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5963077 No.5963077 [Reply] [Original]

Continued >>5961758

Things were a bit salty in the last thread so lets be all polite and try to differentiate Truth from Theory.
Also Homolust

>> No.5963097

No, he said that he will tell the "real story".

So that's all, we don't know what he will tell us.

>> No.5963098

Can I have lion as the protagonist instead of Battler for ep8? Please, Ryukishi, please.

>> No.5963099

I've missed last thread, what was the discussion about?

>> No.5963105
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>> No.5963106

It's about having some reading comprehension, fucking idiot.

Episode 8 will be a tale for Ange.
What does Ange care about? Her parents, she is fucking DEVASTATED now that she knows that her parents are murderers.


>> No.5963112

"lol tea party = truth"
"lol no it's not"
"lol jessica = good"
"lol no two-face bitch"
"lol everyone isscrewed up on this insland"
"gtfo hideyoshi and gohda are bro"

Also, Yasu"s head is full of fuck. But noting new here.

>> No.5963113

Please for the love of god, let the thread-chain end. I told myself "Just in case I want to remember what the episode 7 release was like in the future, I should save every single thread in the Requiem Release threadchain".



>> No.5963118

hideyoshi cool bro
gohda slowbro

>> No.5963121

It will end soon, there is nothing much to discuss anymore

>> No.5963136

Good lord you guys made me re read the end of the tea party, and this is what basically happened:


and thats it

>> No.5963137

Fuck you, stop saving them then. At least we can discuss shit in a single place and not all over /jp/.

>> No.5963141 [DELETED] 

>>reding comprehension

Again. I thought this nonsense was over.

And you're only theorizing here. Yes, there will probably be a part about this. But it doesn't mean that it will be the ONLY thing EP8 will be about. In fact, if Ryukishi want to do a giant troll here ans say that Bern was wrong all along even if it fits ( I don't say he will do it, okay?) he could do it without any problem, completely.
So stop saying that ep8 will be the way YOU are saying it. Probably, but it's not sure, so stop taking this as an universal truth.

>> No.5963144

>>reading comprehension

Again. I thought this nonsense was over.

And you're only theorizing here. Yes, there will probably be a part about this. But it doesn't mean that it will be the ONLY thing EP8 will be about. In fact, if Ryukishi want to do a giant troll here and says that Bern was wrong all along even if it fits ( I don't say that he will do it, okay?) he could do it without any problem, completely.
So stop saying that ep8 will be the way YOU are saying it. Probably, but it's not sure, so stop taking this as an universal truth.

>> No.5963152

I didn't know so many people on /jp/ could read japanese...

>> No.5963156

Oh come on shoving down theories on peoples throats again ?

>> No.5963166

Well, you should be used to it, right now. the umineko fanbase always worked this way, after all.

>> No.5963170

Anyways just to make it clear:
There is no parallel universes in Umineko.
That's it, it's not a theory or something, it's how Umineko works and episode 7 made it very, very clear, the various games are fictions.

Now argue about whatever you want.

>> No.5963175

>That's it, it's not a theory or something, it's how Umineko works and episode 7 made it very, very clear, the various games are fictions.
Wasn't this pretty much settled since the beginning of EP6 ?
Old news

>> No.5963178

Well technically there is, it's why Lion exists. But yes, they are not used. It's only logical in any case. Beatrice is not a voyager to begin with, and it was her game; so.

>> No.5963179

How does Rudolf die? I know that Eva kills Kyrie, but does Rufolf just get blown up with the island?

>> No.5963183

Eva kills Rudolf too.

>> No.5963184

eva kills him?

>> No.5963187

Evenbefore, in fact. I would say ep4 personally.

>> No.5963188

Eva kills him

>> No.5963198

No, Leon was completely fictional as well, he was just written as a what-if character to expose some hidden stuff.

>> No.5963200

Fund this.

>> No.5963201
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>everyone in this thread

>> No.5963223

The fuck is this about a bomb? we in an episode of 24 now?

>> No.5963224

And that's what kakera are like. What-if. Winner.

Anyway, can't wait for Featherine saving the day in ep8. It will be awesome.

>> No.5963231

Well, with Rudolf, after all...

>> No.5963234

Even if they were all fiction and the closed rooms never happened I wish r07 explained the previous games. Like the door knock at ep5

>> No.5963235

In Umineko, kakera are fictional what ifs.

>> No.5963241

It was a lie.

>> No.5963248

Who written EP7?

>> No.5963263

That's exactly what I was saying, you know?
It's a bit more complicated t make this work with higurashi because " LOL I REMEMBER MY PAST LIFE", but who knows, it may be possible. Higurashi is not enough accurate on this point, so any comparison would be useless.

>> No.5963267

if everything is a fiction that makes Amakusa more mysterious than ever eh.What the conversation with Okonogi is about?Why it appears?

>> No.5963276

Source of Ryuukishi interview about the ending

>> No.5963288

I wonder if we'll actually get more endings then, possibly good and bad ones based on the kakera.
I have no clue if Ryukishi's gonna leave an open ending or not but if he does, it'll be pretty interesting.

>> No.5963292

The main game is basically Bern manipulating Will into uncovering and destroying what remains of the illusion of the witch so she can see what lies beneath it, in the tea party.

Leon is explained as Beatrice/Claire's one faint glimmer of hope, her dream of a happy future. The one faint chance amongst millions. A big deal is made at the end of the main game about how Leon must live on and be happy for the sake of Claire/Beatrice.

That's what Bern was after, grinding Beatrice's faint glimmer of hope and happiness and the possibility of a miracle, Leon, into the dirt. That's why she takes so much pleasure in destroying Leon, revealing it was all for nothing.

>> No.5963305

What will be EP8 in short:
Will yells "FUCK YOU Bern", as Bern spanks him with her tail.
MEANWHILE ON ANOTHER St. Elsewhere, Battler tells the tragic story of his parents to Ange.

When Battler finally comes back from the honeymoon on his NICE BOAT, he questions, WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE ?

Bern seeing Battler says to him, "I ALREADY KNOW THE TRUTH, NOW GET OUT"

Lord Battler McPimp unamused by the words of the little witch says, "No Bitch....." says him while swing his powerful golden Pen- i mean sword and destroying a bunch of red truths in the way ".....YOU CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH"

And after the mighty battle and revelation, Lord Battler is seen riding his White Pony into the sunset.


>> No.5963307


>> No.5963328

>>And after the mighty battle and revelation, Lord Battler is seen riding his White Pony into the sunset.

This would be the best ending ever. Alternatively he could ride Kanon.

>> No.5963331

Truly a work of art

>> No.5963345

Rudolf is Jack Bauer during Season 8 of 24.

>> No.5963361

This is kind of why - and I know it's really annoying and smug-sounding to a lot of people, understandably - you do need to read the episode to get the sense of what's happening. Because once it clicks what Bern was really up to and her goal the whole time, it slides into place why it fits that most of what Will uncovered during the main game was almost definitely true.

What Will uncovered was, in Leon's own words, a beautiful story about Beatrice's heart, a story what Leon wanted to honor and live for. It was a story full of love.

All the better for Bern to smash into pieces as Kyrie shoot Leon the next day, laughing about how she did, after all guarantee Beatrice that there would absolutely be no miracle.

>> No.5963368

PINGPONG Loser Flag.

>> No.5963371

Y'know, I just remembered something. Didn't Jessica tell Kyrie in Episode 6 that she didn't have enough love?

>> No.5963381


I think things will, somehow or another, through fiction and stories or not, turn out to be okay. Not necessarily EVERYTHING IS WONDERFUL, but.

Because Leon and Will's last stand is absolutely incredible, guys. Their determination to keep struggling for and believing in the miracle, the happy ending. I refuse to believe that it was empty and doesn't mean anything.

