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File: 115 KB, 575x800, 68a0d8c45980a401ecebe53a18941018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5937124 No.5937124 [Reply] [Original]

Continued from >>5936605


Episode 7 = Endless 8.

Expect a new series/game, get trolled.

Use of copy pasta sprites, lack of "Promised" content from intro, cover and last game(Ange isn't on the Island), fan theories everywhere...

I'm starting to think he thought Ep. 7 would take longer than normal to produce; so he outsourced this game to a fan to troll the pants off everyone, and we'll be getting a "Proper" Episode 7 around when we should be getting Episode 8(or in a few weeks, whenever).

Either that or there's a LOT of important stuff we haven't seen yet.

>> No.5937221

Shit, I get the feeling this could be right.

Cathedral wasn't even in this. It seems like it could be a prototype purposely left a bit screwey and leaked to confuse people.

>> No.5937233

Cathedral was never meant to be in it. Dai said it was an unused track

>> No.5937241
File: 41 KB, 220x248, Bernfufu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are delusional. Face it, Ryuukishi just sucks.

>> No.5937250

Ep 8: Alien parasites of the golden witch.

>> No.5937255
File: 8 KB, 208x208, what43535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2chan: 1
4chan: 0

>> No.5937264

Bah, R07 just gave a very partial answer, I'm disappointed.
Guess he left some cards for the last game.

>> No.5937265

So wait.
How many people AREN'T Shannon?

>> No.5937269
File: 358 KB, 1920x1080, umi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actually readable for once.

>> No.5937270

So from what I can see, episode 7 also focus a lot on the tribulation of our favorite maid and her happy friends.

Fucking DID meido everywhere in every episodes.

>> No.5937273

Nobody cares about 2chan.

>> No.5937281

At the first time, I do my best to try again
against the inevitable tragedy.

In the second time, I become disgusted
towards the inevitable tragedy.

The third time, disgust is overwhelmed into painfulness.
>But by the seventh time, this all becomes a farce comedy.

-Frederica Bernkastel

"Do you know what is the sin?
It isn't because you ate the forbidden fruit.

Do you know what is the sin?
It isn't because you listened to the serpent.

>You still don't know what is the sin?
>Then, that itself is your sin."

-Frederica Bernkastel

>> No.5937283


... right? Right?

>> No.5937286

Is EP7 really as much of a troll fest as everyone expected it to be?

>> No.5937287

So why are Furfur and Zepar on the cover if they're not in it at all? The opening with the piece characters with their fantasy partners also makes no sense. Why is Maria against Beato on the tips? Why is there NO Battler from what I've seen? Or Lambda? Or Featherinne?

>> No.5937288

but they are trolling you for HOURS

>> No.5937294

>judge game from sparse screenshots and speculations
>get spoiled on the most impressive stuff so the rest of the game feels hollow by comparison
Umineko fans sure are bright

>> No.5937297


>> No.5937299

I care, they have some pretty great eroge threads and like a great variety of things.

犯人は… ヤス

>> No.5937302

Well, at least let's wait for anyone to finish the game.
Is there anyone who actually reached ???? yet?

>> No.5937308

I actually feel bad for the people that spent money on this.

>> No.5937314

Thank god I dropped the game 3 episodes ago and only care about getting the answer to the mystery then.
Would hate to spoiler of a game I really care about

>> No.5937334


yeah, exactly, where is Lambda, where is AuAu, where is Dlanor, where is Battler, where is proper Beato, where the fuck is everybody!?

>> No.5937354

In the part we have no info of since of course no one has actually read the full game yet and are probably sleeping/just reading?

>> No.5937378

It's an alternate universe where Battler doesn't come back to Rokkenjima.
Therefore without Battler and his sin, the incidents will not occur nor the gameboard will be the same.

>> No.5937380

even 2ch thinks umineko blows wwww

235 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2010/05/28(金) 22:57:01 ID:/DGZgPW0
ひぐらし→正解率1% 100人中の1人だけが正解
うみねこ→生存率1% 100人中の1人だけがEP8まで頑張ってプレイでき

236 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2010/05/28(金) 23:25:00 ID:NJl1GKIQ
うみねこのなく頃に Episode1  感想数236
うみねこのなく頃に Episode2  感想数182
うみねこのなく頃に Episode3  感想数148
うみねこのなく頃に Episode4  感想数149
うみねこのなく頃に Episode5  感想数86
うみねこのなく頃に Episode6  感想数63


>> No.5937388

Of course they're missing, the game was concluded in EP6. This is just Bernkastel exposing the "truth"; there's no need for them since there won't be anymore meta-fights.

>> No.5937389

we'll have some answers if anyone just skim reads or atghs it by late night, i might do it myself

>> No.5937390

Sleep is for the weak.

>> No.5937392


Yeah, I have no idea what that means.

>> No.5937395

Seems like it's pretty unpopular.
Only 63 reviews for episode 6?

>> No.5937398

Speaking of which, where did all the screencaps go...?

>> No.5937400

Do we've any proper names for any of the songs yet? Or know which song is by who?

>> No.5937402
File: 131 KB, 261x276, Van_Dine_trollsu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Linking to previous thread because I don't feel like reposting.
I just felt that guy needed a good troll face. Here's the image some guy made previously, I just threw that expression on the sprite is all.

>> No.5937403

I should really get around to that 'learning Japanese' thing some day.

>> No.5937410

Can anybody confirm whether the shitty "cousins point at Lambda" ending is true? What about the "????" ?

