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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5847765 No.5847765 [Reply] [Original]

Searched the archive, couldn't find anything on this, what does /jp/ think?


I think it's got its target market a bit confused. It's trying to to sell the idea of visual novels to the more casual members of the fandom with an easy-to-use interface, which will more often than not result in dozens of poorly-made works, except this time in visual novel form.

I admit, the 'Massively Compatible' section sounds tempting, but 'Brilliantly Simple to Create' is questionable (a few seconds fiddling with the interface and it looks a lot more tedious than ren'py).

I agreed with the 'social' bit up till the line 'Social is important', but after that everything just sounded like a very, very bad idea.

tl;dr Facebookers will not play/create VNs, nor do I want them to.

>> No.5847817

Visual novels are... social media?

>> No.5847863

>It's trying to to sell the idea of visual novels to the more casual members of the fandom with an easy-to-use interface...
>easy-to-use interface

How can reading a book get even easier?

>> No.5847931


It's what they seem to think.

Something like this might work if they were games like platformers or things like that, but the thing Novelstream seems to have overlooked is the fact that VNs are basically books with pictures and music (Even though there are some that aren't, Novelstream only supports the mentioned type anyway).

So it's essentially trying to promote competitive book reading. With pictures. And music.

The thing that really worries me is what this will mean for the VN community if it somehow does work.

Just imagine every thirteen-year-old who thinks they can draw fanart because they have photoshop, every fan who uploads crack-crossover-fiction because they can, except this time with a way to make visual novels.

>> No.5847980

Never underestimate the stupidity of "causal members"
>Just imagine every thirteen-year-old who thinks they can draw fanart because they have photoshop, every fan who uploads crack-crossover-fiction because they can, except this time with a way to make visual novels.
That sounds...horrible..

>> No.5848003

So you mean like Ren'py and Studio Mugenjohncel?

>> No.5848019


At least Ren'py scared some people off with the pure script interface.

And Mugen... is a prime example of the sort of stuff I fear will be produced by the bucketload if this takes off.
Except at least Mugen has decent art.

>> No.5848038
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>-having rewards that keep readers coming back. They'll be able to see scores, achievements, rankings and comparisons to friends. Readers will want to get higher scores, and they'll be able to get them by reading more of your visual novels.

What the fuck.

>> No.5848062

not my thing but it sounds like a NOVEL idea

>> No.5848147

oh man OH MAN

i cant even begin to imagine what happens in the head of whoever decide to make something like this. what the fuck

>> No.5848159

This is a terrible idea and I hope it dies and everyone involved with it goes bankrupt, and gets sued.

>> No.5848211

I would invest $40,000 into this to see delicious /jp/ tears.

>> No.5848223


That sort of thought process is exactly why you don't have $40,000 to throw around.

>> No.5848311

The format of the VN, especially the kind we like around these parts, is not social. They are read in solitude. At most, they are discussed from anonymity and pseudonymity.

Now, streaming has many benefits, mostly for the publisher. It's the ultimate DRM*. It means instant access for the customer. It means they can do time based subscription models, pay-per-minute/hour/month/page etc.

It means zero privacy. All your interactions with the VN will be tracked by the host. Given the barely interactive nature of the medium, the information they can gather is scant. But they'll know what routes you pick, in what order, your reading speed, how long you spend on certain scenes.

Your personal information needs to be in their possession, if this is commercial. That could get sold (in case of bankruptcy, this collection is a most valuable asset that will be transferred to the creditor), stolen, or seized by a government.

Streaming is much less censorship-resistant than traditional (even digital) distribution. The publisher giveth, the publisher can taketh away. (See Amazon's Kindle. It's not even a streaming service, but they remotely deleted some ebooks (unauthorised copies of George Orwell novels, lol) that people bought; they promised to never do it again unless they have to.) Because you're being sold a service, not a product.

I don't think it's a no-go-area. Just keep traditional software distribution, and don't use it for 'unusual' porn. I can see it taking off if some major author and illustrator choose to exclusively use streaming to get some VN out. Why'd they do that? I dunno.

(*Though for VNs, even with perfect DRM, pirated versions of a substandard but readable quality can be produced through donkey work: just read through and record the screen.)

>> No.5848329
File: 258 KB, 803x603, thefuture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the future of VNs.

>> No.5848351


You forgot to mention the fact the main site has that VN on its freaking front page.

>> No.5848369

>I can see it taking off if some major author and illustrator choose to exclusively use streaming to get some VN out.

Fuck, you're right.

Also, my stance is that it seems a somewhat decent idea for distribution (Minus the entire 'get points, competetitive reading' aspect), but I am just very worried about the consequences of the public having access to this easy-to-use kit for creating and publishing VNs.

>> No.5848401

Eroge is the very antithesis of social media. It's a niche medium for outcasts, losers, and perverts. This will never work. And I'm glad it won't.

>> No.5848415


you look like you have something against VN readers.

>> No.5848420


>Unified Save Screen for all VNs
>Notify friends of VN progress
>Easily Browse / Read VN Immediately
>Forum/Private Group per Visual Novel (Company)
>Share Fanfiction (Both text only and VN Fanfiction)
>Share Doujins
>Integrated Reviews/Ratings

Do you even need this extra crap on the engine?

>> No.5848438

What effect will they have? Unskilled amateurs will make crappy VNs. They're already drawing crappy pictures and writing shitty fanfiction. As long as we can recognise shit as shit, and decent stuff as worthwhile, what's the issue?

If novelstream is stuffed with ren'py-level crap (it will be) then professionals will stay away. They'll make their own curated platforms, and the money will follow them.

Not sure about the near-professionals, the more-skilled independents. If they start with the rabble they may grow attached to them, and let themselves be stuck down at their level.

There will be middle-ground platforms. It's a free market. More or less.

>> No.5848441 [DELETED] 

does it loads for anyone?

>> No.5848448

I really don't.

>> No.5848463

Visual Novels on
This is so retarded a predicament it has to bomb. But you never know these days. And I didn't even touch that you stream that stuff from their site. You have no control over your content and it might even, though this is a worst case speculation, add-ridden.

Who in their right mind comes up with that and thinks that's what we all were waiting for?

>> No.5848492

That's not fair. If I could read VNs on an ipad, it would tottally be worth buying one for halve the current price

>> No.5848508

Let's go through them in detail!

Irrelevant. In games, these are recognitions of acts of skill. They are all different from each other. In VNs, completing them is trivial. Reading and navigating a tree structure. It's just donkey work. And it's the same for every single title.
See above. VNs are not a matter of skill.
>Unified Save Screen for all VNs
Actually, not a bad idea.
>Notify friends of VN progress
No, fuck off, I can do this privately by any method of communication.
>Easily Browse / Read VN Immediately
Folder full of shortcuts.
>Forum/Private Group per Visual Novel (Company)
>Share Fanfiction (Both text only and VN Fanfiction)
Not interested.
>Share Doujins
What the fuck does this even mean if not the above?
>Integrated Reviews/Ratings
I'd rather that be independently sourced. Conflict of interest, eh?

>> No.5848525


It makes it harder for good stuff to come to light.

Think of fanfiction.
When was the last time you seriously considered reading a long fanfic to see if it's any good?
I'll confess that I am often put off by length when I have no idea of quality.

