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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5871678 No.5871678 [Reply] [Original]

Honestly, all men should be forced to undergo a sex change or be killed. Men cause most of the damage in the world, why not remove the problem? I think /jp/ can agree that being male is a terrible thing anyways.

>> No.5871685

Too bad males are superior to females anyway.

>> No.5871686

Nice Touhou and visual novel thread.

>> No.5871697

If I had my way, you'd be first on the chopping block.
And I'm a male too, once I had finished with the rest of us, I'd finish myself off to complete the job. Women would find a way to reproduce and kill the male fetuses anyways, and the world would be perfect.

>> No.5871698

I wish to be the girl, not the little transexual. Sex change operations are cheating.

>> No.5871699

I only care about being a little girl.
And if I was one, I'd be shameless whore fucking whatever was around, male or female.

>> No.5871700

I agree completley.(or the men that stay should be used to create babies and then locked up)

>> No.5871707

Pikes drilled into their shoulders and ankles into a wall to allow for harvesting of semen from a few men while the rest are killed would be acceptable

>> No.5871712

Then the other option is... oh look, it's all of them have to die. Sad. Not.

>> No.5871722

Except females can't rule the world because then they'd have to get jobs and run government.
But hey, that's why it's called a fantasy.

>> No.5871726

Typical male pig response. Don't worry, we'll all be executed once single gender reproduction is finished like the monsters we are.

>> No.5871727

>get jobs and run government.
But they already do that

>> No.5871729
File: 34 KB, 300x436, what the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sexist pig

>> No.5871734

That's correct, all males are sexist pigs.

>> No.5871738

Yeah, but they'd have to do them well.

>> No.5871743

Because men are running everything so well, oh wait, no they aren't.

>> No.5871757


wrong, you are certainly sexist though.
weak-minded fools like you are the ones who should be put on the chopping block

wouldn't you just be a weaboo hitler

>> No.5871763

Hitler was male too, you know.

>> No.5871764

Why is /u/ here?

>> No.5871774

I don't like the way this thread is going.
It doesn't feel pure and serene even though we are talking about the little girl. In fact it feels extremely dark and twisted.

>> No.5871777

not the point, if hitler was a woman it would still be just as cruel & unforgivable

you're a shallow idiot, judge someone for who the are, not what's in between their legs.

>> No.5871779

You guys are sure getting trolled hard.

>> No.5871788

I'm okay with this.

>> No.5871789

i meant to link to >>5871763
in the above post

>> No.5871790

No woman would do the things Hitler did.
And men are all the same. I know, I am one. We're all evil monsters.
Hell, look on the TV. Sitcoms, news, etc. All the men you see on them? Incompetent or monsters. If that's not proof we all deserve what's coming to us, I don't know what is.

>> No.5871800

I would actually like this world(I dislike being around men)

>> No.5871803


wrong. humanity as a whole is evil, not just one gender.
the world would be a better place if HUMANS AS A WHOLE did not exist

humans - oil spill
humans - animal abuse
humans - greed, sloth, envy, pride, wrath, etc etc
humans - we even kill each other

>> No.5871807

I dislike being around anyone.
You don't see plotting the genocide of the human race.

>> No.5871808

Wanna take a quick guess at who's at the helm in those disasters?
Not women. MEN. Get it through your thick skull.

>> No.5871810

If you believe the world would be better without men, then you support Hitler because he used the same train of thought when he tried to exterminate the jews.

You can't fight logic.

>> No.5871813

>Women would find a way to reproduce and kill the male fetuses
Anyone with a middle school genetics background knows that Y chromosomes only come from males in the first place.

>> No.5871814

>humans - animal abuse
The answer that most people give for this is that they are just animals.

>> No.5871824

Sure feels like self-loathing up in here.

I think you should get over your daddy problems and start loving the skin you're in.

But watching you all spout baseless, closed-minded opinions is pretty funny, so I guess the ball is in your court now.

