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5943528 No.5943528 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to the Tea Party of EP 7, its discussing time.

>> No.5943538


>> No.5943540

I'll be seriously disappointed if we don't get Will x Leon.

>> No.5943542


They ded.

>> No.5943550

okay so in the kakera of perfect Leon's word Shannon still exists and is lovestruck for Battler and interacts with other people ?

>> No.5943552

I don't get it, Leon and Yasu are the same person under different outcomes regarding the whole cliff thing, but why does Leon behave like his/her age, whereas Yasu is treated like a child?

In fact, Shannon at some point said something along the lines of Yasu being younger.

>> No.5943553

btw, at which point did yesterdays/todays stream end?

>> No.5943555

Always link the previous thread in the OP.

>> No.5943556


I've only personally seen screenshots with her and joji and her and will.

So it could just be another matter of LOLFANTASY.

I'm still miffed that i can't properly denounce shkannon in lions world since by all rights it SHOULDN'T exist there. Bah humbug.

>> No.5943559
File: 6 KB, 114x114, 1280061467526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did the stream start again?

>> No.5943560
File: 15 KB, 750x1082, 1260555993152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is what Will was talking about, right?

>> No.5943567

Yasu scenes are before 1984

>> No.5943569

"Yasu" is called that way only during his POV as a child at the orphanage, by the maid-stakes. Leon is not the same age as the Yasu flashbacks.

>> No.5943572

Stream? Where?

>> No.5943574


>> No.5943575
File: 1.19 MB, 1100x2420, LESBIANS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5943579

Shannon was an older imaginary friend for Yasu in the orphanage.
And these scenes took place in the past

>> No.5943582

Stream ended about 12 30 PST
it will resume around 7 Pm EDT

>> No.5943587

Is the broadcast archived?

>> No.5943591

There was a real Shannon in the orphanage at some point. She later left to work on Rokkenjima as a servant. Yasu modeled his imaginary friend on her.

>> No.5943592

Does someone have a link for the new music box which include the long version of Kiri no pitosu?

>> No.5943595

whats the time now for you?

>> No.5943603


noooooooooooooooooooooo, i dont get it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.5943610

About 9am, woke up at 6 am thinking the stream was up. I was off the mark about 12 hours.

>> No.5943612

I'm miffed that my fake murder theory hasn't went anywhere.

Well, we only have scant details i know but i was sure that the fact that in eps 5 and 6 both first twilights were fake had something to do with the "truth".

I wasn't at least some confirmation in this ep, so far nothing..

>> No.5943617

Does the Eva vs Kyrie scene get a good soundtrack? I was told that it was the highlight of the episode.

>> No.5943624

It's simple.
The names of the servants aren't their true names.
There was a real Shannon when Yasu was young, this Shannon was much older and went to work on Rokkenjima for a bit.
Then she left, servants don't work for a long time.
Yasu modeled his imaginary friend from her and "inherited" the name of Shannon.

>> No.5943627

oh god sauce

>> No.5943634

so i didnt miss very much i guess, after being disconected god knows why at some point...so i still got ...10 hours... crap

>> No.5943638

Go back to LJ, shipperfag

>> No.5943647

yes, but Yasu is "our" Shkannon right? so he also LOOKS like that real Shannon and has a name Shannon?

>> No.5943648
File: 869 KB, 600x600, 12589627_m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5943653

What if he doesn't inherit anything? That real Shannon is indeed our Shannon that works on the island now. And Yasu just has his imaginary friend and maybe, for example, works as Kanon.

>> No.5943662

Is it confirmed that Kyrie isn't the culprit? If so that means were back to square 1

>> No.5943664


>> No.5943666

Rifyu seems to be the only fanartist who enjoyed EP7.

>> No.5943671

the why would he have to imagine Shannon if he had the real deal Shannon next to him?

>> No.5943674

Does Leon count as Jessica's brother?

Are the maid stakes from the past simply maids who look like the states, or the actual demon stakes dressed up as maids?

>> No.5943679

Yes, no big portraits, because nobody knows what to make out of that horseshit clusterfuck

>> No.5943686

Because he imagined her when he was in the orphanage, alone. Then he moved to the island and had a real maid.

>> No.5943689

Yasu was a child, Shannon was an adult.
Then we see Yasu create the imaginary friend Shannon

>> No.5943690

btw, Leon isnt Natsuhi's and Krauss's kid, but what about Jessica?

>> No.5943692

Yes. Not by blood, by blood he is Jessica's uncle. Son of Kinzo and Beato.
>George being incestuous

>> No.5943696

>Implying that Battler is any different

Anyway, that's why the relationships would be doomed, amirite?

>> No.5943699

It seems that EP7 got delayed in shipping or something. I've seen several images on pixiv with the description "BAWWW WHY HASN'T EP7 ARRIVED YET."

>> No.5943702

Just how childish was this child?

>> No.5943704


What are the goat butters?

>> No.5943705

The Beato who was also Kinzo's daughter, right?

>> No.5943706


>> No.5943711

Anybody got link to the all of the music in glorius 320kbps?

>> No.5943712

Don't know. It's Jessica x Kanon which was doomed in ep6.

Supposed to be the explosion, but it doesn't always work IIRC

>> No.5943714


is this confirmed?

>> No.5943717

My bet is on the bomb exploding, from what we've seen in EP2.

>> No.5943725

Wasn't the test administered in ep 4?
If Bern is trying to show how it could have gone down by taking parts from multiple games then the next episode could be Battler taking parts from games where each characters didn't die.

Also in ep6 why did Kanon tell Jessica he needs time off even if he won? Sex op into a man. Leon's a girl.

>> No.5943728

EP7 music

>> No.5943729

You won't tell the difference anyway.

>> No.5943735

>implying that meta Beato isn't just a legend/magical creature that exists in a parallel world and isn't related by blood to Battler

>> No.5943737
File: 225 KB, 384x482, BattlerCry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is bullshit, this whole wpisode is all bullshit!!!!!!! useless, all USELESS!!!!!

>> No.5943742

Oh yes i can.
Also, when i play the .ogg's in foobar they're only just about 200kbps. How come?
Eitherway, still requesting Umineko OST in the best quality you've got.

>> No.5943745

Battler is right, for once.

>> No.5943751

>Leon's a girl.

