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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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[SPOILER] No.5895804[SPOILER]  [Reply] [Original]

What have you done with your waifu today?


>> No.5895810

I cummed into a cup and left it on my desk so I could smell it throughout the day.

>> No.5895813


>> No.5895814


>> No.5895821
File: 104 KB, 640x480, 1251179308329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's pretty hardcore.

>> No.5895827

*wonders how many actually clicked the image*

>> No.5895828

that was fucking disgusting.

>> No.5895858

I thought it was pretty cool.

>> No.5895865

What the hell are you using to masturbate with, assuming thats actually you and not some random pic?

>> No.5895868


A condom in a cardboard tube, seeing as I don't own a fleshlight.

And yes, that is me.

Someone had to fucking do it.

>> No.5895877

This is the /jp/ I love

>> No.5895886

> A condom in a cardboard tube

for fukes sake, cant you spend 30 bucks for a onahole?

>> No.5895894

Shave you fucking monkey. Sanae isn't fond of fur.

>> No.5895896

>cant you spend 30 bucks
>implying hikikomoris and NEETs have money

>> No.5895898

My dick doesn't fit in a cardboard tube, you fucking needledick.

>> No.5895908


At least I've got one...

>> No.5895910

Of course you do, you all get welfare. I know you all buy figures.

>> No.5895914

Us needledicks are built for one thing.


Try telling some bitch you can pull out in time with your 12" slab cockfags

>> No.5895916


>implying we don't buy figurines and such

>> No.5895919


I actually wish to buy a dakimakura more than I do figures...

Hot glue is nice and all, but I'd rather have a waifu I can hug, ya know?

>> No.5895924

Why would I ever need to tell a girl that?

>> No.5895930


Since when the fuck did /jp/ get laid?

>> No.5895939

You don't need to get laid to try to put your dick in a paper tube.

>> No.5895963

Why are you so awesome, /jp/?

>> No.5895983

she looks like she's enjoying a 3d dick, so I do have to call her a slut

>> No.5895984


'cause of stuff like OP

>> No.5896006
File: 38 KB, 400x400, 1268981432416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5896078


>> No.5896088

God damn, OP, You must be chaffing hard with that jungle.

>> No.5896117


She loves it though.

>> No.5896139

I'm trying this

>> No.5896184



>> No.5896202

I like the smell of my cum.

>> No.5896217


You're weird...

>> No.5896233

It smells good.

>> No.5896262


I'm... quite sure...

>> No.5896433

What, you've never even swallowed your own cum?

>> No.5896474


I have, I can autofellate.

>> No.5896470 [DELETED] 

pic related

>> No.5896479
File: 36 KB, 698x492, 1281004921602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.5896485

You have a very thin penis.

>> No.5896492
File: 871 KB, 717x1017, 9161055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5896495
File: 94 KB, 600x800, cancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.5896502

Trim or shave your damn pubes.

>> No.5896507


Why? Nobody except him will see it.

>> No.5896509

Why? Nobody's going to ever see it.

>> No.5896513

Why aren't you using proper capitalization? Why are you using asterisks to depict an action that could easily be written out normally without making many edits to what you just typed? All you had to do was say:
"I wonder how many people actually clicked the image."

It'd literally be 1 extra keystroke, since you're adding the period. You didn't even have to add the fucking period.

What board are you from?


>> No.5896514


>> No.5896517

Health reasons. Plus, less hair feels better and it sucks to get cum stuck in your pubes.

>> No.5896519

We just saw it, didn't we? And what an eyesore it was.

>> No.5896524
File: 2.41 MB, 2500x1667, 1279872556513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no place telling anyone they're hairy.

>> No.5896525


That is what tissues are for. Also, his pubes aren't nearly long enough to impact his health any more than sitting in front of a computer 24/7 will. If you're gonna bust his balls about that, bust him about that fat thighs as well. Being obese negatively impacts your cardiovascular system.

>> No.5896529

I hate you.
Now I also want to buy one again. I thought I was freed from this.

>> No.5896528 [DELETED] 

Reported for making fun of my medical condition. ;_;

>> No.5896530


The Internet doesn't count, hoss.