At the moment, the mentality is different because VNs are rarer.
When you see an interesting premise, you read it. Even premises you're not particularly interested in but get good reviews (since a decent amount of the rest of community has reasonable taste), you'd play.
Because there is less fanfiction-level trash out there, we are more willing to look at works because there is less of a chance of it being so.

Another effect is that we'll be drawn to VNs with pretty art to try and have to filter out anything with sub-par visuals just because in the sheer sea of fan material we need some sort of initial filter.
This gives preference to the idiots who can draw but can't form two sentences without an emoticon or kawaii word.
VNs with great story but less than perfect art are ignored and left with the rabble.

>> No.5848568 [DELETED] 

>if it's any good
I can usually decide that in less than a second.
(Situations where I can't do that include being asleep, having drunk too much and being on drugs.)

>> No.5848597


But what about having just a link and a one-line-premise?
In a sea of links and premises, would you give the time of day to something generic-sounding?

Generic-sounding does mean generic story more often than not, but then you have gems like Kikokugai that are simple premises done very well.

>> No.5848615

I have never been into reading fanfiction, your example is not familiar to me.

I would extend your analogy to fiction in general. For professional writing, there's a huge outward indicator of quality: actually being published. Having a physical copy in retail.

With these speculated streaming VNs: for starters, look at the production values. You mention the possibility of good art combined with shitty story. Yeah, well, what can you do.

You can read reviews, listen for word of mouth, etc. We at /jp/ will help you find the good shit. Trust us, bro.

Right now, VNs aren't rare. It's translations that are rare. Being chosen for translation is a sort of quality filter (in b4 it filters pure shit only). But we're talking about original English language VNs, are we? There are tons out there.

What was my point again? Yeah, it's possible to filter through the shit.

>> No.5848674

>VNs with great story but less than perfect art are ignored and left with the rabble.
Didn't see this line. Yeah, it's a shame. But isn't that the situation right now? Is there an OEL VNDB?

Oh, hey, didn't know that. Now I really don't know how good this site is for finding opinions. Doesn't seem to have a dedicated review section.

>> No.5848692


My god, a post with legitimate reasons for making friends on /jp/.

I suppose those are some pretty good points, but...
(Beyond this point is a bunch of personal opinion and feelings that nobody will care about - skip if you wish)
Something about this still makes me feel uneasy.
Like there's some major consequence that you've glossed over and is at the back of my head trying to sound klaxons. I just can't place it...

>> No.5848740

You might be onto something. I'm reminded of the sentiment expressed here:
Talks about the decline of art as a consequence of the masses gaining power. And indie games.

>> No.5852598


>> No.5853923 [DELETED] 

Why would you bump this?

>> No.5855758 [DELETED] 

Yeah, I'm wondering that as well.

>> No.5855954

The idea of streaming isn't that bad, I'll give them that much. But "competitive reading"? What were they thinking? You can't turn books into Farm Ville.

>> No.5859105

becuse it's the future

>> No.5861553 [DELETED] 
File: 178 KB, 772x526, thefuture2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5862280
File: 269 KB, 150x150, 95_off.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, moderator. I love you too. Please go die in a fire, okay?

>> No.5862414

So, since there were a lot of earlier threads about ren'py, even back on /a/. What I can't understand is... Why not just use (o)nscripter?

>> No.5862424

More difficult for basic functionality. I'd have to actually look up how to display sprites, in Renpy it's really simple.

>> No.5866085

Hey jp, I typed about 60% of that, so I can answer your questions.

> On achievements, etc.
It's not supposed to be competitive reading. It's like CG galleries, you get an in-vn reward for doing certain things. Only this time instead of galleries that only you can see, they're on your profile, and you can brag about them in public.

If you don't care, then set your achievements to private.

> I admit, the 'Massively Compatible' section sounds tempting, but 'Brilliantly Simple to Create' is questionable (a few seconds fiddling with the interface and it looks a lot more tedious than ren'py).

Hey if you think the UI is lacking, then use the script:

> ads
No ads man.

> Fanfiction
The fanfiction 'feature' is aimed towards publishers. Fanfiction enhances the longevity of a franchise and community, provided they're good ofc. Sort of like mods do for video games or doujins for anime, or w/e,

If you don't like it, you don't have to read it. Some are crap, but we have a good voting system so you can filter for the best.

> Integrated reviews, conflict of interest?
It's not us who's writing the reviews, it's the users. It's like Amazon having reviews for the products on their stores. It's easy to filter by scores and recommendations. I hate shit as much as anyone else.

The idea behind this is so that good writers who are too intimidated by existing VN setups can use this. If more people write VNs, there will be more quality as well as more shit, and for the shit you can just filter them out.

> social, eroge for losers etc
Visual novels as a medium is bigger than eroge. There are also loads of otome games and other types of vns that people love with social with.

>> No.5866107

>Folder full of shortcuts.
Not the same thing bro. When you see a VN you might be interested in, you can open it up and in 5 seconds see if you want to read it. If not then you hit close and move away.

For existing stuff you would have to buy/dl/install it first... and then trying out VNs become a chore.

>>Irrelevant. In games, these are recognitions of acts of skill. They are all different from each other. In VNs, completing them is trivial. Reading and navigating a tree structure. It's just donkey work. And it's the same for every single title.

The achievement is not for how well you finish a route or w/e, but as a reward for finishing it. Even if it's donkey work it's still nice to see a pretty badge at the end.

Anyone here ever heard of stackoverflow.com?


Write a review there. Also if dandygirl was on NovelStream you would be able to read it immediately. No download = more ppl read.

Yell at me if I missed answering someone.

>> No.5866137
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>> No.5868097


>> No.5868159

I appreciate your reply.

I haven't heard of stackoverflow. I'm looking at it now, it looks like a pretty damn good idea. What's it got to do with this?

I'm still irked at the idea of people bragging over medals for donkey work. I'll just ignore it, like I ignore the feature on Steam and Xbox Live. No problem I guess.

Are you going to allow adult content on your servers?

>> No.5868431

Hell no

>> No.5868442

Sounds pretty awesome to me, and did i read it right that Crescendo is being ported to that engine?

Man, the last 4 weeks i have been bored as hell at work, if i could read crescendo on my phone while at work, that would have been awesome.

I hope this works out, and more vn's will get ported, and some good new ones get done.

>> No.5868662
File: 1020 KB, 1024x768, he sure is.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is, if you've read any OELVNs, you'll notice that 99.9% of them is garbage.

>> No.5868670

But there are probably under 1000 of them.

>> No.5868738


>The idea behind this is so that good writers who are too intimidated by existing VN setups can use this. If more people write VNs, there will be more quality as well as more shit, and for the shit you can just filter them out.

Sorry, I'm not sure I'm understanding your point; can you elaborate on that for me? How is this going to give writers a confidence boost? Because they can hide away bad reviews? Because there will be more bad VNs to compare their own to? Because there are more examples of good VNs to show you can do it?

Not quite sure what you're getting at.

Also, seconding
>Are you going to allow adult content on your servers?

That's pretty important.
And since this is /jp/, I should probably also ask 'What about lolicon?'

>> No.5868751
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>> No.5868756

>Not the same thing bro. When you see a VN you might be interested in, you can open it up and in 5 seconds see if you want to read it. If not then you hit close and move away.
>For existing stuff you would have to buy/dl/install it first... and then trying out VNs become a chore.

