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593203 No.593203 [Reply] [Original]

Many of us can't speak moon or are not at the level to be able to read moon perfectly, but that shouldn't stop us from experiencing the awesomeness that are VN's. So I want to make a list of VN's that have been translated so more people can enjoy them.

I'll start:

Of course there is http://shii.org/translate/ that lists a lot of translated VN's, both eroge and not. Then there's http://at2006.haeleth.net// but these are very short and probably won't keep you playing for more than an hour.

Translated VN's that are not on either of those sites I have found include:

Yume Miru Kusuri
Snow Sakura
Kana's Little Sister
Tokimeki Check-in
Figures of Happiness
Snow Drop
Little My Maid
Let's Meow Meow
Castle Fantasia 2 (jrpg/vn)

Anyone is welcome to add to the list.

>> No.593212

Fate/Stay Night

>> No.593216

You know, most of the ones you listed are the LICENCED ones.

Except for Castle Fantasia 2, which is pretty good.

>> No.593223

Hitomi - My Stepsister is a missing one I noticed after a cursory glance at Shii.

>> No.593226

anyone know where i can get snow sakura?
i searched TT to no avail, i hear it's good.

>> No.593231

...You guys suck at Google-Fu.


The only one not found with a simple search is Wind: A breath of Heart, and it sucks anyway, so no big loss.

>> No.593239


For some reason, the more people say that, the more I want to play it. I hear people say it's incredibly long and boring and I just start longing for it for some crazy reason. I don't know if I'm masochistic or just contrary.

>> No.593246

I was just like you.
Do not play it.
Just don't.

>> No.593242

Really... It's not. So boring.

>> No.593249


You can't discourage me! I even watched an anime that doesn't exist! But yeah, it's still a visual novel and there are only so many in English so I'm gonna play them all. No matter what!

>> No.593254

you're probably better off finding a brick and trying to read it like a book.

>> No.593255

Then go play Water Closet too.

>> No.593260

Snow Sakura has NO plot NO drama Noooothhiiing. H-Scenes aren't even that good.

>> No.593261

Is snow sakura any good?
I consider buying it

>> No.593262


I have a very low tolerance for scat and such, but you know what? I probably will.

>> No.593266

AT least it's lighthearted.

And the fact that the characters are carbon copies of others is fun.

It's great fun fucking Tomoyo from CCS in the ass.

>> No.593269
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Wow.... I thought I was the only one who made that comparison.

>> No.593274


At least I wept during wind:breath of heart and thats enough for me

>> No.593283

You probably cried in Heart De Roommate with forced 'I'm dead inside' girls, unexplained fatal diseases that let you run around like a retard for 15 years and forced drama because people have ALWAYS got to get involved in other peoples' problems.

That doesn't make these games enjoyable for the common denominator.

>> No.593284

Snow Sakura was alright. It's not tsukihime or ever17 but it's not terrible.

Considering that there arn't that many english ones out there, i'm happy to play any at all. Beggers can't be choosers

>> No.593336

X-change 1, 2 and 3

>> No.593342



>> No.593343
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No X-Change Alternative?

>> No.593344

If you buy it, you support licensing lame shit.

>> No.593367

Can't forget http://shii.org/translate/ either.
Or love.
Or pride.

>> No.593378

hurr forgot about that one
kashimashi right?

>> No.593389

I'm like this also; I'll play the game when I find it. What was the anime that doesn't exist, OOI?

>> No.593409

Tsukihime, probably.

>> No.593429

Hourglass of Summer
Amusement Park
Tea Society of a Witch
Day of Love
Ishika & Honori
Ai Yori Aoshi
Exodus Guilty Vol. 1 - 3
Animamundi - Dark Alchemist
Piece of Wonder
Snow Sakura
Wind - a breath of heart
Raidy (lol)

>> No.593441

OMGWTFOTL is the best of them

>> No.593449

What the hell is this:


Has ANYONE played it?

>> No.593466

I've watched the hentai but I also have the iso + translation patch here. Well ... it's different.

>> No.593498


>> No.593506

What is different? Is that good or bad?

>> No.593514

Rape monster rape more rape old man rape sperm everywhere. Did I mention gang rape?

>> No.593512

Here's a list of titles the translator considered challenging afterwards:

輪姦倶楽部 = Campus Gangrape Romance Animation Adventure
装甲騎女イリス = Prostitute House Confinement Adventure
対魔忍アサギ2~淫謀の東京キングダム~ = Female Ninja Tentacle Gangrape Adventure
宇宙海賊サラ = No Mercy Woman Pirate Rape
監獄戦艦~非道の洗脳改造航海~ = Brainwashing Voyage Animation Adventure

>> No.593520

lol Lilith Soft

>> No.593521

Oh, yeah. I actually quite enjoyed that.