>> No.5963390

Kumasawa and Nanjo were super-bros in EP7. I feel bad for suspecting them earlier.

>> No.5963395

There were accomplices of Yasu you know, nothing change that fact.

>> No.5963402

I don't see what is so beautiful and full of love about Beatrice or rather Yasu's story myself.

It's just R07 making a mountain out of a molehill.

>> No.5963418

It's not that it's, in itself, the happiest, fluffiest, most beautiful story ever. I actually really like how the story did this, because it rested crucially on us getting to know Leon too as an extremely good person. But it's the story of a girl who couldn't love herself, believed her life never mattered, and never received anything but tragic ends.

It underscores how precious and important Leon, that one shining ray of hope, is, as he hears the story and agrees to live his life to the fullest for the sake of all his other selves who couldn't.

>> No.5963419

People seem to forget that Yasu was planning on killing people if they didn't solve the epitaph.
Sure is someone full of love here.

>> No.5963426

So after seeing you guys hurrdurring eachother, i wanted to ask if the tea party IS THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH ?
After reading in atlas what i understood was that Bern was showing this piece of work to Ange and that she said that someone else (person.-....another in atlaspeak) is the Master of this fragment ( [KAKEEE:RA] in atlaspeak).

And then big words in red showed:

So can someone explain please.

>> No.5963428

Leon being the last hope was easily understandable.

But Yasu having a shitty life, sorry but I couldn't see it.
Once again it was just R07 making a mountain out of a molehill.
He didn't go far enough with her/him, sorry but at time s/he basically felt like an attentionwhore OH WOE ME.
And she did plan to kill a dozen people due to that.

>> No.5963433

That's because you had a shitty, loveless childhood and can't relate to her.

>> No.5963444

And do you relate to her enough to understand she had DID due to simple bullying and that it was understandable that she wanted to kill everyone like this?

You sure have a big heart.

>> No.5963454

I also had magical DID as a child, so yes.

>> No.5963456

It's supposedly the real truth of what happened on Rokkenjima. In reality, not in fiction. And there is no game master because it's reality.

Her read words were basically. "there wont be a good end lol"

>> No.5963460

It's hard to believe that there really was someone else running around staking people after their deaths in Episode 3 now.

>> No.5963468

I have a theory, but its I only constructed it from spoilers so I will need someone that read the episode to tell me if this works.

Kyrie loves Ange. When Eva confronted Kyrie and asked about Ange, Kyrie turned the chessboard over. Kyrie saw that if she said something like "I love Ange", Eva might take her anger out on Ange for George and Hideyoshi's deaths. But if she said "I hate Ange", Eva would view Ange as a victim and feel sympathetic for her and since every one else is dead, Eva will feel the need to raise her.

I haven't read 7 yet (can't read moon), and this theory hinges on the fact we didn't see Kyries thought process when she was confronted by Eva.

What do you think everyone?

>> No.5963470

Again, this is why Leon's own characterization is so important.

It's understandable if you didn't connect with Yasu's story, but I thought her despair hit hard. Between being convinced that, due to whatever had happened to her body, she couldn't love, and the revelation that everything she had built up for herself, with her own power, to live her life, her identity - was all basically keikaku doori for some rapist to use her as a stage prop to make himself feel better about himself and die, and the people she loved and trusted were complicit in that - I thought it was pretty tragic.


>> No.5963501

Yasu was a bit mentally unstable to begin with, what with the whole imaginary-friend-Shannon thing. The bullying just exacerbated the instability, and Battler not only forgetting his promise but seeming to have forgotten about Shannon entirely (as far as the Shannon of 1983 could tell, at least. For all we know, Battler did write a letter to her too but George tossed it out of spite).

Do note that the whole kill-everyone aspect had a slightly different cause, namely, the whole "by the way, you're actually three years older than we said you were, your father is actually Kinzo and your mother, the second Beatrice, was the daughter of Kinzo and the first Beatrice, and Natsuhi knocked you and a servant off a cliff when you were a baby because she didn't want to take care of you. Oh, and now you're Beatrice and the master of the island since you solved the epitaph, which was intended for you to solve from the beginning."

>> No.5963511

> What do you think everyone?
Such a level of reasoning is possible for Furudo Erika?

>> No.5963521


>> No.5963537
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>> No.5963547

fanmade shit

>> No.5963555

another bad guy who had a shitty childhood in an orphanage?

zero nana sure is original.

>> No.5963562

And this is supposed to make her decision to murder 15 people and nuke an island understandable?

Yasu had the freedom to do whatever she wanted, nothing to hinder her, you guys are just buying into her attention-whoring.
She had sexual identity problem due to some kind of physical problem and was a bit bullied, that's all.
Her body was somehow fucked up but people like this don't automatically turn into psychopath.

She still decided to kill so much people and we are supposed to think that her story was full of love and worth protecting.
Yeah sorry but not for me.

>> No.5963569


I'm also curious. Haven't read EP7, though.

>> No.5963570

You guys read Japanese, right?
Do you read other VNs as well?

>> No.5963585

The problem is that Yasu is not really a psychopath.

It was already said in red that she don't kill because of murder pleasure, revenge or gold.

And I still think that there is something yet to be seen in EP8 that will explain the whole "everyone should die" better.

>> No.5963595

No, you're missing the point. No, her decision to let off the bomb wasn't understandable, and it wasn't supposed to be. But it was about a person who was cornered into despair, and Leon as the ray of hope. It's not about justifying Yasu. It's about what it means to Leon, so that Bern can laugh and laugh as she crushes it.

Why do you think Bern dragged in someone like Will to serve as her detective? She needed a good person like Will, who also has love, to be able to parse the story of Yasu effectively. And she took advantage of his being such a good person to get the reaction she wanted out of Leon. Will tells Leon that he has to live for Claire's sake, that Leon's life has meaning, pushing Leon higher and making his resolve stronger. Keikaku doori for Bern for that final, delicious troll.

>> No.5963614 [DELETED] 

You seem to be forgetting the fact that Yasu was only going to follow through on that as long as nobody solved the epitaph. And as shown in Episode 7, on the real Rokkenjima (or at least the Rokkenjima of the world from which the Ange that Meta Ange was derived from), the epitaph was solved before any killings took place. In reality, Yasu didn't kill anybody.

Oh, and if you want to argue that Yasu is the culprit due to setting everything up for the killings, do note that things proceed in roughly the same fashion in Leon's world, with Kyrie and Rudolf killing everybody, due to Kinzo revealing the epitaph the night of that family conference and things proceeding in pretty much the same fashion.

>> No.5963623

I understood your point.
My point was that she wasn't cornered into despair, she was just being an attention-whore.

She had freedom, she had money, she even had people who were into her.
Her body was a bit fucked up but that's pretty much the only problem.
Everything else is attention-whoring, countless people live far worse lives.

Oh the despair was that she was born from an incest by an old crazy guy who keep asking for her forgiveness and who never did anything bad to her personally?

Or that she had people who genuinely cared for her and even decided to go along with her crazy plans just for her sake?

I can give you that you can somehow feel for her, but saying it was a tragic story full of love is pure bullshit that you are swallowing.
R07 just didn't have the balls or the skills to really portray despair.

>> No.5963624

People I actually still fucking care about:

Eva, Hideyoshi, Battler, George, Gohda

People I think will actually fucking live:

Eva, Battler.

If what happened at the end of episode 7 is true, Kyrie and Rudolf are jerks.

With Kyrie, there is a CHANCE, a SLIM, SLIM CHANCE, that perhaps Jessica was an asshole. Perhaps Jessica was all I WAS THE CULPRIT THIS WHOLE TIME and then Kyrie went into a rage.