>> No.5871826

I can guarantee that killing all men would be morally right over Hitler's massacre.
Men are evil, and are always at the helm of the worst disasters and bloodshed. Races are not. Women are not.

>> No.5871834

Daddies = men
Men = Problem incarnate

The best way to get over a problem would be to eliminate it.

>> No.5871835

I agree with you on the OP post but not all women are good


>> No.5871837

I'm all for it. Where do I sign up?

>> No.5871841

not really supporting the OP but...your post has a grievous logical fallacy you know that right?
I means its pretty ironic....

>> No.5871842

If a woman is bad it's only because a man abused her and corrupted her at some point in her life.

>> No.5871848

You know, it has been proven by science that men are superior to women

>> No.5871849

Man I hope these are trolls.
No one can be this stupid.

>> No.5871851

many women abuse children & animals
many women kill each other
many women are greedy

stop being a sexist genocidal fucktard

>> No.5871854
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>> No.5871856

Of course they are.

>> No.5871857

That's only because men work hard to keep women out of scientific fields and "back in the kitchen". Science would advance much faster if women were the only ones doing it. You cannot prove me wrong here, and you know it.

>> No.5871865

But i like good looking men...;_;

>> No.5871870

I often wondered how the world would look like if there were no males and I always came to the conclusion that it'd be stagnant with different, but even worse social problems we have now.
Matriarchal societies suck balls, do not want.

>> No.5871871

This thread is hilarious.
Keep it coming, gentlemen.

>> No.5871875

Why is this thread even here? It has nothing to do with Japan or Otaku Culture.

>> No.5871878

If you are a female, it's because men have created a sort of brainwashing on women to worship men.
If you're male, same thing but you got hit by it as well. This is the same reason men try to get rid of the gays, it shows flaws in the system of brainwashing they've created.

>> No.5871882

My bullshit meter just exploded, and now I smell like a farmer. Fuck you.

>> No.5871883

Solution - Keep the good looking men alive and Kill the ugly ones

>> No.5871885

No, fuck you for defending this monstrous system that should have been destroyed a long time ago.

>> No.5871886


If this was a Matriarchal society, there prolly wouldn't be any balls to suck. lol

but yeah, it would suck.

>> No.5871893

If you think any male looks good, you've been subjected to the brainwashing.

>> No.5871895

>it's because men have created a sort of brainwashing on women to worship men.
Even feminazis know this is the opposite of what really happens.

>> No.5871901

Children's shows aimed towards girls have them worshiping boys. How is that not brainwashing?

>> No.5871902


umm... its called sexual attraction, its pretty normal.

you psychobitch wannabe lesbian with a penis

>> No.5871903

If a man is bad it's only because a woman abused him and corrupted him at some point in his life.

>> No.5871907
File: 49 KB, 500x600, Nong-Poy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forced to undergo a sex change
only if it's paid for and i come out looking like Nong-poy

>> No.5871909

I wouldn't know.
I don't watch children's shows because I'm not a bitch.

>> No.5871911

This thread is pretty silly. Women are naturally crueler than men. Sure, men cause a lot of physical suffering, but that's nothing compared to the emotional suffering women cause.

>> No.5871914

You're a fucking monster.
And how do you know it's always been that way? Trust me, the chances of it being manipulated from simple reproduction purposes to the worshipping of the male body is very high.

>> No.5871918

I think technological and and scientific progress would sloww the fuck down.
I remember having a discussion about this on /r9k/ back when that place wasn't relationshit 9000.
oddly enough the opposing force in that thread wasn't those arguing that women would be just as technologically and scientifically inclined, nay they were arguing that technology and science wasn't all that necessary.
makes me a bit sad

>> No.5871921

Men deserve any punishment women hand them for being the main abusers in the first place. Maybe women wouldn't insult their fragile egos if they all weren't wife beaters.

>> No.5871923

I'm brainwashed if i think someone is attractive?I think both boys and girls are attractive and i think that's the opposite of what people like.

