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583122 No.583122 [Reply] [Original]

What makes Tsukihime better than FSN is the atsmosphere, you can feel the danger , the drama, the mindfuck, or the calm in the atmosphere. The music does a better job to add to the atmosphere than FSN.The characters interactions are so superior to the character interactions of FSN that it hurts,and the slice of life segments and Shirou's Pov are fucking annoying.FSN plot feels too forced at times, this leads to weak plot or unexplainable developments.Tsukihime's plot flows better, it's simple, credible and convey feelings better.
Tsukihime's plot is also more serious, each resolution have more weight to them 1) Arc and Shiki didn't end up in good terms in Ciel's True End, 2) After every single of the Far Side of the Moon routes, Arc and Ciel will keep hunting Roa, 3) Akiha ends up as a doll in one ending, 4) Akiha and Kohaku die in another end, 5) Hisui's Good End wasn't precisely happy. In F/sn, only 2 characters couldn't be saved: 1) Ilya in UBW, 2) Saber and Ilya in HF.
Shirou never actually shows his resolve when it comes to deal with people who are prepared to kill,and the story does not have serious and mature Masters - aside from Zōken-.The only time Shirou had to confront one of his friends, was in HF against Black Saber. Shiki, on the other hand, had to fight Arc, Ciel, Akiha, and Sacchin at some point - there's also the point when he realises all what Kohaku has been doing.
FSN is just too light, shonen and aimed at teenagers. That why the dark and cold as ice Tsukihime is superior.

>> No.583131

>Is sage time again.

>> No.583133

I love copypasta.

>> No.583156

True but still copypasta = sage.

>> No.583165

This is an eyesore.

>> No.583171

If Shirou beats Berskerker, why Archer wasn't able, he's superior in every way.

>> No.583179
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<<<In F/sn, only 2 characters couldn't be saved: 1) Ilya in UBW, 2) Saber and Ilya in HF.

Wrong. See Pic.

>> No.583193

Nobody cares about Archer, though, because he's already dead.

>> No.583192

what do you mean?

>> No.583237
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Archer dies in every route. In Fate he dies fighting Berserker for Rin to let Rin, Saber, and Shirou escape. Heaven's Feel he gives his arm to Shirou after protecting Rin against True Assassin, Dark Saber and the Shadow and dies. In Unlimited Blade Works he fades away.

Okay, in Unlimited Blade Works he believes in his dream again, but in the other two routes he's stuck being a miserable cleaner for all of eternity.

I'm sad, because the whole duality of Archer and Shirou could have been handled SO much better.

>> No.583260

In all seriousness, Berserker is the worst fucking match for Archer.

>> No.583267

>he believes in his dream again

No, he doesn't. Archer's fate doesn't change, even after everything he went through. It's made pretty clear in the Answer.

>> No.583275

Well, at least in HF he sees a Shirou who breaks from the circle and in UBW he remembers why he believed in his ideal and that it wasn't wrong.

In Fate, his only compensation is his alternate self getting blown by the king.

>> No.583277

>>I'm sad, because the whole duality of Archer and Shirou could have been handled SO much better.
Yes the Archer/Shirou concept is fucking awesome but it wasn't handled that well in the game, it really felt like they could have done more.

>> No.583284

think of it as a causality loop. Fate Shirou turns into UBW archer, UBW Shirou turns into Heaven's Feel archer, and Heaven's Feel Shirou turns into Fate archer.

>> No.583289

HAHA, that makes more sense than it should.

>> No.583286

Isn't it sad, Arcchan?

Archer's the Sacchin of Fate, but you know, more GAR.

>> No.583299
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It could have been handled a LOT better. What could have been more interesting is when he got back and started seeing all of those precious faces again (Rin, Ilya, Sakura etc . . .)and started feeling more and more conflicted.

This is why we should have had a Route from Archer's POV giving him some closure of some sort, and not like UBW. It could have been the ultimate defiance of Fate. He could have given himself a second life with a modified idea of his dreams AND boned Rin constantly.

>> No.583300


Assasin is the FSN Sacchin.

>> No.583307
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Hah, Copy-pasta, you thought you were going to bring up a shit storm or get saged, but instead, we got a thoughtful discussion going on.


And more pictures please?

>> No.583309

It's a shame that Archer is from a FSN route that we don't see.


>> No.583315

I just wanted a Type-moon disscusion. everyone wins.