I'm not quite so sure this is a good thing.
VNs aren't for people with short attention spans after all, many good VNs need time to get into it, and the extra time and effort spent getting it with the more traditional method encourages a greater degree of tolerance when trying it out; ie. you don't just click through less than a minute of it and go 'nothing interesting so far' and swap to something else, which I can see people doing with Novelstream.

This mentality would also encourage many amateur writers to try and give their stories a ridiculous punch-hook right at the start in an attempt to catch the readers' attention, which will get really, really tiresome.

>> No.5868783

Unfortunately...I'm afraid you might be wrong on that one.

>> No.5868786

It sounds like a promising platform, but there's one problem and that is that you actually need people that can write a decent story. I seriously doubt there is enough talent willing to put it out for nothing.

>> No.5868788

Oh my, what a refined dragon god!

>> No.5868790

>The achievement is not for how well you finish a route or w/e, but as a reward for finishing it. Even if it's donkey work it's still nice to see a pretty badge at the end.

I see, so like the characters on the title screen of Family Project, or the orbs of light in CLANNAD or something. A bit of a better idea than I originally thought.
While it's good on a personal level, I'm not sure of the idea of making it competitive or something to show others.
I just know there will be idiots who will ctrl through everything just so they can get the complete badges and hence never touch it again.

(Yeah, I know, just ignore them, but their very existence will still piss me off slightly)

Also, are you considering a way to converting from Ren'py to Novelstream and vice-versa, so existing games can be converted/we can have an offline version of something on novelstream?

>> No.5868853

>I seriously doubt there is enough talent willing to put it out for nothing.
A true artist most of all just wants people to enjoy his works. The question is whether the people with enough skill are willing and motivated enough to write full stories in VN form.

>> No.5868933

Thanks for your interest /jp/

No Java here man.

Yes, the current version of the Crescendo you see now actually still has some problems. After we fix all the obvious ones we're going to ask for an open beta.

Our plan is to get professional writers interested in the VN medium. Ahaha, will get more news on this front later.

Hmm, the idea isn't to make mediocre to bad writers feel better about their work, but to make it easier for good writers (good writers will be good and bad writers will be bad, vn engines and platforms can't help with that) to start making a VN. We're also making it easier for people to commercialize their stuff and make money off of it, hence giving good writers an incentive to make VNs.

>> No.5868942

I'm working on a VN, but I don't see any reason to use this over Ren'py. And with Ren'py I can do all sorts of cool custom UI shit.

>> No.5868999

So will there be an android app for it, right now i tried and it doesn't work in the browser on my phone.

Also, even on the pc, running in the browser seems pretty slow, i tried the editor for a bit. and it seems pretty heavy to work with.

>> No.5869066

I tried the editor for a bit and yeah, I'd take ONScripter over that any day.

>> No.5869187

You can make all sorts of cool custom UI shit too in NovelStream, use the settings at the bottom.

Also, streaming = more people will read it.

You might have a slow browser. We're coming out with native apps on most platforms though.

Did you try the script? The editor is meant to make editing and previewing easier. IE, you can drag and drop and easily set timings to make animations, without doing coordinate math, etc.

Thanks. :) Yeah we're working on a converter from Ren'py.

Many people are making commercial VNs and getting paid for it. NovelStream makes that simple.

There's some tradeoffs, should be more good than bad though...

There's a version without adult content, but NovelStream is also being used on a different site with adult content. You can upload now and that'll get taken care of automatically.

No loli though. People get arrested for that.

>> No.5869285

Do you have legal rights to use artwork and music you have on your website?

>> No.5869287

>No loli though. People get arrested for that.

Your stance of ambiguous ages?
Stuff like uncensored Matsuri in Family project would be...?

>Our plan is to get professional writers interested in the VN medium. Ahaha, will get more news on this front later.

......Sorry, but I'll need a bit more convincing to believe this has a chance of happening.
If it does, however, I'd be pretty impressed.

>> No.5869320

I very much doubt it, considering what he has on the site (f/sn sprites among other things).

>> No.5869326

>There's some tradeoffs, should be more good than bad though...

What other benefits would there be?
Couldn't putting the premise, a quoted paragraph of text, and a selection of graphics, on the download page serve the same purpose?

It has the benefit you've cited without the drawbacks mentioned in

>Hmm, the idea isn't to make mediocre to bad writers feel better about their work, but to make it easier for good writers (good writers will be good and bad writers will be bad, vn engines and platforms can't help with that) to start making a VN. We're also making it easier for people to commercialize their stuff and make money off of it, hence giving good writers an incentive to make VNs.

Yes, I got that, but what does that have to do with the integrated reviews, which was where you mentioned the point?
Or was it just unrelated and the two paragraphs just happened to be next to each other?

>> No.5869375


Also, on a slight tangent, how could you let something like FSN:Social Link go on your front page?
I assume you want to maintain some standard of professionality, so how on earth did a visual novel that uses the words 'incredible bishoujo' with a straight face find its way to a prominent spot on the front page next to works like Narcissu and Crescendo?

>> No.5869385

Because that is the kind of work that the target audience likes. And people on the site will make more works of that quality.

>> No.5869466

So I took a look at the scripting interface and its faq, and to me it basically looks just a tiny bit more inconvenient than Ren'py.

The graphical interface also seems like it won't scale; just what sort of average VN length are you expecting people to make? Any lengthier than five minutes and the graphical interface is just going to get really tiresome.

On a side note, I live in South East Asia and the internet here can get pretty terrible.
Trying to save some brief script edits took about half a minute before I could check to see what I'd done, and once again I can imagine flicking back and forth could become incredibly tedious.
Even though it admittedly worked yesterday, I tried F/SN social link just now and the game pretty much froze after the first choice; presumably it was loading the pictures.
This could be a real atmosphere-breaker, one that of course doesn't happen when I download the whole game at once and play.

>> No.5869476
File: 334 KB, 943x1219, how dare you tell us we should try to make good games.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the kinds of people who make OELVNs.

Do note that this is from LSF, so 'flame wars' and 'blunt and brutal honesty' are what we on 4chan call 'positive advice'. You can't seriously criticize anything over there. Calling any part of a VN 'shit' there will probably lead to a ban.

>> No.5869502

>Did you try the script? The editor is meant to make editing and previewing easier. IE, you can drag and drop and easily set timings to make animations, without doing coordinate math, etc.
I was talking about adding, I don't know, my own content to the game. I just couldn't figure out how I could add a custom background to it, so I also gave up on trying to add my music before I even got that far.
I'm sure it's a nice and easy interface for shitty OELVN writers who steal random graphics and music, add some horrible writing with an overly generic story and proudly call it their masterpiece, but it just doesn't work if you want to take it seriously.

>> No.5869529

Well the way I see it is, people who care a lot about VNs and take time with them, will take time regardless of how long it takes. Those people don't change.

However there are many people that have no problems clicking a link + reading, but would need convincing to download and install an app. On NS vn writers would have a chance to appeal to those people.

Of those people, a subset of them have short attention spans and would leave if awesome doesn't happen within 3 minutes. It doesn't matter how you deliver the VN, those people are hard to get.