>> No.5871924

>You're a fucking monster.

>> No.5871926

Way to prove me right.

>> No.5871928

>technology and science wasn't all that necessary.
I'm disappointed, those are the most important and necessary things.

>> No.5871930

same but to live in a world where everyone was not just free but encouraged to embrace the feminine, I don't think I could pass that up.

>> No.5871931


please an hero, you weak minded people are the fucking worst, get over the fact that your daddy raped you, and move on you, female hitler

>> No.5871933

I just went to /r9k/ and they still have discussions like that, although they might start as relashonshit threads.

>> No.5871934


Women would just remain in some idyllic garden-of-eden type setting, then.

Males wrote history, so they probabled butchered the story to make them look like the good guys.

Of course, the women would all be naked

>> No.5871935

>Women don't work hard.
You just said it.

>> No.5871938

This is a good tHread

>> No.5871941

Bullshit. What I said is that women are forced by men to do the most degrading and painful work in the house when men should be the ones on their knees scrubbing up the shit they create.

>> No.5871942



Stop forcing your machismo ideals on us.
Maybe the world would actually be better if everyone decided to seek friends instead of getting over it themselves.

>> No.5871945

The world would be a nice place if we were all females.We could all be bestfriends and not have to worry about cheating boyfriends.

>> No.5871949

We'd still be living there if that bitch Eve didn't eat the apple.

>> No.5871952

Oh no, I'm not that guy.
I'm just laughing at the fact that you think you can call anyone a monster after saying you wish to slaughter every male.

>> No.5871954


lesbian detected >>>/u/

>> No.5871958

But i'm not into girls....just friends

>> No.5871960

>76 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.5871961


>> No.5871965


Oh you and your male short attention span.

>Males wrote down history, so they probably butchered the story to make Adam look like the good guy

I wouldn't put it past the cheating and lying bastards we know we are.

>> No.5871968

Where is athens when you need him?

>> No.5871971


more valid points, OP's argument is failing

one more thing, hitler also belived the perfect person was blond hair blue eyes, which he himself was not

op beleives women are perfect, when he himself is not a woman

see a pattern?
i do.

>> No.5871974


You're not a monster if you slaughter other monsters.

You're a hero.

(Or heroine, as it will hopefully be)

>> No.5871976

Suigin would be good right now too
Fuck, even Curry or Arc...

>> No.5871978

I sure see a pattern. You keep comparing the genocide of an entire race to removal of a known dangerous, hostile force (men).

>> No.5871986

Get rid of all the butch dyke girls too they are as bad as guys.

>> No.5871987

I'm a male myself, I was born a monster. Removing other monsters is what monsters do. My idea would have a purpose, to remove the cycle of pain that can also trap innocents in it's net.

>> No.5871988



Also lolgodwin'slaw, but whatever.

>> No.5871990

>genocide of an entire race to removal of a known dangerous, hostile force (men)


unnecessary extermination of an entire gender or species is known as GENOCIDE

>> No.5871993

You do realize the bible was written by a bunch of misogynistic sexually frustrated desert nomads. Also I agree that men are responsible for every war and pretty much every conflict in history, but having a sex change wouldn't change that, since that doesn't change the inclination of the male brain towards war and violence. If you wanted to prevent that you'd have to start hormone treatment on every male fetus in utero.

>> No.5871995


>unnecessary extermination

There's the problem in your thinking.

>> No.5872006

Of a race or species.
Would you be against putting rapists, murderers and the like in jail (all men, btw)? This is the same thing as locking them up, it only happens before they manage to get off scot free and go back to beating women because the court system is stacked in favor of men.

>> No.5872008

Women are the ones who go apeshit about cleaniness, men just don't care about it until it starts to stink. Enjoy your techno gadgets (which were made by men) which make it easier to satisfy your animalistic lust to clean the shit up.

>> No.5872010


doesn't make you any different, you're still a "monster" too.
fighting fire with fire = bigger fucking fire

it does not solve anything

>> No.5872014

I don't think I even have to reply to that.
Just read your own posts and marvel at your stupidity.