>> No.5937412

What. EP7 sold out in less than 3 hours.

Umineko just has its fair share of haters in Japan, much like it has them here on /jp/.

>> No.5937417

Umineko's popularity will largely be decided after it ends.

>> No.5937419

The first one sold out in 30 minutes. According to wikipedia.

>> No.5937421

...WHAT THE HELL. That's from the fan lyrics to Meitantei wa Shitteiru, isn't it?

>> No.5937422

The guy going through the sprites didn't seem to notice any new pointing sprites for the cousins, so it's looking doubtful.

>> No.5937424
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>> No.5937425

I read something about a 8th game with Lambda as gm. Thats true?

>> No.5937429

According to the 'cousins pointing at Lambadelta' ending, which is unconfirmed.

>> No.5937431

livestream where

>> No.5937432


if these are # of reviews then i wouldn't be reviewing the same story 7 times

i feel like i might actually like 7, i really didnt like 5 and 6 because right now based on what's being said they were for naught and as if r07 went out of his way to do those

>> No.5937433

Stream where, dammit?!

>> No.5937434
File: 302 KB, 900x758, 1281780723207+.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Griffith on the left
> Squall Leonhart on the right
I can't be the only one seeing this, right?

>> No.5937439


Yasu confirmed for seagulls.

>> No.5937440

Higurashi = 1% answer rate, only 1% of the readers managed to solve it
Umineko = 1% survival rate, only 1% of the readers managed to read to the end.

Then it's about the low amount of review.
Honestly it's low for something written by R07

>> No.5937442

Holy shit guys the new music is awesome.

>> No.5937443

Stream now. Please.

>> No.5937445
File: 74 KB, 656x536, dfdfsfnannt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skipping Krauss just because oyu turn 20 what kinda of shitty....

>> No.5937446

you bastard

>> No.5937451
File: 467 KB, 1005x1368, 1270361439416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Squall Leonhart

>> No.5937452

They did for Higurashi

>> No.5937453


no. just no

>> No.5937459

>When Trolls Cry 7


>> No.5937465
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>> No.5937468

>Higurashi = 1% answer rate, only 1% of the readers managed to solve it
Because the answer made no fucking sense.

Higurashifags are the worst. At least Uminekofags admit it's ridiculous.

>> No.5937478

He enters by kicking in a door? Fucking awesome.

>> No.5937479
File: 115 KB, 1280x720, 1277429277169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the door is kicked open violently

>> No.5937480

>the door is kicked, violently, opened
Goddammit like I wasn't already hot enough for Wright

>> No.5937481

Can someone confirm if I understood it right?
So Lion will skip Krauss and become the heir when he turns 20. As prove for that he has a silver ring which worn by the heir? ....
Where does this ring come from...seriously we never heard a word about that, even Dine says that. Where does this shitty stuff come from....

>> No.5937482

Well, he looks more like Squall in the portrait, and his necklace-thing is also very similar to what Squall wears.

>> No.5937485

meanwhile at animesuki, Klashikari whiteknighting Ryukishi

>> No.5937486

Man, I'm pissed. I wanted Kyrie as a culprit, but not as such a lame one. I wanted her to be yandere for Battler and Ange. Damn it, you disappointed me Kyrie.

>> No.5937489

I'm really worried about the ending of this game. I've really enjoyed Umineko up until now and have a lot of fond memories staying up late reading it on bed on my laptop, chattering about theories, practicing my ahaha.wav impression.

The problem with the cat in a box nature of Umineko is that it's a huge gamble. If it has an amazing ending, it might finally attain a similar level to Higurashi before it. If it's shit, it'll fade into obscurity as an interesting idea with yet another weird artsy ending that isn't really as clever as it wants to be.

I think this is why we get so many people going "R07 is a hack, Umineko is shit, it was always shit".

A lot of people probably feel the same way as me; they enjoyed the game to varying degrees. Reading a VN is an emotional investment so even if it's not their favourite thing ever they'd rather see an entertaining conclusion with the characters they've been following, or else they wouldn't have bothered reading(except for the train wreck factor of course, but the way some of the Umineko = Shit crowd talk they don't seem like they're enjoying that either).

It's no coincidence that Umineko became "over-rated shit" around when Episode 6 spoilers came out. Because the end is getting closer, and they started introducing a lot of strange ideas, people were afraid.

Of course they'll never admit it since they're internet tough guys. But I think this is the reason Umineko has garnered an increasing amount of negative attention the longer it's gone on.

It's like being in love - people don't want to set themselves up to be upset.

>> No.5937493


>> No.5937494

Naybe Kinzo, since he saw his sons were unworthy gave him, his son and Beatrice's rights to inherit everything earlier?

>> No.5937495

that so cool..wait that means Dlanor appear in this too?

>> No.5937498

Wait, wait, wait.

Is that actually what it says? My moon is too poor to decipher, but... seriously?

>> No.5937501


Where is it?

>> No.5937503


No. Look at the icons on the desktop.

>> No.5937504

MOAR homolust, please.

>> No.5937507

So the ring only exists in this timeline? I mean the skipping is understandable but where does the ring all of sudden come from?

>> No.5937509

Oh, right. Well now I feel like an idiot.

>> No.5937511

tl;dr All the readers are Bernkastel, R07 agreed

>> No.5937513

Meanwhile at the Witch Hunt:
Episode 7: Requiem of the Golden Witch
Translation: 5% Editing: 0%

>> No.5937514

You know, I thought I was going to be furious at Episode 7.
I'm not. It's more of a... depressed feeling, actually. It's disappointing.