Also, things being awesome in the first 3 minutes are not necessarily a bad thing, and is a well established tradition in storytelling. ie. in medias res.

re integrated reviews:
Sorry I think that was a quoting fail, there was supposed to be a quote right above that line I think. :(

>> No.5869559

You might wish to read http://archive.easymodo.net/jprules.php before people start to ignore you. Emoticons are taboo here.

>> No.5869563

We're working on making more videos. But adding imgs is pretty easy.

1. If you already have your img hosted somewhere, just paste the img url into the script and it's added.

2. If you click on a bg img in the tree, you'll see an img url field in the properties right below the tree. You can paste your img url right there to replace the image.

3. You can add your imgs to the server's media browser. Click on media browser and see the 'add' tab. It gives some minor instructions on how to add imgs.

Basically what you just do it use this form:

And your imgs will be added to the media browser.

It's really quite easy, please let me know if there's any problems.

>> No.5869570

Can I have a clear answer to one important question, streamdev?

What is your main goal with this project? What is the one thing you're trying to make it achieve?

(Yes, that's two questions, but they're essentially the same one)

>> No.5869574

It would really be a kick-start to the medium if someone like Stephen King decided to publish a VN; however, the faculties and incentives you are providing for something like that to happen make chances seem incomprehensibly slim.

1. Compared to a traditional novel a VN requires more time, thought and effort simply by virtue of not only considering plot/text, but visuals music and effects as well. Furthermore, unlike a traditional novel completing a VN is far-fetched concept for a single person. If skilled writers were to be attracted you would have to expect skilled musicians, artists and directors who the author would be willing to work with. Naturally you can't expect a serious author to work with random rabble found on the internet.

2. While the idea of popularization through streaming is certainly valid, the idea of authors looking towards the medium as an avenue of commercial gain is certainly not. If a serious author were trying to support himself what would convince him/her to devote their golden story concept to an fledgling, isolated, and highly esoteric medium such as a VN? In straight cost-benefit analysis a skilled writer would be best off placing their talent in a traditional novel format where they can at least has confidence in the existence and potential of their market.

3. On social networking... How can you believe people will want to brag about how many H-games they've jerked off to on their Facebook? Starting with Cresendo of all things? It shows it's age, it shows the VN stereotypes of Japanese culture, which the mainstream is already averse too, and it is not work-safe. With this as your flagship what author with any reputation at all to tarnish will want to devote their time to such an untested venture?

Good luck though. Personally I'd like to see VNs popularized because I believe they have staggering potential as a medium.

>> No.5869602

(Not the streamdev here)
To be fair, writing a VN is less similar to writing a novel than you'd expect. You need to take into account things like line timings and rhythm, the interactive dynamic with the visuals and music, and other such things.
It's more like writing a cross between poetry and a screenplay, and there is a (small) chance you could get a less money-minded author to try it just for the novelty of the medium.

>I believe they have staggering potential as a medium.
Agree, somewhat for reasons stated above.

>Personally I'd like to see VNs popularized
Definitely not sure if want.
The sort of people who would like and appreciate the typical VN generally spiral into finding out about them on their own (though the conscious choice of delving deeper into anime, manga, otaku culture, etc).
By exposing the medium to the public, what you're going to get a lot more often than not is just an influx of, to put it bluntly, idiots who will pervert the 'culture'.

>> No.5869648

We're just starting, so we have a limited selection of VNs. We needed 4 VNs that have a cover art on the frontpage, and well...

Also I think that author's intention was to mimic SMT, and SMT protags and all mary sues. In any case, please write something better good sir.

About interface scaling. Each VN has 'segments'. You need to chain various segments together to form 1 VN. Once you write a VN, you can see an 'add segment' link on your VN (you have to be logged in though). Each load only loads 1 segment, hence the streaming. Each segment is worked on as a separate file. Also, we're working on improving the usability of the interface definitely, if you have any suggestions that be great. You can also use the script, which we think > ren'py, but hey.

About slowness, sorry we're going to get a better server in Asia location, we're working on making things faster. Also slowness could do with lack of cache, etc. The more use, the faster it'll get, definitely.

About freezing, sooorrrryyy. We're going to triple test it to make sure stuff like that don't happen. Can you tell me what browser you're using? We're going to release native desktop clients for windows too.

Thanks for notice. No more emoticons from me, hehe.

>> No.5869685


Can I hold you to that?
If I write something better, it goes on the front page?

Also, if you're not a /jp/ regular like I assumed, how did you find this thread?

>> No.5869699

http://www.google.nl/search?q=%22http%3A%2F%2Fvisualnoveldai.com%2Fnovelstream%22 or something, perhaps. Google easily finds /jp/ threads. He could also be directed to this thread by a /jp/ regular.

>> No.5869717


Since nobody would go around typing their own product into google to see if 4chan's talking about, I was assuming the latter, just curious.
Did they just see a thread on another forum or something, or were they told personally? Things like that.

>> No.5869749

After creating the first page and previewing it (and noting the lack of 'rolling out' text, you know, that they quickly appear letter by letter), I couldn't return to editing my visual novel. I could still play that single page, but editing has become impossible, it seems. It also seems to have published it.

>> No.5869764

Some other questions regarding erotic content:

1) Officially, your stance is no lolicon.
However, what does that actually mean you're going to do?
Will you let people try and push the boundary as far as they can and only take something down if told to do so by some authority, or will you take the less-appreciated approach and say 'if it looks young, ban it'?

2) So will we seriously be able to get erotic content onto our ipads and things?
Will Apple allow that?

>> No.5869772

>Since nobody would go around typing their own product into google to see if 4chan's talking about
You'd be surprised. I sometimes search on easymodo for various keywords to see if people are talking about those things. Keep in mind that Google also indexes countless forums, so it can be useful.

>> No.5869779

>Will Apple allow that?
Of course not, Apple wants us to have freedom from porn. Question is, can Apple do anything against it?

>> No.5869824

>So will we seriously be able to get erotic content onto our ipads and things?
>Will Apple allow that?
Apple has no control over what sites you look at through a web browser, even on their closed platforms.
If there is a separate dedicated client app that pulls in data from the server, and there's accessible porn on the server, Apple won't like that.

>> No.5869833


Also BRB, fixing the 'unable to edit anymore' thing.

>> No.5869888

Streamdev back
Fixed now.

>> No.5869914

Hey problem should be fixed now, last night one of the devs forgot to turn on some settings after he made some changes.

On rolling text:
Because it's slow in FF we're taking some time to optimize it. Expect to see it within the week though.

>> No.5869962


>Ours goals are to spread our love for the medium

First off,
>Ours goals

Secondly, can I question something regarding your philosophy?

Suppose hypothetically (I know this situation won't happen, but bear with me), you manage to make visual novels very popular, but with only a certain type of group: the type who likes simple things, writes bad fanfiction as a hobby with no concern for its literary quality, and probably rereads Twilight on weekends when bored.
Strictly, you have made Visual Novels more popular, but would you consider your accomplishment a success?

>> No.5870019

Yes, because we'll probably have made a shitload of money in the process.

>> No.5870034


You're quite right about the similarity between screen plays and VNs , but the same cases I applied to traditional novel can be made equally as well in either comparison. As for an author tackling the formats challenges for the novelty of it all... I just strikes me as unlikely, especially when fanfic will surely make it seem unworthy of there time so quickly. My hope for OELVNS rests pretty solely in people who are willing to assemble their own circles and produce works meant to be more than hour-long plotless renai crap.