>> No.5872016

Fire can remove fire, be it by destroying underbrush that fuels larger fires, or removing enough oxygen that the worse fires can't become strong enough to hurt innocents.

>> No.5872019

I think that everyone in jail should be put to death they are nothing but a waste of life anyway.

>> No.5872023

Go back to the kitchen bitches.

>> No.5872024,1 [INTERNAL] 

What in god's name is going on here

>> No.5872024

Get out of here Kira

>> No.5872027

Without men we would still be sleeping in our own fecal matter in caves. Science and technological progress has been made possible by men almost exclusively. The male brain is wired for competition, exploration and inventiveness. All the grand achievements of our species were made possible by men. The computer you used to create this moronic thread was created by a man. You should chop your balls off already for insulting your own gender like this you idiot.

>> No.5872032

This is not the 50's

>> No.5872035

women are murders and rapists
they are equally bad.




>> No.5872036

Only reason they were made by men is because men keep women out of the inner circle. Men use them as tools to kill others. Women use them as tools to further humankind.

>> No.5872038


If a fire burns too long, it uses up all the oxygen/fuel and essentially kills itself.

Problem solved.

Women, on the other hand, are like flowers.
You don't even need to fight flowers, and if you do fight flowers with flowers, you just get more flowers, and that's great.

We just need to put out all the fires in the world so we can get a perfect flower garden.

>> No.5872040

I can bet that behind every female "criminal" there's a male who's abused her, corrupted her, or is blackmailing her.

>> No.5872041

Not every jail is the shitty US jail. Some jails have education, rehabilitation, psychologists, and even jobs you can do while incarcerated.

>> No.5872043

Further proof that women can't do basic science.

>> No.5872045

If a woman is bad it's only because a man abused her and corrupted her at some point in her life.

>Women would just remain in some idyllic garden-of-eden type setting, then.

Read the thread.
God, why are men such idiots?
It makes me ashamed to be associated with you.

>> No.5872048

Wrong quote, meant
Fucking captcha fucking up /b/ackwash

>> No.5872052


Both posters there were male, you know.

>> No.5872053

Get out of your basement and go look at some real women, you will see they are not like the ones in your japanese animes/vn. They are huge bitches.

>> No.5872056


flowers?, really?

are that fucking stupid?

you will end up just like like hitler did, pathetic scum.

burn in hell. i'd love to watch as your "society" falls.

>> No.5872057

>idyllic garden-of-eden type setting
You mean some stupid plain with fruit everywhere? Dreamily gazing around doing nothing to advance the world while bathing in rivers and living in caves, essentially living as cavemen?

Yeah. Sounds awesome.

>> No.5872062

Not OP but not all women are like that a few are actually very kind(but some of the should be killed)

>> No.5872064

I agree that we should all turn into little girls (who doesn't) but turning a militarist like George Bush or Barack Obama into a woman won't make him peaceful.

>> No.5872067


How old are you, again?

>> No.5872071

Yeah except you're forgetting the basic biological fact that in your screwed up metaphor flowers need to burn to produce new flowers....Idiot. Our species is not capable of parthogenesis.

>> No.5872072

Some people are too manly to become transexuals......

>> No.5872077

nope they are all liars and whores

>> No.5872079

buy an island and invite lots of women to live there.

>> No.5872082

Have you not been reading the news for the past year?
Scientists have cracked synthesising sperm from womens' stem cells.
We're no longer needed.

Unfortunately, they need to die.

>> No.5872083

Why would you say something so mean?;_;

>> No.5872085
File: 78 KB, 698x658, bwahahaha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, seriously that's the most retarded argument i've read.

There's always extreme oposites in both genders, and not only limited in humans.....but well....in the end, it all comes down to opinions...

>> No.5872090


Men just aren't trusting enough.
This is why humanity is falling apart.

