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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 208 KB, 819x819, 6b9242e9c142bf1ca11e967cf224c426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5833076 No.5833076 [Reply] [Original]

What do you NEETs do all day to pass the seamless days of nothingness?

I have all the free time in the world, but nothing entertains me anymore. Six years of NEETing it up has numbed me to the joys of being a NEET, now life in general is just boring and depressing.

>> No.5833084

so go and stop being a NEET.
problem solved

>> No.5833087

Shit on the floor.

Watching my dog's face when I blame him for it never gets old. My parents have beat him senseless, he just lies there whimpering all day while I laugh it up.

>> No.5833098

You just need medication. I'm a NEET for about the same time and I pass the time with my hobbies, which are many. I hope to start drawing again when I'm done fixing up my computer.

>> No.5833102

Six years of NEETery makes that hard.

>> No.5833107

I'm trying to break away from the depression.
Learning a musical instrument, taking a shit load of medication and frequent therapy.

Days seem to blur together, with a monitor as the only source of light in a closed bedroom. Irregular meals, irregular sleep, I lost the track of when it was night or day.

>> No.5833115

Been doing it for a year and I'm already getting close to my limit I think. Probably won't last a second year.

>> No.5833119

Worry what Im going to do when my parents die and cant leech off them anymore.

>> No.5833126

First off, get a hobby. Then get into music so you have a steady stream of albums/songs coming in. Bookmark a lot of blog sites and check them a few times throughout the day. Learn to cook nice food for yourself.

Five years going strong, here. When life is boring make something to do.

>> No.5833135

Sounds like my life. And probably a good chunk of the people here. Oh well. Try new things.

>> No.5833165

If you want to take the easy way out, get addicted to an MMORPG. They were practically made for NEETs.

SWG turned me into a NEET, WoW kept it going. I quit when WotLK came out and my life is a depressing mess now, I just watch TV to distract myself.

>> No.5833171


>> No.5833180

>Learning a musical instrument
which one?

>> No.5833184

7 years since i left the army, in total 7 years being a NEET. Been 2 weeks since i was last outside.

>> No.5833185

Piano so you can play touhou songs

>> No.5833186

i've been a NEET since sept 2008, it's so boring. the worst part is when my family goes out and i'm left alone for a entire day. it gets so lonely and tiresome. i enrolled at a local college and i'm going to start classes in a few weeks, i'm hoping it will change things.

>> No.5833195

Watch movies you haven't seen in years/wanted to see/heard of over the years.

Try listening to new genres of music.

Play all the games missed out on if there was ever a time you had a computer that was too slow.

>> No.5833200

At least you live with someone.

I haven't had human contact in 3 years outside of the guy who delivers my groceries.

>> No.5833207

How's it coming along? I was thinking about trying something similar, care to speak of your own experience?
Godspeed for the future.

>> No.5833211
File: 107 KB, 724x1504, flstudiotutorial1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go create art. Since you create stuff instead of using stuff, you never run out of things to create.

If you want to start making music, you can just download FL Studio at http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?xmnyydqtydi and follow the two simple tutorial images I'm posting, and mess around from there.

>> No.5833213

Uh, that's exactly what I've been doing these 6 years.

TV, videogames and music all bore me now.

>> No.5833217
File: 264 KB, 950x2053, flstudiotutorial2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5833219

I'm not a neet and I find life boring and depressing... I just do what I'm demanded to, waiting for the Apocalypse.

>> No.5833221


>> No.5833244

Then why don't you go outside and join the marines?

>> No.5833273

>join the marines

Because I'm not a fucking moron.

>> No.5833277

I wish I was still NEET. Either it's all free time or no free time. I no longer have time to do anything.

>> No.5833299

Do the marines pay for transsexual hormones and feminization surgeries?

>> No.5833321

>stay inside all day doing nothing
>not a fucking moron

>> No.5833327


If that's what you're looking for, there are some fire- and police departments that include gender realignment in the medical plan.

>> No.5833340
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>> No.5833353

You cannot be serious.
That has to be a lie.

>> No.5833357

I'm getting sick of staying inside all day. I went out today and felt a lot better. It's a slow death to stay inside your house all day, your senses become dull, emotionally too, you become deadened

>> No.5833374

Oh wow, need to go research this now.

>> No.5833383

i tried. i got medically disqualified because i have club feet. i'm going to try again this january, i managed to get a recommendation letter so maybe the medic will be more lenient this time.

>> No.5833387

The problem with this is that if you have nothing BUT recreational time, you never employ it efficiently. You just spend hours on the internet every single day instead, whereas if you have something like a job, something that constitutes disutility (Mises wrote a whole chapter on disutility of labor) then it presents a contrast to your recreational time that allows you to use it more efficiently.

>> No.5833399

Is that you AoC?

>> No.5833406

I just play video games day after day. Haven't gotten bored of it yet, but when I do, I'm probably going to just kill myself.

Download some timesink RPG's or something. Get into a competitive fighter and try your best to get better!

>> No.5833413

I take some amphetamine and plan my work. I take more amphetamine and execute the plan. I take more amphetamine and try to fix where I fucked up. I decide the plan was pointless. I chase ideas around until I decide to sleep. I have the most amazing dreams.
Repeat Again.

>> No.5833416

You are probably doing it wrong. Of course, I'm only a NEET for 1 year and a half, but every day is fucking awesome. I do whatever I want, watch anime or movies whenever I feel like, play vidya and browse 4chan without anyone telling me to stop or do something else. I have no worries at all in my life except "Which one of my hobbies I'm going to enjoy myself with today?".

Life is great these days.

>> No.5833438


The information is from 1999 and I don't have a current source, but yes, dead serious.

>> No.5833440

No, but what difference does it make?

>> No.5833445

I really don't get this attitude. What do you want to do? If doing whatever you like is "nothing", than what counts as something? The Border of Work and Not Work is insubstantial, you know. It's up to you to value yourself and your time.

Honestly, I really miss NEETdom.

>> No.5833448


You'll get bored eventually, trust me. Like >>5833387 said, it gets depressing after a while.

>> No.5833450

Well if it -is- you, check your email. Somebody sent you something concerning the music on a certain project.

>> No.5833453

You could like, go outside socialise, get a job, do something with your life?
Or you can just sit in your dark room all day feeling sorry for yourself and blaming everyone else for your problems

>> No.5833459

neet's do value themselves and their time. that's why they don't work.

>> No.5833463
File: 49 KB, 600x750, yukkuti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the boredom from not working, or not having friends/loneliness? If the latter, then maybe all the /jp/ meetup jokes may not have to be jokes. Try to find some friends with similar hobbies at comic shops or anime conventions or something. Don't be elitist or discriminate; appreciate fellow fans' passion and try to recover some of the passion yourself. Above all, have fun and take it easy!

>> No.5833469

That's basically what they're saying

We already told you nobody blames others for being a neet, please revise your script

>> No.5833480

I would give anything to just exist in a room where food just appears and my computer and internet just work for all time and nobody ever bothers me. Living the dream...

>> No.5833484

Then you blame yourself?
Admitting you have a problem is the first step to solving it.

>> No.5833497

You'd get bored eventually, once you've finished with the backlog of Anime, Video Games, VM, Manga. Been there, done that, spent like 12 hours a day staring at the ceiling wondering what to do today.

>> No.5833514

But why is it depressing? You need something else to be happy with your life? Are you afraid that one day you will die alone and without any friends because you were enjoying yourself?

Honestly, I face my NEETdom this way: lots of people who are working and having a relationship, ended up being miserable and unhappy. Sometimes they even fucking kill themselves or do something even more stupid. They die, without even knowing what is to enjoy life or doing something they enjoyed. They lived an unhappy life, and wasted it by trying to live it the "normal" way.

I'm very lucky to know that doing those things I mentioned earlier is what makes me happy. Instead of looking around forever, doing stupid ass shit to get kicks and pretend I'm enjoying life, I can confortably stay in my room, looking for new things to enjoy and discuss. When those things get boring, I just go and learn some new thing.

