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5832274 No.5832274 [Reply] [Original]

Explain this Shkannon fag

>> No.5832279

It's Sayo sitting across Kinzo's corpse.
So what is difficult to understand?

>> No.5832292


Sayo is dead, Battler saw the body.
No, she couldn't fake it, it was an huge hole in her head.

Also, explain how she changed from Kanon to Shannon appearance that fast, without anyone noticing when Gohda and the other saw her

>> No.5832294

Jessica and a corpse

>> No.5832298

It was a shadow, so he couldn't see it well. Could be anything. He only finds out it's Beatrice when the narration is suddenly third person.

>> No.5832301
File: 147 KB, 706x370, murderbylolpersonality2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She isnt dead.
Notice the word "resemble".

>> No.5832307

This is episode 2 not 3.

>> No.5832313


It's obviously a person.

>> No.5832315
File: 555 KB, 2066x2119, 1255579714053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always had the fantasy of fucking you ontop of Father's corpse, Battler-kun.

>> No.5832318

Sayo isn't dead.
It was Jessica's body with a wig, notice how jumpy Rosa is when Battler gets close to the body.

Oh and Battler doesn't have the detective authority that allow him to see fake corpse and shit, as said in episode 6.

>> No.5832322

Battler was drunk at the time his perspective is unreliable.

>> No.5832326

Look at the way Godha acts when they tell the story.
They were all lying.

>> No.5832330

This is the fucking 6th Umineko thread on the first two pages of /jp/. Can you fucking cut it out already?

>> No.5832332

>It was Jessica's body with a wig, notice how jumpy Rosa is when Battler gets close to the body.

Yeah, sure wings work like that

>Oh and Battler doesn't have the detective authority that allow him to see fake corpse and shit, as said in episode 6.

Battler isn't stupid. Also, when he can't prove a body is dead the tips doesn't fully update like in ep VI, it was fully red.

Shannon is dead.

>> No.5832338

Wig works like this actually.

Oh and Battler only talked about the hole in the middle of the forehead during this scene, not about the feature of the corpse.
He didn't look at her closely, especially considering Rosa was yelling at him in the same time.

>> No.5832342

Are you implying that whenever the TIPS say someone is dead they definitely are?

>> No.5832346

>Wig works like this actually.

Yeah, Jessica wears a wing and she suddenly becomes Shannon, sure

I guess Genji with a dress and a Wig can be Beatrice then.

>> No.5832350
File: 842 KB, 742x1024, 1250168588619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know who's more pathetic, the anti-Shkanonfags who look for tiny pieces of evidence and make threads everyday asking for them to be explained, or the Shkanonfags who always try to explain it without fail.

>> No.5832359


So basically you Shkannonfags believes nothing in the story is true, then.

>> No.5832361

>detective authority
No. Detective authority isnt some hax skill.
You can make mistake if you dont check the body properly. This is what happened to Erika at episode5.

Well I just looked at ep2 Shannon's death again.
In the fantasy scene, a fake Kanon was the one that did her in. I guess we all know what that mean in context.

>Shannon-chan's corpse was face down in front of the dresser, lying in a sea of blood.
>...Because she was face down, I couldn't see her face, but I could imagine even without seeing it.
Nearby, in the sea of blood she lay in, a demon's stake had fallen...
Face down. There is no way Battler can see the hole in the head if it is face down.
I guess it is pretty much confirmed by now.

>> No.5832373

>There was a gaping hole in Shannon-chan's head, and her insides were dripping out.
>Not only that, ...you could even see, ...inside her.
>After seeing that, I finally noticed that what I was doing was wrong.
>I immediately averted my eyes, but by now, it was probably pointless.
>"Hey, Battler-kun!! You must leave everything alone until the police come!! What do you think you're doing, touching it?! What will you do if our precious proof on the scene gets disturbed?!!"
Rosa sure is suspicious here.

>> No.5832377

Oh come on. He then lifts her head up and peers into the huge hole in her head and sees her brain. Is there any case where he examines a corpse more closely?

>> No.5832380

Jessica's room was locked. Rosa never gave anyone the keys to it.

>> No.5832400

I don't think a drunk Battler who thinks whatever was on the other side of the room was Kinzo is very reliable. Assuming it was a corpse, Kinzo's corpse is between 1 and 2 years old. Kinzo's corpse might not even be on the island. Might have long since been disposed of. The corpse that shows up every episode could be a fake.

>> No.5832422

>He then lifts her

He does?

CAPTCHA: George, slowdown. Duh
captcha: George, slowdown. Duh.

>> No.5832511

Tell me it doesn't look suspicious as shit.
Oh and the face was lying in a pool of blood, hard to imagine it would be easily identifiable.

>> No.5832514

Rosa opened the door herself.
Remember when she saw Kinzo? She is a fucking accomplice.