>> No.5872093


>implying they will actually want to be near that douchebag

oh, & one more thing, HOW IS THIS /jp/ RELATED?!

>> No.5872101

The problem with the female mind is that it lets emotions have too much control. Isn't there a mental disorder that makes it hard for emotions to control anything?

>> No.5872104

Do you think you being male and thinking that impresses anybody or shows you have conviction? It doesnt.

Go join a gym or something, have some pride in yourself and youll see being a guy is fucking awesome.

>> No.5872106


/jp/ is 'Touhou/Visual novels' in practice, but that's really just the main catalyst for 'idealism/female worship'. Study up, summerfag.

Yep, it's a retarded argument, but I'm male, so could I honestly do any better?

>> No.5872110

>Isn't there a mental disorder that makes it hard for emotions to control anything?
It's called being a sociopath. Guess what a lot of men are by default?

>> No.5872113

If men were more trusting, humanity would have died out a long time ago.

>> No.5872114

You do realize that genetic variation is by far the key to survival in the evolutionary process. Wiping out half the world's population means killing a significant amount of genetic variation. Also there's no proof that sperm made from female gametes could ever lead to an embryo that is even capable of actually being born. Experiments have indicated that children conceived by artifical means almost always have weaker immune systemes than those that were conceived by natural means. Imagine how much weaker an embryo conceived by only manipulated female gametes would be.

>> No.5872115

Autism everywhere

>> No.5872117

I saw this coming but it still makes me sad. Arguing against science and technology is pseudo-intellectual bullshit. It's like going against an universal rule out of a whim just because we have the choice to do so. It's a really bad choice with nothing to gain.
People who think like that ought to be treated the kind of animals they aspire to be.

>> No.5872118


It was originally a discrete "I wish to be the little girl" thread, but then spiraled into /a/ and /r9k/ "bitches and whores" whining because a select number of especially angsty failures who weren't picking up on the joke and seem to sit in the background on every board on 4chan can't stop whining about women are evil because they don't put out for them.

Now the thread is shit.

>> No.5872122


This is exactly why men are so terrible.
>Go join a gym, become awesome
Basically equates to
>Now you're awesome because you have the power to solve things with brute force

Honestly, guys?

>> No.5872130

>women are evil because they don't put out for them.
Because that will make them less of a whore?

>> No.5872132

Let me guess, the ones who discovered it were MALE scientists

>> No.5872134


Usually I absolutely hate that word, but seeing this thread I unfortunately have to agree.

And just to leave no ambiguity, I'm referring to the people trying to defend males

>> No.5872135

This is exactly why women are so terrible.
>Go on a diet, use makeup, become awesome
Basically equates to
>Now you're awesome because you have the power to solve things with charm

Honestly, girls?

>> No.5872141

If only it were that simple...

>> No.5872142

humanity is doing quite fine actually
people output more production for less work, living longer and are generally more educated.
and there's nothing wrong with being pragmatic, one should not entrust their trust onto something that is untrustworthy simply for egalitarian purposes.

>> No.5872146


Tie this in with the idyllic garden-of-eden setting mentioned earlier.

Diets wouldn't be needed because everyone would get good excercise.
Eating and living healthy would give everyone good complexions and figures.

>> No.5872149

Of course. Men are superior when it comes to abstract thinking. That's the reason almost all the great mathematicians that ever lived were men. At my university the top students are almost all men. The professors are almost all men. I could go on but men are superior when it comes to scientific thinking.

>> No.5872161

Anyone arguing seriously ITT is getting trolled to hell and back

>one should not entrust their trust onto something that is untrustworthy simply for egalitarian purposes.

Typical dead-end male thinking.

>> No.5872163

No, they're better at ass-kissing and getting to the top via force, manipulation and lies, while stealing the credit from women.

>> No.5872165

Lol theres nothing idyllic about a bunch of women nagging 24/7. Without men though thered be nobody for them to nag at lol jokes on you faggot.