But with Rudolf he killed George, who really didn't deserve it. We see George saying RUDOLF WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING and shit.

I don't give a FUCK about if Rudolf had a tough childhood, that's just a dick move. And I severely fucking doubt Kyrie had a noble motive for killing Jessica, it's just that there is still a chance that she could be a bitch herself.

>> No.5963626

We're still forgetting one topic here, if Battler didn't come back, the 1986 incident wouldn't happen. There has to be a reason why it has to be 1986.

>> No.5963629

You seem to be forgetting the fact that Yasu was only going to follow through on that as long as nobody solved the epitaph. And as shown in Episode 7, on the real Rokkenjima (or at least the Rokkenjima of the world from which the Ange that Meta Ange was derived from), the epitaph was solved before any killings took place. In reality, Yasu didn't kill anybody.

Oh, and if you want to argue that Yasu is the culprit due to setting everything up for the killings, do note that things proceed in roughly the same fashion in Leon's world due to Kinzo revealing the epitaph the night of that family conference, despite the Beatrice legend not even existing in the form it does now.

If you think about it in another way, Umineko was never about "who is the culprit?" It's been "who is Beatrice?" from the very start. It just so happens that Meta-Beatrice took inspiration from Yasu's love of mysteries and set things up in mystery fashion to get Battler to figure things out.

>> No.5963634

>He can't portray despair
Someone is unfamiliar with the Life and Times of Eva Ushiromiya....

>> No.5963642

Ah shit, anyone have that screencaped?

>> No.5963646

>You seem to be forgetting the fact that Yasu was only going to follow through on that as long as nobody solved the epitaph.

Only because magic only works when there is a risk.
She had the intent to do it, that's good enough.

>> No.5963654

DID is used so much in VNs these days it's kinda hard to take Yasu's story seriously.

>> No.5963655

What shared interest did Battler and Shannon possess? They both love(d) mysteries and mystery novels.

Is it possible that Yasu wished to set up a mystery for Battler to solve even in the original Rokkenjima? After all, think about what happens at the end of Episode 4, when Battler is confronted by Beatrice.

>> No.5963661

Ryukishi has said that it's important to think carefully why someone - Yasu, we know now - would leave a chance for everyone to survive and no one to die, instead of guaranteeing victory. So I doubt it's simply that.

Leon's flashback to Yasu's breakdown and declaring herself furniture after learning her origins was very brief and fairly ambiguous. I'm sure we'll be learning more about what was going on with her.

>> No.5963668






>> No.5963676

Um, y'know I think Juuza might be Yasu.

Extensive gun training, talks about having an earlier period in his life where he did some "pretty crazy things" to be accepted....

It's possible.

>> No.5963703

AmaBato riding pony off into the sunrise. Good end.

>> No.5963705

Episode 7 - Didn't care for Yasu, as honestly I could care less about Beato now, Eva's Shakespearean tale was far more entertaining.

Will and Leon are cool too.

>> No.5963708


>> No.5963711

>Eva's Shakespearean tale

...I should expect nothing less from /jp/, I guess.

>> No.5963712

So, Umineko in a nutshell - The Dark Knight meets Robot Unicorn Attack?

>> No.5963716

The Dark Knight meets Robot Unicorn Attack having a drink with Fight Club in a gay bar.

>> No.5963717

Oh, come on. The tea party was the very definition of a Tragic Hero, which was Shakespeare's bag.

It had a fatal flaw, a noble resolve at the end, and ultimate unhappiness for the hero in question. Course Eva did succeed in hiding the truth from Ange, so I suppose she did triumph in some regard.

>> No.5963722

And Cats. Don't forget Cats. Also, panties and boxers hitting the floor for Will.

>> No.5963729

Too many stupid things that are ignored:
-A baby surviving falling from a cliff, also child of an incest and hidden for years, it feel like a bad soap

-Yasu actually being 3 years older than he was told, 3 years is a lot, a 10 years old and a 13 years old don't look the same at all.

-Yasu who somehow manage to be 2 different persons at the same time without anyone realizing and even having 2 people fall for his alter egos.

>> No.5963736

> Cats
Shit, I completely forgot about the overture sequence for the movie version of Cats.


>> No.5963737
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Its a very good read.

>> No.5963743

Umineko is slowly but surely becoming a hilarious trainwreck.

The bazillion Beato futa doujins were more or less the key to the series.

>> No.5963758
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>> No.5963762

I love how the guy writing the pasta quits near the end out of disgust.

>> No.5963768

> -Yasu actually being 3 years older than he was told, 3 years is a lot, a 10 years old and a 13 years old don't look the same at all.
This was explained, actually. Due to the injuries caused by the fall off the cliff, Yasu grew up sickly and weak, but above all, grew up smaller than otherwise. If we go on the belief that Yasu's sex organs were injured and maybe even removed, the dearth of sex hormones may even have caused Yasu to go through puberty late, if s/he even went through it at all.

>> No.5963770

What's also strange is that the original Yasu should resemble Beatrice a bit as well. And then phantom-Kinzo treated Shannon and Kanon differently. Unless this is where the missing Knox rule about disguises should fall into place..

>> No.5963776

Eva.... had a hard life.

But it would make for a hilarious comic, we should post that in the drawfag thread.

>> No.5963782
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You know what type of people are HILARIOUS?

Those people who base their entire lives off of promises. Like holy crap how stupid can you get!

>> No.5963790

Umineko's plot is stupid, there is no denying this.
But episode 7 was well executed I'd say, but I agree that R07 didn't go far enough.

He should read some Subahibi and see how similar things can be done in a much more impactful way.

>> No.5963793

> What's also strange is that the original Yasu should resemble Beatrice a bit as well.
According to the VN, Yasu does indeed resemble his/her mother and grandmother. Though that in itself begs the question of why nobody besides Kinzo notices the resemblance, at least in the two years following the placement of the portrait. I'm guessing it's for the same reason nobody notices a similarity between Leon and Beatrice after the portrait is placed in Leon's world, actually...

>> No.5963801

I just feel bad for George man.
Sure, have Jessica do her PERSONA bullshit, that's fine, but why no love for George, Yasu?

>> No.5963807


>> No.5963807,1 [INTERNAL] 

I just want my Music box ;_;

>> No.5963812
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<--- the real reason why the massacre happens

>> No.5963816

Suddenly the end of episode 2 where Beato makes Battler undress seems a little....ugh. If this is really the case, then that's incredibly tragic. Though it can explain why Kanon is the way he is (if he really is 19), but not so much Shannon.

>> No.5963830

Oh god fuck this series.

The heroine was a futanari who had pretty damn shitty reasons for plotting everyone's deaths. All because an Old Man ignored his family except for his favorite daughter, who he spent too much time with.

The only redeeming part of this story is the Dark Knight subplot.

>> No.5963854
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Why the Kanon persona hated the Beato one? Because she created him and so there can't be homolust?

>> No.5963859

> but not so much Shannon.
Silicone padding fucking everywhere.

>> No.5963869

Yasu isn't doing it for me either.
At the very worst, Jessica maybe wasn't BFFs with her, but she still had George, and a loyal posse of servants. Likewise, Kinzo treated her kindly, which is more than one can say for EVERYONE ELSE, including Eva.

I need more than that to view Yasu as a heroine. You need to show me Kinzo forcing her into doing the bomb thing, or show me Jessica manipulating her, you gotta give me SOME sign of an evil force driving her to do all these fucked up things.

As things stand all I see is a spoiled brat with a birth defect, get the fuck over it.

>> No.5963889

I think we may have Jessica be a bitch at the end.
After all, Kyrie and her exchange isn't shown, just the aftermath.

...Or not. We could have a Ryukushi double standard going on here.