Prove it

>> No.5943769


>> No.5943774


>> No.5943788


Leon is the baby from 19 years ago if he WASN'T dropped off the cliff

Yasu is the baby from 19 years ago if he WAS dropped off the cliff (popular reasoning dictates that it's shkannontrice)

Will is the detective for ep 7. A meta character that is forced to participate in berns game for some reason or another.

Anything else?

>> No.5943794

So Shannon was real, but Kanon wasn't?

>> No.5943796




>> No.5943799

"Notice how Van Dine formulates it himself:

>11. A servant must not be chosen by the author as the culprit. This is begging a noble question. It is a too easy solution. The culprit must be a decidedly worth-while person — one that wouldn't ordinarily come under suspicion.

I.e. the servants are forbidden from being the culprit not because they're servants and it's somehow taboo, but because they are in position to exploit trust invested in them ("too easy solution") and because of that are immediately under suspicion ("ordinarily"). Which is what we see fairly early on all the way back in Ep1, when Shannon is immediately thought of wearing a Beatrice dress. Reformulating it using this interpretation, "Someone who is suspected because they are in a position of trust must not be the culprit." Stopping being a servant would not stop this rule from meaning that."

>> No.5943807


No, neither are real. Not the ones we know anyway.

The shannon from 1982 probably on loosely looked like our shannon. If they used to usual shannon sprite it's just lazyness so ignore it.

>> No.5943809

Oh thank god this isnt the last episode.

>> No.5943811

The idea is that servants are always too obvious.
You could the same about Krauss, Natsuhi and Jessica since they live in Rokkenjima.

>> No.5943817

Take a blind ABX test and see for yourself. Also 200kbps in ogg != 200kbps in mp3.

>> No.5943829
File: 414 KB, 630x700, 2227852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Firstly, thank you very much for uploading the new music.
Secondly, Cathedral wasn't used in Ep 7 after all? I was really looking forward to that one.

>> No.5943831

Alright. This episode narrows things down a bit.


>> No.5943835

Cathedral wasn't meant to be, it was for the new CD.

>> No.5943840


>> No.5943841


Dude, she's 9 years old

>> No.5943843

No, because they are part of the main family and therefore in higher position and (should) have more influence.

>> No.5943852

Wait, didnt this episode narrow down the suspect to one person? (not gonna say anything since SPOILERS).

>> No.5943854

Yasu became the new heir when he found the gold.
So he isn't a servant anymore.
This is how you find a loophole through a red text.

>> No.5943857

No. Even if Bern's interpretation is to be believed, then multiple people are killers.

>> No.5943863


>> No.5943865


You might as well say who you think is the culprit. not like anyone really will flip shit if you post spoilers here.

>> No.5943866

Sorta of, this now is basically a battle between Kyriefags and Shkannonfags to see who's the culprit.

>> No.5943871
File: 303 KB, 1302x1921, b28d47c677ed696917e286a50eb16754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cut it out. That maid isn't the culprit.

>> No.5943874

No, nobody think that Kyrie is a mastermind anymore.

>> No.5943878


While that would be Hilarious. Let's be realistic, a 9 year old girl killing people. I'm sure even Kumasawa could take her on

>> No.5943880

Since when heir and servant are mutually exclusive, I'd like to hear. In all effects s/he's also a servant

>> No.5943887

Heir or not she's still a servant

>> No.5943888

Beatrice is the one who write the letters.
Beatrice is the one who know about the bomb, and most likely start it.
The pin number only has meaning for Beatrice.
Beatrice is the only one who would find meaning from following the epitaph.

Yasu is Beatrice.
Yeah sure isn't the culprit.

>> No.5943890


From what we've seen, this episode is basically; "What if someone accidently died after everyone finds out that there is a bomb and the gold has been found".

The following killings were all a matter of luck. Rosa, kyrie, rudolph, eva all had an = value of becomeing " murderers" Not "culprits" A culprit plans things out, a "murderer" kills. It's that simple. The killings in this ep arn't so much planned as so much done in the spur of a crazy moment.

At least that's what vibe i get from it.

This was just the episode saying: Anyone of the adults, after finding the gold, can become a murderer if the bomb is also revealed. Not; any of the adults can become the culprit, after the gold is found and the bomb is revealed.

Speaking of the bomb, how do they find out about it? I've seen screen shots of an empty eyed beato telling them, but this can't be true, obviously, so, what actually did tell them?

>> No.5943898

Yasu wasn't a servant anymore when he became the witch Beatrice and the heir/territory lord.

And did you guys forget the lesson of episode 6?

So Yasu resigned as a servant to become the heir while Shannon and Kanon kept doing it.
And the culprit is Yasu, not Shannon or Kanon

>> No.5943899

Except this is not the same as finding loophole in the red text. Red text is presented by the witch, the player. Wordplay is a trick to deceive a naive detective in the game itself. And this shit is a trick played by the AUTHOR himself on the readers.
These rules were made not to deny your theories or to cause problems for writers. They were were made to make a mystery fair, solvable and enjoyable. Using such loopholes in them is the same as making boat captain the culprit. He was mentioned early, he even has a sprite and technically he isn't a servant.

>> No.5943906

Beatrice told them, Yasu if you want

>> No.5943913

So we are back at magically switch of personalities, goddamnit.

>> No.5943914


I thought Kyrie planned it out?

Did /jp/ get a wrong impression?

>> No.5943915

But Yasu is still "serving" the goddamn family.

>> No.5943921

>He still thinks Beatrice is the killer

>> No.5943922

Except the rules of Umineko were made to make the game more complicated, of course R07 says that it was to make it fair but it's a lie.

His definition of personalities that can die for example, without the red text lots of the fake deaths would have been easily seen through.
But you still had the "Shannon is dead", "Kanon is dead" that made thing complicated.

>> No.5943923


Where were you these few days? EP7 gave us some answers now.

>> No.5943924


From the initial spoilers people did think Kyrie and rudolf planned the whole thing but after reading the tea party and the entire scene it was more of an act of impulse.

>> No.5943926


But.. isn't yasu not yasu but lion in that bit? Or are there two boards in this game?

>> No.5943929

No, Shannon and Kanon do.
Show me one scene where Yasu, who became Beatrice, serve the family as a servant.

>> No.5943932

2 boards, that's the tea party.
There was no killing in Leon story.

>> No.5943940

His body does, thats good enough.

>> No.5943944

Episode 6.
You lack love.

>> No.5943945

Yeah. Eva gets trigger happy and kills Natsuhi by accident. Krauss gets pissed, understandably, Hideyoshi gets between them and kills Krauss by accident. Eva asks Rosa to help cover it up but she laughs at them and says no.

