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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 54 KB, 300x306, 1272821111708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5811003 No.5811003 [Reply] [Original]

Animated depictions of child pornography should not be trivialized or mistaken for cartoons, an Ottawa court heard Tuesday during the sentencing of a Gatineau man found with nearly 2,000 graphic images on his computer.

Patrick Dupuis-Gendron, 27, was arrested in March 2009 as part of a nationwide sweep called Project Salvo. More than 70 search warrants were executed and 57 suspects were arrested across Canada in what police then called the country's largest co-ordinated investigation into Internet-facilitated child abuse.

Police seized Dupuis-Gendron's computer and located 1,974 images of child pornography. All but three were drawings featuring children in various sexual positions or children engaged in sexual acts with adults or other children.

"To call them cartoons is to trivialize them," said Mark Holmes, an assistant Crown attorney. Both he and Ontario Provincial Court Justice Lise Maisonneuve viewed a representative sample of the images before the sentencing hearing.

>> No.5811007

Maisonneuve accepted the joint submission of the Crown and defence lawyers on a sentence.

Both sides agreed the first-time offender had suffered embarrassment and shame as a result of the charges, but had maintained a job and completed training to become a welder.

His father and another man sat in court with Dupuis-Gendron, who underwent a psychiatric assessment at the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre and did not meet the criteria to be deemed a pedophile.

He will serve a 90-day jail sentence on weekends and spend three years on probation.

Because he lives in Gatineau, the judge said she would request that the jail time and subsequent probation be transferred to Quebec.

Dupuis-Gendron was also ordered not to have contact with children under the age of 14 unless another adult is present and to supply a sample of his DNA. His name will be added to the sex-offender registry for 20 years.

Source: http://www.vancouversun.com/news/Pornographic+cartoon+images+from+innocent+court+hears/3329811/story

>> No.5811015
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>> No.5811018

>"To call them cartoons is to trivialize them,"


>> No.5811023

>Animated depictions of child pornography should not be trivialized

>child abuse

>animated depictions


>> No.5811026

banned in Canada

>> No.5811028

>He will serve a 90-day jail sentence on weekends
>on weekends
...you can do that?

Canada jail sounds like a fucking motel.

>> No.5811037

is it any wonder how this fucker even got caught?

>> No.5811038

>To call them cartoons is to trivialize them
But they are cartoons.......

>the judge said she

>> No.5811039
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wow, Canada,
also, take it to /a/

Oh my god my captcha on this one

>> No.5811040

>not to have contact with children under 14

You mean 3DPD children? THAT'LL SURE BE HARD FOR HIM!

>> No.5811045

oh fuck.

i better truecrypt my loli soon

>> No.5811055

The US has it as well.

Also I live in Ottawa and near Gatineau ;_;

Though I have nothing like that saved. I think the only 'loli' thing I have are some murata illustrations in Robot issues, but I bought that here so whatever.

>> No.5811056

My God what is all this faggotry Canada?

>> No.5811057

>Animated depictions of child pornography should not be trivialized

So instead we're going to trivialize real child pornography by saying it's same shit as drawings.

>> No.5811059


It's because Canada doesn't treat fake-pedos the same way US treats fake-pedos. It's still frowned upon, but they're not going to stick you in a 40lb box of rape for 20 years for having drawings stored on your PC.

In most parts of Canada police can watch a man walking down the sidewalk smoking weed and they'll just pass by quietly; in Canada the job of the government's physical force is to protect people, not rob and oppress them.

>> No.5811060
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Canada hates lolicon, what else is new?
a few years ago, some guy got arrested on the south shore for the same thing. it's interesting (not really) because this guy also had exactly 3 pictures that weren't drawn.


>> No.5811064

>To call them cartoons is to trivialize them

Because cartoons are real and should be given the same human rights that we have.

>> No.5811067

So the US is actually one of the most lenient countries concerning lolicon?

The more you know.

>> No.5811073

It's also funny because I think the main reason they care about 2D loli is because they attempt to argue that it could lead to some sort of pedophiliac actions or that it's not healthy to think of children in that way but at the same time they give him an evaluation saying he doesn't fit the criteria to be deemed a pedophile.

It's not like it matters anyway. Life ruined.

>> No.5811087

How much you want to bet the "3 non-drawn" images are drawings, and the government people are idiots?

>> No.5811093
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as the name of an anti-cartoon-nudity dragnet?
you have GOT to be shitting me...

>> No.5811095

By the way, Canada is a predominantly Catholic country. Ironic that it was spawned from Britain.

>> No.5811100

Spawned from France.

>> No.5811103



>> No.5811105

>child abuse

Will pics of domestic violence with your waifu and guro get you sent to jail also.

>> No.5811106

So how did this guy even get caught in the first place?

>> No.5811108

>British Colombia
Yeah, France............

>> No.5811111

Canada was originally a French country. After the brits got their asses handed to them during the civil war, the ones still loyal to Britain moved north and took over.

>> No.5811121

man, jesus shat you have GOT to be shitting me... are you for real, faggot?
you don't think we've ever been to montreal or vancouver, faggot?

>> No.5811135

Still waiting for "Animated depictions of violence should not be trivialized or mistaken for games" and having all of the people that play Call of Duty and GTA get arrested for murder. It follows the same logic.

>> No.5811140

>not to have contact with children under the age of 14
Many people would be happy about that. A legit excuse to never watch over whatever brat your friends can't take care of for the weekend.

>> No.5811152

Also, countdown to RCMP kicking my door down because of thumbnails from that stupid /jp/ CP spammer.

At least the Ottawa courts are close ;_;

>> No.5811188

If it doesn't actually harm a child, knowing anything about artistic creativity an adult could be made to look like a child, and there are actually adults out there with the body types of children...

>> No.5811205

All but 3 were cartoons

This means 3 were real CP. The attornies quote is silly, but I assume hes the prosecuting attorney so its expected. He probably got arrested for the REAL CP that was on his computer

>> No.5811210

>Crown attorney

lolcanada, what kind of antiquated legal system do you have?

>> No.5811219

Dante's Beatrice was 13 years old.... What are they waiting for to ban Dante's works?

>> No.5811227

He will serve a 90-day jail sentence on weekends

Fuck, no weekends for a year.

>> No.5811236


Would they count CG as cartoons? It could have been CG

>> No.5811246

I'm pretty sure they were implying the three were photographs as opposed to drawn or otherwise fake images.

>> No.5811276

>in Canada the job of the government's physical force is to protect people, not rob and oppress them.

