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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 501 KB, 1200x1200, sanaebrrzzzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5858074 No.5858074 [Reply] [Original]

Suwako is the only canon non-virgin in Touhou.


>> No.5858088

Reported for perpetuating old shit.

>> No.5858087 [DELETED] 

In before that doujin where Suwako gets raped and throws up and squirts out Sanae.

>> No.5858090

You merely stating the obvious.


>> No.5858098

Japanese fandom thinks Sanae loves men.

A lot.

>> No.5858105 [DELETED] 


>> No.5858119
File: 100 KB, 1026x421, suwako nonvirgin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5858126
File: 82 KB, 888x645, sanae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5858130

Honest Suwako is brutally honest.

>> No.5858129 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5858149
File: 40 KB, 800x600, Sanae uwaaaaah4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D-don't talk about things like that!

>> No.5858153 [DELETED] 


Sanae, do you like dicks?

>> No.5858162 [DELETED] 
File: 379 KB, 1000x750, 8978147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5858170

>implying Suwako didn't just use her godhax powers to immaculately conceive

>> No.5858172
File: 13 KB, 224x224, Sanae red-faced.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um...well...not like...but...uh...
Uwaaaah, I don't know!

>> No.5858174

>implying suwako didn't fuck dudes raw like how they actually did it in greek and japanese mythologies

>> No.5858177 [DELETED] 

These threads are shit. Deported.

>> No.5858198

You're shit.

>> No.5858230 [DELETED] 

Did he just get banned or did he just delete his post?

>> No.5858232


Last time I saw that posted, it was named nosource.jpg

>> No.5858242

Its true. She would fuck dudes in the ass and then cut their throats. I saw it in a doujin, so you know its true.

>> No.5858245


>> No.5858257

I reported it. Seems that meido is doing her job.

>> No.5858268

It's pretty easy to find, if you search on your own you'll find it quickly. Don't have the name of it at the moment.

>> No.5858285

Sanae is a descendant of Suwako. That doesn't mean Suwako gave birth to a direct descendant of Sanae. Think your mother's sister: you are also a descendant of her.

Also, Suwako is a goddess. She doesn't need sex, or even her own body, to have offspring.

Stop repeating old shit. It was never funny and never will.

>> No.5858300

Even though the porn pictures are still here? Though really this whole thread should be deleted since it's fucking terrible.

>> No.5858327

Reimu wont be for too long, unless she becomes immortal or reproduces via mitosis.

Next up in the Hakurei bloodline:

>> No.5858461

These are Japanese deities. THEY HAVE SEX TO PRODUCE OFFSPRING.

>> No.5858480

>descendant of your aunt

Main Entry: 1de·scen·dant
Variant(s): also de·scen·dent \di-ˈsen-dənt\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English dessendaunte, from Anglo-French descendant, from Latin descendent-, descendens, present participle of descendere
Date: circa 1555

1 : moving or directed downward
2 : proceeding from an ancestor or source

Merriam Webster

You can't be your aunt's descendant. It's not even legally correct.

>> No.5858499

Where did the "Sanae is a slut" meme even come from?

>> No.5858523

Not your aunt descending from you, the other way around.
Also, Fry is his own grandfather

>> No.5858543 [DELETED] 
File: 522 KB, 660x1020, SLUTteam7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5858614

You descend from others. Your aunts do not descend from you. You cannot descend from your aunts legally even.

>> No.5858639 [DELETED] 

Well what if you made a child with your grandmother?

>> No.5858649

sanae is a pure girl

>> No.5858677
File: 200 KB, 485x423, ehehe....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started with this, slut-meme arose to counter it. Then, with perfect timing, she was announced as playable in UFO. See also: Sakuyafags beings fags.
Before UFO, people felt she didn't get enough attention and felt sorry for her. ;_;

>> No.5858685

ITT: Proof that /jp/ is as bad as /b/ about stupid, immature meme shit.

>> No.5858687
File: 462 KB, 800x800, Sakuya smirk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5858701
File: 369 KB, 800x600, Sakuya and Sanae share a pleasant conversation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5858712

go to the mature /a/ then oh wait

>> No.5858730

Suwako gave a virgin birth. After she was defeated by Kanako, she decided to have a child to pass down her powers before she faded away. She went to some god of pregnancy and asked to become pregnant. Kanako decided to give Suwako some of her faith to keep her alive so it was kind of pointless afterwards.

