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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 724 KB, 1200x766, Meanwhile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5862637 No.5862637 [Reply] [Original]

So, ten days to go until Umineko episode 7 is released, and /jp/ becomes ALL SEAKATS ALL THE TIME.

I'll be frank with you, the major mystery, the most profound mystery, for me is really Jessica and Shannon.

I mean, no matter which way that pans out, hilarious trolling is bound to ensue.

Yes, the biggest mystery for me is the hilarious game of pretend that is going on, the murders take a back seat to that.

>> No.5862653

ur gay

>> No.5862664

It will be explained in a boring way that will not be all that interesting no matter how many yurigoggles you put on.

>> No.5862671

I wonder how long translation will take.

>> No.5862685

i'll leave /jp/ until the patch came out, so who cares

>> No.5862687
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>ten days to go until Umineko episode 7 is released
I'm not even halfway through the first episode

>> No.5862725

Come now, no matter what, hilarity is bound to ensue. You have the murderer being a cross dressing maniac, and you have the literal moralfag being in love with her. It's like a sitcom waiting to happen!

>> No.5862744

Better read faster, bitch.

>> No.5862762

you won't make it unless you marathon it for 10 days

>> No.5862764

Why would people still talk about seacat after the answer will be revealead?

Answer given = no more theory threads
So what will you talk about? How fucking shitty the whole thing and how R07 is a hack?

>> No.5862772

I'd be a bit slow to call Jessica some sort of hero just yet. Remember, even if Shkanontrice was not true, even if it was true and she didn't know, she aided Kanon in the faking of his death in episode one.

>> No.5862776

As long as it's not about the translation patch, I don't care.
Or actually, yes I do care. I don't browse /jp/ for a while.

>> No.5862784
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Episode 7 needs Kinzo.

>> No.5862786

With all the umineko fags who will go away in fear of spoilers, it looks like /jp/ will get a bit better actually.

>> No.5862794
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I was only reading a chapter a day, but it started getting really interesting.
It looks like I'll...

>> No.5862800

All Higurashi answers were given but it didn't stop the threads

>> No.5862804

Someone post the back of the CD case.

>> No.5862805

Actually it did.
The only threads are about Rika and it's always the same 2-3 people fapping over her.

>> No.5862811
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...Have to read faster or something

>> No.5862824

Someone doesn't remember the endless MOON-CHAN VS SHKANONTRICE VS ANTI-SHKANONTRICE VS DOUBLETRICE VS JESSITRICE VS SHANNONTRICE shitstorm we had on here for like 2 months straight.

Spoilers make things WORSE, rather than better.

>> No.5862832

That's just my theory vs your theory.
An answer isn't a theory, you won't be able to use your denial of the obvious to create crack theories that don't make sense anymore.

>> No.5862843

You know, maybe if someone hadn't made up such retarded names for the theories, maybe people would feel more open to discussion.
They really grate on the nerves.

>> No.5862846

Hey, why do you discuss about Touhou, what is there to discuss about?

>> No.5862871

Well, Shkanontrice is better than DID MEIDO, much in the same sense that Moon-chan is catchier than CRAZY SOCIOPATHIC lesbian. But yeah, Doubletrice, Shannontrice, Jessitrice, those were rather grating.

The issue with Umineko is that we're not going to get an answer.

I mean, we WILL, but he'll leave a TEENY TINY ITTY BITTY window open so(stupid) people will be arguing about this til the end of time.

>> No.5862891
File: 417 KB, 640x480, daily life of ShKanontrice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this?

>> No.5862899

An extending universe, lots of doujin material from games to music, a dozen games, several manga, an enormous cast.

But stop using Touhou as a scapegoat, there isn't only Umineko and Touhou that are /jp/ material, there is much more to talk about that you think of.
Not my fault you are obsessed with something shitty like Umineko which cause you to disregard everything else.
Now you know what the Twilight fangirl feel I guess.

>> No.5862908

I think some people frown upon the memetic aspect of the theory names.

I have mixed feelings about it myself. On one hand, yes, that is something more typical of animesuki than it should be for us. But on the other hand, if the truth is that the culprit is a psychopathic crossdresser, and three people are/were in love with her, one in particular being her best friend and female, well, jokes and memes were inevitable.

Seriously, the culprit is a bisexual crossdresser. No matter how ingenious she may be, that simple reality will always drag the series down to SOME level of silliness.

>> No.5862936

May I suggest that your taste may be different from ours? If you find that this is not your cup of tea, great, just don't post in these threads. Umineko has great music, and there's something to like in almost all the characters.Except George Sure, the plot may strike some as dumb, pseudo-intellectual, and inane, but it's certainly entertaining.

So long as Uminekofags like me keep to our own threads and don't bother you, might I suggest you do the same?

>> No.5862941
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Uminekofags hate each other enough without anyone needing to help them.

>> No.5862957

That's only what you retarded anti-Beatrice culpritfags think.

>> No.5862961

What's an anti-beatrice culpritfag?

>> No.5862981

Those fools who think that Beatrice didn't commit murders.
I'm joking with the insults, of course

>> No.5862998

The fact that I was taking you seriously shows that Uminekofags do hate each other.

>> No.5863003


You speak as though the shkanontrice vs antishkanontrice arguments are settled.

>> No.5863020

It's settled.
It's only 2-3 retards who are in denial.
But who care about retards?

>> No.5863027


This is what ShkShitters want you to believe.

>> No.5863028


As long as the blue stake that represents Kanzo still sits undenied, Shkanontrice hasn't won.