Then, Kyrie kills Beatrice, Rosa and Hideyoshi. She tries to kill Eva but only injures her.

It doesn't seem to be planned out, more like a series of accidents and heat of the moments, with Kyrie going 'well things are already fucked so might as well kill everybody and take the gold'. Then it starts moving on to planned killings.

Of course, this Ep 3 is a distortion, probably meant to mess with Ange and Battler even more than usual, so take what you see in it with a grain of salt, because there are a lot of parts in it that aren't true or can't actually happen. (Or this is one of the infinite possibilities for the third game).

>> No.5943950

Wait... so I'm a bit confused... are there two Shannons now? Or does Yasu = Shkannon?

From what I understand, Shannon's a dude now, and gay for Battler. Why hasn't this gotten more WTF?

And the "Jessica is a man" rumor got disproved, right?

>> No.5943952

Series of accidents that result in LOLdeaths?

>> No.5943953

I mean Knox's and Van Dine's rules. Not your assumed definitions. He basically tells you half of the ep5 about the Decalogue being the crutch for the power of thinking, not an obstacle. Not to mention all that love for the author of mystery novel thing.
But it seems I'm expecting too much from a shkannontricefag.

>> No.5943954


Damnit, impulse killers again? That doesn't solve anything unless we can identify what triggers things in different episodes. Only thing I got is whether Shannon accepts George or not. That sends EP2 in a whole other direction.

Anyway, was Will's interrogations during the funeral part of Bern's game? That whole situation was quite weird.

>> No.5943958



>> No.5943959

Yasu = original
Shannon and Kanon are imaginary friends who later became personalities within Yasu
Beatrice is Yasu who was "promoted".

>> No.5943963

EP 7
Fuck love

>> No.5943965

Is there still a point in calling people this?
I'll be clear, nobody who read this episode can deny ShKanontrice, nobody.

Move on.

>> No.5943969



Also, i love how trollcastel went for only the 2nd hardest game.

If she wanted true dominance she should've tried to solve game 4. What a cluster fuck that was.

Perhaps it's to show that she's only 2nd guessing the truth and has most definately not arrived at it. Just like with natsuhi she's shoehorning her own truth in.

Godamn, bern, i love ya but your such a bitch. Hope it doesn't come back to bite you in the ass in ep 8...

>> No.5943971

You read it wrong then.

>> No.5943979


Bern can't outright lie to us when moving pieces you know. This scenario can happen since the characters have the capacity to do those things. Whether or not it's what really happened is a moot point since it's an infinite goddamn catbox.

The mystery and the tools to solve it all lie in the backstory, and Will gave us that backstory. This is a good "answer" episode.

>> No.5943988


So that means Rudolf is ok with murdering his son.....

>> No.5943991

So, are Lion and Shannon/Kanon on the island at the same time?

If so, how the fuck...?

>> No.5943996

And yet, he also UWOOOOOOOOOOHs when he "commits suicide" in episode 6.

>> No.5944002

Shannon and Kanon are created for a different purpose by Lion in this world.
Shannon is obsessed by Battler, she took Leon's love for Battler.
Kanon takes all the bad feeling away.
There is no Beatrice.

>> No.5944004

Why can't Bern lie again? She's the game master and is perfectly capable of making fantasy scenes. I'm willing to accept it as an alternative possibility to Ep 3, but it can't be a 100% truthful answer to 'our' Ep 3.

>> No.5944008

Bern in this game says herself to Lion that she can't stop this mess, because Bern isn't a gamemaster

>> No.5944016


And spent six years trying to get him back and even went to his knees begging Battler to come back and live with them. There is something seriously wrong with Bern's interpretaion...

>> No.5944017


She can't lie, but she can corner the pieces into doing things that perhaps they might not do normally.

Except now she doesn't need to use duct tape to do it.

>> No.5944020


do we know who the gamemaster is then?

>> No.5944021

>Shannon is obsessed by Battler, she took Leon's love for Battler.
Why? In ep6 we've come to conclusion that Shannon split her soul for George and Battler, because she loved them both - okay, makes (some) sense. What about Leon, especially if he's gay?

>Kanon takes all the bad feeling away.
Yeah, suddenly appeared out of the blue and takes. Makes perfect sense.

>> No.5944027

no love.

>> No.5944033

Bern challenges to figure out who it is

>> No.5944036

So, was that noglasses Jooji sprite real?

>> No.5944039

she thinks that we should know it

>> No.5944042

I understand that at the end, Bern says she's not the game master, and implies it should be obvious who is.

So I got to thinking and...I really don't want to say it at this point but...I mean, EP3 was convincing too...but...

...what if...Beato is the Game Master still...and has been trolling Battler all along? What if she emerges from behind the scenes once again in EP8 and the final showdown is just as it was from the beginning, Battler vs. Beato, human vs. witch? I have to admit I hate the idea of Beato being bad all along, but at the same time it'd be kinda great to see such a twist and crush everyone's dreams for being so foolish (like Battler) and accepting all this meta bullshit so willingly.

>> No.5944043

it was fake

>> No.5944044

*Kanon comes, takes all of Shannon's problems, and k thx bye, ++*
Awesome explanation, I approve

>> No.5944048


Pieces can't be made to act against their nature, so if you see a fantasy scene, you can say that the characters will act that way if they were given badass magic powers. It just goes to show us that pretty much everyone on the island is a horrible person given certain circumstances. Bern just went with the scenario where people would look their worst.

Also, answers to "our" EP3 really don't matter any more once it's been shown to us that Rokkenjima has infinite possibilities. It's just one of countless scenarios. It's the backstory, the reasons for the killing, Beatrice's origin, and the epitaph that are the true mysteries since these stay mostly unchanged each episode. Bern got orders from AuAu to show some of these at least, then she merely had her fun weaving a despicable scenario afterward.

>> No.5944052

What a shame. I'm not surprised, though, given the laziness of R07.

>> No.5944055


This could still happen without Beatrice being evil.

Beatrice's goal was said to be that she wants Battler to accept the truth, but all Battler is doing is running away from it in a fantasy land. He hasn't actually ended the game and confronted everything.

>> No.5944063

This is what Shkannontricefags actually believe.

>> No.5944068


What makes you say that? Didn't he put Beato to rest already? And he knows the truth (his family is fucking horrible) too. I say Battler's arc is done.

