducing monsters are one of the few things that can kill my bell. I've also noticed my bell isn't that invincible. When I go into higher level places I notice my bell gets close to death a lot and occasionally killed by monsters I just blast with my shotgun. I then do the rest of the dungeon without it. However I would not want to face a yith without my bell simply because I don't like insanity. The only thing my bell really allows me to do that I can't normally is kill yiths I'm guessing, buy my bell can be taken out by yiths and if that happens I'm going to die if it's not already near dead.

Maybe it's just the fact that I'm in the late game that it doesn't seem very cheesy, bells are probably powerful for a low level player I guess, but I'm strong to the point where I can take out the fourth strongest adventurer on the list in a few shotgun blasts. Haven't ever fought any of the higher level dragons or a cube yet though. I think they'd oneshot my bell quite possibly though.

>> No.5979329


>> No.5979354
File: 121 KB, 811x631, Meat Buns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, what's with the meat buns? I don't wanna eat it without knowing what's special about it, as it says it's precious, so it's just chilling in my fridge for the time being.

>> No.5979420

What enemy is it the drops Scrolls of Name?

>> No.5979448

Sweet, the hunting quest I just took gave me a silver eyed witch, which I promptly dominated. Now I can cut down all of my other pets into just the golden knight (for storage and decent combat and the witch, until I can get the trainer to be combat instead of the knight (and the knight will go to a ranch I guess).

My plan is to give the witch the Gaia Hammer (at least for now until I get the trainer who will actually use it), the ring of steel dragon, and a 24 speed glass ring to offset most of the decrease, and whatever other gear I have - since my last character was a wizard and I'm a fairy, I have enough light armor so the witch will be fine.

Now I just need to get a cat sister's diary, and I'm just getting started.

>> No.5979485

Imps apparently, but I've never seen one drop a name scroll.

>> No.5979526

I just got one from a level 31 dungeon boss imp.

>> No.5979626 [SPOILER] 
File: 82 KB, 383x349, 6166652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pixiv sure likes to make hot Elona porn.

>> No.5979665


Think we can get some hot cube-on-cube action between that cube and the companion cube from portal?

>> No.5979708

No, the cube only fucks players.

>> No.5979762
File: 11 KB, 730x413, 1278185388282.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My instinct was, naturally, to rebut with rule 34, but I saw what you did there.

>> No.5979776
File: 4 KB, 125x126, 1279348506156s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

touche my friend

>> No.5979785
File: 129 KB, 440x297, epicresistance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this recently, ended up giving it to my little girl so I could level a living weapon instead.

>> No.5979810


I don't think that's the most notable thing about that katana...
Sweet damage, and a nice invoke to boot.

As for little girls, I sent mine to the bar for a while. I caved in and bought a storage house, which is serving well its purpose. I'll bring my little girl back whenever I decide to finally get gene engineering. So many other skills I need, too. I'm tempted to abuse one of those wishing moongates just to get the skills I need, but I know I'll get them in time just by grinding quests, which I should do anyway.

>> No.5979822


Oh boy have I been neglecting sleep for too long. I just looked at it again and realized that was the name of the katana.

>> No.5979877


I just got lucky with it really, another adventurer had a diary handy, which I just threw some enchant weapon scrolls at him and, hey, catsister diary.

And getting back to Garok's Hammer, isn't it a precious item? Can you get more by using the little sister rewards?

>> No.5979901


Now that's an interesting theory worth testing. Unfortunately, even if you could, you would have wasted what might be an otherwise good item anyway. So you'd probably need a large supply of great weapons worth artifacting anyway.

I seem to be unlucky with adventurers. Every single one of them has shitty gear and no good items otherwise Especially the number one ranked adventurer. I don't know how she got to rank one and over level 70 with utter shit as gear, honestly.

>> No.5981790
File: 21 KB, 476x44, wallets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably the most I've gotten out of a single lost wallet, but it makes me even more inclined to capitalize on them.

>> No.5982293

I've broken 80k once, so keep on questing and opening.

Quick question, should I take ### poison damage for my living weapon or rename it to shoot for a better attribute.

>> No.5982355
File: 103 KB, 567x349, RottenSnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, I think I've just obtained the perfect peridot for mages. I'm not even a mage though.

>> No.5982612

Just a quick question to all you Elona-playing /jp/sies:

Do you use 1.16 or 1.22? And if you use 1.22, would you recommend upgrading from 1.16 to 1.22?