>> No.5811297

Wait, ponpo-kun is Canadian?

>> No.5811350

just 2000 huh

brb, hiding my videos and 50000 images

>> No.5811359
File: 378 KB, 1675x1400, ac23e76544242808e8825d4933cfd474950ba58b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is stupid. Child pornography laws are in place to protect children from harm.

Drawings of children are not children, and these drawings don't get hurt regardless of what is depicted in them.

The whole "if they like drawn child porn, they must like real child porn" argument is stupid as well. If they search his computer and only find 2D porn, they've no proof the guy likes real CP.

If you printed out my image and burned it, the girl in the image is not dead. The girl in the image never existed, therefor you don't need to protect her rights.

2D little girls actually don't resemble little girls that much at all anyway. In fact, anime in general usually has deformed proportions that really aren't very human at all. Our mind relates their structure to that of a human, but if you saw one in real life you'd surely know that it wasn't human.

There was a Franken Fran chapter about this as well, the girl ended up with features that made her look like an alien if you took off her clothes and hair, and I actually found that fairly accurate.

In short:
Putting people in jail for DRAWINGS is a stupid idea, because it completely strays from the whole purpose of why child pornography is banned in the first place.

>> No.5811374

Humans, continuing their long standing tradition of villainizing people because they're different.

>> No.5811378

>Fap to loli
>Isn't a pedophile
So whats the point?

>> No.5811382

hahaha i fucking love living in america

>> No.5811384

If I get put in jail because of this someday, I think I'll pickup drawing.

will give me something to do in jail.

>> No.5811395

You know, I think Anon should enter politics, or at least support the comic book defense league.

>> No.5811408

ITT: preaching to the choir

>> No.5811415

He had CP. The only reason people here go to jail for loli is because they're too fucking stupid and download CP too.

>> No.5811416

I find it more likely that they were images that were deemed "real" child pornography, but actually 2D.

Like western styled loli art, rather than Japanese moeblobs.

>> No.5811426

Jail drawfag if you're good enough you can trade requests for contraband and avoiding getting raped

>> No.5811435

>"To call them cartoons is to trivialize them," said Mark Holmes, an assistant Crown attorney.

Well what else would you call them exactly? Besides, how is saying they are drawings birthed from the mind of some Japanese guy trivializing them?

The drawings may be a depiction of sexual activity with a child, or it may depict sexual activity with a thousand year old alien that just happens to look like a child. A drawing can depict damn near anything, but it doesn't change the fact that it's a drawing with absolutely no basis in reality beyond the page.

What's next, arresting someone because you drew a cartoon of someone shooting Stephen Harper?

This fallacious logical absurdity is the same sort of thing I expect from anti-video game zealots.

>> No.5811442

He had three images, compared to the mass of 2D images he had. I'm betting he visits some image boards and had CP stored on his computer from some CP bomber that they found while digging through his shit.

If he was really into CP, I'd probably have full sets. Maybe if they found something like 10 I'd believe that he likes CP (still skeptical), but 3 fucking images is such a small number that they probably aren't there because he wanted them to be there.

Of course, there's no way you can fight a case like that.

"I was just browsing 4chan and someone posted child pornography. It was in a spoiler tag, so I had no idea what it would be without opening it. The other two are thumbnails from his spamming that I never even opened."

Totally ganna win your case.

>> No.5811467
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Its easy to be offended by an image if you're an idiot

>> No.5811485

Didn't some other guy in America or perhaps Canada get sentenced because of two or three year old deleted CP he downloaded when looking for some bangbros with a P2P program?

I would say you're fucked anyway as soon as the tech illiterate get to decide your fate.

>> No.5811491


Shit man, how the fuck do they find that shit out?

>> No.5811495

I have no idea how that usually works, but it sounds like they really need to clarify the difference between actively saving something and having it automatically saved in your cache. It's like some guy comes over and shows you a CP picture without warning, and they sentence you because you now have the memory of that picture in your head.

>> No.5811502

Computers never really delete anything

>> No.5811506

I still firmly believe that the people who get caught in this stuff are extremely stupid people. They are:

a) Getting CP From the regular internet
b) Not using Tor / Freenet properly
c) Chatting in chat rooms with 13/f/cali (seriously, that's probably where they catch 90% of these guys)

There is no way they get these guys by mere chance, especially on a small scale. No one with 500 - 1000 2D images is ever caught. I don't think it's anything to worry about. Of course, if you are going into 3D territory I have nothing to say about that. It's dangerous and you should know better. I don't think I need to tell that to anyone here though. Real kids are disgusting.

>> No.5811508


>> No.5811510

In Soviet Russia they will arrest and jail you for reading Mein Kampf even if you don't believe what is written there and you was just curious.
After all every dictatorship needs something to ruin people lives with ease and without any trouble from press and public. This is just a way to protect government from rebellious citizens, nothing personal.

>> No.5811513

If you've got something on your HDD you don't want people to know you had. Download a file shredder. I recommend CCleaner.

When you delete anything off of your HDD it isn't actually gone. It's just made invisible to Windows and becomes free space to be overwritten by other stuff. But if it doesn't get over-written it's still on your HDD.

>> No.5811518

Not really, considering they can bag you for deleted shit. Shit gets in your cache and gets deleted like everything else.

Also, if that was the case, people could purposely put CP in their cache.

>> No.5811551

My old computer got a virus and the HD was (apparently) completely wiped out. How is it so damn hard to delete unwanted files manually?

>> No.5811576
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>> No.5811598

I don't see what's so good about loli.

[spolier]Shota is better[/spoiler]

>> No.5811599

So how do they find people?

>> No.5811605

>image macro
oh you're so clever

>> No.5811610
File: 223 KB, 1024x768, 1278252162288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so, how long will it be before the goverment found resarches that 'proves' that lolicon = pedophile?

>> No.5811617

The same way they can tell if you torrent copyright material.
ISP's are always watching EVERYTHING you do. And no. I am not shitting you.

>> No.5811618

50 bucks says that if you gave me your old computer, I'd be able to dig up a lot of the old shit you thought was gone.

I remember I got a used harddrive from a computer store near my house for really cheap. The guy thought ht wiped the drive clean, but I was being nosy and decided to dig up what he had there.

Fucking had a .txt file with his credit information (lol who the fuck does this?) and tons of images of himself and his family. He had about 6 videos of him having sex with his girlfriend, a few images of her naked, and he apparently browsed newgrounds a lot, judging from all the newgrounds flashes he had saved.

