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File: 65 KB, 640x480, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5931819 No.5931819 [Reply] [Original]

Show of hands...
How many of you are getting your ass handed to you in this game?

>> No.5931843 [DELETED] 

reported for not being about Umineko

>> No.5931841

It won't be before monday that I clear it but a day or two of marathoning it I'll get.
So far it has just been working timing and mechanics and figuring out spell cards.
Fuck Star Sapphire, no matter what route I take she rapes me, everything else is manageable.

>> No.5931862
File: 215 KB, 1268x955, faily.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep dying on the three fairy boss fight. Even the bgm is mocking me.

>> No.5931891

Once I figure out what all these numbers and percentages mean, I'll start handling it better.

But it's so damn addictive I can't even begin to explain.

>> No.5931907

Dat mouth.

And yes, I'm getting destroyed. Usually at around stage 3.
Admittedly, I'm tired as fuck and shouldn't be Touhouing at this hour anyway. Still, I can see myself taking a WHILE before I beat this shit.

I'll likely have to rely on someone else's file since I won't be able to even take a look at extra for a while.

>> No.5931910

I enjoy being gang raped by fairies.

>> No.5931934
File: 831 KB, 1286x988, welcometotheclub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the club.
I too hit that 3fairies wall.
It is like the Youmu PCB stage all over again.

>> No.5931935
File: 230 KB, 600x600, 1265893780665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, for one, will be glad to see the secondary horde of Cirnofags getting decimated in this game. Looks like ZUN always knows what he's doing, after all.

>> No.5931944

The first % is your life. 100% = 1 Life.
The 2nd % is the charge on your freeze.
The 3rd % is your bomb. 100% = 1 Bomb.
The last % I assume is your power which shows an increase each time it "levels".

Percents seem to go up based on the percentage that shows up after you use a freeze.

>> No.5931962

Might be why it exists in the first place. But I have to say, I was expecting a disappointment. This is surprisingly fun, despite being hard.

Maybe it'd help if I knew what the hell was going on. Why can I bomb sometimes? How many lives do I have? It's confusing me.

>> No.5931980
File: 66 KB, 674x674, 1275187321073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is amazing. Fucking love it.

>> No.5931981


Why the future tense? There's plenty of them ITT.

>> No.5931991

Weren't people complaining about UFO being too easy? And now you're all whining about GFW being too hard? Fuck you all, faggots.

>> No.5932009

You build up your bomb power by freezing bullets (Z button), which in turns is built up by shooting fairies, but you still have to hold Z down for a few seconds, even at 100%, before you hear that click sound like in StB or DS until a big freeze can be unleashed. (THANK YOU ZUN)

Lives are unlimited, as you build them up; you're given 2 at the start of the game. Continues are also limited.

>> No.5932014

.. you are joking, right?
UFO, too easy?

>> No.5932025

I think you meant IN or MOF.
SA was hard as fuck with UFO slightly below it.

>> No.5932038

Aren't you guys just playing on normal mode anyways?

>> No.5932040

Kinda fun that my question was answered straight after reply. Thanks for your clarification though.

>> No.5932061

This reminds me of shield based shooters like giga wing so of course there's going to be a ton of bullets.

It's nice to see an involved scoring system, or just something that gives you something to do other than holding down the fire button and dodging shit.

>> No.5932062
File: 149 KB, 882x667, 2514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep getting game over after the third boss fight. I'm playing on easy.

The fuck?

>> No.5932065

Daiyousei still didn't get any dialogue from what I've seen

Does Zun just inexplicably hate some characters?

>> No.5932115

Opinion invalidated, reported for being a blemish on the Touhou fandom.

>> No.5932136

The end fight kind of reminds me of Genetos. Just the way the song sounds and the never ending barrage of colors. This game is danmaku as fuck even with the freezing.

>> No.5932160

Should I continue if I get ass-raped?

>> No.5932168

I'm getting slaughtered, but having a lot of fun doing so.

>> No.5932170

Well...I'm getting closer bit by bit
Still had my continues maxed out, but at least this time I made it to the 3 fairies.

I know it doesn't mean shit but IT'S SOMETHING DAMMIT

>> No.5932652

Lives are capped at 10 (1000%)

>> No.5932674

I really like the part in the stage 2 song when the midboss comes in. But I only feel it while playing.

>> No.5932681

With the way the control work, I found myself not using SHIFT much.
If I want to focus dodge, I just hold Z.And seriously my index finger is getting really tired holding C. It is just weird. The game will probably be easier once we get use to the control.
I mean we are used to holding down Z with our third finger not holding down C with our index finger.

>> No.5932740

Fuck, mine is still downloading.

I'll be joining you in a few /jp/

>> No.5932741

I just started playing, but yeah, the controls are annoying me a bit.
But the game is rather fun.

>> No.5932768

Might I kindly ask for a download link?

>> No.5932775

I got mine in C78 thread. Can't verify if it's the real deal though since it's not done yet.


>> No.5932781
File: 981 KB, 1286x763, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see any japanese text. How can I fix it?

>> No.5932782

Finished as I was typing, it's real.

