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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5867504 No.5867504 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ meet up

>> No.5867510

Me on the right

>> No.5867514

only 2 people on /jp/? would explain alot...

>> No.5867521


what about the people in the map?

>> No.5867529

>>5867514 only 2 people on /jp/?

>> No.5867532

I can imagine it, /jp/: The Zone

The factions: Touhoufags, loners, Autismfags, The Trolls

>> No.5867550

And Hotglue, a group of hostile 17 year olds who are angry at the world and everyone in it for their miserable existence.

>> No.5867565

Oh god. This sounds awesome.

>> No.5867631

What's the story behind this picture?

>> No.5867642

I am part of the "smart and better than all the other groups" guys.

>> No.5867656
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/jp/ meetup

>> No.5867665
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/jp/ meetup

>> No.5867694
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hahahahahahahaha i fucking hate raisins ;) *sigh*

>> No.5867705
File: 6 KB, 200x160, tyrone-biggums.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hating raisins

This makes no fucking sense. Are you even human?

>> No.5867711

dude raising fucking suck and anyone who puts them in cookies and does not label them as raising to trick me into biting them is a major douch cunt bag

>> No.5867716


Raisins are dogshit.

>> No.5867721

cookies are for children

>> No.5867723

Raizing is on a whole other level than Touhou. Don't try to compare them, everything ZUN has done is shit compared to a single Raizing shmup.

>> No.5867727
File: 131 KB, 480x360, 1267593120962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Raisins are dogshit.

Fucking figures. Why are your opinions so consistently opposite of mine? Goddamn I hate you.

>> No.5867732

Oh quit your whining. Who cares what kind of topping your cookie has? It's only 10% of the flavor.

>> No.5867738


If you hate some random individual on the internet, you have problems kid

>> No.5867744

if toppings on cookies matterd that little then they would all be some generic toppings like nasty ass raisings

>> No.5867756

Raisins are alright but they don't fucking belong in cookies.

>> No.5867779

Consider this, raising haters:

Would you rather have oatmeal raisin, or have some kind of deformed shit like oatmeal chocolate chip?

>> No.5867787

chocolate motherfuckoing chip any day of the YEAR motherfucker

>> No.5867789

Oatmeal chocolate chip happens to be my favorite kind of cookie. I'm disappointed that not a lot of places make it so I often have to make them for myself.

>> No.5867810

Where do you go? Anywhere that makes cookies around my area sells it.

>> No.5867827

if you don't have the visual acuity to identify a wrinkly ass raisin in a cookie you deserve to get a mouthful of them.

Chocolate chunk is the only way to go for cookies.

>> No.5867836

i fucking hate with all my soul those wrinkly ass raisings

>> No.5867845

It depends on the cookie. Sometimes it's easy enough to tell but occasionally the cookie covers the raisins/chocolate chips to such a degree that you can only make out dark chunks lying beneath the surface.

>> No.5867852

what game is this - very interested

>> No.5867858

At first I thought "who would bump this old thread?" but then I realised that you just reposted it.

It wasn't funny the first time.

>> No.5867865

The Story of Eastern Wonderland.

>> No.5867867


and then you ask whoever made them "ARE THESE FUCKING RAISINS?" in a stern, commanding voice.

If they say "fuck no, chocolate chips 4eva," it is brofist and cookies time.

>> No.5867875


>> No.5867877
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>>See thread
>>/jp/ argues about raisins in cookies
>>My face

>> No.5867890

Hey fuck you, that's how I imagine a /jp/ meet up.

>> No.5867903

>what game is this - very interested

It's S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl. It's an awesome, wonderfully atmospheric and typically very hard game set in an alternate reality Ukraine following the Chernobyl disaster. It is based on the preceding works of the novella "Roadside Picnic", and the movie based on the novella, "Stalker".

It's an awesome game. I even stream it (though I haven't streamed in a while - fucking Elona sapping my time away).

Does /jp/ like STALKER?

>> No.5867913
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Shut the fuck up. LEAVE THE RAISINS ALONE!

In all seriousness you need to get the fuck out. Raisins are great with chocolate. So I don't see the problem with the raisings cookies. You are just a bitter faggot that needs a good beating. But oh well, opinions. But that doesn't include the faggot theatre, ie you.

>> No.5867917

People hug each other in this game?

>> No.5867919

Yup, unfortunately I don't seem to have much time for it these days. Liked the 3rd Stalker game the best with a total of 65 hours logged on it.

>> No.5867920


I like it very much. Hell, a few boards also like Stalker too. The games are a real time sapper. I have two physical copies of SOC and CS. Too bad there won't be a physical copy of CoP where I live. The only problem I have with this game is it isn't complete without Mods.

>> No.5867921


hahaha spergloif thinks people like him or raisins.

>> No.5867924

>total of 65 hours

>> No.5867923
File: 1.71 MB, 200x174, 12797909312.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i swear if one more pro-rasings fag comes in here i'm giong to kill that nigger, they taste like fucking shit

>> No.5867926

Whats the matter, too mature for you?

>> No.5867930


I know /k/ goes wild for STALKER. Can't say I blame them.

Though I disagree with saying it's incomplete without mods. You only need the latest patch to get a complete experience (just to smooth out the release bugs). Mods do improve the experience immensely, however. It's already a great game for replaying, but mods increase the replay value.

>> No.5867932
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Is that you in the pic?

Pro-raisin here:

>> No.5867937
File: 123 KB, 400x300, raisins-girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey, cuties! I heard you like Raisins? Wow, that's SO interesting!

