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5897030 No.5897030 [Reply] [Original]

Jaybee, I need your help.

For a year and a half, I've been leading your typical NEET life. Barely going outside, only watching anime, playing vidya, reading VNs and browsing /jp/. Honestly, it was the life I always wanted to live, and I was seriously happy like this, I don't require much more of my life. But in the meantime, I also started to learn After Effects, and I think that actually learning something was my first mistake. Thanks to some guy taking a look at some of my works, he now wants to hire me to work with him. Of course, my parents demand that I accept since I've been leeching for so long.

I don't want to leave my NEET life, but it seems this time I really have no fucking option. So my question is to the ones who were once a lost soul, but got into doing something: WHAT THE FUCK SHOULD I DO? Am I gradually going to stop enjoying my hobbies because I have no more time? Please guys, I know /jp/ is all about taking it easy and shits and giggles, but this time I'm fucking scared.


>> No.5897036


>> No.5897035
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>> No.5897038

I really, really am. Couldn't even get some goddamn sleep.

>> No.5897042

What do you do, OP? Are you an artist or something? Web designer?

>> No.5897043

I am so proud of you son. You got a job doing something you enjoy.

>> No.5897044
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>> No.5897046
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Jesus christ, OP...

>> No.5897051

I wish I had a job.

>> No.5897052

inquire about the hours
inquire about the pay
think if the time invested and money earned will be worth the fact that you can now buy tons of figures or whatever

Look, jobs are scarce as is. I think most of us want to live our NEET lifestyle forever. I know, for a fact, this is not possible. I was forced to get a job or go back to college. If not, get kicked out. That would mean live on the street. You're getting a job, without you having to anything for it. This is more than most normals would ever get thrown on their path. Just make a decision with no predjudice in your mind. I think that's best. Unless your parents are filthy rich, this lifestyle won't last anyway.

>> No.5897054

You need money to afford any lifestyle. You need to work enough to gain some money, then you can take a break for some time and take it easy everyday. You'll have much less time for your hobbies while you work though, obviously.

>> No.5897058

me too,

I work seasonal so nothing until fall besides random security gigs and bouncing on busy weekends.

>> No.5897059

I do not think you know what NEET actually means.

>> No.5897056

Depends on how much you'd make and your other prospects. If you have some kind of higher education and could theoretically get a better job offer than the one you're looking at if you really tried, then I'd hold off on the offer you're losing sleep over.

I mean, if it's enough for you to be able to sustain yourself on your own comfortably then by all means do it. Living on your own successfully makes you suddenly not feel like a hopeless failure, plus as long as you aren't living paycheck to paycheck (which you shouldn't be, because you should know better than to move out if you don't have a good enough job) then you can collect some of the awesome stuff that you probably have been salivating over for years now that you always wanted... decorate your place however you want etc.

>> No.5897067

>Am I gradually going to stop enjoying my hobbies because I have no more time?
Most likely not. As someone who goes to college and has a job I still enjoy my hobbies passionately, whereas I often hear about NEETs who lose all interest in their hobbies. If you spend less time on something there's less chance of you getting bored with it.

>> No.5897072


Definitely this. When NEETs burn out on what they trained themselves to treat as basically the only thing they enjoy in life, then they may contemplate suicide when they realize that they should have maybe tried to do something more than you know, play VNs at the mercy of their kind-hearted parents until they decide time's up.

>> No.5897076

Not when I have a backlog that I'll never finish, there's constantly new stuff coming out, and I still have to learn enough Japanese to read the VNs that haven't been translated and probably never will be.

>> No.5897079

Not really, I just started to learn how to use the Adobe After Effects around a year ago, and now people are starting to think that I'm getting good. I REALLY enjoy doing these stuff, even though I still have a long way to go.

But the contract, is it worth the price?

うおおおお, that actually sounds like a good plan. Thanks Anonymous.

Naw man, I did awfully in high school and honestly I'm a stupid person. I was REALLY planning on killing myself when my parents died and I could no longer get Internet for free. Besides dude, I don't need money to be happy. I know this sounds very silly, but as long as I can pirate my shit for free and /jp/ is up I can be in peace with myself.

I'm pretty sure I'm not taking any classes or working. Maybe I need to shit on the floor more to fit your standards?

That's definitely one hell of a good point. Even though I was having a very happy life, maybe in the future things would get grim.


But /jp/, thanks a lot guys. I kind of feel better already.

>> No.5897080


You're a moron. Go for it, immediately.

The best job to have isn't "no job at all" -- but rather a job you absolutely love doing. Having been in that kind of situation, it's basically the best thing in the world -- you can get paid to do something that you liked doing anyways.

>> No.5897082

I don't think you know what NEET actually means. OP didn't say he was employed or in College.

>> No.5897087

A soul pledged to the darkness.

>> No.5897094

"NEETs" struggles day by day hunting for jobs and the likes. If you were really one of these filthy creatures then you'd never have a second doubt at taking the job you've been offered at.