For example, last year when I wasn't quite NEET-savvy, I let the depression take the best of me, and got very sad with life. After a lot of introspection, I decided to learn something new, so I jumped to After Effects. I have been learning for a year now, and it's being awesome. After that, I'm planning on learning 3DSMAX, and then getting better at drawing. I have a lot of time after all.

Yes, it's quite true that I might end as a homeless guy or even die before that without having accomplished any real thing. But I enjoyed living every day, and he who enjoys his life, wins at life. I don't need a Happy End to be satisfied with the way I existed.

>> No.5833515

I do not get bored, with all the imageboards, games, Pixiv, my pets, etc
Which is a problem because I am actually trying to change my NEETness.

>> No.5833525

I think I wouldn't get any more bored than one can get bored of life.

>> No.5833534

have been neeting again for about 8 months, and did a similar time span back in 2008. Dropped out of university for a third time and just gave up on life.

I'm trying to get things done in september, though. I am really getting bored with all the free time, I think I would have more fun doing these things if I could value my recreational time.

Also I miss other people, I broke contact with everyone I knew out of regret. Don't know if they would appreciate it if I would suddenly come back.

>> No.5833539

Not really, there are always tons of new ones being released. Even as a NEET I was always pressed for time, because life is only so long. I never, ever got bored when I have free time to myself.

And I highly value time I spend very much...including on /jp/!

>> No.5833546

i don't like being a neet either, but i still don't miss having friends.

>> No.5833551

I pass vacation by fantasising I'm a girl engaging in loving intercourse with a futa resulting in my eventual pregnancy.


>> No.5833553

let's have a neet meetup! I will bring the koolaid.

>> No.5833563

I scoff at your Jonestown reference.
Meeting with just people that share your interests is pointless, you need some variation in life, learning to tolerate others and maybe discovering new things.
Just giving up is pathetic.

>> No.5833584

you are banned from the neetup. you're too positive.

>> No.5833596
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Thanks, >>5833514! You have given me a renewed sense of purpose with which


>> No.5833695

I don't blame you
I blame myself or God

>> No.5833754
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>> No.5833767

I've been NEET for two years, my main hobby that takes up 90% of my waking day is just browsing 4chan. I can't seem to find enjoyment in much anything these days.

>> No.5833809
File: 328 KB, 640x480, THEY WILL TRAMPLE US.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5833847

For the past five years, I've basically been a NEET. Although I've had a few odd jobs here and there, most of it has been time spent in my dark bedroom watching animu and playing video games.

I feel like I've been living the same day over and over. Besides knowing the titles of new animu and Touhou games, I'm no different than I was five years ago. I can't remember what day it is sometimes. Even if I could, it wouldn't matter. Days of the week mean little when you've got nothing to do. That's something only normal people have to pay heed to.

I'm still not sure exactly what I want out of life, but I know I want more than this. Of course, after five years of nothingness, it's hard to find the motivation to do anything. And I still don't have a goal. "I want to do something and stop being a loser" doesn't count.

>> No.5833877

Semi-NEET here (off work due to depression)

I just play games and write stuff. I still get extremely bored, though.

>> No.5833878

Do something artistic, like >>5833211 said. It's fun AND useful. Or you can go learn Japanese and translate VNs for us.

>> No.5833884

No way, he should earn some money by translating Comic LO and printing English versions to sell online.

I'd pay good money for physical copies of LO or Rin that I can read.

>> No.5833893
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But that would get him arrested for distribution of child porn.

>> No.5833898

He lives in the UK?
Well, damn.

>> No.5833904

Become a NEET, enjoy life of fun and no obligations, time passes, no longer enjoy anything at all, take euthanasia.

Are all you NEETs that scared of death?

>> No.5833907

Not as much scared as that death is a waste of life. It's better if you make life fun again.

>> No.5833926
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>> No.5833928

Shit, I know what you mean. Been a complete NEET and recluse for 3 years, and merely a friendless loser before that.

I don't enjoy anything anymore. My whole collection of music, video games, movies, nothing. Even 4chan hardly hold my interest anymore, I'll open up threads and never end up finishing any of them.

I'll just sit here most of the time, in a dream-like state, but not asleep. Just fantasizing about a life where I wasn't such a pathetic waste of space.

>> No.5833940
File: 56 KB, 400x400, marisashitamuku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'll try the music thing. Thanks. I had attempted learning Japanese as well, but I couldn't keep the motivation up. How pathetic.

>> No.5833945


Dying isn't a hassle, it's actually kind of stress relieving to think about death.
When I try to simulate my last breaths it's like a gigantic weight being lifted off and I can just finally go on.
If you want to have fun you can even stage weird shit happening, like maybe when I go i'll position all of my figurines to be in a circle around my hanging body, looking up at my corpse for the laughs.

>> No.5833951

No, i'm afraid of the pain that might come with the death.

>> No.5833956


Sup Mako

>> No.5833958

I'm afraid I'm going to end up like this soon. I'm starting to enjoy video games less and less, can hardly finish any VNs or anime anymore.

>> No.5833960

NEET here for 2 years, i am enjoying everything everyday and do not feel it will cease anytime soon, so i am not quite getting what do you all mean by this "acquired apathy towards everything". You must learn to broaden your horizons and be interested in as much things as possible. Or thats what i think at least.

>> No.5833962

I was. Currently I'm beginning to reconsider. I think if I could find a good time and place I'll just release myself from this miserable existence.

>> No.5833967

I'm not even finished with High School, and I already feel like this.

>> No.5833969


>> No.5833976
File: 165 KB, 1440x900, fallout035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how come there are no hikkikomori threads?

>> No.5833978

Only Japanese can be true hikikomoris.

>> No.5833985

play video games
browse the internet

all i've done for the past 6 years and i'm not bored yet.

>> No.5833986

Because there aren't any hikikomori here. People here laze around every day and avoid other people, but they don't have this horrible fear of society that prevents them from even leaving their own room.

>> No.5833993

You'd be surprised.

>> No.5833995

Are you kidding? I've been dealing with this for years. Even going outside to take the trash out makes me uncomfortable.

>> No.5833998

i only leave my room when i have to go visit family for holidays/birthdays. though earlier this year i had jury duty, so i had to actually interact with strangers for the first time in years. it was strange, yet somewhat refreshing being part of society again after so long.

i would say i was a hikikomori for a couple years, but these days i just have no interest in anything in the outside world.

>> No.5834006

Fucking capitalise your I's, Jesus Christ.

>> No.5834007


but i don't want to.

>> No.5834010

I think everyone who could seriously suggest that they were a hikki learned that trying to discuss it creates too much unnecessary crap with the definition of a hikki and whether a westerner can fit into it (if I see someone bringing up that 6 month rule one more fucking time), so they just stick to calling themselves NEETs and shut-ins, which is much less gimmicky.

>> No.5834019

Except, you know, a NEET has nothing to do with being a shut-in.

>> No.5834022

Stop capitalizing yours, you spergburger

>> No.5834033

I started NEEting it up a few months ago when I broke up with my boyfriend. I'm somewhat of a hikki now, my friends still take me out to clubs and stuff but I sit in a corner and just sip my drink on my own ;_;

>> No.5834070
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I just want a friend I can be a loser with. The friends I did have I couldn't relate to at all, so I still felt alone.

>> No.5834108

I never consider myself a NEET, only a shut-in. NEETs are very different. The word hikikomori also causes shitstorms so I refrain from using it. I wasn't able to leave my room from 2006-2009, except for the odd adventure into the kitchen at night in order to feed myself. I got into the habit of starving myself for days at a time so I wouldn't have to leave my room. December 2009 I wasn't able to continue my lifestyle and moved back home with my mother. All 2010 I've mainly been stuck in a house, but it feels good not to be confined to strictly a room anymore. Occasionally I'm able to take a walk once every couple months. Improvement feels good, though it's easily trampled on since it seems so minuscule.

>> No.5834124

>my friends still take me out to clubs
>few months ago when I broke up with my boyfriend
>I'm somewhat of a hikki now
HAHAHAHAHA OH WOW. I bet you're one of those girls who say they're lonely and depressed when they haven't had sex for a month, right? Also, there is no "somewhat hikki". If you don't know what the word means then don't use it just so you can fit in, normalfag.