Also .exe fuck year

>> No.5932786

Look at this faggot

>> No.5932789

see >>5931307

That's where I got it from, Derek-approved.

>> No.5932800

So who's in this game? any new characters?

>> No.5932805

Three Fairies
Thats it

>> No.5932813

there are too many aiming bullets

>> No.5932818

too many for litttle babby

>> No.5932819

I was grumbling about another STB style game, but Zun has actually made a decently challenging, very fun game with this. P.S., on the three fairy fight shoot the two off to the side to make some of the cards more bearable.

>> No.5932821


>> No.5932822

All of Marisa's spell cards after her first two keep destroying me, and I've 1cc'd all of 6-12 on Lunatic.


>> No.5932825

>Does Zun just inexplicably hate some characters?
yes. I heard he was butthurt when meiling made it into the fighting games. I guess he thinks throwaway characters should be throwaway.

>> No.5932842

I thought she was going to be upgraded like Momiji was...;_;(He should be fair atleast)

>> No.5932850

Why the fuck aren't the bombs instant?

>> No.5932851

What is this true

And even so it doesn't make any sense. Cirno herself was originally a throw-away non-plot related character. Now she has her own game.

>> No.5932857

You forgot Lily White, Lily Black, and Daiyousei.

>> No.5932862

>I heard he was butthurt when meiling made it into the fighting games.

I also heard it. Source is /jp/.

Every time you see something attributed to ZUN, ask for a citation.

>> No.5932863

Cirno is always plot related

>> No.5932866

Especially in EoSD

>> No.5932869

ZUN doesn't hate. ZUN trolls.

>> No.5932875
File: 133 KB, 850x536, shinki_flandre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZUN, like any good person, has a habit of breathing new life into characters the fans love.

See you in TH13.

>> No.5932876
File: 1.42 MB, 2380x1516, 1280563086307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, we learned something from all this: apparently Cirno might not like Daiyousei that much, since she's attacking her too.

>> No.5932883

He also forgot Ex-Star Sapphire.

>> No.5932885

When you are trying to prove you are the strongest fairy, you can't not attack another fairy just because they are your friend.

>> No.5932886

In Gensokyo, attacking others is a sign of affection.

>> No.5932891

It's danmaku PLAY. See all those fairies in the stage? Apparently Cirno hates every single one of them.

>> No.5932897

this game will spawn more CirnoxMarisa pairings

>> No.5932901

They don't become damaged the same way as humans so it doesn't carry the same meaning to them.

>> No.5932911

It's like saying "hello" in Gensokyo

>> No.5932921 [SPOILER] 
File: 113 KB, 2000x2060, 1277541570750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, Cirno really likes Daiyousei...

"The mating ritual of the modern Touhou is complex and deep. During periods of great stress, usually brought on by environmental events such as unusual fog or violent weather patterns a Touhou will become agitated from normal behavior and take to the sky in search of a mate. When a possible suitor is discovered a terse verbal exchange is made in which the two Touhous evaluate the willingness to mate of the other party. If both parties are prepared to reproduced they begin the complex mating dance of the Touhou.
They release haploid gametophytes called "danmaku" in a semi-random pattern over an extended period of time. This danmaku is comparable to the way in which plants release large amounts of pollen over a wide area. However it also serves another purpose. Much like the peacock's plume the way in which a Touhou arranges danmaku beautifully demonstrates the sexual fitness of a potential mate. If a danmaku reaches an egg, sometimes called a "hit box" then that Touhou will typically become submissive and follow the now dominant partner to a new location for tea, a necessary nutrient for the growing child."

>> No.5932926

Zun liked her enough to have her show up in PCB after EoSD for no real reason and made special exception to include and joke about her in the labeled screen thing in the PoFV manual that led to that stupid meme.

ZUN obviously has a thing for Cirno, even before the fandom did.

>> No.5932931

Managed to clear route a1 using all my continues. Those three fairies are horrific. There's two branches for each route, meaning a total of six paths to take overall. Each fairy has different spellcards depending on what stage you're fighting them. A completionist is going to have a field day with this game not even mentioning the gold medal standards which will possibly make some just punch their computer screen on lunatic I'm guessing.

>> No.5932932

ZUN tends to love what the fans love. That's because he's a creator, not a Jewish executive producer.

>> No.5932933

Cirno is ZUN ideal daughter just like how Aya is his ideal slut.
How does it feels knowing you will never have a tomboyish girl like Cirno as your daughter?

>> No.5932944

I cant wait for the dialogue translation.

And it turns out she's the smartest of all the fairies.

>> No.5932945
File: 1.38 MB, 550x3931, 35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5932947
File: 3 KB, 300x57, image..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought Sanae is the ideal slut

>> No.5932950

That is what Sakuyafags want you to believe.
They are still butthurt and frustrated over how Sanae replaced Sakuya as a playable in UFO.

>> No.5932955

I noticed this too, pretty amusing.

In a related note, I got to the last boss on the Route B without losing a single life. Got slaughtered so bad at the spellcard that they throw themselves on you that I lost my continues there.