I'd rather be furious.

>> No.5937517

This. I'd rather rage, not just feel...this. It's like an "oh" reaction for this, not screams. Just...sighs.

>> No.5937521

Nice try, but Klash doesn't even have the game yet.

>> No.5937522

Also the bgm for this scene sounds like a TSUBASA remix

>> No.5937523

From what I can see, Kyrie is only a smoke screen used by Bern.
She is definitely an accomplice, but the fact that she dies so early in half the episodes and that her only motivation is money is telling.
Next episode will show the real wire puller.

>> No.5937525


>> No.5937528
File: 352 KB, 1920x1080, Umi5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.5937532


>> No.5937536
File: 36 KB, 638x357, shrug4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. Guess I just don't have enough energy to rage anymore.

>> No.5937538

Meaning not Shannon.
Aka not the personality.

>> No.5937540

Just stream it already... please.

>> No.5937542

>people complaining about how horrible these spoilers are and how Umineko is ruined forever.

This happens every damn time. I understand how you feel, but just wait for the game. Seriously.

>> No.5937547

Well they were right for episode 6, it was pure shit

>> No.5937548

I know that, and every game it gets more ridiculous and we end up liking it anyway, but...this is just a new level. The copypasting is what did it for me.

>> No.5937554


This is the first time though that the game itself hasn't matched the cover, intro or promised content, or even the leaked music...

It's getting people to believe it's somehow faked, but it seems too elaborate for that, so then it must be somehow so shoddy it looks like a fake. That's what makes people disappointed.

>> No.5937555

What is this supposed copypasta everyone is frothing on about?

>> No.5937557


I don't get why everyone says that about episode 6. I think episode 6 was my favorite so far.

>> No.5937559


i enjoyed it the most when it was just shit happening, i think the first time reading it i didn't give 2 shits about who the culprit was but little by little you just start getting into making theories, arguing them and i guess for me when the reader becomes less fooled or more careful

umineko probably to this point wasn't built to be taken as serious because its deceptively almost childish in the ideas, characters, events it produces

still one hell of a read, if this was a single release it'd not get as much shit as it would

whatever ending we get im not gonna bitch about it, i'll remember how fun and crazy it was

>> No.5937560


I love how "When Trolls Cry 7" Turns to "Umineko 7" as soon as someone points it out.

>> No.5937561






It seems that's all. ;_;

>> No.5937564
File: 46 KB, 178x178, trinken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously need some sleep but I don't want to miss a potential stream, fuck me.

>> No.5937566
File: 356 KB, 1920x1080, Umi6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry internet too shitty for stream


>> No.5937569
File: 99 KB, 439x247, 054b8230f00095ef1ffe833613b4821ae96a1acd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


captcha: Penguin suickly

>> No.5937571

It's a couple of the sprites.

Basically, we get a look at young Kinzo. It's got Battler's exact face. Then we have a minty-fresh version of Beato. Oh, and the Stakes' heads are plopped onto Shannon's body.

>> No.5937572

This is the first time though that the game itself hasn't matched the cover, intro or promised content, or even the leaked music...

Zepar and Furfur ARE in the game, I don't think we've even seen half of it, and the dai tracks you're referring to are for his next album, not Umineko 7.

>> No.5937573

Sprites, bro.

>> No.5937574

Are you sure? Even something like 60 kb/s of upload suffices.

>> No.5937578

It was pretty disappointing for most people, I think. And you can tell by miles that Ep 7 isn't looking much better.

>> No.5937580


Yeah, it was great. I'll admit I was disappointed with the spoilers, but not raging or as depressed as I am about episode 7. Also the spoilers drew out a much more complete game than these spoilers, which seem fragmented...

>> No.5937581

Yeah it's a fun read but it's also pretty shallow for a "thinking" game full of meta-fiction everywhere.

The ideas presented, themes developed, the motivation of the characters, it's all pretty low level.
I won't regret reading it but I doubt it will be very memorable for me.

>> No.5937583

I think Ryukishi is just trying to copy Stephen King at this point.

>> No.5937588

Holy shit... none of the leaked music... copy and pasted sprites... promised content not there... stupid story... I hope this is a fucking fake. SO MUCHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

>> No.5937589


Hmm... I see. Well, I must not be in that group then. I'm also really liking episode 7. I hope this doesn't turn out to be one elaborate troll...

>> No.5937591

There isn't a lot, unfortunately. And all I have is still on /jp/, like this: >>5929938

>> No.5937592

I seriously cannot be the only one who thinks that parts of 26_le4-octobre_mst sounds like FSN's Pursuing Minds.

>> No.5937594

Speaking of which, I haven't seen much red text this episode. I saw the "It is forbidden for the culprit to be a servant." line and the "This game will not have a happy end" line, and that was it.

Anything else come out?

>> No.5937595

>The ideas presented, themes developed, the motivation of the characters, it's all pretty low level.

I personally disagree. I think Umineko has touched upon a lot of really interesting ideas and themes that don't feel like they've been done to death in other works. That's why I love it so much.

>> No.5937596

She streams it at /teapartyofcertainty in livestream.

But it's not on right now.

>> No.5937597

Yeah, the music is good, but something is just... off about it.

>> No.5937598
File: 149 KB, 612x800, 1sjg9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so it's that time already....

>> No.5937599


I'll agree with you that they seem fragmented. A lot doesn't seem to be adding up... I know there's probably lots we haven't seen but when I read the description for episode 7 on the wikia I was expecting an all-out bloodbath.