That's what I tell myself when I fap to Suwako and remember that she has had a child

>> No.5858737

Sakuya said in her PoFV ending that solving incidents were none of her business, and that mikos should be the ones taking care of them.
She had no reason to be playable, and she will never be playable again, and she's fine with that. Why aren't you?

>> No.5858741 [DELETED] 

...But she hasn't had a child! I thought she was like the niece of Sanae's great great great great great great Grandmother or something.

>> No.5858752

I still don't understand how Sanae got a main character slot. She doesn't really have a personality. Beat ZUN only gave it to her since she's a miko. Much rather have Sakuya or Youmu back. At least they felt different

>> No.5858758

because he couldn't give reimu any more broken aoe shots

>> No.5858765

Youmu and Sakuya didn't really have personalities before they were playable either.

>> No.5858769

Suwako fucked like old Japanese deities did. GET OVER IT

>> No.5858770

Could be true. If gods could have children then they have brothers or sisters. Suwako's relation could be a sex god. Babies everywhere. Then again, there should be a lot of people like Sanae if gods could have children with humans. Hmm

>> No.5858777

Prove it. Cite it.

>> No.5858787


>> No.5858806

>universe created by sex
no wonder the japanese are so fucked up

>> No.5858810

We're talking about Suwako, friend. The fact that other gods fucked proves nothing.

>> No.5858816

>the fact that other gods fucked proves nothing
It helluva infers a lot more than your bullshit not fucking theories.

>> No.5858819 [DELETED] 

I always thought suwako had a brother or sister or something who had sanae and Suwako herself was chosen by the heavens to be the representation of the mountains

>> No.5858824

You cannot be descended from your aunt. It does not work that way.

>> No.5858839

Innocent until proven guilty, friend. Infer all you want.

>> No.5858843

Someday Zun is going to troll the hell outta everyone and make it a clear fact that all the touhou commonly have sexual relations with males from the human village.

>> No.5858850


There's a distinction between direct and indirect descendants.

Check and mate.

>> No.5858851

distant descendant. Not direct descendant

Only 2 gods had sex multiple times to populate earth. No other gods was mentioned having sex

>> No.5858854 [DELETED] 
File: 356 KB, 600x480, 9819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This I be waiting for.

Also, captcha: is worst

>> No.5858863

many tears will be shed that day and the fans will revolt

CAPTCHA: pyromania them

>> No.5858874

>only 2 gods had sex
>implying other gods can't have sex
Are you stupid?

>> No.5858876 [DELETED] 

You'll be waiting for quiet a long time.

>> No.5858886

Should it matter? We know Marisa had a dad. We also know that Reimu had a mom. From those things alone, we already know they fuck around a lot.

>> No.5858890

>2 god had sex
>implying this means all gods have sex
Are YOU stupid?

>> No.5858899

Doing this would be like putting a bullet to the head of Touhou. It won't happen.

>> No.5858920

I was >implying your link is shit for your argument
Forgot to dumb it down for some people

>> No.5858923

does it make you mad? does it frustrate you?

hey, is being a nonvirgin so frustrating to you that you have to take it out on others? why are you so mad, granny?

>> No.5858935

>2 gods have sex
>denies that suwako has sex out of some stupid inferential fuckery he came up with even though the entire touhou lore is heavily based on shinto, a heavily sexual religion that has penis/vagina festivals

>> No.5858944

see >>5858839

>> No.5858947

Do you know how scientists were able to determine we have an iron core on our planet even if they have no way of getting even close to it? INFERENCE.

If you didn't infer anything from that article, you're a dumbass.

>> No.5858955

So basically you base your argument on nothing?

>> No.5858968

I don't really have an argument.I just think treating possible implications as absolute fact is stupid.

>> No.5858992

>The latter deities, a brother and sister, received from their superiors the sacred mandate to descend from heaven to the terrestrial world, where they were to generate and form an entire new realm of beings. Izanagi (“The Male Who Invites”), together with his sister-bride Izanami (“The Female Who Invites”), passed down the floating bridge of heaven and undertook to create a universe by engaging in multiple divine acts of sexual reproduction.

That's the only time it's mentioned that the gods had sex and they only did it because they got a mandate from their superiors to create a new realm of beings. According to this article, that's the only time. I'm saying that if you post a link to prove something, read it over and make sure it actually supports your view

>> No.5859125

I wish the ancient japanese had explained who these "superiors" were.

>> No.5859137

She wat

>> No.5859144

No its not, Japanese gods procreated all the time. Sexuality wasn't a taboo thing back then in Japan like it was in Victorian England

>> No.5859473


That is something you can infer from that article if you get nothing else. That's like saying if articles said only two people had sex in it, that must mean the rest of the people in those stories never had sex in their free time.