>> No.5832520
File: 1009 KB, 1280x960, whatIheardfromfather2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear Battler, Father told me Shannon and Genji are innocent.

>> No.5832528


Lol'ed at Gohda face

>> No.5832542


>what do you think, everyone...?

George confirmed for Erika

>> No.5832559
File: 259 KB, 636x472, wait what rosa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That screenshot and this one both feel like they have some deeper meaning after Episode 4. Maybe Rosa knows too much after all.

>> No.5832577
File: 855 KB, 1280x960, erika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Rosa is the one saying that.

>> No.5832582

Well it looks like the ShKanon fags explained it quite well.

>> No.5832589


Well, now it makes sense. Erika also had relationship troubles, didn't she?

>> No.5832593

Except she was with Battler all the time and can't secretly open Jessica's room for crazy maido.

>> No.5832597
File: 34 KB, 410x481, rosabestmom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy shit


>> No.5832605


Not really, Battler saw her FACE

>> No.5832607

Not all the time.
And someone had to open the door you know, or do you believe in magic?

>> No.5832611

No, he saw a HOLE.

>There was a gaping hole in Shannon-chan's head, and her insides were dripping out.
>Not only that, ...you could even see, ...inside her.
>After seeing that, I finally noticed that what I was doing was wrong.
>I immediately averted my eyes, but by now, it was probably pointless.
>"Hey, Battler-kun!! You must leave everything alone until the police come!! What do you think you're doing, touching it?! What will you do if our precious proof on the scene gets disturbed?!!"

Nothing here says he payed attention to her face, on the contrary.

>> No.5832626

>Only the five master keys were left, and 'Rosa' was holding all of them
I always wondered why this red says 'Rosa'

>> No.5832632

I have always thought it was only a fantasy scene, battler was drunk the hell out, and I want to believe ep4 is the first time Beato and Battler meet.

>> No.5832643

So, he saw a hole without looking at her face?
Grasping at straws, are we not?

>> No.5832659


He lifted her FACE, moron.

>> No.5832664

He saw a hole, but that hole was gushing blood, previously her face was lying in a pool of blood. How well can he see her face?

>> No.5832676

Show me when they were separated after the murder of Jessica. Oh wait, they weren't.
The door to Natsuhi's room was opened by Shannon, George, Gohda (and maybe Genji) with Natsuhi's key. Then they locked it from inside and Shannon massacred them and shot herself.

>> No.5832692

He saw the hole with the fucking brain gushing and then immediately averted his eyes.
He didn't look closely at the feature of the face, that was covered in blood anyways.
You are the ones grasping at straws.

>> No.5832702


Yeah, you need to look close to see Jessica face in there. sure.

>> No.5832719
File: 12 KB, 188x209, 1247695528562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Rosa didn't physically have all the keys. 'Rosa' did. 'Rosa' refers to 'team Rosa' meaning Rosa and all her culprits-in-arms.
>After the master keys came into Rosa's control, never did any of them leave her hands!
They didn't leave the hands of team Rosa.

>> No.5832729

When the face is covered in blood with a big hole in the middle and the spilling brain is taking all your attention, sure.

>> No.5832737

this thread is why nobody on /jp/ will ever solve umineko

>> No.5832742

Or why most people except the 2-3 fags in denial already solved it.

>> No.5832746




>> No.5832753


Why do you think R07 let Battler raise her head?

>> No.5832754
File: 49 KB, 640x480, 1253689969244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Scratch that, they 'came into Rosa's control' because Rosa+co had them, and they never left her hands because not all of them came into her hands in the first place! They can't leave her hands then.

>> No.5832757

He only fucking looked at her for 2-3 seconds maximum and all his attention was taken by the fucking spilling brain.
Jessica and Shannon are both women around the same age, the face was covered in blood, you tell me it's impossible?
You are in denial.

>> No.5832759
File: 427 KB, 640x480, Rosa Detective.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Motherfucking dots, how do they work?

No, seriously. Those seem to underline important hints or even more, true facts.

>> No.5832768

To make it look like Shannon's death was confirmed when really her face was covered in blood, the hole draw his attention, he quickly looked away, and therefore despite his intention did not confirm anything

The most confirmed corpse without red in Umineko turns into the most cleverly disguised faked deah~

>> No.5832770

Why do you think R07 made Rosa scream at him?

>> No.5832772

We just love arguing.

So what 07151129 means again? Besides being a PIN, it must have other meaning, Ryu confirmed.

>> No.5832773

I think they're meant to be italics.

>> No.5832776

They mean emphasis, since japs can't use italics to emphasise words.

>> No.5832781
File: 611 KB, 1080x810, listen to my dotted truth!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dots = red on steriods.

>> No.5832791

Explain how the crazy maid got out of that room after they left then. It was locked, Rosa took all the keys.

>> No.5832798

Fatty closed the door for her while dying.