>> No.5937600

Give the fanartists a couple of days to do their thing. It's canon, after all.

>> No.5937606

That's what I thought. I might just be delusional, but it seems like every song is a remix of something or something made with a Vocaloid program. I love the new Eva stuff but I'm praying this is fake.

>> No.5937607

Actually it will probably be memorable for me, but mostly due to all the time I spent debating over it in /jp/.
At least I had fun, doubt there will be much anymore.

Except for the Kyrie vs YaLeShKanontrice KYRIE IS THE CULPRIT SHE DID WORSE, NO DID MEIDO KILLED EVEN MORE PEOPLE, NO KYRIE DID threads ad nauseam, but I won't participate in these.

>> No.5937610


>> No.5937612

I can't fucking wait until I reach the Eva executes Kyrie scene.


>> No.5937614
File: 671 KB, 802x662, 1278263484145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just FUCK YEAH'd.

>> No.5937615

Because we have
>Yasu's life (umineko always has a flashback of someone's life. ALWAYS)
>KinzoxBeato, something we'd been asking since the end of the question arcs and much needed, which complements with the upper
>The beginning of the Rokkenjima setting
>the end of the game
We basically need THE REST of the game already, including the theater stage we can see as background with F&Z just like in the cover

>> No.5937617

Yeah, this. Eva being a bro? Okay. Kyrie and Shannon and Rudolf and the homolust pair? Okay. Everything else just makes me hope this is a troll.

>> No.5937618

Plus, the vocals are hideous, and I don't hear a single dai track.
He did, like, half the Ep6 music. What gives?

>> No.5937623
File: 375 KB, 1920x1080, Umi7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dine confirmed for Light Yagami

>> No.5937624

He was busy composing for Himawari, another doujin VN

>> No.5937630

>cool speech
My torrent just pumped up a lot my speed.

>> No.5937631

I'm listening to some of the piano tracks around the middle, and they don't sound very... Uminekoish. They're nice and everything, but some of them sound like they'd fit better in other VNs.

>> No.5937632

Also, where the hell is the epic zts track?

>> No.5937636


Yeah. It doesn't have nearly as much crazy upbeat stuff as before. Prolly because there's no more gmae world or magic debatan'

Speaking of which... uh what the fuck happened with Beato and Battler and everyone? Wasn't he trying to save his family or some shit? And yet he's just up and disappeared in this game apparently.

>> No.5937637

Will is moe. Leon agreed, don't bother him about it.

>> No.5937638

I assume that's supposed to be "Wizard Hunting Wright", or something.

Still, this guy seems damn awesome so far.

>> No.5937639

oh sorry.
Until now only that red text and the confirmation that its the 11th rule of the Van Dine 20

>> No.5937641

I'm a bit late to the party
Torrent where?

>> No.5937643

Did bern tell him she was starting a game at least?
Last ep he got married as was happy go lucky.

>> No.5937644

Well personally I like the whole way he explored anti-mystery vs. anti-fantasy and "without love it cannot be seen." I think a lot of people assume it is something strictly limited to the world of Umineko and whether magic exists or not, but I think when you put it in a broader context it's a really interesting thought. Like how it applies to modern-day atheism vs. theism. It's an interesting way to look at the world and something that people should take into account in everyday life.

The idea of "the cycle of hatred" was not particularly inventive, but he at least was very thorough and consistent with it. Each time I reread Umineko I see more ways he tried to weave it in and make it a central part of the story, both in overt and subtle ways. Basically I just liked how strong his themes were.

>> No.5937648

Who composed what in the Umineko BGMs actually? is there a comprehensive list?

>> No.5937652


>> No.5937655

Did anyone find out who the composers are yet?

>> No.5937656

The Paladin/moralfag within me was already having a bad feeling about this whole episode, and when I heard that Kyrie killed all the kids I cringed, but then someone posted that screencap of Eva....


>> No.5937659

Does 0h_executioner_m sound kind of like rahu_goldenslaughterer to anyone else...? Maybe not goldenslaughterer, but it definitely sounds like a remix of something that has been on one of the previous soundtracks...

>> No.5937662

terminal entrance sounds vaguely like zts. Same with 0h_executioner.

>> No.5937664

Careful, you're going to motivate "Umineko is DEEEEEEEP XD"-faggotry.

Not that I don't agree with you.

>> No.5937666


I don't think it's about atheism vs. theism so much though you can definitely apply it that way. The game seems too "smart" to apologise for religion in some way, and I got a pretty anti-religious stance from a number of things(especially Beatrice pointing out a couple of logical fallacies with it).

I think it's talking more about "magic", as it claims to. For example Erika sets out spoiling the magic for a kid which isn't really right.

Similarly a lot of atheists do go too far and rip things apart from everyone. Umineko seems to take a stance not too dis-similar to my own that some amount of delusion can be alright as long as you realise what it is.

>> No.5937668

Yeah, it sounds like if you took half of the previous UNTZUNTZ badass tracks and melted them together. It's good but it sounds...off.

>> No.5937669
File: 389 KB, 1920x1080, Umi8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep he's here.

>> No.5937670

Okay, this is really starting to bother me now. I've definitely heard おもちゃ箱 before.

>> No.5937672


>> No.5937677


R07 said in his journal that the music for EP7 was going to be a lot more different than the usual stuff we've heard so far.

Hell, he even mentioned that EP7 was going to have a completely different feel from the other episodes. EP7 is the full glance inside of the gameboard compared to EP4 which gave us only a brief glance.

