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5855669 No.5855669 [Reply] [Original]

How would you get out of this situation /jp/?

>> No.5855675

Haven't you ever watched any of the Saw movies?

>> No.5855679

By harnessing my inner strength and rip the handcuffs.

>> No.5855680

cry and wait for the protagonist to save me

>> No.5855682

Flex, breaking the handcuffs.

>> No.5855692

Douse the flames with my urine, obviously

>> No.5855694

Blow the candle

>> No.5855695

Blow the candle out.
Cut the chain with Butcher's Cleaver.
Walk away.
Later come back wondering how I became a little girl.

>> No.5855696

dislocate thumb, slip out of handcuff

>> No.5855700

that seems really easy

first, cut off all clothes, as they are flammable

throw shoe at candle
climb up the pipe and wait
try chopping the chain or pole
pee on candle

>> No.5855701

She could just break the cuffs with that sturdy-looking knife.
It's too easy.

Captcha: decrease tortoise

>> No.5855702

Brace myself against the wall and rip those pipes off.

Much better chance than me (as a spindly girl) breaking handcuffs.

>> No.5855703

Drop the cleaver and use the time I have left to enjoy my newfound feminine bits

>> No.5855705

>Most likely gasoline on the ground

Captcha:Ness Lupin

>> No.5855707

Ahhaha wow. Sure are some manly people on /jp/. I think most of you NEETS would just give up and wait for the flame to reach the gas

>> No.5855709

Throw the machete at the candle so thatit doesn't touch the gasoline. Alternatively, use the handcuffs to help me climb closer tothe ceiling until the flames die out or someone comes over (fires aren't exactly inconspicuous).

>> No.5855716

What if you accidentally toss the candle over while blowing on it?

>> No.5855723

There is no manliness in the will to survive.

>> No.5855726

Take off clothes. Wipe a lot of gasoline away from me and surrounding areas. Throw clothes far away. Then take my time to carefully apply butcher knife to handcuffs. -> Freedom

>> No.5855731

It's a bloody candle!
I'm unable to produce a hurricane that could blow away that.

>> No.5855732

Post more, /jp/

My dick is hard

>> No.5855734

Also, take off my clothes and use them to dry the area around me. Fucking huge captchas.

>> No.5855737

Kick the candle out of the way, or ignore the candle since it is only a danger to me if it magically falls over for some reason or another.
Hack through chain with axe.

ReCaptcha: emigrants and

>> No.5855738

take off some clothes and scrub some of the gas off the floor. Of course that might not be enough so i'll do my bes tto slip out of cuffs/ break the pipe/ blow the candle

>> No.5855739

Climb up the pipe when the fire starts.

By the way, you don't need to cut your hand off.
Just the thumb is enough to get through cuffs.

>> No.5855741

Pitch knife at candle, ideally knocking it clear of gasoline stream

Die slowly in the dark because I made the worst decision and don't have a knife anymore

>> No.5855742

Hock a big fat loogie onto that candle. Masturbate furiously at my near-death experience.

>> No.5855743

Remove the key from behing my eye of course

>> No.5855745

Rotate arm until the chain shears off.

Walk away.

>> No.5855748

If the clothes aren't made of something highly flammable, throwing a shirt at the candle might be enough to extinguish it.

>> No.5855751

I can actually squeeze my hands to be smaller than my wrists, so I just slip out

>> No.5855752
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Sweep the blade with so much ki that the flame disappears.
Do the same for the cuffs.

>> No.5855753

Call the candle candle oniichan~ so that it puts itself out from dying from moe. I have the skill, I've been practicing.

>> No.5855754

Grin and wait.

The heat of the flames is nothing compared to the burning of my hot blooded passion.

>> No.5855757

Are you some kind of dwarf?

>> No.5855759

Use Aikido to redirect the heat of the flames onto my handcuffs, causing them to melt. Walk away unharmed.

>> No.5855760

I chop off my arm at the elbow to free myself from the handcuffs then I take the candle and start the fire and plunge the stump of my arm into the flame to cauterize the wound.