>> No.5932956
File: 496 KB, 640x480, marisawhat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So, has anybody beaten Extra yet?

>> No.5932966

Does it counts to unlock Extra if you beat the routes in Easy?

>> No.5932968

So what are the specific requirements of unlocking Marisa?

>> No.5932969

Wasn't it always the case ? I remember reading that since fairies are dumb, Cirno is quite intelligent compared to them.

>> No.5932970


>> No.5932975

Hardest touhou game ever

>> No.5932977 [DELETED] 

So how do you unlock extra again?
Do you have to get one ending on each route (for three playthroughs total) or all six endings?

>> No.5932976

All you need to unlock Extra is to 1cc all 6 paths on any difficulty, Easy included.

>> No.5932983

I'm getting plastered but at least it's ten times more fun that StB and DS could ever hope to be while drunk.

>> No.5932985

Yeah, canon regards Cirno as an unusually powerful fairy in any regard. She's literate, she partly understood the events in PoFV, and she's used to fighting because she does it all the time.

>> No.5932986

Hmm. Not sure if I want to break my honor doing this. Normal is kicking my ass hardcore, but it's being fun.

Thanks for the info.

>> No.5932989


>> No.5933004

It's like STB; you're not playing a typical game so your experience isn't going to carry you here. That's part of why ZUN is better than fags who publish the same exact crap ad infinitum.

>> No.5933012

I bet Suigin can beat it with his eyes closed.

>> No.5933014

The dialogue has been pretty funny so far.
However, I should probably get to reading the comic so I can understand the backstory behind all of this house destroying, fairy revolution nonsense...

>> No.5933027

I read it, saw no connection.

My personal guess is that they're just being random buggers.

>> No.5933043
File: 28 KB, 506x426, 1266437670503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5933049

Fairy Wars GOOD END

>> No.5933110

This is emasculating, getting raped by fairies. But I think I'll be disappointed by its shortness.

>> No.5933121
File: 560 KB, 640x480, marisawhat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, you won't mind how short it is as soon as you get to Extra. You'll wish it was shorter.

>> No.5933131

oh jesus what the fuck.

>> No.5933138

I kind of feel bad for beating Cirno in the previous games now. It must've been a terrifying experience whenever I fought against her.

>> No.5933141

I thought about this too. The 3 fairies apparently were getting HUGE during all this time.

>> No.5933149
File: 119 KB, 400x400, 1252182592335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should feel even worse for her.
Apparently, the bullets and patterns are so dense and hard because we're seeing them from her own perspective.
Imagine how she must have felt every time she faced Reimu or Eiki or something.

>> No.5933156

This distorted perception of Cirno makes me wonder. Is her perception of her danmaku distorted too? Does she imagine her danmaku more dense than it actually is?

>> No.5933159


You guys are silly.

>> No.5933164

The art in this game is pretty well done. Too well for Zun. Did someone else draw this?

>> No.5933167

yes, some other artist

>> No.5933168

...Nah Zun just took an art lesson.

>> No.5933170

The guy who drew the three fairies before in their canon mangas.

>> No.5933171

The game is zoomed in on the boss (=huge fairies), so the bosses danmaku appears to be bigger than it really is.

>> No.5933172

"Oh, this can't be so bad... let's see... yeah i can manage thOHSHITHOWTHEFUCKDOIDODGETHAT?"

>> No.5933176
File: 115 KB, 600x613, 1239625357851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe. That's why she's stuck as a Stage 2 boss. Maybe she has strabismus or something.

>> No.5933177
File: 102 KB, 640x480, th001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could be the S&BND author? (Luna is adorable when flustered!)

>> No.5933188

>The art in this game is pretty well done.

Are you kidding? I want ZUN art, damn it, not this generic manga style.

>> No.5933190 [SPOILER] 
File: 507 KB, 640x480, marisawhat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I figure I might as well give some updates as I slowly drag myself through Extra.

She throws meteors at you, at fucking light speed.

>> No.5933192

It's actually him.
I guess that would be the equivalent of making a game about the Watatsuki sisters with art by Aki Eda

>> No.5933193

I've got to say, I love the new bombing system. I got bored with UFO pretty quickly, but this one will probably keep me entertained for a while

>> No.5933198
File: 12 KB, 293x289, dq14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has such a cute mouth.

>> No.5933205
File: 82 KB, 600x450, 1280158777503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from http://may.2chan.net/40/futaba.htm

>> No.5933212

Suigin won't even bother playing a Cirno game.

>> No.5933218


ray mu where did your long hair go

>> No.5933225

What's the coldest black metal album I can listen to while playing this?

>> No.5933241
File: 20 KB, 400x450, 1279460633131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see what you did there

>> No.5933243


>> No.5933248

Go for the Classics - Immortal, Call of the Wintermoon on loop.

>> No.5933300

Ulver - Nattens Madrigal

Comedy option: The Howling Wind – Into The Cryosphere

>> No.5933301


Oh come off it, man. The art style is cute and kinda derpy, what with the dresses all the fairies are wearing being so big and poofy and all. I think it's great

>> No.5933313

Not him but I do not like this artstyle either. The faces are fine but the bodies look fat.