I'm not too interested in that kind of shit, so I just threw the interesting stuff in a random zip file and sent it to someone who could have fun with it. I've no idea what became of the info after, but chances are the video of that guy and his girlfriend are uploaded to some porn sites somewhere, and he probably had to sort out some credit fraud troubles.

>> No.5811620

>How is it so damn hard to delete unwanted files manually?
lol, :effort:, also you may not notice that your computer downloaded an 'unwanted file'. I mean it may be an embedded image in the invisible div on a random webpage or it may be just resized in browser to 1x1. For people it would be completely unnoticeable but full image still would be saved in cache of every visitor of such page.

>> No.5811624


Better hope I don't find out who you are, or you'll be going to prison for instigating credit card fraud.

>> No.5811628

Why would you do that?

>> No.5811630
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Behind 8 proxies, etc.

>> No.5811635


My guess is:

It is illegal for them to randomly analyze data taken from ISP records and if they did that then we'd see some shit blow up. This isn't as simple as they see you typing "loli" into a search engine and grab the pedo-beating stick. There is a lot of paper work to apprehend these people, they can't afford to waste time on small cases, especially if those concern 2D images only.

Some of the accused had "tens of thousands" or "millions" (although I find this claim incredibly dubious) if you have "tens of thousands" of CP pictures there is a 90% chance you're part of a private ring. This is why they take down these things country wide, and about 50-70 at a time. They've infiltrated the private ring and have collected information on these people for likely over 3-5 years.

tl;dr- if you stick with 2D loli only there is about a 0.01% chance they'll care.

>> No.5811636

I can understand humiliating them f/or the porn.But why the credit information?

>> No.5811639

no they're not, that's illegal

the torrent thing is done by 3rd parties connecting to the same torrent as you and logging IPs

then complaining to your ISP

the ISP doesn't even check wether you really did it or not, they just forward the complain

>> No.5811646

I think I love you, Anonymous.

>> No.5811653

The likes of Tor does not make you untraceable. It can also be very slow and sometimes produces errors in the response. People who use stuff like proxy networks and think they're safe to do anything are probably half of the initial suspects anyway.

At the end of the day, if you're on the internet and you're doing something other than msn, youtube, facebook, gaia, or twitter, then you're fucked as far as trumping up evidence goes. You're bound to have had something donwloaded to your disk which incriminates for copyright infringement, terrorism/anarchy, CP, hacking, or whatever.

On that last note I now remember there was a guy in university who had his laptop seized because he used Linux which is a well known sign of being a criminal apparently. I can't remember if he was actually jailed either, and I think it was either the U.S. or Australia.

>> No.5811657

I dunno. Felt it'd be a waste to let that information vanish, and since the dude didn't know how to actually delete his stuff, I took advantage of his computer illiteracy.

Also, he browsed Newgrounds. Newgrounds...

>> No.5811672
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>> No.5811675

So what's wrong with Newgrounds?

>> No.5811680

I do.
When I'm fappan

>> No.5811691
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They canceled Vampirish Night.

>> No.5811693

>viewed a representative sample of the images

>> No.5811695


I can only find Tor mentioned in one CP Take down case from Germany, and in that case it was a data center and not the individual user- much easier to trace.

I'm not advocating using tor to go and do this kind of stuff, but it is fact that when properly set up you are quite secure. Not untraceable, but it's definitely better than getting things off a network like limewire or even worse a random *chan.

As far as the comment about at the end of the day, that's very true- too bad it also makes 99% of the population criminals. It isn't really a point to make a fuss over. Unless you're downloading terabytes of xbox games or something similar I think you're relatively safe.

>> No.5811698

Well according to the Ottowa Sun, he hav 1,924 images on his computer. 3 of those where legit CP and that's why he was arrested, and the rest happened to be loli.

Truthfully he was only arrested and charged because of the actual CP, they media is choosing to make a big deal out of his 2D because it's a topic that comes up over and over again.

There are no actual laws in Canada in regards to loli/shota, you can legally buy either as long as you're of age.

>> No.5811702

That game is based on Touhou, so it would have been shitty regardless.

>> No.5811715

>3 of those where legit CP
Probably 16 year old girls

>> No.5811729


So does reformatting a drive delete files, or mark them for overwriting?

>> No.5811744


>> No.5811751

A quick format will just make invisible files.
A full format will overwrite many (but not all) files with blank data

>> No.5811759
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This is probably what that dude who I was talking about earlier thought.

>> No.5811768

google dban

>> No.5811769

>There are no actual laws in Canada in regards to loli/shota,
Wait, what?
>Virtual child pornography is only permissible in Canada when it is strictly for private use only.
>private use only.
I don't remember reading this the last time I checked.

>> No.5811773


Full format seven times for great justice.

>> No.5811780

If it is 'fast' it is recoverable, if it is 'slow' it is not. But I would suggest booting into Linux LiveCD and doing 'dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=4M' just to be sure.

>> No.5811793

How do they even go about finding people who have loli saved?
What a giant waste of money

>> No.5811795

Better yet, just disassemble the hard drive and run a strong magnet along the platters. And then shatter them and melt them down into scrap, and then melt down the metal and create a sculpture from it.

>> No.5811817

People should read Hal Abelson's Blown to Bits.


>> No.5811826


They don't. They happen to find this one guy who has loli. He was arrested in conjunction with about ~50 other guys who had CP only. If they had only Loli, and there was no CP anywhere in this case then I think it'd be something to be a bit more worried about.

Like someone else said the media is choosing to pick on this because it's a hot issue and will generate debate. Why aren't they reporting on the other guys who probably have more disgusting material? It's stupid.

>> No.5811831

Just shattering the platters is more than enough. No one would do multimillion-dollar recovery of data from such state just because of some CP.

>> No.5811835

1. Browse 4chan.
2. Suck m00t's cock.
3. ????????

>> No.5811842

Melt it into a sculpture of a naked loli, ironically go to prison for that instead

>> No.5811851

If it was just loli they probably wouldn't care unless it was specifically brought to their attention for some reason.

In most of these cases (including the one from the OP) it's a case of the person having real child porn as well as loli manga. The police monitor child porn distributors and from what I hear they know most all of the offenders, it's just a question of not having the funds to go after all of them.

>> No.5811853

No, because that's art. Only 2D loli doesn't count as art but real.

>> No.5811869

What about MAGNETS?

>> No.5811873

As a 2dcon I find some bittersweet truth in this.