>> No.5863029

The only thing settled is Jessitrice being false, barring Ryukushi stealing even more from the Kohaku route than he already did.

Doubletrice, Shkanontrice, Moon-chan, Shannontrice, all those things are plausible.

I think the answer is Shkanontrice with Jessica also being COMPLETELY BATSHIT INSANE, but that doesn't have a catchy title yet.

>> No.5863037

Once again, it's settled for anyone who isn't a retard.
Episode 6 confirmed ShKanontrice, anyone who has more than 2 brain cells realized it.

>> No.5863040


>> No.5863046

Oh, I agree with you. I just mean confirmed in the largest sense. Shkanontrice is the clear cut answer, the question is of course who else is involved and how.

>> No.5863047


...yeah. Maybe you should count your own brain cells again, because you've clearly stopped thinking. Episode 6 is Battler's game. It's all about obfuscating Beatrice's identity. Why would he give away Shkanontrice? It's misdirection.

>> No.5863054

Plus every clue related to the love duel is equally explained by Shannontrice and Kanzo.

>> No.5863064

No, I don't quite think Jessica is Beatrice, I think she's INSANE and a part of the WACKY MAGICAL MURDER SHENANIGANS that Beatrice rules over.

>> No.5863072

No they can't. The explanation for Kanon, Shannon and Beatrice being beings with incomplete souls UNTIL THEY CONSUME THE SOULS OF EACHOTHER TO BECOME HUMAN makes sense with Shkanontrice. I haven't seen an explanation for this with Shannontrice and Kinzo, but it's likely very contrived and relies on ignoring most of the metaphor.

>> No.5863088

I'm still rooting for fistfight end.

>> No.5863109

Something like that may occur yet. Course, Battler would lose, cry, and have to be bailed out by Kyrie and/or George.

>> No.5863119

>It's all about obfuscating Beatrice's identity.

No, it's about proving he's reached Beatrice's heart.
Face it, Umineko is already over. Every mystery has already been solved for us.

>> No.5863126


When did we start taking all magic scenes literally?

Shannon cannot be with George because she has to be Beatrice for Kinzo. Kanon can't be with Jessica because he has to be Kinzo for Beatrice. As Zepar said, "If a man already had a wife, would he be allowed to love? NO!"

Shannon instigates the fake deaths to get Battler to remember his sin. Kanon is the successor to the head, so he has to make all this BS stop, as evidenced by every magic scene ever where he resists Beatrice. I could go on, but I need to eat lunch.

>> No.5863130


It's all about obfuscating Beatrice's identity TO ERIKA AND BERNKASTEL. He doesn't want them to know the truth, and he'd never reveal it.

>> No.5863133

>When did we start taking all magic scenes literally?

Since this game has not hints, but confessions.

>> No.5863138

Do not know if serious.

But the GREAT thing about Shkanontrice is how it leaves room for more hilarity.

12 months ago, OP's picture wouldn't exist, nor would remote interest in Jessica and Kanon exist. But because we know, or at least think, that Shannon and Kanon are one and the same, we speculate and talk about WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS GOING ON

>> No.5863139

Where does it say this?

>> No.5863146
File: 84 KB, 300x256, 0705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So, ten days to go
More like 9 days to go. lrn2timezone

>> No.5863154

All the mysteries haven't been solved as yet, otherwise this game would have already been over. Battler still hasn't revealed the answer to Beatrice's identity as yet. Beatrice's heart is her identity or real name. Personally, I doubt it's Sayo.

>> No.5863155

>implying battler wouldn't roid rage and kill them

>> No.5863160

personally i will be boycotting /jp/ till the translation is out

fuck you all for spoiling yourselves

>> No.5863164

Yes, it has. It's all over, and it ended with Ep6.
Ep7 is just a collective lie.

>> No.5863166

Well, it can't be Jessica, she bats for the other team. And Rosa is a train to Sayo's bicycle.

>> No.5863187

I suppose one could take comfort in the fact that although the chef and lesbian bit it, the world is better off with that island's inhabitants dead.

>> No.5863206

I agree, the 15+ deaths is a small sacrifice to rid the world of George.

>> No.5863221

On the true Rokkenjima, the 15+ people knew they could either disarm the bomb, or kill George.

They opted for the latter. Heroes, all of them.

>> No.5863256

We need to find a drawfag to draw of them all grappling fat fat fat as the bomb counts down.

>> No.5863258

Why do you guys hate George? I remember when Jessica was the one everyone hated...

>> No.5863287

Og god just thinking of this made me laugh

>> No.5863596

Jessica was only hated because people thought she was a shallow slut, but that honor very well may apply to Beatrice at this point.

Besides, the mere fact that she is a rival for Shkanontrice's love to almost the same degree Battler and George are makes her a pretty cool person.
Kinda like Sill Plain

>> No.5863639

It seems to me that Jessica's new-found popularity is due to her being a lesbian and also a good guy.

But what if she ends up being a troll? Will you who like her now still like her?

>> No.5863790

Actually, I think it's just because she's a lesbian. People WANT to be trolled come episode 7, so I think if Jessica were a troll she'd gain fans rather than lose them, you see, people are sorta pessimistic about Umineko nowadays they don't want the answer to be Sayo was nuts, she killed everyone, but it's ok because her motives were nice.

>> No.5863834

> I love it when you talk all epitaph to me!

God, I giggled.

>> No.5863845

I asked this before, but nobody had an answer. How was the final episode of Higurashi marketed? Did everyone know it was the final episode, or did they just kinda read and realize "oh shit that's it"?

