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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5882878 No.5882878 [Reply] [Original]

Cats help to numb the pain, /jp/

>> No.5882883
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A close friend to relax with can encourage you and wash away lingering feelings of self hate and loneliness, /jp/

>> No.5882889

What pain?

>> No.5882895
File: 1.15 MB, 1500x1500, sleep2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A warm bed, a familiar place, a cozy hideaway can reassure you and ease your fears of the outside, /jp/.

>> No.5882897

I'm allergic to cats. If anything, cats bring me more pain.

>> No.5882898

Oh great, another emo thread.

>> No.5882903
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An occasional disagreement with a friend is healthy for the mind, and helps to keep it sharp, /jp/

>> No.5882906


"I'm a fucking retard who doesn't know what emo means, I'm part of the new-age internet generation pile of human trash who deserves to be executed more than anything" - You.

>> No.5882910
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Some exercise or healthy game-time competition can help strengthen the body and releases endorphins that make you happy, /jp/

>> No.5882916
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Taking a break from your stressful and tiring job, if you are lucky enough to even have one in this economy, helps to keep you fresh and willing to face the world the next day, /jp/

>> No.5882921 [DELETED] 

doesnt know that emo = emotional

>> No.5882925

"I will just ignore the fact he was using the word as a pejorative term and wasn't relating it to a music movement of any kind." - Autistic Scandaroon

>> No.5882927
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Maintaining a home garden, growing some of your own fruits or vegtables, or simply maintaining a house-plant can help to keep you feeling needed, and keeps a consistent drive in your daily routine, /jp/

>> No.5882928
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Cats and bullets, weeaboos best friends.

>> No.5882934
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Going for a fun cruise alone at night or away from traffic can soothe the mind and consolidate loose thoughts, /jp/

>> No.5882935


Do you have a better insult?

My psychiatrist said I wasn't autistic.

>> No.5882938

Why would I insult you? You're the best poster on /jp/.

>> No.5882941
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Maintaining your body at its peak helps you to feel better about yourself, and can even make people, both of the same and opposite gender, more attracted to you, in both a sexual or friendly way, /jp/

>> No.5882948

NO. Every time I go out at night to drive I get pulled over. EVERY TIME.

>> No.5882953
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Be proud of your home. At least you have one. Take good care of it, invite a friend or two over, if you are lucky enough to have any. Being proud of your home can help you to feel better about your position on the social ladder, and lets other people know that you are confident and happy with life, /jp/

>> No.5882962
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Having a mate, or even just a friend with benefits, if you are super-lucky to have one, goes a long way toward boosting your self confidence and keeping you on a path of self improvement. Human contact goes a long way, /jp/

>> No.5882963

Shut up, stop telling me what to do.

>> No.5882964


Your significant other is a slut and is cheating on you.

Have one if you're a fucking moron, basically.

>> No.5882971
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Helping a friend in need can help you feel needed and helpful, and it also helps them feel better, too. Help someone and they will usually return the favor and help you when you are in need, /jp/

>> No.5882976

>friend with benefits
Fuck this shit. Casual sex with unknown slut is the best.

>> No.5882980



What is really happening: Your friends secretly hate you and are using you for your stuff or money, or benefits. Disallow any or all three and they will abandon you.

>> No.5882982
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Even when it feels like you are the only person in the world who can understand the feelings you feel, remember. You are your greatest ally, but also your greatest enemy. Negative thinking leads to negative actions. Stay positive, /jp/

>> No.5882990
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Why? Maybe that negative feel is correct.

>> No.5882991
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>> No.5882994
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Dressing up in your nice clothes, or dolling yourself up if you're a girl, make you feel great. Head out for an evening at a nice restaurant, or go shopping with a friend. Self confidence is everything, /jp/

>> No.5883006

>Self confidence is everything, /jp/

I have nothing.

>> No.5883012


>> No.5883018
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Alcohol can be a good friend, but also your worst enemy. Drinking in moderation when you feel down can help to lift your spirits, and aid you in belittling or getting past depressing or negative events. But remember, excessive drinking never helped anyone, /jp/

>> No.5883027
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Human relationships are interdepent you are just mad you have nothing to offer, remember you can use people too!

captcha c moonbeams

>> No.5883029

Self-confidence is nothing if you don't have any concrete skills to back it up with. Something that the American educational system seems to have forgotten.

>> No.5883034
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A relaxing getaway to the beach, or other nice environment can sooth built-up negative feelings, /jp/

>> No.5883035

I do retarded things when I have self-confidence and when I get called on it, end up losing more that what I had.

>> No.5883037
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>Implying that drinking is ever a good thing and that people who need it aren't weak and pathetic

>Me talking about weak and pathetic people
>On /jp/

>> No.5883040
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>self confidence
>go out

>> No.5883042


You clearly have no life experience.

>> No.5883043
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>> No.5883045
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A healthy diet goes a long way toward making you feel better, both physically and mentally. Proper diet is good for you in every way, and is usually a lot cheaper than junk food, /jp/

>> No.5883051

Reported for implying on /jp/.

>> No.5883052
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Being alone is tough, and wreaks havoc on the human mind. You are a social creature, whether you feel like one or not. Its better to go out and fail to make friends than it is to sit alone inside and hate your life, /jp/

>> No.5883055
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I haven't laughed that hard in a while, good one.

captcha literacy? backed

>> No.5883059
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That is bullshit and you know it,you filthy troll!

>> No.5883061

No, that faggot is right. Only a complete moron would trust other people in any way.

>> No.5883063
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If you ever feel like crying, let it out. Crying helps wash away those bad feelings, and also released endorphins when you are done to help make you feel happy.

>> No.5883064

Why is this in Kyoto-ben?