>> No.5811914

Yeah, magnets will do the job. If you know you have a feeling you're about to get into deep shit, and don't know how to properly delete shit, your best bet is to use a fucking magnet on your drive.

>> No.5811946

Of course 2D is not art but is real instead.
I mean did anyone ever claimed that Malevich's Black Square or Da Vinci's Mona Lisa is his wife?

>> No.5811957

Using magnets on a HDD renders it completely useless. It goes far beyond formatting.

>> No.5811990

>2D is not art
Really?Some of it is really artistic.(more than those people who make a ton of cash from splattering paint on a canvas)

>> No.5811992

>completely useless
Bitches don't know about my $60+ paperweights/ coasters

>> No.5812010

overwriting a hdd with ones/zeros only 1 time means everything is gone

if you live in canada or other retarded countries i recommend:
- using truecrypt for your loli
- or saving your loli on a tiny usb flash drive (that you can easily hide)

>> No.5812031

my loli is all on the internet, stored safely in online banks! suck it fags

>> No.5812038


I don't care for loli/shota/etc, but if I was in the crosshairs and I knew it, I'd rather spend 700 buck on a new computer than risk all the bullshit that comes with downloading stupid shit like that.

>> No.5812055
File: 46 KB, 500x375, 20080513B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picture related

>> No.5812071

Just a note: magnet needs to be really, i mean REALLY, powerful. Regular magnet could probably misalign the head and mess up its calibration but it certainly will not damage data on platters. Data could be recovered relatively cheaply from hdd with just malfunctioning head or electronics.

>> No.5812076

>- using truecrypt for your loli
oh, i see you have truecrypt installed. you goddamned pedophile! only pedos use that to hide their illegal, criminal acts! arrest this scum.

>> No.5812087

Ahaha, I had all of my porn saved on a 16 GB flash drive. I had so much shit on that flash (all pictures). It was nearly full to the brim with just about every type of porn you could have. It was truly sickening!

My friend came over unannounced one day, so I quickly took my flash drive out of the computer and stuck it in my pocket.

We ended up going back to his place for the weekend, I still had the drive in my pocket.

Longish story short, it fell out at some point in his apartment.
I haven't heard from him since. It's been about 6 months.

>> No.5812104

Or you combine those two by having data on encrypted hdd and having password protected keyfile on the flash which you could easily smash, rendering both encrypted data and torture useless.

>> No.5812106


>> No.5812111

the canadian pedo was a dumbass for getting caught talking about sexualization of children to the undercover police (project SALVO). that's how he got caught and by using the images stored on his hard-drive as evidence.

hide your fucking power levels.

>> No.5812118

And get arrested for obstructing JUSTICE. You vile criminal scum.

>> No.5812124

You know what's even worse?
I miss my porn more than I miss my friend.
Can you imagine how many doujins I had on that bitch?

>> No.5812129

owned pedofags

>> No.5812136

0wn3d XD

>> No.5812142

Doesn't matter. What you care for probably looks below 18 to the moralfags in Canada. Enjoy your jail years.

>> No.5812160

Considering 2D, all of it looks underage to moralfags.
Lolis with tits.

>> No.5812169


Bara? No, sorry.

>> No.5812178

Pre-boot authentication Trucrypt you whole system

Honestly, it's not hard to remember a 20 digit password if you have to type it in every single day.

Get arrested for whatever? You have the right to remain silent. This can not be used against you for abstruction of justice since you have no legal obligation to incriminate yourself.

If you have a lawyer that isn't state issued, then you WILL get off with no major fines or issues.
Ask me how I know

>> No.5812186

how u no?

>> No.5812187

Sorry, but our cops are just as big of assholes as yours are.

>> No.5812190

I doubt your Bara has huge tits, pubic hairs everywhere and is tall enough to be thought to be over 18. Enjoy being sent to jail for anime.

>> No.5812202
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>> No.5812203

they shown hentai on the news once (well, the safe parts) here in canada, and were going about how "this is horrible, this girl looks like 13"

despite having tits, curves, being fairly tall, etc..

>> No.5812206

>>Dupuis-Gendron underwent a psychiatric assessment at the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre and did not meet the criteria to be deemed a pedophile.

This was the only thing I found funny.

"OK bro you may not be a proven pedo or a murderer or anything but we're going to throw you in jail anyways just to be on the safe side."

>> No.5812227
File: 277 KB, 1600x1200, 1276555929646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should move. My kind are not wanted here.

>> No.5812231

Technically you could own tons of actual CP and not be a pedophile. The material itself doesn't necessarily make you one (although it comes to wonder why you actually got it in the first place).

Doesn't change that the material itself is illegal and you weren't supposed to have it

>> No.5812232

kinda hard for manly, hairy men to have huge tits unless they're morbidly obese.

>> No.5812240

>And get arrested for obstructing JUSTICE. You vile criminal scum.

Thank god my country doesn't have these batshit crazy laws. Here we can fuck evidence over as much as we want as long as it's not in the hands of the police yet.

>> No.5812255


>> No.5812258

We are not wanted anywhere in this world. So we should either create our own country without this shitty laws or we should just migrate to Gensokyo altogether.

>> No.5812259

Ruining someones life over manga. Wtf Canada.

>> No.5812280

um, there are.. it's plainly illegal in canada -- even if it hardly look like a real girl at all

though hardly anyone care unless you're getting a whole lot of attention to yourself

>> No.5812284


>> No.5812285

or you can use a microwave

>> No.5812370


>During a two-year probation order [...] stay off the Internet
that's probably worst than no weekends for a year

>> No.5812379

I would commit suicide. No joke.

>> No.5812476

set up server at my parents house
SSH into it
cops can't prove shit

>> No.5812494


I recently had to go a month with no internet due to moving. It's interesting when you can lucidly experience your own sanity collapsing. If it went on like that for much longer, I would have gone been trapped in a crazy man's body.

>> No.5812509

Another reason it's a good idea to download your anime/ manga instead of streaming it.

>> No.5812521

I freak out when it goes down for a few minutes.

>> No.5812535

>Another reason it's a good idea to download your anime/ manga instead of streaming it.

I do. In fact, I made great progress on some anime that I had already saved at the time. I almost never stream anime. The only stuff I stream is Bleach and Naruto, and that's because Dattebayo doesn't work on those any more and they're still running (and yeah, I know, but I already started them and damn it I'm going to finish them).