That's just naive.

>> No.5859485

This thread is fucking retarded.

>> No.5859494

>That's like saying if articles said only two people had sex in it, that must mean the rest of the people in those stories never had sex in their free time.
And saying the opposite (two people had sex, so everyone else must have had sex) is a-ok?

>> No.5859504

Are you guys really that retarded? Theres no way that Suwako is Sanae's aunt, for her to be her descendant, she has to be sanae's great great grandmother or something. Because of the fact that sanae is a human, somewhere down the line one of the god's that suwako is related to, had sex with a human, deal with it.

>> No.5859548

I'm just pointing it out to the Suwako never could possibly fuck someone. She must have had some kind of LOL BIRTH BY NON-SHINTO MEANS.

>> No.5859561

>He thinks Suwako is pure

>> No.5859580 [DELETED] 

Man, it would suck if you have to remain virgin for hundreds of years... Even if you are loli god.

>> No.5859592

>shinto deities
>sexually reproduce
>keep on shouting they don't

>> No.5859621

Suwako is a fan-speculated nonvirgin.

The Watatsuki sisters are confirmed to be or have been married, which can presumably mean nonvirgin.

>> No.5859622
File: 489 KB, 716x432, 1254035387381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a clear fact that all the touhou commonly have sexual relations with males from the human village.

Don't even joke about that, man

>> No.5859640

Why? Too RL for you?

>> No.5859645
File: 160 KB, 500x500, getoutofjp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5859646

You know, the human village isn't the only place with males. Surely there exist male youkai all over Gensokyo, male tengu and kappa on Youkai mountain, male ghosts, do I even have to continue? Point is, we don't want to learn about them. My guess is, danmaku is probably a feminine sport.

>> No.5859661
File: 3 KB, 300x57, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Female is the default gender, male is only an ugly reproductive state necessary to mingle with a fertile female to ensure future generations for the group as a whole.

Look at ants, bees, etc. Any species without equal genders will be predominantly female.

>> No.5859667

Zun has stated that Danmaku is for women only before.

>> No.5859675

Guys don't danmaku because it's a feminine sport. And Men are busy watching girls fight while eating popcorn.

>> No.5859690 [DELETED] 


Man that danmaku is really gr- OH I JUST SAW HER PANTIES!

>> No.5859699

Man that danmaku is really gr- OH I JUST SAW HER BLOOMERS!

>> No.5859706 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 800x642, 6a00d41430187d685e00e398ec4a8e0005-500pi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>men are busy watching girls fight while eating popcorn.

I just had a surreal image of Touhous flying in huge circles, hitting each other, shooting danmaku at each other, and trying to bump each other into huge walls.

>> No.5859728

You know, it would be kind of weird doing danmaku if you were a guy in Gensyoko. Wouldn't really feel gallant bragging to your buddies that you kicked some young girls ass with some glowing balls, or worse, that you got your butt handed to you.

>> No.5859759 [DELETED] 
File: 128 KB, 432x600, sanaecommando.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Actual danmaku battle is dangerous sports only elite female ex-ops can partake. What we see in touhou games are just 'mild' version toned down for public release.

RIP Major Mima

>> No.5859798

No, she shall be back.
I can feel it in mah bones;_;

>> No.5859808
File: 74 KB, 547x555, Sanae_gb3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5859823
File: 488 KB, 1133x1600, godburger_028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even at home, people try to make Sanae a slut.

>> No.5859851

Wow, that's a fucked up family.

>> No.5859992
File: 106 KB, 493x720, 36868_136085093078321_100000304947427_245936_5920270_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've always wondered what the source of this was
by the looks of things... godburger?

anyways, whatever yukari says goes, and you people are going way into to much detail into if suwako is a virgin or not

>> No.5860244 [DELETED] 

Anybody who believe that thousands of years old youkai are virgins are completely retarded.

That's all.

>> No.5860250

Anyone who believes that's important is retarded. That is all.

>> No.5860263

Anybody who tries to make it seem unimportant when they give a fuck about it in secret is retarded. That is all

>> No.5860268

Sorry, you have me confused with that /jp/ samefag who thinks it is.

>> No.5860269 [DELETED] 


Male youkai are very rare. Look at actual shinto legends.

And shinto is a very feminine religion in the first place.

>> No.5860274

>can't read
You wouldn't actually post if you didn't care. Think about it.