>> No.5933329


Downloaded this one twice and keep getting "The program can't start because d3dx9_42.dll is missing". It seems this download is working for the rest of you.

>> No.5933332


WTF people.
Playing a motherfucking ZUN game without listening to the music?

>> No.5933341 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.41 MB, 640x480, fayabullats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5933342

Google d3dx9_42.dll, download it and put it in your system32 folder.

>> No.5933344

I don't really like the music in this game.

>> No.5933346

Update your DirectX install.

>> No.5933347

How about you download d3dx9_42.dll ?

>> No.5933353

Sadly, I couldn't agree more with this picture.

>> No.5933362

>Google d3dx9_42.dll

...or you could, you know, install the DIrectX update from MS properly. Just google "directx update" or whatever. Slightly less likely to get a botnet that way.

>> No.5933366


You are a huge fucking faggot.

>> No.5933367

> you are now aware that windows is a botnet

>> No.5933387

Well Fairy Wars works pretty well under Wine. But it's missing graphical effects, much like Double Spoiler, unless you're using d3dx9_36.dll from Microsoft.

>> No.5933393

Extend Party 2 where?

>> No.5933396

I got Cirno leveled up to lvl 14.
Where do I allocate skill points?

>> No.5933401

I like how the last battle against all three of them has such a fun theme.

It's like all serious at first, but then goes "Naah, just kidding you're still playing a Cirno game."

>> No.5933409


Every game from th10 and above has almost unreadable text also.

I wish they'd fix it ;_;

>> No.5933412

Stage 1: hey, this is pretty easy. I can just freeze the bullets. Don't have to dodge them.

Stage 2: ...

>> No.5933421

I can't hear anything over everything being frozen, broken, shot, or dying.

>> No.5933432

only played for about 30 minutes, it's fun and it's nice to play a touhou with care and skill applied to the art direction.

>> No.5933436

I think that's the thing about this game. Instead of gradual incrments of difficulty like any other game, the difficulty increases pretty exponentially, and suddenly it's danmaku hell and unfreezable bullets everywhere. It's like going from Stage 1 → Stage 3 → Stage 5/6

>> No.5933441

I shit on you.

>> No.5933444 [DELETED] 

>Does she imagine her danmaku more dense than it actually is?
Someone didn't read the strongest manual.


>> No.5933452

I think I'll just say here that I'm glad this game brought back Insta-continue.
Shit's a lifesaver.

>> No.5933479

Ripped soundtrack where? The stage 2 theme is great.

>> No.5933515

Wait for thxxbgm to be updated I'd say.

>> No.5933563

Oh, actually, a temporary solution is to grab Audacity, and import PCM the thbgm.dat file. Settings in picture related. I'm wondering where the "cue sheet" is for the music data.

>> No.5933566
File: 25 KB, 285x283, raw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate forgetting the verification.

>> No.5933602

So, how do I unlock the extra stage? I have to beat every possible last boss variation?

>> No.5933614

I just did that on easy, and I still can't fight marisa.

>> No.5933628

Beat it without using continue.

>> No.5933673 [SPOILER] 
File: 22 KB, 400x300, cirno game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best Cirno game reporting

>> No.5933710

E..my B2 replay kill me computer when i try to play it. Somone have this problem?
Can somone try to play it and check it out?

>> No.5933720

God dammit fireballs.
Anyone know what he side bar says?

>> No.5933723

Are there any niconico/youtubes up with the EX stage? Want to hear the theme.

>> No.5933740

Sidebars are here >>5931944

>> No.5933742

i've tried updating directx, did all the stuff, running the game with all possible resolutions

but this shit won't start no matter what

>> No.5933747

So what are the controls and how does the freezing mechanic work?

>> No.5933761

You can hear the Ex stage/boss themes without actually having to play them. Just go to the music room and double click the selections.

>> No.5933762

Seriously just play it and you will learn

>> No.5933769

Tap Z to shoot
Hold down Z and release after a bit to freeze surrounding bullets
Bullets that come in contact with frozen bullets freeze as well so you want to try to create chain-reactions
Fireballs can't be frozen

>> No.5933771

You know, most of us got around this last night by playing it and eventually figuring it out ourselves. Do you really need someone to hold your hand?

>> No.5933776

>game about Cirno
You may as well have approved an anime that will be distributed in the US by Disney, ZUN

>> No.5933784

Learn to google.

>> No.5933790

So does ice touching them actually do more damage to enemies or is its only purpose to kill bullets?

>> No.5933807

The Ice does more damage

>> No.5933843

I'd fucking fund that. I'd love to see Disney advocate a cartoon with epic danmaku battles, moe youkai and lesbian undertones.

>> No.5933848

Is there any other game where Cirno is the main character?

>> No.5933859

P.S. And somehow they'd make it entertaining for little girls and grown men alike, being Disney.

>> No.5933867

She appears in EoSD, and is playable in PoFV and Hisoutensoku. So it's not like she's a once-off.

>> No.5933872
File: 24 KB, 499x281, 131878_1233097822638_500_281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if it's old Disney, with awesome insert songs.

