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586608 No.586608 [Reply] [Original]

So I just started playing F/SN the game and got past the prologue. I really like the Rin/Archer narrative and think that Shiro is really annoying. Why couldn't they just make the entire game Rin/Archer POV? Shit sux.

>> No.586614

I don't have a slowpoke.gif but if I did I'd be using it right now.

>> No.586629

So I just started readed Gen/sis the book and got past the prologue. I really like the God/Adam narrative and think that EVE is really annoying. Why couldn't they just make the entire game God/Adam POV? Shit sux.

>> No.586630

Because Rin just isn't that interesting a character compared to Shirou.

You'll know what I mean when you've played UBW.

>> No.586635

Shirou gets a little bit better in UBW, but yea, expect him to piss you off for the rest of the fate route.

>> No.586636


Jesus dies.

>> No.586643

Fate route is annoying. It's the worst of all 3 routes, in the other 2 routes Shirou is much less of a faggot

>> No.586646

He didn't piss me off. :|

>> No.586655

You're in the minority.

>> No.586658

he has his moments, like tracing caliburn. The way he defeats kotomine is really lame.

>> No.586792

What makes Tsukihime better than FSN is the atsmosphere, you can feel the danger , the drama, the mindfuck.The music does a better job to add to the atmosphere than FSN.The characters interactions are so superior to the character interactions of FSN that it hurts,and the slice of life segments and Shirou's Pov are fucking annoying.FSN plot is too forced at times, some times they lead to plot holes,weak plot or unexplainable developments.Tsukihime's plot flows better, it's simple and credible..
Tsukihime's plot is also more mature, each resolution have more weight to them 1) Arc and Shiki didn't end up in good terms in Ciel's True End, 2) After every single of the Far Side of the Moon routes, Arc and Ciel will keep hunting Roa, 3) Akiha ends up as a doll in one ending, 4) Akiha and Kohaku die in another end, 5) Hisui's Good End wasn't precisely happy. In F/sn, only 2 characters couldn't be saved: 1) Ilya in UBW, 2) Saber and Ilya in HF.
Shirou never actually shows his resolve when it comes to deal with people who are prepared to kill,and the story does not have serious and mature Masters - aside from Zōken-and the only time Shirou had to confront one of his friends, was in HF against Black Saber. Shiki, on the other hand, had to fight Arc, Ciel, Akiha, and Satsuki at some point - there's also the point when he realises all what Kohaku has been doing.
FSN is just too light and aimed at teenagers. That why the dark and cold as ice Tsukihime is superior.

>> No.586801


I still don't like that damn pasta.

>> No.586811
File: 14 KB, 460x495, 1210324350719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The best thing about posting this pasta isnt the shitstorm that follows, its telling everyone online that Tsukihime is better than FSN.

>> No.586810

I liked Ayako from the moment I saw her in prologue. Then I met her in main game and she was awesome.
Goddamnit Type-Moon, why doesn't she have a route?

>> No.586821


Shitstorm. Right.

I haven't played either, so I can't say anything over which game is better. However, I'm pretty sure personal taste and personal opinion would factor in.

I'm just saying I don't like the pasta because some Anon said it would keep posting it until I liked it.

>> No.586826


Have a different pasta then

I am eating...I am eating...curry. Om nom nom, fresh, straight from the cook. It's piping hot and the steam from it burns my eyes a little, the smell is strong, and the flavor intense. "Oh Ciel, please give me some more, i'm still hungry!". I don't think i've ever come across curry as rich as this before, the flavor takes over all my senses. I can't take it anymore, I want more of this spicy deliciousness. I find the place it's coming from, its a hole, and I notice Ciel is looking the other way. The hole isn't big enough for me to use the spoon, but around it is soft tissue. I pull it open and decide to just use my tongue to scoop out the curry. I notice another area near the curry hole, dripping with something, so I taste it. The flavor is that of salty milk and coins, I quickly return to the curry to remove the taste. While eating the curry, I hear a gurgling noise...suddenly a hot gust of air billows out of the hole and the curry begins flowing at an amazing pace. The smell, the taste, the heat, it all comes pouring out of the hole with such force...soon it's all over my face and the floor, I'm slathered in it, enjoying it, loving it. I begin lapping it off the floor. My hands are covered in it, i begin rubbing it into myself. The heat is so intense that it begins to make my penis erect...as the curry pours out, I get closer and closer to orgasm. In the background I can hear Ciel moaning in discomfort.

Making Curry must be hard work.

>> No.586828

Who is Jesus? Is that a new character?

>> No.586831

Shit pasta.


>> No.586830


Saw that pasta earlier. I don't care for it much, but it's more amusing than the other pasta.

>> No.586832

A lot of things would be better if the protagonist was female.

>> No.586835


Thats why KnK is awesome.