>> No.5870049


An intention like that isn't pure; they wouldn't win anyone's favour with something like that.

>Captcha: labor implodes

>> No.5870066

Yes certainly. I want good stuff to represent visual novels and NovelStream, so naturally.

How I found this thread:
An IRL friend gave me this link yeah. I'm not a /jp/ regular but I frequent /u/ lol.

>Hentai and apple
We'll have a dedicated reader app that only reads from the censored site.

However there should be a place where you can enter URLs though for reading from other NovelStream sources.

I'm not completely sure if that'll work, but I think chances are quite good.

Not completely sure, we don't have a loli detection algo or anything like that, so we'll rely on reports. Our official stance is that they're banned though.

Yeah we know how challenging it would be. We're going to try it though. We're not going to impress anyone with Crescendo. But we think there are writers and artists and musicians out there who are interested in taking creative risks like this.

>Money a VN makes
It's definitely a risk, and definitely hard to say. We're betting that our massively compatible platform strategy will change the dynamics and economics of VNs. Facebook and its 500 million users are especially important.

>On social networking... How can you believe people will want to brag about how many H-games they've jerked off to on their Facebook?
Crescendo is not a great example of a mass market VN, but we're working on getting those too. Eventually we'll get more and more normalfag oriented VNs, and then Facebook would make more sense. There's also already a decently sized fb VN community, based around mostly non-eroges. We think it'll work.

>Good luck though. Personally I'd like to see VNs popularized because I believe they have staggering potential as a medium.
Thank you, that's exactly why we're doing this as well.

>> No.5870077

>Suppose hypothetically (I know this situation won't happen, but bear with me), you manage to make visual novels very popular, but with only a certain type of group: the type who likes simple things, writes bad fanfiction as a hobby with no concern for its literary quality, and probably rereads Twilight on weekends when bored.
>Strictly, you have made Visual Novels more popular, but would you consider your accomplishment a success?
No, we would consider this an abject failure. Our dreams are quite lofty. We want VN writers to be contenders for Nobel Literature. However, VNs as a medium needs to start from somewhere, and we're just taking off.

Plz don't be so easy to troll.

>> No.5870080
File: 61 KB, 1024x768, 1279057460542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Our official stance is that they're banned though.

>> No.5870092

>more and more normalfag oriented VNs

>Trying to turn VNs into a normalfag hobby

Not sure if want.

>> No.5870307


I believe the problem is here:
>We want VN writers to be contenders for Nobel Literature

A comment from an associate on the matter describes it quite well:
"At least they're well intentioned... but I wouldn't play a visual novel in public.
It's the same way I wouldn't watch an episode of k-on in public.
If anime can't make it into the mainstream, I doubt VNs will come any closer"

I have nothing against your goal.
It might be implausible, but if you manage it, that will be great.

However, this isn't a way to start.
Even if you do get Visual Novels loved by all the socialites on Facebook, will that really get you anywhere closer to making VNs a form of 'high art'?
It's approaching the issue from the wrong side entirely.
So what if the common man adores it?
If anything, that makes the intellectuals more wary.
Look a things that are undoubtedly 'high art', such as poetry and opera. They have a significantly lesser presence in these sorts of communities.
(A quick Facebook search gives 200k opera fans and 500k poetry fans, compared to something like Justin Bieber's 8 million)
The sphere of arts generally isn't something you can start from the bottom on and try and work your way up.


>> No.5870311


I admit, comic books have managed to achieve that, but they were starting from zero.
Visual Novels are starting from an already established foundation of one-dimensional moe girls and 2D worship, bishoujo dating simulators and hundreds of nukige.
It's a stigma that's going to be very hard to erase from the public mind, even if it becomes popular.
It would be like watching anime, or building figures (Not just mechas), or video games.
Loads of people do it and people know they're immensely popular, but they're still branded as 'nerdy' and socially a faux pas (even comic books aren't yet considered on the same level as novels).

Manga is a very good example, because there are plenty of examples of manga with brilliant art and an emotionally moving story, but when people see them, they still go 'Oh, they've got big eyes, I remember when I watched pokemon it was like that'.
They don't care even if the manga's the best thing since 'Paradise Lost', in their mind they associate it with all the rest of Japanese culture, and then things go downhill from there.
Go to a fancy dinner with lovers of proper literature, and try and tell them you read manga, or play video games, or visual novels.
Do you think they'll start to take you seriously even if you tell them 'but loads of people on facebook like them', or 'but the story is really good and it's pretty well-written'?

The pit of 'low art' isn't something you can raise yourself out of. You need people at the top to reach out and pull you up, and trying to popularize them like this isn't going to help with that at all.

(I can't believe I just typed that much.)

>> No.5870400

>No Java here man.

Well I messed up. I meant Flash. Just as bad, though. So allow me to correct myself:

Hell no.

>> No.5870542

I was going to make a shark VN, but I can't figure out how to go back to editing. Do you have to do the whole thing in one go or something?

>> No.5870574

As an institution we're a bigger target and have more liabilities. swrry.

You're using Firefox right? It doesn't support MP3 audio with HTML5. You gotta use Flash for that, there's no other way. If you use a browser that supports MP3 html audio then there's no flash. eg, Chrome, Safari.

You're not logged in right? We can't just allow any anon to edit the VNs. You gotta be logged in to take possession of your VNs.

>> No.5870739

Thanks for your thoughts. However, popularity or lackthereof is not what distinguishes high and low art. Opera and poetry are unpopular because they're 'hard' art. Anyone can follow along to a pop song but not everyone will 'get' poetry or opera.

At NovelStream we're all avid readers and we follow modern literature. Kazuo Ishiguro is a favorite. That sort of thing is our target, his stories are popular, fun and interesting, and critically lauded.

There's also twilight. It's a western reverse harem, so guys naturally think it's lame. Anyone here read Vampire Knight, the shoujo? Haha. Anyway it's no worse in fanservicey non-sense than K-on. But anyway, if VNs can be a real medium, it can have both high brow genres and low brow genres. Just like real books.

That being said though, and while otaku culture is awesome, we're more in this for the idea of what a 'visual novel' is and can be.

Yep. I pretty much totally agree. Here's what the problem I think with renai is. Everyone who's ever made a commercial VN is a programmer or some kind of compsci/STEM major. And naturally those people aren't the best writers. No non-techhead writer would go near Ren'py, and that's the sort of thing we're aiming at fixing, Haruhi willing. Also the name, 'renai', doesn't that imply dating sim? Fail? If you want good, novel-level writing, don't name your site dating sim.

>> No.5870749

I can see you think it's a good idea. I hope it goes well for you.

>> No.5870804

>Everyone who's ever made a commercial VN is a programmer or some kind of compsci/STEM major

It would be more correct to say that they have a programmer on staff. A commercial VN isn't a 1-man show, and trying to eliminate the need for a programmer isn't going to change that. At best, you may make it easier for someone to write a short amateur work.

All commercial projects, as well as most doujin VNs are the work of larger groups. When you already have a staff that consists of multiple artists, musicians, writers, editors and QA, adding a programmer is hardly a big deal.

>> No.5870813

Let us suppose, hypothetically, that I am a writer interested in doing a VN. Is there any particular reason I would want to do it on this site instead of any of the alternatives?