>> No.5963893

Jessica is in love with Yasu.
George is in love with Yasu
Battler is in love with Yasu
Will is in love with Yasu

ohboy, Umineko in a nutshell

>> No.5963897
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Crack theory: Everybody (except Kinzo) is Maria's mind. Umineko is a story Maria made up in her head because she has been trapped on Rokkenjima for 10 years and has nothing better to do. She also sees herself as Beatrice because pretending she's a witch and performing "magical spells" is something she does to relieve boredom at night.

Kinzo was a submarine. One night, while Maria was playing on the cliff side as Beatrice he thought Maria was his long lost love, Beatrice I and went full speed ahead going "BEATORIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICHE!!", wrecked into the island and exploded along with the submarine base and this is why Maria is still on the island, trapped, with nowhere to go for help.

>> No.5963898

I still can't figure it out how Natsuhi and Krauss were clueless about the emotional time bomb that was on he island.

>> No.5963899

>Jessica is in love with Yasu

>> No.5963913

Fuck if I know. Ryu may have written himself into a hole, so having Jessica be a sociopath could be a way out.

Mind you, being more evil than Rudolf and Kyrie would be tough.

>> No.5963914

For the same reason Kinzo was: Genji, Kumasawa, and Nanjo protected Yasu's secret.

>> No.5963918
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>Jessica is in love with Yasu
I don't think so Tim

>> No.5963921


>> No.5963924

Yasu and Leon are 3/4 Japanese. Nobody would ever think to compare someone who looks nearly completely Asian to a Caucasian and say, "hey, are you two related?"

If anything, someone would probably notice that she/he looked like an Ushiromiya before noticing that he/she looked like Beatrice.

>> No.5963931

Goddamn it, Joji culprit was killed, and Jessica-culprit got ONE STEP CLOSER TO EDGE, AND I'M ABOUT TO BREAK

But whatever. We'll see what the future holds.

>> No.5963945

doesnt EP5 confirm Yasu is a guy?
the voice on the phone etc.

>> No.5963953

Chick with a dick.

BUT BEATRICE DIDN'T DO IT FOR VENGEANCE, so episode 5 man can't be him.

>> No.5963955
File: 447 KB, 845x1044, 11704032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares?

>> No.5963956

In that specific kakera, Yasu was a boy. Or maybe he/she wasn't. Maybe she was disguising her voice. Anyhoo, Yasu's gender fluctuates depending on the kakera Bern wants to fuck with. Or, at least, that's what Bern is telling us to believe. Dammit Bern.

>> No.5963961

There wasn't phone calls.Natsuhi invented all due her guilt for "killing" Lion/Yasu

>> No.5963966


>> No.5963972

So, she, uh, hid in a closet for two hours just for the heck of it?

>> No.5963980

To me it seems that, if there's really something wrong with Yasu's sexual organs, then that's most likely a birth defect (I wouldn't put it past R07 to explain that incest = multisex/nosex disease). It would be fine if Yasu was the only one with gender issues thanks to "injury X due to falling off a cliff" but Leon also showed gender issues when asked by Will and s/he never had any hardships in his world.

>> No.5963986

What the fuck ever, I'm glad to say that I've stopped thinking at this point.

If you're going to give me Knox and have this random bullshit out of nowhere I'll just stick around for the crazy fucked up ride, Ryucakes.

>> No.5963987

The voice in ep5 was supposed to be ambiguous, IIRC

>> No.5963992

I really want to see some kind of flashback of Will's days in the SSVD, both when he was in Ruthless Asshole Modo and Neurotic Incomprehensible Modo. Make it happen Ryukishi? ;_;

>> No.5964000

>>Battler, Ange, Lion, Will and Erika on Bernkastel in the same time

Captcha: hetest RUDOLPH, fuck yeach

>> No.5964007
File: 245 KB, 835x1082, 1279607946139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are plenty of things in ep5 that were left unanswered, but since Erika was in it and she's receiving the invisible treatment from /jp/ plus all the previous episodes being tagged as fanfiction it seems like /jp/ just stopped caring about every little detail...

>> No.5964011

Seriously, why do people keep saying "Erika"? Am I missing an episode or something?

>> No.5964012

Erika is Will's daughter with Lion. Period.

>> No.5964015
File: 184 KB, 640x480, kraussandkanon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe Krauss did know.

>> No.5964019

Who's Erika?

>> No.5964020

......somehow that explains a lot

>> No.5964028
File: 189 KB, 640x480, kraussandkanon2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a possibility.

>> No.5964029

What the fuck is an erika?

>> No.5964031

Isn't that the name of a chair or something?

>> No.5964039

Who the fuck would name a chair?

>> No.5964040
File: 26 KB, 350x368, mrsparkleorig[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard it was a japanese brand of tape that fused with a chopstick company and created this weird Erika mascot, but she later was replaced with Mr. Sparkle

>> No.5964041

That's Ikea, anon.
Erika was the name of an oil tanker which have beached near Rokkenjima, killing every seagull.

>> No.5964042

I wouldn't put it past him.

>> No.5964043

So I guess Dlanor is not gonna make an appearances anymore like Gaap, Virgilia, Ronove, and the 7 Stakes huh?

>> No.5964044

Isn't Umineko about chairs talking or some shit?

>> No.5964050
File: 280 KB, 1000x600, 1266967268079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did somebody mention chairs?

>> No.5964051

Chairs falling in love. Please.

>> No.5964052

No, Umineko is about the trials and tribulations of Eva Ushiromiya as she tries to be respected in her father's eyes.

Don't know where you're getting all of this talking chair nonsense, anon.

>> No.5964053

Dlanor had a pretty big appearance in the op, so let's hope.

crossing fingers for a heaven-coordinated wright rescue mission from kittens

>> No.5964054

I demand Dlanor exploding the island in a huge ball of fire like in the op, otherwise let's sue r07 for false advertisement

>> No.5964055

This just in: Dlanor is the bomb.

>> No.5964056

Nekogoroshi 2.0

>> No.5964059

Well, uh... shit.

>> No.5964062


>> No.5964067

> His wife was Eleanor Rulapaugh, known professionally as Claire De Lisle, a portrait painter.
> Claire
Well shit.

>> No.5964072

Claire is the remains of Beatrice who is alternate Lion.

>> No.5964079

I had to come back to spoil myself on one detail.

Was Shkanontrice finally denied?

>> No.5964084
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>> No.5964086

Yeah, and bernardus is the name of a region where they are producing beer. Nice troll, Bernkastel/Ryukishi.
In fact, ep7 is full of this kind of things, it's funny

>> No.5964090

No, it is between the yes and the we don't know. Like after ep6 in fact.

>> No.5964093

It's actually confirmed.

>> No.5964098

So the debate rages on? Enjoy that. See you in a few months /jp/.

>> No.5964100

Remains of Beatrice? What do you mean?

>> No.5964101

Half the fucking episode was about Shkannontrice being confirmed to the smallest detail, so no.

>> No.5964106

It's actually confirmed that Beatrice was the original personality and she may or may not have a penis

>> No.5964109
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>> No.5964116

It's not. learn the difference between "it is the most obvious answer to the logic error" and confirmed. "confirmed" is really a word /jp/ takes too lightly.

Shannontrice is pretty much confirmed if you want ep7 to have a meaning. The Kanon part is more arguable.
You'll have fun when the english patch will come out. I can swear it. The Shkanon war will be even worse than in ep6.
After her "death" in ep6.

>> No.5964143

But...it is confirmed. There is no other explanation unless you just say LOL DISREGARD ALL WHITE TEXT.