>> No.5834141

I know, but people will usually understand what kind of person you are if you say you're a NEET.

>> No.5834173

Probably a troll, has too much of the shit you typically see. Suggesting that you're a partial NEET or hikki is one of the oldest tricks in the book. I still remember that guy claiming he was hikkying it out whenever he wasn't in school.

>> No.5834174


This is where I am now. I was a NEET from 14 up until about 18 months ago. That was about 6-7 years of NEETing. But I started doing some study and made a few friends in the class. I lost contact with them more or less and found new friends who I hang out with a couple of nights a week usually, but I don't relate to them in any way and nobody really wants to get to know each other. Its just a shit situation. It isn't as lonely, but it is still fucked.

>> No.5834181
File: 15 KB, 250x249, 22575123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a NEET is nothing.

its when you become a social recluse/hikkikomori/loser (w/e you wanna call it) that makes life shit.

>> No.5834185

Erm, no. I go out about once every two days. And I go out once every couple of weeks with friends.

And what else would you call me but 'ronery'? Only guys who hit on me are sleazy types at clubs or pasty guys at cons. I'm just waiting for my nerdy Justin Long lookalike hottie ;_;

>> No.5834191

My friend calls himself a NEET when he goes to a good Uni and works a part time job. He's so busy I rarely even talk to him.

Some people.

>> No.5834208

The sad thing is, I actually know someone who claims to be a partial hikki despite being completely and utterly normal. She called herself a partial-hikki just because she starting spending most of her time with her boyfriend and didn't have as much time free for seeing all of her friends. It's amazing how some people use the term.

>> No.5834219

>Only guys who hit on me are sleazy types at clubs or pasty guys at cons. I'm just waiting for my nerdy Justin Long lookalike hottie ;_;
Alright, now it's OBVIOUS. My troll detector has found you.

9/10 for getting me to fall for it. I bet you're giggling to yourself right now.

>> No.5834241

I don't think she's a troll, just a normalfag, a true one.

>> No.5834324

You mean the one she's really trolling...is herself?

>> No.5834387

But you can get bored of life. I've been a NEET for years and I've come to the realization that I've been a normalfag all along and just need to succumb to the grind of jobs and schoolwork so I can live longer without actually ever enjoying anything.

>> No.5834395

I'm trying to learn AVISynth. It's neat!

>> No.5834409

I'll be NEETing it up after graduation. What can I expect?

>> No.5834441

You find yourself in an existential quandry, racked with the pain and isolation of your pitiful, meaningless existence. But take at least a small little bit of comfort in knowing that, in this crazy, mixed up world of ours, there's still a little place...

>> No.5834506
File: 237 KB, 615x695, byakuren.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are all so moe~

I wanna give you all a big hug. Cheer up! Do something silly or exciting! Wear a mask and go perform in front of a supermarket like the characters in Kira Kira! I wish I could be a cool big sis like Marisa and drag you from your rooms and take you on a fun adventure! I can just imagine your adorable B< face as you go sightseeing with a friend. There's a whole world out there with infinite possibilities!


>> No.5834517


I'll be sure to take a trip and follow the relevant safety protocol.

>> No.5834531

Not having enough money to buy the things you want, for me at least.

>> No.5834564

>I wish I could be a cool big sis like Marisa

Do you really hate yourself that much, Mokou?

>> No.5834572


I can tell you're fat.

>> No.5834657

>Wear a mask and go perform in front of a supermarket like the characters in Kira Kira!
But in order to do that you need to have people to play with, instruments, and enough skill to play those instruments...

>> No.5834736

If you're so depressed over being lifeless scum, get off of your fat asses and get a job. If you have a debilitating social anxiety problem or whatever get therapy, if you just don't have a spine suck it up. You are what normal people laugh at. Cry some more etc. I'm not being insensitive to your delicate problems, I'm telling you to grow up and stop being a leech on society.

Whatever shreads of false happiness you feel now when humping body pillows of your waifus is nothing compared to when you're actually successful.

>> No.5834874
File: 160 KB, 500x500, getoutofjp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could never understand our pain, normalfag. Get the fuck out of /jp/.

>> No.5834881
File: 114 KB, 600x794, 7b367ff3daad8736c7dc9942a0b05403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get a job
>You are what normal people laugh at
>stop being a leech on society
>Whatever shreads of false happiness you feel now when humping body pillows of your waifus is nothing compared to when you're actually successful
I think you took a wrong turn somewhere, good sir.

As for what it feels like when you're actually succesful...I suppose it can be best described as 'empty'. There are people who work their entire lives to make it to the top. But when they make it to the top, they look around, and think...
"...This is it...? ...I worked hard for my entire life...just for this...? It's no different from the life I'm used to. I've been longing for a sense of accomplishment that will never be fulfilled..."
Those people then sink into a deep depression and die unhappily.

No, if you want happiness the normal way, struggle for your entire life and never make it to the top. Then, when you look back at your life, you can say 'at least I tried', and die in peace before your dreams are shattered.

Being successful is not all that it's hyped up to be.

>> No.5834926

You're probably the same type of person that says depression doesn't exist.

>> No.5834958

>If you have a debilitating social anxiety problem get therapy
>debilitating social anxiety
>go outside by yourself and find a therapist

You see where this might be a problem, Sherlock?

>> No.5834968

LMAO, oh you.

How do you know that? Are you a CEO?

When I say "successful" I don't mean wallowing in riches at the head of some company. I mean, at the very least, living your life, working for yourself doing something you can at least tolerate, and truly loving the world. That is true happiness. Not feeling sorry for yourself your entire life and dying unhappy and alone with regrets. I guarantee, when you're reaching the end of your life (assuming you've somehow kept up that horrible lifestyle), you're going to hate yourself.

It isn't hard, you're just making excuses.

>> No.5834969
File: 475 KB, 1350x1250, moko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that I've ever cared much about weight, but nope, never been over average and was considered skinny when I was little. Besides, it's not nice to make random assumptions. You could hurt the feelings of people like Ange from Tales of Innocence.

Now now, I mean like in the video where she reaches out to Patchouli. She's never been one of my favorites and I prefer MAlice, but I still love the video and it'd be nice to have some fun with you! I just want to put a smile on peoples' faces; it sounds like people mostly feel empty because of lack of friendship and love.

Well, then, just dress up with a mask and run around a Halloween parade or something. Who knows, you might actually find it fun! And instead of making fun of people who go to conventions, give it a try and maybe you'll actually make some friends! People here may haze it, but in their hearts I think most people here would really like some true friends that accept them.

>> No.5834987

I suffer from depression. The only difference is I don't make it into an excuse. Good job whining.

Well oopsie doopsie, my bad. Have fun never trying to try and help yourself then.

>> No.5835003


Why isn't death an option?

>> No.5835005 [DELETED] 

>I suffer from depression.

You aren't a postition to offer advice about leading a holistically sound and happy life, then.

Opinion invalidated.

>> No.5835011

>I suffer from depression.

You aren't in a postition to offer advice about leading a holistically sound and happy life, then.

Opinion invalidated.

>> No.5835024

Because it's not happiness. If you kill yourself, you're just giving up.

Yes, because that's what depression means.

I'm not HERP DERP I'M SO SAD ALL DAY EVERY DAY. I am still happy with my life, and am working to make myself happier by overcoming it.

Opinion invalidated etc etc

>> No.5835028
File: 43 KB, 300x400, beatmania.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Halloween parade
It's the 31st of July (technically 1st of August) right now.

>And instead of making fun of people who go to conventions, give it a try and maybe you'll actually make some friends!
I've been to four conventions before, and I'll be attending my fifth later this month. I have never made any friends through conventions. I did get to play against decent SSBB/SSBM opponents and it allowed me to play BeatMania IIDX, though.

>> No.5835038


Oops, meant
tee hee

>> No.5835053

>I'm depressed
>I'm happy

>> No.5835055


What if you found happiness in giving up, or in dying?

Also, you shouldn't be going around telling everyone what "true happiness" is because happiness is subjective to each individual, and forcing your own idea or maybe even the majority of people's idea is not the way to go.