>> No.5933883
File: 49 KB, 300x239, the_princess_and_the_frog_logo_walt_disney_pictures_christmas_2009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or new Disney.

>> No.5933910


Disney owns Naruto.

>> No.5933911


>> No.5933912
File: 200 KB, 685x963, 06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She also directly reappeared in PCB.

If you think about it, Cirno is quite a war veteran.

>> No.5933929

Well now i know this B2 replay is A2 replay. A2 is fucking bugged. 1 time it show me ending 5 and saved as B2, other time showed me ending 3 and was saved as B1(not sure if it was ending 5 but i think so)

>> No.5933944

Right she does, I forgot. Midboss only.

>> No.5933947
File: 529 KB, 800x600, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To quote someone in IRC.

>About the life percentage: "Think of it as the "Butthurt meter", once it runs out, Cirno gets too butthurt to continue and you lose."

My butthurt meter is at 600%
Lets do this.

>> No.5933957

does this make IN look like Bashinnryu?

>> No.5933980

Don't talk shit about my waifu

>> No.5933998

Which doujin is this? Sauce.

>> No.5934002

Hey, I said that and I'm not from IRC, I'm over there >>5932542

>> No.5934011

Ey, Suigin did you play the game yet? If you want my opinion, it's ZUN's best "FUCK YOU" to secondaries, you should definitely check it out.

>> No.5934028 [DELETED] 

This is way more fun than the main series and everyone needs to heard my opinion.

>> No.5934047

this better not be a borefest

>> No.5934048

>This file is neither allocated to a Premium Account, and can therefore only be downloaded 10 times.
>This limit is reached.
Can someone reupload?

>> No.5934058

>this better not be a borefest
Oh ho ho, you're in for a suprise.

>> No.5934060

This is way more fun than the main series and everyone needs to hear my opinion.

>> No.5934083

I don't know, it kept me occupied more than Double Spoiler did and certainly more than the casual runs I'm having these days. And that's an accomplishment.

Plus, you get to kick Daiyousei's ass among others' in a fit of rage.

>> No.5934090

Ow comone fuck this i 1cc all 6 routes still no extra stage, cause of this A2 bug..somone can share scoreth128.dat(or th128.cfg don;t know witch one hold progress)?

>> No.5934104
File: 270 KB, 930x1000, 1281631650935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has anyone beaten Marisa yet? i want to see the replay

>> No.5934105

I wish I could play this for the lengths that I played DS, but I keep having to pase and recover from the pain caused by SHOT BUTTON TAPPAN.

>> No.5934113

Bug? What's this about a bug? Should I not play A2 path?

>> No.5934115
File: 3 KB, 300x57, image..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure is baka around here. juct hold c button for rapid fire

>> No.5934116

I haven't even gotten to Marisa.

How does that last attack of Daiyousei/Lily work?
One time, after a bomg, I got them to shoot a corridor in which I could stay in the middle, but I couldn't repeat that yet.

>> No.5934124

you can hold down control or c for auto fire...

>> No.5934139

what's the game's name?

>> No.5934148

english patch plx
i wanna read the story

>> No.5934154
File: 99 KB, 400x394, 1273217604752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does that bug get "triggered"? I certainly saw people both from around here and on 2chan get to Marisa, so there must be a way to bypass it.

That is to say, until ZUN gets the thousandth email about this and fixes it after a day or two.

>> No.5934157

I think he's just bullshitting.

>> No.5934166

This game is pretty much all Extra stage all the time.

You just need to figure where you need to freeze and it becomes trivial.

Lunatic is great with the "Hey, you shot me? Enjoy 40 revenge daggers out of nowhere per fairy down" mechanic though. Touhou needed dying enemies shooting back (that rock from SA Stage 1 doesn't count, neither does Parsee's clone nonsense) and now it got just that.

>> No.5934168
File: 518 KB, 200x150, 1270774211406.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5934169

Touhou 12.8 ~ Cirno's Rape Fest

>> No.5934185

Actually these bullets practically help you keep the freeze counter above 30% all the time (since grazing fills it up). I bet he added them to help, not to harm.

>> No.5934213

Imagine a giant penis flying towards your mouth, and there's nothing you can do about it. And you're like "Oh man, I'm gonna have to suck this thing", and you brace yourself to suck this giant penis. But then, at the last moment, it changes trajectory and hits you in the eye. You think to yourself "Well, at least I got that out of the way", but then the giant penis rears back and stabs your eye again, and again, and again. Eventually, this giant penis is penetrating your gray matter, and you begin to lose control of your motor skills. That's when the giant penis slaps you across the cheek, causing you to fall out of your chair. Unable to move and at your most vulnerable, the giant penis finally lodges itself in your anus, where it rests uncomfortably for 4, maybe 5 hours. That's what playing Touhou 12.8 is like.

>> No.5934233
File: 218 KB, 850x925, adult cirno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't I freeze the fireballs?
Cirno you baka

>> No.5934242

Not really.