My friend only streams it, though, and he always uses dubs. We've argued about this before, but he's just not really into anime like I am, so I can see why he'd watch like that.

>> No.5812577

>Ask me how I know

You asked me, so now I will ask you

How do you know, good sir?

Incidentally, my captcha is "salvaged in." Humorous, given that we're talking about taking measures to stop people from salvaging data from our computers

>> No.5813904


I know how you feel... I freak out when it freaking reconnects me (takes about 10 seconds)...

>> No.5813933
File: 68 KB, 219x324, World_War_Z_book_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Reminds me of that story in a zombie-humour novel. There was a Japanese otaku who spent his weeks on message boards similar to /jp/ while his City was overrun with zombies.Until one morning, he wakes up to find that his parents were missing, the power was out, and he couldn't connect to the internet. He has mental breakdown and zombies break into his room.

Funny, I hope most of you have hobbies that doesn't require electricity.

>> No.5814097

What did you expect? Canada is the same neo-liberal authoritarian shithole as Britain. Have fun with the authorities running your life.

>> No.5814119

Confiscating the server at your parents home after they found out that you're connecting to the server on a regular basis

>> No.5814244

But didn't he end up climbing down from the building on the outside?

And if there were Zombies I'd be delighted, even if that means no internet.

>> No.5814914


>> No.5815350

Fuck the crown.

>> No.5815575


>> No.5815591

Canned in Banada

>> No.5815606
File: 519 KB, 840x700, 1279235927792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain to the court your collection of over +500Gb of toddler rape lolicon porn, and how that makes you a normal, healthy adult.

Imagine the jury is composed of atheists and fundies. Go on. Try to explain it.

>> No.5815656


They are turning upping up their game all over the world it seems.

>> No.5815780

Canada is raising flags for the BAD END. Sorta sad.

>> No.5815803


does someone have the image of the OP? I have been looking for a source for ages.

>> No.5815853

You can't arrest people for being stupid.
You can't prove that i fap to that 500gb of 2D toddler porn.
And even if you could, you can't prove that i would hurt some real toddler just because i own those 500gb.

>> No.5816053

i bet the 3d cp was planted by the police

>> No.5816303


first thing i thought of! couldn't risk the case getting thrown out for not having anything that's ACTUALLY illegal on the HD.

>> No.5816319

Every time these news pop up about lolicon in Canada, it's always because the defendant plead guilty instead of fighting it. I have never seen a case where the defendant plead non-guilty and the prosecutor won.

>> No.5816423
File: 46 KB, 290x290, 1270255923207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in Canada the job of the government's physical force is to protect people, not rob and oppress them.

>not rob and oppress them

>and to supply a sample of his DNA. His name will be added to the sex-offender registry for 20 years.

>implying they didn't rob him of any future relationships and job opportunities over fictional characters who appeared to be underage.

>> No.5816457

>put someone on the sex offender registry
>ensure they cannot live normally in society ever again
>this will prevent them from re-offending, right?

>> No.5816799


The registry should be ruled illegal. It's unfreedom at its finest.

>> No.5816827
File: 51 KB, 227x194, 1279920835152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which is why we don't have many hobo's, except in toronto.

>> No.5816832

>You can't prove that i fap to that 500gb of 2D toddler porn.
>And even if you could, you can't prove that i would hurt some real toddler just because i own those 500gb.

That you say?
>You can't arrest people for being stupid.
Then how about you get arrested for being a freak in the eyes of the judges, and for being someone that might hurt children even though there is no basis for such a thing to happen.

This is the way the world is heading

>> No.5816853
File: 256 KB, 977x1400, 1278795868148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is canada, not America. we aren't about "rights".
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkwazCJG0vc this was during the G20 in toronto. think we are about safety now world, eh?

>> No.5816863


And when it heads that way, it's not like everyone is going to just bend over and take it up the ass, either.

When governments become too powerful and oppressive, revolutions occur.

>> No.5816877
File: 100 KB, 400x344, 1280008748278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no! I'm a sex offender! Now I'll no longer be accepted and loved by society, and I won't be able to get a job! Oh wait...

>> No.5816879

Sorry to tell you guys but Canada was taken over by a hyper conservative government a few years ago that took a ton of policies from the Bush administration at the time and adopted them. Canada used to be a very free liberal country (we are as a people) but thanks to our government we've become all about oil and terrorism.

>> No.5816887

I still want that shirt.

>> No.5816894

>Canada was taken over by a hyper conservative government a few years ago that took a ton of policies from the Bush administration at the time
Yeah, the George Herbert Walker Bush administration.

>> No.5816907

No, Canada's problem isn't that they suck America's cock. It's that, as a Commonwealth country, they suck the UK's cock, when Australia lets them have a turn at least.

>> No.5816948
File: 16 KB, 536x107, FireShot capture #063 - '_jp_ - Otaku Culture' - boards_4chan_org_jp_res_5811003#5816877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pretty much, yeah

>> No.5817315

It's funny. I bought Dance in the Vampire Bund manga at a bookstore and got arrested for child porn on my way out of the building.

>> No.5817339


...What? Please tell me you're trolling.

>> No.5817369

Yeah kind of. I saw it at the store last night and thought about this child porn stuff that's going on.

>> No.5817434

>Animated depections of child pornography
>Internet-facilitated child abuse

Yeah, okay. Fuck. The world's all going to hell, maybe I'll just move to the Philippines or something where no one gives a fuck. I hear it's cheaper to live there anyway.

>> No.5817446

Obviously, he's making fun of the internet paranoia surrounding this.

I really want to know how he got caught exactly. He was probably in the wrong place at the wrong time, or an utter retard. Remember that people don't go to prison because they did something wrong, but because they got caught.

>> No.5817451


Prostitution as a legal industry, too.

>> No.5817478

It's just a matter of time before I get arrested for my thoughts of wanting to be the little girl.

Thought Police, not so good.

>> No.5817604

I always thought it was kind of retarded that prostitution was illegal anywhere, actually. I mean, maybe limit the places that prostitutes can sell themselves, to avoid certain places being overcrowded with them, but the act itself shouldn't be anything the government has any say over. It it a consensual act between two people. Even if they say it is immoral, or risky, or whatever, who gives a fuck? The law should not exist to protect us from the consequences of our own decisions. I'd like to think we're not a society composed entirely of children. Same goes for laws against drug possession/use. Just complete bullshit, really.

Though I guess this has next to nothing to do with the topic at hand, besides bullshit laws.

>> No.5817619

Fight that power, bro.