>> No.5867942
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>> No.5867943

STALKER is great. I've never been as immersed in a game before I tried STALKER.
I liked the atmosphere best in SoC, but the gameplay was the best in CoP.
I get chills whenever I remember my first encounter with a bloodsucker. That thing scared the living shit out of me.

>> No.5867948

A lot of /k/ and /g/ have a lot more than that; the true stalker neckbeards have well over 120 hours.

>> No.5867955

>over 120 hours

>> No.5867959


yeah yeah, I know. But I still remember my first time playing SoC & CS. It wasn't the run of the mill shooterw at the time I played it. But man, I still remember some of the glitches and bullshit things they had in the first two. The first fire fight in SoC and reclaiming the swamp in CS made me rage so hard that I wanted to uninstall the games.

captcha: 230 clammiest

>> No.5867962


What I remember more than the bloodsuckers was learning exactly how hard it is to clear a building when there are some determined, well-armed motherfuckers inside. SoC was awesome but the shitty stability pissed me the hell off and I never finished it.

CS was alright, though the never ending faction wars were again annoying. Once I finish building my new PC I'm gonna pick up CoP.

captcha groin Life.

>> No.5867968


Yeah. CoP was the best of the series tbh. My only problem with this game is that everyone was too friendly even though they're still enemies.

>> No.5867978

Ah the good old days when you'd get shot at for just walking the wrong way.

>> No.5867980

Raisins are awesome in bread

>> No.5867981
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CoP was a nice follow-up, but it was much easier than SoC, which was a disappointment. (I play Master, so don't ask me to turn up the difficulty.)

They did a lot of things right, but I'm sure mods will bring back the SoC feel to the CoP polish.


I probably have at least 500 hours. Maybe a thousand.

>> No.5867982

>not /jp/
>greentext and reporting

>> No.5867985


>>never ending faction wars were again annoying.

It was broken as fuck. Luckily, some modders fixed it up and made it awesome. Has anyone here tried lurk? I've heard of some mixed views on it and the "creator".

>> No.5867990


>My only problem with this game is that everyone was too friendly even though they're still enemies.

When there are unspeakable bloodsucking horrors that lurk in the night hoping to tear your face off and drink your guts while they are still warm, that douche from the other faction you're stuck with seems like just a little bit less of a douche.

>> No.5867989 [DELETED] 

Should I just skip Clear Sky or what?

>> No.5867994
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Stalker is over-rated, it's really mediocre.

>> No.5867998

Tried lurk for a bit but it crashed for me quite a bit. I went over to the "complete" mod series. Still waiting for the same mod but for CoP

>> No.5867997

Mods doesn't count. Manly men play it vanilla.

>> No.5867995



>> No.5867996


I played LURK before the latest 1.1 update, and loved it. I haven't tried the 1.1 update, and I don't exactly plan on it. AMK is just about perfect, I think. It's the best mod for SoC I've played so far.

>> No.5868006


only because it lacks polish and good, solid bug testing.

It's a pretty brilliant concept, but with less than amazing execution.

>> No.5868009


Bandits still should have been hostile aside from the two spots in Jupiter where you can deal with the bandits in a friendly manner, and the Skadovsk. Also, the "Skadovsk is under attack" happening when you fight someone FAR away from the base is annoying as hell. It makes me not even want to attack Bandits to make them hostile as a faction, because then I'll have to fight them later and it will lock up the Skadovsk for a while.

A really annoying thing, but if you try to get past that, CoP is still nice. It's almost as if it went the exact opposite direction of Clear Sky, which was a little too far.

>> No.5868012

You take that back you lil bitch.

>> No.5868017


/jp/... I am disappoint.


>> No.5868018


I'm not going to when SoC crashed at least once or twice every hour or so. That's an unacceptable failure rate.

Don't get me wrong, I love the game and it got way better after patching, but that shit SUCKED.

>> No.5868023

>Mods doesn't count. Manly men play it vanilla.

I do play it vanilla, but mods can be great additions. You shut your whore mouth. While you're at it, fix your fucking grammar.


True, it may lack polish, but the latest patch fixes nearly everything that should have been fixed in the release, and even with the bugs it was an outstanding execution of concept.

>> No.5868025


The City of Priyat would've been better if there were more monolith. But they did a good job on making it a "dead city".

>> No.5868026

>everyone was too friendly
Not to mention that all the voice actors sounded like they were about to throw a giant laughing fit whenever they talked, completely ruining the atmosphere. Maybe I should play with Russian voices next time instead of that shitty localization, if thats even possible.

>> No.5868034

Maybe you should take out the mods you installed really far up your ass. 90% of mods are garbage that changes the original game. 10% are actual bug fixes, that even then include unrelated shit like game content deletion.

>> No.5868040



That's not how it works.

>> No.5868042

I won't fix shit in my grammar. I write however the fuck I want. Mods shouldn't rape the game but fix it, but even then. If you want a whole different game you aren't really playing the actual STALKER. For shit you are just playing a completely different game. So you can't really give a REAL opinion about it. You are just playing STALKER unofficial version 5.0.

>> No.5868050


>> No.5868052

Forgot to mention then, if I ever install a mod someday, it will be for bug fixing. Which I hardly doubt cuz they always pull ass-moves and delete game content. To each his own. But don't talk like you are a fan or an expert because you are not really playing STALKER but some HYBRID PIECE OF SHIT.

>> No.5868053


How many mods have you played for STALKER? Did you have a bad experience with some mods that made you think this way or are you uptight about STALKER being Vanilla?

Captacha: overblown behavior.16

>> No.5868060
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