>> No.5934248

bacause Zun is stronger than Cirno

>> No.5934266
File: 363 KB, 743x1016, 1280913423287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5934270

Wow this game has a lot of bullets coming from the side. I'm not so great at those so it's good practice. Also, the 3 fairies fight varies in difficulty so much by spellcard. Some are piss easy while others is a pain. I like the gravity gimmick though

>> No.5934272

Well durrhey, next you're going to tell me that ice is some kind of frozen liquid.

>> No.5934285

Why do you play it in first place if you dislike it so much?

>> No.5934292

Because the situation that kopipe describes is necessarily unpleasant, right?

>> No.5934293


ZUN never fixes bugs anymore.
Double Spoiler is broken as fuck and he doesn't give a shit.

>> No.5934296

Same here. When I beat A-2 it shows me either ending 3 or 5 and doesn't have the little "clear" notice at the route selection screen.

>> No.5934308

No idea i just 1 again finished A2 this time again B1 ending...i finished with 7 lives left ffs. Any other route works fine.

>> No.5934314

So plz somone upload score.dat(or other file that go with progress) i want to play with marisa a bit :P

>> No.5934330

btw i have clear notice but its clear with continue only so it dosn't open marisa

>> No.5934346


I don't dislike it. However, I am getting brutally raped repeatedly. Easy mode is retardedly easy while normal is ridiculous.

>> No.5934349

Probably because neither of them is a natural-numbered game.

>> No.5934355


When you're done playing extra, tell me how to do:
Midboss last attack
How to deal with the second shield fairy at that time when they spawn too far away from each other to freeze both at the same time.

BTW, you can freeze Marisa's laser. Don't die trying to circle around her like I did.

>> No.5934365

>So plz somone upload score.dat(or other file that go with progress) i want to play with marisa a bit :P

>> No.5934397

Seconded. Did easy modo as a first run to get the hang of the mechanics. Finished using no continues. Went to normal mode and ran out of continues at the start of 3 faeries

>> No.5934414

ahahahahah this game is absolutely crazy

>> No.5934416

This game is awesome. But hard.

It's not easy being an ice fairy.

>> No.5934434
File: 93 KB, 426x600, Cirno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I find it cool

>> No.5934443

has anyone posted the endings yet

>> No.5934454

Fucking seconday fag. Touhou endings are earned

>> No.5934463


>> No.5934465
File: 429 KB, 213x201, 1272017329080.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It pisses me off that the freeze shot has to charge before use. At least I can still death bomb if I have to, but I'm still forced to freeze my way up to those.

>> No.5934468

Circular life bars are awesome. I hope ZUN sticks with this.

>> No.5934480

once they are posted i will reupload them in every thread just for you~~~

>> No.5934482

In the next game, every greater fairy and familiar will get one.

>> No.5934489

Once I got the mechanics down, I found the game to be pretty damn easy, actually. I rarely have to bomb.

Believe it or not, all that StB and DS playing probably helped me more than any other game, since the freeze works in a similar way/timer.

>> No.5934491

I noticed the deathbomb window is kinda larger than usual in this one.

>> No.5934500

Unless they're covered with bullets. Having the normal one as well would also be nice. Or maybe one on the sidebar.

Really? That's unfortunate.

>> No.5934516

I rarely ever bomb because the bomb key is not situated ergonomically.
I also often press shift instead of the freeze button when unfocused.

>> No.5934527

I wish I could remap the fucking keys, switch out Z and C.

>> No.5934535
File: 95 KB, 1237x1079, grab19358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My face when spinning arrow bullets

>> No.5934551

Get a keyboard remapper. Or for the Unixen, xmodmap

>> No.5934597

I miss the "enemy" indicator.

and, it's possible to get the live % up to 999?

>> No.5934606


is max

>> No.5934629

in the options menu there's a controls section.
I use a control pad, and the default buttons suck on it, so I switch them out.

>> No.5934636

I downloaded the mediafire download and I click on the exe but the game doesn't even turn on...
Anyone else having the same problem?

>> No.5934666

I use a gamepad too (X focus, square rapid fire, L2 and R2 for bombs and freeze)

For some reason the first time I tried to run the game it hanged, but it's fine now..

>> No.5934668

It maxes out at 1000%, but it's hard to get it up there.

>> No.5934678

Download d3dx9_42.dll

>> No.5934704

The mediafire download is bad for me, too. Can someone with a working copy upload to megaupload or something?

>> No.5934723

My first time playing the game just now. I'd have to say it's quite fun. Freezing the bullets sounded kinda weird to me at first but in-game it works very well. It's fun placing yourself strategically during a boss fight and freeze 70% of the bullets on screen just like that. It's like bombing but more fun and feels more rewarding.

I prefer ZUN-art but the game looks good regardless. I haven't played that much yet but far so good.

>> No.5934754

Just finished a Normal run. Anyone try Hard yet? Some games have pretty big jumps, especially between Normal and Hard.

>> No.5934778

This is really really good fun.
But Touhou 13 better be next ZUN >:T

>> No.5934786

Seconded, it looks great.

>> No.5934823


I found a working torrent earlier, and so far there's plenty of seeders so it goes by pretty fast.