>> No.5964142 [DELETED] 

Tosad that we will never see a canon battler homolust now

>> No.5964153

Too sad that we will never see a canon battler homolust now

>> No.5964177

Thinks this way if you want, I'll not force you, as long as you are not here "LOL DENIALFAG", I I could be wrong after all.
By the way the logic error is strange to begin with, with or without Shkannon. Shannon is bugging way too early. (and no, I am not saying that we should not care about white text, if it was the case the complete ep7 would be trash)

As I said, I'm okay with everything in Shkannontrice after ep7, except the k.

>> No.5964190
File: 161 KB, 434x480, wil_majimea2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>disregarding white text

>> No.5964210 [DELETED] 

Out of the subject, but it is probably one of ryukishi's best character design so far.
Except for the sprite with his half-closed eyes, which is really...strange?.
Also one of the only characters you can cosplay without looking (too) retarded.
I seriously need the same nacklace.

>> No.5964215

Out of the subject, but it is probably one of ryukishi's best character design so far.
Except for the sprite with his half-closed eyes, which is really...strange?.
Also one of the only characters you can cosplay without looking (too) retarded.
I seriously need the same necklace.

>> No.5964247
File: 75 KB, 364x472, kaw_defa1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aside from the red in his hair.

But no, behold. His best character design.

>> No.5964262

I think you're forgetting about Kinzo Look at me I'm 40 years younger but have white hair Ushiromiya.

>> No.5964264

Kumasawa's son was quite something too.
Ryukishi was probably drunk somewhere with Zun when he drawn it.

>> No.5964270

Kinzo is an albinos. Solved.
(Damn, polydactyly, albinos... poor man, his body was even more screwed than Yasu's)

>> No.5964281


>> No.5964286

And yet he still jumped out of windows because nights with crazy weather are best to be enjoyed alongside a glass of wine. Kinzo was a true rolemodel. I hope to be like him when I'm 80 years old and have four worthless children.

>> No.5964293

Kinzo's hair turned white due to all the stress he was under earlier in his life, apparently.

>> No.5964309

Oh, yes, I know.

>> No.5964313

Why do you say that?

>> No.5964319

Yasu is the son/daughter of an albino guy with 6 toes on each foot with a daughter of an albino guy with 6 toes on each foot and they both happen to be the same person. Oh s/he also fell from a cliff crotch first into a rock.

No wonder Beatrice is afraid of mirrors.

>> No.5964326

When the EP7 portrait first came out, some people were theorizing Wright was really the boat captain. They don't think that anymore. ......i hope

>> No.5964349

I remember thinking that and theorized that Kawabata was the culprit. Ahhh, good times... good times...

>> No.5964368
File: 63 KB, 474x480, captain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The culprit revealed?

>> No.5964385

Change the color of his neck and I'm sold

>> No.5964386

Kawabata, you magnificent bastard. How dare you manipulate the Ushiromiya family!

>> No.5964398 [DELETED] 

Actulally, the worse part is that this would work

>> No.5964404

Actually, the worse part is that this would work

>> No.5964408 [DELETED] 

I haven't read episode 7 yet. Is it revealed that she's afraid of mirrors? Because I don't remember this popping up in any previous episodes.

>> No.5964429

Beatrice wants to Shanon to destroy a mirror in EP2
Shanon uses Natsuhi's mirror for make a barrier against Beatrice in EP2
Natsuhi uses her mirror against Moetrice in EP6

captcha: father criciale

>> No.5964436
File: 59 KB, 491x600, 256907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I thought about it right as I posted. Thanks for clearing it up though XD

>> No.5964466
File: 54 KB, 320x240, 1281558634612.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omfg im so sorry i fail im streaming now 27 hours late lol


>> No.5964472

What part are you at?

>> No.5964566

I don't know if this has been brought up before but

who the fuck is Meta-Battler? How did he manifest?

I know he is a fictional character but if he was supposed to be the original Battler he would know what happened on Rokkenjima. In the first Tea Party he has no knowledge of this whole meta-world. Assuming the first story is one of the games, how the hell did he end up Purgatory and not have any recollection of the actual events?

>> No.5964578

The identity of Meta-Battler will probably be revealed in episode 8. I can safely say he's not Battler. Too many things don't add up for him to be Battler.

>> No.5964630
File: 19 KB, 318x238, jessica_marisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, Jessica gave us a very important clue regarding Beatrice since the start.

There's even a heart in that picture... without love it cannot be seen man.

>> No.5964637

Oh god. I just finished the 4th chapter of the Yasu flashback.


>> No.5964642

Okay, I'm kind of behind on everything and have a lot of catching up to do with these threads, but I have a question.

In EP7's alternate reality, is Yasu living with the Ushiromiyas as Jessica's sibling, there is no Kanon nor Shannon and Battler doesn't come, or..?

>> No.5964652 [DELETED] 

eta-Battler is George during eps 1-3, Kanon during eps 4-5.

This way, It's done.

>> No.5964660

Meta-Battler is George during eps 1-3, Kanon during eps 4-5.

This way, It's done.

>> No.5964667

Meta Battler is Kinzo

>> No.5964679

EP7 is kind of a mishmash of different Fragments. So while the good end version of Yasu (Lion) is there, Shannon and Kanon are also there even though they shouldn't be. However, Shannon and Kanon are never seen by anyone but Will and Lion, so it doesn't really matter.

>> No.5964685


Makes sense, he did try to revive his beloved Beato and ended up creating a "daughter" that looked like her but wasn't her/etc after all.

>> No.5964686

Yasu is Lion and becomes Jessica's brother/sister.
There's Shkanon but maybe just in a meta way.
Battler doesn't appear.

>> No.5964689

He said it in red that he was Battler though, the red cannot be denied. The only things we truly know are that he is Battler and not Asumu's son.

>> No.5964697
File: 3 KB, 208x208, 1282019281607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad I'm not the only one who thinks that flat chest song is foreshadowing now.

>> No.5964703

Kinzo... my god, this would make so much sense. That's why he's dead in all games, because he's in the Meta-World AKA Purgatorio.

George? So the real story behind all of this is trying to get George to find the truth?

These would both make lots of sense, because Meta-Battler isn't aware of the sin that piece Battler caused. Nor can he say that his true mother is Asumu Ushiromiya.

>> No.5964712

That's true... but how can he be Battler, not have knowledge of the truth behind what happened on Rokkenjima and not know what his sin is? Unless we're still going with the baby swap theory.

>> No.5964721

> Meta-Battler isn't aware of the sin that piece Battler caused.
Neither was piece Battler. And Meta-Battler DID figure it out eventually. What makes the most sense is Meta-Battler being the piece Battler of Episode 1 elevated to meta status.

>> No.5964728

Hmm... I guess so.

>> No.5964745
File: 10 KB, 350x350, 1262287843028.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if, and is just WHAT IF...

Kinzo had another baby with Beatrice Jr and sent him to Asumu after knowing what happened to Yasu?

>> No.5964755 [DELETED] 

Well, I was only saying this because of george Battler who is crying all the time in ep 1-3, but if it can have a meaning, why not.

Seriously speaking, the kinzo one is very probable.
The whole logic error on ep6 is based on this, there is the same 'gamble" logic, and there is A LOT of parallelism between Battler and Kinzo again since ep5. ESPECIALLY in ep5.
And, even if it looks very stupid as an argument, Kinzo is supposed to look like Battler. And Kinzo's ep7 sprite... It could be a hint (but not exactly the kind of hint that I like, thanks for killing my eyes, Ryu)

>> No.5964758

Hmm... never considered that possibility before. Interesting, to say the least.

>> No.5964763

Well, I was only saying this because of Battler who is crying all the time in ep 1-3 and my looooooooooooooove for George, but if it can have a meaning, why not.