>> No.5944074

I know who the gm is!

It's Erika!


>> No.5944076

Well, I think fantasy scenes in general can be any sort of lie, not just when people get magical powers, but I will say that it's highly likely that a good number of people on the island can turn into murderers if the situation caters to it. In that sense, it's not really important if it's a fantasy scene or real.

Also, I was just saying that what we're shown can't be the truth behind the Ep 3 -we- watched, not that it means there aren't infinite ways for Ep 3 to have occurred and such.

>> No.5944079
File: 5 KB, 348x80, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shannon of episode 7 isn't the Shannon we knew.
In Lion's world, Beatrice doesn't exist.
So the feelings for Battler has to go somewhere else.
Shannon is the one who get them, she is basically portrayed as a stalker.

>> No.5944081


He 'put her to rest' because she died outside of his control.

Battler's story isn't done. Or do you honestly think that the last Episode isn't going to have Battler in it?

>> No.5944084

Kanon always appear when Shannon is frustrated and basically insult everyone for her.
If you don't believe me, read episode 1 and 2 again and see.
It's obvious that he was created to take the frustration that Yasu feel.

>> No.5944086


No one tought Battler would be virtually absent in EP7

>> No.5944091
File: 195 KB, 322x547, Furudo_Erika_by_Koinu_Yukina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bern not the GM
>Game lacks love, and its more mistery.
>She says its obvious who it is
Gee i wonder who should be the primary suspect

>> No.5944102

310 :

312 :

>> No.5944106

"The Reader" is the GM, that's why this episode was full of fan theories.

>> No.5944112

It's not Ep3. Ange doesn't come from Ep3, because Hachijou wrote the damn thing.

What Bern showed Ange in the Ep7 Tea Party wasn't Ep3, but Bern's interpretation of "what actually happened", in other words, what Ange has been searching for all this time. The truth behind the events of October 4th and 5th, 1986.

>> No.5944113


I was referring to the Beato from EP6, didn't she get put to rest after Battler and her had their talk? That's the impression I got from Beato starting out dead in this episode.

Well, I wouldn't say he's done exactly. We still have a few more answers, and an exciting climax to have. It's him just finishing unfinished business. It would be nice to have him and Beato have onscreen closure too at the end. Ep 4 parallels ahoy.

>> No.5944114
File: 313 KB, 800x800, 4e5fa9a78fb200d5c0f03ceb7a8f7a08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if Bern isn't the GM... Is it Battler after all? If so, he needs to get the shit smacked out of him for being the worst hero ever.

Also, something else, Ep 3 was the one chosen, and it paints Eva up to look like a tragic heroine. I... don't know if this would be necessarily obvious, but... is it possible SHE'S the game master?..

>> No.5944116

>ultimate meta plain AKA real world with the reader created this game
No, please no, an answer like this is horrible.

>> No.5944123

Oh, okay. Obviously my knowledge about what's going on is fragmented a bit. Also posted >>5944114 before I saw this, so you can discount the Ep 3 bit.

>> No.5944125

I don't see why everyone is calling it bullshit.

The episode seems straightforward and reasonable to me. Everything seems to click together nicely.

>> No.5944130


This makes more sense than it should.

Taiwan being confirmed kinda breaks my mind.

Plus a goddamn submarine.


Hachijo also wrote EP4 and 6 which means we haven't seen the "real" Ange yet. She probably did go to a journey on 1998 and Hachijo just wrote about it some time later though.

>> No.5944136

What's ep1-2 has to do with Leon creating Kanon personality?

>> No.5944142

Kanon is probably always created for the same reason, there was no change in his personality unlike Shannon in episode 7 as well.

>> No.5944144

EP7 motion graphic download where?

>> No.5944145

No, we see him in the end like if he was going to come " let's clean all of this shit", so I don't think so

>> No.5944149

It doesn't matter what Shannon is this. What's preventing Leon from expressing his feelings in this world and creating Shannon for this?
Beatrice isn't the premise, it's the result of Shannon's feeling in previous episodes.

>> No.5944152

While it's unlikely, I really want EVA to make an appearance in EP8. For one massive witchy mindfuck.

>> No.5944153


Honestly I don't think we'll ever get straight answers about the gameboards that we watched. It's ultimately unimportant since they're all just variations. It would be nice if we get a nice EP4 tea party parallel where Battler enumerates everything correctly now, but I would consider that just a bonus.

Guess that's just my opinion.

>> No.5944157

Because Leon is the heir, his cousin (and uncle/aunt), and also a GUY(?).

There should be no love story between them, Leon can't express his feelings.

>> No.5944159

So, something i want to think about. How can will solve previous mysteries, if nothing actually happens in this game board? Minus the tea party no murders are commited, so... what? He just skims the records of previous games, picks game 3 since the board he is on is similar with some diffrences (no beato, no batora) or what? Does he solve the 6 rooms closed mystery? Does he solve the nanjo killer the kyrie and rudolph and hidyeoshi killer? The rosa and maria killer? What?

Am confused. I need to wait 2-6 months for a translation? Well, i do enjoy discussing theories, even if they have no basis in truth i guess.

>> No.5944160

not even youtube has something better than 360p, which means it was just ripped from somewhere.

>> No.5944162


>> No.5944165

Except Leon is fucking heir of the family, he isn't bullied in the orphanage or anywhere, to escape to his dreamworld and create Kanon.

>> No.5944169

Guy love != Gay love

You should know this already.

>> No.5944171

Being the heir has its share of frustration, ask Jessica.
And the whole DID thing didn't start because he was bullied, it's probably due to all the incest he was born from.

>> No.5944176

Then nobody is the culprit. All the family members trust each other and EP1-4 was Battler doing all he can to not suspect them. In fact in this case the person you trust the least is the servant Ghoda since he's been there for the shortest amount of time.

>> No.5944184

Am i the only one who's waiting for these babies ?

>> No.5944186


Backstory is what matters to Will when solving mysteries I think, and he interrogates everyone he can. He's kinda like Poirot in that regard.

I don't think closed room specifics where discussed.

>> No.5944189

...Split personalities is not a common side-effect of interbreeding

>> No.5944190

If you are to beieve this episode, the 6 chain closed rooms where created by a conspirancy between kyrie and Rudolf and they could have both placed the keys there, since it's never stated they were there form the beginning.
Eva killed Rosa.
Kyrie and Rudolf killed hideyoshi

>> No.5944192

No, no you are not.