>> No.5835056

>I suffer from depression.
>I am still happy with my life


I can see you're now just changing your mood and adjusting past statements solely to back out of the hypocracy of what you're doing here by scolding us. You sound like every person with a job I've ever met: quietly miserable but resigned to it and willing to hold themelves up as astute and disciplined people for enduring the same kind of mediocrity everyone else in the working world is.

Really, the world could use less people like you. You aren't an example to the rest of us.


Moreover, go back to /v/.

>> No.5835068
File: 513 KB, 350x350, Kagami blush.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, you're suffering from depression. That makes things a bit easier and a lot more interesting.

I don't know if you're aware that you're doing it, but what you are currently doing is called 'projection'. By telling other people how pathetic and sad they are, you can both forget your own pain for a bit and start a discussion about your problems without people noticing right away. I know how it works, I've used an alternate identity for a long time just to troll people as a form of projection.
Which is perfectly fine, as long as you realize that you're doing it. If you realize it, you can look at the responses in a different light; rather than arguments you need to crush, see them as helpful comments and advice.

The thread was already about sad and pathetic lives, though, you don't need to be so shy. Shy moe~

>> No.5835142
File: 62 KB, 500x500, 1280533290856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...I didn't just kill the thread with that post, did I? Angry projecting depression moe person, come back~

>> No.5835150

Yes, that's what I said.

You have a point I suppose. But is death such a better alternative? It's easier and quicker, but it's not an experience. You're just cutting off your miserable experiences forever, at the expense of never being able to experience anything, happy or not, ever again.

What, so you'd prefer it if I was angrier? And do you think I really care that much about "being on the offensive" to meticulously go over my posts to make sure all of them are consistent? I'm sorry about the angry nature of my first post I guess.

You sound like every NEET I've ever met. You assume everyone with a job is automatically the "quietly miserable working man" stereotype. I get joy from my job, I'm independent and doing something I like. And no, I'm not pretentious about it. You're not doing yourself any favors by attacking me.

And what, the world could use more people sitting around fapping to their precious animu princesses all day? Grow up.

And sorry my writing style sounds like /v/. I hang around with people that frequent there and I pick up that sort of thing, sorry if it offends your delicate /jp/ sensibilities.

>> No.5835193

Why does everyone assume that because I said I have depression, I'm a hateful sad person with tons of awful problems and I'm posting here because I want attention? I'm posting to post. I have my problems and recognize them. I'm trying to tell others that it's not as hard as they think it is to be happy. I'm in a thread about people depressed at their lifestyle, right?

But uh thanks for trying to "help" me I guess. Moe moe kyun etc. I'm glad at least someone isn't raging n saging and thinking I'm looking for an argument.

>> No.5835206

>raging n saging
>doesn't know what sage is for

>> No.5835216

>What do you NEETs do all day to pass the seamless days of nothingness?

For fuck's sake.

Playing games. Playing touhou. Reading books.

>> No.5835218

Oh but I do. I'm just pointing it out because it rhymed.

>> No.5835226 [DELETED] 

>You assume everyone with a job is automatically the "quietly miserable working man" stereotype.

There's nothing to assume; you told us directly when you said you depressed. You aren't happy, and yet you think it's important for everyone here to follow your example.

>And what, the world could use more people sitting around fapping to their precious animu princesses all day?

The world could use more people not willing to forfeit their happiness by throwing away decades of their lives in bland, domestic 9 to 5 monotony.

If be claiming not to be pretentious, what you're meaning to suggest is that you've been humble and reserved about talking about your shitty day job, that's not the case.

>> No.5835222

>thinks raging rhymes with saging

>> No.5835228

They look similar so they rhymed in my head ;-;

>> No.5835231

>You assume everyone with a job is automatically the "quietly miserable working man" stereotype.

There's nothing to assume; you told us directly when you said you depressed. You aren't happy, and yet you think it's important for everyone here to follow your example.

>And what, the world could use more people sitting around fapping to their precious animu princesses all day?

The world could use more people not willing to forfeit their happiness by throwing away decades of their lives in bland, domestic 9 to 5 monotony.

If by claiming not to be pretentious, what you're meaning to suggest is that you've been humble and reserved about talking about your shitty day job, that's not the case.

>> No.5835241

>doesn't get mad at green-texting
You really do stick out like a sore thumb, and I rarely ever visit /jp/.

>> No.5835256

I doesn't make any sense to pronounce sage in the Japanese way when you conjugate it in the English way.

>> No.5835276

Play vidya all day every day

>> No.5835287

Except that's not what depression means. I am not depressed ABOUT my life like people this thread is about, I have a nice life and can recognize that WHILE I have depression. It's mild and I'm getting over it anyway, it's not my point.

I don't want people following my example. I want people to be happy. Yes, this is different from what I was posting before, but I'm in a better mood. This thread is about people being depressed about their lifestyle, I'm trying to get people to realize it's not hard to change.

And lazing around trying to fill up your free time with Touhou and anime isn't monotonous? You're assuming things about a lifestyle you don't even have. I don't see anyone posting on here constantly about "oh let's have a non-NEET whining thread, guys I hate my life as I balance working and my waifus."

Lol, I know that, and no that's not what I was saying. I was saying that as in I don't think "wow /jp/ is full of fags I can yell at and argue with because I am so superior!"

>> No.5835296

Christ man is this "Let's feel bad for each other" the thread?

I'm thinking this is not /jp/ related

>> No.5835297
File: 39 KB, 403x396, 1234361948671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're assuming things about a lifestyle you don't even have.

>> No.5835298

Damn, reading some of these I wonder if some of you have fucking chronic lyme disease or something
>tired all the damn time
>day gets started at 5PM, then I proceed to do fuck all
>life in general is a blur
>turns out I'm riddled to the brim with spirochetes
>oh shi

>> No.5835299

What, people get mad at green-texing on here?

And yeah, I obviously don't frequent this board very much, lol. I share some of the interests though.

>> No.5835311




>> No.5835315

Knew someone would giggle at that.

I'm posting in a thread dedicated to people crying over their NEET life. My posts are talking to those people. If you're really, actually happy, then whatever, ignore me.

>> No.5835327

Sorry I offend you so much.

>> No.5835330

It's a group therapy session. Except no one gets better.

Years ago it was ronery threads, and now, this.

>> No.5835333

You sound like you're from /r9k/, /a/ or /v/. You also sound like you're younger than 20.

Hit or miss?

>> No.5835348

You know, it would be really nice to find out all my problems in life was due to some curable disease. Hell, even if it wasn't curable, it would be comforting to know that I ended up like this not because I'm a failure, but because I was constantly fighting against my physical state, that it was never my fault that it turned out this way.

>> No.5835351

Miss, little bit of a hit. I don't go on any of those boards, and I don't really frequent or post on any. And yes I'm pretty young, but not younger than 20, jesus. I'm 22.

>> No.5835352

People do get better, even if you don't notice. A single piece of advice can travel very far~

>> No.5835361

>People do get better, even if you don't notice.
If people did we wouldn't keep having these threads, or at least there would be fewer people posting in them.

>> No.5835362

There is a new drug out for people with low testosterone, I guarantee that at least a few people here suffer from low levels.

>> No.5835370

People come and people go. There will always be people needing threads like these.

>> No.5835375

Been a NEET and shut in for about two years, no friends, rarely talked to anyone and did nothing what soever . I started a job last month so I can start paying rent again and stop being a complete leech off my parents.

I've been trying to do the normalfag thing with this job, try and change myself, but jesus fuck. I can't do it

I've gone from doing nothing all day, to working 10 hours a day, 6 days week.

Can't fucking win. Now I just work and play shumps and mahjong.

It could be worse though, but its still relatively shitty

>> No.5835376

That's not going to happen. The only thing you can do is recognize it, do your best and work hard to help yourself. Even though you think you're a failure, you can make yourself into what you want to be if you just try,

>> No.5835380

I feel a lot happier when I stop fapping for a while.

>> No.5835390


You're implying a thread can somehow help depressed people. Not even professional psychiatric help can help depressed people.