>> No.5870814


I should point out that you'd be hard-pressed to get a pop song considered 'high art' as well.

>At NovelStream we're all avid readers and we follow modern literature.

I'm not sure if you're entitled to make such a sweeping statement about all the Novelstream users (And especially all the novelstream users who'll join after seeing it on facebook), but I don't mind that much, it's not a dire point in this discussion.

>But anyway, if VNs can be a real medium, it can have both high brow genres and low brow genres. Just like real books.

I think the difference is that books originally started as very high-class literature; in previous centuries you'd be incredibly hard-pressed to find low-literature books, and that mentality has carried on.
Books started as high art, and 'low art' books are a more modern phenomenon (at least, books that deliberately aren't trying to be high art).
Books used to only be for the very wealthy, poor people would look up at all the literate nobles and wish they could be as well-read to raise their social standing.
Visual novels, however, are starting from the bottom. Nobody looks wistfully at a visual novel thinking it has the secrets to the world in it, and this links to my main point back there:
"As a medium, the sphere of arts generally isn't something you can start from the bottom on and try and work your way up."

>> No.5870857


Damn, I got too verbose again.
To put my point simply, everything that today is considered 'high art' originally started as something inaccessable to the general public, and hence has the stigma of 'something rich and educated people do'.

However, Visual Novels are starting with the opposite stigma, 'something that anime fans read for the porn', and that's why it's going to be very hard to take it places. Spreading it on Facebook will only further emphasise this stigma of 'a hobby for the common man'.

>> No.5870950

It's pretty amazing you are even trying to attack an indefensible point. Talk is cheap. There's nothing new about having goals that sound impressive while being in it for the money first and last. It sounds like the spiel of a pizza hut assistant manager who wants to redefine the way people see pizza.

>> No.5870968
File: 32 KB, 300x415, 604649-cover_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But do we really want visual novels to become 'high art'? I don't know about you, but I think it's bullshit that pretentious assholes decide what's 'literature' and what's not. As long as a story makes a reader experience something interesting, isn't that enough? Why should we care what a bunch of elitist pricks think of the medium?

pic related: Elitist bastards will scoff at the notion of considering this literature, yet it's the best story I've ever read.

>> No.5870995

>I'm not sure if you're entitled to make such a sweeping statement
Sorry, meant the dev team.

>high art
Hmm, we're not so much aiming at making VNs snooty elitist art, but creating a good ecosystem where talented people will want to create high quality VNs and feel themselves adding artistic value to the world, and be recognized for it.

You're right that 'high art' is unrealistic, and probably not all that desirable anyway.

>> No.5871023

Not that guy but, it doesn't really matter. There'll always be good vns and bad vns regardless of what most people think about them.

>> No.5871067

While all businesses are profit oriented, it's mission statements that tells us how they'll go about doing it.

>> No.5871163

>So I heard you can make a template for people who can't use onscripter/online shop/facebook page and get a fixed percentage of their earnings for practically zero work. Also VN achievements. I'll just tell the stupid weeaboos that they'll become connoisseurs of high art! They'll swallow anything, they even tried to solve umineko.

How does their mission statement sound to you, then?

>> No.5871219


>creating a good ecosystem where talented people will want to create high quality VNs and feel themselves adding artistic value to the world, and be recognized for it.

Once again, I express my concern over whether spreading VNs on Facebook will really be of any help to this.
Would social sites for chatting and casual games really encourage talented people who wouldn't have done anything otherwise to suddenly get the motivation to make a whole VN?
Facebook isn't exactly a site that encourages talented people to create high quality pieces of work.
If you spread this on some place like Deviantart, maybe it would have a slightly better effect, but I'm still doubtful.

I've got no problem with most of what Novelstream is trying to do. It's just its take on the social aspect... is really not the best way about it.

>> No.5871252

>Everyone who's ever made a commercial VN is a programmer or some kind of compsci/STEM major. And naturally those people aren't the best writers.
You'd be wrong to over generalize like that

>> No.5871516

VNs, like any medium, have the potential to become high art. What they need to accomplish that? Popularity? Great works to serve as examples of quality? Those things help but the one essential factor is "legitimization". When an already established writer/critic (someone like, say, J. M. Coetzee or Joseph Roth) decides to produce something using the medium or at least recognizes the quality of a VN, then you will have a start in the path a "high art".

It's not for nothing that people say that the Impressionist school was a victory of the art critics.

>> No.5871553


Good effort, but that was kind of already covered with
>The pit of 'low art' isn't something you can raise yourself out of. You need people at the top to reach out and pull you up

And dismissed with
>You're right that 'high art' is unrealistic, and probably not all that desirable anyway.

>> No.5871658

Having games with blatantly stolen art assets on the front page of your website is pretty damn classy.

>> No.5871717

Streamdev here:
The idea behind NovelStream is to make Visual Novels more widespread and more respectable. How much it's possible to accomplish and how soon is hard to say, depending on how much talent the medium is able to attract, and the zeitgeist.

We'll work hard for our goals but prognosticating one way or another is perhaps too soon.

Understand now. Being oriented towards Facebook might make VNs too mass market is what you're saying.

But without a bigger community and a bigger market you can't attract quality. Do you have a better suggestion?

>Let us suppose, hypothetically, that I am a writer interested in doing a VN. Is there any particular reason I would want to do it on this site instead of any of the alternatives?
You'll be able to make your VNs faster and more people (on an order of magnitude) will read it. If you're making a commercial VN, there are tremendous benefits in terms of conversions from demo to sales, powerful community building tools and a no worry ecommerce setup.

Could go on too, please ask if you need clarification.

>> No.5871730

They're not games, they're fanfiction.

>> No.5871925

That's not a distinction that matters when it comes to fair use.
Even if you disregard the legal issues, what message does it send to people willing to sell their shit on that website?
That the website condones other people using art or music you've paid for as long as they call it fanfiction, and might even showcase their work right alongside yours.

>> No.5871962

so what? they're still using copyrighted images

>> No.5871972

I'll take the easiest position. I'll stay sceptic.
And mainly because I don't like your ideas and goals. I'll make my VN with renpy or whatever but I sure won't make it on a web platform I don't control.
I don't like Flash.
I don't like ``the cloud''.
I don't like ``social VN reading''

And I have the feeling I'll be right in the end. See you in a year or so. Good luck. You have the entrepreneurship, I'll give you that. Oh and fuck that no-loli-stance. Do you even know your customer base?

>> No.5872252


I wasn't quite saying they'll be too mass market, more like 'putting it on Facebook or the like won't get the sort of people you want interested'. Pretty similar, though.

>But without a bigger community and a bigger market you can't attract quality. Do you have a better suggestion?

I'm not going to think about it too much at the moment, but just because you can't get a good idea doesn't mean you should go with a bad one.

Also, since you claim to have typed up about 60% of the Novelstream stuff, could we have a name from you or something?

>Oh and fuck that no-loli-stance. Do you even know your customer base?

To be fair, they're aiming for normalfag VNs, so it's not that big of a deal for them.

>> No.5872337
File: 81 KB, 1024x768, flyabletouch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like another ripoff of WebVNE, the first

What is WebVNE?