>> No.5896533


>> No.5896534


Give in, man.

They're totally worth it.

>> No.5896537

skul camera

>> No.5896538

Holy fucking hairy. Also do you have an extra arm or some shit? What the hell?

>> No.5896540

How am I supposed to eat the cum if it's on a tissue? You ever tried licking a tissue? Shit is nasty.

>> No.5896543

Another White Ren stood beside him and took the picture.

>> No.5896544
File: 45 KB, 300x300, holodoc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5896548


Only autistic people like Chris-Chan eat their own sperm.

>> No.5896559

Weak. Anyway, you should at least trim your pubic hair a bit if you have tons. It takes 15 seconds. Just take a pair of scissors and cut some, don't worry about making it look nice cause nobody is ever going to see it.

>> No.5896561

I could tell you since I'm the one that took the picture, or I could redo the setup and take a picture of that to better explain it. I know this has been bothering you a lot, BOOF.

>> No.5896564

I never got how people could cum in tissues. My cum must be really watered down compared to most guys, I guess. My shit will eat through the most absorbent of tissues. I haven't tried with paper towels, but why the hell would I clean my dick off with something as rough as a paper towel?

I cum in my dirty underwear. I wash my own clothes, so it's cool, but it's fucking awkward as hell when I take a shower and come back to find my mother already took my laundry and put it in the wash for me or something.

Fuck, I don't want you touching my cum stained boxers, can't you even tell they're crusty when you pick them up?

>> No.5896570

I've cummed in the same shirt for the past few years. It's stained and the scent of my semen will never wash out of it. I love it.

>> No.5896575

Your mother probably knows you fap and doesn't give a shit. Neither should you.

>> No.5896578 [SPOILER] 
File: 130 KB, 1024x768, IMG_2031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hairy legs

>> No.5896579

When I'm really lazy, I just angle my garbage can and fap straight into it. Only need 1 paper towel or so after to clean up

>> No.5896580

So, is there any padding there or something? Tissues? Cotton?

You just went in raw with nothing but a condom to protect your delicate little Johnny from the rough cardboard?

>> No.5896584

Well yeah, I know that she knows I fap. I'm a fucking guy, what kind of dumbass would think I don't fap? The point isn't her knowing I fap, the point is she's touching my cum stained boxers bare handed and sorting out the colored ones with the white ones.

>> No.5896587

You're not using enough tissues.

>> No.5896588
File: 48 KB, 294x346, hurl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5896590


You slid out naked, covered in blood, amniotic fluids, and feces, from your mother's vagina.

Or if you were C-sectioned out, they ripped out out of your mothers womb covered in blood and amniotic fluid.

I really don't think she cares.

>> No.5896598
File: 222 KB, 600x600, 1263504772489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5896600 [SPOILER] 
File: 650 KB, 1075x1433, 1279124598784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a video of what someone else did with my waifu.
http://www.mediafire.com/?tntzdy5mzjzeln2 pw bukkake

>> No.5896602

Your mom fucked your dad, bro.

>> No.5896605


>> No.5896609

I really don't want to download a random file just for semenonfig. Thanks for the thought, though.

>> No.5896611

They spilled yogurt on Sanae? How wasteful.

>> No.5896612
File: 18 KB, 195x195, 1252255390215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck dude.

>> No.5896614


>> No.5896628
File: 138 KB, 700x394, 1268704850484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5896633

So is this thread going to be about cumming on figs? I want more

>> No.5896655


Well, it was about OPs image, then it moved onto pubic hair, and slowly, hot glue...

>> No.5896673

Hi boof.

>> No.5896674

this thread has gone well beyond my comfort zone
I mean I thought I was a creepy bastard but this takes the cake

>> No.5896680
File: 158 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So then you must be new here. We used to have threads similar to this on /jp/ a year ago with no real problems.

Pic related.

>> No.5896686


I like.

>> No.5896687

Everytime I see this pic I'm like : "Why would do that to cute Marisa ? ;_;"

>> No.5896688

at any rate, i'm right about the creepy factor going up a lot when it's nighttime in the western hemisphere, yes?

