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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 943 KB, 1173x850, orin2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5839291 No.5839291 [Reply] [Original]

What are some Touhou characters you were originally indifferent to or disliked but came to like or even love?

I was indifferent to Sanae until I dreamed about marrying her.

Orin was my my least favorite in SA initially because I didn't like her ZUNart picture, and was annoyed that she was repeating catgirl repetition in a game that had already been the first to repeat a species, with Yuugi the Oni. However, her determination to kill you was just so endearing, and she became my favorite character in the game instead.

Aya, I wasn't a fan of her wardrobe or photography, and unfortunately at the time the slut meme was strong. However, that doujin that depicted her as a lonely girl with no friends really got to me. She is unappreciated by all the characters in the game, even though she is one of the few that actually works and devotes herself to gathering material for her papers, even going as far as going through two games of photography sessions for her scoops. Aya does her best, but is unappreciated for her efforts. Nobody really likes her one-woman Bunbunmaru newspaper. And now even Momiji canonically dislikes her. She keeps going with energy and enthusiasm even though she is really lonely on the inside.

I also initially wasn't into Momiji and Youmu, bug a year later they somehow became the epitome of MOE to me. I can't really explain it. Something about short silver hair and swords...

Tei was my least favorite character for at least a year or two, but Inaba offical manga as well as other doujins made me attached to her too. That and the fact that despite her prankster reputation, she's canonically supposed to be nice to people.

And finally, I had initially disliked yukkuri and thought they were one of the stupidest parts of the fandom, but two years later I've finally come to adore them. They are so cute!

>> No.5839319

Aya is a fucking bitch that is always exaggerating stuff or causing them herself lying a lot in her shitty paper. That's not "doing her best and being unappreciated". Everyone in Gensokyo knows that you should stay away from her to avoid unnecessary shit.

>> No.5839321

sorry i cant read this shit because im autistic

>> No.5839369
File: 102 KB, 800x600, 1265553602126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the SA cast.

>> No.5839375
File: 254 KB, 846x587, Fall Rin love~!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read it all through just because you used Orin in OP.

Orin made me rip off my pants. But then i began to like the pain she gave to me. To read all those; "Yee! going to kill you for your corpse and torment your soul" lines with her drawn so happy, while you scream her name with numerous profanities.

I fell in love.

>> No.5840791
File: 48 KB, 650x475, alice rip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately, with Alice it was the reverse. She started off as my favorite simply for being the "Alice" of the series, but I ceased to care much for her compared to other new characters I got to know about.

>> No.5841340
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Pic related

>> No.5842695
File: 102 KB, 517x550, bite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please do share your stories of how you came to like the characters!

>> No.5842724

Removing your hat is the ultimate display of affection as a touhou.

>> No.5842732

I used to dislike Yukari, but after getting my ass beaten by her over and over again in the fighting games made me like her a lot for some reason.

>> No.5842798


Why does she say "dick" all the time?

>> No.5842810

Wriggle was just meh for me, then I read Chado's Wirggle vs SDM and fucking fell in love with him (He's a she but fuck you). Same with Byakuren and minamitsu.

>> No.5842824

I've got some bad news... the vast majority of people who draw yukkuri stuff feel the opposite. It really is the worst part of Touhou, but not for the reason you started out with. It's really a shame.

>> No.5842843

and here I thought it was just another form of suicide.

>> No.5842859
File: 701 KB, 1388x2000, Yuukarin_Manga-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm insectophobic and thought the name was stupid, so I didn't like Wriggle at all, but found the whole mistaken-for-boy thing endearing and I find tomboys cute. The Wriggle-feet artist helped.

I also disliked Yuka because I didn't like the checker wardrobe or old hags or mean people. Put cute comics like this, Touhou Dream Tag, and the one where she gives Medicine, Cirno, and friends lolipops made her endearing. I like the portrayal of her as being like /jp/, someone seen as mean and acts tough but really loves children, but children are scared of her.

>> No.5842980

I did not liked Okku the first time I saw her, I don't know, her design just not suited me I guess, later I found she is awesome and started to love her design. So, yeah.

>> No.5842995

Never liked Yuugi at all until that doujin exploring the origin of Orin's human form and detailing the aftermath of Koishi's eye-closing. Helps that I got better at her spells, too.