I'd hate to think Chiru is only three episodes.

>> No.5863880

It's not. He's just trying to trick us into believe it is, just like he's done with every goddamn game up until now.

>> No.5863881

I have no idea but I'll bump for an answer for I'd like to know myself.

>> No.5863894

The lesbian thing is funny as fuck, yeah. And god knows everyone wants the culprit not to be the psycho maid, but I think Jessica is too reasonable to kill everyone. I mean, I'm just as confused as anyone else on where she fits in, as no matter what one does with her there is going to be some form of inconsistency or plot hole, but I can't see her as a psychopathic murderer.

>> No.5864092

I just picked up episode 2. I think it was Beatrice and magic.

>> No.5864107

Fuck, 10 days!? I just finished EP3. Damnit Damniiiit!

>> No.5864115
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Everyone thinks that at the start of Ep2, you know...

>> No.5864154

I Stayed on /jp/ through all of Umineko up until now , being online the majority of the time as always, without getting spoiled on anything.

Now however I am not so sure if I will succeed yet again.
These "answers" of Ep7 will flood the board like nothing else and no one will care to spoiler tag it.

>> No.5864162

> Since this game has not hints, but confessions.
Since when did we start believing the game board descriptions? The last one said the difficulty was easy and the culprit had already been cornered. And that was, y'know, a total fucking lie.

>> No.5864184

Call in sick to work if you must, stock up on caffeinated beverages, and read like the wind.

>> No.5864190

Well, one thing Ryukushi does well is TWEESTS. There is foreshadowing for any number of TWEESTS, and to think we're getting an episode run by Bernkastel and not getting some sort of TWEEST is a tad bit naive.

>> No.5864191

Dude, if you had even been here for last winter's Comiket, you'd know that you were spouting bullshit, unless you have extremely selective literacy skills.

>> No.5864206

Was planning on doing that and sleeping less. Still, i get anxious when I pass the 3rd hour of umineko reading, and have to take brakes and do something else, HNNNG.

>> No.5864214


Let's take bets. I'm betting that the Doubletricefags will be active after this episode gets released, and that the Moon-chanfags will be told or seemingly vindicated.

>> No.5864230

I'm going to guess that Moon-chan will be crushed, but that Jessica will skyrocket in popularity. She'll do something awesome and reach bro-tier. I can't fucking wait for all the trolling and frantically F5ing for spoilers.

My bet for the first fake spoiler? "GEORGE IS DEAD, GUYS, PACK YOUR SHIT."

>> No.5864237

I am boycotting /jp/ until I finish it, which may take a very long time. Fuck you guys.

>> No.5864339


>> No.5864359

>i'll leave /jp/ until the patch came out, so who cares
I'm going to do the same, since /jp/ can't use spoiler tags.

>> No.5864360
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Shkanontrice, Moon-chan, George dies, whatever. I just want this guy to be awesome.

>> No.5864379

even now there're shipperfags of this guyXBattler.
leave him alone, he's a married dude

>> No.5864406
File: 73 KB, 831x704, 11700782_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know you want it, anon.

>> No.5864418

What do you have against NTR

>> No.5864420

I think I figured it all out guys! Battler is really the bomb, and Beatrice is a remote trigger to set him off. You see, Battler pissed Kinzo off so Kinzo secretly had a bomb planted in him so that if he ever comes near 'Beatrice' KABOOM!

>> No.5864422

If he ends up being anything other than a total badass, that's it, I'm done with Umineko forever.

>> No.5864445

For all we know that dude could be Rudol-

Wait, that wouldn't stop anyone.

>> No.5864458

Yeah, the new guy is Meta-Rudolf, coming back from the past to pimp-slap his old flame, Auau.

>> No.5864493


No, Shannon and Kanon are the bomb trigger

>> No.5864634
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>> No.5864713
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>> No.5864722
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I can't get out of this 2 week family road trip I'm going on in 10 days. I might have internet at a few of the hotels we stay at, but it just won't be the same. I'll have to rely on my friend to text me spoilers.

Guess I'll be missing most of this shitstorm.

>> No.5864796

My theory is much better then ShKannontrice.
In the boat George had a heart attack because he was too much fat, and then his obsessed mom refusing to believe her beloved son had died kept hiding it from everyone.
However with time George's fattiness in his body started to gain conscience of it's own . And then when nobody was expecting it became something....
Nothing can stop it.....

>> No.5864806

I'm not so sure what makes everyone here so sure of shannon or kannon committing the murders. For awhile I thought the whole thing could be explained with Jessica, but now I'm starting to think that Nanjo has to be the missing person, not ShanKan.

>> No.5864840

>after EP4
Oh, Jessica, whatever
>after EP6
George is fat and should die.
What happened?

>> No.5864849

Seriously.... George is pathetic, the guy is a fucking clow!
He wears a YELLOW SUIT for god's sake

>> No.5864868

Hey, I still like George. Guy is still a selfish, insane asshole, but he's upfront about it.

>> No.5864893

It's not that I despise the guy so much as if I had to choose one person to kill on the island, it'd be George. He's fat.

>> No.5864930

George confronts his bad traits/truth like a man, which pisses /jp/ off because they can't do the same.

>> No.5864954
File: 800 KB, 450x1178, george-badass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say that to George's face and see what happens with you....
Yellow suits are stylish dude, the guy is fucking badass

>> No.5864957
File: 218 KB, 700x1100, TERMINATOR!JESSICA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


George went creepy. He is scary Yandere for Shannon, and not in the good way.