>> No.5937680

Okay, we can still have things, the spoilers were quite bad after all.

>> No.5937681

Either the music suddenly dropped in quality or it's a rehash of something. And usually the remixes and such are clearly labeled as such.

>> No.5937685

It's a track from musicbox Blue.

>> No.5937687


Really off... Not to mention, why do we have Bring the Fate on yet another OST? I'm not complaining about Golden Nocturne, though. The instrumental version is badass.

>> No.5937688

>I don't think it's about atheism vs. theism so much though you can definitely apply it that way.

Well, that's...what I said. The theme is shown in context of magic, but it can be applied to real life in many different ways, which is why I find it interesting. No idea if Ryukishi was thinking about theism at all as he wrote it (probably not), but it still can be applied that way.

>> No.5937690

I hate to do this but source, please?

>> No.5937692

Eva is a true hero.

>> No.5937698

Not usually in these threads but whatever.
I also think that the fantasy vs mystery and without love it cannot be seen thematics are pretty interesting.

My problem is that another VN used these exact themes in almost the exact same way, Umineko almost feel like a rip-off.
It could be a coincidence but honestly I'm disappointed in R07 the more I see how these themes are developed.

But it's not something an english reader could know.
Anyways getting out, I don't want to play the role of the hater or whatever.

>> No.5937699


>> No.5937700

Am I the only one who looves 黄泉津比良坂Corruption.ogg? I know it was on -45's previous CD, but it was my favorite song on there.

>> No.5937701
File: 362 KB, 1920x1080, Umi9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like someone died and everyone is attending the funeral

>> No.5937703
File: 108 KB, 447x239, omocha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5937704

The more I find things that imply this is a fake, the less I believe it could be one.

Fuck, I wanted to believe.

>> No.5937705
File: 38 KB, 200x179, 1281727175143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when I can't tag any of the composers for the bgms properly and just randomly throw down dai everywhere despite none of the tracks I've listened so far sounding anything remotely like his work

>> No.5937708

This is just one of four BGM folders. I think some stuff got mixed up.

>> No.5937711


Ahhhhhh okay. This explains a lot.

>> No.5937713

I've seen some complains about Umineko being a rip-off on the Japanese side as well.
Could be one of the reason it's not that well liked over there.

>> No.5937716

Yeah, I like it too. I've heard it before from アムリタ, but it sure is an awesome song to hear again.

>> No.5937718
File: 360 KB, 1920x1080, Umi10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah WHO ELSE

>> No.5937721

is there a ripped version for only the BGM?

>> No.5937722
File: 103 KB, 350x263, Grant Morrison FPNYC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.5937726




That explains why it's so awesome. -45 makes the best battle tracks.

...So when is this used if there's no battles?

>> No.5937729
File: 109 KB, 566x800, 1278435874031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just came. Dear God, this is glorious.

>> No.5937731

Deal with it.

But seriously, this is fucking terrible. It's Higurashi all over again.

>> No.5937733

Which VN is this? Admittedly I haven't read a whole lot of VNs, so I had no idea.

>> No.5937739

The OP sequence delivered after all... Beato died... AGAIN

>> No.5937743

So has someone a dictionary entry for all Umineko character?

>> No.5937745

Forest, apparently.

>> No.5937747

You will probably see it translated in 1 year or so.

>> No.5937748

Fuck the bgms, bring on the Chiru music box.


>> No.5937753

I posted one mediafire link in the last thread if you're looking for an ATLAS dictionary

>> No.5937759

Yeah, I think that most readers would notice this, and understand the true nature of magic in the world of Umineko.

>> No.5937760
File: 22 KB, 296x400, famous-cartoon-character-kenny-south-park.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What an unexpected turn of events.

>> No.5937763
File: 99 KB, 547x545, paul-auster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Who is that?

>> No.5937768

Wait, what? That was released on a cd about a year ago!



>> No.5937782

>Music from already-released albums
>Art from already-drawn sprites
Fuck, Ryukishi, you are lazy.

>> No.5937784
File: 24 KB, 340x291, borges2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What are you talking about?

>> No.5937787

He reused music last game, too.

>> No.5937790

I'm not really one for keeping up with stuff like that, so this is actually my first time hearing it.
Though I definitely can't wait to see what scene it will be used in.

>> No.5937791

Ryukishi doesn't write the music.

>> No.5937792

She died in October of 1986 ?
Thats odd

>> No.5937794

Where's the scene where Bernkastel starts crying, and then Meta-Battler hugs her?

>> No.5937797

>Virgilia and Battler show up briefly, then Will busts into a completely different location and kicks some asses, then some Bern trolling.

>Then we're on Rokkenjima, except Kinzo is alive, Battler isn't around, and Leon is there. Will is there also and they seem to meet. Everyone is in a building I've never seen before, possibly Kuwadorian? Will talks to the adults with Leon, goes back to the chapel to chat with Bern, chats up Shannon.

>Will and Leon are then taken to meet with Kinzo, Genji, and Kumasawa. Kinzo appears to tell Leon the story of Beatrice-2 and Beatrice-1. The Beato-2 story is familiar.

>The Beato-1 story is the flashback with Young Kinzo and the other Beatrice. Apparently there's a military outpost under Rokkenjima after all, although it seems to just be a radio place or something. It also has a submarine dock(???), and a submarine arrives(!?) with Beatrice(!?!) and the gold(!?!?!?). Beato and Kinzo hang out, then there's a lot of gunfire and people getting injured, although they both appear to survive it and I have no idea who was shooting. They get on a smaller boat and then the scene switches to Nanjo talking to people. I can't tell, but I think they may have fled to Nijima and met Nanjo seeking medical air.