I leave and find the nearest payphone to dial 911 to send for an ambulance to treat my wound.

Will this work?

>> No.5855761

Grab and wank the bar to make it fall off from the wall.

Take it back to home, and use it to make new curtain.

>> No.5855762

The floor is made of carpet or tatami, I would cut through this layer of floor between me and the candle, lift it, use it to snuff the candle, and then proceed to rip the pipes off the wall using the wall as a brace. Later, slip hand out of cuff by applying massive amounts of a household lubricant like cooking oil.

If the floor isn't cuttable, I use the knife to pull the gasoline jug over to me and cut it instead to use the outer, dry wall of the container as a candle-snuffing device.

>> No.5855771

Would you risk a spark from the colliding metal objects to do the candle's job?

>> No.5855773

No, paramedics would not have the facilities or training to reattach your arm.

>> No.5855779

not at all, that's just how I roll

>> No.5855781

No because once you open the door to exit. Dirt and mud will shuffle in. Then it will be clear that the shack you are in is buried underground!

>> No.5855783


I mean to treat the burn wound not reattach my arm.

>> No.5855787

I can only assume the pipe is actually a gas main to kill me if try to break it and I can just take off my shoe and douse the flame and take my time to free my handcuffs

>> No.5855790

If japanese walls are anything like american one, I simply chop my way through the wall.

>> No.5855791

The wall is made of wood, Id weaken the wood with the knife then use both feet to pull it away from the wall.
Those Wall links are normally made of tin/Aluminum So bending it off wouldn't be too hard.
Then blow out the candle.

>> No.5855794


He never asked if his arm would make it, only if it was a viable solution.

It technically is, but I hope you don't mind being one-handed.

>> No.5855800

First, I would notice that the corner of that room is at an awkward angle.
Connecting the non-euclidean geometry to my location, I cut my throat out of fear of being fed to cthulhu

>> No.5855801

that's not my fapping hand, so it's ok

>> No.5855802

The wick would burn out before it would light the gas. The candle poses no threat...

>> No.5855804


Well old japanese buildings are whole wooden usually, so It wouldn't be impossible to chop them.

It would be damn hard to do though, but it's better than burning to death or cutting your own hand...

>> No.5855805


captcha: vanity analogs

>> No.5855807

Chopping of an arm would probably take longer than severing the chain on the cuffs. You would probably faint from the pain before you'd make it though severing off your own arm as well. I guess it's not impossible but going to the arm rather than the chain is stupid.

>> No.5855808

Oh fuck,I just noticed it.

>> No.5855813
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Then, you leave me with no choice.


>> No.5855823

masturbate to acquire lubricant and use the lubricant on my hand, slip out of the handcuffs and leave.

>> No.5855827

Best end: Piss on candle, have a long time to break handcuffs, wonder why I'm a little girl and why I was there after I escape.

Normal end: Throw machete at candle in panic, pray it works.

Bad end: Cut my arm off

>> No.5855828

Couldn't you use saliva?

>> No.5855850

cut off thumb, the handcuffs become as effective as a hula hoop

>> No.5855853
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>> No.5855856

The candle will use 20-30 minuttes to burn down, unless its a crpa candle. I can still throw my shoe at it if i get desperate.
If the pipe contains water? CUT! Gas? Then I attempt to cut the weak steel cuff instead.
Sorry to say so, but its far to easy to get out alive.

>> No.5855867

Just wipe this and take your time cutting the pole or handcuff.

>> No.5855870

hell, if it's going to take that long for the candle to get down, the gas will have largely evaporated by the time it gets dangerous

>> No.5855871
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stupid capcha

>> No.5855879

Escape using one of the methods above. Come back because I don't want the rapist-kidnapper to feel bad for being a failure. Not to mention that I am a slut.

>> No.5855880

Rusty iron/copper hollow pipe vs steel blade?


>> No.5855884

BTW what's the point of escaping when outside is full of pedophiles and the pedobear?