Jessica became a Terminator, told Kyrie, and is also the only person to call out out some of the ridiculousness that goes on in the meta-world.

>> No.5864959

I always thought his suit was more of a green tone.

>> No.5864981

We've known George was a creepy yandere since episode 4, though.

>> No.5864991
File: 231 KB, 457x479, 1278467982452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know we should all be unleashing our rage at George right now, but remember guys
That fat hamburger called us Creepy virgins
Death to the slut!

>> No.5865038


Demon King as good Yandere in EP4

In EP6 he went over the line. His conversation with Shannon made a lot of people's skin crawl.

Jessica owned up to the seriousness of her love for Kanon. She also faced and destroyed the dark mirror she saw in Kyrie.

>> No.5865040

That's right i try to be nice with girls
And this is what they think about me?
I bet they like a man who would rape them and beat up them, and then cut them in little pieces put them in a trash bag and toss the bodies at a river, that's what they want

>> No.5865043

>His conversation with Shannon made a lot of people's skin crawl.

Hit a little too close to home, I presume. At least he admitted he was acting like a dickhead.

>> No.5865051
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>>the reason we can't have nice things

>> No.5865052
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>my face when I realized my family was exactly like the Ushiromiya family
Brb, firing maid.

>> No.5865069

Who the fuck is Moon-chan? I've already finished ep 6 and I don't know.

>> No.5865072
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I thought everyone likes yanderes

>> No.5865074

Can you deny witches?

>> No.5865077

Moon-chan is the nickname for a theoretical crazy insane evil Jessica, even though she's been repeatedly established as one of the most benevolent and innocent characters in the cast.

>> No.5865089

Well, the thing about Jessica, is that she's described as a female Battler in episode 6.

I am of the opinion that there can only be one.

>> No.5865091

......Episode 6 dude....Episode 6 Kyrie lavafist....
'' Uu~ But i was posessed by the demons....''
No Jessica.... You are the demons.
And then Jessica was a witch

>> No.5865097

>she's described as a female Battler in episode 6

>> No.5865108

The two have extremely similar personalities.
Hell, she even goes ihihihihi at one point.

>> No.5865138
File: 241 KB, 640x480, jaypeelogic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Battler is Jessica! Think about it! Battler never sees himself and Jessica at the same time! Doesn't that prove everything?!

>> No.5865157




[Spoiler][red]ShanKanTrice is invalid as long as the red prevents them from taking the names of other people[/red][/spoiler]

>> No.5865172
File: 93 KB, 600x600, 65718e21f627e579fc3e2eb7039d97e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got to the logic error. God does this shit ever piss me off.

Erika shouldn't be capable of using "retroactive moves" or, indeed, doing things without the Game Master knowing. How does she do this when it's never been shown that the human side piece can?

I seriously feel like uninstalling this game right now. Such bullshit.

>> No.5865191
File: 64 KB, 500x600, 1280340575156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She can't, this was just an exception. Battler gave her duct tape which she could use retroactively. Therefore, any actions done with the duct tape can be done retroactively. Blame Battler for being an idiot.

"Don't you think that'd be cool......? ......But do you know what they call a fool who's full of himself and jumps into the path of death just because it's cool......?"
"......No clue......"
"Ushiromiya...Battler. .........That's what we call them aaaahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh, I file a motion for a logic error!!"

>> No.5865192

Theory: All Jessicas may be Battlers, but all Battlers needn't be Jessicas.

In all seriousness, if episode 7 trolls Jessica because of lolShkanontrice, I wouldn't be surprised if the coup de grace being AND YOU'RE ALSO ADOPTED

>> No.5865193


>> No.5865207
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>> No.5865216

in the previous games, the GM knows the opponent's moves because there's a detective POV, and more than half the time, metaBattler was at somewhere else abusing moetrice

>> No.5865229

>Blame Battler for being an idiot.

But he shouldn't be, that's the thing. He knows the truth of everything. His idiocy was largely limited to naivete and lack of knowledge; this just isn't characteristic for him.

And I'm not talking about the room seals. I'm talking about Erika killing everyone without him realizing it.

>> No.5865236

Jessica is chaotic neutral. Whoever helps her get the most pussy is who she swears loyalty to.

>> No.5865241
File: 788 KB, 864x1152, whenthey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, excuse me for being a complete moron but is it canon that Amakusa kills Ange on Rokkenjima in 1998 based on his phone call? Or are people dancing around that and saying no?

>> No.5865246
File: 399 KB, 630x476, small bombs explanation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Battler really IS an idiot. And as for the murders; it wouldn't have mattered if she'd announced it beforehand or at that point. Either way she did it, and there's nothing more Battler could've done about it.

>> No.5865250

We only know that he's supposed to do that. We don't know if he eventually did do that.

>> No.5865252

>I'm talking about Erika killing everyone without him realizing it.
Which is big proof pointing to Erika not existing and the piece Erika actually being one of the other characters. Or else Dlanor would have killed her right there for breaking multiple rules.

>> No.5865259

It's heavily implied, but not 100% confirmed. There is a hint there that Amakusa might be feeling a little reluctant about killing her if you want to read it that way.

>> No.5865260

Not quite. All it confirms is that Okonogi told Juuza to kill Ange, but Ange was shot by Kasumi, not by Juuza.

Heck, I'm rather inclined to believe that Ange didn't really die, and that Juuza did save her after all.

>> No.5865267

He only used the small bombs explanation because at that point, that's how he believed he was supposed to fight.
Battler. Isn't. This. Naive. God. Damn. It.