>> No.5872168

>Implying attractiveness is purely determined by environmental factors.

Unlike what certain women's magazines would tell you, not everyone is beautiful. In fact it's a genetic lottery, just like almost every other desirable trait.

>> No.5872169

Makeup is stupid. Why not spend that money on something useful?

>> No.5872173


>That's the reason almost all the great mathematicians that ever lived were men.

I thought it was because of men's horrible 'stay in the kitchen' treatment of women for the past few centuries, stopping them from doing anything useful?

>The professors are almost all men.
>At my university the top students are almost all men.
Typical men being sexist and preferential.

>> No.5872174

Like eroge

>> No.5872175

Right I'm sure Einstein stole his wife's calculations.
I'm sure Newton stole his mother's work.
And Nikola Tesla probably pretended to be male right.

You're an idiot.

>> No.5872178

Would have been done long before they did it if women were allowind in the inner circle.

>> No.5872189

You know, the garden of eden doesn't exist. Or dare you go against the science man made and believe in your fairytales and hocus-pocus for what women are tend to be especially receptive?

>> No.5872192

Of course not, you're being stupid.

Einstein stole them from his mother
Tesla from his girlfriend (He manipulated the records so nobody's ever heard of her)
Newton stole them from his supportive childhood friend Miss Hooke

>> No.5872198

u got some issues bro

>> No.5872202


There is absolutely no way to prove what could have been.

Your arguments trying to use anything along those lines are pure conjecture and are innately null and void.

P.S. I'm a femanon.

>> No.5872204

because its the truth.
the truth is ugly
then again there is a certain beauty to ugliness
like a charred forest.

>> No.5872206

Men are the creators of civilization, culture, sciences, and literature. Getting rid of men is a stupid idea.

>> No.5872207

Lies. They were all lolis.
Little Isabella Newton was so moe when she got angry at the stupid apple for falling on her little head.

>> No.5872210

That's a pretty jaded truth you've got there, friend.

>> No.5872212

Eve ate the apple

>> No.5872213

Dude women are so stupid, you have no idea.

>> No.5872216

I don't believe either sex is superior. Sure men have dominated history thus far, but only because they have suppressed women for milennia. Who knows how things would have turned out with women in charge, there's no way to tell. I think both sexes have qualities that are admirable and that they need eachother to survive. Discussing which is best isn't going to get you anywhere.

>> No.5872220

But it is the truth; most women these days only idolize money, status and power and will not stop until they attain it for their own and then when the well dries up, she leaves after another rich and powerful individual, acting like a parasite; only giving him false promises, yet failing to realize that it means nothing in the end.

>> No.5872226


finally. someone who is not retarded.

>> No.5872227

I'm laughing so hard at how this has actually turned into a serious Men Vs Women debate thread.

Just kill all the men and be done with it.
Women are amazing, they'll find a way to manage on their own.

>> No.5872232


>I'm really fat and don't want to work

Its okay broham you can turn it all around, its not hard all you gotta do is take that first step. We even got a board for it call /fit/ go look at it sometime for some good info.

>> No.5872234
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>> No.5872248

Most humans desire power and wealth, regardless of gender.

>> No.5872251

>inner circle
Man gets and idea.
He invents stuff.
Other man finds it interesting and tries to upgrade it.
Cooperation between men ensues.
Woman gets jealous.
Woman wants to be part of the secret club but she only cares about men and not about the product.
Woman is of no use.
Even worse, woman diverts the attention.
Men kick out the woman, because she starts to become an obstacle in the way of achieving the product.
Woman goes BAWWWWW
Woman still BAWWWWWs

>> No.5872263

Women attempts to hook up with one of the men
Drama ensues

>> No.5872269

women are gay

>> No.5872271

If think /jp/ might be a LITTLE biased on this topic.
Just saying.

>> No.5872273

This thread was pretty funny until some autistics who probably don't even belong on /jp/ somehow got it into their heads we were all serious and started arguing back.