ITT: pretentious trendy kids that think NEET is "so nerdy xD".

>> No.5897096

Also, "living the NEET life" is retarded. If you have a decent bit of brains, you can do *nearly* no work, while earning enough money to support yourself (food, cheap apartment rent, internet, etc). Then you don't have to worry about your parents kicking yourself out of the house, but you still get 90% of the time to yourself.

I know a guy who got out of college, spent about 2 years at a software company, saved everything he earned, then quit and went hikikomori, using investments earnings to sustain his minimal expenses. He does random one-off contracts every once in a while -- but only if he thinks they're interesting enough to be worth his time. Otherwise, he does nothing but hack on whatever he feels like hacking and play VNs and such.

I only _wish_ I could be that awesome.

>> No.5897098

Can...can I see some of your work, OP?

I-I mean, if you don't want to show me, you don't have to or anything.

>> No.5897100

Not your blog, OP.

Go for it or you'll definitely regret it afterwards.

Also delete your thread.

>> No.5897116

Decline his offer and pick a new hobby. I highly recommend tea as a hobby. It's very relaxing and actually quite tasty when you learn to brew a nice cup. There's no chance to be recuited as a professional tea drinker.

Pick something with a lot of amateurs and almost no chance of being offered a job, like a musician, an artist, or a photographer.

>> No.5897120

I live the NEET life. It's really nice, actually. Though, I guess you can say I'm cheating because I live off inheritance money that can last me the rest of my life.

If you can live a life without working, and live a life where you have to work, but get more money a month, which would you pick? I honestly don't have many living expenses. I don't have a girlfriend to waste money on, I don't have any really expensive hobbies outside of figure collecting. I pirate whatever games I want, and I only eat 1 meal a day.

I don't have any need for the extra cash unless I want my house packed to the brim with figures, so why would I work?

>> No.5897124

I don't really understand why would you think that, but I don't feel like convincing you either.

I see, well, that's good to know. Maybe this won't be so bad at all.

Sure, no problem. I only have one serious video up on YT, most of my stuff are tests that aren't really worth uploading.
First video I made, also got me a invite to submit videos to Machinima.

Yeah, sorry about that man, I'm really sorry. I was just totally desperate and you guys are pretty much my only friends. Thanks for the help, thread going down soon.

I hate tea. Besides, I chose AFTER FUCKING EFFECTS. How many people do you know that work with that? I never met anyone myself. And there I am.

>> No.5897128

>The best job to have isn't "no job at all"
Yes it is. It's just not accessible to everyone.

>> No.5897132

If you enjoy it then you shouldn't worry as much.

You don't have to take the job, but sooner or later you'll probably have to find a way to live on your own.. and if you can get a job that you enjoy that's great.

...though I've probably got no place to say this as I have no job and no money troubles... I would recommend at least trying it.

>> No.5897136

I hate to say this, but do you realize how rude and ungrateful you seem? I'm sorry if I've offended you but you really seem that way. Please, settle down. There's no need to yell.

>> No.5897137

QFT. Not working is the best thing a man can do in his life.

Lol at all these people hating on our lifestyle just because they can't afford it.

>> No.5897146

Uh, not really yelling or being angry, just putting some emphasis on how rare is to find someone who uses After Effects. No biggies man, take it easy.

>> No.5897154

>Pick something with a lot of amateurs and almost no chance of being offered a job, like a musician, an artist, or a photographer.

Is that true? I've been dicking around on those fields for quit a few years now.

Guess it's time to be オタリーマン!

>> No.5897164

Uncle Mugen says... accept the job. Think of it this way... you will now earn money to sustain your Anime interests... and perhaps independence...

Captcha: sion GREW

>> No.5897165

Thanks for showing me.
Um, OP. I don't know how to say this but, I like your work. Sorry if I'm being too direct.

>> No.5897170

Don't listen to him. He has a nice job, and look what happened. Fucking Chinese onions everywhere. Now he's ganna go to JAIL.

>> No.5897173

You don't think it's true? You've been doing them for how long and you've not gotten a job from them yet.

>> No.5897177

Well, I can only hope. I just don't want to stop my hobbies due to having no more free time.

You mean you *don't*like my work? It's cool man, it was my first video and honestly I'm not even good with it. I still have a LONG way to go.

>> No.5897184

N-no! That's not what I mean!
I do like your work! I really do!
I'd hire you, if I needed this kinda thing.

I'm not good with talking to people. I mostly lurk. Sorry you took it the wrong way. I like your stuff. I favorited the Eva video.

Oh, and I was in that thread where /a/ sang Colors! That was like a year ago, I think. I didn't post though. I don't post much.


>> No.5897203

Haha, that's good to know. Thanks a lot. And take it easy, we are all alpha male here in /jp/.

Anyway, thanks for the good replies guys, things may get good after all.