Seriously speaking, the kinzo one is very probable.
The whole logic error on ep6 is based on this, there is the same 'gamble" logic, and there is A LOT of parallelism between Battler and Kinzo again since ep5. ESPECIALLY in ep5.
And, even if it looks very stupid as an argument, Kinzo is supposed to look like Battler. And Kinzo's ep7 sprite... It could be a hint (but not exactly the kind of hint that I like, thanks for killing my eyes, Ryu)

>> No.5964767 [DELETED] 

Okay. So let's say that Kinzo is Meta-Battler. Why would he want to know the truth behind what happened on Rokkenjima? Kinzo thought of his family as completely worthless. He wanted to give everything back to the so-called "roulette" (going with eps 1-2 logic).

>> No.5964774

Okay. So let's say that Kinzo is Meta-Battler. Why would he want to know the truth behind what happened on Rokkenjima? Kinzo thought of his family as completely worthless. He wanted to give everything back to the so-called "roulette" (going with eps 1-2 logic).

>> No.5964802

I think you guys are overthinking it.

We could say that he is the Battler ''idealized by Yasu'', so a Imaginary-meta-battler that is her hero.

We could say that even if we consider EP1 fiction, piece Battler could have been elevated to the status of a ''witch''.

We could say he's the will of the real Battler that died ignorant of what really happened.

We could say that he's the real battler, alive at the real world, trying to figure out the truth just like Ange is.

We could say that he's just a representation of the reader taking Battler form as avatar.

Nevertheless, he's Battler.

>> No.5964805

The problem is not even here. At the very beginning of the meta-world, meta-Battler was not even interrested into knowing the truth. He just wanted to deny Beatrice, that's all. And if it is Kinzo, it is far worse as an argument. wanting to Know the truth is a natural thing and it could be explained ""easily"", but the Beatrice thing is more annoying

>> No.5964806

I have a question about Yasu backstory.

How did Yasu suddenly decide to become Shannon and have that work out? I mean...Shannon wasn't actually registered as a worker or anything right? What the hell happened?

>> No.5964809

So wait, are Jessica and George both just in love with Lion in EP7?

>> No.5964824

Well, no, not with lion. But it's kind of the same thing.

>> No.5964831

Are you retarded?

>> No.5964835

It's not that Shannon and Kanon aren't seen by people other than Will and Lion that matters. It's that Shannon and Kanon don't even know who Lion is, and Lion doesn't know who they are either, like he doesn't know about the Beatrice legend and epitaph.

The other characters know Lion, but they also know Beatrice. Will however notes that when they describe their memories about Beatrice, there is a contradiction with Lion's existence - in both Maria's story and Jessica's story, the seating arrangement they describe does not account for Lion.

All this among a few other things leads Will to deduce who killed Beatrice, which was Bern's challenge to him. He describes that there are two "culprits" - the dead cat in the box and the alive cat in the box. The dead one is Lion. The living one is Beatrice. The kakera was like a cat box, so they simultaneously existed while contradicting, but when the box is opened only one can be there.

>> No.5964841

Retarded for considering theories other than "lol DID (insert character here)" and whatever else has come up as of late? No.

>> No.5964852

So beatlion is basically schrodinger's cat. right

>> No.5964868

In this kakera anyway. It's a tiny chance that Lion is accepted (the exact chance was stated, something like 1 in 2 billion) and we know from the other kakera that Lion does not exist in them because Beatrice and the epitaph do. Also, in Lion's world, Kinzo lives at least until the family conference of 1986. Which makes you wonder if Yasu killed Kinzo.

>> No.5964887

So really, isn't the whole thing Natushi's fault? Had she accepted Leon, no one would have died.

>> No.5964909

> Which makes you wonder if Yasu killed Kinzo.
In a way, Yasu did. In the Yasu worlds, Kinzo devoted the rest of his life to bringing back Beatrice, and when he finally got her back and was able to apologize, he no longer had anything to live for. In the Leon world(s), Kinzo would devote himself to raising Leon properly/having Leon raised properly. Meh, I didn't explain it very well...

>> No.5964911


They'll probably still die anyway, since Kyrie & Rudolf decided on some SPONTANEOUS FAMILY KILLING TIEM

>> No.5964935

It is confirmed that they would still die. Bern shows what happens in 1986 if Lion is accepted. Kyrie kills him.

>> No.5964985

If beatrice = shanon = leon = kanon = yasu, why does Kanon hate Beatrice, I mean Beatrice really had it out for him especially in EP2.

>> No.5965002

Because Ryukishi can't keep his story straight. Like how Jessica misses that Shannon = Kanon.

>> No.5965132

They call Kinzo 館様, how is it properly translated? Because translators fuck it up.

>> No.5965187

If only there was some sort of detective who used a series of rules to question the things that were shown in Ep7. Somebody like Will who only wanted to solve the mystery and didnt give a crap about having a happy ending.

What do you think everyone?

>> No.5965189

Isn't it something like lord, or rather master, in this case?

>> No.5965206

I have no clue what you're talking about. Will was the best choice for that. ...Which, in the end, was actually a bad thing, because it means Bernkastel got exactly what she wanted.

>> No.5965217

To those discussing Meta-Battler and his parallels with Kinzo, do recall that as long as Battler's parentage is uncertain, it's possible that he is, in fact, the child from 19 years ago, born from Beato #2, and therefore Kinzo's youngest son. 'Yasu' or 'Lyon' or whoever, rather than being that long lost son, might actually be Asumu's real son switched out because Kinzo didn't give a fuck, and Kyrie's child really WAS stillborn.

Or was this decisively denied? I've actually half suspected something like this might be the case for a while. But it never really got much momentum.

>> No.5965228

I like this theory. I don't think it's been denied yet, that I know of.

>> No.5965233

Oh, right. Checked WH script, they translated it like Master.

>> No.5965235

No, Yasu is the child from then. S/he resembles Beatrice too much. And Kinzo WOULD give a fuck about that to begin with.

>> No.5965247
File: 159 KB, 500x750, 12630116_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Story time. http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=manga&illust_id=12630116

>> No.5965270

dumb fags don't give r07 enough cred.
even if his mystery is whack sometimes he's good compared to whinny little bitches, like in 6. don't judge before you even finish
He created the ENTIRE umineko universe from scratch.
Beatrice, trollkastel, battler, endless nine, 34, all the GOOD of UMINEKO.
and we get little fag anons like this guy.........

>> No.5965272

What I meant was, Kinzo wouldn't give a fuck about Rudolph's legitimate child. He swapped in little baby Battler (he's big for his age, yeah?), sent Asumu's baby packing, and told everyone involved to keep their damn mouths shut about this. Rudolph fears for his life both because of his father (who he isn't sure is dead) and his new wife (who would be pretty pissed to find out Rudolph didn't marry her when his child wasn't his own anyway).

Honestly, how often does someone, usually Beatrice, compare Battler to 'a young Kinzo'? Point out that Battler's total lack of magical ability was just like Kinzo's, his origins like Kinzo's, etc etc? I don't think this is without precedent.

>> No.5965284

That would be counterproductive for Kinzo's purposes, as favoring Rudolf's "son" would be more suspicious than favoring Krauss's "son".

...Oh right, and wasn't it stated in red that Battler is Rudolf's son?

>> No.5965298

Shouldn't the red say he was born from Rudolph? Until then this doesn't exactly count though I really don't think it'd get so complicated.

>> No.5965320

Not that I know of, unless it was in Episode 7. And anyway, Kinzo already tried giving that baby to Krauss, and it got thrown off a cliff... Eva already had a child, and Rosa was too young, so... Rudolph, who had no children but two pregnant girlfriends, was the perfect chance to get Beatrice's son on the family register in an official capacity.

And Kinzo lucked out- only one of Rudolph's girls had a live birth, so he could just do an easy baby swap and make Asumu's real baby disappear. Or maybe it wasn't 'luck' that made Kyrie's child a stillbirth... If Kinzo killed her son (or had Rudolph do it- he was there after all) she'd most certainly go nuclear.