>> No.5896691


more like this, less hardcore if possible.

>> No.5896715

Im so going to save this and post it when Marissa from /k/ posts.
Not that you guys care or anything

>> No.5896716


How long did it take to accumulate all that?

>> No.5896719

I care very much that mentally disturbed people are taking an interest in guns.

>> No.5896720

I would never hotglue my figures. I love them all and I'd be afraid I wouldn't clean them properly after I'd done it. I only hotglue printed imaged.

>> No.5896721

He seems like a pretty nice guy when he posts here. I care about him.

>> No.5896722

Thank you.

>> No.5896726

[bluetext] It's glue [/]
the fragile truth i live by...

>> No.5896745


Go OP style.

>> No.5896788


That's milk... right? RIGHT!?

>> No.5896819

God damn it, another board I need to leave.

>> No.5896887
File: 8 KB, 50x50, saveme.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5897142


>> No.5897149

I ate some food while watching her eating a crepe. She was very cute like that. I think i blushed and she laughed at me a bit ^^'

>> No.5897156

I like when I blush. It makes me feel cute.

>> No.5897174
File: 101 KB, 600x600, 1279984193662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmm... pretty true actually.
I just feel so awkward even though im alone here.

>> No.5897180

I am black so it's hard to tell if I'm blushing.

>> No.5897198

Hmm....i think you should consider yourself as a lucky one then.

>> No.5897206

What causes you to blush?

>> No.5897224

I hate it, especially since I blush easily. I'm not sure how noticeable it is but an ugly hairy man blushing can't be a pretty sight.

>> No.5897229
File: 59 KB, 530x461, 1280265415551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If mai waifu looks at me, or if i do something nice with her (like my chrismas meal with her last winter)..i just can't help but to blush a bit. I feel so in love. Also if a watch some ecchi pics of her.

>> No.5897232

I performed live for her benefit.

>> No.5897233

p.s. everything makes me blush, I mean everything. I am blushing just thinking about it.

>> No.5897239
File: 202 KB, 480x640, bd97e2e033f3f2dc90e10da6dca19ccd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of things. Music, games, pictures, sister, remembering certain things, making certain foods, ect. It can be anything, really. It seems like things I really care about or enjoy cause me to blush. I'm blushing right now and I'm sure that's because of this song I'm listening to. Pic related.

>> No.5897270
File: 251 KB, 900x1600, 0448edebdd77fb5cfcb5daa66968fdda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amour chocolate~

>> No.5897290


Heeeey, I remember that.

Good times.

>> No.5897296
File: 69 KB, 326x600, 8787933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There needs to be more drawings of Yuki from that video. None of her other fan art comes close.

>> No.5897304
File: 2.46 MB, 2000x2000, 7161601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5897310

You called?...

>> No.5897311

this thread may become a legend

>> No.5897320

...Sure, whatever. Have her drowning in chocolate or something. Here's the source:

>> No.5897336

Am I the only one highly aroused by her hips, hair, and facial expression in that video?

>> No.5897349

Well, I worked out to look good for her. Also a side note, she's the main reason I work out and don't gorge myself with unhealthy food.


I think she looks pretty.

>> No.5897351

No. Everything about her in this video makes me happy.

>> No.5897359

Roger that!... I'm driving home right now!... FAST!

Oh boy! A chance to finally draw sca... I mean chocolate...

>> No.5897366

There's a version with subtitles. Apparently the song is about her making chocolate for Valentine's Day. Reading the lyrics, I blushed. What a surprise.

>> No.5897388

You're posting from inside your car?

>> No.5897404


Say, mugen, you from the Phils, right?

What's going on in there?

>> No.5897591

Not much... the usual rains and political mud-slinging but nevertheless very much peaceful and stable...

>> No.5897635

Oh, so you're home?

>> No.5897697

I really like that look on her face

>> No.5897745

Oh, so I'm not alone too!

>political mud-slinging
Wow mugen, I know I hate you and all but that's one thing that we can agree on.

>> No.5898485

