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5818659 No.5818659 [Reply] [Original]

Cross Channel
Swan Song

Which one should I read next?
Also I prefer non boring innros

>> No.5818664


meant intros

>> No.5818669

muv luv extra is boring as hell. It picks up more or less in unlimited though.
Read swan song

>> No.5818673

swan song. And use a board-related picture next time at least.

>> No.5818676

And Cross Channel starts so boring I still didn't manage to get around to playing it properly.

>> No.5818680

>muv luv
More like Muff love

>> No.5818683

Swan Song

>> No.5818685

Yeah because anime totally isn't Otaku related

>> No.5818686

Akiha is /jp/ related though.

>> No.5818699

Cross+Channel starts boring but becomes interesting in retrospect once you figure out what's going on.

Play it, it's excellent, hilarious, and sad. Very sad.

>> No.5818711
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sorry, but anime is not /jp/-related. And Cross Channel starts really boring and shitty but it gets better after a while.
pic related.

>> No.5818713

Swan Song

>> No.5818719

you found it funny? the comedy was godawful, not as bad as MLE, but still.

>> No.5818729

Muv-Luv Extra had its moments with Sumika.

>> No.5818732

well, some of the sumika moments were funny. although I'm right before the lacrosse match against class d and I'm on the verge of dropping it. It's so fucking boring. holy shit.

How far did I progress?

>> No.5818743

You're past the halfway point. Might as well just finish it and move onto Unlimited, which is somewhat better.

>> No.5818757


Taichi was hilarious. You have no taste.

>> No.5818772
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Is playing her route worth it?
I mean, she really is cute to me and I like her character alot. It's just that I heard alot of bad things about the side routes

>> No.5818797

anyone? ;_;

>> No.5818821


She's a slut.

>> No.5818828

It's not a great route, but it does have a tiny bit of relevance to Alternative, so you might consider playing it just for that.

>> No.5818830

So is sanae and she is still loved by many

>> No.5818875

I'm afraid to play Muv-Luv I've head alot of the girls die gory scenes (like getting her head bitten off).

I also heard that all except two girls die?

That's just horrible...

>> No.5818892


In terms of Character route tiers for Muv Luv, it goes like this:

1. Meiya/Sumika(Meiya end >>> Sumika end however)
2. Tama
3. Kei
4. Marimo/Mikoto
5. Chizuru

Only 5 is what i'd really call bad enough to the point where you dont want to play it. So yeah give it a shot,if you really like her personality then you'll be able to do her route just fine.

>> No.5818920



>> No.5818936

thank you

>> No.5818942

Probably Muv Luv, as long as you like school life comedy. A lot of people think Cross Channel starts off slow, though personally I didn't. Swan Song starts off slow and just isn't that great.

The side routes are easily better than the main route. They aren't amazing or anything, but they're decent enough and sure as hell beat drawn out love triangle bullshit.

>> No.5818945

I think that's in the Alternative sequel, where almost everyone dies.

>> No.5818974

Alternative is bullshit, the MC decides he can't accept Unlimited's ending (Alternative V) and decides to change the future. What does he do? he gets everyone fucking killed, and only three members of the Isumi Valkyries are left by the end of the game.

>> No.5819029

You're thinking of Alternative.