>> No.5835399

Yeah, but it would be nice. Especially since no matter how successful I try to be, it'll never change the fact that I've spent years of my life as a failure. On my deathbed, I'll still remember all those years that went to waste.

>> No.5835400

If you're depressed as a NEET you're doing it wrong.

>> No.5835413

Of course it can and of course they do.

You'd be surprised how deep some /jp/ anons are into self loathing spiral, I personally could never touch the perception or depth some of these anons have towards life.

Group therapy can be very helpful even without a trained mediator, it's just not as effective when people go off on tangents

>> No.5835417

You should change your attitude. Even if you think "I can't do it," or "I can't win," to a lot of people you're amazing just for being able to get a job and keep it. Being negative isn't going to help you at all. And yes, it could be much worse. You need to look at your situation in a better light, you're not a failure, you can do things for yourself and on your own. Being able to change your lifestyle like that is amazing.

>> No.5835420

Last time I was in a self-loathing thread (not this one) a normalfag came along and totally shattered the little confidence I had left. These threads can also work in reverse and make people worse.

>> No.5835423
File: 51 KB, 339x298, pleasekillyourself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please... Kill yourself...

>> No.5835429

Oh don't you worry about that one.

>> No.5835433

I will eventually.

>> No.5835434

Sure, they went to waste, but the important thing is that you could recognize that you weren't happy and fixed it. The years of your life that you spent happy and successful will override the years of your life that you didn't.

>> No.5835439

Yea I can definitely understand that, if you are on the other side of the coin.

But often just expressing of discussing the issues can very liberating, it is not always a graceful process

>> No.5835441

Same for me. I randomly stopped fapping for a week and god damn everything was awesome.

It is difficult to stop fapping though when you play eroge everyday.

>> No.5835442

It's an indirect effect. People in this thread give advice and suggestions, and at some point in some anons' lives, they will remember these suggestions. It could be that they're bored, and remembered how someone recommended they should make art, or that someone sees something on the internet about an anime convention, and with the suggestion in the back of his mind decides to give it a try for once.
Anything said to people can indirectly cause something else. The biggest change in my life, which caused my life to change radically, was caused by many different indirect causes. I mean, who would have predicted that being fired from my job would contribute to the fact that I became a musician?

>> No.5835453

That's a disgusting thing to tell someone. You're worse than the people you think you're better than.

>> No.5835458
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>> No.5835461

This is very true. I've lived for 20 years now, but it feels as if the last three years have been the majority of my life.

>> No.5835466

>be NEET
>have raver friends from Santa Cruz call me up
>For a whole fucking week
>Can hunting from city to city to recycle for gas money
>best adventure ever
>neet = Not in Employment Education or Training.

Neet =/= Shut-in

>> No.5835509

At least she is doing her job.

>> No.5835517
File: 427 KB, 1408x2399, nhk failure as human being.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey fuck you guys, I'm an eighth degree black belt.

>> No.5835538

Doesn't change the fact that it's a horrible thing to say.

>> No.5835541
File: 41 KB, 526x350, haters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a NEET, and I'm happy with my life.
So what if I haven't accomplished anything or done something super with my life? As long as I enjoy it, that's all that matters. I don't have any friends. I don't go outside, and only leave my room to eat and go to the bathroom. I stare at a monitor all day. I don't have a job or do anything productive to society. At night I sleep with my waifu, and treat her with delicacy and respect as if she is real.
This is my life, and I'm enjoying every minute of it. To me, there's no such thing as a wasted life if you enjoy it. It doesn't take a great achievement. It just takes a little bit of fun. In the end, that's all that matters.
I've learned Japanese, some Chinese, and I can compose music like ZUN (even have the instruments he uses on Cubase SX) . I can play the piano and trumpet, and I'm never lonely.
This is my life. And I've won.

>> No.5835554
File: 44 KB, 292x422, doubles_girl18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>can hunting in Arkansas

Oh you NEETs.

>> No.5835557

>respect as if she is real.
She is real. Why would you say such a thing about your waifu?

>> No.5835576


I'm terribly sorry. The normalfagness in this thread is starting to rub off on me. I better leave before anon come back.

>> No.5835581
File: 31 KB, 188x205, 982398398777jk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5835622

It's great that you enjoy your life, but there are people who hate that same lifestyle they're in, no matter how hard they try to have fun or what interests and talents they have. They want to change, and they need to know that if they do want to change, it is also an option, and not as hard as they think.

>> No.5835630


Its not really an issue of "I can't do it"

Its more of a "Christ this shit is boring as fuck to me"

By trying to be a normalfag I meant the whole average adult lifestyle around here, go to bars/pubs and get drunk. Or just general "hanging out", which is fine if your into it. But I'd really rather keep to myself and play Mahjong or something.

One thing that really helped me even get out there was random conversations on omegal of all things. It was more him telling me about program likes JET and the whole English teacher business. Even gave me some contacts to some people doing it in a small communities out in japan, along with job listings. Now that I think about it he gave me a lot of information I could potentially use.

He gave me this information in exchange for some visual novel recommendations, and ever since that conversation I've been getting some of my crap together. Still have about a month or so to decide if I want to go into university for it though. Really tempting though, traveling literally across the globe from my current location sounds like it would be a fun experience, even if only for a few years

>> No.5835635

I like what you preach, but I have that problem of just getting bored with everything when it's so easily accessible. And it's pretty hard to settle down when you know your mother will soon get sick of feeding you.

>> No.5835641

Have any of you tried professional help?

Didn't work for me, but I didn't really have any intention of changing anyway, so maybe it'd work out better for you.

>> No.5835654


The lifestyle they want is an illusion. Well, in a way it's not, but the idea they have is. That's why they can't figure out what they want to do with their life.
The first thing that comes to mind is "being successful". But why be successful? What will it accomplish? If they do end up successful, and hate going up when they try, in the end, they'll look back and say "what a waste. I haven't had any fun at all!" I'd rather enjoy the little things and look back and say "wow, that was fun. I wish I could do it again!" That's what everyone should think in their death bead. Not depressed. But eager for more! That's how I am now. And I'm getting it! How wonderful!

>> No.5835671

Once. Not only is it next to nearly impossible for me to get to one but when I eventually started talking to someone about shit I could only last 30min with him before I fled and never went back. Maybe I'll try again when I have some courage back.

>> No.5835678

The thing is, you don't need to try to conform to a lifestyle you hate or think is boring. If you like to keep to yourself more, then keep to yourself. The important thing if that you're having fun and enjoying your life. That being said, it is really great that you've gotten advice like that, if travelling is what you want to do I suggest you go for it. Studying for what you want to do sounds like it could be a very rewarding experience for you, if it's tempting, try it!

>> No.5835687 [DELETED] 


>I could only last 30min with him

Well, the one I visited the most was a woman.

She was pretty good at her job, but unfortunately she got me as a patient.

The first one I visited was a guy, and he was a complete asshole. Keep trying.

>> No.5835690


You just need something new. Here, I'll set a goal for you to start you off-
Crack your neighbor's wifi. That should be a bit of fun and challenging. I can do it, but I wont' tell you how. Now, challenge comes to play. So here's that hard-access you wanted.

>> No.5835691

I had a lot of surgeries, so I have opiates all over the house. I started using them, and here I am. Feels good, man.

>> No.5835697

This thread makes me sad.

>> No.5835712

But they might think that same thing on their death bed continuing the life they've kept. There are many different ways of "being successful," it doesn't always mean having a boring, unfufilling job. There are many things available for people that want to change, and they shouldn't think of "getting a job" as resigning themselves if they're unhappy without one.

>> No.5835729


But a real job IS boring. Unless you get paid for something like video game testing or video game designing or eroge maker, it really is boring. I want to enjoy what I do. I'm sorry, but a 9 to 5 job just isn't for me. I'm laxed. And I don't like to talk to people. Call me an exile. But hey, I'm having fun.

>> No.5835740

Well that raises my hope a little. I really do wish the next time isn't as bad, I feel like I'll never be able to go back to a doctor ever again if something goes wrong.