>> No.5860275

Wait. Shinto is feminine? They have dick festivals.

>> No.5860282

I said anyone who thinks virginity matters, is retarded. Especially when we're discussing characters that don't exist.

>> No.5860288

No. Your reply is that anyone who thinks that virginity of fictional characters is important is retarded.

BUT, if you really didn't give it any importance at all, YOU WOULDN'T have posted at all. Posting shows you obviously gave a fuck to reply to his lolcrap.

Thus, you are retarded as well. Just pointing that out.

>> No.5860292 [DELETED] 

And who loves dicks more than a woman? It's only natural they would worship them.

>> No.5860294 [DELETED] 


And vagina festivals.

Main god is female. Originally shinto priests were all-female (earliest records about Japan say it was ruled by shaman queens). Fertility and maternity is very important in old shinto legends. Etc.

>> No.5860313

ZUN already said there was a equal amount of males and females in Gensyoko in a interview, males just aren't ones for participating in denmaku or important to the story. Also can you bring up a source for these claims?

>> No.5860317 [DELETED] 

>Amaterasu birthed three women from Susanoo's sword while he birthed five men from her necklace. Claiming the gods were hers because they were born of her necklace, and the goddesses were his, he decided that he has won the challenge, as his item produced women.

3 women > 5 men

Ancient Japan was matriarchal. Actually most of ancient civilizations were.

>> No.5860325 [DELETED] 

>ZUN already said there was a equal amount of males and females in Gensyoko

You mean in the human village.

>> No.5860334

No, I think I remember it written as all of Gensyoko, but I need to find that script of that interview.

>> No.5860333 [DELETED] 

>When Susano arrived, he tried to assure Amaterasu that he came only to bid her farewell. She demanded proof, and suggested a competiton in procreation.

That's how ancient Shinto works. Sex, sex, sex and more sex.

Suwako obviously fucked thousands of both men and women.

>> No.5860342


>Suwako obviously fucked thousands of both men and women.

Pic or it didn't happen.

>> No.5860356 [DELETED] 
File: 301 KB, 820x820, 1261627296642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goddes of fertility

Your logic is amazing /jp/.

>> No.5860369
File: 80 KB, 360x363, 1278001768940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you people
Suwako fucks frogs that then take her eggs and bring them to unsuspecting men in the middle of the night and shove them down their cocks so they have warmth and moisture to grow. Sanae popped out of a cock. We all did.

>> No.5860374
File: 1.32 MB, 1280x868, 290fc8028746485e1574c193ceca0b0f1a95c7a3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading some of this lessons on Shintoism got me thinking. Wouldn't Byakuren and her Buddhist driven religion be seen as a heretical invasion or is Gensyoko more progressive then we think?

"seduced General" really Captcha?

>> No.5860380


I would invade Byakuren if you know what I mean

>> No.5860385

Can't believe I'm the first to point out that frogs don't really have sexual intercourses (well, they kind of do, but no penetration). Female just releases a bunch of unfertilized eggs and the male cums all over them.

>> No.5860390 [DELETED] 


"I don't believe you! Fuck me right now!"

Ancient Japan was awesome.

>> No.5860399

>Man, it would suck if you have to remain virgin for hundreds of years... Even if you are loli god.

not if you became a god/stopped your aging/reverted to the age before you entered puberty.

not having a libido at all and being a loli god etc.

>> No.5860406

It depends on if you are SHOGUN or MEIJI EMPEROR. If you are either you retcon Buddhism to be an invasive force from China that is foreign to diminish the influence of the religious organization and invent a new religion called Shinto as a stat religion and pretend it always existed. Otherwise Buddhism came so early in Japan's history, it offered some alternative functions to the native religion, and pretty much combined with it. Japanese religious view does not prescribe that you belong to only one religion either.

>> No.5860408 [DELETED] 


But she's not a frog. Frogs are just her symbol. She's a goddess of earth, mountains, fertility and curse spirits.

>> No.5860422

or even better, since you're a god you can just make your libido go away. suddenly you don't care about being a virgin forever.

>> No.5860425 [DELETED] 


Japanese don't do religious wars.

>> No.5860431

Unless you are militant monks or state shinto

>> No.5860455

I'm saying he sucks for thinking virginity is important. Meaning the "Hurr used goods" crowd. What the hell is the point you're trying to make?

>> No.5862265
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>> No.5863136
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>> No.5863797
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>> No.5863810
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>> No.5864197
File: 549 KB, 606x646, yui.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when this thread
>captcha: onioning their
