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File: 600 KB, 1000x615, 12417646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5887877 No.5887877 [Reply] [Original]

So, Blondie and Wright. We've never had two characters appear on the portrait together before. What's their relationship?

>> No.5888042

Blondie is Erika's replacement. She's a 1986 character, and instead of Dlanor she has Dine.

>> No.5888059

If he's Philo Vance, Dine in Dine books was his assistant.

>> No.5888065
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>> No.5888071
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>> No.5888114

well blondie has the family crest and ring on if its not dumb symbolism it's no doubt someone from kinzo's past, the other thing is where they're at

would this be that special guest room in ep 2? or kinzo's study

>> No.5888130


This pics always make me lol, because we don't know what kind of characters they'll be.

>> No.5888135

Blondie also has the butterfly brooch and is carrying a rose.
Say, who always shows up while a certain person is in the rose garden?
Who gave Shannon the butterfly brooch?
Who has always been shown to be wearing a golden ring?
Who was stated to be a servant of the Ushiromiya family?

>> No.5888139

It's not like Dlanor appeared on the portrait with Erika. Something's different with these two.

>> No.5888140

We can be pretty sure that Dine is gonna be a big, stoic, Midorikawa-type, though.

>> No.5888166

They'll be reverse Battler and Beato, because Bern wants to troll them hard

>> No.5888179

So why would Beatrice be hanging out with a wizard hunter?

>> No.5888205


More importantly, why would Beato wear a male dress, have no tits and no blue hair?

The only characters he can be are the true from of Shkannon or the new detective.

>> No.5888218

Fucked if I know. But the hints about her appearance point to not only Beatrice, but Krauss' family and Battler as well.

Ryukishi did this on purpose, I swear.

>> No.5888236

>a male dress
I'll pretend you didn't write that.
Regardless, I was trying to imply that this person is Pony.
Also, it's probably not The True Form of Shkanon, as you can just barely see the bottom of Shannon and Kanon's pics in the character chart, from that screencap on the back of Ep7's cover.

>> No.5888250


Jessica, Shanon, Kanon, and Beatrice are the same person. Jessica is really a flatchested girl who pads up because Battler likes big busts (don't you other brothers try to deny).

>> No.5888276

Pony (explaining the Beatrice elements), aka the man from nineteen years ago (explaining the Krauss family elements), and Kinzo's chosen successor (explaining the ring).

>> No.5888290

I'm looking forward their trollfaces

>> No.5888291

This works way too well.

>> No.5888412

Someone explain the Pony theory to me again? I saw it like before EP5 was out, and forgot about it since I haven't seen it mentioned until now.

Something about Battler promising to come back with a Pony.

>> No.5888439
File: 25 KB, 400x400, 16_white-pony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has to do with Beatrice being her own separate existence and disguising as Shannon back six years ago. She was the recipient of shee yuu agin.
The theory was killed after the end of Ep4, but the final reds of Ep6 have left a spot open for her/him once more..

>> No.5888475

>The theory was killed after the end of Ep4, but the final reds of Ep6 have left a spot open for her/him once more..

...They have? Not trolling, but I don't get how that works. Explain it to me.

>> No.5888510

Shkanon, Erika not existing, and 17 people confirmed means there would be an unaccounted for mysterious person X.

>> No.5888521


they said that even if Erika was on the island that would only make it 17 people. So there are 16.

>> No.5888532

With or without Erika there are 17 people. Erika is the 18th person, not the 17th.

The effect and purpose of the 17 people red was to erase Erika.

>> No.5888549
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"Even if you join us"
"Even if"

>> No.5888565

To clarify further, if they were saying "17 people with Erika", it would have been "Even WHEN you join us, there are 17 people."

"Even IF" means Erika is irrelevant to the count, which is always 17.

>> No.5888588
File: 138 KB, 631x500, ep7cdback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a look at this. It's the cover for the back of the EP 7 cd case.

Look below at Blondie's covered tip page below Genji and Kumasawa. If you squint close enough you will see a 'Next' button but no 'Back' button.

This means Blondie will appear on Rokkenjima. Just by looking at the cd cover this level of reasoning is possible for Anonymous.

>> No.5888602


my vision is shit, can you put a circle?

>> No.5888627
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>> No.5888635


>> No.5888643

It's right there, bro. Blondie is on 1986 Rokkenjima somehow.

So either they're 17th Person X, an Erika rehash, or the true form of Sayo or something.

>> No.5888722

Was Beatrice who Rosa meet died 19 years? And child that supposedly died are selected 19 years ago?