>> No.5817644

This is why western civilization is fucked up

>> No.5817661

Legalizing heroin and meth would be hilarious.

>> No.5817684

>Same goes for laws against drug possession/use. Just complete bullshit, really.

These laws are put in place mostly because people who are under the influence of these drugs tend to hurt others.

Of course, it's a double standard, because more traditional drugs such as alcohol can also lead to this, but we're already accustomed to it.

>> No.5817708

this is why i wish to move to japan. i don't even care if i get gang beat/raped for being a white ass weeabo.

>> No.5817718

Hey, I'm not fighting it, I deal with it, because it doesn't really affect me anyway. (I don't solicit prostitutes, and I don't use any drugs anyway.) Shit, even this doesn't affect me that much, as I don't really have THAT much loli crap in my computer, and most of it is softcore shit that I doubt anyone would care about. Even if they did, I keep my drive encrypted with a 60-character password (seems a pain at first, but when you have to type it every day, it gets to be pretty easy to do it quickly), so it'd be a bit difficult for them to find it.

>> No.5817733

They always say "paedo had 5000+ images of cp".

It's always a large number. That's because it takes years for someone to catch on. That and if you think about it if you were just on this website (without browsing /b/) for a year you've probably got at least over 100 thumbnails of CP in your cache and perhaps 5 full sized images of cp (in spoiler images/didn't look like CP from the thumbnail).

This goes for a lot of people. You don't have to be on this site to see accidental cp, any site that features a community. Even facebook users might see cp.

Now for the scary part. Now and again the cops will make an example of someone. Your average joe. Whether it be downloading 4 mp3s or accidentally downloading cp into your cache. They will be arrested. The police's top priority is to go after the piracy/cp rings but they need to arrest some unlucky cunt to keep a balance.

But really there's nothing to worry about concerning those who are unfortunate to see CP spam attacks. As for the main story (the loli) it's always best never to download anything that can be seen as immoral. That way you can just say you must have accidentally gone on one site which doesn't show visible loli but got it in your cache.

>> No.5817737

Do they? I mean, for meth or PCP or something maybe, but the majority of illegal drugs just calm people down, or get them so fucked up it would be pretty difficult for them to do anything to anybody.

>> No.5817742

You'd like that, wouldn't you? I bet you think of this all the time.

Bunch of tough looking yakuza dudes sitting around and point to you. You don't know what they're saying, but a second later you feel a sharp pain in the back of your head and fall down to the ground.

By the time you wake up, there's already a dick jammed in your mouth and at least 8 loads of semen spilled on your body, with a circle of men still waiting to have their chance.

>> No.5817748

Will clearing your history/cache and shit be enough to stop that?

>> No.5817758


>> No.5817761

Well, yes and no. They'd probably still be able to recover a lot of the most recent stuff, but chances are there wouldn't be thousands of images going back years.

>> No.5817770

Whoops. Obviously was meant to be directed at >>5817748

>> No.5817780

So how the fuck do I get rid of it? I have to use something like CCleaner to get rid of them? I was told on Windows 7 once something is deleted it is completely gone within like 30 seconds.

>> No.5817792

Why do we still have people in power anywhere who just want to illegalize things because they're icky, in this day and age?

That is not what the law is for.

>> No.5817797

Huh? I never heard about that. CCleaner would certainly be much better, but once again, just because something is deleted doesn't mean it can't be recovered. (Does Windows 7 automatically securely [overwrite at least once after deleting] delete things? I never heard about that, if it does.)

>> No.5817798


Nothing is ever "completely gone" per se. It's only when something else is re-written over that particular sector of the drive a few dozen times that it somewhat disappears. For the right money and expertise they can usually dig anything off a hard drive provided it's not completely, physically destroyed.

CCleaner does just that but I still wouldn't trust it completely to remove anything truly illegal.

>> No.5817803

clearing it is a pretty bad idea in fact...

>> No.5817809

Because that's what the majority of the voting public wants. And the people in power know that the best way to stay in power is to keep these idiots happy.

>> No.5817814

You shouldn't worry unless you look at cp on a regular basis.

deleting history and cache by wiping it properly (Dban or physically destroying the hard drive) isn't really worth it just because you saw some guy posted a few images of cp once.

>> No.5817828

Actually, I read a study a while back that found that overwriting something once is enough, and the whole 32 pass gutterman thing is pretty much overkill, unless you're protecting something REALLY sensitive. I don't think data has ever been successfully recovered completely after being overwritten, though. There have been cases where a few bits were recovered, so people said "this isn't safe", but even if it were theoretically possible, the FBI or whatever isn't going to spend millions to bust some pedo.

>> No.5817834

Sorry, Gutmann, not Gutterman or whatever I said.

>> No.5817846

Fight the power

>> No.5817883

Modern drives are packed so tight that it's almost impossible and terribly expensive, way beyond the usual law enforcement resources, besides even if you could read it, at best you could say with a certain probability what a bit was. This gets a lot more muddy when it comes to compressed images or videos (or just about anything compressed) where just having a bit wrong will corrupt large blocks. With modern drives, overwriting something more than a few times with 0,1's and random data a few times is more than enough to make it completly unreliable to find anything on those clusters. That's for mechanical drives. If you've got a pure SSD, it's downright impossible. I keep seeing people make this claim, especially on /g/, but there is not a single case where this can be proved on modern drives, so I can only mismiss it as a troll.

>> No.5817908

gah, cp!
afk, microwaving hard drive

>> No.5817910
File: 512 KB, 588x750, 1277789267088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5817924

I agree, it was possible in 90s when magnetic cells were huge by today standards. But it is certainly impossible to recover anything on modern hard drive after even one overwrite due to enormous data density.

>> No.5817972

Why bother with that when you can just use DBAN for free?

>> No.5817984

Because dbanning your primary harddrive may cause the drive to fail mid-wipe when it begins to deban your OS.

>> No.5818029

That doesn't make sense. It executes as its own external bootable. It shouldn't matter what's on the disk it wipes.

That's a nifty tool, though I can't verify it. Just make sure to be careful if you still want a chance at using the drive later. All the people saying to pass a magnet over it are being silly. They'd have to use an extremely powerful magnet like the one I assume is in your link. Otherwise the only thing they'll do is break the mechanism and have a dead drive with platters fully intact, including their data.

>> No.5818050

>I was told on Windows 7 once something is deleted it is completely gone within like 30 seconds.