And if "Battler is an idiot, hurr" is the real explanation for all this, I'm done with Umineko. Shkanontrice, fine. Bomb, fine. Battler being so staggeringly idiotic as to let himself fall into a logic error? The established rules of the game contradicting themselves left and right?

No, fuck this, I'm done. The only way this game will not be stupid is if Battler planned everything.

But he probably didn't and so I'm going to throw my fucking desktop out the window right now.

>> No.5865280

>I'm going to throw my fucking desktop out the window right now.
take a picture while you are at it

>> No.5865293

Come on guys you are better than this....
Of course Juuza didn't killed Ange....
I mean, it's totally like in the movies!
Also....i want to in the end when Battler comes back, he saves ''his Ange'' and the Other Ange stay in the future with Juuza...

>> No.5865296


Come on dude. It's pretty goddamn clear he has a soft spot for a woman's tears. Look at how hard he (read: we ;_;) got trolled with the North Wind and the Sun strategy. This is practically the same thing

>> No.5865297

No, I'm exaggerating because I mad.

>> No.5865313


>> No.5865314

That's not what makes him an idiot. What makes him an idiot is not keeping track of what Erika did.
The Game Master is supposed to know EVERYTHING that goes on in the game at all times, for the love of god. THIS MAKES NO SENSE.

>> No.5865320


Yeah erika was definitely shoveling shit like crazy. If I was the GM when she said "oh I retroactively did such and such" I would have been like "No. you didn't. Try again broad."

>> No.5865323


>Dlanor would've killed her right there for breaking multiple rules

Oh, you mean the whole "must be foreshadowed" thing?

>> No.5865328
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>> No.5865334

Hey fags,
I've seen seacats fans make a lot of references to the interview where R07 confirmed Eva killed Battler at the end of Ep 3. The thing is, I've never been able to track down such an interview. Can anyone prove it exists?

>> No.5865340

Well, another popular theory is that he let Erika do that on purpose to try and get Beato to return to normal.

So he might not be a complete idiot....

>> No.5865345

There is no detective POV in EP6, and Battler doesn't control Erika's piece.
the only way to know what Erika actually did is through her own proclamations (ie. taping the whole room, we never saw her did it) as long as it's believable. If not, she could have also tossed herself into a logic error.

>> No.5865346

That, and Knox 1.
Knox 1 is the biggest one she's violated. Erika must either be a) someone else, or b) mentioned by name in Ep1.

>> No.5865350


>That's not what makes him an idiot. What makes him an idiot is not keeping track of what Erika did.

He TOLD her that she could retroactively use those duct tape seals. Why? Because for all the character growth he has had, the North Wind and the Sun still works on him to some extent

As for the whole "I killed everyone, chopped their heads off and everything!" thing? >>5865252 may have the right idea, to be honest

>> No.5865351


Shannon has an erection in the last panel

>> No.5865357

This is all that makes any kind of sense.
The Game Master controls the gameboard. Beato always behaved as though she could view the entire board at all times.

>> No.5865358
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>> No.5865364

Oh wow, can't unsee.

>> No.5865365

That as well as other rules. For one she can't have her piece do anything that it wouldn't do on it's own, which she did constantly throughout the episode.

>> No.5865366

She didn't violate any Knox rules

It was foreshadowed by Bern

and she was not the culprit in ep6, she didn't kill them, she "re-killed" them. they were already "killed by the culprit" regardless of what she did

>> No.5865373

Which is why >>5865340 is probably right.

The "Erika is a different person" theory is nice, but Battler can definitely see everything happening on the gameboard. So even if she was a different person at the time, he'd still be able to see her kill.

>> No.5865374
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>complicated plan

>> No.5865376

>they were already "killed by the culprit" regardless of what she did

No, they weren't even dead. There was no culprit until she killed them.
Therefore either Erika was mentioned in Ep1 or she isn't Erika.

>> No.5865379

Erika can't even trust her own POV, how can the GM trust it

>> No.5865390

Why would the GM be using the point of view of a piece in the first place?

>> No.5865412
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>> No.5865420

If Erika claimed she "killed" them, that would make her the culprit,
but Erika only claimed she "re-killed" them, that's the same as an pathologist performing autopsy, which "re-kills" the dead person

>> No.5865425


I need it so I can constantly fap to his pictures.

>> No.5865428

Because he obviously doesn't know what the fuck is going on outside of what is shown. ELSE HE'D HAVE KNOWN ABOUT ERIKA MURDERING EVERYONE! Erika was probably a title given to someone to throw Battler off as a trap by Bern. Hence all her threats looking a lot more threatening Erika, since she literally CREATED Erika.

>> No.5865429

because that's how it has been for ep1-5

>> No.5865432

I think she says something in red like, "and all six people were very much alive until I killed them!"

I don't have the exact screenshot, though, so it might be phrased a bit differently. I believe it's stated a few times that she "killed" them, though.

>> No.5865481

Well, let's predict episode 7 things.

1. Jessica's life confirmed for suck, as a result she plays a game of pretend with the crazy maid. She's not evil though, and at the end goes all Templar against witches.

2. Maria's father revealed to be Kinzo, Rosa revealed to be Beato 2.0. Yeah, I know, Beato 2.0 died, but Kanon died too, death is not quite what it seems in Rokkenjima.

>> No.5865515

She says "re-killed" because she was ensuring their death status.
This doesn't make her NOT a culprit. They even say that she's getting around Knox 7.