>> No.593543
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This looks like a good thread to ask, but out of whats listed here what are some good ones? I'm new to the whole visual novel thing, I've have just finished Ever17 (obligatory ;_;), and so I was wondering what recommandations you guys have?

>> No.593547

Phantom of inferno
Yume Miru Kusuri
Kana little sister

>> No.593557

If you want action: Phantom of Inferno and Tsukhime.
If you want drama: Clannad, Planetarian and Yume Miru Kusuri.

>> No.593632

Guys, by VN I don't think the OP meant hentai games.

I mean, how the hell is Let's Meow Meow anything like Tsukihime or Crescendo?

>> No.593646

Fate Stay/Night is a good starting point for VNs. People here like to hate it but it's actually quite good. Sort of like the people who go SAGE TF2/BRAWL THREAD FOR TF2/BRAWL on /v/. You should give it a shot, some people love it.

>> No.593647

They are all eroge, just with different focus.

>> No.593661

Seconding Tsukihime

>> No.593667

FSN isn't a good starting point, it's too long and not endearing enough for a beginner.
Something shorter like Narcissu, Planetarian is better.

>> No.593668

Because crescendo contains no ero right?

>> No.593671

Learn moonrunes to play good eroges. Most translated eroges = shit.

>> No.593672

They are all eroges but I don't think eroges are
just one chunk. I think there are four categories:

1) Plain old games with porn pasted on, like shooters, puzzlers and RPGs. Fairly common on good old PC98.
Plays like wannabe console shit, has awesome art.

2) The kichiku games, the train molesting & tentacle rape games with emphasis on variety of sex acts & fetish characters(nurses, housewives, OLs).

3) The stuff with emphasis on character moe. These have the school setting as the most common trait and plot event based on passing of the school year .

4) Epic plot games with all the characters being intertwined with each other in strange ways.

>> No.593695

Read short works first:
Planetarian, Narcissu, Red Shift, True Remembrance.

>> No.593715

i still cant get plaetarian to work. anyone got that hongfire link with the guide?

>> No.593846

Wind doesn't really suck. It's not a bad game. It's just not a good game.

I think the main problem a lot of people, myself included, had with Wind was that it was minori's first release after BITTERSWEET FOOLS, and compared to that, it definitely disappointed, having a much simpler story and being too 'ordinary'.

minori's made up for that with Haru no Ashioto and again with ef, I think. Haven't played ANGEL TYPE.

>> No.593877

>Wind ~A Breath of Heart~


>> No.593888

i was thinking. where does you guys get all the VNs? all i have is yume miru kusuri which i downloaded accidentally from TT. i want to play clannad or something storybased. can any1 care to tell me where to download and what should i download? there's like tons of file

>> No.593905



>> No.593910


so.. is not on website eh? how many files there is for clannad? or rather, is there a website to teach people how to get it and how many file is involve in getting it to run

>> No.593915

I didn't play any other minori game, but I still thought Wind was very lame. I actually read it because I reconned if someone put so much work into a translation, it should be a game worth such care. Obviously I didn't know how stupid NNL are back then.

>> No.593918


How do you accidentally download YMK? Oh, nevermind, you're just trolling, my bad.

>> No.593925


Clannad = Download .ISO, Install. Copy Voice Patch. Copy English Patch. Play.

>> No.593930

Just play Ever17 again.

>> No.593932


im being serious. not trolling. i got it from TT. its under hentai i think. i tot its a collection of pics or some sort. then turn out its a famous VN which i dunno.

>> No.593935


Reminds me of the guy I saw on another forum where he "accidentally" downloaded Bible Black and doesn't even know what it's still doing on his computer, and claims that he would never ever watch it.

>> No.593942

where to download? i have searched tokyo tosho yet cant find it. tats the only site i know to get japan stuff

>> No.593944


Oh yeah, I've totally "accidentally" downloaded some stuff like that.

>> No.593954

actually, the way it came about was essentially because there was a bit of an existing translation project for wind, started by some randoms. the only reason a bunch of pretty talented people invested time into it was because the project existed at the time and had momentum. starting a new translation project of something else would have lost said momentum and likely have not gone anywhere

The idea was to translate a visual novel, any visual novel, not necessarily one that was good but one that was passable, decently lengthed and plot-based. Wind had a project, and the rest just happened.

>> No.594125

201 translated VNs according to http://vndb.org/v/cat?l=en

>> No.594207


Yeah, but that counts stuff like Persona 3 and PW.

>> No.594219

And? Especially PW IS a VN by any meaningful use of the term.

>> No.594258


I highly doubt the OP is looking for PW.

>> No.594271
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Well, he should.
Also, Days of Memories!

>> No.594311

/r/ more funny(non-H) VNs

>> No.594334


Was that ever translated?

>> No.594339

First one, no.
Second one came out a few days ago.
I just got the K' ending.

>> No.594371


Yeah, I know about the second one, that's why I asked about the first one.

I'm assuming neither will get officially translated?