WebVNE (Web Visual Novel Engine) is a standards-compliant web application platform framework leveraging existing Web standards and technology to provide a rich multimedia experience akin to playing a visual novel --- all in the convenience and portability of a web browser. With the growing movement towards cloud computing, Software As A Service (SAAS) and Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), even users on low-cost client platforms with limited storage and processing capability can experience the full experience of playing visual novels online with WebVNE.

Powered by REchan IHG's virtualization, relocation, and clustering technologies, WebVNE is enterprise-ready and scalable to thousands of endpoints when deployed on a grid of low-cost servers. A centralized, standards-based RPC interface allows easy access and turnkey deployments of additional nodes as well as management of existing ones in the WebVNE infrastructure, decreasing IT personnel cost and increasing ROI.

>> No.5872374

Cudder parody never gets old

>> No.5872439

This is a fucking terrible idea and you don't know as much about the medium as you think you do.

>> No.5872451
File: 45 KB, 800x480, webvne_bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WebVNE is clearly superior.

>> No.5872462

/jp/ BBM group where.

>> No.5872852

>Oh and fuck that no-loli-stance. Do you even know your customer base?
Probably not you? lol

>> No.5874236

Hey cudder. I hear you're a post-op. Is that true?
( ≖‿≖)

>> No.5874977

No, I'm a CEO.

>> No.5875011

Behold, the Facebook user. See the comments.


Explanation: this article was the top Google result for 'facebook login'.

>> No.5875082
File: 13 KB, 265x265, 1270262082101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, no. Just no is enough.

But, the idea alone is not a bad one. just the execution is terrible. Facebook, write your own fanfic and so on will just end up in underaged kids writing horrible shit.
Alone the idea to get Achievements and talk with others while playing and so on is wrong.

LIke i said the concept is a good one, if you could get some of the VN makers to release it in english on your site, work on your professionality and leave all the fanfic and such out, it can be a success. Leave the facebook and all the other stuff out too, just get a forum and get an option to watch others play with some kind of chatroom to talk about what just happened.

>> No.5875222

"Social VN reading"? Seriously?

We don't have "social book reading". Think about it.

>> No.5875543

>Dear visitors from Google. This site is not Facebook. This is a website called ReadWriteWeb that reports on news about Facebook and other Internet services. You can however click here and become a Fan of ReadWriteWeb on Facebook, to receive our updates and learn more about the Internet. To access Facebook right now, click here. For future reference, type "facebook.com" into your browser address bar or enter "facebook" into Google and click on the first result. We recommend that you then save Facebook as a bookmark in your browser.

haha oh wow

>> No.5876246

Considering how bad the average Facebook user's reading comprehension is, this is probably destined to fail.

>> No.5876276

At the daycare center the nanny used to read stories aloud to us kids, she was a pretty mean awesome woman so she'd read us old folk tales while we either drooled or pooped our pants. This typically was the case until school began so yes, it does occur, it's called "reading aloud".

vc:or homepage

>> No.5876382

>The great thing about playing a VN isn't winning the love of my waifu, it's showing everyone online that I did.

>> No.5876727

>social vn reading/Facebook
Streamdev here.
Some of you are misunderstanding, Facebook is just one of the platforms and outlets supported by Novelstream that allows publishers to reach a large audience. There's no social reading... And If you don't want to use Facebook then you don't have to. It wouldn't be relevant to you.

If you think those things are not useful then you should just ignore them, it's not a vital part of what we do.

We have gotten incredibly positive feedback from publishers regarding social, so the concept is important for many people...

>> No.5876747 [DELETED] 
File: 348 KB, 1504x454, 1280451175981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which show is popular among Japanese kids?

>> No.5876759



>> No.5877967


How exactly are you marketing this? What audience are you marketing it to? What are these other 'platforms and outlets'?

Visual novels are a niche market that you're trying to expand. Instead of replacing the Ren'Py engine, why not augment it, gain its current title library, then agree on a content-distribution/"social gaming" framework that would basically work as an 'iTunes store' for Ren'Py made games? How are you going to try to win the Ren'py game makers over, if at all? Dedicated Ren'py users (ie the ones with experience that you need) will take a bit more convincing than that simple comparison chart. I don't think a simple conversion script would interest them unless you managed to offer a larger userbase, which you'd have to build up for the proposal to be a viable one.

>> No.5877995

Trying to get Visual Novels to become mainstream is such a bad idea, it isn't even funny. Think about the content of most visual novels...sexual. Not to mention you will have people saying "Oh yeah Ever17 is so awesome! Shit like -insert really good vn here- is nothing compared to Ever17/YMK/etc. It's almost as good as Naruto! Believe IT!" Yeah, I'd rather not deal with this stuff.

>> No.5878051

>Mission statement

If you're so dedicated to the medium and the users, you would have improved Ren'Py instead of making a commercial competitor, I call bullshit.

(Yes, despite the converter (which better be two-way) it is a competitor if they go to such massive pains to show how superior they are on their site)

>> No.5878067


Basically, the main issue is that getting the word 'out' costs fucktonloads.
The word 'novel' will divert half of anybody.
The word 'visual novel' only holds meaning for a few.

The philosophy behind facebook games is that they are instant-reward. Even long term games reward the player in small increments.
The first step is the most important.

>> No.5878390

What is wrong with other free (and open source) VN engines such as Onscripter (and the many variants Onslaught etc etc) Kirikiri etc etc.
They are well documented and easy to use (and not that hard to add/alter/improve upon).

And if you have at least moderate skills in computer languages you should be able to write your own engine if you for some reason would want to. (Studying programming actually isn't harder than learning something else)
Why should I use this before the previously mentioned open source engines or one of my own creations?

>> No.5878412


>> No.5879032

kirikiri is well documented only if you know japanese

>> No.5879059

>facebook games
And you want visual novels to be more like facebook games or what?

>> No.5879076

That's stupid

>> No.5879089

how so?

>> No.5879097

Who cares if something is streaming. First of all, I get the most visual novel reading done when the internet is down. Second of all, reading them online is just slower and more of a hassle

>> No.5879120

>First of all, I get the most visual novel reading done when the internet is down
thats just you
>Second of all, reading them online is just slower and more of a hassle
how so? you don't have to download anything and it loads just as fast.

>> No.5879146

Think about the people who have slow isp's.
Also, the whole thing would require someone to search through a giant pile of shit (fanfiction) to get to anything worth reading (i.e. Narcissu). Not to mention that the odds of getting popular vn's on the site is so low it's funny. I would love to crash, no, DESTROY the site's servers and hoster.

>> No.5879193

Hey, streamdev here. It's not about making visual novels more 'like' facebook games, but allowing publishers to put their VNs up on facebook as facebook games, allowing them to market them on facebook easier / use facebook's marketing tools.

This doesn't actually change what a visual novel IS.

visualnoveldai.com/novelstream is all about answering that question.

Doesn't streaming make things faster? You can read view a visual novel and in a minute decide whether or not you want to continue. If you don't you close and move on to the next one. If you had to download them you wouldn't be able to try them out as quickly.

Yes NovelStream competes with Ren'py. But it's only possible to do all the things it does by being a cloud service.

There's also a thread on the Ren'py forums with many Ren'py devs' input for those interested.