>> No.5872275

We should just ignore women and play pretend. The Romans and Greek did it.

>> No.5872283

OP here, I was serious, and I've been arguing this entire fucking time. You think I've been joking?
I'm mad as hell now.

>> No.5872284
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For fuck sake over 100 reply's
I almost feel like arguing but I know this is a troll thread

>> No.5872285

Yeah, then some angry rapists from the east came in and killed them all.

>> No.5872293

Well I think you mean the eastern roman empire. The western roman empire got their asses handed to them by my ancestors, the germanic people. Being physically superior is pretty sweet.

>> No.5872295


youre still a sexist genocidal idiot.

>> No.5872297
File: 16 KB, 400x239, THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was serious

>> No.5872303

Seriously? I grew up in a society that made me think this way, but I eventually realized how it was bullshit.

>> No.5872306

Oh, so you ARE an idiot?

>> No.5872309

Whatever. Manly foreign men came in and kicked their asses.

Oh, and OP, on the oft chance that you ARE serious, you're an idiot. Go away.

>> No.5872311

That's retarded and impossible. Every society idolizes the male.

>> No.5872313


At least they felt the pleasure of being cummed inside first.

>> No.5872319
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>I was serious

>> No.5872327

I don't get this suppression of women thing. A woman could be successful in the past centuries or millenias if she was determined enough. Men was skeptical when a woman was determined, because most women in fact weren't, so the woman needed to prove herself first. You couldn't help that people tried to be efficient.
Women just don't get the kind of determination that makes a man die for his beliefs.

>> No.5872329

>186 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

i reported you're thread

>> No.5872334

sage when high

>> No.5872354
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>> No.5872375


WOW_it's fucking_nothing.jpg

>> No.5872377

I thought this couldn't get any worse
I forgot about tripfags

>> No.5872389
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>People believing the OP when he said he was serious

>> No.5872404

The idea that men have suppressed women is the greatest lie of feminism. You would have to believe that 1/2 of the population of the human race is somehow capable of suppressing the other half. The so called suppression of women was at best academic and only in the last 2 or so centuries.

Men and women throughout history have clearly defined roles based on what they were most suited for. Women are and always have been better suited as mothers although men can and do succeed at being child rearers when called on to do so.

Women have very little desire to compete with each other and therefore have left competition in both politics and warfare to the men while gladly giving up that role to stay in the home.

Men and women who stay out of politics and warfare which is the vast majority of the human species worked together in the home, the idea that a man went off to work while the wife stayed home is a recent invention. If you think peasant farmers in the middle ages had the man go to the field while the wife stayed at home you're a moron, husbands and wives worked together throughout history.

We need to stop with the idea that women were oppressed for centuries because it perpetuates this stupid belief that society now owes back payments for millennia of free labor, I've actually read papers where feminists shout that society owes women for centuries of slavery to their husbands which is nonsense.

>> No.5872424

Even if it were true, why would we owe people that weren't directly involved? One of my ancestors might have been murdered by one of yours, I demand compensation.

>> No.5872437


pro tip:

the germans are still paying Jews for the Holocaust


>> No.5872453

You qualify to be:

You get to choose/

>> No.5872458

Thanks for the tip, not really sure it really helps or hinders my argument though.

>> No.5872468

Nope, further back in the stone age in Africa, your great great (X30) uncle Thug hit my great...uncle Ug over the head with a rock. Money please.

>> No.5872477


I hate posting in this shitty fucking thread, but I'll expand a little on how it's related.

What I'm saying you should do, is go tell the Nation of Israel that they don't deserve large sums of money for things that may or may not have happened to their ancestors, as you described. If you do so, the world will thank you, I will thank you, and the Germans will thank you.

>> No.5872484

and nothing will change though.

>> No.5872493

That's the point.

>> No.5872494

But the jews with lynch me.

>> No.5872617
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Precisely, my boy.

Anyway, I'm going to use this shitty thread as my blog for a second. I was entirely sober when this happened - sober as a goddamn Turk. I didn't even have a drop of liquor in me for the day.