>> No.5982720

Have the Christmas edition, which is the last version before everything good started being nerfed.

>> No.5982725

I use 1.22. Notable things that are different from 1.16 is the Jure Festival, adventurers being able to actually detect you stealing from them, and the BlackJack graphics being broken though BlackJack is still playable. There's a new test system for crafting, but there's not much in it yet. Also eating raw equipment with attribute bonuses and maintains actually affects your stats now. Oh and performance is tougher now.

I already had a full suite of awesome gear and high performance so the move didn't really bother me though I'm a bit sad I can't just steal without impunity from adventurers any more. Also there are new graphics for some things like the Status of Opatos, but my Opatos Statue still has that dinky armor guy on it as its sprite since I got him in 1.16 and I don't want to waste a little sister gift to get a properly sprited one.

The bonuses from the Jure Festival is a much better chance at getting a Strad, a free sandbag, being able to convert to Jure without penalty with the free gift of a Jure body pillow, a bunch of stores including ones that sell staircases which give extra floors to your home and sodas which restore stamina. There's also Kaneda Bike which can be hired if you give him 3 blue capsule drags, but I've never seen one drop in all my time playing and I've seen 4 happy beds drop.

>> No.5982811

>Notable things that are different from 1.16 is the Jure Festival, adventurers being able to actually detect you stealing from them,
Both of these are in the xmas edition, FWIW.
I think the xmas edition is technically still considered 1.16 as well.

>> No.5983110

Man, it is so nice having this silver eyed witch finally. The AI on this NPC is actually decent, compared to a lot of other ones (but their AIs are limited for a reason - not every NPC can be a decent pet, and some are useful even with a dull AI). It's relieving as hell, though.

>> No.5983442

Oh god... after curing myself of 8th stage ether disease, I got 5 new symptoms because of the damn Palmia innkeeper that keeped teleporting all over the place... And the damn dungeon was just 5 squares away from the town...

>> No.5983449

He's probably got some cursed gear teleporting him, give him scrolls of uncurse/ vanish curse.

>> No.5983452
File: 154 KB, 850x600, 3..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your sound advice is the final kick to my balls. I feel even worse now for not realizing this solution before (I ran around the town looking for her for months).

>> No.5983492

I don't think damage is really what's important. Even if it's only one #, you want to find things like chaos, darkness, sound, etc. to disable your enemy. Seriously, blind is a horrid status for an enemy to have, especially against a DV character. Once you get that onto an enemy, even a Varuna will have trouble evading.

>> No.5983559

What about nerve damage? It can paralyze the enemy...

>> No.5983566

Yeah, I just listed the ones off the top of my head.

>> No.5983579

No worries, it happened to me too and I took ages to realise. One time I was chasing him around, he teleported into the king's bedroom. I walk in and BOOM, killed by a trap. He also turned out to have 3 or 4 cursed items so I had to go find more scrolls. This game hates me sometimes.
This capcha hates me too, I have not mistyped the verification damnit.

>> No.5983999

>One time I was chasing him around, he teleported into the king's bedroom. I walk in and BOOM, killed by a trap.
Is the King's Bedroom rigged in 1.22?

>> No.5984146

I'm running 1.22 and I could swear I went into the king's bedroom just fine. In my case I was after that small medal hidden in there. It's somewhat weird - I last played this back in 1.13 and I remembered a few small medal locations exactly (and a lot of general vicinities too).

>> No.5984391
File: 205 KB, 403x302, treasure hunting!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm I can't wait to find search for this.

>> No.5984396

I should read what I type before posting, find search?

>> No.5985136


I've not yet seen a trap go off in the king's bedroom. Then again, there are a pair of NPCs loitering around in there, so perhaps they set it off themselves..

>> No.5985259

Is it worth drinking from wells? I've been avoiding them because of the possibility of negative stat reductions.

>> No.5985279

Just savescum. That's like the only thing I savescum for because luck there is fucking stupid.

>> No.5985313


I'm not savescumming this file so yeah...Except for the bullshit with blackjack and potions of cure corruption.

>> No.5985322

You are retarded, just learn to play blackjack. I still win at least 1-2 potions with 5-10 tickets. The real bullshit comes from shitty wells that are 100% based on luck, while blackjack is based on luck, your dexterity and your INTELLIGENCE.

>> No.5985333


I've lost more than 20 times with not a single potion on a lucky day with decent dexterity so yeah...

>> No.5985345

You need to learn to play. The NPC tactic is very obvious. Learn it. If he has 5 X and stops with you have 5 10 it means he has 5+11=16. Always think the worst and try to get better cards than him in the end.