>> No.5879211

>Think about the people who have slow isp's.
visual novels are stupid idea, people without pcs cant play them
>require someone to search through a giant pile of shit (fanfiction)
filter out fanfiction during search (you cant right now but eh)
>Not to mention that the odds of getting popular vn's on the site is so low it's funny.
>I would love to crash, no, DESTROY the site's servers and hoster.
u mad

>> No.5879225

You're just asking for the visual novel community to be reduced to the equivalent of Narutards. It's already bad enough, why make it worse? BTW, visual novels will never be fully accepted due to the fact that most of them have sexual content, often including child like characters. Feminists and Bible Thumpers wouldn't stand for it.

>> No.5879247

now filters out fanfiction by default. Thanks for the suggestion.

>> No.5879259

>You're just asking for the visual novel community to be reduced to the equivalent of Narutards
who cares
>It's already bad enough, why make it worse?
says shitty troll
>visual novels will never be fully accepted due to the fact that most of them have sexual content, often including child like characters
how about we put there vns WITHOUT sexual content

>> No.5879273
File: 802 KB, 800x600, disembowel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hundreds of OELVNs have been made.

I can only think of two non-parody OELVNs that are actually any good (Katawa Shoujo and The Dandelion Girl). And even those two aren't exactly top tier VNs.

It's nice if you want to give good VN writers a new way to write VNs. However, it's a completely futile effort if there are practically no good VN writers.

You are expecting cooperation from a nonexistent target audience, but that target audience does not exist, so there will never be decent content on your service. Therefore there is no other possible outcome than that your service will fail.

You are trying to do the impossible here. Try again in 10 years, maybe you'll have better luck then, but for now it's completely impossible.

>> No.5879279

Some of the best Visual Novels are the ones with sexual content. SubaHibi, MuvLuv, Saya, the list goes on.
And I'm sure many people care about whether or not the fanbase is shitty.
>shitty troll
Lol Probably

>> No.5879293

Dude, you post reaction images, act like a retard all the time and claim it's TROLLING every time someone reminds you of your stupid behavior. The only thing which makes you different from the worst /a/ users is that you claim they're dumb to fit in here. And now go post this on IRC to show people how mad you made someone, but don't forget that won't change the fact you're retarded.

>> No.5879330

>Some of the best Visual Novels are the ones with sexual content.
you can cut them, rewrite them or just throw in some cg dragons. there is all-ages version of muvluv btw
>And I'm sure many people care about whether or not the fanbase is shitty.
from vnstreamdev point of view i mean

>> No.5879405

Apparently, there are people tasteless enough to think of the idea of reporting to JAST USA that you have copyrighted content of the game Crescendo on your site.
(Actually, they just did exactly that.)
Maybe you should remove it to avoid trouble.

>> No.5879469

This is fucking asking for media attention to ban eroge in Japan and America. No matter what the content. As they don't even really care (As anime = BAD. Always. Especially when they REALLY put sexual content [not just those one panel panty shots in anme and manga] and advertise it on Facebook. Yeeeeah.... not good). Bad idea.

And this shit about how awesome it is to play VN's on handhelds? I've been doing that for fucking YEARS on my PSP.

>> No.5879481

>who cares
Then why make the fucking site?

>> No.5879497

im not dev you dumbfuck
also money

>> No.5879525


Croatia, you have a botnet right? Fucking get this shit off the internet.

>> No.5879573

No? Then why should I use a tool I can't modify however I wish?

>> No.5879622

because you want to make money out of existing userbase. and if you dont care about money you can go and be poor somewhere else

>> No.5879644

Hey Streamdev here, thanks for all the defense from everyone. I haven't answered everyone's questions because some of them can be quite involved. They will definitely be answered though if you post it on visualnoveldai.com.

On Crescendo, we're JAST's chosen streaming platform, we'll have other VNs of theirs as well. Cheers.

>> No.5879678

You can use other engines and charge people with money too. For example, krkr2.

>> No.5879702

>It's not about making visual novels more 'like' facebook games, but allowing publishers to put their VNs up on facebook as facebook games, allowing them to market them on facebook easier / use facebook's marketing tools.

I'm afraid you misunderstood the point.
I was saying that was what makes games on facebook popular, and because Visual Novels do not have that, there is no chance of Facebook being able to spread their popularity.
Facebook isn't a place where people go to appreciate art.

>> No.5879732

userbase, and streaming

>> No.5879740

I cant see how this should work out. VN is something you play alone and not share with your friends like playing Modern Warfare 2.
Japan would have invented something like your site a long long time ag if it would have worked out.

>> No.5879783

This is exactly right.
Also, the site's coding sucks ass.

>> No.5879784

If you use facebook I suppose it's because you want to maintain a social life facade.

I, for one, wouldn't post about reading 5 hours of [Random eroge] nonstop nor about "unlocking" the anal sex scene with the loli.

>> No.5879815

>I, for one, wouldn't post about reading 5 hours of [Random eroge] nonstop nor about "unlocking" the anal sex scene with the loli.
That is what /jp/ is for. We have lusting after your little sister threads and such.

>> No.5879877

From the IRC Mr. Troll is in
<izmos> masato is MY friend
<izmos> we are big buddies on facebook too
<izmos> where we play VNs together via these streamstuff
<masat01> LOL
* kViN has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
<masat01> i can't stop laughing
<masat01> DID YOU FAP YET

>> No.5879898

50 years ago people didn't blink an eye at taking the homosexuals that the Nazis had interred in the concentration camps and sending them to regular jails to serve the rest of their sentences. Today people openly declare homosexual persuasions, go on same sex dates, and have gay pride celebrations.
Who knows how social norms will change in the future?

>> No.5879930

That's really gay, man. You must be a faggot. Go suck a dick or stick a dick in your ass, why don't you. I hope you get AIDS.

>> No.5879941

Next time we two could watch each other fap to VNs.
Gimme your facebook

>> No.5879953


And that was the end of masato and izmos' friendship.

>> No.5879965

oh yeah, they should totally add webcam support to novelstream

>> No.5880014

who the fuck plays vn's in public--oh wait.

>> No.5880071

it's not that hard to find...oh wait

>> No.5880115

5 hours? 30 would be more accurate for /jp/.

>> No.5880122

I'm surprised you're all crying about this instead of making shitty joke VNs. It's a shame you guys don't know how to take it easy.

>> No.5880564

>making shitty joke VNs
Why would we become that which we are criticizing?

>> No.5881362

Those kinds of eroges wouldn't be on Facebook.

>> No.5883283

>we're JAST's chosen streaming platform
So JAST are going to stream their stuff and advertise it on facebook and go all "social media" over it?

>> No.5883316

Who cares?
It's not like you play the games with them on facebook.
Just buy a copy of it like always and l don't care about the rest.
If some people want to do it with rankings and medals like Modern Warfare then let them, as long as i get my copy without all that shit that i can play in peace and alone all's right in the world.

>> No.5883349

Can your solution scale to over 9000 simultaneous users?
Can you deploy existing VNs online with a single click?
Do you leverage open standards and interoperability guidelines to ensure your solution functions on all feature-complete client platforms?

Try again when you can.

>> No.5883362
File: 99 KB, 407x350, nope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just buy a copy of it

>> No.5883410

This really feels like the "RPG maker" of VNs.

There will be tons of shit all over made from this, and the few rare ones who might actually be able to make something decent and or good will only realize afterwards that they could have used an open stand-alone engine instead in order for the poduct to be even better and even more as they had imagined it in the first place.

>> No.5884313


>> No.5884823


The difference there is that enough people cared about it.