Honestly, I think this is a more logical foundation for Kyrie wanting to kill Rudolph than 'Battler is actually my son who I thought was dead? I MUST KILL HIM (and Battler too for that matter...)'

>> No.5965326

No. Beato did the whole "It was from Ushiromiya Asumu that Ushiromiya Battler was born" thing to mindfuck Battler. She finished off by saying in red "You are not the son of Ushiromiya Asumu", or something. So the Rudolf one should work.

>> No.5965333

Did you miss the part where Genji, Kumasawa, and Nanjo kept the survival of the baby a secret from Kinzo?

>> No.5965346

Obviously. Well, so much for that idea.

And I thought it explained Kyrie's craziness well ;_;

>> No.5965356

Yasu is the culprit.

>> No.5965420

It was not IIRC. It's Ange who was saying

The one who is qualified to be Beato's opponent is 'Kinzo's grandchild Ushiromiya Battler', and whether you are 'Asumu's son' or not is no problem.

Thus, even if you are not Asumu's son, you can be Kinzo's grandchild.

As long as you are Rudolf's son!

Everything in blue.

>> No.5965433

But then the whole "Ange is my little sister" is annoying. Really annoying.
Poor rudolf.

>> No.5965597

Sorry if I'm a bit late to the party but...
Who is Yasu?
Who is Leon?
Who is Will?

>> No.5965617

Leon and Yasu are the baby from the cliff scene. If thrown off, becomes Yasu, aka Kanon, aka Shannon, aka The Stakes, aka Gaap, aka Ronove, aka Beatrice. If not thrown off, becomes Ushiromiya Leon, Jessica's older brother, completely and utterly altering the timeline. In this alternate timeline, Beatrice doesn't exist, Battler never returned to the family, Kinzo is still alive, and Shannon is completely fucking psycho yandere.

Finally, Will is the new detective. He's awesome and hard gay for Leon.

>> No.5965626

assuming leon is a guy

>> No.5965628

>Beato is the baby from 19 years ago who also happens to be Kanon and Shannon
>The guy in the portrait is the same baby in a timeline were he is raised as a genuine successor of the Ushiromiya family
I can't believe I was right about all of that.

>> No.5965633

It doesn't matter anyway. Will says he doesn't care what Leon's gender is.

>> No.5965642

So if Leon/Yasu is Kinzo and BeatriceII's rapebabby, why is Leon raised by Krauss and Natsuhi and why does Natsuhi throw Yasu off the cliff?

>> No.5965652

Random chance. There's something like a 1 in 3.6 million chance of Natsuhi not throwing the baby off the cliff. If she doesn't, we get Leon, who is awesome. Otherwise, we get Yasu, who is ratshit insane.

>> No.5965667

That is not what I'm asking.
1. Why does Kinzo give the baby to Krauss?
2. Why does Natsuhi try to kill him?

>> No.5965669

So the Yasu who is thrown off a cliff survives to become Shannon and Kanon. Gaap, Ronove, (Virgilia?), Beatrice and the stakes were all in his head?

>> No.5965671
File: 321 KB, 726x543, 12641505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone explain more about Claire?

>> No.5965673

>I lack reading comprehension.

Why don't you try re-reading his question.

>> No.5965683

Not sure, sorry.

Kanon, Gaap, Ronove, Virgilia, Beatrice, the Stakes, etc... are all in Yasu's head, yes. Shannon on the other hand, is in fact a real person who Yasu ends up studying and copying the personality of.

I personally think that Yasu killed Shannon, cut her scalp off, and wears it and her attached hair like a wig.

>> No.5965686

He asked why does Natushi throw Yasu off the cliff. I answered random chance. Which it is.

So fuck you, I can read just fine.

>> No.5965692

No you can't. My question was what her reason/motive was.

>> No.5965697

Because Natsuhi is a bitch who doesn't want to raise a baby that isn't hers.

>> No.5965698

Because she's retarded and was complexed with the ''infertile'' thing

>> No.5965702

You didn't ask for reason or motive. You didn't specify that. So fuck you, I can read just fine. It's not my fault you didn't make your statement clear. To the question:
>Why does Natsuhi throw Yasu off the cliff?
The answer:
>Random chance. There's something like a 1 in 3.6 million chance of Natsuhi not throwing the baby off the cliff.
Is valid. You only claim it to be invalid due to a condition that you didn't originally state.

>> No.5965708

why so mad?

>> No.5965712


Get a room

>> No.5965715

I have a feeling that the red used by bern is in itself a red herring.
I'd like to believe that EP 1 is Meta Battler and that EP1 and EP2 have more signifiance than the rest of the apparent fictions (EP 3-4).
They just seem the closest to the real deal.
What if EP 7 tea party is HER truth, and not the ultimate truth of the incident.

>> No.5965719

This one is right.
And raised by Krauss, probably because Kinzo wanted him by his side.

>> No.5965720

I'm mad because I don't like being falsely accused. He assumed me of lacking reading comprehension, when in fact it was his fault for not making his question clear.

>> No.5965722


I want to ask the same question
Some spoilers say Claire is born from Bern and is Will's waifu

...... -> Does that make Bern Will's mother-in-law? ._____________________.
I can hear the sound of my brains imploding

>> No.5965725

"the red" equal? The one at the end of the ??? ?

>> No.5965731

>Why does Natsuhi try to kill
>implying motive

>How is it decided whether Natsuhi will raise or try to kill
>random chance

>> No.5965732

Claire is Proto-Beatrice. Yasu creates her as "Beatrice" in his mind, and then refines her into the form that we know and love after Battler describes the kind of girl he likes.

>> No.5965734

No, She's born from bern, and her character is based on Claire de Lisle, Van Dine's wife in the real world.

>> No.5965738

>I'd like to believe that EP 1 is Meta Battler and that EP1 and EP2 have more signifiance than the rest of the apparent fictions (EP 3-4).
I'd like to point out, as far as tea parties and tips go, in episodes 1 and 2 Battler was always described as a 'fool' by the narration and I think for some reason it stopped in episode 3.

>> No.5965743 [DELETED] 

because Battler became awsum in ep3... or not.

>> No.5965748

>>Why does Natsuhi try to kill
This question may or may not involve motive. You must be more specific if you want a satisfactory answer.

>> No.5965749

because Battler became awsum in ep3... or not.

More seriously, different narrator. If you read the tea party of ep1, you will notice it instantly. It is way more agressive and "acid" everywhere.

>> No.5965752

Thanks for the info

>> No.5965757

So are there people who still deny Shkanontrice after this?

>> No.5965764

Oh of course. Never underestimate people in regards to things like that.

>> No.5965769

Whoops, I was refering to the red truth that bern states that validates what happened in the tea party (Rudolph and Kyrie killing people) as the real incident.
and I don't really see the reason to validate Ep1 and Ep2 (disgarding the other episodes as fictions) in Episode 6, only to rebuke it and say that were all fictions an episode later.

I don't see why someone would go through the trouble of stressing a point and then make it meaningless an episode later.

>> No.5965770

I think you're the only one who misread the question. Everyone else understood. So there's no reason for him to need to be more specific if it's just for some retard who doesn't know how to read subtleties in a question.

>> No.5965771

Oh God, come on...

>> No.5965772


What there to completely deny though? it's practically confirmed. At this point its just pure denial

>> No.5965773

Yes. But right now apparently /jp/ doesn't want to flamewar about it anymore, so it's perfect.
But wait for ep7 to come out in english. it will be awesome.

>> No.5965782

Everyone else only answered the question after he clarified it. Clearly the question was vague. The question didn't include anything about motive, just "why". And "random chance" is a valid answer to that.