>> No.5832801

Rosa left a key to Shannon to begin with

>> No.5832813

With the stake in his stomach.
Don't tell me he did it for love, because he outright says in ep6 that he wants to have love in the real world, not after the death.

>> No.5832831

George(Jouji) has another personality called George(George) who wants to love in death.

>> No.5832834

*After the master keys came into Rosa's control, never did any of them leave her hands! Except for the time when she lent it to Battler to unlock Natsuhi's room.*
*Natsuhi's own key was in George's pocket, and the inside of the room was closed off*
*Natsuhi's room was exactly the same, just like usual*. (*No one is hiding. No method exists by which the door can be locked from the outside without using a key.*)

>> No.5832857

You don't notice the obvious loophole there?

>> No.5832866

Lent it to Battler, the man from 19 years ago, that is~

>> No.5832873

Enlighten me.

>> No.5832923

>After the master keys came into Rosa's control
What if one of they never got into her hand to begin with?

>> No.5832928

Or what if they all came under her control, but that doesn't mean she personally had them all. It means she and the people she was working with had them all.

>> No.5832967

*There are only 5 master keys.*
And Battler CLEARLY saw all 5 of them when the servants handed them over in servants' room.

>herp derp

>> No.5832988

>*There are only 5 master keys.*
>And Battler CLEARLY saw all 5 of them when the servants handed them over in servants' room.

Now some Shkannonfags will say they were false Master keys

>> No.5833010

Not false master keys but other irrelevant keys passed off as master keys. Rosa is clearly plotting something with the servants in episode 2, what with claiming Kinzo confirmed their alibis when she met with him. So you can't put something like this past her.

>> No.5833030

Knox's 8th, were there any clues, pointing to the existence of the false master keys?

>> No.5833050

Or I can say that she simply didn't want to reveal his death and just decided to watch more closely for the servants instead.

>> No.5833065

How did she find out? Did the servants just tell her?

Yes, the fact that a very improbable closed room was constructed when all the keys were supposedly under Rosa's control. The use of apostrophes around Rosa in the red. What do master keys look like compared to other keys? Would Battler actually notice?

>> No.5833100

I have a better idea. What if 'closed' actually means 'open'? All closed rooms are solved!

>> No.5833122

Are you going to question why there are apostrophes around Rosa's name in the red that's supposed to confirm that she has the keys, or are you just going to spout ridiculous hyperbole.

>> No.5833163

*All of the master keys were under Rosa's control!*
No apostrophes.
*After the master keys came into Rosa's control, never did any of them leave her hands! Except for the time when she lent it to Battler to unlock Natsuhi's room.*
No apostrophes.

>> No.5833182

Yes, no apostrophes when the word is 'control', which does not necessarily mean 'physically holding'. On the other hand, when the word is 'holding', there are.

>> No.5833187

So do you have an explanation for those apostrophes?

>> No.5833205

I forgot, weren't you trying to prove that Shkannontrice bribed them all? And now their gang is suddenly called 'Rosa', what a twist.

>> No.5833222


Oh god, this is getting ridicolous.

>> No.5833225

Guys, since we're talking about the keys, there is one thing I don't get.

*The only master keys are the ones that each servant holds, one per person
*The only way to lock this door is with Jessica's single key or the master keys, only one of which is held by each servant
*There are five, one for each servant. (Used by Beatrice in Chapter 9: Skirmish. It refers to the master keys in this game.)
*All five master keys were discovered, each in the pocket of one of the servants!

There are five master keys, only one of wich is held per person. But wouldn't Shkannon need to have two master keys? I mean, sure she can swich her personality, but it's not like everytime she goes to some hidden drawer and changes one master key for the other or something.

>> No.5833235

I'm just saying 'Rosa' =/= Rosa. There has to be a meaning for those apostrophes.

>> No.5833239


Personalities= Persons, according to Ange.

Even if they share the same body, they are two different individuals Shkannon is bullshit anyway, so who cares

>> No.5833247

The servants on the island during the time in question are not the only servants. There are a maximum of 5 keys for a maximum of 5 servants at any given time. At one point someone says they're understaffed, which makes no sense if only 5 keys exist. Understaffed = 4 staff pretending to be 5.

>> No.5833265
File: 454 KB, 638x479, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain where your precious apostraphes have disappeared to in the original Japanese, ShkShitter. Turns out it's just Witch-Hunt's usual ShkShit bias.

>> No.5833286


They actually still there

>> No.5833296

They're just double apostrophes this time. Witch-hunt made them single because they use double apostrophes for quotations like normal English does, while Japanese uses those bracket things.

>> No.5833343
File: 208 KB, 848x480, 1246684023089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when Shkanonfags think punctuation marks are evidence

>> No.5833427


Well, their theory is full of holes and nonsense, i'm not surprised.

>> No.5833458

Why isn't there a doujinshi of this?