>> No.5944200

What are the chances of Lion and Yasu being intersexed?

>> No.5944202


>> No.5944203

In this case making a maid personality isn't the best choice either. And she isn't even personification of his ideal, like Beato was. Not to mention, that we still don't know his gender.

>> No.5944205

DID=congenital illnesses
Come one.

>> No.5944213

Wait, EP7's Tea Party is the answer of EP4, right? It matches much more than with EP3.

>> No.5944215

Someone explain to me how introducing an alternate world character that never existed in 1-6 suddenly helps solve those mysteries?

Lets say Leon is Shanon and Kanon and the heir to family in EP7 because of Bern's manipulation, that has no bearing on the other episodes.

>> No.5944218

It can come from the fact that Leon/Yasu is a hermaphrodite due to genetic defect.
You can think that DID started from Yasu not knowing if he was a man or a woman.

>> No.5944223
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>> No.5944224

It's too few generations to have some notable effect. Danger of incest is highly overrated.

>> No.5944235

Hermaphroditism is just a mutation unrelated to incest, you know.

>> No.5944241

DID is no congenital illness.
Primary cause is a severe trauma/event that happened in the past and the mind tries to lock those memories by creating a different persona.

>> No.5944243


You can assume, that a father having a daughter with his daughter could cause some mental deficiancy.

Very broadly of course, since i doubt any of us have read case studies of DiD occuring in incest children between father and daughter.

It's meant to be a general assumption that inbred child = mental deficiency/physical deformity.

Whether this means beato II gave birth to a hemaphrodite with multiple personalities that can be created killed and ressurected on whim is another matter entirely.

Well, i wouldn't put it past kinzo's sperm.

>> No.5944246

Doesn't matter.
The whole Shannon/Kanon Furfur/Zepar thing really make me believe that Yasu is one.

>> No.5944247

When you see the kings and queens from some countries, you understand.

>> No.5944251
File: 30 KB, 249x294, nanjo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My face when everyone is jumping onto a bandwagon that says Shkannon is the mastermind and completely forgets about Nanjo being the most suspicious fuck around. Seriously guys, think about it. He was proven to have been an accomplice, he isn't a servant, in fact the fucker probably delivered Jessica, Battler, and Yasu/Shannon. Who else has the power to baby switch like a boss? Who else knows about the gold, the bomb, almost every god damned killer on the island. He has the power to say a person is dead, in fact he's done so many times when they have clearly been alive. And, last but not least. He lives toward the end in almost every single game.

>> No.5944253

The doctor being the mastermind is something no mystery writer would do.

>> No.5944256


Agatha Christie would like to have a word with you.

>> No.5944259

They were married to each other for centuries.

>> No.5944263


Leon is the child from 19 years ago if he WERN'T dropped off the cliff.

Using this you can deduce some very intresting facts.

I.e. If natsuhi accepts this child, beatrice doesn't come into existance as the night master of rokkenjiima. Take that as you will.

>> No.5944265

Agatha Christie did her lot of shits.

>> No.5944272 [DELETED] 

he the suspect, because he is the doctor
it's like with servants

it's too easy to pin on everything on him and them

>> No.5944284


Heh. The particular Christie work I'm thinking of isn't what most people would call shit.

Anyway, Nanjo isn't on my list since we've never seen an example of his killing intent yet.

>> No.5944288

Wait, so there's not even the legend (i.e. Beato theelder) of Beato at all?

>> No.5944291

He doesn't kill, he is like the mastermind. Like Moriarty.

>> No.5944301

he is the most suspicious, because his profession is a doctor

it's like with servants, just we trust doctors more than servants

it's just would be too easy

>> No.5944303
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I would cackle with glee if it turns out he really is the mastermind. He has every conceivable angle to work with; he can blackmail the servants with the fact that they're covering up Kinzo's death, same for Krauss/Natsuhi/Jessica. He can fake deaths for his accomplices. He has a good shot of solving the epitaph because he's been friends with Kinzo for a very long time.

He also has very little development, and like you've said, he often lives until near the end of the game in most episodes. We also learn he has a sick grandchild at home, which may give way to some motive beyond just wanting the gold.

It's always the doctor in Ryukishi's works.

>> No.5944307


Simply because he has no intent to kill doesn't mean he couldn't mastermind. Using people to kill. Using ep 7 ending as a basis, being a "murderer" isn't the same as being the "culprit". So he could just be putting people against people.

Well, i'm personally against it myself, but it's always a possibility, i was holding out for kyrie or rosa mastermind but.. i have a feeling i'm going to be dissapointed.

>> No.5944309

I once read two of her mysteries in a row in the collection book with the doctor as the culprit solution. I was kinda pissed off.

>> No.5944315

Nanjo has no reason to do this except for money.
Can't be the mastermind.

>> No.5944323

There is no epitaph.
Kinzo tell him his story, how he got the gold and met Beatrice.
No witch or whatever, Beatrice was a normal human/

>> No.5944328

He also like chess and mystery novels, thus is familiar with the tricks, like Beatrice.

>> No.5944341

We don't know pretty much anything about him. If it really turns out that he's the culprit, we may learn about his motives.

>> No.5944351


If he is the culprit, i will want some godamn good exposition on his character. It better be Miyo levels of depression or heads will roll. Same goes for whoever the culprit is. I don't want no bulshit "i was crazy so i did it for the love and lulz!". Don't let me down r07. I still believe in you. ;_;.

>> No.5944357
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>> No.5944361

Greed =/= Money

If he's planning to pay for his grandson's treatments with the gold, he'd be motivated by love.

>> No.5944369

Okay, this proves Kinzo became obsessed with resurrecting Beatrice after the "death" of her child.
I still need to revise my theory because of new facts, but this bit pertains to it.

>> No.5944382


Something is clicking on my head.. what happened to beato 2? Is she still alive in leons world if the baby was accepted? Or.. is this one kakera in wich rosa's events happen? I.e. babyless beato 2 dies, but baby is still safe?

>> No.5944393

She died. Kinzo spilled everything after Rosa's confession (again) of her crime with Beatrice

>> No.5944396
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>> No.5944402

Does this mean Beato died the same day Rosa met her as established in EP3, or did she live until recently and Rosa also had an accident with her?

>> No.5944405

when did this post happen? I've been following all the threads but never noticed it.