The GM uses POVs to tell the story sometimes, yes, but a lot of the time there's an unspecified, third-person POV being used, which the eccentric asides and speaking style of Ep5's narration prove is the GM's own.

The GM can use their own POV to observe events. They do not need to look at the world through the detective piece.

Ergo, Battler should have known what Erika did.

>> No.5865521
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>> No.5865522
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>> No.5865525

well it's a plot hole I guess, unless Erika never existed

>> No.5865540

There, she specifically says that she kills them. In red. She doesn't say "re-kills".

>> No.5865558
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Imagine what she does with that hand...

>> No.5865567

Or if she weren't the detective.

>> No.5865573

Yes many times, the GM use other POV's to show what they are doing, that's fine, but that's only because those pieces were already part of his control

Erika was the opponent's piece, her POV cannot be trusted unless she is the detective

>> No.5865581

...I just said the GM has his/her own POV, which they could have used to watch Erika kill people.

>> No.5865597

It matters not if she is the detective, she would be killed the instant her piece kills as she is breaking the rules.

>> No.5865599

Erika didn't use the Detective Proclamation so she can be the culprit.

>> No.5865600


EP6 was so much fucking fetish fuel. Goddamn Erika is a kinky bitch

Seriously, the wedding scene where she's talking about literally raping Battler's comatose body every day while Beato is hanging in a cage in the same room, complete with mirrors so Beato can get a full view of the action? Jesus christ woman, shouldnotwant.png

>> No.5865619

The culprit can only be someone 'appearing' in Ep1.

>> No.5865623

>Erika didn't use the Detective Proclamation so she can be the culprit.
>ignoring all the other rules
No she cannot.

>> No.5865624
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More like DO WANT, amirite?

>> No.5865625

If not wrong, here's his DA http://shroedinger.deviantart.com/

>> No.5865634
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Definitely. I think I became a bit a whole lot more masochistic after ep6.

>> No.5865637

What rules?

>> No.5865641

Knox 1. The very first rule.

>> No.5865673

Erika was mentioned in the beginning of each tale in which she took part.

>> No.5865685

But she can't influence who the culprit is.

>> No.5865688

It doesn't work like that. The culprit has to appear in Ep1, not at the beginning of each episode.

>> No.5865699

I don't think that is his. Actually, believe it or not, it twas I who requested the two "Jessica is a raging lesbian" pieces, and the drawfag was so kind to humor me twice. Whoever he or she is, I would gladly perform favors of the sexual kind on them.

The lesbian thing needed to be acknowledged, it was the pink elephant in the room.

>> No.5865700

>It doesn't work like that.
Because you said so?

>> No.5865713

No, because they repeatedly mention that the culprit is someone introduced in the beginning of the story. Not the beginning of the episode, but the whole story.

Erika can't be the culprit because she wasn't in Episode 1.

>> No.5865721

But she is not the culprit. She just happens to kill people. The culprit is the person who would kill the first twilight victims if it weren't for Erika, and the person who has killed the victims in the previous episodes, and the person who will kill the rest of the victims.
You can kill people and still not be THE culprit. See also Eva killing Battler in ep3 even though she's not the culprit.

>> No.5865727

My interpretation was that she didn't appear in EP1 but she appeared in the first episode of Chiru so it was okay.

>> No.5865733

Erika pretty much ended up being the one who knowingly and maliciously executed the first twilight. That's a lot closer to culprit than a grief-stricken women shooting the wrong person in self-defense.

>> No.5865736

No, Eva is a culprit. Just not THE culprit.
The Knox rules seem to apply to both.

>> No.5865748

I guess we need a definition check on culprit. Fucking Knox.

>> No.5865752

I think the whole "Erika rekilled people" just further proves that she doesn't exist.

She might have realized the whole "truth about herself" after that part

>> No.5865755

And if Dine is really coming into play, multiple killers are allowed. So long as there is one main consistent culprit.

>12. There must be but one culprit, no matter how many murders are committed. The culprit may, of course, have a minor helper or co-plotter; but the entire onus must rest on one pair of shoulders: the entire indignation of the reader must be permitted to concentrate on a single black nature.

>> No.5865771

You have a point.

But if so, then we have absolutely no clues towards the actual culprit in episode 6. The "first twilight" was just a bunch of people playing dead, and we didn't get anything past that, so we have no idea what the actual culprit had planned for that game.

>> No.5865777

"Erika doesn't exist" is the new Shkannon.

>> No.5865789

Did anyone other than Eiserne Jungfrau ever say the rules in red?

>> No.5865794

In the sense that Erika not existing is one of the blatantly implied points of Episode 6, sure.

>> No.5865799

Yes. Battler did.

>> No.5865804
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So, how many will actually be pissed with Shannon culprit?

>> No.5865806

Shannon is a terrible culprit, whether she's Beatrice or not.

>> No.5865808

which part?

>> No.5865817

I don't think it's Shannon herself that's the problem, I think it's the motive. If she ends up having a motive better than "oh noes I'm stuck on the island with kinzorape and battler didn't rescue me so now I have to kill everyone, also crazy DID meido" I think most people would be okay with it.

>> No.5865821

During the logic error, he stated Knox 3 in red.

miracle zoning

>> No.5865822
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He repeats Knox 3 after Erika brings up hidden doors, right before the logic error.

>> No.5865823

I just sincerely hope we don't get something silly at the end of this episode.

Like, if Okonogi pulls a Revolver Ocelot and is revealed to be working for TEH TRUE CULPRIT!1
I just may smash my head into the wall.