>Bear in mind I'm reading exactly 0 text.


>> No.5937799
File: 375 KB, 1920x1080, Umi11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and pic

>> No.5937806


I don't even know if I want this to be fake or not

>> No.5937807
File: 60 KB, 500x333, christopher-nolan-batman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I heard that name before

>> No.5937810

It was a fact that the gold was hard to be carried to the island, what better than the daughter of a fascists on her submarine?

>> No.5937813


Someone translated it on Animesuki. Cannot fucking find it, though.

recaptcha: evidence eydent

>> No.5937816

Okay..so he's reused tracks from:
musicbox Blue
-45's Amurita
Wonderful World ~終わりの始まり~
Rokkenjima in LOVE image album

Any others?

>> No.5937820




>> No.5937821

Well, from the spoilers this episode seems lower in quality than expected. I guess this would be because this one is supposed to mostly give out information, rather than advance the story.
And after making a mediocre EP7, the final episode (8?) will feel even more awesome than it will be.

>> No.5937825
File: 777 KB, 1280x1966, Return of Bruce Wayne #2 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Related (believe it or not)

>> No.5937826

Ep6 reused stuff from vocal albums released about the same time as Ep5.

>> No.5937832
File: 446 KB, 1280x1967, Return of Bruce Wayne #2 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5937835
File: 404 KB, 1280x1959, Return of Bruce Wayne #2 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5937837

So Kyrie is the Joker and Eva is Batman.

I'm okay with this.

>> No.5937839
File: 354 KB, 1280x1967, Return of Bruce Wayne #2 004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5937841

It has copypasted characters, Shyamalan level TWEESTS and no new music?

>> No.5937844


I disagree. I don't think these spoilers are low in quality at all, in fact, I rather like what I'm seeing so far.

>> No.5937845
File: 388 KB, 1280x1969, Return of Bruce Wayne #2 005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5937846
File: 388 KB, 1920x1080, Umi12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing these 2 together is like seeing a "before and after" picture

>> No.5937850
File: 331 KB, 1280x1961, Return of Bruce Wayne #2 006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5937852



>> No.5937853

Eva and Batman should team up and fight crime.

Fuck crazy gay maids, fuck Sumadera shitheads, fuck the Joker, fuck every evildoer everywhere!

>> No.5937854

Add Lean/Lion once please, you'll get better understanding.

>> No.5937856

>Ushiromiya reason management

>> No.5937859
File: 1.04 MB, 2560x1953, Return of Bruce Wayne #2 007-08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sea of Kakeras

>> No.5937861

I've read so many (possible) spoilers and I still have no idea what the fuck is going on.

>> No.5937865

No one does. Don't worry.

>> No.5937866
File: 333 KB, 1280x1959, Return of Bruce Wayne #2 009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5937867

reason you won't get nothing meaningful in at least 2-3 days.
My download should have finished by now, my god so slow.

>> No.5937870

Worst soundtrack ever.

There are probably five (new) tracks there that I even somewhat like.

>> No.5937872
File: 393 KB, 1280x1975, Return of Bruce Wayne #2 010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5937873

I really hope what I'm hearing is fake. If not ep7 is going to be a massive troll.

>> No.5937875
File: 475 KB, 1093x709, umineko-tag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, we had that Rifyu pic like several hours ago.

>> No.5937876

You could always post this in /co/...either you or another anon already did so in a previous thread.

>> No.5937878
File: 382 KB, 1920x1080, Umi13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lyon being his son/daughter confirmed

>> No.5937879
File: 370 KB, 1280x1981, Return of Bruce Wayne #2 011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5937880
File: 312 KB, 800x600, 1284788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mad because kyrie is such a delicious yandere who beat out your meido and moon

>> No.5937883



>> No.5937884

Also, "reason" is part of Leon's name, so add that to Atlas.

>> No.5937885

>erika arts
;___________; i miss her

>> No.5937886
File: 398 KB, 1280x1983, Return of Bruce Wayne #2 012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This exact comic?

>> No.5937889

anyone streaming EP7 soon?

>> No.5937893

just a question about the iso - how do you extract the files from it? I remember doing it once for EP 5 and 6 but can't recall how for the life of me.

>> No.5937896

Use Daemon tools

>> No.5937899

Just wait a little, and is better than:


>> No.5937908

alt universes are nothing new

>> No.5937912

No one is complaining about the homolust.

>> No.5937913
File: 426 KB, 1280x1982, Return of Bruce Wayne #2 013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5937914

Oh, well.

/r/ing some anon to writefag something up.

>> No.5937918


>> No.5937919

YOu are better just installing using daemon tools

>> No.5937923
File: 481 KB, 1280x1987, Return of Bruce Wayne #2 014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.5937924


Yes, poppa!

captcha: eighided relations

>> No.5937928

Wait. Kyrie just wants money (what money? The gold? that doesnt even really make sense..) and she hates Ange/Battler? And kills the kids just like that? Even Battler?

Jesus Christ, I was okay with crazy yandere momma bear Kyrie culprit, but this is such a disapointment.

>> No.5937934
File: 26 KB, 512x512, Alicefeelsbadman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, it's episode 5 and 6 all over again.

>> No.5937942

All right thanks.

its only at 8% right now so it'll take a while.

>> No.5937943

What spoilers have you been reading? Besides, how could she possibly kill Battler, when he never dies until the b0mb?

