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583337 No.583337 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck was the pasta thread deleted? mods = fags.

>> No.583342
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Dude, and there was an AWESOME discussion of Archer in that thread that was going on . . .

Okay, so recap.

Archer= no salvation in Fate.

We want light/novel game.

Who the hell was his lover?

>> No.583350

I think it was Rin

>> No.583362
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his lover was someone completely unrelated to anyone we know of in fsn, or it was Issei, no exceptions.

>> No.583363

The one who kills Shirou from behind in the bad end is Archer or Lancer? i thought it was Archer the first time, but i 'm not sure now.

>> No.583371


Although it's not canon and perhaps should not even be taken seriously, I liked the mention of this cauusality loop.

Fate Shirou=UBW Archer, UBW Shirou=HF Archer, HF Shirou=Fate Archer.

>> No.583368

It could be Ayako or Taiga.

>> No.583384

It the same EMIYA in every route. one froma a route we dont see

>> No.583385
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I do too actually. Makes a lot of sense, plus explains their insane chemistry. That, and how he was always concerned for her until he went batshit in UBW.

(Like in the first interlude in UBW, suggesting that she got some rest. Or in the prologue he lets her sleep in so late she has to skip school and he has the house warmed up for her and tea prepared.)

>> No.583394

>>583371 HF Shirou=X Archer

>> No.583396

Archer, because he was laughing at Shirou as Shirou died.

>> No.583412

DUH, we know that.

But think of this.
An HF Shirou who becomes a heroic spirit nonetheless due to his achievements ( bo tragic end or whatever) is not bitter.
He helps Shirou, protects him, teaches him etc.

UBW Shirou who becomes a heroic spirit, is still wary of Shirou, but seeing him not following blindly the ideal (thus escaping the bitter fate he was about to follow and the Archer he had met had suffered from), he sacrifices himself to save him.

And Fate Shirou, who became an Hero, prolly suffered and lost the woman he loved forever, becomes UBW archer.

It's a funny train of thought.

>> No.583416


It really wasnt

>> No.583423
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DUH, we know that.

But think of this.
An HF Shirou who becomes a heroic spirit nonetheless due to his achievements (no tragic end, betrayed ideals or whatever, just saving a lot of people by being pure badass) is not bitter.
He helps Shirou, protects him, teaches him etc.

UBW Shirou who becomes a heroic spirit, is still wary of Shirou, but seeing him not following blindly the ideal (thus escaping the bitter fate he was about to follow and the Archer he had met had suffered from), he sacrifices himself to save him.

And Fate Shirou, who became an Hero, prolly suffered and lost the woman he loved forever, becomes UBW archer.

It's a funny train of thought.

>> No.583432
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Yeah, it actually makes a lot of sense, doesn't it?

Except in UBW, it seems that Archer has no love lost for Saber at all. Hell, in any of the routes.

>> No.583441

