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5929123 No.5929123 [Reply] [Original]

Woke up from a dream that Yuyuko was bullying me
It was my first touhou dream

What was yours?

>> No.5929137

Touching Patchouli's breast. My first and only one. I wish I wasn't such a dreamless person.

>> No.5929150

I was Sasha and i was friends with Rumia and we played in the darkness.

>> No.5929170 [DELETED] 

Reported for having autism.

>> No.5929176

I had a dream about Flandre tearing me apart but I just woke up when she was to take out the organs.
I guess it's true that you can't die in a dream.

>> No.5929188

I just had a horrible nightmare where the /jp/ front page was 100% Cirno and Umineko.

>> No.5929190

Hmm... I've had three Touhou-themed dreams. Namely:

1. Doing cunnilingus to Alice.
2. Playing with Raymoo and Cirno in Gensokyo, on something that it looked like a children playground.
3. Wandering through Hakugyokurou's halls.

>> No.5929207

That wasn't a nightmare actually.

>> No.5929230

Long story short me comforting flandre. Woke up feeling dawwwww

Not quite

>> No.5929252

A recent study by the National Psychiatric Institute in Boston, MA, concluded that no activity can account for the phenomenon known as nightmares. Whereas many dreams come from unconscious desires, most nightmares seem to come from an outside source independent of the individual. In fact, when subjects are asked to recall nightmares they are almost always found in the same memory section as actual physical memories, not the section where normal dreams are replayed. In other words, those shitposts and Touhou threads you see at night in your “dreams?” They’re real.

>> No.5929331

>In other words, those shitposts and Touhou threads you see at night in your “dreams?” They’re real.
You wish. Outside influences don't work so thorougly and literally like that.

>> No.5929367

Marrying Sanae in a very formal, traditional shrine marriage, calmly kneeling while sipping tea slowly.

>> No.5929385

>while sipping sperm slowly

>> No.5929401

Had two dreams:

1: Cirno "Wrestled" with me and pinned me.

2: Had control of Sanae. I used an Xbox 360 controller to make her run up a wall by holding up and x at the same time. She also jumps on enemies to defeat them like Mario.

>> No.5929406

Nope, nothing sexual, and I wasn't even very fond of Sanae until after that dream. Actually, I think it revolved around a murder mystery later but I cannot remember the details, except finding a bloody shoe in a room...

But I remember it deeply for being not only my first Touhou dream, but one of my only 2D fiction dreams...actually, one of my only dreams.

I don't get much sleep ;_;

>> No.5929423

My first dream was of Yuyuko too, we were on a train heading somewhere, talking about some bullcrap, and I remember her telling me stuff about Gensokyo. Before I woke up, she hugged me and said good-bye. I still felt her warmth and softness, even after waking up.

That was my most vivid Touhou dream, all other dreams of Touhou that I've had are usually slide-show like.

>> No.5929446
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Wake up, see TV fuzzing out so I get up to check what's wrong. Turn around and see Yukari sitting in my computer chair behind me. We exchange a few words, she gaps my left arm and I scream and fall back in my bed from the shock. Woke up right after that and was stuck in bed with a horrible fever for a week.

In before it wasn't a dream.

>> No.5929474


>> No.5929484

Probably wasn't

>> No.5929508
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2 somewhat Touhou-related dreams.

The first one I don't remember that well. I was at an airport, then went downstairs from the terminal onto a train bound for Gensokyo. Saw a couple of the characters out the window (don't remember who), but couldn't interact with them. Then I woke up, audibly asked myself "What the fuck was that?" then went back to sleep.

I'll just copy and paste the greentext story of the second one I wrote months ago for /v/.
>Walking to class
>Admire beautiful girl from afar
>She drops her books
>Help her pick them up
>We talk
>She's somewhat nerdy and a gamer
>We decide to meet at this same spot tomorrow so we're not late for our classes
>Wake up
>Cry myself back to sleep
The weird, Touhou-related bit? She was dressed as Koakuma.

>> No.5929510
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>> No.5929538

I know, eh?

I don't know how my mind was able to come up with a 3d Sanae, but it did, and it was great.

>> No.5929564

In the only touhou dream I've had I went to the SDM and ended up getting tortured (actual torture, not BDSM) and killed by Flandre.

Feels bad man.

>> No.5929566
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That is fucking awesome.
Make this game.

>> No.5929568

Actually, dude, that dream didn't sound half bad.