>> No.5937945

God people brighten up a bit you can't get depressed without having read the actual thing (or without a couple of reviews from people who've actually finished it)

>> No.5937946

Can somebody post all the Dine rules?

I've forgotten most of them.

>> No.5937947
File: 328 KB, 1280x1979, Return of Bruce Wayne #2 015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I miss her too...

>> No.5937951

>Implying umineko 6 wasn't shit

>> No.5937953


Lion/Will, preferably. Perhaps borrowing the story from Rifyu's おしりマスター 4koma.

>> No.5937958

Oh god, I just played, like, the first five minutes of the game and I can't stop cracking up at the constant scene cuts from DEAD SILENT GRIMDARK SOLEMN BATTLER AND VIRGILIA AT THE FUNERAL to WIZARD HUNTING WRIGHT FLIPPING THE FUCK OUT TO DREAM END DISCHARGER RUNNING INTO THE STREET and then back to the solemn morbid funeral and BACK TO WRIGHT FLIPPING THE FUCK OUT DOO DOO DOO, DOO DOO DOO

what is this i don't even

>> No.5937962

She's yandere over her OWN Battler, wants money (and the lives of the Rokkenjima) as a compensation for it

>> No.5937963

Episode 6 almost ruined Umineko alright.
It was shit, I kept myself from dropping halfway several times.

>> No.5937965
File: 37 KB, 567x480, Erika is aroused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying it was

>> No.5937969
File: 228 KB, 800x1000, 6511286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what you mean, Kyrie is a yandere culprit with Rudolf in Bern's troll game. This is way better than 'lol DID Meido'

>> No.5937970


Japan is either pissed or most don't give a shit since everything is fucked now. The lack of art is surprising.

>> No.5937974

no, yet another liar, please stop propagating fake spoilers

>> No.5937977
File: 348 KB, 1280x1982, Return of Bruce Wayne #2 016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5937979

me also..

>> No.5937980

But lol DID meido DO HAPPEN you know.

>> No.5937983

Or maybe they just woke up and are going to go the the last day of the comiket?
It lasts one more day and it's just past nine there.

>> No.5937985

not anymore. she did it for the money, she hates her family

>> No.5937986

Or perhaps the problem is that most people don't have the game (only people who went to Comiket could snag a copy before the 15th) and decent spoilers didn't start showing up until very late at night in Japan? Chill, guys.

>> No.5937988

New worthwhile tracks;


>> No.5937990
File: 381 KB, 1920x1080, Umi14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My body isn't ready for Bern's game

>> No.5937991

but she's not the main culprit.

>> No.5937992
File: 621 KB, 650x962, 9776651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Eva so perfect?

>> No.5937994
File: 303 KB, 1280x1983, Return of Bruce Wayne #2 017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5938001



>> No.5938005

Bern blackmailing people?

>> No.5938007

>Trollkastel is the game master
>No one is dead at the end of the game

...Something seems seriously wrong here...

>> No.5938009

1) The reader should have the same opportunity as the detective to solve the crime.
2) No tricks can be played to mislead the reader unless it is also done to the detective by the criminal.
3) The detective should not have a love interest.
4) Neither the detective nor one of the official investigators can turn out to be the criminal.
5) The villain must be found by logical deduction, not luck, accident, or un-motivated confessions.
6) The story must have a detective who also solves the crime (by detection).
7) It must be a murder mystery ("the deader the corpse the better").
8) The solution must come by "naturalistic means"; e.g., no ouija-boards.
9) There can be only one detective; not a team.
10) The villain has to be someone who plays a prominent part of the story.
11) The culprit can't be a servant (none of this, "The butler did it.").

>> No.5938012
File: 367 KB, 1280x1996, Return of Bruce Wayne #2 018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5938013

tea parties

>> No.5938014

12) There can only be one murderer. The villain could have a helper or "co-plotter," but only one is going to get the ax in the matter.
13) No secret societies ("mafias, et al"). The murderer, too, needs a sporting chance to outwit the detective.
14) The method of the murder must not be beyond plausibility. No super-natural means, nor the introduction of a fictional device or element ("super-radium, let us say" is not fair).
15) The truth of the solution must be apparent. The reader should be able to pick the book upon completion and see that the answer was in fact starring at him all the time.
16) The detective "novel" must be just that, no side issues of "literary dallying" or "atmospheric preoccupations." These devices interfere with the purpose of detective fiction, "which is to state a problem, analyze it" and solve it.
17) The culprit must be an amateur, not a professional criminal.
18) The solution must never be an accident or suicide.
19) Motives for the crime must be personal, not political or professional.

>> No.5938019

either mount it with daemon tools or extract the music folders with isobuster

>> No.5938022


Not saying that couldn't be true, but this time for other games there was tons of art. I guess we'll see.

>> No.5938025
File: 348 KB, 1280x2009, Return of Bruce Wayne #2 019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5938026

20) All of the following tricks and devices are verboten. They've been done to death or are otherwise unfair.
a) Comparing a cigarette butt with the suspect's cigarette.
b) Using a séance to frighten the culprit into revealing himself.
c) Using phony fingerprints.
d) Using a dummy figure to establish a false alibi.
e) Learning that the culprit was familiar because the dog didn't bark.
f) Having "the twin" do it.
g) Using knock-out drops.
h) If the murder is in a locked room, it has to be done before the police have actually broken in.
i) Using a word-association test for guilt.
j) Having the solution in a coded message that takes the detective until the end of book to figure out.