>> No.5888741

I'm not sure what you're actually asking, but Beatrice 2, who Rosa met, died 19 years ago. Natsuhi's baby, who was obviously another Beatrice replacement, also appeared and supposedly died nineteen years ago.

Whether Natsuhi's baby survived, or Kinzo immediately replaced Natsuhi's baby with another which would at this point be Beatrice 4, we'd have a 19-year-old Beatrice.

>> No.5888749
File: 301 KB, 859x1200, 12415005_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile, in Rifyuland.
Another heart-warming story.

>> No.5888757
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>> No.5888768
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>> No.5888776
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>> No.5888791
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The End

>> No.5888782
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>> No.5888913
File: 624 KB, 662x1055, example.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the tip screen

On the "meta characters" screen (top), there's a back button (the purple)

On the "Rokkenjima piece characters" screen (bottom), there is no back button

and as he pointed out, because there's no back button on that cd back cover, it means she will be a piece on Rokkenjima

pretty interesting find, didn't notice it

>> No.5888959

That's one hell of a flamboyant pose on Blondie.

>> No.5888964

Beatrice was on 1st page in EP1 and EP2. Now what?

>> No.5888968

Can someone translate what Bern is saying?
inb4 tpobci

>> No.5888969

looks like RIfyu supports "everything is Tohya's fiction" theory

>> No.5888987


Anybody translated any of this?

maybe what Dine's saying? It's not that hard to make it out

>> No.5888988

Erika was in EP5 and EP6, what's your point?

>> No.5889008

The point is, this doesn't automatically guarantee his/her appearance on Rokkenjima with 100% certainity.

>> No.5889015

Except Beato did appear on Rokkenjima in EP1 and EP2

>> No.5889092

Until he pulls out the most horrific trollface in the series.

>> No.5889116
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>> No.5889160

It's... so beautiful.

Also, Dine needs his own verbal tic like DLANOR.

>> No.5889235

The dialogue starts off with a troll laugh, so I doubt it's Dine talking given his expression, it's probably someone we can't see talking to him (Blondie or Bern, probably.)

>> No.5889252

It guarantees their appearance on the game board in a capacity that is acknowledged by humans. Hence, "it's either 17th person X, or Sayo Prime, or an Erika-like existence".

I'm hoping it's not the latter since I'm not really interested in Erika 2.0. Especially since Erika already ran us through a dramatic climax regarding the truth of her nonexistence.

>> No.5889300

This only applies to Blondie, mind you. Dine is unknown.

>> No.5889307
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>> No.5889317

Uh, given the gold eyes and having a 99% chance of being VAN DINE, I think we can safely assume he is exclusively a meta/magic character. Probably the only way he'd appear on the board is if Blondie talks to him as her furniture.

>> No.5889320 [DELETED] 


>> No.5889340
File: 568 KB, 970x932, 7548cd9714bdcced226619c90c66fc6015d5be66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blondie is Shkannontrice's true form. Deal w/ it.

>> No.5889465
File: 56 KB, 215x184, 1272426941929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still think its Lambda's piece. Some Takane Miyu or something like that.

>> No.5889498


man I hate what WH did to dlanor's tic. Her real tic is that she puts her last word in katakana, which is usually desu, and desu in katakana is DEATH. hence DIE THE DEATH.


>> No.5889516

Lambda's piece? Like, for example... a girl who she granted the wish of becoming a witch to?

>> No.5889548

She is probably the real Beatrice on a fragment where she isn't killed in the past by Rosa.

>> No.5889563


wouldn't that make her look older? then again the milfs dont look their age

>> No.5889572

It's just as you say, the adults are all around 50 years old but look really young.

>> No.5889582

If the Beatrice Rosa met wasn't killed, Kinzo wouldn't need to replace her, thus Battler couldn't have sinned against her replacement, and Rokkenjima wouldn't have blown up. Changing the premise of the story to that degree would render looking at the scenario completely useless for solving anything.

>> No.5889595

Maybe Bern is that much of an asshole game master to do that?

>> No.5889616

I thought it was implied that she became Beatrice BECAUSE Battler sinned against her?

>> No.5889655

That would mean writing off the Kinzo-repeatedly-tries-to-make-replacement-Beatrices subplots useless, as well as the significance of Kuwadorian, and makes Lambda's TIP about meeting the girl who wanted to become a witch nonsensical.

>> No.5889673

Bern in an asshole because she wants to rip out the guts of the truth, not because she wants to make random AUs.

>> No.5890225

Best case scenario, this happens


Wright: Uh...Sorry maam, I'm not gonna be your piece. I'd rather die than be the tool of some troll.

