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5901947 No.5901947 [Reply] [Original]

The only Light novel series that is actually worth reading

>> No.5901953

not so good

>> No.5901994

If you're retarded

>> No.5902029

guess im not retarded enough

>> No.5902041

overrated shit

>> No.5902044

i actually liked that series.

>> No.5902046

It's okay. I have both of the books at home, it's an exaggeration to say it's the only one worth reading though.

I wonder why it takes them two years to translate one book when nisioisin shits them out hell fast.

>> No.5902052

I don't want to read this just because there is one novel every 2 years...it's just too much time!

Also, I MAD because Shinigami No Ballad got cancelled...i'm going to buy Bungaku Shoujo then I guess

>> No.5902107

Lack of demand?

I sort of like it though as I can imagine it taking a bigger effect on my life than if I just read them all in one go

>> No.5902123

Well the demand might increase if people knew about it. Problem is they want to sell stuff but they simple don't advertise it enough.

>> No.5902125

Index is really the only light novel I've found worth reading. Frequent releases too, how great!

>> No.5902207


>> No.5902208

No, it's not the only one.

>> No.5902586

I see this thread right before driving my little sister to the library, and I see this book after staring at the young adult shelf with her.
What the hell, I'll read it.

>> No.5902806


>> No.5903093


>> No.5903160

Is there a reason they didn't translate kubikiri to beheading?

>> No.5903182
File: 142 KB, 561x800, UtsuroNoHako4_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To appeal to weeaboos, apparently.

Anyway, this series is great but it has nothing on Utsuro no Hako. Absolutely nothing.

>> No.5903238


Wow, four volumes translated too, is it really that interesting?

>> No.5903263

It is. God is it ever.
Such brilliant ideas and god-tier trolls. Give it a look.

>> No.5903286


I will then, thanks for the recommendation.

>> No.5903661

I'd put Zaregoto Series (along with Ningen Series), Usotsuki Mii-kun to Kowareta Maa-chan, and Utsuro no Hako to Zero no Maria all on the same tier. Just about, anyways.

Dantalian no Shoka is also pretty awesome.

>> No.5903864

You people don't know shit about literature. None of these novels are 'worth reading' because even the best of Japanese novelists, like Murakami, have no understanding of philosophy beyond basic theory. It's just light, pulpy entertainment. No worth.

>> No.5903884
File: 41 KB, 496x640, sotn Dracula Profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps the same could be said of all novels. Most people tend to read to be entertained, not to attain enlightenment or gain a sense of superiority over others because what they're reading is somehow "better" than other things.

>> No.5903891

>>5903864 even the best of Japanese novelists, like Murakami
>the best of Japanese novelists
You've got to be fucking kidding.

>> No.5903893


There's nothing wrong, or even criticizable about reading to further your understanding of other ways of thought or otherwise educate yourself. It's practically the whole merit of the practice. Stuff like this is Twilight level. I don't care that people enjoy it, but when people say it's 'worth reading', that's laughable.

>> No.5903905


Please, try name any that are better. Mishima is the only other one that I can think of that comes close.

>> No.5903914

>There's nothing wrong, or even criticizable about reading to further your understanding of other ways of thought or otherwise educate yourself
I agree with you there. Different things can have different worth to different people, however, depending on what your taste is or what sort of book you're looking for. Obviously something like this isn't comparable to War and Peace or anything, but then again it's not meant to be. Different genres shouldn't really be compared.

>> No.5903941


Stuff like this shouldn't even be compared to anything, not even amongst one another. It's not like any of the literary technique gets carried over in the translations, all you get is plot and dialogue, no skill or style. It's essentially like reading a Wikipedia entry with a narrative. So threads like these are pointless because, unlike books in general, this genre is 100% subjective.

>> No.5903943

>Light novel series


>> No.5903957

>threads like these are pointless
Correct. They basically just invite people to bash the novel in question and end up in a shitstorm of "my opinion > your opinion."

>> No.5903968

Even if I find most contemporary writers rather weak, Japan has an history of great writers : Abe, Dazai, Kawabata, Tanizaki,...
I wouldn't be fair to compare them to poor Murakami (who still makes decent work).

>> No.5904003


Abe is the only one I'd agree with, even if the rest aren't too bad. Woman in the Dunes was a fantastic book

>> No.5904088

/lit/, get out.

>> No.5904117

Too bad for you LN are /a/ and /jp/. Though, mostly /a/.

>> No.5905746
File: 70 KB, 453x342, 1281368651160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5905781

Why did some self-proclaimed "literature experts" invade this thread? I read LNs for the same reasons I watch anime or read manga, to be entertained and for weeaboo purposes. It's not like I'm expecting Dostoyevsky esque bullshit when I read them.

I've read all of Dumas, dostoyevsky most shakespeare's works (shit) and still read a lots of contemporary literature even today yet I find myself reading LNs, what now faggot?

>> No.5905810
File: 17 KB, 470x376, Dispair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You dipshit.

>> No.5905971

They were actually /jp/, but just shortly after the split a spree of LN anime adaptations came, and it became impossible to speak of those without people mentioning the anime adaptations.

The majority of LNs don't have anime adaptations though and many of them don't even have images.

>> No.5906418

>implying Kino no tabi isn't worth reading
no, just no.
But I really didn't expect the last twist in zaregoto.

>> No.5906446


>> No.5906451

Fuck you, Shakespeare invented reverse traps

>> No.5906530

not really, there's plenty of myths and legends about women crossdressing

>> No.5906842

I was talking about the "herp derp literary worth" people.
