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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5884112 No.5884112 [Reply] [Original]

What do your parents think about you and your lifestyle?

>> No.5884120
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>> No.5884123

Yesterday my father told me I'm a man with great character who is growing and improving all the time.

>> No.5884127

They approve of it.

>> No.5884125

My parents are proud of me and what I've accomplished.

>> No.5884134
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>> No.5884135
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This is now a Vandarkholme thread.

>> No.5884141

disgusting 3d

>> No.5884143

me: what happened to the cherry icecream I bought?

mum: Belphegor ate it, changed into a swarm of golden butterflies and flew away.

me: goddam stakes!

>> No.5884150
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I agree 2D will always be superior.

>> No.5884179
File: 88 KB, 576x432, maybe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey leather boy, let me join your shitty thread

>> No.5884184

I bet if our parents weren't afraid to judge us for our habits and scolding us, we wouldn't have ended up like this in the first place.

>> No.5884188
File: 22 KB, 441x283, vandarkholme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you

>> No.5884193

They dissapoint. They have never actually visited my aparment. IF they would see this....they would probably kill me ;___;

>> No.5884198
File: 553 KB, 1000x1000, sat(ゆきぽ派) - ゆきぽ(派)?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom knows about me liking fairy philosophy

>> No.5884204
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No, fuck you leather head!
Maybe you and I should settle this right here on the ring, huh?

>> No.5884232



Something's very wrong here.

>> No.5884239
File: 72 KB, 385x339, justupset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS. God dammit, I blame them so much for me to end up like this. Of course it's like 10% my fault, but I fucking blame their education above anything else that occurred during the course of my life. And a lot of people may think this is just an excuse for not wanting to accept my fault for being a goddamn loser nerd, but I know my parents pretty well; they never gave two fucks about education, and I can clearly see this on the form they raise my younger sister.
And responding to OP, they think I'm a failure, and you know what, I don't give a shit.

>> No.5884251

They don't care, as long as I am in school.

>> No.5884259

>fairy philosophy

>> No.5884272

You will give a shit when they kick you out and stop supporting you financially.

>> No.5884273

My parents used to take away my computer when I got bad grades. This taught me to play console games more often.

>> No.5884277
File: 232 KB, 1071x1386, c48f29526be4239dad6f3ee292e72b60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my parents know that I waste my free time online, and they believe that I suffer some kind of addiction (and they are right), but I do what I'm supposed to do, so they feel sorry that I'm so lonely and bitter, but are proud because of my choice for a waifu.

>B-295-96, stinotes

>> No.5884286

You guys are disappointed that you turned out this way? You'd rather have become normalfags...?

>> No.5884295


>> No.5884307

My sisters broke off from my parents when one of them developed schizophrenia and the other decided she was a lesbian and wanted to live with her girlfriend. My father cheated on my mother for twenty years and left her. My living grandparent has a stroke and can't remember my mother and refuses to talk to her, saying that she thinks my mother is trying to steal from her. My aunt cashed bad cheques in my mother's name and screwed her out of three thousand dollars.
My mother tells me that she thinks I'm the only one who loves her. She doesn't give me any shit about being a NEET and supports me and even makes me dinner each night, which has turned me into a fat NEET. She even leaves the loli I buy outside my door.
To be honest, it actually makes me feel horrible because life has shit on her even more than it has on me. I feel kind of like I'm taking advantage of her since she doesn't really have a life of her own outside of working all the time.
Thankfully that guilt is alleviated by posting on /jp/.

>> No.5884306

No, (most of) our parents are, and they will not be supporting us forever. Reading comprehension; you need to improve yours.

>> No.5884305

They don't mind.

>> No.5884320

I'd rather be an intelligent and productive member of society than a useless and retarded shut-in.

>> No.5884340


If I had the social skills to sidestep meaningless confrontations and not come out looking like a bitch I would leave this lifestyle behind. I also shouldn't have been embarrassed to run, workout, and study when I was younger.

>> No.5884345

I do nothing but watch anime, playing VNs, and browsing the internet.
When I'm not doing that I do drugs to hallucinate on my bed for hours on end.
I'm sure they just loooooooooooooove that.

>> No.5884364

Heh, whatever. I chose my own way. I became a shut-in because I am fucking lazy and have no motivation whatsoever. My time in high school, college as well as my first working years was hell since I have to put up with my nature as a slacker in order get good grades in school and get my job done. Now I'm free and can take it easy all days.
I do feel bad for the people who were attached to me before though, but I couldn't care less about that

>> No.5884368

I'd rather be an intelligent and productive shut-in than a useless and retarded normalfag.

>> No.5884374

>useless and retarded shut-in
Well, anything looks bad when you depict it that way. I'd rather say an useless and retarded shut-in who does nothing all day except for relaxing, eating and enjoying my shit, not having to deal with shitty friends that only waste your time and work (slavery).

>> No.5884387

>productive shut-in
Ahaha. I really wonder where the overconfidence of people like you comes from.

>> No.5884388


>> No.5884400

I wonder about that too sometimes, but being confident sure does feel good!

>> No.5884401

Can't handle beings superior to you in every way, I see.

>> No.5884402

My Tier List:
Not existing > Dying > Shut-in > Sucking dicks for crack > Being a normalfag

>> No.5884419

Please enlighten us, o ye mighty collector of welfare and disability.

>> No.5884420

If I might add something to your list :
Not existing > Dying > Shut-in > Sucking dicks for crack > Being a normalfag >>>>> maggots, worms and similar >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> women

>> No.5884421
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They just complain a little but its okey.

>> No.5884422

10/10. Keep on the good work.
On a side note, people with baseless high self-esteem like you are the ones I despise the most.

>> No.5884426

On a side note, I don't give the slightest fuck about what you may think.

>> No.5884429

That's just too sad. I hope you show that you love her sometimes.

My family sees me as an underachiever since I was always praised by my teachers until I dropped out of high school. They know I spend all day at the computer and are worried but they don't know exactly what I do. Still, they support me however they can and care about my well-being. I'm only recently beginning to understand how lucky I am.

>> No.5884434

Various work from home options exist, some doing actually productive work such as programming. In any case doing things that are a lot more useful than the useless make-work that most jobs in the West entail nowadays.

>> No.5884442

Soon they will get sick of your shit, disconnect your internet, and demand you get a job.
I know this will happen to me one day... Or maybe the drugs have made me a paranoid mess.

>> No.5884447

That requires having an attention-span greater than that of an insect, which I, nor many of the retards on /jp/, don't have.

>> No.5884454

Well maybe you are just ignorant, but /jp/ is full of EXPERT PROGRAMMERS.

>> No.5884483

I live on my own so there's no danger of that happening. I'm a university student now but I haven't made much progress towards a degree of any kind. I also tried getting a job this summer but couldn't find one because I was such a pussy that I didn't call after applying.

Living as a NEET is awesome but only for a while. Not being able to support yourself feels bad and I am trying to straighten up so others won't have to worry about me so much. Hopefully, in exchange, my parents will accept that I will never get married.

Such a depressing thread.

>> No.5884484

I think all of our EXPERT PROGRAMMERS have migrated to pooshlmer and bunbunmaru.