>> No.5835762

wow this thread is still here? i went to go play halo odst for 3 hours and got two of the vidmaster achievements. sure was fun playing co-op with my internet friends and some random people i found on an achievement site.

the rest of you NEETs should be doing something productive, like me, instead of being depressed.

>> No.5835807

I used to think the same thing. You just need to find something you enjoy. It took me 25 years to learn I liked cooking, so now I'm going through culinary school.

>> No.5835827

It all just depends on the kind of job you get and/or the outlook you have. I mean, obviously if you can get paid for something you enjoy doing (video gaming, art, music, language etc) that's great. The thing is, you're not exactly being supportive to people who might want to change, and would feel good about themselves if they got a job. Obviously if you think of your job as a stereotypic 9 to 5 shithole, then yeah you're not going to enjoy it and it'll be easy to sink down into depression.

I'm not saying you're wrong for enjoying what you do, I'm just trying to give another option with my advice for people who cannot do that.

>> No.5835845

I've been a NEET for a while too. And I'm still having lots of fun. Playing eroge to not forget kanji, playing all kinds of other games too : touhou, all kind of doujin games... Watching anime, reading manga.
I also work out from time to time.
There's so much to do I wish there was more than 24 hours in a day.

>> No.5835859


>internet friends

It's like they're real!

>> No.5835866

>There's so much to do I wish there was more than 24 hours in a day.
I don't know about you but I fucking love being well rested, 14 hours or so awake is really all that's needed, with naps included.

There is a vibrancy of being consistently refreshed or waking from a dream.

>> No.5835869

At least you can turn off internet friends when you are tired of them

>> No.5835875

Look visitors, the depressed people aren't posting their stories for people to give them solutions, most are not,
It's mostly because here they can relate with others that are in similar circumstances.
Please don't get too upset if they disregard all of your advice, even if it is a viable solution.
If you think they are living a very wrong way of life, you are probably right, but just leave it be, nobody is asking for you to inspire the world.

>> No.5835884

But...but I want to inspire the world! I want to show them that NEETs and hikkis aren't useless, that they can still amount to something!

>> No.5835886

I used to do stuff like that but, really, everything just seems like such a bother nowadays. Even making food seems like too much work and I'd have to leave my room and turn on the light to do it anyway.

>> No.5835905

Well NEETs are pretty damn useless,
but if you want to argue about hikkis being productive people I'll be on your side of the fight.

>> No.5835909

One of the best things about it is having incredibly vivid dreams every night, because you wake naturally. No alarm clock to jerk you awake and send you running to the shower.

>> No.5835916
File: 1.23 MB, 1440x900, 1270610365002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really tried to end my NEET, actually
I went to college, did computer science studies, got several well-respected industry certifications, and finally applied for several jobs and internships

Rejected for every single one. Maybe I was meant to be a NEET forever.

>> No.5835919

For those NEETs out there suffering from depression, I've found that working - working hard, clears my mind and provides a short vacation from the hopelessness of life. Some of my most enjoyable days were back when I was eighteen and working closing for the local McDonalds, I felt so relaxed and accomplished when I left the store at 3am.

I suggest finding a job stocking overnight, cleaning, or doing manual labor (field, farming). Not only will it provide a source of income, but help your depression.

>> No.5835939

Yeeech, 3 A.M.? That's hard stuff, bro. I hated fast food.

Regardless, I do believe that working hard, or even just finding some sort of preoccupying project is indeed sage advice. Idle hands being the Devil's playthings and all that.

>> No.5835943

Oh shit nigger
I'm going down that exact same path
And I just know I'm going to be rejected too
fucking hell

>> No.5835950

I guess it's different for every person, but I hated working so much, I felt like shit everytime I had to go. I've never been as happy as I am now since I stopped working. I will never understand these people saying their job is their whole life.

>> No.5835959

I actually agree with the working principle, I enjoyed waking up with objectives to fulfill and then completing them by the end of the day, it's a pretty healthy feeling. I still enjoy the rest of my day as a hikki however.

>> No.5835962

Did you try applying again or did you give it up?

>> No.5835982

I felt the same way for a long time, I worked 20-35 hours a week from age 16 to 21, also food service. By the time I turned 22 it no longer felt rewarding, actually I just felt like a loser being that age and still working a shit job like that. Looking back it actually felt WORSE than not working, even though I was never the oldest person there at any of the places I worked.

Then I got a programming-related job for a year, it went great until some shit went down and I started to hate work so much that I quit. Now I'm NEET, and it still feels bad.

>> No.5835991

Most of my shift was cleaning / closing, I only had to work drive-thru for a few hours. While I hated working fast food, I kinda miss it now (I currently work IT in an office building of 35+ year olds, I'm 22).

I hate working too, but it's that feeling of accomplishment at the end of the day that provides me a natural high. It's probably what's kept me downing a bottle of aspirin and crashing my truck into the side of a building.

>> No.5836017

I really want to do this, but I don't have a car, and I live in the middle of fucking nowhere. When I had my last job (which I loved), I had to beg my mom to drive me.

>> No.5836034

I highly suggest looking for work outside your local area. I left New York two years ago during the recession and headed for North Dakota, found myself a job a few days after I arrived working IT for a mid-sized company. It's all about researching the local community. I found out that North Dakota has very few colleges and universities that provide hi-tech degrees, and the ones that do are bordering Minnesota. And given the oil boom out here, there are tons of engineering firms that are dying to hire some tech guys to maintain their companies networks / computers.

Don't give up searching, just search somewhere else.

>> No.5836045
File: 84 KB, 1024x1024, 31c8519a913343b9f15ebc72b120c4df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The realization that there are people so hopelessly depressed and dysfunctional as me should be comforting, but I'm too depressed to be comforted by that.


>> No.5836046

Just don't give up, Anonymous. I worked fast food, I have at least an inkling of how it is. You've still got your youth, right?

>> No.5836055

What are you so sad about, Anon?

>> No.5836058

I'm almost 30.

>> No.5836071

hey /jp/
it was my birthday today
i wished for a friend

>> No.5836076

Just turned 24

also it wasn't fast food actually but Starbucks, which I highly recommend for anyone who might end up kicked out y their parents and desperately needing a job, it was a very fun job and much easier than other types of service-related jobs.

>> No.5836090
File: 165 KB, 640x480, 1280475939137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Though it may not mean much, happy birthday man.

>> No.5836091


internet friends are better than real friends though.

>> No.5836092

You're not 60!
You're not 50!
You're not 40!
You're not 35!
You're not even 32!

You've got time! You can do something! I don't care if you don't believe me or just brush off my words as an anonymous internet poster! I'll cheer you on, because if I felt as bad as I think you do, I'd want someone cheering me on, too!

So you're not a 20-something anymore, big deal! You've got experience somewhere, right? Write a book, self-publish on Lulu! Learn something on MIT's Youtube channel! Maybe make a show on blip.tv!

Do what you can, where you are, with what you have!

>> No.5836101
File: 1.05 MB, 1240x1754, 1273480547878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are your friend anon. Why didn't you make a thread about it so we could have wished you happy birthday ? Well happy birthday. Here is a small gift, one of my favorites pictures

>> No.5836105

>>5836017 here

That's not so easy when you have almost no money to start with. I have $50 to my credit right now, and my parents are almost as poor as I am. I can't even move out, let alone to another state.

>> No.5836124

I'll be your friend. I can assure you, there is no one more pathetic than I. Being in my company will make you feel better about yourself.

>> No.5836130

Feliz cumpleanos!
(I think that's Spanish for 'Happy birthday', sans the proper accents.)

>> No.5836139

Exactly, and you can't even move into an apartment without 2 months rent in advance usually.

Motels might be an option but even then you have to have enough credit for a week or two and then you'll have to look like scum begging your employer for an advance right away so you can pay rent.

Although, you should be able to get at least a thousand bucks of credit from somewhere in a pinch. But you'd have to be absolutely certain you got the job for this to not be a gamble.

All and all it's really difficult to look out of state, especially if you have no money and it's your first real job.

>> No.5836156

That's typically what connections are for, right?

>> No.5836162

I think the solution would be to start low, like in the labor or service industry. But how do you look for those jobs?
Knocking on each door? Or is there some sort of job center if you live in the city?