>> No.5944416

Bern's "I'm not the GM" comment to Lion (was it?) who asked her to stop fucking around probably refers to how she can't change the story even if she wanted to. Battler's still technically the GM, Bern just set up a board on her own accord.

Or something like that. No point in going all "who's the mystery gm omg".

>> No.5944417

Dunno, I got it from /a/

>> No.5944430

That day 19 years ago. Kinzo is holding a funeral for her then.

>> No.5944435 [DELETED] 

Ok, so how do I set the Translation Aggregator to read this?

>> No.5944454

Battler sure has some spanking to do when he comes back.

>> No.5944466

is it 7 yet i wanna stream T_T

>> No.5944467

To the anon who was saying yesterday that no one would talk about Umineko after EP 7 because we'd know the answer:
You were completely wrong.

>> No.5944474

Bern isn't a creator witch. She can't create something this elaborate. It must be Featherine. Which makes no sense.


>> No.5944485
File: 95 KB, 189x567, ANGE Battler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many of you would like to see Ange as the new Battler, seeing as how Battler has either defected or proven himself entirely incompetent?

>> No.5944490

Will is the new Battler. And he's fucking awesome.

>> No.5944493

Ange is delusional

>> No.5944499

he actually figured out that everything was bullshit, so yeah.

>> No.5944503


Sorry but that's such horrible bullshit. Argh.

And it still doesn't sound near long enough to make an actual game.

>> No.5944504

You can always start early?

>> No.5944512

I wish Witch-Hunt will translate this one quickly.

>> No.5944521

You know how derivative Ryu is right?
He basixally builts KinzoxBice relationship from zero.

>> No.5944524

i would but id feel like a douche for those who planned on me streaming latter

>> No.5944536

did you know that some people got impression you meant 7am rather than pm?

>> No.5944537

The only moon review I've read said it took him 18 hours to read this, holy shit.

>> No.5944539

How much did you stream already, anyway?

>> No.5944541

streaming I mean.

>> No.5944542

I think you mean diligent.

>> No.5944546

I'd have rather they pull some BRAIN PARASITES bullshit than this

>> No.5944549

No, I meant derivative, he loves to derive the actual plot in his games adding unneeded things and some things that can be considered filler.

>> No.5944554

Despite a lot of people screaming THIS EPISODE IS SHORT AND NOTHING HAPPENS AND IT SUCKS, it seems this episode is the longest and most detailed, covering a large amount of topics.

Than what? Why is everyone reacting this way? What the fuck is wrong with episode 7 that causes you all to react that way?

>> No.5944556

I don't understand why everyone's so angry over this game. Bern was obviously going to troll somewhat, but a lot of this stuff makes sense.

Heck, the very first time my friend read the first episode, he was guessing it was "hidden nazi gold", which while inaccurate is a fairly decent guess for that part.

For the whole Yasu/Leon deal, I myself theorized that the person Rosa killed was Beatrice II and that the child from 19 years ago was related way back.

All in all, Will seems like an awesome character, I'm glad we're finally getting answers, and I'm glad it's ALREADY proven to be much better than "brain parasites".

Why are we complaining again?

>> No.5944557


>> No.5944561

> Bern isn't a creator witch. She can't create something this elaborate.
This made me think - Beato is a Golden Witch, and we were shown what Golden Magic was about - you can endlessly repair something, but the end result will be the same. So Beato is essentially endlessly repairing Rokkenjima with her Golden Magic, but she can't save anyone, since the island is doomed anyway. Only a creator witch (= Maria) will be able to save everyone as the GM.

>> No.5944563

Everyone got told hard

>> No.5944564

Unless there's a definition for that word that I am unfamiliar with, I am sure you are using that wrong. Sorry in advance if I am mistaken.

>> No.5944569

Shkanontrice is confirmed. But Shakanon being the culprit is not confirmed.

>> No.5944570

Just stream now, it's no big deal

>> No.5944574

I don't think that derivative means what you think it means.

Because this episode focuses on the answers, so it's mostly backstories, without mysteries or magic battles.

>> No.5944579

every spoiler say "at the end battler says a few word"

what did i exacly say ?

>> No.5944580

That's it? Wow, what a bunch of whiny little pricks. I was a major proponent of the pony theory (hell, I was one of the original creators of the theory), and even when it was mostly disproven, I didn't bitch and moan about it. I admitted it was wrong for the most part, and moved on. It did get some things right (Battler and Shannon's relationship, etc...)

>> No.5944581

Shkannontrice is a possibility, as in its real in several fragments.

>> No.5944584

No, SHKANNON is pretty much confirmed, not Shkannontrice. But I didn't play EP7 lol

>> No.5944589

So, I just came back from mandatory college weekend, and streams are everywhere.

I thought about starting one up, but is it even worth it now?

>> No.5944591

It is confirmed, but not in the way people used to think it worked. In fact, even now it's still a bit dubious on how it exactly works.

Hell, is Yasu even real?

>> No.5944593

And that, would be me. Sorry.

>> No.5944599


>> No.5944600

So Shannon = Kanon = Leon, but they all have completely different hair colors?

>> No.5944601
File: 486 KB, 598x600, 11940170_m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when we all thought Van Dine would be brought in to be a ruthless destroyer of love for Bern?

Surprise, he's one of the most compassionate moralfags in the cast despite being a huge tsundere. AND STILL A HUGE BADASS.

>> No.5944602

We've had ONE stream, go ahead.

>> No.5944603

everyone told me pm >.<
The stream last night go close to the end of young kinzo and italian beatrice

>> No.5944604

Yasu exists, but his/her gender, state of mind, personal details, etc. are FUBAR and covered up by multiple personas.

>> No.5944607

Will try to get some people, if it's really low, I dunno if it's worth it.

Note, I do not know anything about Ep 7, so don't spoil the channel.

Still downloading the VN though, so give me 10 minutes or so.

>> No.5944613

Well people from last night's stream ended up getting like 5 or so hours in. It doesn't seem worth it to start from chapter 1 again.

>> No.5944616

I know, my point was is Yasu was even its name.
We really know nothing about Yasu, other than the fact he/she seems to be a very deranged individual.

>> No.5944622

Yeah, that was what I was afraid of.

Screw my luck.

I'll start it up anyhow, not expecting much, though.

>> No.5944637

I'd be joining. I wasn't here for the other one.

>> No.5944639

Yasu is a nickname.
True name is unknown.
But he would be called Leon Uroshimiya if he had been adopted by Natsuhi

>> No.5944645


You know the channel? I won't be running for about 15 minutes, need to finish the download and take a shower first.