Blondie: Trolololololol~

Battler: You seem like a nice people

Bern is left speechless.


>> No.5890421


Nice story, bro. I don't think ryu07 can write happy ends (higurashi shown sparks of it, but umineko has none). But hey, I am glad rainbow pony story is back on the table again.

>> No.5890441


I don't particularly mind if it has a true happy end or not.

Though I'm set on seeing Bern's shit getting thrown out the window.

>> No.5890450

I actually do think people are probably jumping the gun a little in assuming Wright is going to just be Bern's lackey. It might be wishful thinking, but going from the portrait and the opening, he and Blondie don't really feel like bad people to me. Especially comparing how they're presented compared to Erika in the opening for 5 and 6.

>> No.5890453

She is Bern's version of Beatrice, that's all.
Episode 7 will be Bern's version of the legend, it's normal that she has her own Beatrice.

>> No.5890459

Wouldn't that mean she's the true version of Beatrice, since Bern is bent on exposing the cruel truth?

>> No.5890463

She will probably be Beatrice without the idealized bullshit

>> No.5890471

She isn't the "true form of Beatrice," since Beatrice is Shkanontrice. She's just the actual human Beatrice who doesn't care for Battler and comes to the island for family business. She has been present in every episode except 5 and 6 as the 17th piece.

>> No.5890473

EP7 is going to be the long overdue Kyrie-episode, right?

We already know there's probably a chunk of the truth in her strange birth(s).

>> No.5890478

EP4 was the Kyrie episode.

>> No.5890479

I don't think they will. I do agree on your opening analysis.

My imagination has that Wright will be like a mix between Battler (personality wise) and Dlanor (style wise).

>> No.5890481

Also probably a chunk of truth in her being crazy and evil.

>> No.5890483
File: 50 KB, 431x600, Kyrie-beatrice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope so. I want to see Kyrie's smug face in EP7

>> No.5890497

I really am curious as to what their relationship is, ie, who exactly is Blondie that she's pretty much constantly joined at the hip and seems very comfortable with Wizard Hunting Motherfucking Wright?

I guess if Blondie is the half of Beatrice that decided to stop playing at being a witch when she split her soul, that would kind of fit, but I dunno.

>> No.5890506

In before Wright and Blondie actually have no real connection.

>> No.5890509

Another thing is, Dine's rule practically rules out a lot (can't be servant, can't be obvious, etc), which precipitates down too much. But I guess he will do the same with Dlanor, take out some rules.

>> No.5890531

They're always together in the portrait, on the cover, and in the opening. I'd actually be shocked.

>> No.5890610

Her real name is Purupurupikopuyo-Man X
She's the human Beato that appeared at EP2. Probably the girl secluded at Kuwadorian or her daughter.

>> No.5890680

Why does nobody call Bernkastel by her first name?

Is she embarrased?

>> No.5890694

Because all who called her that are dead.

>> No.5890761

>Regardless, I was trying to imply that this person is Pony.

Wait, so the Pony/Dine ship actually has a chance?!

>> No.5893945

Translation where?

>> No.5894349

Who the hell knows

>> No.5895125


>> No.5895291

It was never really confirmed whether she was actually Frederica or not. I think Ryukishi's doing that on purpose.

>> No.5895621

> looks like RIfyu supports "everything is Tohya's fiction" theory
Except for the part at the very end that has Rika pop up for a panel.

>> No.5895675

Uh, actually, Hachijou's friend is Rika too. 古手梨花 = Furude Rika

In fact, from Takano's presence in the comic, I'm going to assume that Rifyu is putting forth the notion that Hachijou grew up in Hinamizawa, rather than having this take place in an unspecified location like most of his comics that contain (possible) crossovers do.

Of course, with sundress!Rika showing up at the end, I'm also going to assume that Rifyu is implying the existence of kakera and beings who can travel between them (in other words, voyager witches).

tl;dr it's possible that both the "everything is fiction" theory and the "the meta world is real" theory are true. What was it that Hachijou said? "Is the meta world a reflection of the real world, or is the real world a reflection of the meta world?"

>> No.5895680

Dammit. *theories

>> No.5895726

Hm... here's an idea: perhaps, in Hachijou's world, she was the one who wrote Higurashi, basing it in the town she grew up in and basing characters on people she knew, and used Hanyuu as a self-insert?

>> No.5896337

Bernkastel writes a poem for Umineko (that was later cited in Erika's backstory) in one of the extra TIPS that she signs as "Frederica Bernkastel".