On another note, who else actually likes the medal system? It's pretty helpful when noting which spellcard attacks are actually worth trying to spend time on...but getting gold is downright ridiculous sometimes.

>> No.5934825

The game is shit, whatever back to Mars Matrix and RayFORCE

>> No.5934827 [DELETED] 

Fuck Lily Black, she spams bullet so fast that I couldn't even charge to freeze the them.

>> No.5934841

here is a working megaupload link

>> No.5934844

Seconding this.

I keep getting a damaged file error.

>> No.5934854

I really wish I didn't have to remap Z and C. Why the fuck would ZUN put a charge shot on the standard fire button? I can understand for PoFV, but this is annoying to have to either tap at the speed of sound or fork your fingers a good 5 inches without a key remap.

>> No.5934860

Excuse my lack of patience, thanks for the link.

>> No.5934862

can anyone give me a labelled screenshot of what all of the percentages mean? I know the one under cirno is the freeze charge (higher means longer freeze) but the ones on the right don't mean shit to me.

>> No.5934866


Or better yet, a gamepad. It seems ZUN is trying to screw over keyboard users with this game, but oh well. I haven't used a keyboard to play Touhou in ages.

>> No.5934879


I can understand not bombing or dying, but no freezing either?

>> No.5934882


Top: Extra. every 100% means an extra life, and it naturally builds up.

Middle: Charge.

Bottom: Bomb. I'm not exactly sure how to build this one up, but I'm guessing it's just "use the charge." Life counter goes up naturally with points.

>> No.5934889


Yep. Play through the spellcards like you were playing a regular game. Like I said, downright ridiculous, especially on the later cards when the three fairies pull Prismriver shit on you.

>> No.5934894
File: 46 KB, 589x600, 1243678101088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's because he considers the Freezing feature more important of a function than the actual shot, thus worth of occupying the "z" button. And really, shooting in this game is pretty much a utility tool when you have that many bullets in your face.

>> No.5934897
File: 36 KB, 679x604, cirnobig.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just Beat Touhou 12.8 on Easy Mode.
Praise me.

>> No.5934906

sage for horrible giga wing ripoff

>> No.5934908

Yes, I am getting my ass handed to me on a silver platter.

I can't wait until 12.9 comes out.


>> No.5934915

Thx a lot for this
so for last midboss atack
i start with going up- and freezing first big ball attack. They get hurt if they step on it so i want to freeze it up when they fly. After this i go back to normal position around middle. and just step a little forward +shooting and avoiding little bullets when i when close to them i just use freeze again and go down. Repeat, and with enough luck you will not time it out.
Well i didn't try this but maybe if you use ice in middle down the fairies up there will frieze both of shield-like fairies.
But honestly some Marisa attacks are quite impossible, fucking balls of steel

>> No.5934940

for no reason at all here is another link

>> No.5934942

Why in the hell are you fighting Marisa as the final boss? Does ZUN even care about Reimu at this point? Or did Marisa do some stuff to get put into this game with the fairies?

>> No.5934943
File: 601 KB, 640x480, youaresuperplayer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5934950
File: 340 KB, 707x1000, sanae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No one cares about Reimu, it's all about Sanae now and she has more important business to handle than playing with fairies

>> No.5934959

Reimu will be Yorihime's EX boss in th13.5

>> No.5934970
File: 676 KB, 640x480, fuckyeah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can do it pretty successfully on normal up to Stage 2. Beyond that, shit just gets bonkers. Especially some of the star cards that are unpredictable and flood the screen. The laser cards are probably the easiest to gold, since they expect you not to freeze as much or get hit by shards of death.

>> No.5934980


>Stage 2
>Level 7 shot


Are you freezing fucking everything? No, that would mean you wouldn't be gold carding...


>> No.5934986


There are certain places in the first two stages where you're better off not killing everything that moves, and instead freezing at the last possible moment.

>> No.5934999

Wow he actually has end screens like from LLS? Awesome! But I bet they don't get progressively more unclothed...

>> No.5935004

>Stage 1
This seems pretty easy...
>Stage 2
Okay, now we're talkin'.
>Stage 3

Great game.

>> No.5935006

The final boss is easier for me than the rest of the game. This happens with Yuyuko too.

>> No.5935007



>> No.5935008
File: 29 KB, 511x378, 1278913479049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5935047


>you're better off not killing everything that moves

Since when do I need patience and judgment to be an ice fairy? Fuck.

I expected a simplified system, instead 12.8 features a scoring system more complicated than UFO and a CAVE game put together.

>> No.5935066


It's going to make for some awesome Let's Play Danmaku threads, I'll say that much.

>> No.5935095


This isn't near as complicated as many cave games, for example espgaluda 2, which has a lot of similar mechanics.

>> No.5935106
File: 499 KB, 640x480, coolaid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't need no stinking freeze button.

>> No.5935115

i die every 5 seconds

>> No.5935143


Damn dude gj.

>> No.5935157

Now do it on Lunatic, casual.

>> No.5935158

Dammit, I've been playing Touhou for over 2 years and this is the first time I've experienced tetris effect.

I guess I am still little grasshopper.