>> No.5944653

Don't know the channel sorry. I assume you're on livestream. What's the channel name? Just the name, not the url.

>> No.5944655

yep that is correct. and its still trying to archive. lol >>5944622
do it the world needs more umineko

i may start mine soon as well not sure yet.

>> No.5944663


I streamed Ep6 too, back in the day. I reckon most people who know the name have already read it, though.

>> No.5944669

I say do it, it doesn't hurt to have two streams going at once. Seeing as there's a good bit of people who didn't get in to the one last night.

>> No.5944677
File: 71 KB, 957x461, Kanon has habits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, I remember you. Got you bookmarked. I was also the one who took this screenshot.

>> No.5944683

Good times, good times.

>> No.5944684

I remember that, the stream was great. Shame that I didn't take any screenshots though.

>> No.5944686

I wasn't around for the first stream so I'll gladly join yours.
Must have it bookmarked somewhere since I remember watching an EP6 stream there.

>> No.5944689

I really want to be there for all the potential hilarity the ep7 stream will provide, but I have gotten almost no sleep since Friday and I can't handle one more night like that.;_;

>> No.5944694

i wish i capped on mine when atlas was like killer bread

okay imma gonna stream in 20 minutes.

anyone know how to get live stream to auto archive every hour?

>> No.5944695

Yes you can anon.

You fucking can.

>> No.5944697

So does anybody have a concise list of spoilers? I really don't feel like reading everything.

>> No.5944698

Fuck yes, am looking forward to the stream.

>> No.5944701
File: 224 KB, 510x600, 12591480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slowly it trickles in. Slowly, slowly.

>> No.5944705

If someone provides, please put it in spoiler tags.
I recommend against it, livestream can be a bitch with copyright issues, and might delete your account. It happened to me, twice.

>> No.5944707

read this

>> No.5944714

Only a few things I care about besides the culprit, and that I really don't want revealed until it gets translated.

1. Which Love Demon has the penis?
2. Is Leon really a dude?
3. Does Bern stay evil?

>> No.5944715

'Sup Irru, Kinjo made a new gameboard, but it hasn't got a Tea Party yet. It's also quite warped so i don't know how good it is to 'read' yet, atleast without somebody who knows the truth.

>> No.5944716


>> No.5944717

Can anyone explain to me why Will is what he is?

I'm under the impression he's a piece that is entirely Bern's creation. So why isn't he a mindless mystery-busting trolling machine Bern ideal?

>> No.5944722


Id say its erika too. Considering she took the ring at the end of the last episode. And no one has taken that away from her. And bern could have easily brought her back....

>> No.5944724

lol trolling

>> No.5944726

Kinjo? Do you mean Kinzo?

Also, no Tea Party? What?

Also, try to keep it spoiler free, if it's possible. If not, don't say antything.

>> No.5944727

1. unrevealed
2. unrevealed
3. yes

>> No.5944728


You must be trolling if you can't understand why people are upset.

It's a completely different game to what we were "supposed" to get. Almost no Zepar and Furfur, pretty much no Battler & Beato, hardly any Bern and Featherine. And Ange does not come to the island.

The whole thing sounds like a trainwreck the more we hear about it. Not to mention that Shkannontrice is STILL a bullshit cop out to most people. Someone posted a good alternate solution as of Episode 6 but I guess that's ruled out now.

The fact that it manges to stretch this shit out for longer than any of the other Eps is what pisses people off the most. It doesn't sound like a lengthy, coherent game from what we've heard, but we're also told it's the longest yet. We spend the most time of the series NOT with the characters we've grown to love.

>> No.5944732

>1. Which Love Demon has the penis?

>> No.5944734

I'm a little confused about this too, honestly. Will is great, but he pretty much came in out of nowhere, story-wise. Where did Bern pull him from, especially considering what a good person he is? Was it just for shits and giggles when he would end up suddenly but inevitably betraying her in the name of justice, love, and homolust?

>> No.5944736

You know, /Seacats/ Kinjo - The fan games, remember?
What i mean is it hasn't got an ending included.
The 'Battle' and the truth can be seen on the website, though.
I wouldn't recommend streaming that one, unless you've got somebody who can cut the bulshit, though.
Kinjo almost got himself cought in a logic error by using some very twisted red.

>> No.5944746

Shkanon is neither confirmed or denied. Lots of shit pointing out to it but nothing with a confirmation or denying it. Just as it's always been. For Shkanontrice, I'd wait until ep 7 is actually translated and the last episode is out to officially confirm or deny it.
But yeah, I'm part of the faction that believes this is pretty dubious considering he's putting a bunch of fan theories in this and "confirming" them.

>> No.5944747

Speak for yourself, it sounds fucking awesome to me.

>> No.5944748


See >>5944396

>> No.5944754


>almost no Bern

This makes me sad.

>> No.5944755

Seems to me she summoned him along the lines that she summoned Dlanor and her crew, or Beato summoned her demons - they already existed in some meta sense and have their own personalities, but are bound to the summoner in some way. Dlanor didn't seem to like doing a lot of what Erika/Bern made her do, but she did it because it's her job. I'm guessing Wright, as a witch-hunter summoned by Bern, pretty much had to do his duty, whether he liked Bern or not.

>> No.5944763

How is this fucking complicated. ShKanon was flat DENIED because NEITHER of them exists. ShKanon is based on the fact that it's one person pretending to be two and our version of 'reality' being shown in such a way to make us think they're both real. Same as in Fight Club with Tyler Durden.

This is not the case in Umineko. Neither Shannon NOR Kanon are real. Neither is Beatrice, Piece Beatrice, the Stakes, and several other magic characters. They are figments of Yasu/alternate!Leon's DID. Whether they are actually somehow given life and/or can affect the world due to some kind of influence caused by Lamba contacting Yasu at Fukuin House (also: CONFIRMED) is up to interpretation. But no version of ShKanon/ShKanontrice that previously existed was correct.

>> No.5944774

Will retired from the witch-hunting business, he grew sick of its awful bullshit. Bern pretty much forces him to cooperate by trapping him and everyone else in the fragment until he solves the mystery of her game. And people wonder why he's mad.

>> No.5944780

So you're saying that Shkanon is wrong because we got the name of the theory wrong?