>> No.5965787
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Probably yes, it's too much of a blasphemy for all that character development and shippings

Also people who dont deny it but wish it wasnt true :c

>> No.5965793

That's because of this kind of remark that we can't have intelligent and calm discussions in theses threads~
I seriously hope that one day, /jp/ will learn to stop judging people before eventalking to them.

>> No.5965796
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I'm still surprised that there were people denying it after this scene in EP6.

>> No.5965802

>blasphemy for all that character development and shippings.

It's kind of funny how GeorgeXShannon & JessicaXKanon got completly smashed (Well theres no future for the pairing) despite the whole emphasis on the two pair in EP6.

Oh well not like I cared for two ships but still..

>> No.5965808

Even if they happen to share a body... there's no doubt that Shannon and Kanon certainly 'exist'.

>> No.5965817

"It's possible to show a different truth by using a different interpretation!! "

After reading this in ep5, it should not even suprise you, if you are not thinking that everyone is thinking in the same why you do (which would be quite boring and sad in fact)

>> No.5965823

Actually if you get Eva's story as a tip we can assume the opposite.

Eva is a witch because she took all the blame for herself, she turned into a villain so she could spare ange from the truh. (batman etc etc)

She gave the world a great ''fuck you'' and acted more and more like the culprit for the sake of the memory of the innocent people that died in rokkenjima.

If we take the two message bottles written by Beatrice and put them into perspective there's a connection.

Beatrice paints herself a a cruel witch, the culprit, the one that should be hated. All the family members despite their sins and wrongdoings are portrayed as heros fighting against the witch.

She does the impossible, she summons demons, she is the evil incarnate and none of the humans had any fault or chance to begin it.

The letters were written for a reasons and that reason is to shift the blame for Beatrice herself, for the witch.

But there's one person that Yasu wants to find the truth, only one person that she wanted to know everything. And that one person is Battler.

That's why the story is solvable, but encrypted. The closed rooms are there to tip Battler about the truth as Yasu knows he likes mistery novels and she knows that he can solve it.

So putting all of this together: the meta part of the first games are real somehow, they are a metaphor of the survivor Battler trying to solve the message bottles from the deceased Yasu...and when he finds out everything he realizes everything. And without love none of this can be understood.
Well, this theory is kinda depressing but makes sense overall.

>> No.5965827


Oh yeah they do exist. i'm just saying that both pairings have no future, not even GeorgexShannon (forget JessiKanon)

>> No.5965835

same way*

>> No.5965838

>"It's possible to show a different truth by using a different interpretation!! "
But then again this makes the whole "mystery" part of the story a bit pointless.
I mean, even if you reach an answer people will just tell you that this answer is only possible by your interpretation and impossible according to their interpretation, making the whole thing ultimately unsolvable.

>> No.5965841

It imples that Battler must survive, point quite ifficult by itself

>> No.5965844


Isnt that what R07 tries to tell us in EP5 though?

>> No.5965847

Unsolvable until the author himself reveals which is the correct interpretation, I mean.

>> No.5965850

But Battler fucks it up by choosing to come to the island this year of all years, correct?

Yasu goes batshit, etc. etc.

>> No.5965853

Someone translate this because it's making me bawwww already

fuck you, kyrie. fuck you.

>> No.5965859

There's no proof that he's dead anyway, in the tea party of episode 7 for example its not shown if he's killed or not (if you want to accept it as the truth).

Also the main problem with umineko-fiction theory is WHY the letters can be solved.

It doesnt make sense if its not to someone to solve...and who's the only person Yasu wants to find the truth? Its just connecting dots. I dont really think she would write it for Eva or Ange.

Also it solves the variable to why Meta Battler simply forgave beato for everything when he found out the truth.

>> No.5965863

I warned you about Shkanontrice bros! I told you, dogs!

>> No.5965872

>So if Leon/Yasu is Kinzo and BeatriceII's rapebabby, why is Leon raised by Krauss and Natsuhi and why does Natsuhi throw Yasu off the cliff?
Remember Natsuhi can't concieve, at first. Kinzo gives her Yasu. Now, in pretty much every other world, she's disgusted at the thought of having to raise a child which she doesn't share blood with.
She sees it as an humiliation to her as a wife.
She pushes the servant off the cliff, and later Jessica comes along.
Leon comes up in that one minuscule probability where she actually just takes the baby, shuts up, and raises him/her as the heir.

>> No.5965873

That's one possibility.

I can think of some others...for example, if EP7 tea party is the real truth Battler simply survived and was rescued by eva.

Battler could simply have not gone to the meeting, when Eva comes back she spreads rumours of the contrary and hide his identity.

And...well all of these at least fits with that old Amakusa/Battler theory...

It just doesnt make sense to me that the story is solvable if there's not anyone to solve it.

>> No.5965883

Not unsolvable if other people's answers also work.
multiple truth are the core of umineko, and I think that Shkannon in the fandom illustrates it very well,

After this, it depends of your definition of "pointless mystery". To me, if my answer work perfectly, I don't care about what the author or other people are thinking. It works, it works.
And when I am not absolutely sure without a doubt of what the answer is supposed to be, I prefer searching too much rather than not enough. It is a part of the fun of the game after all.
I suppose that it depends of how you are taking the game.

>> No.5965898
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>To me, if my answer work perfectly, I don't care about what the author or other people are thinking. It works, it works.
Well, to me, a witch did everything with magic and it works perfectly.

>> No.5965924

If you want to ruin the fun of the complete game, it's your choice. But in a mystery, the goal is to find "the" answer to the mystery, notto guess what the author was thinking about while writing

>> No.5965928
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How could Fatso and Jessica not realize Shannon = Kanon?

And how did Battler fit into all this? What, was he so shocked by all the murders that he, in some confused state, started talking to Yasu/Beatrice and they both imagined seeing Ronove etc?
Just. Every time a stake appeared before someone... What was really happening?

>> No.5965940

>How could Fatso and Jessica not realize Shannon = Kanon?

Both are stupid and Yasu us just that good of an actor

>> No.5965941

Kumasawa cosplaying into their outfits.
Enjoy imagining this scene, no need to thanks me.

>> No.5965949

Servants shifts.
Yasu arranged everything so Kanon and Shannon never worked together except during the family conference

>> No.5965955

>How could ____ not realize Shannon = Kanon?
this is what people keep asking. Yasu doesn't act. He's really delusional and his/her characters don't even know they're derivate personalities. It is unclear whether when the personality changes she uses wigs or anything. Could be.

Also, if you ask me, but that's a personal interpretation, the Yasu flashback hinted at Kanon not being a personality of Shannon.

>> No.5965957

It could work with George but it would be a lot, a lot harder with Jessica

>> No.5965958

We need a new thread guys. this ones autosaging

>> No.5965959

>If you want to ruin the fun of the complete game
It didn't ruin the fun for me.
It's just that, after reading Umineko twice and analyzing all the hints (or the things that seemed to be hints) that was the most satisfactory conclusion I reached according to my interpretation.

>> No.5966013
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>> No.5966011 [DELETED] 

One question, what exactly did Jessica do in EP7 that makes her now a bitch? I know she's been faking her asthma? But why? Also, did she do anything else to be a bitch now?

>> No.5966019

Yeah this, I mean, she lives with them.

>> No.5966032
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Joji would crai seeing these upcoming fanarts

>> No.5966041 [DELETED] 
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ufufufufufufu ffffffff- why you two ;_;

>> No.5966049

Again, servant shifts.
How many servants do you think there are?
There aren't just 5 servants, you know there are several.
I mean, she could have just arranged the whole thing so Shannon works a specific number of days a year without ever matching with Kanon.
And since there are a lot of servants from the Fukuing house, it wouldn't seem that strange.

>> No.5966051

New thread, since we have been on autosage for a while >>5966046