>> No.5938031
File: 408 KB, 1280x2005, Return of Bruce Wayne #2 020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5938032

Thanks. I had forgotten most of these.

>> No.5938038

What do you call the main culprit?
Kyrie is only confirmed to kill people in episode 3 and 4.
And not even everyone.
Also the letters aren't written by her, she also doesn't know about the bomb it seems.
For me it seems more like she was baited by the true culprit.

>> No.5938042

Automatic translations are great
Will to Rosa: I guess that is inadvertently gay, and misses one's step by one step and does something completely.

>> No.5938043
File: 347 KB, 1280x1994, Return of Bruce Wayne #2 021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5938055
File: 41 KB, 416x300, 1258874841727_ib4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But what is /co/ doing in here?

>> No.5938058

>Will: I guess that is inadvertently gay

surprisingly accurate translation is surprisingly accurate

>> No.5938060
File: 432 KB, 1280x1988, Return of Bruce Wayne #2 022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5938071
File: 370 KB, 1280x1984, Return of Bruce Wayne #2 023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Chilling just chillig. And posting related stuff

>> No.5938073

How about some caps to go with that post, bud?

>> No.5938082
File: 383 KB, 1280x1975, Return of Bruce Wayne #2 024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5938087

Ok Red text until where i am (Berns visiting the chapel and inviting Dine for the game):
>Dine 11: The Servant must not be the culprit
>Dine 7: All found corpses are confirmed dead (changed but this is a very weak translation)
>Dine 1: All clues must be stated correctly (changed)

>> No.5938090
File: 366 KB, 1280x1980, Return of Bruce Wayne #2 025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5938091

So, I only recently started playing EP5. How crappy is Chiru?

>> No.5938102

This episode just doesn't seem like Umineko.I could understand EP 5 and 6 because it was basically playing the game from the opposite side but now... there is no game, Battler and a bunch of others are off doing who knows what and... what is the point of this episode now?

>> No.5938107
File: 431 KB, 1280x1982, Return of Bruce Wayne #2 026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"16) The detective "novel" must be just that, no side issues of "literary dallying" or "atmospheric preoccupations." These devices interfere with the purpose of detective fiction, "which is to state a problem, analyze it" and solve it."

Uh oh

>> No.5938111

giving us answers?

>> No.5938113
File: 439 KB, 1280x1981, Return of Bruce Wayne #2 027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5938117


The fact that the others are oddly missing may be a troll... As it's been stated earlier, this is Bernkastel we're talking about here. When I first read episode 6, I seriously thought there were two Battlers because of the part with the closed room. I definitely don't think we should let our guard down yet.

>> No.5938119
File: 108 KB, 388x480, ki2_odorokia1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At the first time, I do my best to try again
>against the inevitable tragedy.

>In the second time, I become disgusted
>towards the inevitable tragedy.

>The third time, disgust is overwhelmed into painfulness.
>But by the seventh time, this all becomes a farce comedy.

>> No.5938122


Depends on what you like.

Chiru contains less mystery compared to ep 1-4
It contains however alot more meta-world magic, magical battles, Erika Furudo and suchs.

I myself liked Chiru (ep 5-6 so far) quite much.
But that was proberly becouse of I loved to see Erika going around mocking everyone and she actually was a good detective compared to Battler who just thought everything was useless.

>> No.5938126
File: 392 KB, 1280x1987, Return of Bruce Wayne #2 028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can all expect this plot twist in Umineko, I double bet you

>> No.5938137


Oh yeah I forgot to add that ep 5 was incredible slow in the begining with Natsuhis and Krauss past.

But it was nothing compared to the boredom in ep 2 when it was just about Shanon and George all the time.

>> No.5938145

BAttler and Virgilia are basically holding a true funeral for Beato, and this game is just to show the true nature of the characters, which Chiru has completely hidden by making them overly pathethic.

>> No.5938146
File: 416 KB, 1280x1968, Return of Bruce Wayne #2 029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5938152
File: 381 KB, 1280x1991, Return of Bruce Wayne #2 030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh Desire!

>> No.5938157
File: 402 KB, 1280x1973, Return of Bruce Wayne #2 031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5938158

Do we even have any proof the spoilers are true? 2ch could be trolling us SO MUCH

>> No.5938164

We are currently playing this and confirming. Kanon = Lion = Shannon is false

>> No.5938165
File: 388 KB, 1280x1971, Return of Bruce Wayne #2 032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5938170

keep deluding yourself

>> No.5938172

Thread auto-saging (again)

>> No.5938174


Thank god. That would've been a serious disappointment if it were true.

>> No.5938177
File: 351 KB, 1280x1965, Return of Bruce Wayne #2 033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And thats it, continue the bitching (Oh god, I miss her so much)

>> No.5938187

Should I start a new thread with this then?

>> No.5938189

So there's Lion and ShKannon (who also creates Beatrice)? What about Yasu?

>> No.5938199

Dunno, sounds like quite the crap. Seems like Ryu run out of ideas and decided to shove in debatable existences, trolls who appear to have written all the latest games, POWEROFLOVEYEAH!11, and generally shifted the whole thing into a cheap fantasy game.

>> No.5938210


>That's the point

>> No.5938214

I didn't get this comic at all. But that's maybe because I don't know shit about supermen and batmen.

>> No.5938227

you should

>> No.5938243


Evil god does Higurashi in Batman, Batman tries to survive... Devil wants to fuck with the batman. Batman refuses

>> No.5938254
File: 62 KB, 473x226, Omega.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5938260

new thread >>5938236