That's the stupidest fucking counter-argument I've ever heard. That's like those people who said the pony theory was wrong based entirely on the fact that Battler promised a horse, not a pony.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.5944785
File: 20 KB, 511x287, faaaaaaaaaaabulous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it, Ryu. DO IT!!

>> No.5944797

And he's sexually harassed by Lion, too.

>> No.5944801


No, I'm saying it's wrong because it wasn't correct. It was on the right track to being correct, had the base idea down as a foundation, but it still wasn't correct. It incorrectly assumed that one of them was real, the motives behind his/her actions, and several other important asects that can't just be brushed off as 'well it's not a pony its a horse'. That's semantics, we're talking about huge key elements.

Close only counts in ponyshoes and hand grenades and all that.

>> No.5944802
File: 33 KB, 470x400, 1276622477896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when I kept saying that magic scenes were bullshit and red truth was a huge troll, people kept saying "you got to believe red truth", and now I'm proved right

but seriously, what was the point of all the magic/Featherine bullshit then? Keep adding fake stuff so we'd focus on that and not try to solve the true stuff?

>> No.5944810


Well, this is how someone I really agreed with put it in the big /a/ thread yesterday.

>The entire point of this whole thing is that "THE TRUE WITCHES" (and by that I mean us the readers) were being entertained by watching Meta-Battler, whether he's real or not, struggle with these entertaining horror-murder mystery stories Beato and the other witches were telling. SOLVING the mystery was NEVER a part of the equation. It wasn't a part of Battler or Beato's winning conditions, was never brought up by Bern, Lambda or the others, etc., and was even FLAT OUT SAID multiple times by Ryukishi WAY back at the start and throughout the early novels: This is NOT meant to be solves. It's impossible for Humans (and due to the medium and way the stories are told). It was for entertainment and torment.

>Hell, one of the points of almost every episode, whether it be by bottle story or by Featherinne's pen is that EVERY STORY/EPISODE you read was complete fake fiction based on the IDEA of the Rokkenjima murders.

>TL:DR anyone who expected a constant, one-time, perfect explanation or even a valid single non-fiction version of events that held true was setting themselves up for failure. The point was to be entertained by the silly tellings.

>> No.5944816

Shkanon (for the most part) never assumed that "one of them was real". It assumed they were the same person Which they are. So what's the problem again?

>> No.5944831

Its just the name it was severely.
Sayo being the main personality DENIED
Being a woman Partial Denied
Heart split in 2 because she both loves Joji and Battler DENIED.

Call what you want, everybody got told in this episode and now they are all raging.
People can't handle the truth

>> No.5944838

>It incorrectly assumed that one of them was real, the motives behind his/her actions

A LOT of people assumed there was an original personality before Shannon/Kanon. Dunno what you're talking about.

>> No.5944849

The idea that Kanon and Shannon are the same person is true. That's the core of the theory, and it turned out to be true.

>> No.5944857


They're not the same person. They're not a person. The same way Erika isn't a person and has no real world affect on the story. Pretty much everything we're told about Shannon and Kanon doesn't happen. It can be disregarded as part of the fantasy elements, Featherinne bullshit, no bearing on reality. What's actually happening is the actions of a completely different person, Yasu, and we're being told a fantasy version involving different lines and actions taken by the two servants.

As I said, ShKanon assumed a Tyler Durden case where one of their actions was real and the other was only in the first one's head.

>> No.5944864

How does that take into account the "I wish to show the solution 2 as 1 + 1" and "Readers who just read without thinking are the worst"?

>> No.5944879

heartilly lol'ing at all the people hastily changing their long-time ShKanon theory so they were 'right all along'. No one ever claimed neither of them existed, it was always, Shannon is real, Kanon isn't, and she is the murderer cause she loves Battler. That was ShKanon. And it's completely wrong.

>> No.5944884

We see Shannon. We see Kanon. Shannon and Kanon both turn out to be the same person, among other things.

What's the problem again? Shannon and Kanon are seen by the detective, and they turn out to be the same person. How does fantasy come into that?

>> No.5944886

While I agree on the fact that there were people thinking this (and even this is not exactly true, but this is another problem), I can not agree with the "a lot". It wasn't most of them. Absolutely not.

>> No.5944892

Yay, it's autosaging

>> No.5944910

Shannon and Kanon are the same person, hence the name Shkanon. That's the core of the theory, and it turned out to be true.

I am sorry, but I'm still not seeing the problem here.

>> No.5944912


How does it not? Look at the complete theories we're had develeoped to explain 90% of what happens in some of the games based on what little info we have? Or the fact that, converse to that, because you only get a part of the information you can fill in whateve details you want a slong as they don't involve magic? Ep7 basically says, "Here, this proves that the whole thing can be explained without magic if you disgard all the Shroedinger fantasy bullshit".

Ryu also has said (1) he will not giv any sort of concise answer, (2) the story can't be solved by analyzing like Higurashi (he later retconned this statement with the 'this can be solved by Ep4 bullshit that seems completely false at this point, etc.

>> No.5944918

heartily loling at people so butthurt that the basis of Shkanon is right and so they are grasping at semantics in order to ease their pain

>> No.5944937

They're not "the same person", once again, neither of them exist. They are fantasy constructs.


Fantasy comes into that because, in the 'real world' version of events, there is no Shannon or Kanon. They don't exist. Thhe real Ushiromiya people see Yasu, and talk to Yasu, and most likely their interactions are NOTHING like what we the reades are presented with. Keep in mind that the Umineko stories told to us are via bottle letters or AuAu's AU bs. Shannon and Kanon are as real as Sakutaro

>> No.5944959

The detective's perspective is trusted. The detective sees and talks to Shannon. The detective sees and talks to Kanon. They turn out to be the same physical being. Therefore, Shannon and Kanon are the same person. That's the Shkanon theory.

I fail to see the problem with this.

>> No.5945048

We want George and Jessica to be happy

I think one of the problem is detectives see Yasu but we are instead shown faces of two other people thus invalidating the real world objectivity of detectives. Disguise could work on detectives but it defeats your point.

>> No.5945102

George is fine, but fuck Jessica. I don't care about her at all.

>> No.5945119

new thread >>5944944

>> No.5945132


Wow. Someone who likes George more than Jessica.

>> No.5945554

Couldn't Yasu have just disguised herself then. Switching between dressing as Shannon, Kanon and Beatrice?

P.S.: Somehow having Yasu be a girl just makes more sense to me. Plus it cuts down on homolust.

>> No.5948586