This is wrong. No sane operating system would do overwrite-on-delete ever because disk I/O is usually a major performance bottleneck in modern computers. It is more likely that new data gets written/overwritten directly on hard drive for sure only after 30s. This is usually the case due to write combining, write caching and delayed allocation.

>> No.5818124

>Why bother with that when you can just use DBAN for free?
Imagine dbaning or fully overwriting a 2TB WD Green drive. It will take at least 7 (seven) hours to do it if write speed is 80MiB/s on average. Sometimes you might not have that much time to waste on data deletion.

However I still think that good old 1kg hammer would me much more useful in such case. And it will be cheaper too.

>> No.5818269

The worst part of this kind of stuff, it's hard for even a completely normal person to defend this stuff with out making everyone think you're some pedophile

>> No.5818298

But he gets a fucking sword and fucks zombies up. Also sees that girl he liked naked in a bathtub with slitted wrists.

I liked this book.

>> No.5818352

>Imagine the jury is composed of atheists and fundies. Go on. Try to explain it.

I'd never try and explain why I'm innocent. I'd go all out to show myself guilty. Like tell them how I own a decoration sword and have fantasy books where people stab others with swords. Tell them how I've watched Poirot detective stories about well planned murders. Explain how I've watched James Bond with agents and assassination. Lift out Die Hard as a favorite title.

I'm pretty sure I'll either convince them that I'd stab, shoot, strangle, poison anyone I didn't like, or that what I look at has nothing to do with how I behave.

>> No.5818443

If I argued for banning all other depictions of underage sex, would I be more likely to get off or cause the banning of all literary works featuring such things?

>> No.5818456

It was in the Gutmann article on Wikipedia:

>In the time since this paper was published, some people have treated the 35-pass overwrite technique described in it more as a kind of voodoo incantation to banish evil spirits than the result of a technical analysis of drive encoding techniques. As a result, they advocate applying the voodoo to PRML and EPRML drives even though it will have no more effect than a simple scrubbing with random data. In fact performing the full 35-pass overwrite is pointless for any drive since it targets a blend of scenarios involving all types of (normally-used) encoding technology, which covers everything back to 30+-year-old MFM methods (if you don't understand that statement, re-read the paper). If you're using a drive which uses encoding technology X, you only need to perform the passes specific to X, and you never need to perform all 35 passes. For any modern PRML/EPRML drive, a few passes of random scrubbing is the best you can do. As the paper says, "A good scrubbing with random data will do about as well as can be expected". This was true in 1996, and is still true now.

>> No.5818479

By the way, I lol'd at the part of the article that claims you can get data off a drive that was erased being full of "citation needed" signs.

>> No.5818507
File: 16 KB, 350x350, 1262304888440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Q: Have any of the victims been identified yet?
>A: As far as I know right now, in B.C. we don't know of any victims that have been identified so far.

>identifying victims
>drawings of cartoons
>my face

>> No.5818518

Victimless crime = false crime

>> No.5818526


>Q: Did you rescue any of these children?
>A: Anytime a child is identified, then we will do everything in our power to rescue the child.

>Q: Have any identifications been made on this project?
>A: I am not aware of any information that has led to an I.D. at this time.

Herp derp

>> No.5818538


Idiot. Project SALVO is about ACTUAL child porn, not drawings. They just happened to get this one guy who had two thousand loli pics and 3 images of actual CP.

>> No.5818550

Then why did you link to it in this thread if it has nothing to do with it?

>> No.5818561


I'm not the guy who posted it, but Project SALVO is what got the guy mentioned in the first post arrested. Hell, it even says that in the same first post!

You're an idiot. Learn to read.

>> No.5818573

autistic aren't you.

>> No.5818578

>I'm not the guy who posted it
Then shut up.

>> No.5818592

>implying I would need to read a wall of text basically saying "guy arrested for having drawings"

>> No.5818628

So, one or two passes and you're home free?

>> No.5818667

if you bend the platters even a tiny bit, doesn't it become impossible to read anything at all without extensive use of an electron tunneling microscope?

>> No.5818702

Pretty much, I always do 7, but that's overkill.

>> No.5818704
File: 230 KB, 1100x850, 72dcb12d3940df793b3db9bb2ac1d96f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will they take paper children off you and place them in protective homes?

Maybe with their close relatives in the forest?

>> No.5818709

Animated depictions of murder should not be trivialized or mistaken for cartoons.

>> No.5818718
File: 313 KB, 1280x851, DSC_5168 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Data removal at 1,060 ft/s?

I think it would probably work pretty well.

>> No.5818722

You sick fuck, how dare you violate that girl? Can't you see she's not old enough to make such decisions!?

That's 20 years in jail for you, mister!

>> No.5818725


Nobody cares about violence in media, because sex is much more harmful to society.

>> No.5818726
File: 32 KB, 360x480, cutout-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give in to my demands or she gets it.

>> No.5818735

That's a human life you're toying with! What's wrong with you?

Think of the children!

>> No.5818768

Heh this is weird. In America violence is alright but anything that even contains a side boob gets the game banned. It's not as bad over in the UK though I know a couple of games that contain some nudity but were cut from American releases.

What I don't get is sex is the most natural thing in the world but somehow violence is better even though it is unnecessary at least in these modern times.

Put violence and sex together then you have a problem or a really good party.

>> No.5818779

I'd like to see someone who gets busted for drawings go into court and say something like "If you convict me, you should try and execute everyone whose ever touched games on mass murder charges"

>> No.5818799

They'll probably do it.

>> No.5818803

I imagine their argument would be something like this:

"That's different, you don't get sexual pleasure by killing people, but when you look at these sick images you do"

>> No.5818811

Thank God Germany only cares about banning our past.

>> No.5818868

>implying I don't get sexual pleasure from killing people

>> No.5819031

>you don't get sexual pleasure by killing people
Doing it wrong

>> No.5819049

>"That's different, you don't get sexual pleasure by killing people, but when you look at these sick images you do"

But I don't get sexual pleasure at all from anything.

>Implying people don't get sexual pleasure from killing.

>> No.5819108

True, but (it's been a while since I used it, so I may be wrong) doesn't it do one pass first, and then another, and another? Even if you get interrupted halfway through the second pass, chances are there still won't be anything recoverable.
Yeah, pretty much.
No. Even if you shoot a drive full of holes, chances are there will still be lots of recoverable data. Don't assume that just because the drive no longer functions, the data is gone.

>> No.5819138


What if you blow up the drive, or open it up and use a key to scratch the disc beyond recognition?