>> No.5836181
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Happy birthday, anon, for what it's worth.

>> No.5836190

Riiight, no you're right, I don't think many people on /jp/ have a lot of useful connections though

>> No.5836202
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>I think the solution would be to start low, like in the labor or service industry.
Word of warning: with the economy how it is(in the US, at least) at the moment low-end labor jobs are packed full of applicants and a lot of companies have hiring freezes.

>> No.5836205

Most people on /jp/ technically wouldn't have a job to worry about, either.

>> No.5836224

I'm 15. I was bullied in elementary school, but it never really got serious. I have only minor family problems, never had any problems with boyfriends, and, besides the fact that I have an absolute phobia of making friends (and when I do, I obssesively worry over when the friendship will end) and thus have no friends at all, my life is pretty okay.

So why am I already extremely pessimistic, have chronic (nonlethal) suicidal thoughts, afraid to try anything because for fear of failing at it, and unable to find anything interesting anymore?

I'm very young, and I have almost no reason to feel that way at all. When I look at the lives of others like this, I realize how pathetic and weak I am for becoming like this so soon.

>> No.5836228

You're not a NEET if you're striving to achieve something. This is what Japanese cartoons tell me.

>> No.5836234

If you are thinking that you're going to be able to work your way up out of the service industry you may be in for a big surprise. I don't recommend that course of action. you could very easily get locked into doing it forever. That kind of experience doesn't equate to shit in most employer's eyes, if you're over the age of 18 anyway.

>> No.5836240
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thank you

>> No.5836244
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Listen to the guy.
I am 27 now and have only something like a high school education and have never worked in my life.
Now i went off my ass and got the state the sponser me for a course that lasts 2 years to be a system administrator. I am working half days for like 500 euro and my parents pay me rent and food for a small apartment, nothing much.

The thing is, never give up. Even if you are 40, try to get some education, get off your ass. whining is yesterday, if you want to do something with your life, go do it. No one is going to knock on your door and offer you something. The older you get the more diffucult it is, but it is NEVER too late to change and make something out of yourself.

>> No.5836258

Yeah I hear you. Before I found out about it I was blaming everything on myself. Falling grades, interpreting tiredness as a lack of discipline, and particularly constantly beating myself up over my "social blunders".

...Really I'm just lucky, plain and simple. When I was 16 a random run-of-the-mill test found that my liver enzymes were 3 times above the norm. They kept rising and by the time they reached 16x it was clear for sure that something was very wrong with me. If I didn't have that and (eventually) my chronic low-grade fever to lean on I'd be screwed, as I really had no other physical symptoms. I doubt anyone would believe that my "laziness" wasn't my fault... much less myself. If it weren't for that test I'd probably just be filled to the brim with anti-depressants (the classic doctor's catch-all); either being barely able to scrape by in a thoroughly mediocre existence or simply being a full-blown NEET. (that or dead if my liver didn't chill out on its own lol)

And yeah, it's exactly as you say. When I found out about it I was happy. This whole deal is new medicine really, and as such the prognosis isn't completely ideal... I don't really expect to reach 100% (especially after being misdiagnosed and being on immunosupressants for years) but I'm ok with that. This is my situation, and I'm going to do my best to fight it and regain as much normalcy as I can. Done deal. By far the worst part of any illness is the unknown; you can't fight what you can't see.

>> No.5836260

I've decided to take a break from being NEET, since funds were running low.
I'm currently serving coffee to assholes.
Man, I can't wait until I get back to my previous lifestyle.

>> No.5836262

Changing gears a bit, if you do something for long enough you get good at doing it. It's only natural after all, and after 6 and a half years I'm good at being sick with Chronic Lyme Disease... and recognizing the symptoms in other people. You know, I believe that truly lazy people generally don't admit that they're lazy and have shame about it. Kinda along the lines of how a genuinely crazy person won't consider themselves crazy. The last person I heard shamefully say something along the lines of "I definitely need to do more" and then completely fail to do so was my little brother. After heckling my parents for ages to get him tested they did, and it came back positive. Good thing I did; he had no significant physical symptoms and it likely would have gone ignored. Anyways three years later and he's completely different: a bright, vivacious, normal kid who's going to be heading off to college next year.

The point of the above? When I read some of the posts in this thread I frown and think "damn, that REALLY sounds like me before I found out about all this". Now I'm not trying to instill false hope, scare anyone, or much less give people a cop-out or any shit like that... but this stuff is real and it's something to be mindful of.The bottom line is that we're people: short lived, insignificant in the scope of things, thoroughly imperfect... we really can't do much, much less control our circumstances. So just do what you can. Be proactive. If you aren't satisfied with your situation try something. Approach it honestly like a true scientist, and if that something doesn't work mark it off your list and try something else. Don't stop moving forward in some way, no matter how small.

Best of luck


capitcha: tremendous pullouts OH MY

>> No.5836270

Check your nearest town/city for an employment agency. You can look it up in the phone book or ask your parents. They'd probably know.

I checked my local employment agency a few months back and they had absolutely nothing for low-skilled labor. Even bagging groceries. Nothing. Although I'm in a rural area that doesn't have a lot of jobs to begin with, finding work is difficult for everybody right now.

coagulate constantly. Words of wisdom.

>> No.5836274

I feel terrible hearing about people my age working respectable jobs and having degrees already. My life is over.

>> No.5836288

So what. you too can get a good job and some education.
It's just that you are missing the fucking willpower to do it. that is what divides people with shit jobs and good jobs. If you don't put in any effort nothing is going to change.
so what, you are mid 20 and got shit? Go do sometihng about it, jesus christ! In 5 years it can be you who has a good job.

>> No.5836289
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>I was bullied in elementary school
>never had any problems with boyfriends
>I'm 15

blatant psychological trolling

>> No.5836290

I come from a family full of nothing but successful individuals. My life felt over before it even began.

>> No.5836292

(A girl?)

My captcha thinks that's "uncalled for".

That's true, you're terribly young to feel that way. Life's not over and done with yet.

A) You shouldn't compare yourself to other people. That was a devastating mistake I made. Look, if you feel you're behind other people, then whether or not you actually are, that's how it is. Don't worry about it, no one's going to kill you over it or anything. Just press forward, that's what you have to do. Set in your mind who you want to be, and then assert that identity with yourself. Not "I want to be a writer". "I AM a writer." Aristotle once said excellence isn't an act, it's a habit. Continually conditioning yourself to believe something will, for better or worse, cause it to be true.

B) Don't worry too much about failing. It's undesirable, sure, but it's also a part of life. Try to think about it from Thomas Edison's perspective. He didn't fail however many times at making a light bulb; he learned that many ways how NOT to make a lightbulb. It's experience, the best teacher for the hardest lessons in life. You're young, so let's learn!

C) I can't give social advice, really. Given that I'm on /jp/, I suppose that's to be expected. But I do believe this: be the best you can be without people, and you will be all the better when you're with people.

>> No.5836295

How the dick to I get tested for this?

>> No.5836301

Okay. So they have better jobs than you.
Push forward anyway.
Don't compare yourself to others.

>> No.5836302
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>255 posts and 35 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

Huh, I could've sworn the meido deleted my thread.

Guess I've got a lot of reading to do. Sigh.

>> No.5836304

For what?

>> No.5836305

Great, now not only do I feel horrible for being a selfish and lazy NEET, I can also worry that I'm probably dying of some interior disease that I don't have the funds to diagnose or treat.

>> No.5836310

Chronic whatever.

>> No.5836311


You are going to encourage people to get tested for this with that kind of talk. Which might be a good thing, except that most tests (if not all) will come back negative and then it will make those tested feel even worse.

>> No.5836312

You people just don't see it from the good side at all. If you give your best and still fail you can either kill yourself or grab a gun and kill as many happy people as possible before the police guns you down.

>> No.5836316

Oh, right - I'm only doing this for money.
I'm not interested in success or a normal life - in fact, I don't plan to live on past 30.

>> No.5836317

Reading your posts make me feel kinda bad about me refusing job offers.

>> No.5836319

>grab a gun and kill as many happy people as possible before the police guns you down.
Why the fuck would I want to ruin other peoples lives just because I'm unhappy with mine?