Likewise,R07 better have a good explanation for Shkanon and Jessica, her just not knowing will feel cheap.

>> No.5865834

>Like, if Okonogi pulls a Revolver Ocelot and is revealed to be working for TEH TRUE CULPRIT!1
I just may smash my head into the wall.
what's wrong with this?

>> No.5865843

So, if I follow you guys, the summary of Umineko would be:

Little Jessica is a compulsive liar and sociopath who took brainwashing lessons from FatalPulse and Xration. She uses her talents to induce DID on an innocent maid named Shannon, thus creating Beatrice. After some time, Jessica starts to feel the urges of puberty and, lacking better material, intensifies Shannon's DID and creates Kanon.

Obviously, Jessica was aware that Skannontrice's would be quite convenient if she ever needed to fool people in a guessing game based around word plays. She uses her maid to commit the murders and is almost brought to justice by a detective who never existed. Meanwhile, Nanjo's daughter disguised herself as Nanjo and took part in the conference for no good reason.

>> No.5865848

I hope Knox rules are only exclusive to the Eiserne Jungfrau and GM

it pushes my hope that in EP7, Battler will be completely powerless after losing his GM title, and Dlanor will join his side

>> No.5865853

No, Shannon is too obvious and also, on her own, a boring character.

Even if it was someone we'd expect, like George or Kyrie, they'd be better culprits simply due to having the right kind of personality.

>> No.5865856

There's a parasite in the island what makes you schizophrenic

>> No.5865875

>Like, if Okonogi pulls a Revolver Ocelot and is revealed to be working for TEH TRUE CULPRIT!1

The true culprit is Featherine, who is actually Asumu. (Okonogi is her body double.)

Who else would know the truth better than the person behind everything?

>> No.5865877
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You really think Lawful Neutral Dlanor is gonna fight against her boss?

>> No.5865878

then it will be
Battler & Dlanor VS. Blondie & Wright

>> No.5865907

What if it went along the lines like...
Bern: I don't need you anymore, you can go home.

>> No.5865927

Dlanor won't be in Episode 7 because without Erika she has no reason to be there. Episode 7 is Siesta 556's time to shine.

>> No.5865930
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I guess it's possible Dlanor might have a grudge against Bern for the way she treated Erika, but I still can't really see her going against Wright. Dlanor didn't approve of a lot of what Erika did, but she still toed the line because Erika was her boss.

But then, I think it's kind of pre-emptive to assume Wright is going to directly be one of Bern's lackeys, too.

>> No.5865932

Dlanor makes a pretty prominent appearance in the OP. I wouldn't count on it.

>> No.5865957 [DELETED] 

Well so do Erika and Beatrice and apparently they're both dead.

>> No.5865962

Well so do Erika and Beatrice and apparently they're both dead.

>> No.5865965

Erika only appears in the part with all the pieces flashing past... as does 556.
She's still dead.

>> No.5865976

Beatrice isn't dead. You can barely glimpse Erika in a fly-by of the entire cast. That's pretty different from Dlanor brandishing her sword in the middle of Rokkenjima burning.

>> No.5865987

Well I was mostly joking about 556, but I still don't think Dlanor will have a major role in Epsiode 7. The Op may make it look that way, but I'm pretty sure she has nothing left to add to the story. She'll be left in the shadow of Zepar, Furfur and the new guys

>> No.5865998

She might end up being semi-important in relation to Wright, even if it's just explaining him to Battler or something. I'm looking forward to seeing how she interacts with him, anyway.

>> No.5866006

God when you will you losers realize that she's dead and isn't coming back.

>> No.5866016



>> No.5866019

Except Knox Rules should still apply. Bern was the one who introduced them to begin with, so why would she just decide to push them away?

>> No.5866025

Suddenly seeing Dlanor and Wright brofisting with complete poker faces while Battler cries in the corner.

>> No.5866147

She knew they were playing dead. She even remarks on how Maria watched and continued to play dead the whole time she was killing Rosa. I agree that she's not 'the culprit' even if she does exist, because it wasn't pre-meditated and only something she did after they faked dead, but she killed 6 living people, didn't chop the heads off of existing corpses. She's a murderer.

>> No.5866166

but it still doesn't violate knox 1, since she is not "the culprit"

>> No.5866179
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I'm sorry but... wut?

>> No.5866181

Technically, the Knox Rules (at least, Umineko's version of them) have always been in effect. It's just that Beato never came out and stated that she was using them.

>> No.5866188

Actually, she did say once that she followed them.

>> No.5866202

That was just for secret passages, though. She didn't actually say she was following the other rules, too.

>> No.5866235

Knox rules exists, but the GM probably can't say the rules in red unless Eiserne Jungfrau is around

>> No.5866391
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Well, judging by EP7 op she is getting a big role this time.

>> No.5867900


This is 100% accurate.
Knox's laws weren't created specifically for Umineko. They have existed for a long time as a staple of the mystery genre. Google that shit niggers. Because episode 1 was 'the start of the story' for us readers, Bern, Erika, Lambda, and all other characters not foreshadowed or alluded to in episode 1 are not allowed to exist. Justifying them by a mysterious person X (aka: "well if there was a culprit whose identity we didn't know, then it could've been any one of them!") won't work either because that also violates Knox. Ryukishi is not ALLOWED to break his own RULES. I will not ALLOW it.

>> No.5868094
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>my face when realizing EP7 guy is not Wright after all

>> No.5868104


>No Knox, No Dine, No Fair.

>Once again, No Dine. That is to starve.