>> No.5855888

Slash them all with the huge blade you have?

>> No.5855890

Definitely not by cutting off my hand.

>> No.5855894

I don't think it will work. Don't you think the heat from the nearby flame (which isn't going to be trivial by the way) would affect the puddle around you as well?

>> No.5855914

Doesn't matter, the flame from the candle will never touch the gas.

>> No.5855929


>> No.5855938

It all depends, if they are cheap handcuffs you could simply pry the chains apart with the blade. If not then the weak point would probably be the pipe somewhere. Not enough information in the pic

>> No.5855939

I can break these cuffs

>> No.5855947

I constantly lose this artist's pixiv/website. Something about eggplants...
Help, OP?

>> No.5855961

You're cutting off your hand or dying horribly. Artist says so via the tone of the pic, no way around it.

>> No.5855962


This. The fumes would fill the room and eventually ingite, killing you. Best bet would be blast with piss/blast clothing with piss and throw on candle/etc.

>> No.5855965

A jerrycan of gasoline would evaporate in the span of minutes.

>> No.5855969

Stand up. Walk outside of the gas puddle. Knock over the candle out of the puddle.

Cut my way out of the pipes and walk away.

>> No.5855971

The person who kidnapped you forcefed you gasoline, if you piss you will burn from the inside.

>> No.5855972
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>> No.5855976
File: 322 KB, 640x480, umineko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one's too easy.

Spit out flame, or preferably simply knock it away from the gasoline (light source, after all) then hack at the chain link until it breaks, or alternatively, hack at the pipe's supports and kick the pipe out once it's loose. They're really rigid, to be honest. If it's gas, well, I'll either escape with a horrible odor on me, or I'll explode painlessly. If it's water I'll get soaked and escape waterlogged. The gasoline fumes could be troublesome, however.

>> No.5855994

Hack away at the wall behind the metal bars.

Hope whoever put me there isn't dead set on seeing me die and intervenes.

>> No.5855998

let the fire come and stand outside the gas puddle.

From there, let the heat soften up the metal so that you can actually do some damage to it.

Or is there any red text saying I cant?

>> No.5856018

I think the fire is the least of my worries, then.

>> No.5856031

But it would still be a problem as you can imagine.

>> No.5856033

Situation doesn't work. The candle would light the fumes way before it burns to the ground. It's not the gas itself that burns, it's the fumes.

>> No.5856061

Since we went through the solutions, why don't we discuss why the fuck is she trying to reach the gas with the cleave?

>> No.5856062

There's not enough gasoline for it to be a danger based on the drawing.
This isn't a jerrycan's worth, it's barely the equivalent of a little spill when filling your tank.

>> No.5856064


>> No.5856067

Well her eyes aren't fixed on it, she's just trying to escape. The gascan is there for the idiots who can't put two and two together.

>> No.5856068

You're lying

>> No.5856073

I thik she's completely soaked in gasoline, then some left dor the path to take.

>> No.5856080

she could get the can and throw it at the candle

>> No.5856082

Stab the cleaver into the ground to block the gasoline, then wait for the candle to burn itself out.
Or blow the candle out.

>> No.5856091

Pee on the floor, it doesn't matter if it helps or not.

>> No.5856093

>You stab hard at the concrete floor
>Your wrist is broken and shards of the blade lodges itself into your legs

>> No.5856095

pee on candel then break pipe

>> No.5856102

i got shoes right? throw it and make the fire go away

>> No.5856111

Also, I could always give a speech to the kidnapper, explaining how scared he was of his father's penis size.

>> No.5856131

I walk out laughing at the girl's predicament.

>> No.5856143

>Start fingering myself thinking of my male counterpart
>Spray all over candle


>> No.5856194

Pfft of all the deathtraps I've been in this is by far one of the easiest ones.
I'll just use my flame repellant and my handcuff unlocker from my utility belt, and dance the bat boogie if I have some time left.
I should know, I'm batman.
