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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 441 KB, 724x1024, 8d71abba7ce4825736ad30294978218c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5814240 No.5814240 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ is and allways will be, the best board on 4chan.

>> No.5814247

you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.5814245

I shit in your mouth.

>> No.5814252

There's not an award for most autistic poster, even though you have some unbelievably fierce competition.

>> No.5814250

It's the only board I ever browse or basically acknowledge as existent. I don't ever think of myself as "coming to 4chan". /jp/ is its own entity.

>> No.5814256

No thanks to you as it appears, quit making more threads and enjoy the ones you already have

>> No.5814258

but you are and will always be, one of the worst posters on /jp/

>> No.5814260

>you are fucking an idiot
fixed, but don't worry- i'm a virgin.

no, you shit on your chair.

>> No.5814262
File: 11 KB, 257x307, Thoughtless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There seems to be a lot of summerfriends on /jp/ right now
So right now it's fucking terrible

>> No.5814270
File: 155 KB, 1280x720, [Nuke]_Mayoi_Neko_Overrun_-_10_[1280x720][628FB010].mkv_snapshot_04.02_[2010.07.26_20.16.50].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5814272

no i don't.
news flash: my trip got leaked. instead of changing, i'm keeping it. people try to tarnish my name whan i'm not around.

>> No.5814285

That explains why some of your posts have been funny recently.

You have no reputation. Everyone hates you. You are a shitposter. No one is fooled.

>> No.5814289


fuck you you don't understand how grate i am

>> No.5814294
File: 333 KB, 515x515, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better the worst poster on /jp/ than the best poster on /b/.
tail of the lions rather than head to the foxes.

yes, very fierce competition. i think ill give up on the award and pass it to someone more suitable.

i feel you man.

>> No.5814298

Whatever, no likes you to begin with so I can't see what reputation they can ruin.

Suigin, Anon2007, Wind Girl, Jones, athens etc. are far worse.
He is small time.

>> No.5814302

People who don't approve probably are from other boards. Or summerfags...

>> No.5814313

you talk about the posts in the one where my imposter was admitting his mental state, or the one where he told you to suck his dick? you have pretty strange sense of humor.

I don't really talk like that, do I?

>> No.5814310

/jp/ has the worst userbase of all of 4chan. Way too many underaged spamming their drawthreads and weeaboo MMOS.

>> No.5814318
File: 38 KB, 464x651, 1280406719284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

object garroted

>> No.5814319

the drewthreads are great. OC at it's finest. what's not to like?

I do have a reputation.

>> No.5814327

Why did you change your name from shitposter or whatever to something so lame sounding?

>> No.5814341

i changed from shitposter, because it felt bad whan people ware thanking me.

at first i wanted 'tenko' but since that one existed, i changed to one of her titles.

>> No.5814343

If I wanted to see deviantart-level shit I'd go to deviantart.

>> No.5814350


Why are you still impersonating me you loser?

>> No.5814357

and who on deviant art accept requasts?
its an easy and fast way to get /jp/ related art.

>> No.5814363

Hey thoughtless fuckwad

get FUCKED and leave /jp/ already. I'm tired of seeing your shit.

>> No.5814364
File: 292 KB, 514x514, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why aren't you changing the trip, loser?

>> No.5814380


shut the hell up, imposter. no one likes you. i bet you're currybutt

>> No.5814403

I love /jp/!

>> No.5814410
File: 233 KB, 515x513, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a swaer spawning machine unless i am using that insult generator .net, and than i leave the insults as they are.
you still have a long way if you think anyone who knows me fall for that.

>> No.5814432


you have a long way to go if you think anybody fucking cares about you

>> No.5814438
File: 233 KB, 518x516, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if no one cares about me, why would someone wants to imprisonate me?

>> No.5814490


because we hate your dumb 11 year old ass and want you to leave


>> No.5814498

Reported for fighting with yourself.

>> No.5814499

Hey what's celestial's tripcode, I want to add it to my collection.

>> No.5814501


Easy, because tripfriends = shit posters(Excluding /jp/ police and /jp/ control of course)

>> No.5814518

would you people make up your mind about my age already? I thought i was 12.

>leave now
no... not yet.

>> No.5814520

me too

>> No.5814526


it's ##knight

>> No.5814533


i don't see how that is answering my question...

>> No.5814534

Thank you.

>> No.5814540

Thanks bro.

>> No.5814551
File: 15 KB, 310x423, Celestial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5814579


Get the fuck out already.

>> No.5814589


Fuck you imposter

>> No.5814598
File: 195 KB, 583x433, 704eea7af1a6cc558b0e0a3561142b08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you imposter

>> No.5814602

I believe you're the impostor.

>> No.5814611

Can meido request bans?

>> No.5814625


No fuck you. _I_ am thoughtless celestial

>> No.5814630


>> No.5814634

no, I am!

>> No.5814639
File: 196 KB, 1414x1000, 1280306348794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5814644

They're an avatar fag, you're not.
You're the impostor, so go get some fucking pics first.

>> No.5814648

Yes she can, this shit should be perma trip banned

>> No.5814650

no, I am!

>> No.5814660

No, because I AM thoughtless celestial.

>> No.5814665

No! I am Spartacus!

>> No.5814674
File: 86 KB, 780x659, tenko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an hour. this should be enough.
if you guys want to continue this conversation, go to the other thread.

>> No.5814674,1 [INTERNAL] 

It's summer. the rest of the boards suffered as much, /jp/ is still the best.

>> No.5814674,2 [INTERNAL] 

also, if in 3 days the imprisonating won't stop, I will take a new trip.
I don't feel like letting people turn /jp/ into a shithole just to get revange at myself.