>> No.5935170
File: 318 KB, 500x600, 1281217369950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol no

going to play Hisoutensoku.

>> No.5935176
File: 256 KB, 640x480, Bez nazwy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this took 2h but marisa is down, really funny fight and 1 more thx for posting this data file.
lol capcha: 128 ftionds.. 128..he know what i am writing about!

>> No.5935215

(inb4 i posted because someone asked for replay of defeating marisa not because i want to boast about it)
and man this last attack got me by surprise. But well i paniced a little when i had 95% hp... good that had 1 bomb left, and thx god that having 0% life don't kill you

>> No.5935217

Now that one was retardedly hard. The Prismrivers have nothing on the Three Fairies with no freeze.

>> No.5935221
File: 739 KB, 640x480, yup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgot the picture, damn Captcha.

>> No.5935222

So is it confirmed that the routes are fucked? I just finished A2 and it counted as a B1 clear..

>> No.5935236

milk the fuck out of non-cards with your freeze. be careful not to accidentally hit the boss too much until you're running out of time.
that way you can score gold and still have high power.

>> No.5935251

Yet another working dl for the game incase anyone wants, no need to download .dll file as it is already included

>> No.5935272
File: 720 KB, 640x480, easy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In contrast, this one was so easy I almost fell asleep.

>> No.5935281



I thought shot power capped at 1000%? Or was that /jp/ bullshitting?

>> No.5935296

Which one of the meter was the butthurt life meter again?
Capthcha: subculture worries. How about that...

>> No.5935298

well you unlock MAX POWAR at 3k i think, and it's quite funzy

>> No.5935308
File: 581 KB, 640x480, also easy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5935313

Man this is my favorite new mechanic since the familiars in Imperishable Night. I mean faith meter and the UFOs were just shitty but this is great. You get into such a rhythm on lunatic. Charge and dodge for graze til you hit full or can't dodge anymore, let loose with the freeze, graze the revenge daggers to charge another freeze, repeat. Milk nonspellcards, try and gold card the spells (laser ones are easiest). Great fun.

>> No.5935316


That's life.

>> No.5935320

Only lives are capped at 1000.

>> No.5935384
File: 53 KB, 213x186, sadfrog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when I just watched a lunatic 1cc and I'm still struggling to get stage level 2 on normal without continuing

>> No.5935388
File: 835 KB, 1277x960, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing comes flying at me, so I avoid and fly up to Marisa and suddenly...

>> No.5935400

should have hit bomb

>> No.5935431

That button to the right of my index finger, v?

>> No.5935451

I think default is X I set it to B on my gamepad
it makes you invincible and gets rid of all the bullets on the screen

>> No.5935459


Music: 8/10. Two memorable tracks for me, the stage music seemed pretty bland though. I did notice the tone and instruments were reminiscent of the PCB - MoF period rather than the new sound he's picked up in the last few games.
Scoring system: 10/10. I will say right now this is far and away the best engine for competitive scoring play ZUN has made yet.
Control scheme: 6/10. I like the speed on both focus and unfocused. A lot of people (including me) find the Z and C keys backwards, though, so either get a gamepad or reformat it manually.
Art: 9/10 Fuck the haters, I love the Three Fairies style. The expressions were nice and the boss sprites were good.
Danmaku patterns: 7/10. Some cards are a bit too random, and laser cards are a punch in the dick unless you're going for a no freeze capture. I found myself praying for streaming cards and weaving, rather than relying on twitch for 25 straight seconds. The 3 danmaku type thing is pretty cool (normal, fireball and laser), and really add some strategy.

Level difficulty curve: 4/10. Kind of all over the place. Like, worse than EoSD in bouncing from retarded random cards to simple streaming, and Marisa is pretty easy.
Different difficulty curve: 8/10. Feels like any other game, though Easy is again too easy and will make you actually worse for having played it.

>> No.5935481


There never was any need to download any fucking .dlls in the first place if your DirectX is properly installed and updated.

Unless you're using Wine, of course.

>> No.5935487

Do you have a link to it?

>> No.5935503


>I did notice the tone and instruments were reminiscent of the PCB - MoF period rather than the new sound he's picked up in the last few games.

I was just thinking this. What happened to your electric guitar and multi-drum beats, ZUN? There will be no face-melting Stage 1 boss themes like this.

>> No.5935521
File: 25 KB, 400x300, Casio20PT-80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


CASIO broke his kneecaps for not fulfilling his yearly trumpet quota.

>> No.5935627

actually this is pretty easy spellcard, you can regenerate so much that you will freeze every blue bullet marisa toss, all what is left is redirecting flair and not getting killed while doing this...w8 for 6 of them...this one is hell

>> No.5935679

Maybe it's just me but it seems like there was more bullets and fire in normal C than in normal A and B.

>> No.5935714

C is rape route

>> No.5936101

Where do you put replays? Where does the game save replays? I saved a replay, but it doesn't show up in the replay folder. I tried watching the replay, and it works fine. Where was it saved!

>> No.5936145


>> No.5936190

You found it anon! Thanks! Now I can watch replays and see how much I suck.
