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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5895186 No.5895186[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm sick and tired of trying to play MMOs with /jp/ers.

You are all a bunch of autistic cunts. The most inconsiderate, the most selfish, the most tactless bunch. I can count on one hand the number of /jp/ers I've played with that are able to take it easy. Everybody else is pissy little princesses who think they deserve everything.

You do favors for /jp/ers, they don't even say fucking "thanks". And still they feel like you should continue doing things for them. It's like you've never been around people before, though I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I shouldn't expect an autists to understand group dynamics.

>> No.5895199

Official FFXIV Healer of /jp/®

>> No.5895193

>play MMOs
Your first mistake.

>> No.5895208


Found your problem, chief.

>> No.5895204

>normalfag gets trolled, posts on /jp/ about it

>> No.5895209

such cases

What MMO did you try with?

>> No.5895212

Oh wow you really tried playing with hotfags didn't you?

>> No.5895210

That's why I play MMOs alone

>> No.5895221

Lin is a fag

>> No.5895226


>> No.5895227

Any organized group claiming to be from /jp/ is actually from /v/.

>> No.5895230


There's your problem.

>> No.5895245

Stop fagging up my thread Mike

>> No.5895249

People from /v/ are way cooler online than /jp/ers to be honest. /jp/ is way too serious business, even though we claim to "take it easy"

>> No.5895259

You're not OP, I am!

>> No.5895269

There is no organized MMO group from /jp/. Hotglue are all trolls on /jp/ and are actually from /v/

>> No.5895284

I hate hotglue

>> No.5895287

Three words: Hotglue.

I was playing Cosmic Break and suddenly a bunch of Hotglues join the game and start killing everyone with their auto aim script. Plus they had some sort of hack which powered up all their weapons to beyond retarded levels.

Even their missles were shooting missles. It was awful.

>> No.5895293

What's this hotglue thing you people have been talking all about?

>> No.5895300

Why do people keep perpetuating this lie?

Do you even know what Hotglue is? Or are you a newfag who thinks Hotglue is from Aika?

>> No.5895303

Shut up Lin

>> No.5895313

Hotglue stole my Aika account and used their speedhacks with my character to get me banned

>> No.5895316

Stop playing dumb Lyin. If you aren't part of the problem, you are part of the general populous.

>> No.5895320

Stop playing with hotglue. They won't be nice to you unless you're a MLG pro like they are.

So you'll have to get MLG or face the consequences of hotglue bullying you.

>> No.5895325

I fucking hate the assholes who hijacked Hotglue, now look at the mess they've made with Hotglue's name. Fucking disgusting.

>> No.5895326

I read on Tablecat's site that he was starting up Megaten again, and got all excited and downloaded the game, made a character, all that jazz. Then I recieved a mysterious guild invite, only to discover he was in the guild HOTGLUE.

I promptly uninstalled that shit and tried to jog my memory of the horrifying event. I bet he and Namae would have tried to double penetrate me if I gone much further.

>> No.5895332

Sad, but true.

>> No.5895333

People still play Aika online? I quit that place as soon as the Beta opened to the public. FREE GOLD 4 CASH HURR HURR HURR

>> No.5895342

One time I was trolling the streets of Lakia with my Hotglue crew and we started to PK some Feonir citizens. They didn't even thank me as I trampled their corpses! How rude.

>> No.5895340

/jp/ SUX

>> No.5895338 [DELETED] 

You can come play Aion with us OP if you want.

>> No.5895347
File: 756 KB, 1920x1080, Aion0008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can come play Aion with us OP if you want.

>> No.5895351

What ever happened to hotglue's maple guild?


>> No.5895358

If it makes you feel any better. The Hotglue of Megaten is the original cool clan that was made before autistics from /jp/ ruined Hotglue in Aika. The former and the latter are not related.

>> No.5895359

Wow, what a bunch of jerks. Thanks for the warning!

>> No.5895360 [SPOILER] 
File: 221 KB, 582x617, hotglue_gallery_43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5895361

Hotglue is just a little group of faggots who make gay jokes all day long about how they want to jerk each other off and eat the cum

They bitch and moan about how everyone else is lame, then they put on their speedhacks and autoaims so they can complain about how the game is no longer any fun.

>> No.5895367

Only the most normalfag (and therefore worst) /jp/edos play MMOs, so it's to be expected.

>> No.5895366

Gray Skins: The Game

>> No.5895363

Are you kidding? Playing with /jp/ makes the games so much better. Half the reason I come here is just to see about /jp/ MMOs.

With /v/, all the games I've played with them have been the same. Four people will end up talking all the time about nothing, someone will ask for a party or a small question, and then the chat will go dead for a second. Then someone else will start talking about nothing again, and the cycle will repeat.