>> No.586839

What makes FSN better than Tsukihime is the atsmosphere, you can feel the danger, the drama, the mindfuck, or the calm in the atmosphere.The music does a better job to add to the atmosphere than Tsukihime.The characters interactions are so superior to the character interactions of Tsukihime that it hurts,and the slice of life segments and Shiki's Pov are fucking annoying.Tsukihime's plot feels too forced at times, this leads to weak plot or unexplainable developments.FSN's plot flows better, it's simple, credible and convey feelings better.
FSN's plot is also more serious, each resolution have more weight to them 1) Rin and Shirou didn't end up in good terms in Saber's True End, 2) After every single route, Archer still dies, 3) Shirou ends up as a doll in one ending, 4) Saber and Rin die in another end, 5) Saber's True End wasn't precisely happy.
Shiki never actually shows his resolve when it comes to deal with people who are prepared to kill,and the story does not have serious and mature characters - aside from Ciel-.The only time Shiki had to confront one of his friends, was in Arc's route against Akiha. Shirou, on the other hand, had to fight Ilya, Rin, Saber, and Archer at some point - there's also the point when he realises all what Sakura has been doing.
Tsukihime is just too light, shonen and aimed at teenagers. That why the dark and cold as ice FSN is superior.

>> No.586853

>the story does not have serious and mature characters - aside from Ciel-.

I lol'd at this for some reason.

>> No.586862
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Originally, this was shirou.

>> No.586863
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And this was saber

>> No.586865
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But to make a hentai game

>> No.586867
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They changed it around.

>> No.586869


for real?

>> No.586872
File: 145 KB, 790x1150, 1210325830102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, I prefer Saber being Mordred.

Nasu really should make the original

>> No.586873
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>> No.586874

Yes, somebody went "lol lets turn king arthur into a girl" and so they destroyed what could have been beautiful.

>> No.586875
File: 149 KB, 806x1167, 1210325868992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It fits better.

>> No.586871

This part doesn't make any sense. Why would they need to change it around?

>> No.586879
File: 158 KB, 812x1161, 1210325970840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually you know what...

>> No.586882
File: 175 KB, 777x1167, 1210326013797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted more of this.

>> No.586883


man that sucks the girl could have X scenes with archer =_=;;

or wait, would that be a girl archer...

>> No.586887

So, Oda Nobunaga was actually a woman?

>> No.586886
File: 148 KB, 777x1165, 1210326091977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also think this guy could have been pretty pimp.

>> No.586890
File: 135 KB, 803x1163, 1210326141734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean look at him

>> No.586892

they really should have just had them all be girls. win-win.

>> No.586894


He can never be a pimp. He's Iskander's bitch.

>> No.586895

if shirou becomes a girl what happens to archer?

>> No.586897


Archer dies.

>> No.586898

how so?

>> No.586900
File: 150 KB, 810x1165, 1210326291719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like how she's stealing shit from Caster

>> No.586896

No, that would just be stupid.

>> No.586901


No dicks = No fun

Futa not counted as real dicks.

>> No.586904
File: 128 KB, 770x1163, 1210326354672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also MORE

>> No.586906

Turn it into some sort of retarded magical girl show.

>> No.586909

He is called 'Professor Charisma' by the girls of the fucking-whatever-it-is-called college. Supposedly he is the No.1(that's 'Ichiban' for you /jp/ fags) person in the college the girls would like to be gotten laid by.

p/s: My English sucks.

>> No.586908
File: 169 KB, 801x1159, 1210326387961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more ilya outfits and hairstyles

>> No.586915

I wouldn't mind all lesbian H-scenes but going, "LOL NO MEN IN THE CAST THEY DON'T EXIST" is stupid.

>> No.586917
File: 130 KB, 801x1157, 1210326528593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

little Rin and Shirou are actually cute here. why did male shirou turn out so bad

>> No.586918

I wouldn't mind all lesbian H-scenes but going, "LOL NO MALE CHARACTERS THEY DON'T EXIST" is stupid.

>> No.586921
File: 176 KB, 786x1161, 1210326651117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone really should translate Character Material one of these days

>> No.586925

Yes, because as soon as you remove the male characters, any given story suddenly turns into a magical girl story.

>> No.586928

the fuck kind of name is load?

>> No.586929
File: 134 KB, 777x1159, 1210326882486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if they're all girls, and it's a magic-themed story, then yes

>> No.586931


Its supposed to be "Lord". Now its YES MAI LOADO

>> No.586933

I'll give you that technicality.

>> No.586935


>> No.586962
File: 79 KB, 800x451, 1210328517487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>So, Oda Nobunaga was actually a woman?

And here I am without any pictures of that one Alice Soft game... Have a loli DO NOT PURSUE LU BU

>> No.586986

was that the one with girl kenshin uesugi? I think it was sengoku rance

>> No.587012
File: 17.00 MB, 1600x1200, 1210329843441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all girls
>magic themed story

>> No.587036

Nobunaga is a guy in Sengoku Rance though.