>> No.5819143

If you have enough time to assemble a small bomb to blow up the drive, why not just take the time to dban it?

>> No.5819164

How would we get caught in the first place?

>> No.5819167

By being stupid.

That's what I'm assuming.

>> No.5819181

If you're really worried then do a full disc encryption, it doesn't matter what you have on there, they won't be able to get it if you have a strong enough password.

>> No.5819472

Assuming they don't seize the computer while it's on, anyway. (Then it's not too hard to just dump the keys from memory.) But then, cutting the power only takes a second, so I guess in most circumstances you'd be much safer.

>> No.5819538

Also, if you're going the route of encryption, you should keep in mind, that courts have ruled in the US that law enforcement cannot force you to disclose the key, BUT, if you had been cooperating with the investigation before that point, then in some cases they can. Also, if you try to take it through customs, and maybe through an airport, I think they can force you to disclose it. (But why would you do that with a CP filled laptop? That should be common sense anyway.) So, to be safe, make sure you always make it very clear that you do not consent to any searches, or anything like that, and don't answer any questions or anything like that. (You should be doing this anyway. Those things can only be used against you.)

Also, if you live with family or something, it is acceptable for them to offer consent for your things to be searched. Though I doubt you'd be forced to reveal the key for this reason, if you left the thing on while you're out, you're fucked. Remember, an encrypted system is only useful while it's turned off. When the encrypted drive is mounted, it should be considered completely unprotected.

>> No.5819562

moot already reports actual CP posters to the fbi, presumably.

So if lolicon laws really became something serious, could he end up doing the same for loli?

>> No.5819566

moot hates it so I wouldn't put it past him.

>> No.5819603

>Even if you get interrupted halfway through the second pass, chances are there still won't be anything recoverable.
One pass still would take 7 hours and if cops are already at your door you pretty much have 10 minutes at most, until they get equipment to blow your door off.

>> No.5819613

Well yeah, it's obviously not appropriate if cops are at your door. In that case, though, you probably wouldn't have time to do anything, besides making sure to shut the system off, if you went the route of system encryption.

>> No.5819617

You could always get a hidden OS to boot up with another password, fill it thousands of gayporn images and let them have fun with that.

>> No.5819654

>Even if you shoot a drive full of holes, chances are there will still be lots of recoverable data.
If platters are shattered or have holes in them then recovery will cost a whole lot of money to get necessary equipment and people competent enough for such task. No one will bother just because of a single 'pedophile'.

>> No.5819719

Wouldn't it be obvious when your harddrive is 75% random data, and 25% gay porn?

>> No.5821365

You can't convict someone on suspicion. See that copypasta about the guy who refused to let them decrypt his drive.

>> No.5821370

DBAN says that a PRNG stream with 4 passes has medium security, and 8 passes high security. The only other method they rate as high security is 35-passes Gutmann.

>> No.5821387

Where's this copypasta?

>> No.5821475


>> No.5821502

Oh, I remember that.

It was originally written in 2002.
The PROTECT Act of 2008 makes it illegal to withhold your encryption passwords, and if you do so, they can treat you as a terrorist against America.

>> No.5821565

lol land of the free

That's why you have a real password and a decoy password.

>and bogeymen

>> No.5821647

I don't see how withholding the password means you're a terrorist. Especially in a CP trial

>> No.5821712

You know what... I'm inviting you to move to the Philippines my Canadian friends...

True, our infrastructure is sub-standard compared to yours but hey... everything is cheap here... money is easy and no Loli-Bullshitting politicians and bureatards and best of all... we can speak English better than the rest of our neighboors here in South East Asia...

>> No.5821722

I'd love to. Shit, I said the same thing earlier in the topic. I'd do it in a heartbeat if I actually had some money to my name.

>> No.5821735

Canadian here.

If you really offered me money, someplace to live and maybe a simple job I'd come over there.

Just saying.

>> No.5821755

If police ever comes I will just microwave my HD.
So they will never catch me

>> No.5821791

>Southeast Asia

Fuck, that reminds me. I have to visit relatives in Thailand on September.

Here's to hoping I don't get blown into little flaming bits by a random bomb.

>> No.5821811

>Q: Were any B.C. children abused in order to make these images, if so, what has happened to them, are they in custody?
>A: As far as project SALVO we have no indication at this time that any children have been abused

Wait, what?

>> No.5821816

Just in case.

>> No.5821846

I'm confused now. Was this an actual loli raid? Or do they consider CP to not be child abuse?

>> No.5821872

> Convict a guy of mass murder for playing Team Fortress
> to call them game models is to trivialize them

>> No.5821944

By those standards, they need to arrest 50 million people.

>> No.5822116

>or accidentally downloading cp into your cache. They will be arrested.
At least in Australia stuff if your browsers cache isn't admissible.

>> No.5823468

Are there many giant/poisonous insects in the Philippines?

>> No.5823529
File: 772 KB, 1360x1020, Batocera rubus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are giant longhorn beetles. You should paint one black and pretend he's Masamune.

Also, giant water bugs (you might have seen the picture of this insect with a lot of eggs on its back, that's a giant water bug. ) Those are the ones you should watch out for, since their saliva melts flesh and they're apparently drawn to lights. They are also a local delicacy in Taiwan.

>> No.5823899

PROTIP: Store everything on an encrypted USB stick that you carry with you at all times. Never leave CP on your computer, especially not unencrypted.

Personally, I only have (some) loli and I live in a country where they haven't criminalized it yet, so I just store it in an obfuscated folder. I'm planning to encrypt it all when I move to Linux, just in case they ever get retarded here as well.

>> No.5823926

Ha ha, not so much idiot anymore now huh: >>5821811

They admit no actual children were abused in order to create these images.

>> No.5824606

That first one doesn't seem so bad.

>> No.5826871


>> No.5826885


>> No.5826899

Your reading comprehension still needs work. He's talking about British Columbian children specifically.
This wasn't a loli raid and you're an idiot if you think it was.

>> No.5826908

You will never be able to legally have weed and loli in one country ;_;

>> No.5828025

not until we fight for it.

everyone who gets arrested for loli and slapped with a sex offender for life is basically dead anyway, so he should strap explosives to himself, goe to a place with feminists or the people who ruled loli as illegal and blow himself up.

that'll show those faggots we don't take kindly when someone messes with our shit.

>> No.5829154


And I always thought that theory about /jp/ being full of muslims was some kind of joke. Oh, naive me.