>> No.5895369

Hotglue are terrible people who rape you when you aren't looking and steal your little girls so they can live in their rape dungeon.

>> No.5895371

Hotglue in a nutshell.

>Hey guys, can I play with you this new mmo? My IGN will be somenickname
>Sure anon, jump right in.
>Hey guys, OB started and someone took somenickname
>Yeah, I have it.
>Can I get it back?

>> No.5895374

Hotfags are so cheap. I played Soku with them and they wouldn't let up because I told them I was new, fucking pricks.

>> No.5895377
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>> No.5895380

Typical racist hotglue member

>> No.5895383


>> No.5895394

Wow,you faggots really can not take a few taunts and insults. Nobody is forcing you to be with them.

>> No.5895398

don't hang out with hotgays, come to irc.rizon.net #friendcircle instead and hang out with bros

>> No.5895408

This has nothing to do with taunts or insults, but the behavior of /jp/ers in general. Have you ever tried being a friend of an autistic kid? That's exactly what it feels like when you play with /jp/.

>> No.5895410

Eye was big pimpin' and taking it easy all day long, stylin on everyone eye met, when eye see this Hotglue guy. Needless to say, eye ganked him to prove who was strongest. 9 minutes later eye get a guild invite from Hotglue and eye said no.

>> No.5895421


>> No.5895422

I was playing with the Hotglue guild in Mabinogi and to my surprise they were all very friendly and polite. This was about 4 odd years ago and they always take my opinion into consideration. One thing I will say, though, is how much of a dickweed Namae is. He walks around like a princess and never commits to anything like a little bitch while trampling over everyone. I have no idea why nobody has made a splinter group since he's such a fucking prick.

You guys have it all wrong. /jp/ players are not the assholes. The leaders are the ones who should be thrown into a fire.

>> No.5895431

I was playing Cosmic Break when a bunch of Hotglues starting team killing me, I was almost dead when a member of friendcircle came and saved me from them and then won the match for us. They're truly the best pals you could have

>> No.5895439
File: 516 KB, 766x469, hgaion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played Aion awhile ago with hotglue, they are jerks which spoiled the game economy.

>> No.5895440

I remember when LOYALTY kicked hotglue's baka ass final day in cosmicbreak beta. shit was so cash

>> No.5895441
File: 36 KB, 414x390, 33byG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last night we talked about the future of gaming and how in forty years we'll be able to simulate being little girls. The dream of pouring each other tea is a common theme among us.

We also looked up the skirt of an eight year old named Alice. It was fascinating.

>> No.5895452

"This was about 4 odd years ago..."

Like I was saying hotglue has nothing to do with /jp/. /jp/ has only been around for around 2.5 years.

>> No.5895448

>not afk

Really though, what a bunch of jerks!

>> No.5895453
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hotglue raped my computer when I didnt gave them my vindicus beta key ;_;

>> No.5895456
File: 27 KB, 256x355, sion428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>see a hotglue get killed by monster
>>kindly res her
>>she PKs me into the stratosphere
>>continues to laugh at me in chat
>>my face

>> No.5895463

i luv cock

>> No.5895471

I joined Hotglue and I asked if anyone wanted to go mess around in the pvp or kill some monsters, but they were just like hurrr grindan afk y dis game so lame. Joining hotglue is pointless, since none of them even want to play anyways. They just want to figure out how everything works, find some way to exploit or hack it, then afk all day and pretend they are superior

>> No.5895473

Every hotglue member I've ever come across has acted childish and completely dominated the chat with liberal usage of emoticons, caps, and middle school age humor.

>> No.5895477


You actually had to be in a party with the same person to res ANYONE in aika, as I recall. I also recall that you could not join a party while dead.

>> No.5895478

Hotglue is full of meme spewing faggots.

>> No.5895485

this, seriously

>> No.5895486
File: 757 KB, 1920x1080, Aion0007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MaruQ is superior

>> No.5895484
File: 476 KB, 672x397, khrone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last week I joined a hotglue warhammer 40k game, they are nerds who only spam khrone berserkers.

>> No.5895489

Popo is still a faget

>> No.5895492

You know, I kind of find these threads amusing. I have no doubt that 9/10 of the posts saying hotglue are a bunch of faggots were by hotglue.

>> No.5895496

That is the joke.

>> No.5895498

Hotglue killed my family and raped my sister's dead body.

>> No.5895503

The joke is that hotglue isn't cool anymore and is just full of posers

>> No.5895504

※There is a total of 1 (1) people posting in this thread※
※I repeat, there is a total of 1 (1) people posting in this thread※

>> No.5895506
File: 300 KB, 781x1200, 1281239385276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds hot.