>> No.5836321

I derp'd and thought you were responding to my other post, sorry.

Why would I want to do that?

>> No.5836322

But I'm too much of a coward to kill myself.

>> No.5836325

Because your life is shit and you are unhappy with everything?

>> No.5836329

That doesn't warrant ruining other peoples lives. Not everyone wants to spread their despair and/or anger.

>> No.5836332

But how do other people relate to that, then?

Do you have something you want to talk about, Anon?

>> No.5836333

Thank you.

>> No.5836337

Sure is testosterone-surging angry teenager in here.

Being NEET just means I don't have any cash to buy my kawaii little girl figurines. Regrettable, yes, but it's not something I'm going to kill myself or go on a murder-suicide spree over.

>> No.5836342

You're welcome.

>> No.5836343

>I come from a family full of nothing but successful individuals. My life felt over before it even began.
Oh god I know what you mean. One side of my family was all military, the other aerospace engineers. To say I didn't live up to their expectations is putting it lightly.

>> No.5836346
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How bout this: stop looking for meaning in life and just fucking live. We are lucky to even exist, much less be a free thinking species. Just get your yukkuri on and take it easy!

>> No.5836348 [DELETED] 

i have a twin sister. she plays WOW on a pirate server.

>> No.5836358

ooops, meant to post that in the sister thread.

>> No.5836359

Looking for meaning?

I think it's fairly obvious that life is meaningless. Everyone and everything just dies in the end.

>> No.5836368

We're not really looking for meaning in life, here, though. Just on how to live our lives more happily.

>> No.5836370
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If you're behind other people, everyone notices it about you and prejudges you based on that. Humans have that same kind of primal pack mentality that other animals do, it's still there somewhere. So when a failure beta is on the scene they will be treated as such, whether overtly or not. What you have done with yourself (or not done with yourself) in the past has a great deal of impact on your future, and everyone will notice it and be less willing to invite you into the ranks.

>> No.5836380

I've been trying that man, I've been trying that! It's not meaning that's driving me crazy! When everyone else throws expectations at you that you fail to accomplish it kind of drags your shit down. I'm generally fine if I'm left to do my own thing, but society just doesn't work that way.

>> No.5836389

I've always looked at it like this: any meaning in life is what you choose to accept. If you want, tables can be splendid things worth collecting. The more tables you find the more fulfilled you could be. It's miraculous the scope of value we can find in the universe. Anything you want could be valuable. It is simply a matter of your own method of labeling.

>> No.5836390

That means you're searching for something, when you let go of want and craving you will be truly happy. Sorry for the zen master shit but I just got done reading a book on it and I feel empowered.

>> No.5836396

Then that's all the more reason to be the best you can be without people.

>> No.5836412

I don't entirely subscribe to that, but in some cases, I do agree with it.

>> No.5836420
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I feel the same way. It's an awesome feeling to know that you've sort of conquered loneliness though lol.

>> No.5836433

Threads like this are the reason I still come to /jp/. It's nice to have a good discussion once in a while instead of generic anime sceenshot.jpg threads.

>> No.5836439

Indeed, things like this thread and the creativity threads are more of what /jp/ needs.

>> No.5836448

Not to mention the Umineko fags.

>> No.5836450

I like being a NEET and could find work easily anyway. There is something that makes me kinda depressed though, the fact that I will never create my own family. As a kid, one of my dreams was to find the woman of my life, marry, make children and have a happy family forever. Of course, once I grew up and realize how women really were I completely gave up any hope. Now I am only living in my 2D fantasies, but sometimes when I can't find sleep, I remember my childhood dream and shed a tear.

>> No.5836459

Aye. I know how that feels. I don't think I'd ever find a woman that would put up with me.

I'll never have a beloved tomboyish daughter. ;_;

>> No.5836473

Umineko fags can be sad NEETs too you know...

>> No.5836487

I AM an Umineko fag.

I just think there are a bit too many threads about Umineko and mentions of it in threads that aren't even related to it, that's all.

>> No.5836494
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I actually have a job, a great one (not great paying, just easy) and I'm starting to enjoy things about social interaction that I used to hate. Things like making small talk, going out of my way for others, etc. I actually feel happier because I know its making me a better person and i can notice the slight change in my confidence around others now. Feels wierd though man.

>> No.5836497


I'm not a NEET, I'm not a hikkikomori (although I''ve been closing myself more and more).You can call me a normal fag for not being one, I could care less. But I love these kinds of threads, because all the users here stop trolling and saying useless shit for once to be honest with their feelings.

I'll be quite honest: I started crying while reading all of this, and I really did read everything. And cried even more when I read your post because I do know how you feel, because I had and still have that same wish. To have a real family, a wife and children who I would love more than anything. Though, most women are just wortthless.

However, as the hopeless romantic that I am, I can't and won't give up. It is my deepest dream, and I'm sure I'll find the woman of my life, the one I always dream about. So please don't give up.

>> No.5836509

I started crying, too. You are not alone.

>> No.5836511

>I started crying

>> No.5836521


Thank you.


Thank you.

>> No.5836540

You are my hero right nao

>> No.5836552

Why, exactly, do you think women are worthless?

>> No.5836611

>304 posts
Well it's been a good thread, I appreciated it, all the tips and encouragement from fellow jp'ers that can relate with each other. Take it easy and good night.

>> No.5836622

Well, this is where things get fun (read: shit). As I stated in that post this is new (even controversial) medicine, and as such most typical doctors are completely ignorant about it, though that's quickly changing. What I'm getting at here is that most doctors will be reluctant to run the needed Western Blot. It's worth a shot though. Do some research and present what you think to your physician and see what happens. Note that you need the Western Blot, not the standard worthless ELISA test. Pay out of pocket if you need too.

If that doesn't cut it search for a doctor familiar with lyme. Here are two sources that may help:
- http://www.lymediseaseassociation.org/
- http://www.ilads.org/

Oh sweet, looks like the former revamped their site and now has a big fat "doctor referral" section.

And now a disclaimer. The lyme bacterium, Borrelia burgdorferi, cannot be cultured using current methods. Instead the Western Blot checks for lyme specific antibodies. The problem? Borrelia suppresses the immune system. The test was designed around one specific strain (there are 100+ iirc). Antibodies can bind to proteins and not be picked up (or something). The test is NOT 100% accurate, as with all immunological tests. Even the CDC recommends that clinical diagnosis be used over any blood test. So yeah, if you get a positive test, done, you have it. If you get a negative one... things are still a bit up in the air. Because of this if you're really looking into all this just be done with it and see a Lyme specialist.

Hope this helps, I feel like I've missed something....

>> No.5836629


True. I threw in this disclaimer for that reason:
>Now I'm not trying to instill false hope, scare anyone, or much less give people a cop-out or any shit like that... but this stuff is real and it's something to be mindful of.
And yeah I'm well aware of the whole "negative test" thing. I had tons of tests myself and they were always negative. I hated it. Hell, even my own lyme test came back negative. The only thing that came back with something was babesia (a lyme co-infection), but that was only equivocal. Granted I was own immunosupressants at the time which really screwed things up. My shit was diagnosed clinically. Complete lack of other diagnoses, classic lyme reaction to antibiotics, history of being bitten by ticks, classic lyme symptoms... it adds up. I mean, when you go on minocycline and get a 102° fever soon afterwards you know something funky is going down lol.

also sorry for the delayed posts; I'm in the middle of treatment and am tired as hell/trying not to barf (tigecycline is a bitch)

>> No.5836652

Thanks for the info, it's always good to be aware.

>> No.5836681

...if it makes you feel any better the illness is almost always non-lethal :(. And I should stress again that this is nothing to worry about. Just if you seriously think something is wrong with your body tuck this info in the back of your head... it may be worth looking into among other things

>> No.5837160

This thread is slightly inspiring actually, but it's also depressing because I'm going to wake up in ~9 hours and forget all about it.

I have a bad habit of reading inspiring shit right before I go to bed, when I can't act on it. Fuck.

>> No.5837160,1 [INTERNAL] 

Being Trevor