>> No.5929589

I also had a dream where Sanae would fuck my brains out. Well it was directly from a doujin.

>> No.5929595

I'll tell you when I have one.

>> No.5929599

I had one Touhou related dream.
I was talking to various people in Eientei before something blew up and someone was injured.

In my dream I obviously liked whoever it was and in my anger and rage ended up chasing the likely cause through the forest, despite them flying with enough speed to displace the air.
Then there was me beating the cause down and some ripping, tearing and flesh consuming occurred.

There was a moment of "NO JOHN YOU ARE THE DEMONS" when the people from Eientei found me over the mutilated corpse and I discovered that I had sort of grown claws and a long lizard like tongue.

No idea who any of the characters were as this dream occured a while ago.

>> No.5929604
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I remember one that featured various video game characters, including Touhou characters, looking around a thrift store of some kind inside a large warehouse. There was even an upper level to it, the whole place filled with rows and rows of shelves and clothes racks. There was a set of stairs near the back, but a lot of the people inside just flew up.

As far as Touhou is concerned, what I remember most about it was what Iku and Tenshi were doing. Iku was using her scarf to reach something on a high shelf while Tenshi played a video game on a TV that was hooked up near the back (it looked kind of like a combination of Contra and Metroid).

I also vaguely remember seeing Travis Touchdown looking through old pulp novels, while Sgt. Cortez inquired about a broom or something.

>> No.5929615

I have never had a dream about any touhou character, but I sure as hell would prefer it to the shit I dream about now.
What am I doing wrong?

>> No.5929636

Immerse yourself. Whatever you think about during the day is prime material for dreams. Both of mine for example happened just around Comiket because all I do for those couple days is download leaked doujins and music.


>> No.5929732

Broke into some snow fortress on top of a glacier with special agent Tenshi Hinanai. It was guarded by a bunch of ninjas with poor AI, so recovering the biological weapons from the terrorist organization was hold was a breeze. This was after a dream about remapping the ocean floor around Boston Harbor with my bare hands and before the one about programming in somebody else's hotel room.

>> No.5929815
File: 232 KB, 800x920, Suwako_incarnations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was Suwako, and we were basically putting on some kind of spectable/introduction of ourselves in the outside world (our world) demonstrating who we are and what we do. There was a big ass crowd of people watching and we were basically up on a huge stage. I recall making an awesome trollface at Kanako when Sanae was talking about her. I couldn't see what it looked like though because well, yeah, I WAS Suwako. Pretty awesome feeling, really.

I don't recall how it happened but Sanae and Kanako got in a fight over something and started fighting right there in front of the big crowd that gathered. I vaguely recall flying around in circles and Sanae shooting a fuck-ton of stars all over the place and delivering a flying kick to Kanako's face.

I recall not really caring all that much and basically just being an observer floating around following them. True to Suwako's nature I did not give a shit/did not really understand what was happening. I don't recall how the dream ended but damn, I wish I was Suwako again, that was pretty awesome.

>> No.5929848

My first and so far only touhou dream was where I ran around an empty stadium with Remilia's wings on my back and a giant Flandre was looming over.

>> No.5929886

More than one touhou dream = God tier.

>> No.5929906

>xbox 360
Something's not right here....

>> No.5929913

The blue button that has a big fat "x" on it you baka.

>> No.5929927
File: 311 KB, 1000x941, meiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a dream where I just stood around and talked to Meiling for a long time. I don't even know what it was about, but it was strangely comforting. It was really hot and humid in the dream so I think we might have been complaining about that.

>> No.5929997

I would if I knew how, and if I had any real 3d artistic skills.

>> No.5931547 [DELETED] 

Sounds neat

>> No.5931617

Had a dream I was a yukkuri once
I don't know if that counts

>> No.5931758

I once dreamt Remilia and Flan frenching. Except it was dark and all I could see was their silhouettes.

then I woke up.

>> No.5931758,1 [INTERNAL] 

Ive dreamt many times that was touhou related:
One time I was walking through a forest near the Hakerei Shrine and I ran into a little girl abd her aunt. we were suddenly attacked by youkai and the mother was the only one injured. We rushed to the shrine only to find that reimu and Marisa( who just got back from the SDM) were arguing. The Little girl thanked me and said good bye.
Another time, Flandre, Remilia, and Patchouli whent over to my house. We had tea and played alot. My best friend then came over and I bite her like I was a vampire myself.....:<

there were many more.....
now when im in any dream I can use any touhou charecter's spellcards.