I went to a Wendy's for some chicken nuggets w/ fries because I was hungry, and it was around lunchtime.
I go inside, hit the bathroom, freshen up, and join the line.

Then I notice one of the cashiers, a white girl, has twin braids. And black ribbons, in violently red hair. I was stunned by how red it was.

My thoughts were, in sequence,

1. Wow, a real redhead!


She began talking to one of the customers up front, so I prick up my ears. Much to my disappointment, she was mentioning how she tried to cut back on her drinking lately because she kept blacking out all the time.

I was expecting to hear her talk about wheelbarrowing out corpses. I didn't have an autism when it was my turn to order, though - I spoke clearly, looked up instead of at the floor, and so on.

I waited until I got to my car to be a fanboy and wonder if I just got handed my food by Hell's Traffic Accident.

>> No.5872681

Something like that happened to me as well.

>Went to a coffee shop
>Ordered coffee, girl at counter is pretty cute
>Start to wonder in my head if attractive people are much more likely to be recruited in a service position
>Indeed, I myself would prefer to be served by someone who is hot and not completely ugly, and I assume most people feel this way whether they truly want to be prejudiced or not.
>Feel frustrated at the inevitable realisation that despite what society wants to think, looks really do matter.
>Finish coffee
>Head to toilet
>Drop pants to floor and feel the cold clinical plastic press against my buttocks
>Relax, close eyes and feel a chunky obloid slither gradually out of my anus
>Get a good whiff of my own brand
>Thought occurs to me that I should definitely tell /jp/ about this.

>> No.5872696

You should have subtly implied that you knew who she was!

>> No.5872697


She's not the first IRL Touhou I've seen before, either.

There's this Japanese-American girl who works out at my gym, she has hair past her waist and a genuine Hime cut. The instant I saw her, I was like, that's definitely Kaguya. She's only there at night, too.

I avoid her because she doesn't talk to anybody at the gym. At all. I recall a dude trying to talk to her while she was on the elliptical, she acted like he wasn't even there. She also lifts weights, and it wouldn't surprise me if she was into martial arts as well.

>> No.5872719

>that's definitely Kaguya
>Outside house AND inside Gym

>> No.5872726

Having hair that long in a gym seems kind of dangerous, and what kind of person goes to a gym but doesn't socialized?

>> No.5872727


She also didn't call for Eirin.

It shakes one's faith!

>> No.5872735

Are you sure she just didn't get paid extra for looking like the wendy's girl?

>> No.5872740
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>210 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

You guys.


>> No.5872747

No, I'm talking about you as well. GTFO traitor.

>> No.5872751


>not socializing

I found it strange, too. It's one of the reasons why I avoid her. There's being defensive, and then there's just being a cold bitch. But anyway.

Watching her carefully seat herself so that her hair doesn't get in the machine is nearly boner-inducing. I try to avoid noticing her too often, though. Even when I catch her staring at me from the mirrors, I keep my head down and mind my own business.

>> No.5872753

>she has hair past her waist and a genuine Hime cut
Sweet god, arc, I need pics, and I need them yesterday.

>> No.5872764


I actually did take pictures of her. On my shitty iPhone cam.

It came out horridly because I was dreadfully afraid she would turn around and see me, so my hands were shaking and the picture came out blurry. I didn't want to haul in a camera, though. Maybe when I get the iPhone 4 I can even shoot a video of her without failing this time.

I also started going there earlier now that I'm trying to fix my sleeping schedule, so I don't see her much. I'll go back late on purpose.

>> No.5872766

I want to say you should try to talk to her, but it sounds like she'd just ignore you.

>> No.5872777

>she wants to fuck

>> No.5872781

Why is arc so moe?

>> No.5872789
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>> No.5872824
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>> No.5872837

...fine. I will wait warmly.
Go forth, arc! Do not fail me!

>> No.5872839
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>> No.5872850
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