>> No.5843098

I couldn't even remember the Aki sisters' names until I ran across an incredible arrange of one of their themes.
Minoriko and S-something...eh, half way there.

>> No.5843132


>> No.5843196 [SPOILER] 
File: 100 KB, 950x1346, shizuha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shizuha. Here, have some kneejob to make her more memorable.

>> No.5843220


Reported for global rule violation. Enjoy your ban.

>> No.5843218

I used to love them all, especially the SA cast.

Now I hate all of them and wish they would die in a fire.

>> No.5843225

Name the rule, stop being butthurt over porn on the internet.

>> No.5843262

Are you fucking serious? Read the rules before you start shitposting on 4chan you imbecile.

Global rule #5:
- All boards that default to the Burichan (blue) theme are to be considered "work safe". Violators may be temporarily banned and their posts removed.

>> No.5843406
File: 180 KB, 1200x1000, yama of xanadu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such rules are meant to be broken, especially when it's trying to imply a home for NEETs should be work-safe. Stop being so Lawful aligned! In this case, it's not even the desire of /jp/, but just something decided by Meddling Executives of 4chan. This board is supposed to be 18+, after all.

>> No.5843414

It's not and it wasn't. Stop being such a shitposter and get out already.

>> No.5843417


>Such rules are meant to be broken

Try breaking rules in real life. Ill put you in prison.

Your whiny justification doesn't change the fact that you're reported.

>> No.5843431

Then again he is a touhou name+trip which means he's already one of the most worthless posters here and probably has down syndrome

>> No.5843471

I don't care, and this isn't real life. The other thread had an argument about the culture of /jp/ and that at least has some sense. This however is not the culture of /jp/, but rather just something m00t and people came up with. Stop mindlessly obeying for once and actually think about the interests of the board. Why should a board about visual novels, which are mostly eroge, Touhou, which has many H-doujins, and NEETdom, which is about not working, be safe for work? Please cut it out with the normalfriend mentality and obeying whatever m00t decides. If you don't like Touhou, then just ignore the thread.

>> No.5843494

Unspoken rule = spoiler tagged NSFW is okay. Janitors don't ban for that, what they do ban is for when its unspoilered. If you've been here long enough you'd know that. The only time Ive ever seen meido-kun ban for spoilerd NSFW was when he was new. Though I do wish people also gave warning even when the pic is spilered.

>> No.5843511

>meido-kun ban
You're fucking retarded.

Also, Anonymous-san said that NSFW in spoiler tags is even WORSE than just normal NFSW pics because sometimes he really gets spoiled while checking.

Just get out of /jp/ with the horrible Touhou tripfag.

>> No.5843519

Well, I did say kneejob~ Something uncommon indeed! So maybe it could be more memorable for Shizuha? I mean, the Minoriko-pissing-wine comic is what made her memorable for me...

>> No.5843521

Just to add from experience: Ive dumped NSFW pics on /a/ and /co/ in spoilers as well as /jp/. I always made sure to warn posters that spoilerd images = NSFW too.

I understand why you're pissed off, I'm at a public place ATM, I was doing my math homework and my brain started hurting so I decided to f5 /jp/. I don't know what's under the spoiler tag but knowing /jp/ its probably Touhou Loli. Which if I had opened it would have meant jail time and/or ridicule. But as long as its spoilered and a warning is given I think we shouldn't get too angry

>> No.5843531

He broke a rule, you reported him now shut up.

>> No.5843537

You guys have to be trolling. Who the fuck cares about NSFW? If you're browsing /jp/ at work or in your parents' living room then you deserve to be fired. At the very least you should disable automatic loading of images if you insist on browsing 4chan outside of your private residence.

PS the mods are fags nobody gives a shit what they say, especially A-san.

>> No.5843594


It's called reporting for breaking the rules, not because you might get in trouble.

>> No.5843809

Why does Orin look like an undead zombie more than the zombie fairies?

>> No.5844071
File: 737 KB, 1000x750, orin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her ingame picture is admittedly not so good, which is why I didn't like her design much first. Fortunately, fanart as always is quite exceptional!

>> No.5844087

i like all girls in touhou, wut do?

>> No.5844088


Then I discovered Yuka x Wriggle.

>> No.5844491

So do I! But did you immediately like them upon discovering Touhou, or was it a long process for appreciating some characters?