>Witch in Gold, Beatrice

>> No.5868116
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Let's use Hempel's raven.
when there's no knox, and no Dine, it's not fair (no fair) and it won't be a mystery.
but when there'll be Dine AND Knox it WILL be fair.
as you can see, when Battler used Knox, he successed to understand the truth.
When Dine will arrive too, and his rules will be effective, the tale will be fair, which mean solveble.

>> No.5868163

...Except the story has already been stated to be solvable by EP 5. Or 4. Whichever.

>> No.5868173
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Well, we can't have Dine under any circumstances since R07 has been completely shitting over Rule 3 from the beginning. With Bern as the GM (and if she actually does manage to get Dine to step in) that means the romantic plot tumor that has been the major point of Umineko will be gone...not necessarily a good thing when a large chunk of the plot relies on that romantic interest.

>> No.5868176

so let's try to look at the 1st game while taking it as if dine and Knox's rules were stated in red

>> No.5868187

I'm thinking Jessica is a decently big part of the truth, and as such, will be dead from the get go in episode 7.

>> No.5868241

Well, perhaps, but if you wanted to push the whole "truth is cruel" message, you need to keep her alive.

>> No.5868265

Define romantic interest. Let's remove the Meta for a bit, what we have is a crazy obsessive bitch who makes other yanderes seem tame.


As opposed to what? The other "happy" episodes? It's not like we were dealing with a noble murderer, the only difference is that this time we might not see silly fantasy scenes to soften the blow of people dying.

>> No.5868491

Well, to the perspective of Beato it's grimdark. She, or rather, the culprit, thinks that people won't die when they are killed, golden land and all that jazz. When her hands are covered in the blood of her best friend, love interest, and... George, and she realizes that LOL WHOOPS PEOPLE DIE WHEN THEY ARE KILLED, baw will be had. I won't give a fuck, though. Hell, I didn't feel for Natsuhi too much, and Discolor is one of the strongest emotional music pieces I've EVER heard. People who delude themselves are fine, but people who delude themselves and force others to buy into their delusions(i.e. by lying to them or KILLING them) are scum.

Only characters I care about are Eva, Ange, Piece-Battler, Jessica, Gohda, and Juuza if he didn't kill Ange.

>> No.5871180

Erika yes, but Bern was in EP1 and Lambda was mentioned by name. That counts. Of course I don't believe the meta-only witches are the culprit in any way, just sayin' they were mentioned there, like Ange, the captain, and possibly Maria's father.

>> No.5871507

> She, or rather, the culprit
Except the things we were told in Episode 5 were about Beato. If Beato != the culprit, then the culprit may very well be aware of the consequences of their actions.

Fucking George.

>> No.5871525

Honestly, I was re-reading that part in Ep5 where Battler and Virgilia are going through all the "Beatrice didn't do it to blah blah blah" with Battler being all puzzled and the only thing in my head was "HEY, SHE DIDN'T DO IT, IDIOT."

>> No.5871541
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I actually don't believe R07 sold the culprit so fast

Higurashi ep VI spent all the episode telling you Takano is innocent

>> No.5871548

But she did. Every single game can be explained fully by Shkanontrice being the only culprit.

>> No.5871581

- She was reported dead earlier than she was
- She's suspicious as hell in Tatarigoroshi
- In Tsumihoroboshi she predicts the gas disaster before it occurs

It was painfully obvious.

>> No.5871605

People always seem to think "No Knox, No Dine, No Fair." might mean there are no Knox, Dine or Fair(whomever that is) rules in Umineko.

It means its not fair if there are no Knox or Dine rules.

>> No.5871624

>It was painfully obvious.

Like everyone else in the cast, until the last 3 arc.

>> No.5871662

Being a killer != being the culprit. Are you saying Shion was the culprit of Higurashi? Or Rena? Or Satoko? Or Keiichi?

Now, it's true that Hinamizawa Syndrome had a hand in things, but people with DID often aren't very mentally stable anyway, so... What better tool to use for murder than an easily-manipulated being whose very nature can be used to troll?

>> No.5871672

Let's address each of your points one by one:

-This is usually handwaved as the police department being idiots, or explained from the "curse" perspective.
-Sure, but that's immediately before everything goes completely insane, so most people forget about it.
-Fair enough, but that's an Answer Arc.

>> No.5871723

so does battler know about shkannontrice? i really didn't buy his "just as planned thing" at all, the guy failed again for the 2nd straight time for me

i can see he understands the "rules" but does he know the true culprit yet?

>> No.5871732

>so does battler know about shkannontrice? i really didn't buy his "just as planned thing" at all, the guy failed again for the 2nd straight time for me

Of course he did, he's the gm who found the thruth

Lambda know about it as well, probablu

>> No.5871853
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I know it was at the beginning of the thread,


>> No.5871957

Chiru are 'answer arcs' too. Takano was implied in the question arcs just as Shkannon was, but Kai hammered it in even more, again, just like Shkannon.

>> No.5871991


Please, ep V was about Shmion and ep VI she was suspicion like every adult character.
Ep VII is when she's revelaed

>> No.5872011

If you didn't think Takano was one in the culprit after Tatarigoroshi, you are an idiot.
As simple as that.
I don't know why you guys think that R07 is a subtle writer or something but he sure wasn't in Higurashi

>> No.5872021

>If you didn't think Takano was one in the culprit after Tatarigoroshi, you are an idiot.

Fucking this. Even the teeth thing in the first arc had a question mark hanging over it which should have made you focus on her.