>> No.5985370


I know that much. The problem is he always, ALWAYS seems to get one better than me. Even when I get 21 he god damn ties with me. I get 20? 21. He has something bad I can beat with many types of cards? Over. Cheat? Over again. Cheat again? Caught, start the fuck over again. I got sick of it.

>> No.5985373


Dexterity only comes into play if you get a really shitty deal at the first in line. That's the only time you should cheat.

I think you need to learn how to play blackjack. It's just about the only 'gambling' game that you can honestly win (as in not pure luck), and depends on you knowing how the game works.

Just a hint, the dealer will ALWAYS act the same way. Always. In fact, you know what they have sometimes based on what they do.

>> No.5985446


It sounds like you just have incredibly bad IRL luck, because I am getting nothing at all even close to that.

>> No.5985500

I think it's still worth to cheat even after the first round as long as you didn't hit the 4-wins-for-potions-of-cure-corruption.

>> No.5986108
File: 73 KB, 447x597, 3467313_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it ever worth betting more than one casino tokens?

I can't imagine there being any prize worth risking 20 tokens, but I want to be certain.

>> No.5986312
File: 454 KB, 806x603, DODRUGS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I down these like a motherfucker during Etherwind, curing whenever I get something bad.

>> No.5986339


Because you cheat like a faggot.

>> No.5986381

I rolled "Cheating Wonder" for my title.

I just couldn't live up to the name if I didn't :(

>> No.5986400
File: 592 KB, 993x456, sacredflame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, and this.

>> No.5986404


Guy from /v/ here, JP if everyone in /v/ talked about games like this it wouldn't be B 2.0/retarded.

level 12 tourist here, have a long way to go.

>> No.5986411

>I just couldn't live up to the name if I didn't :(

I suppose that's acceptable. But only if you don't, you know, spoil it by passing stuff to a character you plan to play properly in an inheritance.

>> No.5986438

What is the next character has a name like "spoiled heir?"

>> No.5986475

That's fair game, then.

>> No.5986494


But to even do that you'd have to have started as a character with an inheritance. So it's right out.

You either start the character from the gene file and plan to get a title like "spoiled heir" (or modify your file so that it says that after you've made it) thus making you a reincarnated faggot, or you start the character fresh, and play like a real man.

>> No.5986502

>I just couldn't live up to the name if I didn't :(
Go back to gaia.

>> No.5986536


>> No.5986537


>> No.5986554


>> No.5986655



>> No.5986671


What this is, I don't even

>> No.5986701

>What this is, I don't even

>> No.5986729

Welcome to Gaia, I hope you enjoy your stay ( ≖‿≖)

>> No.5986855
File: 640 KB, 1291x801, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since Mr. Xerxes here seems to have a rather strong attachment to Silver Eyed Witches, I thought I'd point out that they can be dominated during Panic! quests, unlike the trainer. And they come out quite well. 73 Evasion is certainly nothing to sneeze at.

>> No.5986864

Give her blessed potion of slow.

>> No.5986962

Baby'sfirstroguelike here.
What is the best way to raise Charisma?

>> No.5986972


>> No.5987070
File: 330 KB, 805x632, CRUSHTHEWATER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fight with the Mage Guild Watchman had interesting results..

>> No.5987080

>holes in the water
I... wait... what?

>> No.5987194
File: 82 KB, 555x754, dunno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, i have this cloak and this wing.

Wing adds ### to nether protect , i would reach #####+

Cloak says ' protects you from etherwind' - yes , but is it a -complete- protection?

which one is better for Etherwind , having superb+ nether def or being ' protected by etherwind"

>> No.5987210

Protected by etherwind, of course, nether RES doesn't do shit. Etherwind protection will make you get less ETHERAIDS with each turn spent on the surface, but it's by no means a complete immunity.

>> No.5987354
File: 595 KB, 690x485, bell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yes, got my first bell. It's in < > too!

>> No.5987372

Enjoy getting raped by nether hounds/dragons.
Though if the poster uses a shield he should use the cloak because it gives both ## shield and ## eye of mind which are both really nice boosts.

>> No.5987420

Three years in game of worshipping Ehekatl. I've gotten all the rewards from her, and after much deliberation, I convert to Jure come the festival.

The very last day, before the twelveth month ends, I dream of Ehekatl. I wake up to find her statue in my inventory.

Fuck. ;_;

>> No.5989043

She knows...