>> No.5883065

Self-confidence can lead to self-improvement. If you feel horrible about yourself, you won't mind so much that you're rotting away in your basement, but if you actually think of yourself as a decent person, you'll want to do some things towards also giving yourself a decent life.

Do note, though, that we're not talking about the mindless bravado that "alpha males" like utilizing.

>> No.5883066

Ahaha, no. Trying to make friends and failing IS the reason why most people end up wanting to be alone.

>> No.5883067
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I often feel like crying but my tear ducts stopped working many years ago

>> No.5883068

I'd rather have people not know I exist as opposed to having them know me as "That annoying retard".

>> No.5883069
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Having someone that can share your feelings can help you to overcome them. Find a friend just like you, /jp/ and cry on their shoulder.

>> No.5883076

Crying is like cutting yourself but cutting your emotions instead of your thighs.

Only chicks do it.

>> No.5883079

Great advice.
I can get called an emo and possibly get my ass kicked.

>> No.5883082
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Remember, better days lie ahead. Go out there and claim your happiness, /jp/

>> No.5883084


Thighs? I only cut myself once, and it wasn't on my thigh.

And I did it because I have a fetish for blood, no emo jokes please.

>> No.5883089
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ITT academy-level trolling.

>> No.5883091
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>fetish for blood

>> No.5883094

Most cutters who cut for the feel of it don't do it on their arms.

The ones who do that are attention whores.

Though I wouldn't know personally.

>> No.5883095


Scandaroon, stop being me ;_;

>> No.5883097

Being alone is fine. Being alone all the time is going to mess you up in ways you don't want. Most people here are probably introverts who feels a lot more comfortable alone than extroverts, and can go a much longer time without any social contact, and there's no reason to deny that and try to act like an extrovert if you aren't one. However, nearly all people need some human contact once in a while anyway, even if they need much less of it. If you find yourself browsing 4chan way more than you should for reason you're not completely sure of, this is likely to be the reason, 4chan covers some of your need for social contact with others.

So basically, you don't have to become a normalfag to be healthy, but a friend or two will help you a lot.

>> No.5883102
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Who said anything about trust? Not me, please learn to respond to the proper post.

>> No.5883106
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That's what these are for.

>> No.5883108

This is the nicest thing I've seen anybody do since AoC gave up on /a/ a long time ago.

Sad to see how everybody is ridiculing this.

>> No.5883109
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I prefer dogs ;;

>> No.5883115
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These help that problem.

>> No.5883116

Wow, I'm terribly sorry for such a large error. Would you like me to get a trip so you can heartily laugh at me every time I post?

>> No.5883118

Oh boy! On top of an asswhooping, I get to go to prison too!

>> No.5883122

Dogs are only good for blaming when you shit on the floor.

>> No.5883126

I've seen nicer things on /v/, where people you know actually made a difference in someones life.

No lies, ask verteran /v/idiots they've got some real world saints there.

>> No.5883127
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Self defense is legal.

>> No.5883128

NEETs can't afford guns. If we could, we'd be terrible shots.

>> No.5883130

That knoife aint

>> No.5883131

Also thank you for the advice, OP, I will endeavour to follow it.

>> No.5883132
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Long distance relationships are best

>> No.5883135

Not in Canada

>> No.5883138

I lol'd

>> No.5883150
File: 703 KB, 1600x1200, P2252265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your government advocates that you get brutally beaten, raped, and then murdered and dismembered rather than defend your own life and the life of your family members?

Here in a real country (The USA), we can legally blow away anyone who enters our homes without permission and we face zero legal consequences.

>> No.5883153

You're living in a fantasy USA. You Know?

>> No.5883159


Implying this faggot is living in anything less than a fantasy


>> No.5883164


>> No.5883170


Law and they way it is enforced are 2 completely diffrent things, innocent people have never gone to jail in the USofA amirite?

>> No.5883177

I've heard of someone trying to break into someone else's house and ended up injured from slipping on ice.
He sued the people of that house and won.

Good ole USA

>> No.5883179

Your shield of wiki articles will protect you when you shoot some asshole for trying to steal your tv I'm sure.

>> No.5883196
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good call Marisa,
I just spent the last hour playing "tag" with my cat.
(Chase it around, Then every now and then hide from it so it get curious and comes looking.) It know s it a game because if i stop it waits at the next corner doorway to see if I'm still following it.

Cats make good friends.

>> No.5883216
File: 31 KB, 425x411, sadfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not very nice

>> No.5883221

Better you kill the person trying to beat, rape, murder, mutilate you than let them do such things do you.

>> No.5883229

If I rape or mutilate someone in self-defense I'll be thrown into a mental hospital.

>> No.5883348


>> No.5883564
File: 50 KB, 640x480, Picture0017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greetings from Canada, we are a real country and protect our animu with lethal force as well.

>> No.5884465

what else is in the teaches of peaches? huh, what.

>> No.5884501

I like dogs better. Cats are too cold and distance.

But my dog died last year, and now I have no one ;_;

>> No.5884533
File: 14 KB, 245x198, ketamine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ketamine helps to numb the pain, /jp/

>> No.5884538
File: 57 KB, 400x500, kirisame_marisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just remember /jp/, when ever you're in a tight situation, just ask yourself "What would Marisa Kirisame do?"

>> No.5884540

There are tons of dogs on the streets, anonymous. Go adopt one of them. You will give it a better life and get company at the same time, it's a win-win.

>> No.5884548

that's a really nice figure.

>> No.5884551

Force her way through?

>> No.5884565

Steal shit?

>> No.5884642
File: 101 KB, 800x948, 1278586763615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Marisa, I actually read through all your posts. Good too see some positive stuff every now and then.

>> No.5884670

that's some obvious samefaggotry you got there.

>> No.5885206


steal, break shit, plunder, be a dumb blonde, just being awesome in general really
